charming December 22, 2015 Share December 22, 2015 On 12/22/2015 at 9:38 PM, cooksdelight said: I don't hate anyone on this show. Nor love anyone. It's a TV show. TV. Fake. Fakeity Fake. These women get along well when the camera's not on. They are paid to create drama, interest, angst. As for Phaedra's kids, she put them on this show. They are discussed across the various social media outlets. Bravo does it, along with video clips not seen on the show. If you want to trash 5 year old Ayden so be it. I can't say too much since you're a moderator and I'm a peon but let's be real. Kenya's defended constantly. Any negative remark about her rarely goes unchallenged. You have super secret sources who tell you how wonderful and nice she is. Any negative behavior from her is because she's playing a character for fun or the producers ordered her to do something. Funny that Phaedra and Nene never play characters they really are that! evil! as are their kindergarten aged children. Maybe that's why the participation in the ATL threads are much lower here. It's like you can't really voice your opinion without fear of being reprimanded. 15 Link to comment
cooksdelight December 22, 2015 Share December 22, 2015 I'm sorry, I don't think I trashed Ayden. I retold a story as it was told to me. You are free to speak your opinion here, anywhere on this site. The only time postings in this thread are removed or moderated is when one poster is attacking another poster with their words. Snark away about the people on the show, but leave it at the door if you have something hurtful to say about another poster. Anyone who appears on this show is fair game for remarks, good, bad or otherwise. I do not attack children. Never have, never will. Everyone's opinion is welcome here as long as they do not post ugly remarks about another member. 15 Link to comment
ridethemaverick December 22, 2015 Share December 22, 2015 On 12/22/2015 at 8:43 PM, ZaldamoWilder said: Lol. I curtsey deeply lovie. Thank you. And, to all, a good night. :P LMAO!!! This jiggled my whole soul. Tell us why you made boobah. I ain't trying to get banned up in here but damn. That Ayden remark was foul. Young black and brown boys are disproportionately targeted by teachers (most of whom are, in fact, white women) for discipline and are suspended at much higher rates than their white counterparts. We also know that black boys are frequently viewed as much older than they are by white people, who we also know lack empathy for people of color. The research is out there and has been heavily publicized in the last couple of years. So when I come here and read that a 5 year old black boy may become a BLM hashtag because he's a little bratty in TV, I get a little testy. That's some yahoo comments type foolishness. Fix it Jesus. 15 Link to comment
mothmonsterman December 22, 2015 Share December 22, 2015 I just re-watched the infamous scene, and this is what I saw: Glen and his friend were in a room (not sure which one). I don't think they were on their way out the door, because they were still in their bathing suits with no tops or SHOES on. So, it isn't like Kenya said something as they were headed out the door. So, I feel, that needs to stop being said. Also, Glen shoved Tammy with both hands gripped on her. I think the floor might have been slippery, because they all seemed to be sliding around (security, Glen, etc.) after the fight broke out. That is why I think Tammy hit the floor so hard and got knocked out. I also feel like they looked like they were high, from weed. The vacant stares, slow responses, and glassy eyes make it a dead giveaway to me. 8 Link to comment
freeradical December 22, 2015 Share December 22, 2015 (edited) On 12/22/2015 at 11:26 PM, mothmonsterman said: I just re-watched the infamous scene, and this is what I saw: Glen and his friend were in a room (not sure which one). I don't think they were on their way out the door, because they were still in their bathing suits with no tops or SHOES on. So, it isn't like Kenya said something as they were headed out the door. So, I feel, that needs to stop being said. Also, Glen shoved Tammy with both hands gripped on her. I think the floor might have been slippery, because they all seemed to be sliding around (security, Glen, etc.) after the fight broke out. That is why I think Tammy hit the floor so hard and got knocked out. I also feel like they looked like they were high, from weed. The vacant stares, slow responses, and glassy eyes make it a dead giveaway to me. I don't know if you are pointing out they were probably high as further evidence of the guys fault in this situation but just in case. Weed doesn't make people violent. Edited December 22, 2015 by freeradical 5 Link to comment
Vicky8675309 December 22, 2015 Share December 22, 2015 (edited) the women all seemed to like each other and get along as witnessed by their interaction in Kenya's bedroom after Porscha got home from her date. I think they are all work friends and some are closer to some than others. I think Kandi is genuinely confused and hurt by Phaedra since they were close (real friends). I think Kenya annoys many of them but I also think they enjoy her. Ok, Phaedra may have issues due to Apollo and Kenya (but I seriously doubt she did anything with him except mild flirtation to create drama which backfired on her). I think Porscha is not the brightest tool in the toolbox but I also think she plays up her "dumbness" …IDK. I think they are all less toxic with NeNe gone (but I miss laughing at Nene's messed up wigs and bad make up). I don't like them all ganging up on one person and even NeNe had Phaedra on her side. I hope they don't gang up on Kenya but given how they all reacted to aggressive Glenn, I worry about it. I wouldn't be surprised if the kids are spoiled and act bad at school. That can happen when kids are spoiled and even when not spoiled. Maybe the kid is acting out due to family issues (dad not around and/or parents fighting). Maybe he is spoiled and maybe not. I wouldn't be surprised if spoiled given Phaedra's refusal to call out guys on bad behavior and blames the female. I can see her saying "not my little angel". However it sounds like he has recently had a lot of turmoil in his life so I can understand him acting out. Hopefully someone gives him the structure, care, teaching, etc to lead him to proper behavior if it is problematic. He seems like a cute kid and I hope he is coping and adjusting well to what is going on in his life. Edited December 22, 2015 by Vicky8675309 5 Link to comment
JacksonOrange December 22, 2015 Share December 22, 2015 Quote Ayden's teacher told my friend he acts up in class... My lifelong friend who works on the show tells me... It doesn't seem appropriate for someone with obvious personal bias to be a moderator on this (RHOA) topic. I think that there will always be "ruffled feathers". 12 Link to comment
mothmonsterman December 22, 2015 Share December 22, 2015 On 12/22/2015 at 11:28 PM, freeradical said: I don't know if you are pointing out they were probably high as further evidence of the guys fault in this situation but just in case. Weed doesn't make people violent. No, I was saying they looked like they were high on weed, period. 3 Link to comment
freeradical December 22, 2015 Share December 22, 2015 (edited) On 12/22/2015 at 11:42 PM, mothmonsterman said: No, I was saying they looked like they were high on weed, period. That's what I thought/hoped you meant and I totally agree. Edited December 22, 2015 by freeradical 3 Link to comment
ButterQueen December 23, 2015 Share December 23, 2015 (edited) On 12/22/2015 at 9:23 PM, Watermelon said: Pretty sure I said that Ok, but why can't I be offended by a racial comment made on the show? Edited December 23, 2015 by ButterQueen 2 Link to comment
Showthyme December 23, 2015 Share December 23, 2015 Reality tv is unfair to kids. Remember Teresa Guidice's daughter who sat in the refrigerated section at the supermarket? For me, I cannot like a child who behaves like that. Then, I have to remember that she can either be exactly like that or production may have encouraged her to do something outrageous. For my reality tv viewing activities, I really don't care how Ayden acts at preschool. Let's not forget that intuitive Ayden knew that something bad was happening at home with Apollo and upsetting his world. Acting up is actually appropriate under those circumstances. Ayden is an adorable child who will get away with bratty behavior because he is just too cute. Some kids just get that card in life. 9 Link to comment
charming December 23, 2015 Share December 23, 2015 I'll make one more comment and bounce because I rarely post in the RHoA topic anymore and don't want to lose my log in over the uber annoying Kenya. My original point was I think someone had the nerve to praise Phaedra for being a good Mom. I haven't watched every episode this season but I don't think Ayden's ever been shown acting like Melania. That's why it seemed (to me) like there was a purpose behind the friend of a friend post who knows that Ayden is an out of control brat at preschool. Just like it seems like every effort is made to refute everything Kenya does because a friend of a friend says she's just playing a "character" and it's not the real Kenya so you can't criticize her. There just seems to be different "rules" for different personalities on the show and that makes it difficult to participate without walking on eggshells. 14 Link to comment
Watermelon December 23, 2015 Share December 23, 2015 On 12/23/2015 at 12:00 AM, ButterQueen said: Ok, but why can't I be offended by a racial comment made on the show? You're absolutely right. You can be offended by anything. It's the "As a white woman" that skeeved me out. The things Phaedra said were real issues and troubles, but also problematic because it didn't apply to Glen in any way. Why it needed to be wrong and insulting because you're a white woman, I don't quite see, but it's not for me to see. 6 Link to comment
Thick McRunFast December 23, 2015 Share December 23, 2015 (edited) I think the issue with Phaedra's analogy was with how she applied it, not that she made it. I mean, I'm a suburban white lady who's not afraid of black men but it would be disingenuous to pretend that wasn't a thing that happened all the time. I think the offensive part about what she said was that she was saying Kenya was like that, that she wanted Glen removed because doesn't care about black men. Which, by the way is ludicrous. I really think Phaedra was just looking for any way she could to tear Kenya down and accusing her of being afraid of black men was a really low blow. Or, um, what was said in the post just above this. Edited December 23, 2015 by Thick McRunFast 17 Link to comment
Watermelon December 23, 2015 Share December 23, 2015 On 12/23/2015 at 12:44 AM, uesNY said: If "white People's nervousness" (as you state above) has been caused by behaviour similar to this spoiled, entitled, drugged up, violent Glen. Well then, they've had good reason I could give you all the recent examples of how it's been about hoodies and toy guns in open carry states, but you don't actually care. And that's fine. 5 Link to comment
freeradical December 23, 2015 Share December 23, 2015 (edited) On 12/23/2015 at 12:52 AM, Watermelon said: I could give you all the recent examples of how it's been about hoodies and toy guns in open carry states, but you don't actually care. And that's fine. I didn't hear this sentiment in anything anyone has said on this forum at all. The situation that happened in the house in Miami stands on it's own. Phaedra's reaching to bring real politics And social injustices into it was ridiculous. Edited December 23, 2015 by freeradical 20 Link to comment
ButterQueen December 23, 2015 Share December 23, 2015 On 12/23/2015 at 1:03 AM, freeradical said: I didn't hear this sentiment in anything anyone has said on this forum at all. The situation that happened in the house in Miami stands on it's own. Phaedra's reaching to bring real politics And social injustices into it was ridiculous. THIS-! 6 Link to comment
ButterQueen December 23, 2015 Share December 23, 2015 On 12/23/2015 at 12:52 AM, Watermelon said: I could give you all the recent examples of how it's been about hoodies and toy guns in open carry states, but you don't actually care. And that's fine. My last comment on race. Has it ever occurred to anyone that the white suburbanite woman has the ability to judge social issues based on their own merit? My heart broke for Trayvon and justice was denied in that case. I have a bit of a different slant on Michael Brown, but I do not incriminate by race. 3 Link to comment
Watermelon December 23, 2015 Share December 23, 2015 On 12/23/2015 at 1:03 AM, freeradical said: I didn't hear this sentiment in anything anyone has said on this forum at all. The situation that happened in the house in Miami stands on it's own. Phaedra's reaching to bring real politics And social injustices into it was ridiculous. That sentiment was LITERALLY in the post I quoted before it was edited. I'm so lost as to what we're even talking about when I'm not even disagreeing with you. I've repeatedly said Phaedra is talking about a real thing that has NOTHING to do with crazy ass Glen. I've even stated you have the right to be upset by Phaedra's sentiment that doesn't apply in this situation. So I'm not sure where we're going with this. On 12/23/2015 at 1:04 AM, uesNY said: I read the papers, I watch the news. I lived in the largest city in the country for 20 years. Was help up at knife point more than once. But all that is besides the point. The point is GLEN. And his behavior! It wasn't directed at a cop or for wearing a hoodie or carrying a toy gun. Thats a stretch. He was on a friggin yacht. He's lived a privileged life. His father has clearly spoiled him. (unlike me)He's not a kid who's struggled for his next meal, for God's sake. Oh how I wish that I didn't have to look under every cushion for a quarter to buy a potato so thatI could eat that day. This thug doesn't know my struggles. But I always remained respectful and never resorted to drugs or violence! I definitely reread my statement where I said anything to defend Glen, and it isn't there. I've said repeatedly that White people's nervousness is a real thing that had nothing to do with this, and I don't know why that's challenged as though I'm defending Glen. I'm not disagreeing with ANYBODY about crazy ass Glen. 4 Link to comment
David T. Cole December 23, 2015 Share December 23, 2015 I need to apologize for a moderation failure here, there were some posts today from a moderator that were not how we want to do things here. The report center and my PM inbox lit up today -- thank you for those heads up messages. I have removed the moderator and we'll rearrange the deck chairs shortly for this particular forum. And now back to the episode discussion. Thanks. 17 Link to comment
freeradical December 23, 2015 Share December 23, 2015 (edited) I think the conversation became muddy when we stopped generalizing about the Glen situation not being related to #BLM and started citing specific people and incidents/news stories. Phaedra and Sheree shouldn't have at all because it's a sensitive subject. That's why I was surprised Bravo even included that conversation. It's way outside of Real Housewives frivolity. I guess I'm saying talking about the real ass thing can bring about various strong opinions better left alone in my opinion. Edited December 23, 2015 by freeradical 2 Link to comment
Mya Stone December 23, 2015 Share December 23, 2015 Hey guys, if you're familiar with the other HW shows, then you'll be familiar with your new mod team: myself and Lisin are taking this franchise over. While we tend to allow a lot of discussion, this particular subject of race can be a hotbed of issues and ruffle feathers, even if that isn't your intent. So we're asking y'all to agree to disagree and move on. Thanks! (And be gentle. It's the holidays, after all.) 17 Link to comment
swankie December 23, 2015 Share December 23, 2015 Quote and Porsha is desperate to find another man to complete her. Porsha just seems like someone enjoying the dating scene after being married to a very controlling and domineering man. She doesn't seem desperate to me. She's having a hell of a lot of fun and I don't see anything wrong with that. 14 Link to comment
Talented Tenth December 23, 2015 Share December 23, 2015 On 12/22/2015 at 9:38 PM, cooksdelight said: As for Phaedra's kids, she put them on this show. They are discussed across the various social media outlets. Bravo does it, along with video clips not seen on the show. Ayden has been nothing but sweet, intelligent and articulate on the show. Everyone has their own standards regarding children. I take the stance that I do not speak negatively against children because they can't consent to being on camera and do not understand the future ramifications depending on how they are portrayed. I think Phaedra is doing a good job and there's nothing her children have to be embarrassed about regarding their behavior thus far. With so many people on the internet today, it might not be the best idea for you to pinpoint how you got the information. It could cause big problems for the source. Also, because you heard the information second-hand and we're getting it third-hand, we don't know if there is bias or if things are being misconstrued by any of the parties involved. Judging by what's on tv, he's a delightful boy. 11 Link to comment
ButterQueen December 23, 2015 Share December 23, 2015 I wish the scenes of the girls talking about Porsha's date had been longer. I loved Porsha's dress and she was cute running around waking them up, crawling in bed next to Kenya to dish. Porsha opening the door to Tammy in her hospital garb, mouthing "IT'S TAMMY" was priceless. 11 Link to comment
ghoulina December 23, 2015 Share December 23, 2015 Quote Ayden has been nothing but sweet, intelligent and articulate on the show. Everyone has their own standards regarding children. I take the stance that I do not speak negatively against children because they can't consent to being on camera and do not understand the future ramifications depending on how they are portrayed. I think Phaedra is doing a good job and there's nothing her children have to be embarrassed about regarding their behavior thus far. I agree with all of this. As for the daycare comment - I used to work in daycare. One thing that always struck out to me - the kids who were really well behaved for me; their parents always said they were horrible at home. The ones I had the most trouble with; their parents said they were angels. This happened a lot! I have no idea why it is that way, but kids often act differently at home than they do in a school setting. There's a lot going on there, a lot they are trying to learn and adjust to. I really cannot stand when people make rash judgments about children, because they have to grow SO much in a short period of time, that there is always going to be "bad" stuff we see. But it doesn't determine who they are. Their little brains are still developing and they cannot verbalize the way we can. I worked with kids for a long time, was a nanny as well. I've seen/heard about many of my kids later in life and most of them were doing just fine, even my "problem kids". At any rate, Ayden and Dylan probably are a little spoiled. But I also have seen Phaedra being very firm and no-nonsense with them when need be. I think that's likely how she was raised. They might have 12 cakes at their birthday parties, but she'll damned if they don't eat it with a napkin on their lap and thank everyone for coming after. 13 Link to comment
ButterQueen December 23, 2015 Share December 23, 2015 Judging by the show, Phaedra's little boys are very well behaved, and she deserves all the credit. 8 Link to comment
halkatla December 23, 2015 Share December 23, 2015 For being the craziest Kenya sure has lots of moments when she´s the rational and right thinking one... I´m annoyed with these ladies making excuses for the way some men act, this is not the first time. I don´t think I can forgive Phaedra for this, she´s been one of my favorites for a long time though. Kim is so boring and ridiculous, emphasis on the boring. 7 Link to comment
eurekagirl mOo December 23, 2015 Share December 23, 2015 Why do ya'll keep saying Kendra doesn't have a job? She looks like she does to me. She's on my tv every week and I'm assuming she doesn't do if for yeah she has a job. One of the woman on either Ladies of London or RH of Melbourne cracked me up when someone said to them "Well you don't have a job" and she replied "You see those cameras? I'm on tv. It's a JOB" LMAO 8 Link to comment
SnarkKitty December 24, 2015 Share December 24, 2015 On 12/22/2015 at 6:30 PM, ZaldamoWilder said: SnarkKitty and I are waiting outside in the huff (to hell) come along and step spritely girl. You are dead ass for this, I'm still giggling lol! Thank you, that's my entire problem with her application. It's perfectly valid, but THIS dude is not the one whose picture to stick on the back of the church fan. ™ islandgal. Your Honor, I contend that if you're bothered by the way "bitch ass bitches" are speaking to you, does this not make you yourself rife with bitchassery? ™ SnarkKitty. I cannot decide as to whether or not I love you very much or hate you for life. LMAO!! I just got back from vacation so I'm clean in *don't start none* mode, but this right here?!! BRAGHAAAAAAA!! Come get your tithe envelope please! {{outstretchedknucklecrack}} random things I learned this episode, by ZaldamoWilder: Shamea bothers me for no good damn reason. It could be because I think of her as the "young buck" standing slightly off camera practice posing with her apricot, but I'm not sure. Either way, it's not gonna be you mimi, you gotta work for that fruit. p.s. God is my witness and word is born, p_ _ _ _ poppin handstands will not be considered "effort". It's possible to show a man your labia one evening and successfully act coquettish with him about a first date kiss the next. I never knew that. And though it will never come in handy in my life, it is useful to have the information. I'm gonna go with, a little bit of both. I'm like a SourPatch kid. First you hate me, then you love me. Heh. I cannot hear "no bitchassness" without thinking of Diddy. But more to the point, I believe your contention to be spot on and proper, counselor. I'll allow it. No ma'am, Glen will NOT be getting that spot on the fan! You're right about that ... but you are wrong, so very wrong for the aforementioned helpfully bolded for your edification. Bless your heart. On 12/22/2015 at 7:36 PM, renatae said: Word! Who's Heather? LMAO... Heather from RHONYC objected to bringing dudes back last season for just this reason, and her cast members mocked her concern and pooh-pooed her. On 12/22/2015 at 7:53 PM, Bronzedog said: ZaldamoWilder - Every post you make is like a Christmas gift from Baby Jesus himself. Yes Virginia, there is a Santa Claus. On 12/22/2015 at 10:45 PM, cooksdelight said: The only time postings in this thread are removed or moderated is when one poster is attacking another poster with their words. Now that we've scrubbed opposing opinions, there may actually be some action on making that a thing. On 12/22/2015 at 11:26 PM, mothmonsterman said: I just re-watched the infamous scene, and this is what I saw: Glen and his friend were in a room (not sure which one). I don't think they were on their way out the door, because they were still in their bathing suits with no tops or SHOES on. So, it isn't like Kenya said something as they were headed out the door. So, I feel, that needs to stop being said. I noticed the no shirt/no shoes when posting earlier that they weren't at the door, but in the living room off the pool where Kim was staying. I didn't even address it, but I knew they weren't all but out the door and stopped because Kenya made a comment. They had none of the clothing they arrived in and I can't imagine they were leaving any of that behind. 6 Link to comment
ZaldamoWilder December 24, 2015 Share December 24, 2015 On 12/22/2015 at 1:19 AM, Empress1 said: Yeah, I read a story recently about a white bank teller who called the cops on a black kid standing outside the bank at the ATM; the cops wrestled him to the ground. There was another about a cashier in a jewelry store who hid in the office and called the cops when a professional basketball player tried to go in the store to shop. And let's not forget Emmett Till. White fear of blackness, especially white female fear of black maleness, is very, very real and has resulted in black men losing their lives. Phaedra is absolutely right about that, and she is also right about needing to be extra concerned about that fear as the mother of two black sons, who sadly don't have that much time left before people start seeing them as threatening (Tamir Rice was only 12). She was NOT right for applying that to this situation, because it had nothing to do with Glen and Kenya. Glen was acting an ass and a threatening one at that - he was mean mugging out of the gate, as Kandi said. I really can't imagine being a guest and acting a fool like that. Empress, this audio though?? Girl. I'd read the jewelry store story, but hadn't heard the tape. Patti (the fearful store clerk) refuses to follow dispatcher instructions to go open the front door, saying she doesn't feel like it so why should she have to? Patti. The one who called the police. Then she tells the dispatcher to have them come around the back (you can do that?). When the dispatcher complies and tells Patti to go open the back door for the officer, Patti (still terrified of the scary black man loitering near the door out front) says wait a minute, who all is coming to the back door? Annoyed dispatcher says Patti you asked me to send them back there, I'm doing that, go open the door! She does. The cop that comes to the back door? A black man. {Santagiggle} The only thing missing from that phone call was Sophia trying to teach her how to drive. Phaedra can be an asshole sometimes and I know that she generalized so the statement she made doesn't apply to all, or even most. But I couldn'tve known what she meant if this wasn't a thing. 7 Link to comment
Yours Truly December 24, 2015 Share December 24, 2015 On 12/21/2015 at 2:14 AM, WireWrap said: I think Kim was correct when she said that Kenya was wrong in NOT allowing Tammy to handle her nephew when Kenya told her they had to leave. Tammy got them to the front door and then Kenya had to put her 2 cents in and made the situation worse, it went from bad to CRAZY because of that. IMO, Kenya has to keep poking and poking until she gets a reaction from whoever so that she can JUSTIFY why she poked them in the first place to begin with. JMO This is what I think Kim was referring to. I think Kim was trying to point out the Kenya does nothing to deescalate a situation and in fact her need to deliver for the cameras makes her do dangerous things. I was totally on Kenyas side with Porsha attacking her at the reunion however Kenya can miss me with her COMPLETE lack of accountability for her obvious intent to ramp up the drama. I do agree that Kenya was completely right in wanting them to leave but what I agree with Kim about is that Kenya behaves in a way to incites negative behaviors. Honey, right or wrong has no bearing in the moment when you get smacked down. Sure you'll be able to serve up some consequences AFTER the fact but being right won't change the in the moment repercussions like a busted mouth or a black eye so Kenya needs to learn how to be a bit more diplomatic in situations that can turn dangerous real quick. We ain't talking about women trying to pull out each other's weaves we talking about a good sized, drunk man who seems to have impulse issues. Being "right" ain't gonna save you from an ass whoopin' if that particular scenario were to pop off. I feel Kim was trying to say that she's not about to be in a potentially dangerous situation because of Kenya's recklessness on how she chooses to address conflicts in such an unwise manner. I agree with that sentiment. I ain't about to let you and your maverick behavior dictate how safe MY immediate environment is. 9 Link to comment
Yours Truly December 24, 2015 Share December 24, 2015 On 12/21/2015 at 4:58 PM, drivethroo said: I don't think Tammy's nephews going buck wild should have cost her a peach. She was strange, but harmless. Kim sees Kenya as an instigator, which is why that Information or Instigation bit struck Kenya's nerves. She's seen Kenya ramp up the drama by having Shamea thrown off the boat, she's seen Kenya play RunTelDat between Tammy & Sheree and she sees Kenya instigating with the Glen situation, even though she herself agreed with Kandi that Glen had to go. The real reason she was crying last episode to go home is Kenya bared her fangs and got her claws ready for Kim after that Instigation or Information bit & Kim's not used to messy birds coming after her. Kim wanted to go home because Kenya unnerved her & she wondered why was she missing out on time with her kids by messing with a 45 year old overgrown teenager? I wish Alexis Fields was in place instead of Kim because I think Kim will give Kenya a polite read, while Alexis would snatch Kenya's edges & have her ordering from Porsha's weave line with one hand and applying Jamaican Black Castor Oil with the other. THIS! I don't think Kim was trying to blame Kenya or condone Glen's actions but I do think Kim was trying to share with Kenya how she feels Kenya's behaviors tend to create messes and this last mess, though not Kenya's doing, could have gone a whole lot worse because of Kenya's inability to tone down her reactions when certain situations call for extreme care. 4 Link to comment
Yours Truly December 24, 2015 Share December 24, 2015 On 12/21/2015 at 9:57 PM, sunsheyen said: There is no "but." Kenya is in HER home (for the time being), at HER job. She has no need to run away and hide from some trifling ass thug. This is the same reasoning that says women should hush up and leave a violent man alone or not wear a miniskirt to avoid rapists. In addition, why would one think Tammy needed security to evict Glen? What need would they have to step back and allow that to happen? If Kenya would've called security from the pool area, then she would've been called a drama starter. By asking, she allowed Tammy the opportunity to escort him from the property. A reasonable, nonviolent person might have an attitude, but not require security to get them out if their relative asked them. Why would she hide in her room and wait for security to take someone out? Why should she NEED to? None of us should feel we have to scurry and seek safety at our jobs or homes, else be blamed for another's actions. This is the epitome of rape culture. In addition, we don't know the timeline, or what else was said. We have no idea of a motivation of "camera time" or drama, especially with Kandi, who is known to be a straight shooter, backing up the story of Glen's ugly behavior. It's not the same thinking because no one is suggesting that a violent man be left alone to continue to be abusive. The suggestion is to let security handle it. To me the point being made is not don't wear mini skirts and you won't get raped. Not an accurate comparison AT ALL. It's more like that friend that won't shut the fuck up at the bar, while you are trying to calm heated tempers. Is the person being aggressive in the right? No but anyone contributing to the fuel is a liability and that's where I think Kim is correct on calling Kenya out. It was stupid and Kenyas need to have the last word and Camera time could have put them all in jeopoardy had that last word caused Glen AND his friend to pop off around all the ladies. It's about being mindful of what's important and making careful decisions in such situations and not just going straight for the theatrics. There's a time to be ON and there's a time to be serious and sometimes Kenya likes to mix the two for her close up. It's dangerous and I for one would be a bit aggravated at how thoughtless she is when it comes to situations like these. I don't think there's anything wrong with someone bringing up this very real problem Kenya has in this regard. 6 Link to comment
Yours Truly December 24, 2015 Share December 24, 2015 (edited) On 12/22/2015 at 3:48 PM, Empress1 said: Not everyone enjoys being pregnant. I can't stand Kim Kardashian, but I do like how she's open about hating being pregnant because not every woman is on that "it is miraculous, even my hemorrhoids are beautiful because they are a part of pregnancy" tip. I know a number of women who were like, "thank God I got a baby at the end of this because this shit here? Sucks." Re: working, I think Kandi genuinely loves what she does, and more power to her because that is rare. I could see her taking some time when the baby is born, but some people just like working. I feel like that's another thing women aren't supposed to talk about. I had a coworker who came back to work a couple of weeks early; I know I could not be a permanent SAHM. No shade to them; it's just not for me. Kandi has built a career - several careers, really - that she seems happy with, so it's not surprising to me that she wants to keep that going. Agreed! I get sick and tired of people trying to act like not LOVING pregnancy is something weird and terrible. Um what? I HATED being pregnant with the heat of a thousand suns. Morning sickness throughout the whole first trimester, constipated, heartburn, hemmoroids not to mention not being able to do everyday physical chores like lifting certain items or moving things around and last but not least the sciatica. Couldn't even turn in bed or get out of the car without bracing myself, thinking about it and moving very slowly/carefully and still shooting pain would be a result. I still sciatic pain now and my son is 7. Yeah, I actually can't stand judgements being made about how someone should be all about being pregnant. Aside from the part of a baby coming out at the end and of course those moments you feel them inside there is no reason to give ANY pregnant woman the side eye if she isn't constantly jumping for joy while her body is no longer her own. It's an experience for sure. Edited December 24, 2015 by Yours Truly 4 Link to comment
HunterHunted December 24, 2015 Share December 24, 2015 On 12/22/2015 at 11:26 PM, mothmonsterman said: I just re-watched the infamous scene, and this is what I saw: Glen and his friend were in a room (not sure which one). I don't think they were on their way out the door, because they were still in their bathing suits with no tops or SHOES on. So, it isn't like Kenya said something as they were headed out the door. So, I feel, that needs to stop being said. Here's the thing I think a lot of people might be missing: Kenya only says that Glen and his friend are weird and making folks uncomfortable in response to Glen asking why they are being kicked out. I guess Kenya could have placated them and said something innocuous about "it being late." However, we have no evidence that Kenya would have said something to Glen unprompted because that's not how the circumstances played out. I believe that Kenya in a lot of instances is an instigator. But here, Glen asked and she answered. I also don't trust the howives assessment of the situation because unlike us, they don't have the ability to zapruder the daylights out of the situation. They can only rely on their memories and human memory is terrible. 7 Link to comment
swankie December 25, 2015 Share December 25, 2015 (edited) Quote It's more like that friend that won't shut the fuck up at the bar, while you are trying to calm heated tempers. Is the person being aggressive in the right? No but anyone contributing to the fuel is a liability and that's where I think Kim is correct on calling Kenya out. It was stupid and Kenyas need to have the last word and Camera time could have put them all in jeopoardy Case in point is the way Kenya stood up and walked very aggressively toward Christopher William's wife at Nene's pajama party that ended up setting off a domino effect of ass whippings. I always agreed with Nene that had Kenya stayed in her seat, that whole shitstorm never would have happened. Kenya is a master at instigating fights and sitting back patting herself on the back for not being the one laying on hands. She was the worst person to confront a ticking timebomb like Glen. The outcome almost always will be bad with those two types mixing. Don't get me wrong, I'm still not saying that what Glen did was Kenya's fault, but her mindset to be the enforcer did make matters worse. Edited December 25, 2015 by swankie 6 Link to comment
SnarkKitty December 25, 2015 Share December 25, 2015 Remember how, in this episode, that other thing happened too? Yeah, me neither. Glen's little friend as they took him out in cuffs: "See, this is why we can't have nice things." 13 Link to comment
Petunia13 December 25, 2015 Share December 25, 2015 Something about Kim's attitude at her lunch meeting with Kenya I found off putting. She came across a bit smug and arrogant. I find it a bit telling she has NO FRIENDS. No former coworkers of her many projects that jnher words she "well respected" for? She's very into her church but has no friends made there? 6 Link to comment
Bronzedog December 25, 2015 Share December 25, 2015 I don't know how Kim could have friends if she can't be away from her husband for more than 10 minutes. Who wants to go anywhere with someone who's constantly checking in with their husband? Hanging around waiting for the person you're with to get off the phone is no fun. 3 Link to comment
StevieRocks December 27, 2015 Share December 27, 2015 On 12/21/2015 at 2:04 AM, cooksdelight said: Phaedra... take a seat. Talking about Michael Brown, and Kenya in the same breath. Last night you agreed with Kandi that the young man was out of line. He was drunk, threatening a pregnant woman, hitting Tammy and knocking her down.... and you are defending him as being a Michael Brown???? As soon as Tammy was gone, Phaedra was making fun of her. Make up your mind, woman, who's side you are on. Giving Porsha advice on getting a ring.... LMAO.... Porsha had already twerked for the guy to have him ask her out, she's not getting a ring from this dude. Especially if she's drunk right off the bat. Those guys were drunk and ugly and Kenya was right in asking them to leave. Porsha was a messy drunk woman, there was nothing cute about her behavior. Kim needs to lose the big white Bozo wig. And once again, saying Kenya was wrong in wanting the young men removed... yet you agreed they were out of line and making you uncomfortable!!! She was making no sense in her conversation with Kenya, since she was basically saying she felt uncomfortable with the men there.... I think it boils down to her really missing her family. Just admit it. Vine and Tap doesn't have their liquor license??? WTF?? Production needs to work on their scripts. Well, I think I'll "take a seat" since I basically came here to post ALL of this. Thanks, Scoobs. Those men were very scary and threatening, and they were awfully loose with the 'b' word. Phaedra...AND Kim, for that matter, looked absurd whilst criticizing Kenya for having the men removed. Furthermore, I could never imagine Ayden behaving that way, so, Phaedra, please be patient--there will be plenty of legitimate infractions for which you'll be able to criticize Kenya. No need to jump the gun. 3 Link to comment
lightbeam December 27, 2015 Share December 27, 2015 On 12/21/2015 at 10:50 PM, SpringTulips said: To each her own, but Sheree and Porsha sharing that they participate in golden showers was way too much information for my taste. Omg, I'm so naive sometimes. I thought they were talking about having sex in the shower. How did I miss this? 1 Link to comment
WireWrap December 27, 2015 Share December 27, 2015 On 12/27/2015 at 7:54 PM, lightbeam said: Omg, I'm so naive sometimes. I thought they were talking about having sex in the shower. How did I miss this? I know! The things we learn from watching the HW shows! LOL 1 Link to comment
Morgalisa December 27, 2015 Share December 27, 2015 Who is it supposed to be fun for? Doesn't seem like much fun for the giver or receiver. 5 Link to comment
trimthatfat December 27, 2015 Share December 27, 2015 Everything that can be said has been said so I have thanked those who made the points I wanted to make far better than I could! I'd love to see unedited footage of the night as it really went down, not this edited, watered down mess Bravo provided. The fact that Kandi has posted that more happened than we saw annoys the hell out of me. On 12/22/2015 at 6:55 PM, imjagain said: Do we even know if it's true? Ayden might be a brat but it was posted on this forum as a something someone heard from someone who knows someone. He's just a little boy, I don't feel comfortable calling him out on behavior we didn't see. Just because someone claims to "know" someone, doesn't make it true. MTE. Nothing about Ayden says 'bratty'. I am not his teacher nor do I know him, but I can usually tell a bad-ass kid from an angel. Ayden has always been polite and respectful even as a toddler. I find it hard to believe that he is different in school. It's possible, but I sincerely doubt it. Nothing about Phaedra says she'd tolerate bratty behavior either. He's a sweetheart and I think that's largely because of his mother and grandmother. On 12/22/2015 at 7:59 PM, ridethemaverick said: Some of these comments are suspect as fuck. Thank you. I am late to the party and feel like I am being tested on this Sunday evening. 2 Link to comment
Iguessnot December 28, 2015 Share December 28, 2015 Finally watched. Kenya is messy and doesn't know when to shut up. From the minute she snapped her fingers, young buck made it clear he wasn't into her. His manner of speaking also made it clear he was an unmannered pitbull. But he definitely took a shine to Sheree, and I think that stuck in her craw and she kept trying to talk to him all night, as she admitted. Okay, Kenya asks Tammy to escort him out. Tammy has done of good job of getting them out of the pool and headed on their way out. It's true that Glen asked Kenya why this was happening, but WHY was Kenya following two steps behind? If Glen hadn't asked, I'm sure Kenya was planning to issue some closing remarks which would have led to the same incident. Her square ass should have stayed in the pool area so she wouldn't need to address him. Thank you to the poster who suggested that Tammy hit the floor and fell asleep. Girlfriend was still totally under the influence after the hospital stay. I hated Phaedra's speech. That young buck would have pounded each and every one of the Atlanta howives into the ground if he detected any so called disrespect. Phaedra talked about scared white women as though black women by definition are accepting and comfortable with that trash he was skewering them with. Police brutality is real but I don't care one iota about a brute like Glen. Can't believe she put his foul behavior on a platform as representative of acceptable black male behavior. I expected better of her. Sheree, Ms. who gonna check me boo, is a thug herself, so that colors her perception. Shamea is auditioning hard for something. 6 Link to comment
ThomasAAnderson January 2, 2016 Share January 2, 2016 (edited) Just rewatching me out which one of these women's marriages is good enough to make fun of Kim's? Also Kenya's thirsty ass would never leave her husband's side if she ever managed to get one. Edited January 2, 2016 by ThomasAAnderson 6 Link to comment
crgirl412 January 2, 2016 Share January 2, 2016 Kenya is SO immature and at 46, it won't change anytime soon! I think that is her biggest issue how she gets into so many jackpots with people. She's about 16 in how she acts and deals with people. Very sad. She has no children which for the best as the immature Ho'wives of any series always seem to have kids with issues too!! Link to comment
Ubiquitous January 3, 2016 Share January 3, 2016 I suddenly realized Sheree had no problems with Tammy's "nephews" b/c she's a bit of a thug herself. 4 Link to comment
Watermelon January 3, 2016 Share January 3, 2016 On 1/3/2016 at 3:25 PM, Ubiquitous said: I suddenly realized Sheree had no problems with Tammy's "nephews" b/c she's a bit of a thug herself. I love Sheree but way more than a bit lmao. Her and that psycho were speaking the same language, which is why she never noticed he was violent as hell. 6 Link to comment
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