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S04.E11: Fully Engaged

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Stassi snoops at SUR, but Lisa wants her to keep her distance; Scheana and Ariana make a discovery about their friendship; the gang plans a trip to Hawaii; Kristen tries to make amends with Sandoval; and skinny-dipping antics involve Faith and Lala.

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Did I just see Jax taking a dump on TV?

Yes you did and seriously Jax, the girl drove all the way from Kentucky with stars in her eyes over you and you sit on the toilet with the door open taking your daily crap? I've been married for a kabillion years and nobody, not even my husband, has been allowed in the bathroom when I'm doing my business. It just cements my convictions that Jax is a sleazebag, STD-riddled, piece of low-life. He's about as attractive as that lump he just flushed.


Lala deserves Jax and more, she's the female version of Jax. Oversexed and probably a walking STD package.


Judging from this pack of meaningless, dingleberries, our country is doomed. Are these idiots the future of our country?  omg.....God help us.

Edited by HumblePi
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Did I just see Jax taking a dump on TV?

He was either taking a dump or likes to pee like a woman or both at the same time. Shut the damn door!

Either way it was just gross! That " man "is a few generations back on the evolutionary time scale.

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Dear Bravo Fairy,

Can we PLEASE have a moratorium on Jax toilet shots??

And kill the douchey James reactions to anything Lala says?

And Ariana's indignation that people like people she doesn't like?

Kristen was totally making sense. Ariana and Tom keep insisting that they "don't have a problem," and that they have alllll this integrity and character, Yet they're the ones who keep bringing up stuff that others want to move beyond. No one says they have to lurve Kristen. But if you keep acting like one person is going to ruin your good time, guess what? It's bound to happen.

Meanwhile, now I'm all excited about the Return of Stassi.

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All these self-involved women and men could exist in some other universe and it would not make one iota of difference in this world, to which they contribute nothing. It would be saddening to see people as young as James and Lala be so prematurely hard and so likely to become lifetime carriers of STDs if their parents cared, but their parents obviously think their young adult children are on solid ground and in a good life trajectory. Miss Kentucky, get to the airport and catch the first flight home before the light in you gets snuffed out, but obviously, your parents don't care that you lose yourself, as long as you're ON TV!! You're all just somnambulant on the F BOAT, and there's no destination and no enlightenment on the way. You're all stuck on the Island of the Sirens, in a permanent intermission from life. It would be sad if it were a loss, but this world can't feel the loss of Nothing. You're not even ghosts. And nothing about you is young and alive.

Edited by OnceSane
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Did I just see Jax taking a dump on TV?

I was like does he think he's LBJ? You need to be at least presidential, more likely royal or a living god king before you can get away with taking a dump on TV.

James and his gross face are gross. I need to be at least as drunk as the Vanderpump fools to handle his gross sex face.

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I was like does he think he's LBJ? You need to be at least presidential, more likely royal or a living god king before you can get away with taking a dump on TV.

James and his gross face are gross. I need to be at least as drunk as the Vanderpump fools to handle his gross sex face.

If you are the President you still know to shut the door before you use the "oval office".

If you are royalty "one" does not acknowledge any bodily functions.

If you are a God those functions just magically do not exsist.

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I learned that breaking your teeth when your friend is trying to fuck a self proclaimed slut in Hawaii is selfish. The more you know. (Shooting star)


Max has the weirdest accent. It completely changes sentence to sentence. (Well, before he selfishly broke his teeth)

Edited by rustyspigot
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I wish that when they were out drinking James would piss off some random person in the joint and said person would punch him right between the eyes and make him go nighty night.

Looks like next week we finally get to see "sunglass gate".

Edited by mbaywife123
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Dear Bravo Fairy,

Can we PLEASE have a moratorium on Jax toilet shots??

And kill the douchey James reactions to anything Lala says?

And Ariana's indignation that people like people she doesn't like?

Kristen was totally making sense. Ariana and Tom keep insisting that they "don't have a problem," and that they have alllll this integrity and character, Yet they're the ones who keep bringing up stuff that others want to move beyond. No one says they have to lurve Kristen. But if you keep acting like one person is going to ruin your good time, guess what? It's bound to happen.

Meanwhile, now I'm all excited about the Return of Stassi.

I am also all excited about the return of Stassi. These bitches are boring without her.

I never ever thought I would see someone more slimy and disgusting than Jax Taylor, but here we are with James. Even when Jax was at his greasy doucheface worst he would still every once in a while say something that would make me laugh. I didn't want to laugh of course, but I would anyway because really, I think he might be kind of a funny guy. But James? My God, just no. Nothing redeeming at all. He is SUCH a sleazemonster.

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The "YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" you all may have heard from the world was my cheer about Stassi in the previews. I need some of her back in this show. It gives me more life than Kristen crying some tears in the back alley of Sur and everyone worrying the girl may have weapons on her person. The only way it could be better is if Stassi walks in all, "It's Stassi, bitch!"


This episode.. Arainia is lord, an even worse party guest than the girl who sings that new radio hit song "here" in which she complains about being at a party. This episode was..something. I wish Jax had stuck to his guns and not let James go on the trip. 

Edited by WhosThatGirl
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Word to the Jax on the toilet thing. Did we really have to see that? And why was he going with the door open? Why was Brittany even ok with the door open?! They don't call it Hollyweird for nothing I guess.

Scheanas right about Ariana. She can't have it both ways. Two episodes ago she practically had an aneurysm at the mention of Kristen's name, then she pretends that it doesn't bother her. Ok then. Kristen appears to be trying to make amends and move on with her life, meanwhile the cool chick Ariana is still sulking in a corner over it, even though she's the one who cheated with Tom when he was dating Kristen, what exactly does the Nugget have to be upset about?

Ok I can't stand Lala now. The showboating in the swimsuit store and Lisa's pool was just so attention seeking. Being proud of your body is one thing. Wearing pasties and a barely there thong in public on national TV is just simply having no decency or class. And apparently according to the preview she takes her top off in front of engaged Schwartz? If I were Katie I'd have cut that bitch. One thing I will agree about with James is that Lala does seem like a major tease. I don't get what their deal is. Are they actually dating or what? I think Lala and Jax deserve each other. They're both so slimy and gross. I also just realized something. Lala totally sounds like the name a trashy girl would have, so it suits her I guess. Ugh. Hope she gets the axe next season.

James trying so hard to be relevant, jamming away on his James Kennedy laptop. LOL Did he really say Max was selfish for breaking his teeth? I hope that was just bad sarcasm.

Do we hear in the preview that Schwartz says "I can't believe I ALMOST married you"?

I want Stassi to return and completely shut down Ariana. Man, would I love to see those 2 go head to head! Too bad it seems like she forms an alliance with Lala. I thought she hated girls like that.

Is it just me or did Stassi look really odd in the previews? Her hair looks bleached or something. Also, I know there was tons of speculation last year about the sex tape and what Lisa did to help her, and here Lisa mentioned/made reference to it again. I remember someone mentioning they thought what could have happened is that someone threatened to sell/leak the tape unless paid a boatload of money and Lisa probably coughed it up for her. I kind of am thinking that could be true. Lisa was very insistent when she said "She knows what I've done for her."

I also noticed something strange about Max's accent, it didn't seem consistent at all. Even before the teeth accident, his accent seemed like it would alternate between English sounding and American.

Edited by BogoGog24
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When the girls were doing their "sexy" (blurg) swim in LVP's pool Max looked like he wanted to tell them all to get the hell out of there before mum and da came home.


Can't say I blame him.  First of all, who, in their right mind, goes topless swimming in their boss' pool, unless, of course, you're a Playboy bunnie and your boss is Hugh Hefner.  


Secondly, so LaLa thinks showing her tits and ass to Max are going to make his injuries all better??  "He deserves to see this" - like she is a perfect,  miraculous angel from Heaven?  Give me a fuckin' break....


Tom and Arianna need to get over themselves and do some more "adulting" where Kristen is concerned.  I get it, she's a loon, and a drama filled one to boot, but it seems like she is trying to let go of her anger and resentment - why can't Tom and Arianna?  


James is still a douche, and a slimy, creepy bastard...his mother must be sooo proud!!  I think that even though James says he doesn't like Jax, he secretly admires him and wants to be just like Jax when he grows up.  


Can't believe that Schaena made a lame joke comment to Shay about Max's meds on the Hawaii trip.  She really doesn't get it, does she?  And, I may have missed it, but has Shay been staying away from all the shots (engagement dinner last week, birthday lunch this week)?  Looks like he falls off the wagon in Hawaii, though.


The coming attractions look pretty good, except Stassi seems to be spending a lot of time crying.  

No. No. NO. I have lived with my fiance for 6 years and been married twice. No to pooping with yr door open having a convo with the girl who JUST moved in. Or ever. No.


I've lived with my husband for over 35 years and the bathroom door is always closed.  The only conversation we ever have (through the closed door) in that situation is one question "How long are you going to be in there?"......

Edited by njbchlover
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Lala is such fame whorey try hard. It's clear she's figured out that making out with James' gross face will net her as much camera time as sleeping with him will.

I'm so over Ariana's smug sour condescension. Her eye roll at Jax' lunch was practically audible. I find it funny that she doesn't realize that most of the group tolerates her because of Sandoval.

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When the girls were doing their "sexy" (blurg) swim in LVP's pool Max looked like he wanted to tell them all to get the hell out of there before mum and da came home.

He looked a bit nervous!


No. No. NO. I have lived with my fiance for 6 years and been married twice. No to pooping with yr door open having a convo with the girl who JUST moved in. Or ever. No.

Or how about when there is a nationally affiliated TV PROGRAM shooting you???

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James & Lala deserve each other. Lala is messy, messy, messy. She is a trashy girl that happens to be borderline attractive. Not to makeup shame, but I can't recall seeing her without pounds of makeup on. So I still don't know why Jax & James are foaming at the mouth for her. Hopping into the pool topless while Max is recuperating? Pasties for a Couples' trip? Blabbing about James' peen size was good tv, but her mistake was speaking on it to blabbermouth Scheana.

Scheana when telling the story about Max's fall as usual makes the situation all about her. She is to me a true narcissist, even worse that Stassi. Something that has nothing to do with her somehow becomes all about her. And I caught that snide, rude comment to Shay on the pain pills. Her NA guide to sobriety must have a chapter on shaming ones husband in public in front of his friends. Also, it was a low blow to use a convo with Ariana's mom (that Scheana probably instigated) as a reason to force Ariana to accept Kristen coming to Hawaii.

People change, life is about change.

I remember last season Scheana issuing orders upon demands that Ariana had to interact at several wedding events with Kristen. She gave her BFF condition upon condition, Ariana was bending over backwards to make Scheana happy and keep the peace with psycho Doute. It still peeved me that Scheana never called Kristen out for all her mean comments to Ariana in Miami. Now the shoe is on the other foot, and Scheana can't even do without her Doute security blanket for one trip.

I think Ariana swallowed a lot of bull crap from Kristen during Scheana's wedding year last season over and over again at various events. She took the fury that Kristen dished towards her & Tom last season but didn't instigate or cause drama at her best friends' wedding. She put herself in uncomfortable situations having to deal with crazy Kristen's dramatic antics during Scheana's wedding year. Unfortunately for Ariana, her best friend Scheana is a narc who does not sacrifice her own comfort or happiness for anyone else, not even her husband. Now Ariana is putting up hard limits, and it's interesting that Scheana can't even accept the fact that her best friend doesn't want to be on her boyfriend's birthday trip to Hawaii with his psycho ex-girlfriend. It's just unfathomable to me that everyone in this clique of idiots thinks that Ariana & Tom are the mean to 'poor Kristen' because they don't want to be around her on his birthday trip.

I loved Sandoval ripping Kristen a new one. Loved Ariana standing up for herself. Can't wait to see Scheana's takedown by Sandoval & Ariana.

I also noticed something strange about Max's accent, it didn't seem consistent at all. Even before the teeth accident, his accent seemed like it would alternate between English sounding and American.

I noticed it too. My sisters and I grew up with parents who spoke with an accent, and frequently we switch back and forth between them depending on who we are talking to and how animated or passionate our convo is. My accent is thicker when I'm with my parents or someone else that speaks like us, and then I can easily switch to the American one depending on who I'm talking to. It's subconscious and you don't even notice it.

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Is the problem with Ariana that she is saying she's okay with Kristin, but then she obviously is not okay with Kristin being around?  So, the problem is she is not being honest about her feelings?  


Because I don't get why anyone blames her for not wanting Kristin around.  Kristin has only been "recovered" for a few months, right?  And calling her "recovered" ignores all the crazy shit that's happened with her and James.  "Recovered" really means she hasn't directed her craziness towards Tom and Ariana, really, which isn't really "recovered" at all.  


Besides, unlike everyone else in the group, Ariana doesn't have any positive memories of a friendship with Kristin to motivate her to forgive and forget.  

Edited by ninjago
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WTF!  Why was Jax shitting on my TV?  I had barely gotten over the horrible Vegas hijinx.  I might have to stop watching this show.


ETA:  How does James still manage to out gross Jax in an episode where Jax shits on TV?  The various faces he made in that "sexy and fun" montage at the end were so much worse than Jax on the toilet.  


There was other stuff to comment on, but I just want to erase this episode from my brain.


ETA again some more: I hope this Biff guy calls in to WWHL every Monday.  I love him.

Edited by yourmomiseasy
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Is the problem with Ariana that she is saying she's okay with Kristin, but then she obviously is not okay with Kristin being around? So, the problem is she is not being honest about her feelings?

Because I don't get why anyone blames her for not wanting Kristin around. Kristin has only been "recovered" for a few months, right? And calling her "recovered" ignores all the crazy shit that's happened with her and James. "Recovered" really means she hasn't directed her craziness towards Tom and Ariana, really, which isn't really "recovered" at all.

Besides, unlike everyone else in the group, Ariana doesn't have any positive memories of a friendship with Kristen to motivate her to forgive and forget.

For me, it's that she acts as though she's both over the situation and above it, yet every time Kristen's name is mentioned, she acts as though someone's just opened up a wound. That's not the behavior of someone who's moved past anything.

I don't blame her for being wary, or not wanting Kristen around. Kristen DID act in really inappropriate ways and I'd steer clear, too! BUT, stuff like this can happen in circles of friends, wherein loyalties are tested and bonds betrayed. If it's a long-standing group of friends and you don't want to give them up, you have to be ready for the fact that, at some point, someone you don't care for might show up at a party or event. You either excuse yourself from the event (or circle of friends), or you accept it and move on. (Easier said than done, I know.)

This is NOT an excuse for Kristen's prior behavior. (And of course, if something truly egregious happened, I would take a different approach.) But I don't think Ariana has the right to hang her opinion about Kristen over everyone else's heads as some sort of test of loyalty. I suspect she worries about her own status in the group, or with Sandoval. *IMO* She wouldn't react so strongly if there were no fear involved.

Besides, Ariana is not completely innocent in this situation, having cheated with Tom when he was still with Kristen, yet she conveniently overlooks that point all the time. Frankly, Kristen is showing maturity in even *trying* to move forward--it's not like being cheated on and lied to is an easy offense to overlook. And yet, she's *trying.*

Contrast this with how Katie acted towards Stassi's text. She was like, "Thanks." And simply said, that's that--I'm not interested in a relationship. She doesn't want to be around Stassi, and her reactions are just straightforward rather than a bunch of self-satisfied eye rolls.

Edited by ivygirl
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I noticed Max's changing accent as well. Why is super mogul Lisa Vanderbucks so vaguely unhappy about her son going to Hawai'i, other than it's with these losers?

Arianna's nearly audible eye rolls were beyond tedious this week.

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I noticed Max's changing accent as well. Why is super mogul Lisa Vanderbucks so vaguely unhappy about her son going to Hawai'i, other than it's with these losers?

Arianna's nearly audible eye rolls were beyond tedious this week.

I think Max has had a history of drug abuse. If this is the company he's going with, I'd be worried too. And not the best idea to have James looking out for him either. I suspect besides the heavy drinking that he is doing some type of drug. He looks different than he has in past seasons. His eyes always look glassy and he just looks mega creepy in general all the time now.

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What's up with the new SUR prom dresses? As much as I hate those weird, purple tye dye numbers, these just seem really inappropriate for a server. Lisa needs lessons on dressing her staff. 


Ugh, Jax, why did you allow James to come? Ugh, Jax, why are you taking a shit on TV????


Bravo, enough of Jax's ass!!!!


I'm so over Lala and her flip flopping. One week she doesn't care that Jax has a girlfriend, then she's a girl's girl and would never do that. She claims it's so complicated because Jax keeps saying something different about the state of his relationship. NO, it's really not complicated. Jax is simply telling you what you want to hear. And he's nasty, so why you're that into him is beyond me. 


And I don't get why Brittany feels like she HAS to talk to Lala. How about talking to your BOYFRIEND? Tell him to set the boundaries. 


Lunch with Tom's ex means Ariana has to show her ass cheeks. At least they're a mild improvement on Jax's. 


Nice of Scheana to crack jokes about her husband's pill problems. Way to be a supportive wife. 

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Kristen was totally making sense. Ariana and Tom keep insisting that they "don't have a problem," and that they have alllll this integrity and character, Yet they're the ones who keep bringing up stuff that others want to move beyond. No one says they have to lurve Kristen. But if you keep acting like one person is going to ruin your good time, guess what? It's bound to happen.


I'm kind of in the middle on this. I don't think Tom or Ariana should be tell others they can't be friends with Kristen. I don't think Ariana should punish Katie or Scheana for it. But I'd be damned if my ex was going to come on my birthday trip, and I don't think anyone should act like Tom is crazy for not wanting her there. 


s the problem with Ariana that she is saying she's okay with Kristin, but then she obviously is not okay with Kristin being around?  So, the problem is she is not being honest about her feelings? 

Because I don't get why anyone blames her for not wanting Kristin around.  Kristin has only been "recovered" for a few months, right?  And calling her "recovered" ignores all the crazy shit that's happened with her and James.  "Recovered" really means she hasn't directed her craziness towards Tom and Ariana, really, which isn't really "recovered" at all. 

Besides, unlike everyone else in the group, Ariana doesn't have any positive memories of a friendship with Kristin to motivate her to forgive and forget.


I don't have an issue with Ariana not wanting to be around Kristen. My issue with Ariana is her constant need to act so superior to everyone. When Kristen came in to apologize, I might have rolled my eyes as well. But I would have taken the higher ground and told her, "While I can't imagine us every being friends, I appreciate the gesture. Thank you". Ariana had to prattle on about how they could definitely never be friends because Ariana's friends are all so smart and attractive. (Who? Jax? Scheana???) 


She is just fake, to me. She does this whole, "I'm so cool. I'm a guy's girl" thing, but inside she's a freaking mess. Just own your shit, honey. 

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Oh yes, the GALL of Max getting hurt!

After James talked about that, there was nothing more I wanted to see than his gross plans thwarted.

There's plenty of stuff to call out idiot James for but not this, IMO; it was obviously sarcasm and an attempt to be funny.

I actually laughed out loud when he said that he had to use the toilet paper that poor people use.

Edited by TattleTeeny
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I think Max has had a history of drug abuse. If this is the company he's going with, I'd be worried too. And not the best idea to have James looking out for him either. I suspect besides the heavy drinking that he is doing some type of drug. He looks different than he has in past seasons. His eyes always look glassy and he just looks mega creepy in general all the time now.

You just reminded me of something I saw in an earlier ep (gay pride?) I keep forgetting to mention. There's a scene where DJ Muppet Baby is taking a drag on a small cigarette in the SUR alley, but the scene is severely blurred to the point you cannot tell what's in his hand. Was he smoking a joint and it was blurred for legal reasons? In his next scene, he had this odd look on his face and his eyes seemed glassy. Hmmm...

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There's plenty of stuff to call out idiot James for but not this, IMO; it was obviously sarcasm and an attempt to be funny.

I get that he may have been joking, but he was SO creepy when he said it, I felt like there was some truth behind what he was saying. He had this whole manipulative master plan, and was upset that something was possibly going to throw it off.

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I couldn't wait to come on here and see the reaction to Jax taking an open-door dump and Lala and James' trytoohard everything. I mean, REALLY.  Just no to all of it.


It seems nearly everything Lala and James do and say seems to be for shock value to guarantee that they'll get more air time.  But Jax isn't having it. His whole "it's MY birthday and what I say goes" spiel at the bar was equally sad.  Or maybe even sadder considering he's got at least a decade in age on those tools.  It's not just that Jax doesn't want James to come to Hawaii because he doesn't like him.  He just doesn't want him to take away any unnecessary camera time. 


QuoteQuoteLunch with Tom's ex means Ariana has to show her ass cheeks. At least they're a mild improvement on Jax's.


Ha.  When I saw that scene I was like... wait?  Is that really her ass cheek hanging out of her ...shorts?  Dress?  Whatever she was wearing.  I mean, they're not at a pool or the beach - its a freaking restaurant.  Cover yourself, woman. 


I mean, YES Lala was pathetic in her attempts to show her boobs off, but at least she was in a pool and a dressing room when she did it- places where it's more... acceptable (?) to be naked-ish. 


Ubiquitous, on 12 Jan 2016 - 04:24 AM, said:


I noticed Max's changing accent as well. Why is super mogul Lisa Vanderbucks so vaguely unhappy about her son going to Hawai'i, other than it's with these losers?

Arianna's nearly audible eye rolls were beyond tedious this week.



I mean would YOU want your son or daughter hanging around these tools?  LOL But really, as somebody mentioned, Max has had issues with substance abuse in the past, so I took her concern as being rooted in that.

Edited by Duke2801
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Yes, Max has a history of drug abuse. They talked about it a little in the first season of RHOBH--Ken and Lisa sent him to an out-of-state private school with a music program so he could focus on his talents (guitar, if I recall correctly) and be in a drug free environment. This was six years ago so he must have been 17 or so. 

Edited by The Mighty Peanut
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I'm kind of in the middle on this. I don't think Tom or Ariana should be tell others they can't be friends with Kristen. I don't think Ariana should punish Katie or Scheana for it. But I'd be damned if my ex was going to come on my birthday trip, and I don't think anyone should act like Tom is crazy for not wanting her there. 





I don't have an issue with Ariana not wanting to be around Kristen. My issue with Ariana is her constant need to act so superior to everyone. When Kristen came in to apologize, I might have rolled my eyes as well. But I would have taken the higher ground and told her, "While I can't imagine us every being friends, I appreciate the gesture. Thank you". Ariana had to prattle on about how they could definitely never be friends because Ariana's friends are all so smart and attractive. (Who? Jax? Scheana???) 


She is just fake, to me. She does this whole, "I'm so cool. I'm a guy's girl" thing, but inside she's a freaking mess. Just own your shit, honey. 



YES to all of this - she is such a weirdo, why does she think she is smarter than everyone? 


Also what the hell was she talking about, "I am not friends with Kristen because of my INTEGRITY!"  Oh that got a good laugh from me. 


I assume she is getting roasted on twitter.

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Ha.  When I saw that scene I was like... wait?  Is that really her ass cheek hanging out of her ...shorts?  Dress?  Whatever she was wearing.  I mean, they're not at a pool or the beach - its a freaking restaurant.  Cover yourself, woman.


Yea, I think it was one of those romper things. The funny thing was, Kristen had a very similar, and equally as short, one on. In red. 

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Clearly when BRAVO hired Lala, they told her that her role was to play the free loving skank. She took it to another level. 


I still agree with Ariana and Tom. I would not want my Ex hanging with my crowd!  Especially after they all hated the ex, wanted nothing to do with the ex,  and then decided to like the ex again.  No thank you. Go away and make a new life for yourself. 

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Not only did Jax poo on national TV but as I recall he simply zipped up after flushing and did not wash his hands. He is so gross and why Bravo thought it was a good idea to show that I will never know. Faith, James and LaLa half naked in Lisa's pool? I hope the maid rats them out and Lisa makes them wash the pool. They suck and I bet Max felt it was wrong, too.

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Could someone remind me why Stassi and Katie had a falling out?


Katie went to Scheana's bachelorette party when Stassi and Scheana were mid-feud. Stassi was only informed of this injustice second hand, adding insult to grievous injury.

Edited by The Mighty Peanut
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When Stassi left last season, everyone was thrilled that she and her birthday, it's-a-national-holiday shenanigans were gone. I find it hilarious now that Jax and Sandoval are all now "It's our birthdays; we're going to Hawaii!" and making such a big deal out of it, and Jax was playing the "I can invite whoever I want to Hawaii because it's my birthday" card before he finally relented and magnanimously allowed James to come. Hypocrites.

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