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S31.E10: Like Selling Your Soul to the Devil / S31.E11: My Wheels Are Spinning

Tara Ariano

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Stephen: you don't get a cookie for playing your advantage badly. Dummy.

You should have double voted for Joe.

this is basically....

this is akin to Tyson voting himself out. I think. but worst, because Stephen went for the split. (which i still find hilarious that they spilit the vote everytime except for the one time they should have). instead of doubling down on Joe.

Not true, the original alliance should have split the vote the night Savage went home and Kelley played her idol. Not that I wasn't happy that Savage went home but that was clearly the right play and they didn't do it then.

  • Love 4

While I didn't like joes comment about the rain not bothering him, I hated Tasha's "shows who is selfish and who is not". Like its not selfish to play for immunity when you know it's almost guaranteed (well clearly not after this tribal) that you'll go home.

Also didn't care for Jeremy's comment after the first reward about Keith having to hold back (whoever) while Joe had to push two girls, like it was Joes fault he had two girls hanging off him. Blame the challenge for putting men against women, not Joe for not standing by becaus he didn't want to put his hands on the girls.

But yay the return of the story challenge. I do like how they're reusing challenges from old seasons, and not just repeats of the season before.

  • Love 21

I was sure at the start of the second episode that Spencer was going home, once he started talking about making a move and then Abi started being her nutty self again. But instead he finally showed up as the player I knew he could be - he won immunity, locked down Joe's loyalty with that move and blindsided the fuck out of Fish and Jeremy and company.


I'm kind of bummed he and Jeremy are now on the opposite sides, because I like them both but that was brilliant. And oh that was pretty smooth in getting Stephen to just casually reveal his advantage so he knew that even if Stephen played it, they were fine, especially if Stephen and company stuck with the split the votes plan. Of course he may have just put a giant target on his back but hell, if he goes, at least he went finally playing the game. 


That said, right now he still has Abi around and yeah that's never good for ANYONE. Abi is officially batshit crazy. I loved seeing the frustration and exhaustion from Stephen, Spencer and Kelly as they all tried to wrangle her crazy. I could not believe when Abi actually told Spencer if he was okay and what was wrong with him, like Spencer was the one acting erratic and crazy. I don't care how much Abi fans insist the show gave her an unfair edit her first season, I'm sorry, there is no way you can just have that much of a bad edit twice and pretty much with the same insanity. Girl is clearly certifiable. 


I like Jeremy but his determination to keep Stephen actually showed his hand to the others. I got why he did it and after all he had two idols so he had one to blow, but it basically showed Spencer that it really was he and Stephen and later the reward solidified that Tasha was part of that and likely Kimmi. So yeah I can't blame Spencer for not waiting around to be picked off when he wasn't needed anymore. Will definitely be interesting to see where they go from there.


Tasha and Spencer's private conversation in the first episode suggested to me that they are still close and willing to work with each other but looks like they just may have ended up on opposite sides this season. Jeremy should be fine because he still has an idol no one knows about but so does Kelly and she was talking about puling it out tonight if the Fishbach plan wasn't going through. So I think she may use it for a big move that may not necessarily include saving her. Should be really interesting. 


I definitely thought Joe screwed himself over by not giving up the Immunity but I understood it. He was right. At that point, the mood was very ripe to get rid of him and they all would have in a heartbeat. It was lucky for him that the next few days changed things for Spencer and that saved him, which is why they always say in Survivor that sometimes you just have to survive the next three days and your luck could change. This is exactly why I wanted Joe to lose Immunity because I just had a feeling that for all the talk of getting rid of him as soon as he did, it wouldn't turn out that simple.


But seriously, Joe needs to stop being so passive. Spencer and Kelly are telling Joe the plan, telling him that he isn't going and Joe is just all, "well I mean if I do it's okay, I had 29 days...", to the point that Kelly has to tell him to stop talking like that. It's like damn dude, where's your fight? And that's the same issue I had with him last season. Joe isn't dumb but he is very passive. 

Edited by truthaboutluv
  • Love 23

Yes! So long Mr. Poopy Pants! Marianate in THAT! He really outsmarted himself by splitting the vote.

Jeremy looked despondent as he should. He pretty much threw away a million dollars with his inexplicable bromance with Fishbach.

Spencer seems like the new favorite and Wentworth is in good shape as well.

Edited by Bryce Lynch
  • Love 18

I am so glad Fish is gone! The fool acts like a Survivor savant when he doesn't know basic math and blew the advantage by splitting his votes. So long dumbass.


Maybe he should have read some of Dan's interviews from last season to see where Dan failed-he himself said Survivor fans can't do basic math.  Since this advantage has failed twice, I wonder if it will return?

  • Love 2

Not true, the original alliance should have split the vote the night Savage went home and Kelley played her idol. Not that I wasn't happy that Savage went home but that was clearly the right play and they didn't do it then.



That's what i mean. Almost every vote they've split the votes. they one time they should have - they don't. And Kelley was safe. Yes, I know the fear of "idol" is there but i honestly feel in this situation, I wouldn't have taken my advantage to split the vote. I would have doubled down (on whomever). 

I don't know maybe it's hindsight. Had Joe had an idol and played it maybe I'd be like dummy, you should have split it. 

  • Love 1

Joe looked bummed tonight after the vote.  He knows the writing is on the wall for him if he loses again.  Now Jeremy will probably be really going full swing in the immunities and providing a bigger threat to Joe winning.  I love that Joe appreciates the game for what it is.  He has more the old school mentality of being a provider and working around camp.  He probably would have easily won back in the day.  I really don't think it was selfish of anybody to compete in that challenge, unless it was a written guarantee that they would not vote you off and notarized by Probst.  I get the conditions were harsh, but a part of me wants to say suck it up.  Your on Survivor. 


I wish someone would call Probst out about this 'voting block' and point out it is nothing new.  And that it likely won't work in a non returnee season.  However, the only ones to interview Probst seem to be the ones that are on good terms with the show and get to actually go out and do press, make suggestions, participate as part of the dream team.  So I think some of them are careful about what they throw out there, or they buy into it as much as Probst. 


Stephen's interviews should be fun.

Edited by LadyChatts
  • Love 12

Had a momentary blackout while watching. It took ten minutes for the cable to boot up, so I missed the first part of The Fall & Rise (& Fall) Of Stephen Fishbach. I got the episode running from the beginning, so I'll get to see Stephen hit rock bottom. Right now, I feel bad for him, but at least he'll stay dry at Ponderosa.


Man, enough with the endurance challenges! Thank goodness for the foot fetish IC, so that somebody else other than Joe could win. And then the group doesn't overwhelmingly vote Joe out. Stupid people. Stupid, stupid people. Really, if Joe wins, I vote for Shii Ann to yell that at the runners-up.


"Mr. Poopy-Pants"? Shut up, Abi. Just shut up. May the next person to have gastrointestinal distress fart directly in her face. Have fun absorbing hit after hit as the sacrificial goat on Day 39.


Hi, Keith. Nice to see you want to play for the win, even though nobody in the game or the audience pays you much mind. I hope fourth place pays well.


Epic pair of episodes. Nice way to slide into Turkey Day, though the biggest turkey is still hopping around. Stupid pilgrims. Stupid, stupid pilgrims.


ETA: I liked the nighttime challenge. It's been too long, and it was a nice change of pace. And how long has it been since we had a nice round of Survivor Folklore? Only thing missing was Rudy muttering "I dunno" into a camera.

  • Love 18
I could not believe when Abi actually told Spencer if he was okay and what was wrong with him, like Spencer was the one acting erratic and crazy.


Classic Manipulator Tactic.  I could, however, watch Spencer trying to coax Abi on loop.  He was so desperate, he was practically whining. He sounded near tears, though it may have been in my head.  Spencer's displays of emotion continue to bewilder me in the most entertaining ways.


Tasha and Spencer's private conversation in the first episode suggested to me that they are still close and willing to work with each other but looks like they just may have ended up on opposite sides this season.


I noticed that too.  It took me a few seconds for me to realize their connection is Cagayan and Brains.


But seriously, Joe needs to stop being so passive.


I can't take it. I would vote for Abi to win over him. 

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
  • Love 2

God. Jeremy didn't save Fishbach because of insane man love. He did it because it was a big move that would look good to the jury. He thought it would help further his alliance. Seriously, the implications are so childish and ridiculous.

I don't seriously think Jeremy is in love with Fishbach, but he acted that way by being so incredibly blind to the obvious fact that Fishbach had no loyalty to him or anyone and that the advantage made him a threat.

Fishbach clearly demonstrated his lack of loyalty when he chose Tasha first for the reward, when Probst told him to pick "one person".

Jeremy also was cconviced that he somehow "needed" Fisbach, when that was the furthest thing from the truth. He had good relationships with far more trustworthy players, a strong body to win immunity challenges and TWO idols to protect himself with.

  • Love 11

Kelley Wentworth and Jeremy are easily the best players left in the game. Stephen really out-smarted himself at every turn in the game. He deserved to get voted out, and I hope he got some medical care at Ponderosa, because he looked terrible.

Despite getting voted out, I think Ciera played a decent game. If Tasha and Spencer hadn't stupidly tried to include Jeremy in the plan, Stephen goes home and Ciera is still there for another three days. Tasha and Spencer are nearly as blind as Stephen was about him.

  • Love 5

I am not sure how that "steal" was supposed to work logistically:

1. if Stephen was supposed to announce he was stealing a vote and whose vote before the vote began, or

2. if he was supposed to go up to cast his own vote and then announce to the cam he was using the steal and say whose vote he was stealing... and then just have Jeff announce he wasn't counting the vote Fishbach was stealing. 


Complicated? Yes. However having said that, how stupid can Fishbach be? He is a real moron. Why not cast two votes for the SAME person to try to save yourself if others voted for YOU? By not doing that, his vote for Joe was a wasted vote anyway and wound up getting him voted off. If he used that vote to vote for Abi, it would have at least been a tie. What a jerk. 

  • Love 6

Excellent!  Marinate in that Fishback.

Splitting the votes can bite you in the assI  Oops

Joe gets to keep bringing the pretty.  Well played.

I like these kind of reward challenges. 
"Abi's not wrong she's just slow"  lol

Fishback paints himself a bigger target with that reward win and taking Jeremy and Tash, while the rest of the gang stews and plots.  Not very smart and he pays the price.  But of course crazy Abi rears her ugly head to maintain the drama.  


Kelly stumbles her way into another idol.


I think Spencer is my favorite now.

  • Love 12

I still want Jeremy to win, but my second choice is anyone who didn't stupidly vote for Joe to stay.

So disappointed in Spencer. He was my number two. How ironic that he did pretty much what Kass did. Got his panties in a bunch that his alliance didn't value him enough, felt insecure, and flipped. Too bad no one did his little bitch move of ostrich head bobbing, and hissed he had no chance of winning.

  • Love 10

I would love to see Wentworth win this.  Yet, if Jeremy makes it to the final 3, he's going to have more allies on the jury.  Both have played good games, but Wentworth has had to fight to stay in it (so far, we'll see if that happens with Jeremy now that Stephen is gone).

  • Love 9

Man, enough with the endurance challenges! Thank goodness for the foot fetish IC, so that somebody else other than Joe could win. And then the group doesn't overwhelmingly vote Joe out. Stupid people. Stupid, stupid people. Really, if Joe wins, I vote for Shii Ann to yell that at the runners-up.


"Mr. Poopy-Pants"? Shut up, Abi. Just shut up. May the next person to have gastrointestinal distress fart directly in her face. Have fun absorbing hit after hit as the sacrificial goat on Day 39.


ETA: I liked the nighttime challenge. It's been too long, and it was a nice change of pace. And how long has it been since we had a nice round of Survivor Folklore? Only thing missing was Rudy muttering "I dunno" into a camera.


Amen to all of the above!!


Re: endurance challenges--sick of them.  I was glad to see the second challenge today, which was partly endurance but there was some physical skill involved.  And yay Spencer for pulling out the win!


Re: Abi: SHUT.  UP.  "Mr. Poopy Pants"--what are you, twelve?  Jeez.  It almost would've been worth Fishbach sticking around to get rid of her.


And one thing that I really miss about the way they film the show anymore is that you don't learn nearly as much about the location's culture as you used to.  The second reward challenge was a callback to Old School Survivor, and I really enjoyed it.

Edited by wallflower75
  • Love 12

Fischbach: I just need something, a sign, ten minutes with no rain. Cut to huge bolt of lightening and pouring rain. Please Survivor editors, never change.

Abi's "told you" after the vote...so stupid. Because she was convinced they were after her and the votes proved it in her mind. Except she can't see she was on nobody's radar until she took attitude and pissed everyone off when they did try to talk voting. Her mouth is her own worst enemy

  • Love 14

Ok, some more indepth thoughts.

First episode.

That was a ballsy move my Jeremy. I don't know that he needed to save Stephen but it gained him a jury vote and lobbiest which could come in handy.

I liked how Ciera handled her eviction. She showed some real class.

I think the shelter build was BS. They had enough time and resources to build that same structure. That said, their feet and hands were looking awful. There is no way that they could compete in any thing with hands and feet that beat up.

Second episode

Stephen played really dumb. Tasha and Jeremy? Really? Seriously? Wow was that dumb. And voting for Abi with one of his two votes? Seriously? Even dumber.

Abi is nuts and will always be nuts. She cannot win this game. Heck, she can't even make it to the finals as a goat because she is that annoying. Poppy pants? I expect that from my toddler not a grown up. You can see the eye rolls and frustration when people are dealing with her.

Not voting out Joe was probably stupid but it means no moe Stephen and his obsessing over Joe.

  • Love 14
So disappointed in Spencer. He was my number two. How ironic that he did pretty much what Kass did. Got his panties in a bunch that his alliance didn't value him enough, felt insecure, and flipped. Too bad no one did his little bitch move of ostrich head bobbing, and hissed he had no chance of winning.


A+ A+ A+ or turkey head bobbing to fit in with the season mannnnnnnnnn


Yet, if Jeremy makes it to the final 3, he's going to have more allies on the jury.  Both have played good games, but Wentworth has had to fight to stay in it


Jeremy has played a great game of somehow never being targeted despite being a threat - physically and Idolly.  He hated when Jeff brought up how he was voted out in SJDS.  Any one even suggesting the possibility that Jeremy's name can even be written down makes Jeremy livid.  Jeremy's had to fight to keep a fucking idiot of an ally.  Now he has none.  I guess he has Kimmie and Tasha but they cannot do much together. I am scared.

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
  • Love 2

Fischbach: I just need something, a sign, ten minutes with no rain. Cut to huge bolt of lightening and pouring rain. Please Survivor editors, never change.

Abi's "told you" after the vote...so stupid. Because she was convinced they were after her and the votes proved it in her mind. Except she can't see she was on nobody's radar until she took attitude and pissed everyone off when they did try to talk voting. Her mouth is her own worst enemy


It was Kelley who said "told you" to Abi.  To tell her that they in fact were not lying to her and that Stephen was leaving.

  • Love 12

I'm caught up. Hard for me not to feel for Stephen, even with the Joe obsession. In his place, I probably would have tapped out. I know that I'd be disappointing those who voted me into the game, but Probst? Fuck him sideways.


ETA: Is it wrong for me to think that Stephen knew he could take two people at that moment? I can't imagine Probst insisting on just one with a group that large.

  • Love 4

I don't think it was stupid to not vote out Joe. Stephen had just cemented his alliance in front of everyone and they were supposed to just vote however Stephen wanted? Why? So the top 3 in the alliance could just vote everyone else off one by one? I'm glad they finally made it interesting, of course I'm not expecting it to last. At this point, I saw keeping Joe as a way of preserving the #'s momentarily and weakening the only true alliance in the game. Joe can't win every single challenge and he just proved it. The talk before was about having the voting block with the strongest members, Joe is the strongest and a shield to everyone bc he's always up as a target.

  • Love 24

Awesome. Just awesome. Advantage played and lose anyways. I am so glad Stephen is gone, his 33% chance of a blind side remark at TC signaled his fate. Why did he split his vote? Enquiring minds would like to know...especially since he is the self-described expert on the game. 


As for Jeremy, as the poster noted above, he pieced his Harry Potter-like immunity cloak, and showed his game. And now his main guy is gone. It was an amazing look on his face when Stephen picked Tasha first...not so smart on Stephen's part, though it's moot now.


Great gamesmanship from Spencer, and good going Wentworth...still a player, still in the game. 

And my guy Joe survives...it made my night.

  • Love 19

I'm also so happy that Fish got got, finally.  I liked him in his first season, but here his brand of nervous energy was working my last nerve.    I have no idea what he was doing by how badly he handled both the reward and his special power.   Also glad Joe outlasted him.


I don't agree that Jeremy is that smooth an operator judging by how he handled Spencer after using the idol.  Spencer saw right through that crap.



Jeremy should be fine because he still has an idol no one knows about but so does Kelly and she was talking about puling it out tonight if the Fishbach plan was going through so I think she may use it for a big move that may not necessarily include saving her. Should be really interesting.



Even though They didn't show it, I have to wonder if Spencer spilled the beans on Fish's power.  I suspect he probably did because why not?  I expected Kelley to use it, but she held steady so it made me wonder.

Edited by vb68
  • Love 10

I was worried someone would drown in the basketball challenge. But I almost died when Keith was riding on Tasha's shoulders with her head under water. He was dead serious. And Kelley looked like she almost bit Joe.

I loved that challenge. It had such a great combination of strength, strategy, speed, skill and brutality. I would like to see it replace soccer.

I noticed Wentworth almost biting Joe as well. Tasha dragging Kimmi on her leg reminded me of Alonzo Mourning dragging Knicks coach Jeff Van Gundy during a brawl in the 1998 NBA playoffs.

  • Love 3

First hour:

I greatly disliked that reward challenge. It completely favours the strong muscled guys. It's like that challenge I loathe where teams wrench people off poles and drag them. I'm amazed no one dislocates anything. And for the women, it's just an invitation for them to get their tops ripped off.

Great idol play by Jeremy. I didn't like Fishbach but that was an exciting save. It was beautiful.

Second hour:

Joe deserves to win this game. He loses immunity and manages to bamboozle people into voting out Fish. He was of course helped by Spencer who wanted Fish out. But I'm not sure what Spencer's reasoning was. He was more threatened by that block of 4 than Joe?

I am really enjoying this season, mostly because with all of the switches and whatnot, alliances seem way more fluid than in previous seasons. In the first hour, Tasha voted for Fish, and by the second hour, she's back firmly with him.

  • Love 7

First hour:

I greatly disliked that reward challenge. It completely favours the strong muscled guys. It's like that challenge I loathe where teams wrench people off poles and drag them. I'm amazed no one dislocates anything. And for the women, it's just an invitation for them to get their tops ripped off.

Great idol play by Jeremy. I didn't like Fishbach but that was an exciting save. It was beautiful.

Second hour:

Joe deserves to win this game. He loses immunity and manages to bamboozle people into voting out Fish. He was of course helped by Spencer who wanted Fish out. But I'm not sure what Spencer's reasoning was. He was more threatened by that block of 4 than Joe?

I am really enjoying this season, mostly because with all of the switches and whatnot, alliances seem way more fluid than in previous seasons. In the first hour, Tasha voted for Fish, and by the second hour, she's back firmly with him.


I think you are given Joe way too much credit.  Once Jeremy played his idol on Stephen and once Stephen pretty much announced to everyone what the final 3 was when he picked Jeremy and Tasha to go on the reward, Stephen (or anyone in that alliance) was a dead man walking.  He certainly didn't have to convince Kelley to vote Stephen out nor did he really have to convince Spencer either.

  • Love 12

It was Kelley who said "told you" to Abi.  To tell her that they in fact were not lying to her and that Stephen was leaving.

Re watched tribal (because SOME of the Sigma family just can't stay awake!).....but you're right it looked like Abi at first and it was Kelly. So Abi goes down 5 points on the paranoid scale but still stays in the red warning area considering she had to be told and reassured in the first place.

  • Love 2

Dear Survivor "Expert,"

What good is it to be allowed to steal someone else's vote....and then instead of using your vote and his vote to vote one person out, you split the votes between two people? Was it a brain fart? Had you reached a level of smug that caused you to momentarily think that you were running the show? Or was your Joe-obsession so out of control, so nauseating and border line awkward that all you could think was that stealing JOE'S vote to vote for JOE was going to go down as the coolest, most symbolic move EVER, and that you'd finally showed up the Golden Boy?

Bye, Fishbach. I hope you and your bowels have a nice stay at the Ponderosa.

And Jeremy. I hope saving his dumb ass, only to see him blindsided in the next vote, was worth losing one of your advantages. I guess you have one guaranteed jury vote, now.

In fairness to Fishbach (who I despise) they were afraid that Joe would play an idol and didn't realize that Spencer had flipped and brought Keith with him. It was the wrong move, but there was at least some logic to it.

He thought the risk of Joe playing an idol was greater than that of his alliance...I mean "voting bloc" fracturing. Sort of ironic given that he has been the one pushing the "new school" voting blocs crap, but used his advantage as if he was in an "old school" alliance.

Edited by Bryce Lynch
  • Love 8

I don't mind sacrificing Stephen, who I started to find more and more annoying but still tried to keep some fondness for him, since Joe is safe.

Kelley and Abi getting all snitty about Joe in the first ep pissed me off, it seemed to come out of nowhere and made them look petty.

And here's a thought...if Joe gets to the end and it irritates you? DON'T VOTE FOR HIM.


  • Love 7

Oh I know. Like i said - this is why I couldn't really play. 

I don't blame Joe - it was just his comment. Had he just said "I would have done it, but I know y'all would go after me". i would have been fine. It was "Y'all are coming after me, and the rain doesn't bother me anyway." that made me a touch salty. 

I'm on Joe's side here - one can only be so nice to people who want you out and make it obvious.  Every week we see him trying to get something going with a group who might be reasonably trustworthy with anyone else, but since it's him, they next show them gleefully hoping he loses immunity so they can get him.  They don't even try to hide it from him!  Look at the smirks on the early losers faces each week as he seems to falter.  He's a very good sport but at some point I think he gets to be "a touch salty" as well :)


As a Joe fan who appreciates his love for the game, I have been rooting this season for him to get to the family visit with his dad, since I know that was his major goal his first time.  So Go Joe!  Good for you!  


I was also pleased for Spencer, winning that challenge - well done!  I am curious to see who he has coming for his "loved one" challenge.


I found it amusing that it was clear to us, the audience, the exact moment when Stephen's "JT" went from being Joe to Jeremy, whilst he couldn't see it;   now it doesn't matter anymore anyway!


Finally - well done, Stephen, on being a gracious loser :)

  • Love 24

My DVR cut off before they showed Stephen's farewell speech and who voted for whom...can someone fill me in?

Spencer, Abi, Keith, and Wentworth voted for Fishbach.

Fishabach, Kimmi and Tasha voted for Abi.

Jeremy and "Joe" (actually Fishbach with the stolen vote) voted for Joe.

  • Love 2

I don't mind sacrificing Stephen, who I started to find more and more annoying but still tried to keep some fondness for him, since Joe is safe.

Kelley and Abi getting all snitty about Joe in the first ep pissed me off, it seemed to come out of nowhere and made them look petty.

And here's a thought...if Joe gets to the end and it irritates you? DON'T VOTE FOR HIM.


It was a two hour ep so I forgot some of this but yeah!  Those gals calling Joe "arrogant" when it's pretty clear he's just "right" and/or "doing really well in the game" -- too bad, ladies  :)


And Andrew - that fucking hat!  No!!!  :(

  • Love 7

I'm going to give everyone a pass for what they said about Joe in the first episode. They are living in some pretty brutal conditions and if I'm being honest with myself, I don't know how I'd react in that situation. I know I'd like to be classy about it but when people are cold and hangry then it's surprising just how self-righteous one can be. Actions speak louder than words and some of the same people that were upset chose to get past it and work with him.

  • Love 6

I am so annoyed at Fishbach right now. I don't care that he was so stupid to blow up his own game by having an unprecedented two votes and he wastes one on Abi Maria instead of casting two for Joe...no I am mad that by picking Tasha for the reward he's managed to blow up Tasha's game.


Previously (no pun intended) there was no spotlight really on her as a boot and thanks to her going she was the alternative boot. She's my favorite and I would want her to have a reward but its not worth being put out of the game for. She now lined up as surely the next boot and there are few options outside the IM necklace for her.


Jeremy too kind of destroyed his own game by saving Steven because he's not down there with Tasha at the bottom AND he's toasted one of his idols.


Also Wentworth isn't as smart as people think she is. If she were truly clever instead of waiting for Abi to leave all she had to do was "accidently" drop the pendant she wears around her neck through the bambo...it's not like Abi is the kind of person who would graciously volunteer to go under the shelter to look for it so there was the perfect excuse. I really, really wanted her to get caught red handed.


Speaking of Abi Maria...Welcome back to the narrative! She's had almost no screen time since the dissolution of the Tasha.Savage.Abi tribe. And for anyone who thinks hair doesn't make a difference....when Abi finally let her hair down while talking with Steven in the surf....I was like "wow, where has this beautiful woman been?"...and then of course she puts it back up in the bun and she wasn't hot anymore.


Keith meanwhile continues to be a waste of a spot and should never have been brought back...he's a slightly more animated version of cowboy Rick.

Edited by North of Eden
  • Love 3

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