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Grub kim

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  1. All these self-involved women and men could exist in some other universe and it would not make one iota of difference in this world, to which they contribute nothing. It would be saddening to see people as young as James and Lala be so prematurely hard and so likely to become lifetime carriers of STDs if their parents cared, but their parents obviously think their young adult children are on solid ground and in a good life trajectory. Miss Kentucky, get to the airport and catch the first flight home before the light in you gets snuffed out, but obviously, your parents don't care that you lose yourself, as long as you're ON TV!! You're all just somnambulant on the F BOAT, and there's no destination and no enlightenment on the way. You're all stuck on the Island of the Sirens, in a permanent intermission from life. It would be sad if it were a loss, but this world can't feel the loss of Nothing. You're not even ghosts. And nothing about you is young and alive.
  2. Oh brother. The Kleins are pretending to be parents who cannot bring themselves to follow through with any form of discipline, who high five and say "WOW!" a lot and believe their children are exceptional and exceptionally bonded while a Will merely tolerates Zoey, she is incapable of initiating any part of her own life but is only imitative of her older brother, and neither child is capable of following instructions (at karate and ballet) while the parents interfere with the teacher a lot, and beam about how well the kids did in comparison to other kids. Will is thoroughly wrapped up in his toys and very possessive of them, which is fine because he really loves play on his own terms, but poor Bill and Jen just keep on setting up scenario after scenario, pony ride birthday parties, pumpkin and Christmas decorating, painting ceramics, a tea party, baking, setting up an aquarium or a train, and both kids merely tolerate these activities for a few minutes before they wander off leaving the parents to do the activities by themselves because they usually bore Will and often terrify Zoey. Will is happy and laughing as long as he is doing exactly what he wants, and Zoey happy to follow him along until he knocks her down, hits her, or throws a tantrum when she touches one of his toys. He is five years old and still eating cake cake cake from a high chair, sucking his thumb, and wearing diapers. Zoey can barely cope with any situation without Will, or even speak to teachers and other children. This is a pretend family. Bill and Jen are loving people with big hearts and every good intention, she is a wonderful doctor and brave patient while Bill is a successful businessman and adoring family man, but he treats everything as a competitive prize he has won so his life is full of trophies from his wife, dogs, kids, home, and especially his cars. These two adoptive children do not love their parents so much as rely on them for a settled and reliable life with which they can cope and bond with the things they like to play with and foods they like to eat. Zoey has never once broken into peals of spontaneous laughter or been totally wrapped up in love for a person or a pet or even a particular toy, blanket, book, dress, place, or pair of shoes; her adoption took way too long and a critical developmental year was lost forever; she attached to nothing and no one, and attachment will always be difficult for her. Nothing is a fit. They are four little people whose home builder had such bad instincts that he designed their entire house around VERTICAL space, which is where most of the (useless) square footage is, as if to over-emphasize their small stature and make them look like visitors. They are spilling out of a three car garage full of THINGS. Bill is so blinded by his own issues that he turns each of his children's activities into a competition in which each child obviously comes out "the winner." Will is a bully who cannot follow his karate teacher's instructions, but this proves that he is independent with a healthy self-esteem; Bill claims his daughter is at the top of her class, when she was unable to complete a single dance action correctly, and his daughter's terrors of others show him that she is discerning and will never be kidnapped (or hoodwinked). His wife cannot utter a sentence without concluding with a nervous giggle, while their father manages to turn a blind eye and find a strength in each of his children's weaknesses and a virtue in his son's disobedience, tantrums, and selfishness and his daughter's indifference to or terror of most new situations or people. Will, as head of household and knowing he can have life just the way he likes it as long as he looks cute while living it, is over-attached to his things ("My shovel!" as the final word and a violation of the family's rules of behavior, which Bill, of course ignored instead of addressing--it was a fake punishment like all the rest.) and Zoey is under-attached to hers. Do these children have ANY friends their own age? Does Zoey EVER by herself initiate any new, self-directed ideas from the imagination, for play? Does she ever initiate a statement or question in an English short sentence? Even when she reads to herself, it is babble and baby talk; she is miming her parents with no sense of meaning or narrative forming in her head when this should be a year of a galloping vocabulary and almost non-stop imagination, exerting a firm sense of self in her day to day independent actions. Instead, she is entirely reactive and never proactive in her own life. Nothing is ever "Zoey's idea." At this age, a child should be leaving behind little signs of play and independent thought that surprise parents, insisting on wearing the most outlandish get-ups, and saying/doing things that make adults scream-laugh. Finally, it is entirely possible to raise children wth good nutritional habits, good socialization with others, good behavior, spontaneous fun, and never once saying "WOW!" and high-fiving non-events.
  3. Depends on where I was going. If to a tropical island, assuming partner brought machete--heavy duty bulk sized tube of massive DEET bug cream, because the bugs seemed to torture them more than anything else, and because You can build clothes and some kind blanket of grasses and leaves. There is always trash on a beach where you can scavenge up bottles, containers for gathering, cooking, purifying water. And I'd pray to the heavens that I arrived on a warm sunny day, because there would be a good chance of starting a fire. But I'd never do the show. I also think the nakedness is just a stupid way to attract audiences while making it a show kids can't watch, or I would not let my little kids watch it. If you are on prescription medications, surely the producers would allow the RXs or disqualify you.
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