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S06.E07: Pretty Mess

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I don't think she was hurt at all. I think Lisa is cold and never really cared for Brandi.  She was probably embarrassed that Brandi - her psycho sycophant from South Sactown - tried to get a long, lovely leg up on her.  I can't imagine Lisa feeling hurt by anybody.  She believes herself too good to be hurt by anyone.  It's beneath her.

I agree that Lisa wasn't hurt. She was sitting on the reunion stage with Brandi when she said that the reason she ran from Adrienne to Lisa was because Adrienne stopped calling her. She felt ignored and she wanted revenge. Lisa seemed fine with Brandi turning on Adrienne in those circumstances. Even though Lisa tried to deny - over and over - that she was pulling away from Brandi, old Ken admitted it was a decision they made together. They had to know that Brandi would be pissed and pull her usual tricks, which would be to betray secrets. Lisa is smart and there is no way she didn't see that coming. I think what she didn't count on was that someone like Kyle would buy it. Kyle had been almost pathetic in her desire to be close to Lisa again. Lisa started calling Kyle for those long talks when she stopped calling Brandi. I believe that Lisa was shocked that Kyle questioned Lisa over something that Brandi told her.

  • Love 5

I don't remember her tangle with Brandi about that.  Can you refresh my memory please? :>)

Four of them were either having cocktails or lunch at a hotel on the beach in Santa Monica when Brandi learned that Eileen and Vince had broken up their marriages to get together. We all know what a righteous bitch Brandi is when it comes to the sacredness of the marriage vows.


When she learned that Eileen was (at some point) an adulterer, she heaved a glass of wine in Eileen's face. Brandi, of course, later claimed she was joking around about being dramatic. When she was just being her trashy, judgmental, I-don't-have-all-the-facts-and-I-don't-care self.

  • Love 6

I don't understand why Bethenny felt the need to offer branding advice to Erika.  And, Beth, no, you weren't calling her Bambi when you were with Kyle; you called her Barbie. 


Erika is what Sonja wished she could be:  Sonja in the City by day, and SonJa with a sexy J rolling around showing her stuff (in a burlesque sort of way) by night, and married to a very rich man, lol.


Eileen and LVP....much ado about nothing. 



I agree with you on all of your points. But, I have to say that Bethenny has been called on to offer branding advice so many times (She is the only HW who actually branded herself enough to make an actual brand outside of the Housewives) that I can't believe that she wasn't asked by either production or Erika what she thought of Erika's video and expound upon it. 


No matter what any of the viewers or the Housewives think, Bethenny has a brand that is outside of the Housewives. Even the people who have tried her booze and found it lacking have to admit that she has a brand. Unlike any other Housewife, Bethenny's brand (even if non-houswives viewers have no idea who she is) is a thing that is out there on the shelves. I mean if I see her booze at a liquor stores in the smallest towns of North and Southern Georgia, she has an actual brand.


That isn't to say that Bethenny couldn't have kept her comments to herself. That is just acknowledging that she does know something about branding. 


I don't think she should have said what she was actually thinking - because normal people don't do that. But, I will say that I am not convinced that she didn't do exactly what she was hired to do.


Did Kyle ask her to bring up Kim so she could have a "safe place" to talk about it on camera? 


Did she just decide to give Erika advice on branding because that is what she was called on to do so many times since she came back to NY?


Did she dis Lisa V's magazine cover because she truly had never heard of it, or because it was a scripted response/she was trying to stir up drama/producers induced her to do it?


All of these women are puppets at the hands of the producers/editors - yes including Bethenny IMO. 


Bethenny, and to a large extent Yolanda, Lisa V, and Kyle, are such professionals when it comes to the Reality Show platform that it is difficult to tell - unless you just don't like them. If you don't like them, it is easy to call them out as fake or awful or an asshole. 


But to me, and just me, I think these women are winning the Reality game. They get to be the larger than life soap stars (whether that is the villain or hero) that LisaR and Eileen hope to be. And this is from someone who LOVES both Rinna and Eileen.

  • Love 7

Andy doesn't have anything (production-wise) to do with VR, and I don't believe he holds an executive position on this show as he does with the others in the franchise. I guess he could still hold a lot of pull at Bravo because of his past position there, though.


You are correct to point that out.  He isn't listed as having anything to do with VPR.  Now, does he wield any influence over VPR, given it was sorta spun off from the Housewives & highlighted ties to this show when it first started?  Maybe or maybe not.  We don't know the answer to this.  It's not publicly known.  


My point is, LVP might have some ties to Satan Andy, particularly concerning VPR.  He might own a piece of it.  But I'm merely hypothesizing here.  I'm trying to come up with some motivation for LVP to do whatever Satan Andy orders her to do -- when it comes to this show.  Hey, it could be she just wants to hang onto her spot on the show, and that's it.  And if she's ordered to rip apart anyone in the cast, she clearly seems fine & dandy doing so.  Nice, eh?  Let's see if LVP gets her turn being roasted & toasted this season.


I thought it was kinda awesome Bethenny's "rim job" comment landed with a big ole thud in this crowd.  I mean, there was no reaction from anyone at all.  Either they didn't get what it meant or they thought it was too ridiculously mean/thoughtless/vulgar to react to.  Whatever the reason, there was a reaction of dead silence.  Luved it.  Bethenny's vulgar crapola & her ho-hum/desperate attempt to shock didn't work here.  YAY!   Yeah, I know, I know, it was the typical Bethenny bullshit that she's ruining the NYC show with.

  • Love 11

Lisa R is a hypocrite. A music video that is basically on par with anything Britney Spears or other pop singers are doing today is not even on the same level of sexuality as porn or a nude spread in Playboy, hell as somebody mentioned this is the same woman who had no shame in getting her v card waxed for all to see. Shut up. She was probably just jealous, like all the rest of them, and acted like the whole thing bothered her instead. Somebody who's willing to do all the stuff she has would not be bothered by a sexy music video.



I'm pretty sure it's been decades since Rinna's had her vcard :)


Mohamed Hadid is a real estate developer, former husband to Yolanda of course and father to her three children. He's wealthy, so I get it. The other guy that Ken Todd is 'supposedly' guy-friends with, Martin Genis is somewhat of a mystery. Apparently he's connected to the well-to-do Beverly Hills rich in some way. To me he always seems to be a 'hanger-on-r' that magically appears at all the housewives social functions holding a glass. He was even in the limo when Kim and Kyle had their huge fight and the reveal of Kim's alcoholism. So, who the heck is he really? He did a five second cameo (holding a drink of course) in an Indy movie called The Madame.So now my brain goes to the dark side wondering if Martin is the local boy-whore servicing all the lonely and unhappy rich Beverly Hills wives. Or, maybe he's the local cocaine connection. It's better than we don't know more about Martin or Mohammed because they don't mean anything to anyone here and nobody cares.  LOL!


I know someone that was Martin's date to one of Kyle's white parties.  So I know for a fact that he is a real person, but that's about it.  I assume he also has some money or she wouldn't have gone anywhere with him.  According to my acquaintance, she used to be very good friends/bffs with Adrienne, but they had a falling out over Paul (when Paul and Adrienne were first dating Adrienne thought she was trying to steal him, but according to her she was just trying to get free botox).  Her assumption is that LVP had Martin take her to the white party to piss off Adrianne.   This acquaintance was a ho wife on one of the international versions of the show (it wasn't in English, so it wasn't shown in the US and never will be).  


I don't think I'd ask someone how an affair got started. I mean, it's just not a good question. It's very intrusive. There are some questions that you don't ask if you have good manners, and that is one of them.


I guess Eileen could have countered with "How has Max been doing since his stint in rehab? Now, which drugs did he have a problem with?" but I don't think Eileen is mean in that way. She might be like me and started to answer Lisa's probing questions, got uncomfortable, and then couldn't figure out a graceful way to end the discussion.


Lisa crows that she's open, but really, there's not much interesting to say when you've been married to the same old codger for all of those years. 


I think Lisa was pretty open about Max's drug problems on the show.  She was the one that brought them up and talked about them.  


I haven't heard a thing I've read for the past three pages because my mind and heart are all wrapped up in the dress Eileen was wearing in the outdoor lunch video featuring Andy's visit.  If Eileen could be my dresser, I'd be the happiest woman on earth.  Actually, if she'd just buy two of everything and give one to me, I'd really be in Seventh Heaven!



Was it her $500 dress?  Are you trying to give Vinnie a heart attack with her buying multiples?

  • Love 5

Evolution Media produces RHBH, RHOC, and Vanderpump Rules.  Andy may not be involved at all with VR but there's a relationship there and as I stated in an earlier post one hand washes the other. 


Hindsight is 20/20.  I get it that Eileen didn't just shut it down.  She was totally caught off guard and didn't want to overreact in the beginning of the conversation.  That situation was one that after it happens you get more and more upset.  Why the heck did Lisa even bring it up in the first place since it had been discussed last season by Brandi and then at the reunion.  I just keep going back to Adrienne's words:  Lisa stirs the pot.  There were a number of innocent people affected by Eileen and Vince's relationship and Eileen made that clear at the reunion.  Shut up Lisa.  Eileen and Vince's relationship had zero relevance to anything on the episode.  Your claims of just wanting to get to know Eileen falls hollow.  You knew what you were doing.


I don't care if Erika married Tom for his money.  It's his money and as long as it doesn't affect his kids and their just due to his estate, who cares.  Yeah, some will say that children don't have a just due but if a parent and children have a loving relationship, the 'stepmother' shouldn't try to screw with that relationship for monetary gain.  I'm, by no means, saying this is the case with Tom and Erika.


After seeing that photo at the vineyard,  gotta say that Andy has nice legs.

  • Love 4

Evolution Media produces RHBH, RHOC, and Vanderpump Rules.  Andy may not be involved at all with VR but there's a relationship there and as I stated in an earlier post one hand washes the other. 


Hindsight is 20/20.  I get it that Eileen didn't just shut it down.  She was totally caught off guard and didn't want to overreact in the beginning of the conversation.  That situation was one that after it happens you get more and more upset.  Why the heck did Lisa even bring it up in the first place since it had been discussed last season by Brandi and then at the reunion.  I just keep going back to Adrienne's words:  Lisa stirs the pot.  There were a number of innocent people affected by Eileen and Vince's relationship and Eileen made that clear at the reunion.  Shut up Lisa.  Eileen and Vince's relationship had zero relevance to anything on the episode.  Your claims of just wanting to get to know Eileen falls hollow.  You knew what you were doing.


I don't care if Erika married Tom for his money.  It's his money and as long as it doesn't affect his kids and their just due to his estate, who cares.  Yeah, some will say that children don't have a just due but if a parent and children have a loving relationship, the 'stepmother' shouldn't try to screw with that relationship for monetary gain.  I'm, by no means, saying this is the case with Tom and Erika.


After seeing that photo at the vineyard,  gotta say that Andy has nice legs.

Eileen inserted herself into a conversation about a couple getting divorced between the Lisa's, that is how the whole conversation started. If she didn't want to risk getting asked questions about her divorce/affair with Vince, she should have kept quiet to begin with and/or just said she really didn't feel like discussing it at all.

  • Love 7

Eileen inserted herself into a conversation about a couple getting divorced between the Lisa's, that is how the whole conversation started. If she didn't want to risk getting asked questions about her divorce/affair with Vince, she should have kept quiet to begin with and/or just said she really didn't feel like discussing it at all.

I wouldn't call it 'inserting' herself.  She was part of a group who was sitting next and across from her.  She made a comment about not understanding how can you hate someone, etc.  I don't think that she's not allowed to do that without someone else, who already knew the history of Eileen and Vince's relationship, going into a series of personal questions about it.  Questions and Answers that Lisa already knew....from the reunion.  Like Eileen said in her TH, her three marriages weren't not known.

  • Love 5

I wouldn't call it 'inserting' herself.  She was part of a group who was sitting next and across from her.  She made a comment about not understanding how can you hate someone, etc.  I don't think that she's not allowed to do that without someone else, who already knew the history of Eileen and Vince's relationship, going into a series of personal questions about it.  Questions and Answers that Lisa already knew....from the reunion.  Like Eileen said in her TH, her three marriages weren't not known.

Not really. Eileen didn't mention being married 3 times at the reunion, nor did she speak about the "romance" or when she first felt it with Vince, which was what Lisa asked Eileen this episode. Lisa made poor word choices for sure, she used the word "affair" instead of "romance" but all her questions were about their, Eileen/Vince's, love/romance story.

  • Love 4

Lisa claims she meant "love affair".  Unfortunately she called it "the affair".  Since Lisa knew that Vince and Eileen started out in a messy place she probably should have avoided any questions regarding the beginning.  For Eileen to say anything about when might be deemed gloating.  Here is a story from 2002 about their engagement:  http://soapcentral.com/yr/news/2002/0603-davidson.php    It has some dates in it.  There was not a particularly long period of time between when Vince and Eileen were spotted together and when Vince divorced.  Note their wedding was in April and their son was born in May.  it makes me wonder if LVP realized Eileen married Vince when she was eight months pregnant.


At this point it really doesn't matter what the intent was in the conversation, all that matters is how the two of them address the rest of the season and in their blogs and at the reunion.  Kyle, Rinna and Bethenny have all pretty much said it was a bit nosey.  No one cares what Yolanda thinks because she has limited brain function.

  • Love 7



I may alone here but I don't find Eileen and Vince interaction all that rare or even biting.  I think they have their level of teasing similar to LVP and the no sex except birthdays and holidays.  She started the conversation with, "shut up," so I think the tenor of the conversation was pointed out each other's preferences for spending disposable income.  It is not as if they were filming in a house without electricity or their cars were repossessed.  Vince gambles it is not a secret, he earns a living off covering gambling events.


You're not alone.  I haven't seen anything that I would consider serious arguing.  Just little digs here and there, but not in a nasty way.  The scene with the price tag on her dress seemed to be very tongue-in-cheek.  I didn't think Vince seemed truly bothered by how much she spent, and I didn't take it seriously at all.  And knowing how Eileen is, I doubt she would have willingly aired any kind of dirty laundry or revealed real discord in her marriage when they were very obviously being filmed.  It all seemed to me like back-and-forth stuff, not anything that would make me think divorce is imminent.




Oh and all I can think of is, "yeah, that's what everyone said about Adrienne and Paul."  I spotted that one very early on too.  I'm not sure if the clues for me were in the editing or the eyes...ha.



Oh, I think Vince & Eileen are very different than Adrienne & Paul.  Back when lots of people on the internet were saying that Adrienne & Paul's marriage was just fine, that they both enjoyed the bickering, etc, I never believed that.  I always though she felt superior to him, resented him, and treated him like crap.  He always seemed to be trying very hard to please her, and from the very first moment they appeared, I saw a lot of tension in that marriage.  She recoiled from him nearly every time he tried to touch her, and she had no problem making fun of him, sometimes to his face.


 IMO Vince & Eileen are nothing like that.  The vibe I get is completely different.


I loves me some LVP, but she did not apologize. I didn't get Eileen's whole position on this convo. She's a strong woman. Why didn't she just tell LVP that the conversation was making her uncomfortable and let's just discuss something else?


But no.


Instead, she goes back the next day for more. And true to her rep, LVP doesn't apologize and turns everything around and makes Eileen feel even worse.


Lisa did apologize.  I believe she said exactly those words - "I apologize".   I remember reading here last night, and it seemed there were several other posters who heard the same thing.

  • Love 11

It was the FIRST publication of the Bella magazine, so I doubt very many had heard of it. Bethenny's on the cover now.

I'm not sure; it's not that old, but I see a few issues published before Lisa's, and Lance Bass is the current cover feature:


Now is it possible Bethenny hadn't heard of it? Of course. But do I personally think she was downplaying the magazine because SHE was not chosen as cover girl for the Hamptons issue? I think it's a strong possibility.

ETA I guess it's no Latina Show magazine, right Sonja? ;)

Edited by ivygirl
  • Love 3

Four of them were either having cocktails or lunch at a hotel on the beach in Santa Monica when Brandi learned that Eileen and Vince had broken up their marriages to get together. We all know what a righteous bitch Brandi is when it comes to the sacredness of the marriage vows.


When she learned that Eileen was (at some point) an adulterer, she heaved a glass of wine in Eileen's face. Brandi, of course, later claimed she was joking around about being dramatic. When she was just being her trashy, judgmental, I-don't-have-all-the-facts-and-I-don't-care self.


My memory might be fuzzy, but that's not how I remember it at all.  IIRC, Brandi was talking about Eileen's job on soaps, and wanted to act out a scene with her.  Eileen clearly didn't want to, and tried to decline gracefully.  Brandi kept pushing, and finally threw the wine in Eileen's face in an effort to be dramatic in the context of play-acting a scene with Eileen.  I didn't get the impression then and don't recall now that throwing the wine had anything to do with Eileen's marriage.  It was simply Brandi being obnoxious and wanting what she wanted, in this case a soap opera star to "play" with her.  Similar to when she slapped Lisa, who also didn't want to play with her.


Of course I could be wrong, and I would love to know if anyone else remembers it the way I do!


Oh I totally forgot to mention that whole freakout about Eileen's dress. I assumed $500 was pretty standard for BH. Not to mention they must be loaded anyway. I didn't understand him freaking out so much over that. It's not like he paid for it anyway.


I didn't see that as a freak-out at all.  She gave the dress to him and asked him to cut out the price tag, which is not something she would have done if her spending was truly a sore spot for them.  She literally put the price tag right in front of his face!  And he knew very well that she had paid for it on her own, and he acknowledged that.  I thought the whole scene was a bit of lighthearted teasing that went both ways.  They were both smiling, and neither one of them seemed to be actually angry or upset, just playing out a little married-person-scenario for the sake of the cameras that were in the room.

  • Love 10

It was the FIRST publication of the Bella magazine, so I doubt very many had heard of it.  Bethenny's on the cover now.


No, this was not the magazine's first issue.  I spoke to a friend in the publishing business in NYC today, and was told it's been around for at least 3 years, maybe more.  It's one of many, many magazines of this type in this area, which is why it's not well-known.  She said she wasn't at all surprised that I had never heard of it since it's not a magazine a lot of people know about, and it's rarely talked about.  In any case, Lisa's issue was not the first one.


eta:  Where are you seeing that Bethenny is on the current cover?   According to the website, it's Lance Bass for January/February.



Edited by DebbieM4
  • Love 4

I'm not sure; it's not that old, but I see a few issues published before Lisa's, and Lance Bass is the current cover feature:




I just saw this right after I posted on the same subject.   The covers pictured go back nearly two years, and the archives go back to 2011, according to your link.   So - as my friend told me -  it has been around for a few years.  Thanks for sharing!

Edited by DebbieM4
  • Love 2

Behind the scenes photo from this episode:


Wacha is so big and his mouth is large and "lippy" he can't be all beagle. Unless.

Maybe he sees Rinna's surgeon.

Eileen looks so cool but that top, ha it looks comfy though! Lisa V is pretty but her face is starting to look old. Andy has lost weight which probably makes him happy he obsesses over it for hours a day which must be part of why he's so close to Bethenny. That and they both love money.

Is Bethenny more Joker face due to her strange mouth or Glen Quagmire due to head shape and jaw?

  • Love 3

Wacha is so big and his mouth is large and "lippy" he can't be all beagle. Unless.

Maybe he sees Rinna's surgeon.

Eileen looks so cool but that top, ha it looks comfy though! Lisa V is pretty but her face is starting to look old. Andy has lost weight which probably makes him happy he obsesses over it for hours a day which must be part of why he's so close to Bethenny. That and they both love money.

Is Bethenny more Joker face due to her strange mouth or Glen Quagmire due to head shape and jaw?

That's the one thing that is endearing about ac, he loves his dog.

Kyle's face looks great here, IMO.

  • Love 8

I agree, especially about Eileen. I get so tired of the scarlet letter crap that goes around and around and around. I also am fresh out of fucks to give about the dynamic where someone who previously thought 'let me Instagram my eating-disordered ass in Brynn's PJs!!!' gets her Judge Judy on about a catsuit. Nay, Joker. Badly done.

Personally, if we are looking at Ms. Davidson, I'd rather talk about how I stared reverently at her later-50s self in her one-piece doing walking lunges around the pool in the Hamptons. Love her.

LOL, loved it. It went by so quick but I cracked up. It's the little things that give me pleasure with this show.

It reminded me of Sonja (NY) doing her work out all alone by the pool. With exception Sonja had on wedge sandals and I really like Eileen. Still good.

  • Love 8

I think Lisa was pretty open about Max's drug problems on the show.  She was the one that brought them up and talked about them.  




To my knowledge, Lisa has never talked about Max having a drug problem. It became public after the end of S1, when someone posted information about the school he had been sent to during that season (before he came back home to attend the music school). She hinted that he was a handful, and last season mentioned that he had put them through a lot and had tested them, but I don't recall ever a mention of substance abuse - not on the show or in the press. Not a single word. If Lisa were ever going to address it, she would have had a wonderful platform during the Kim deal. She could have mentioned the fact that she had experience with a loved one and addiction, but instead her comments were generally about how hard it all must be. She never acknowledged having first hand experience. 

  • Love 5

My memory might be fuzzy, but that's not how I remember it at all.  IIRC, Brandi was talking about Eileen's job on soaps, and wanted to act out a scene with her.  Eileen clearly didn't want to, and tried to decline gracefully.  Brandi kept pushing, and finally threw the wine in Eileen's face in an effort to be dramatic in the context of play-acting a scene with Eileen.  I didn't get the impression then and don't recall now that throwing the wine had anything to do with Eileen's marriage.  It was simply Brandi being obnoxious and wanting what she wanted, in this case a soap opera star to "play" with her.  Similar to when she slapped Lisa, who also didn't want to play with her.


Of course I could be wrong, and I would love to know if anyone else remembers it the way I do!



I didn't see that as a freak-out at all.  She gave the dress to him and asked him to cut out the price tag, which is not something she would have done if her spending was truly a sore spot for them.  She literally put the price tag right in front of his face!  And he knew very well that she had paid for it on her own, and he acknowledged that.  I thought the whole scene was a bit of lighthearted teasing that went both ways.  They were both smiling, and neither one of them seemed to be actually angry or upset, just playing out a little married-person-scenario for the sake of the cameras that were in the room.

I believe that you are right, the "affair" conversation happened a little earlier and the wine throw happened at the end of the dinner.

  • Love 5

Eileen inserted herself into a conversation about a couple getting divorced between the Lisa's, that is how the whole conversation started. If she didn't want to risk getting asked questions about her divorce/affair with Vince, she should have kept quiet to begin with and/or just said she really didn't feel like discussing it at all.

I get what you are saying, but I don't think it is really realistic. It would be like Lisa opening herself up to any and all talk about Max when she questioned stuff about Kim. I don't think that would be fair at all, even though she has mentioned the fact that Max has tested them in the past. It would be like Kyle turning to Lisa when she was asking about Kim and saying "what about Max and his drug problems? Have they been sorted out?


I honestly just don't think that Eileen thought Lisa would go there - not after last year when it was clear that Brandi's questions upset her. It's not that it's not all fair game - it is. She is on a reality show and this factoid has already been revealed. She just got a little insight into how Lisa works and the way she gets things on camera and I think it surprised her. 

I believe that you are right, the "affair" conversation happened a little earlier and the wine throw happened at the end of the dinner.

Exactly. The teaser for that episode made it look like Brandi tossed the wine because Eileen was a cheater, but the affair conversation was over before she tossed the wine. 

  • Love 5

I get what you are saying, but I don't think it is really realistic. It would be like Lisa opening herself up to any and all talk about Max when she questioned stuff about Kim. I don't think that would be fair at all, even though she has mentioned the fact that Max has tested them in the past. It would be like Kyle turning to Lisa when she was asking about Kim and saying "what about Max and his drug problems? Have they been sorted out?


I honestly just don't think that Eileen thought Lisa would go there - not after last year when it was clear that Brandi's questions upset her. It's not that it's not all fair game - it is. She is on a reality show and this factoid has already been revealed. She just got a little insight into how Lisa works and the way she gets things on camera and I think it surprised her. 

There is a difference to Brandi asking and Lisa asking IMO, a big difference. If you listened to the questions Lisa asked, she was asking about when Eileen realized that Vince was THE one, when she first felt butterflies kissing Vince, she was NOT asking how Eileen's ex felt about the affair or how Vince's ex felt, which is what Brandi did. Had she, Lisa, dropped the word "affair" and just used the word "romance" Eileen would NOT have had a problem IMO. Sadly, the conversation the Lisa's were talking about was one about divorce due to an affair, so the word was being used in the conversation and Lisa just kept saying/using it.


Maybe, had Kim or Kyle asked Lisa about Max she would have answered, maybe not or she may have just poo poo'ed them like she did when Brandi accusing her of having an affair with her trainer.

I get what you are saying, but I don't think it is really realistic. It would be like Lisa opening herself up to any and all talk about Max when she questioned stuff about Kim. I don't think that would be fair at all, even though she has mentioned the fact that Max has tested them in the past. It would be like Kyle turning to Lisa when she was asking about Kim and saying "what about Max and his drug problems? Have they been sorted out?


I honestly just don't think that Eileen thought Lisa would go there - not after last year when it was clear that Brandi's questions upset her. It's not that it's not all fair game - it is. She is on a reality show and this factoid has already been revealed. She just got a little insight into how Lisa works and the way she gets things on camera and I think it surprised her. 

Exactly. The teaser for that episode made it look like Brandi tossed the wine because Eileen was a cheater, but the affair conversation was over before she tossed the wine. 

IMO, the confusion about this is because BOTH Brandi and Eileen said that the affair conversation may have played a role in the wine toss in their respective blogs that week.

  • Love 3

I just saw this right after I posted on the same subject.   The covers pictured go back nearly two years, and the archives go back to 2011, according to your link.   So - as my friend told me -  it has been around for a few years.  Thanks for sharing!


Has it always been a fully print magazine?  I think that might be where some of the confusion might lie.  It has been a print on order digital magazine that apparently put out real print issues randomly but were only available in the Hamptons area as well a boutique or two in Manhattan.  One place called LVP's issue the premiere issue.  I just think they were trying to get back into actually printing issues and LVP's was the first in awhile (I'm guessing cash flow and interest issues).  Sort of like the mag that was on the Miami franchise.  Remember how she was so smug about having 'introduced' William Levy to the masses and yet you couldn't even order a back issue of his actual cover magazine that was such an eye catching image.  Of course you don't.  No one watched that franchise!


Of course as yummy as that first "issue" with William Levy was and no matter how many issues you can buy next to Ina Garten's favorite mustard during the season, if most of your magazine is online it really nothing more than a blog.  And nothing that a printer and plenty of ink and paper can't 'fix'.

  • Love 5
My memory might be fuzzy, but that's not how I remember it at all.  IIRC, Brandi was talking about Eileen's job on soaps, and wanted to act out a scene with her.  Eileen clearly didn't want to, and tried to decline gracefully.  Brandi kept pushing, and finally threw the wine in Eileen's face in an effort to be dramatic in the context of play-acting a scene with Eileen.  I didn't get the impression then and don't recall now that throwing the wine had anything to do with Eileen's marriage.  It was simply Brandi being obnoxious and wanting what she wanted, in this case a soap opera star to "play" with her.


That's how I recall it too. She kept badgering Eileen to do some dramatic soap trope and Eileen didn't want to.

  • Love 6

My memory might be fuzzy, but that's not how I remember it at all.  IIRC, Brandi was talking about Eileen's job on soaps, and wanted to act out a scene with her.  Eileen clearly didn't want to, and tried to decline gracefully.  Brandi kept pushing, and finally threw the wine in Eileen's face in an effort to be dramatic in the context of play-acting a scene with Eileen.  I didn't get the impression then and don't recall now that throwing the wine had anything to do with Eileen's marriage.  It was simply Brandi being obnoxious and wanting what she wanted, in this case a soap opera star to "play" with her.  Similar to when she slapped Lisa, who also didn't want to play with her.


Of course I could be wrong, and I would love to know if anyone else remembers it the way I do!



I didn't see that as a freak-out at all.  She gave the dress to him and asked him to cut out the price tag, which is not something she would have done if her spending was truly a sore spot for them.  She literally put the price tag right in front of his face!  And he knew very well that she had paid for it on her own, and he acknowledged that.  I thought the whole scene was a bit of lighthearted teasing that went both ways.  They were both smiling, and neither one of them seemed to be actually angry or upset, just playing out a little married-person-scenario for the sake of the cameras that were in the room.

Yep-it was Brandi desperately trying to bring out Eileen as she thought her boring.  After the wine toss, one of things Eileen came away with after seeing the episode, is perhaps Brandi wasn't as okay with Eileen and Vince's relationship as she claimed she was to Eileen's face.  I believe Brandi has pretty much owned up to the fact last season she did things to amp up the show.  She is careful to add that it is at her own doing-not production's.  I think that is reflected in Eileen's tagline this year.     The wine, the slap, poker Night insults (I don't think she realized how wasted Kim, her partner in disruption was) were all Brandi's way of trying to spice up the show.  It backfired as according to Brandi LVP nd Kyle refused to film with her any longer citing there would be no reality in them inviting Brandi to any event.


I am not getting that Vince was at all mad about the dress or the price.  I think it is their way of showing what they spend and how they spend it-just like driving a Ford Flex instead of a Range Rover and albeit a very nice car an Audi instead of a Bentley.  It reminded me more of Fred and Wilma Flintstone or Lucy and Ricky Ricardo-with a fresh twist-Eileen makes her own living and supports the household 50%.  I kind of wish they had more of Eileen and Vince or they would host another party.  Vince in the garage peeking through the windows was a classic.


Bethnny is featured inside the magazine in a September issue (the magazine she has never heard of) so after LVP got a cover, one of Bethenny's PR people beat feet to get her in the mag.  It is my understanding it is a NYC mag and Lisa was featured on the cover of The Hampton's issue. 

  • Love 8

Random thought, Lisa R. was so amazed that one person could portray another personality/role play such as Erika Jane vs. real life Erika made me think of Erika as the Hannah Montana for the LGBT club set. LOL.


Didn't Bethenny pose for PETA outside in a thong and nothing else so she can shut up about the video and how shocking it is.



  • Love 5

To my knowledge, Lisa has never talked about Max having a drug problem. It became public after the end of S1, when someone posted information about the school he had been sent to during that season (before he came back home to attend the music school). She hinted that he was a handful, and last season mentioned that he had put them through a lot and had tested them, but I don't recall ever a mention of substance abuse - not on the show or in the press. Not a single word. If Lisa were ever going to address it, she would have had a wonderful platform during the Kim deal. She could have mentioned the fact that she had experience with a loved one and addiction, but instead her comments were generally about how hard it all must be. She never acknowledged having first hand experience. 

First episode Season 1 LVP talks about her adopted 16 year old son had fallen in with the wrong crowd and was using marijuana and off he went to Idaho.  The next time we hear from Max he is looking at music schools.  I remember because my friends with adopted children bristled at LVP labeling Max in such a fashion and it caused many a lively discussion on the Bravo boards. 


Regarding Lisa's openness - I think she is open and even if she isn't she pretty much dares people to ask about any aspect of her life.  Polite people even reality people who are considered friends try and avoid the sensitive subjects.  They leave the sensitive subjects for asshats like Brandi, who enjoy torturing others under the guise of truth.  For example, to me, Ken appears either heavily medicated or in pain this season (no wonder after the pool push) you won't see anyone asking if Ken is suffering from some form of dementia.  (I will say in the Trash Talk TV Recap) Ronnie K. likens Ken's lack of animation this Hampton's trip to a patient in Awakenings.  Those are the sensitive subjects friends do not tread on.  Last year in Amsterdam, Yolanda opened the floor to discuss genuine Beverly Hills conversation and cited Bella's arrest.  Not a peep out of LVP regarding Max and his issues.  


Recently on Vanderpump Rules there was a grisly scene of Max knocking teeth after fainting (do men faint or do they pass out?) from a low blood pressure incident.  Was his blood pressure low because of drugs?  I thought it interesting because kind of like Lyme Disease explaining away a DUI, the dreaded low pressure seems to have stricken not only LVP but her son.  (We know it isn't heredity.) 

  • Love 4
LIMOM, on 14 Jan 2016 - 6:10 PM, said:

I knew many of the cast members smoked but I was quite surprised seeing almost all of the younger cast smoking VDP rules on camera, including Max.


I've never worked in a restaurant but I've heard it's pretty much a common theme in most of them that the chefs, waitstaff, etc all smoke.


Speaking of Max, do we know whatever happened with him and his much-older girlfriend?


AnnA, on 14 Jan 2016 - 8:23 PM, said:

Doesn't Kyle ever look in a mirror?


That dress is God awful and that print fabric reminds me of the "house dresses" my grandmother wore back in the day. 


Eh.  I've seen worse.  Like the dress on the woman to the right of her.  Kyle doesn't always hit it out of the park in her fashions, but she looked a helluva lot better than LVP and Bethenny in that hideous thing she wore to their dinner.

  • Love 2

I've never worked in a restaurant but I've heard it's pretty much a common theme in most of them that the chefs, waitstaff, etc all smoke.


Speaking of Max, do we know whatever happened with him and his much-older girlfriend?



Eh.  I've seen worse.  Like the dress on the woman to the right of her.  Kyle doesn't always hit it out of the park in her fashions, but she looked a helluva lot better than LVP and Bethenny in that hideous thing she wore to their dinner.

Well, for what it is worth, he was trying to hook up with a young waitress named Faye on last week EPI.
  • Love 1

First episode Season 1 LVP talks about her adopted 16 year old son had fallen in with the wrong crowd and was using marijuana and off he went to Idaho.  The next time we hear from Max he is looking at music schools.  I remember because my friends with adopted children bristled at LVP labeling Max in such a fashion and it caused many a lively discussion on the Bravo boards. 


Regarding Lisa's openness - I think she is open and even if she isn't she pretty much dares people to ask about any aspect of her life.  Polite people even reality people who are considered friends try and avoid the sensitive subjects.  They leave the sensitive subjects for asshats like Brandi, who enjoy torturing others under the guise of truth.  For example, to me, Ken appears either heavily medicated or in pain this season (no wonder after the pool push) you won't see anyone asking if Ken is suffering from some form of dementia.  (I will say in the Trash Talk TV Recap) Ronnie K. likens Ken's lack of animation this Hampton's trip to a patient in Awakenings.  Those are the sensitive subjects friends do not tread on.  Last year in Amsterdam, Yolanda opened the floor to discuss genuine Beverly Hills conversation and cited Bella's arrest.  Not a peep out of LVP regarding Max and his issues.  


Recently on Vanderpump Rules there was a grisly scene of Max knocking teeth after fainting (do men faint or do they pass out?) from a low blood pressure incident.  Was his blood pressure low because of drugs?  I thought it interesting because kind of like Lyme Disease explaining away a DUI, the dreaded low pressure seems to have stricken not only LVP but her son.  (We know it isn't heredity.) 

True, Lisa did not share anything about Max's troubled past at that dinner but I don't think she, or anyone else for that matter, had time to share stories because LisaR chimed in and tried to explain her concern about Kim's addictions by sharing her/HH family addiction stories and everything went down hill from there at a surprising speed.


I don't watch VPR, but is it possible that Max DOES have LBP or did he look drunk/high on camera?

  • Love 1
Recently on Vanderpump Rules there was a grisly scene of Max knocking teeth after fainting (do men faint or do they pass out?) from a low blood pressure incident.  Was his blood pressure low because of drugs?  I thought it interesting because kind of like Lyme Disease explaining away a DUI, the dreaded low pressure seems to have stricken not only LVP but her son.  (We know it isn't heredity.) 


I don't watch VPR, but low blood pressure is a thing.  My mom has had a few fainting spells over the years, and her mother also had that issue.  My mom says it comes out of nowhere, like, she's standing there doing the dishes and suddenly goes down.  It's only happened a few times in many years, but it's frightening when it does, and the docs can't find anything except low bp. 


I've fainted once in my 48 years, but that was a combination of dehydration on a very hot day while standing in line for a long time.  Dehydration could easily explain Lisa's fainting.

  • Love 1

Way back in Season 3, when we were introduced to the Fabulous Fosters, Taylor was well drunk and imparted some insight into David Foster, essentially saying he was not that great a guy.  Of course Yolanda of bad hair extensions, pulled her aside and called her an asshole and later blamed it on Lyme brain.  So in probably a moment that was both mortifying and hysterical (I am sorry but it is the 17 year old coming out in me) David probably became the most insensitive, uncharming man ever, as his loving wife was filling him with compliments, (your my nurse, no Dr. Foster, you are so good to me, this wasn't in the nuptials) told her sworn enemy that Ken had better tits and then corrected himself to say bigger.  I can't help but believe that part of Ken's exhaustion was due to him breaking into uncontrollable laughter for hours over David's compliment to his 70 year old manly chest and laying insult to Yolanda.  So yes, Taylor has been redeemed we saw the crown slip from the king's head.  That scene will never not be funny and I hope the future Mrs. Ex David Foster(s) watch it repeatedly.  Somewhere Taylor and Linda Thompson are certainly having a Rocky Mountain high over that scene.


I love LVP addressed it in her blog.

  • Love 7

I think the issue with Eileen isn't that she doesn't want to be open about her life, but there are certain things in everyone's life that they don't necessarily want to keep dragging out in the open. I think she believed that by being open about it in the first season at the dinner with Brandi, Yolanda, and LisaR was enough to get it over with so to speak. I don't think she realized that it's going to be talked about over and over again whenever things get slow and drama is needed. 


Obviously I don't know what she thinks, but my opinion is that I think she's very aware how much that hurt people back then and how much it affects those same people and her son now having it talked about in the tabloids all over again. I like her but I don't think she's really a strong enough personality to deal with all that goes with being on this show. Not the way the Lisa's and Kyle are. I think they know exactly what's expected of them to stay on the show and they are willing to do it. 


Eileen is trying to do what many before her have tried (and failed) to do: Get a reality show paycheck without losing her dignity.  Unfortunately for her, women who don't surrender their dignity don't get that paycheck for long.

  • Love 12

Lisa did say she apologized.  And I agree with Lisa by the time Eileen addressed Lisa and the way she addressed Lisa's comments, it would be pretty hard to gauge how serious her hurt is/was.


Oh I saw that-it is not a story.  It is just some one making a guess.  If there were gambling losses people within that community would be commenting on them and not just some comment on a blog from a poster.  One thing most gamblers learn early on is you have to cover your bets.  Vince is second generation so I am thinking he is almost sixty and has not seemed to suffer from gambling.  Eileen says their marriage is good and they seem to be devoted to each other.  I will say I prefer the Van Pattens' relationship to Yolanda and David and all the love, love, king stuff.  I guess we saw the real side of David with the tits comment.  No wonder he doesn't write song lyrics."

This brings to mind the dinner party with BabyFace and David entertaining  by improvising songs. He began with "I hate my wife.." And Yolanda tried to cover it up by saying loudly "I love my life:"

  • Love 5

I don't see the similarities between Vince/Eileen and Adrienne/Paul. I was always uncomfortable watching A&P from the get go. I felt she had utter contempt for him as she was always emasculating him. When you do that to a guy, well it is one of the worst things you can do to a guy's ego, especially in a public forum. I believe most men would confirm that point.

I don't get that kind of vibe with V&E at all. Men in general don't get the purpose of spending that much money on clothes. Vince even commented that she already had things that looked like that in her closet. Yet most women don't see it that way. Obviously there are exceptions so I am talking in general about the sexes. Personally I didn't think the cost of the dress was outlandish but I also have a love affair with my shoes. Lol

  • Love 11

I don't see the similarities between Vince/Eileen and Adrienne/Paul. I was always uncomfortable watching A&P from the get go. I felt she had utter contempt for him as she was always emasculating him. When you do that to a guy, well it is one of the worst things you can do to a guy's ego, especially in a public forum. I believe most men would confirm that point.

I don't get that kind of vibe with V&E at all. Men in general don't get the purpose of spending that much money on clothes. Vince even commented that she already had things that looked like that in her closet. Yet most women don't see it that way. Obviously there are exceptions so I am talking in general about the sexes. Personally I didn't think the cost of the dress was outlandish but I also have a love affair with my shoes. Lol

And how long has this love affair been going on?  Did your other shoes know this was happening...?


(sorry, channeling LVP for a moment...)

  • Love 12

Way back in Season 3, when we were introduced to the Fabulous Fosters, Taylor was well drunk and imparted some insight into David Foster, essentially saying he was not that great a guy.  Of course Yolanda of bad hair extensions, pulled her aside and called her an asshole and later blamed it on Lyme brain.  So in probably a moment that was both mortifying and hysterical (I am sorry but it is the 17 year old coming out in me) David probably became the most insensitive, uncharming man ever, as his loving wife was filling him with compliments, (your my nurse, no Dr. Foster, you are so good to me, this wasn't in the nuptials) told her sworn enemy that Ken had better tits and then corrected himself to say bigger.  I can't help but believe that part of Ken's exhaustion was due to him breaking into uncontrollable laughter for hours over David's compliment to his 70 year old manly chest and laying insult to Yolanda.  So yes, Taylor has been redeemed we saw the crown slip from the king's head.  That scene will never not be funny and I hope the future Mrs. Ex David Foster(s) watch it repeatedly.  Somewhere Taylor and Linda Thompson are certainly having a Rocky Mountain high over that scene.


I love LVP addressed it in her blog.

So funny that LVP is addressing it in her blog and Yolanda said on twitter for people not to judge David - that he has been one of her biggest supporters.

  • Love 1

It seemed to me that Bethenny became more and more animated and manic as Erika didn't react the way B expected.  Erika wasn't rattled by B's critique/suggestions.  She disagreed with her comments about production value and calmly explained who she was.  Bethenny finally backed down with a "and how great is it that you get to be two people - who wouldn't want to live 2 lives!" at which Eileen basically threw herself over the table.  I loved her talking heads but rather than engaging in a battle of the wits with Bethenny, Erika handled her in a much more effective manner - with calmness and not backing down.  Her take it or leave it attitude actually had Bethenny backing down.


And ITA with the poster who said the "rim job" joke fell flat.  It made Bethenny scramble to show them the shed.  She is used the the NYC HWs falling over themselves to laugh at her crudity.  While a few of the BH ones laughed, some of them just didn't know what it was and Erika basically crinkled her nose as if she smelled bad fish.

  • Love 10

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