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S20.E03: Week 3

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So Ben made out with Becca.  That's at least 4 girls last night, Lauren B, Olivia, Jubilee and Becca.  He's making his way through the herd. Way to keep it away from the physical stuff, Ben!


Sharleen from Juan Pablo's season has a blog, and explains the concept of the "Girl Chat".  Basically a staged conversation the producers organize and while technically a girl can refuse to participate, it's discouraged.  So it's obvious to me the producers called one & told Amber to pull Jubilee out from under her blanket.  Amber does what she's told, so I absolutely believe she was going to get Jubilee one way or another.  But it came off aggressive and too insistant.  However, it shows Jubilee's immaturity level. 


I think Jubilee is wrong for this show.  Nobody but Ben knows about her dead family, so why should the girls treat her with kid gloves?  They probably think she's just a manipulator like dozens of girls before her, using a situation to her advantage.  



A staged confrontation crossed my mind.  Why would the other women care if Jubliee isolated herself or made negative comments about her date.  "You are 20 minutes late," Anyone want my date?"  along with replying to Ben that she was not excited even before she knew a helicopter was involved (the most odd comment, to me).   In theory they want everyone else to fail so they can shine.  


Why would Jaime (?) pull Olivia aside to tattle about toe talk?  Very odd. 


I am impressed with Lauren; she is, poised, genuine and mature.  Centered is the word to describe her in their dinner conversation.


She is conspicuously missing in group shots.  

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Wow, that really was somewhat of an interesting episode.  I find it odd that Amber is overly quiet for several days, gets a rose, and then suddenly decides to insert herself where she doesn't belong?  She really made herself look bad in front of Ben, and I am sure she is feeling stupid about now.  It is one thing if she wanted to go talk to Jubilee on her own, but the way she was going to force her on everyone (when even they were like, what are you doing??) was just too much.  It was clear she was upset (Jubilee), and wasn't really in any mood to be harrassed by a ton of tacky women.  


I really liked how Ben took to her on the date (even though she won't be the one at the end).  That was more real than most dates that have taken place on the Bachelor.  And how he really stood up to her, and could see that she hadn't really done anything to cause the girls to be so hard on her.  There is a huge difference between her and Olivia and they really should see that.  I am sure Ben does now after her cankles talk...what an idiot.

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I have a love hate relationship with Jubilee! At first last night, I really didn't care for her. Then I was totally rooting for her.

I was so hoping Ben took back the rose her gave Amber.....that would have been perfection!

Olivia....really?? Ben just had 2 close friends die and you want to talk about your cankles?! And you are totally delusional!!!

I wish Ben would just fly off into the sunset with Lauren B.  Jubilee can be the next Bachelorette and the rest can stay back and attack each other over cankles and lip gloss!


I cannot wait to read what Sharleen writes in her blog this week. I always look forward to her perspective.

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I thought this episode was a classic! Fat toes!! The horror!!!. After twenty or however many seasons these women still manage to come up with new levels of cattiness.


(Note my highlight/quote function is not working today so I am distinguishing the quoted comments by overdoing it on the quote marks before and after just so there is a visual break. Thanks for understanding.)


"""""""OK, last week Amos Lee and Kevin Hart (never heard of either of them), so for this week I must ask...who is Lucy Angel???""""""""


Seriously, I never know who any of these artists are either. 


"""""""Lauren B date was good. She seems sweet, pretty, and normal--can't find a single thing to snark on.""""""""


Oh I did! She has a huge forehead. It was all I could see when they were driving in the car to the airport.  Other than that, yeah, she impressed with her comments that her Dad was all about his lawn.  I think that was something Ben could really relate to and made him collapse into visions of hot Saturday afternoons mowing the lawn with Lauren B standing by with a nice chilled glass of lemonade.  She seems too smart for this show, but now so does Ben. 


"""""""""No way Olivia is every going to work in Network broadcasting again.  At least not in a significant market."""""""""


I'm sure she doesn't want to. She seems like she wants to ride this into being an E! correspondent or at least an anchor on that news show in the NYC taxi cabs like  Ali Fedotowsky was. 


""""""""Rachel is too cute. Can she be the next B ette?""""""


I still have no idea who she is.


"""""""""""I won't pretend to know what Jubilee's life experience is like and how that affects her ability to relate to other people. However, I do recognize her social awkwardness. I do like here nonetheless as I have the ability to like people who don't have the same exact personality as I do.""""""""""""


I really like Jubilee. I've never seen anyone be so awkwardly real when she snarked that Ben was 20 minutes late. I'm sure she didn't mean to say it but she couldn't help herself. Ben probably was taken aback but then enjoyed her sass.  I was howling when she spit out the caviar and said HOT DOGS were her favorite food. She is not your "I eat Kale salad without dressing and am Gluten free too" typical  young woman. She would be a great Bachelorette, except for the fact that Fleiss would absolutely abuse her real life story and I am not sure exactly what happened to her but it sounds grim and worthy of kid gloves which this show has no capacity to wear.  She reminds me of Miley Cyrus, before she cut her hair. it seems like once she is comfortable in her surroundings, Jubilee is a blast to be with.


I'll miss Lace, but I'm sure she will have worked on herself enough to be ready to star in Bachelor in Paradise. And Olivia must appear on the beach there as well ... she is a nutcase.



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Jubilee strikes me as someone who finds it hard to interact well on a social level. She seemed to hold her own for awhile but I think the 24/7 living arrangements with all these women are starting to get to her. Even Caila said it was really starting to dawn on her that she could potentially fall for Ben and the competition would be hard to take. Plus factor in that it must be hard being the only black woman in the house. On the surface yes I can see where her remarks might sound off putting but I really think it comes from a place off social insecurity. Where most would have said, "does anyone else want this date" with a laugh to show they were kidding it's like she didn't know how to do that. But that's what she meant. I can also see where she might seem to come off as above it all to the rest of them but I wonder if any of the other women have really talked to her and got to know her. I mean almost everyone thought Lace was crazy and even she said on the live aftershow that she had made friends with Rachel and one of the other girls (can't remember her name right now) and they had even left nice little notes in her luggage before she left. And of course editing is playing a big part in how these ladies are coming across.


But darn that made me so mad the way the other women just went in for the kill like they did. Even if Amber was told to seek her out by the producers (as one poster suggested) she should have at least tried to explain in a calm non threatening way why she wanted to talk to her. She should have walked away when Jubilee said no and left it at that. I'm sure if it was producer driven they didn't tell Amber what to say. That was all Amber and it showed her true colors. I don't think Jubilee was acting above them all. I think she was trying to hold her own against that mob mentality.


I don't think she'll go much farther because I don't think she'll be able to handle all the drama but kudos to Ben for manning up and showing himself to be a thoughtful, compassionate man.

Edited by yorklee2
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Ben and Jubilee take off and they fly to Cal-a-Vie Health Spa.


Thank you. I was only half paying attention, and thought they said the Tel Aviv Health Spa, which I thought would make for a long helicopter ride. This makes much more sense.

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From the recap:

, they are divided into two teams: the winning team will get to have a sexy party with Ben, while the losers will be banished to the steppes where they will be detained in a labor camp.

I die laughing at Stephanie's stuff.

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Cringiest moment for me was when the kindergarten teacher said "he wants a wife who gets along with the other SAWKER MAHMS".


For me, too. I don't like calling people racist willy-nilly but "soccer moms" was clearly coded language for "white women."

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For me, too. I don't like calling people racist willy-nilly but "soccer moms" was clearly coded language for "white women."

I didn't get racist in the soccer moms comment, but I did get cookie-cutter, minivan driving, bible camp sending, sweetly compliant and constant monitoring mom.  Not a ex-military, talon nailed, ass-kicking tattooed mom.  I think the comment would have been the same had Jubilee been white.  Or any other ethnicity.  

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Dear Jubilee.... you're not complicated, you're not special, you're not deep.  You're just a woman like everyone else.  So, drop the special little flower routine and grow up.  You know why Ben likes those other women?  Because they're not self-involved miserable drama queens.  Are you related to Ian from last season???

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Yes, the "soccer moms"   comment was code for "How is a white guy with a black wife going to play  in an upper-middle class suburb, with car pools and PTA meetings?"  

Not everything is code. Not everything is about race. I can't guarantee that this comment didn't include a racial component, but I'd like to give people the benefit of the doubt about such things. I need to see more.


I do sense several women dislike Jubilee (Becca shunning her, for example), but I'm not sold on whether that is racially driven or just a personality clash. Again, I'm going to assume it's subtle payback for Jubilee's antisocial tendency (at least within the context of this show), but I agree there is a possibility that some of the conflict we have seen is racially driven.

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Dear Jubilee.... you're not complicated, you're not special, you're not deep.  You're just a woman like everyone else.  So, drop the special little flower routine and grow up.  You know why Ben likes those other women?  Because they're not self-involved miserable drama queens.  Are you related to Ian from last season???


She is far from a drama queen. She tried to avoid the drama! And Ben pretty clearly likes Jubilee. I think this is just piling on to the person who is slightly different. 

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She's a typical drama-causer (if that's even a word).  She isolates herself and then complains that no one wants to hang or talk with her.  She refuses to talk to people.  She makes offensive jokes and then cries when people call her on it, claiming "oh, I'm just awkward, it's not my fault".  She's very good at crying on cue and getting Ben on to her side.  I find her incredibly immature, which is pretty remarkable in a show full of immature people.  That girl knows exactly what she's doing, especially when it comes to creating drama.

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I'm wondering what Jubilee actually does for a living now, down in Ft. Lauderdale.  She's been out of the military for at least a year and doesn't seem to claim any type of occupation.  Regardless of what ABC thinks "War Veteran" is just a dramatic title.  


And I do think she likes drama.  Has she ever watched the show?  The antisocial loners are always targeted.  And with the exception of Courtney, are not in the finals.   

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She is far from a drama queen. She tried to avoid the drama! And Ben pretty clearly likes Jubilee. I think this is just piling on to the person who is slightly different.

I think they're piling on in an unfair way, but I also think Jubilee is being guilty of being condescending (at the very least) to the other women.

Telling another contestant, "I'm more complicated than any of you" definitely rubbed me the wrong way.

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She is far from a drama queen. She tried to avoid the drama! And Ben pretty clearly likes Jubilee. I think this is just piling on to the person who is slightly different.

Yes and beyond slightly different. A young woman of color who is an orphan from Haiti whose family died in a fire and was adopted into the US and enlisted at age 18 right out of high school. A fish out of water with the rest of the bachelorettes (nothing against any of them). Yay for Ben drawing her out and I can see them being lifelong friends. More Jubilee please.

The hot tub in the middle of nowhere made me think of the viagra commercials of the side by side bathtubs in a meadow. Cute date.

I wonder if Show suggested to Lace that she has alcohol issues and should bow out so she could address them at home.

Olivia, pointing out your physical faults to men is not going to make them like you or overlook those faults, and "cankles" is not a cute term in anyone's universe.

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I agree the soccer mom comment was about social personality, not so much race.  Julbilee is not going to be standing in line at pick-up gossiping about kitchen fixtures and potty training with the other moms.  She even knows this herself and that is what she meant by saying she did not think she was Ben's type and she is not a "princess" like the other girls he seems to be interested in (JoJo, Lauren, etc).


The hot tub in the middle of nowhere made me think of the viagra commercials of the side by side bathtubs in a meadow. Cute date.



I thought it was funny how all of the shots of the hot tub were close up.  They could not really pan out of the scene too much or you would see all the ugly tubes, hoses, water source pump, etc. that made that possible in the middle of nowhere.  LOL.  Not glamorous.  


Amber needs to just go.  She's been on this too many times and is not campy or funny like Claire/Chris B.  

Edited by FamilyVan
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I do appreciate that Jubilee seems to be showing more of her real personality. The whipsawing between personalities some of the other contestants display depending on whether Ben is in the room or not is outrageous. I also think she's gorgeous with a killer body, which is bound to make at least 2/3 of the others insecure or jealous, regardless of how attractive they themselves are.

I think Ben is one of the more compassionate and thoughtful bachelors I've ever seen. Unfortunately, that makes some of it so boring to watch. No one wants to see nice people interacting!

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I'm wondering what Jubilee actually does for a living now, down in Ft. Lauderdale.  She's been out of the military for at least a year and doesn't seem to claim any type of occupation.  Regardless of what ABC thinks "War Veteran" is just a dramatic title.  

One site says she is studying to be a cadiac sonar technician (Mr MML has echocardiograms a couple of time a year--she would definitely make his heart beat a little faster!). Probably the first bachelorette to use her own GI bill benefits.

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I thought this episode was a classic! Fat toes!! The horror!!!. After twenty or however many seasons these women still manage to come up with new levels of cattiness.

Seriously. If someone had to get all the way down to cankles or "fried chicken toes" (what does that mean???) to find a single flaw in an otherwise classical beauty, I'd take it!

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[Jubilee] is far from a drama queen. She tried to avoid the drama! And Ben pretty clearly likes Jubilee. I think this is just piling on to the person who is slightly different.


Of course it is.  We've all been to high school (I am guessing).  In that arena the behaviour is usually extremely successful, but Ben is more mature than 16 year olds thank goodness.  It's mob mentality.  It's really simple - you prey on who you perceive as weak to show power, and other girls jump in to not look weird.


I also think [Jubilee]'s gorgeous with a killer body




She's a typical drama-causer (if that's even a word).  She isolates herself and then complains that no one wants to hang or talk with her.  She refuses to talk to people.  She makes offensive jokes and then cries when people call her on it, claiming "oh, I'm just awkward, it's not my fault".  She's very good at crying on cue and getting Ben on to her side.


Jubilee caused no drama.  Jubilee would walk into rooms and other women would immediately turn away and walk out (How do you explain that?  Is that drama causing or...?)  "Offensive jokes?"  Telling Ben he's 20 minutes late and asking if someone else wanted her date = I don't see anything offensive about that.  I've also never heard Jubilee complaining nobody wanted to talk to her -- did she?  Please correct if I'm wrong.  I also never heard Jubilee call herself awkward - did she?  Please correct if I'm wrong.  As for the crying on cue, what choice did she have after the Amber Alert?  She played the whole thing perfectly whether deliberately or not.  


Being friends with the other girls would not matter if this were not a television show with producers calling the shots.  I hope they won't kick her out for it -- she's absolutely got the right idea in remembering that Ben is who she needs to impress (unfortunately this is a television show).


Are you related to Ian from last season???


Why would she be related to Ian?  Ian and Jubilee have the complete opposite storylines.  Ian quit the show in a blaze of non-glory telling Kaitlyn that she was not paying him enough mind or attention (am I remembering that right?).  Jubilee is shunned by the other women and gets along with Ben like gangbusters.  If anything, Lace would be related to Ian in this analogy.

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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I've already voiced my thoughts above.  So, yes, I think she causes drama, she's manipulative, and she's obnoxious.  Can't wait until she's gone.  Actually, I don't particularly like Ben, so I hope he gets stuck with her!

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I want to see Olivia's toes.   Surely they will get a shot of them, right?   Have to.

At least the attention got diverted from her giant mouth.:) Ten bucks says there now twitter accounts for Oliviastoes and Oliviascankles to go with the Oliviasmouth accounts.

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I thought this episode was a classic! Fat toes!! The horror!!!. After twenty or however many seasons these women still manage to come up with new levels of cattiness.


(Note my highlight/quote function is not working today so I am distinguishing the quoted comments by overdoing it on the quote marks before and after just so there is a visual break. Thanks for understanding.)


""""""""""Lauren B date was good. She seems sweet, pretty, and normal--can't find a single thing to snark on.""""""""


Oh I did! She has a huge forehead. It was all I could see when they were driving in the car to the airport.  Other than that, yeah, she impressed with her comments that her Dad was all about his lawn.  I think that was something Ben could really relate to and made him collapse into visions of hot Saturday afternoons mowing the lawn with Lauren B standing by with a nice chilled glass of lemonade.  She seems too smart for this show, but now so does Ben. 






Really well I HATE this Lauren's B's vocally fried to a crisp voice! I HATE it - I cannot listen to her for 2 seconds, it's horrible horrible. SHe is so boring. I mean he asked her what are your interests? She says "simple things" well name one? Not your dad likes his lawn, that is not YOUR interest. Do you like hiking in the woods or growing flowers or what? someone tell me why I wasted 2 hours of my life on this show?

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Olivia, pointing out your physical faults to men is not going to make them like you or overlook those faults, and "cankles" is not a cute term in anyone's universe.

I agree. She was clearly making a play for sympathy oblivious to the fact that she was coming off completely uncaring and self centered. Get a clue Olivia! People can be callous and mean spirited without cause but when you act ugly and obnoxious towards them you're opening yourself up for criticism. Nobody feels sorry for you. She can't be gone soon enough IMO.

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PS I think both Amber and Becca are playing producer-driven parts--doubtful imo that Amber really wanted to confront Jubilee at that moment or even ever. The Virgin Becca is pretty much a nonpresence so far--Show is biding its time with her again just imo.

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Speaking as a black man, I felt this entire episode was dominated by racial politics.

First, I believe the other women were in shock that Ben would fall for this dark-skinned black woman with tattoos. They perceive her as low rent. So it has forced them to reevaluate what actually appeals to Ben and if they want to play second fiddle to a woman they see as inferior. In fact, I think that's the real reason Lace left. Ben 's attraction to Jubilee lowers his standing among some of the white women.

As for Amber, her biggest claim to fame thus far in the entire Bachelor franchise has been to fill the role of non-threatening token black girl (woman of color). After getting the rose, Amber saw this opportunity as her first chance to get an actual storyline. She probably still knows she'd never get the final rose, but at least she could audition as the first black Bachelorette. I'm sure that possibility probably lured her back for a third time. But now, here's this dark- skinned black woman about to steal the shine away from the "cute " light- skinned girl. That 's why Amber was so uncomfortable. Once again. Jubilee is seen as violating a perceived societal pecking order.

Lastly, I believe the show's racist producers were trying to make a point of why a black Bachelor or Bachelorette would not work. They purposely edited most of the episode with lingering tension and they seemed to be pointing the blame at the "neurotic black contestant." The point the editors appeared to be making is "Do you really want an entire season of this type of drama, fueled by racial themes?" Also, if you noticed the producers purposely sent the two light - skinned black girls to do the confronting. I assume the producers were trying to avoid the implication that these confrontations with Jubilee were race-based, even though there were several scenes showing the white girls having thinly-veiled racist conversations about Jubilee.

I don't care what anybody says, the producers are not happy that Ben is seriously considering Jubilee. That's why they haven't been promoting the story.

This times a thousand!    The producers might like a Black Bachelorette, but they want one who is "not too black".  I like Jubilee, and I think Ben was surprised to find himself liking her.  I found her sarcastic comments to be funny, and exactly the kind of thing I would say in the same situation.   I think Ben "got"  her humor, he didn't reject her for being negative, he was able to laugh at it.  

 I wish they had shown more of her backstory, we only got to see Ben refer to it, not hear it from her.  her entire family died, and then she was adopted - wow, yeah, that can explain a lot.  

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If I was the Bachelor here is how I would handle the cocktail parties before a Rose Ceremony. I would walk in and announce to all the girls that everyone was going to have a chance to spend time with me that night, if they want to. I would have all the girls name on a list in this order: those that didn't have a date this week, those that went on a group date and then those who already have a rose can have a few minutes too. Then I would hand the list to CH along with a bell or a timer and give each women 10 minutes. That way each girl could relax knowing they were going to get time with me and no one would have to cut in on someone else's time.

Also, if I had been one of the girls playing soccer, I think I would have faked an injury and went and spent my date time with Ben on the sidelines. One of two things would have happened:

1) my team would have lost and had to go home, but at least I had some time with Ben or

2)my team wins and I get more time with Ben later than night. Win/win.

I watched the live show last night and Molly and Jason were on. Molly reminded everyone that the girls have no cell phone, no TV, no music, no books ... nothing. All they have is alcohol, a swimming pool and hopefully a date. That made it easier for me to understand why there is so much catty talk ... there isn't anything else to focus on.

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I am sorry but as a human being who has had to cope with a lot in her short life, Jubilee deserves the benefit of the doubt from us viewers. As for the girls in the house, if they don't know her background, then her behavior is going to stand out. However, it's not up to Jubilee to dramatically explain herself and faint and fall to the ground ala Kelsey Poe, it's up to the other girls to just be kind to each other in general.    They are jealous that she got a one on one and then let her nerves show in a very awkward way.  I certainly hope the producers are not encouraging a pile on .... if so they picked a very sympathetic person and it's despicable if they encourage the girls to go after her for the drama of it all.


However, I get the feeling that Jubilee will stick up for herself with no problem with these fat toed, cankled- beyotches.  

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With our knowledge of how the editing monkeys work, I can actually see Olivia sitting down with Ben, taking his hand and saying something like "I'm so sorry about your friends.  What if we just sit here for a few minutes & I'll talk about something silly and inconsequential?". She then launches into her ode to cankles.  The film is edited to make her look vain, shallow and uncaring.  Because it was decided in the beginning that she gets the vain, shallow & uncaring edit. 


We know they manufacture drama.  We know they put words into people's mouths.  We know they take things out of context.  We know they script story lines.  We know they edit dialogue to have a completely different meaning. 


We know this.  So I have to laugh when people take these "conversations" as they are "presented".  We know they aren't.   


I think Olivia is a bit clueless, but funny.  And not deliberately cruel and unfeeling.  YMMV.

Edited by leighdear
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Seems like Jubilee can't win. If she is quiet and not sharing her sad story with everyone she is being antisocial. Even when she goes up to talk they run away.

But if she tells everyone she would get attacked for trying to get attention. 


She should just be true to herself and ignore these jealous women. 

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 However, it's not up to Jubilee to dramatically explain herself and faint and fall to the ground ala Kelsey Poe, it's up to the other girls to just be kind to each other in general.    

True.  But then a very simple "I was orphaned very young and adopted at 5. It's been hard, but I'm good now" would be HUGE in explaining while not explaining.  

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I don't think Jubilee even has to explain anything about herself to the other women.  But basic common courtesy, making polite conversation, and not isolating yourself is expected in a group setting.  I don't blame the women for walking away from her.  I wouldn't want to talk to someone who ignored me, called me shallow, and then only tried to make nice because the cameras are on.


I'd really like to know what her role was in the military, because I associate the military with being a team-mate, a team-player.  I don't see that at all in Jubilee.

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PS I think both Amber and Becca are playing producer-driven parts--doubtful imo that Amber really wanted to confront Jubilee at that moment or even ever.

I don't know if I agree with this. Amber seemed totally into confronting Jubilee almost like she was relishing doing it. Unless she's a good actress. If she wasn't really wanting to do it she would have stopped when Jubilee said no. But she said, "ok then we'll come to you". And then to go back for more when Ben was there!


Do these contestants get paid for being on this show? If not then why are they willing to come on this show and make such asses of themselves if they're clearly not there to end up with the lead? For fame? Exposure? None of them have parleyed it into any major success and most times take a lot of bad press and ridicule for it. Seems like their kind of defeating their purpose. That doesn't make any sense to me.

Edited by yorklee2
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She's a typical drama-causer (if that's even a word).  She isolates herself and then complains that no one wants to hang or talk with her.  She refuses to talk to people.  She makes offensive jokes and then cries when people call her on it, claiming "oh, I'm just awkward, it's not my fault".  She's very good at crying on cue and getting Ben on to her side.  I find her incredibly immature, which is pretty remarkable in a show full of immature people.  That girl knows exactly what she's doing, especially when it comes to creating drama.

What was the offensive joke? I don't remember any.

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I am sorry but as a human being who has had to cope with a lot in her short life, Jubilee deserves the benefit of the doubt from us viewers. As for the girls in the house, if they don't know her background, then her behavior is going to stand out. However, it's not up to Jubilee to dramatically explain herself and faint and fall to the ground ala Kelsey Poe, it's up to the other girls to just be kind to each other in general.    They are jealous that she got a one on one and then let her nerves show in a very awkward way.  I certainly hope the producers are not encouraging a pile on .... if so they picked a very sympathetic person and it's despicable if they encourage the girls to go after her for the drama of it all.


However, I get the feeling that Jubilee will stick up for herself with no problem with these fat toed, cankled- beyotches.

Yes! This right here.

Edited by yorklee2
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Seriously. If someone had to get all the way down to cankles or "fried chicken toes" (what does that mean???) to find a single flaw in an otherwise classical beauty, I'd take it!

her nose has a weird flatness and her eyes are too far apart. And the teeth. I would say she's unique looking, not "classic"

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Alex Morgan from the USA soccer team is seriously hot. I wonder what Ben thought of her!


I laughed when Olivia matter-of-factly interviewed that her toes *are* awful like the girls said. That was funny. But the cankles thing was so unbelievably bad! It's just like my tattoo says, "Only God can judge my cankles."


I kind of loved when Ben went "ooooh!" when Jubilee walked out in her bathing suit, and similarly cheered Lauren and her smokeshow body. I am liking his realness. 


I don't get why "she already HAS a rose!" is a thing. If Amber spent half the time tht she complains about not having time actually you know, trying to get time with Ben she would be fine. She came off horribly confronting Jubilee in front of Ben and I couldn't believe she did it. I hope Ben was as frosty to her afterward it as it was edited he was.


I like the twins! They are funny! I am ashamed! 

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Dear Jubilee.... you're not complicated, you're not special, you're not deep.  You're just a woman like everyone else.  So, drop the special little flower routine and grow up.  You know why Ben likes those other women?  Because they're not self-involved miserable drama queens.  Are you related to Ian from last season???


There was something about her story that did not ring totally true, to me.  Just a vibe I got.  Embellished maybe?  No criticism intended here, something sad happened, just not sure quite what.   She functioned well, I presume, in her military career.  I have a hard time mustering sympathy for her since all interactions take at least 2 participants.  Granted the confrontation was set up by production but they didn't pull it out of thin air.  She is behaving in some way to turn off the others.  




I feel like I missed whole scenes with Jubilee where she was mean to the other women.


She wasn't mean, distant and solitary is what I got.  Haughty maybe?  I am not sure but mean, no.  

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Lace showed maturity. Good for her. She knew she wasn’t being herself around Ben (which is a good sign he’s not her match anyway), which is why she came off so crazy. Smart decision to bail.


Amber is a bitch. Wow, what in the hell? I wouldn’t have wanted to go subject myself to an attack either! Who made Amber the Queen Bee with control over the other girls’ behavior? I applaud the girls who thought that was bad and the one who was concerned about Jubilee (unfortunately, Jube thought she was also a member of the attack squad, so didn’t want to talk to her.)


I wonder if Amber would have been sent home if he hadn’t already given her a rose.


I knew Jubilee was being snarky, but these women just dwell on every little thing and blow it WAY out of proportion. One girl actually raised her hand that she’d take the date, as if Jubilee meant it. What a twit.


Wow, no one can top Jubilee’s sad backstory. Puts stories of seeing a friend at camp killed on a lower tier, doesn’t it? (Catherine on Sean’s season.) I wonder how old she was, how well she remembers her family? At first I thought maybe they died in the Haiti earthquake, but that was only in 2010, not far enough back, unless she was adopted as a late teen, which I doubt.


Olivia is pathetic. So self-centered! As if Ben wanted to discuss her frikkin' TOES and CANKLES. I love having her to root against.

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