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S03.E13: Da Lobsta

Tara Ariano

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This episode caught me completely by surprise.  It took all of 7 minutes for me to realize that the lobster guy was kind of a bum, and definitely a bad business risk (just ask all his friends and family!), so I couldn't understand why Marcus would go into business with him.  And then he....didn't! haha


I liked the pie shop lady.  She was quirky, talented, and fun; plus, she was really trying to go along with Marcus on (most) things.  One thing I've noticed with this show is that Marcus not only believes his process is the best way to do things, but he also thinks his process is the only way to do things.  In a lot of ways, he's got an extremely narrow focus.  Elizabeth is his exact opposite when it comes to business, and I think Marcus was struggling with the concept that someone who's that "wrong" about everything could ALMOST be successful.


He said several times that she needs to become 100% laser-focused.  That's never going to happen.  Ever.  It's just not in her personality.  She may eventually become 50% laser-focused, and that could be enough for her to become profitable and happy.  Marcus won't get the returns he's used to, and I think Elizabeth will be a thorn in his side with her "The non-Profit" quirks, but maybe he'll learn something valuable from the experience, too.


Anyway, I like her, I like her business, and I hope Marcus learns to take deep breaths to keep his frustration levels down as they work together!

Edited by Gregg247
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I found the "Internet Loan" -

Chicago's quick-service lobster roll eatery has been growing fast in 2014, and it announced that it raised $150,000 last month to open its third brick-and-mortar location. The company said it was able to raised the funds overnight on Bolstr, a Chicago-based online marketplace where businesses can access capital from accredited investors.

The new round of funding comes just months after Da Lobsta successfully raised $70,000 in less than a week on Bolstr to launch the city's first lobster food truck.


Somehow I doubt third time will be the charm after this episode.

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First off, can someone PLEASE make a thread with all of Marcus' facial expressions, more specifically his side-eyes? No one does the side eye better than Marcus Lemonis.

Secondly, this was a very interesting episode. J was a bit of a douche and definitely would've been a bad business deal for Marcus. Betty, however, was a delight. A bit on the overly quirky side but still fun.

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Jay was an obvious spoiled brat who never intends to pay back his friends or family.  Taking cash out of the business to go to Morton's and see movies?  I missed that class in the Wharton School of Business catalog.


Betty was "quirky" and she may be a good baker, but quirky is annoying to me.  I tend to be more OCD and I like structure, lists, project plans and a clear understanding of roles & responsibilities. Working for Betty would put in me in a hospital with stress related heart problems.  I did really like the look of her upscale bakery though!  She has a good eye for design.  I would have parked myself in one of those chairs with a cup of coffee and treats for hours! Too bad that shop wasn't able to stay open.  I'm glad she got to go see her mom.

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I was side-eyeing Marcus when he was all "J crying is a sign he's taking responsibility!" because, duuuuuude, you either have never known a narcissist or think none of us ever has. "Boo-hoo, daddy doesn't love me!" is the First. Line. of Defense of narcissists to try and weasel into (or back into) good graces. Marcus, a guy with so many businesses has def met some narcissists. That bit clanked.  


I was kind of boggling at the amounts Marcus was reading off the expense report spent at the movies. Unless I misheard, J was dropping $300+ a throw? How do you do that? Is he taking everybody he knows?  (eta: oh, I just looked. AMCs in Chicago sell booze. never mind.)


Good for not getting in.


As for Betty, I agree with Sars. I'd slit my wrists before I worked for her. I also don't really get the big deal about who's making the ice cream they're selling. If they're selling it, and they can make it in house at a good margin, who cares? How does that disturb the focus of the laser? Presumably they're selling other foods to accompany the pie-meals, so why not ice cream?

Absolutely loved Jay getting his ass handed to him on national TV.  What a twat. I haven't bothered to google him, but how long before he's on social media talking about what an asshole Marcus is and how everything on the show is staged and they gave him a bad edit?


Betty was at the other end of the spectrum.  Loved her and her quirky personality.  I couldn't work for her, but she gives great TV.  Someone from Food Network needs to get her a show.

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I was kind of boggling at the amounts Marcus was reading off the expense report spent at the movies. Unless I misheard, J was dropping $300+ a throw?


Also don't forget he was taking 60k out of the business to pay himself (if I remember correctly).  It was at this point in the program I was yelling, "Run, Marcus, run, as far away from this as possible!"

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What I didn't understand is why, after watching the kid lose $300,000 of daddy's money which apparently went to support the kid's LA "lifestyle" instead of the business, anyone else in the family gave him another dime? He didn't seem to me bright enough or charming enough to finagle his way out of that disaster.

I enjoyed the pie lady. I wish Marcus had explained a bit more about why he dug in his heels over making the ice cream on the premises. Obviously (to me, at least!) a sit down location that serves pie has to serve ice cream! Otherwise, it would be like a peanut butter sandwich shop not offering jelly! Are the margins on ice cream purchased for re-sale that much better?

  • Love 3

Betty seemed a bit "fangirl" to me.  (On top of her bubbly personality.)  I figured she'd have trouble converting Marcus the celebrity to Marcus the partner who's sick of her crap. And she kind of did, but overall better than I thought.


Jay reminded me of the Hobbits finding out there's no Second Breakfast. He starts off with "This isn't L.A. I don't need a BMW."  But then descends into "Well what about steakhouses? Surely I don't have to give up movies, right?"


I get not wanting to drop to 1% ownership in his own business. But he has to grow out of the idea that the glory can come before the work. And I don't know if he will.

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What I didn't understand is why, after watching the kid lose $300,000 of daddy's money which apparently went to support the kid's LA "lifestyle" instead of the business, anyone else in the family gave him another dime?


I know. He came off as a spoiled rich kid who perhaps never had to learn any responsibility, and that actions have consequences. I could imagine him growing up with a dad (or parents) who worked a lot, who think giving a kid MONEY, is showing them LOVE. He, IMO, clearly didn't appreciate all it possibly took for dad and grandmom to EARN their money….nor does he know the value of a hard-earned buck…..because he was never shown or taught that. If so, how could he ever waste Dad AND grand mom's money. And, why didn't dad know what kind of kid he raised. Don't get mad at the kid because you gave him 300K and he blew it.

Yo, Jay, wait until you inherit it…THEN waste it. (And that's not just jealousy talking…'cause I don't know ANYONE family or not who could loan me 10K…let alone 50K, or 100K or 300K)


Wonder what his NON-family member lenders and partner this of his money management?


As for Pie Lady, I was hoping there was a way to turn the higher end pit shop around, and turn it profitable. But I guess the losses were just too much. I wondered about that, because there were several customers in the shop. Weren't there people at four tables?

ALso I can see a baker having two shoppes aimed at different clientele. Lots of companies multiple brands and price points. Why couldn't she have two stores? I think she COULD -- SHE couldn't because she's so scatterbrained…it's just that even if it could be some, SHE's not the person who could do it.


There turn around at her theme shop was easy. She's the one who couldn't get out of her own way. Any one of us could have seen what her issue was…get organized. Get production up, and you'll sell more pies. Duh. She's like the musician who can't run the business side of his career.

Edited by selhars
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If I owed money to parents and a lot of family members, I wouldn't go on National TV and admit I was going to Morton's on their dime. Can't imagine how that went over when they saw that. I doubt this business survives past 2016. 


The Pie lady has a future, but she's one of those people that clearly needs a business partner. Based upon the overwhelmingly positive feedback on the product, this is a business with a future. Marcus easily saw the issues and was able to turn this around quickly. The only thing, I don't get his resistance to making their  own Ice Cream. It's probably a nice add on to a pie sale, particulary to apple pie. And in the greater scheme of things it's not that hard to make and is likely not a big distraction. Yet Marcus was adamant on it being gone. I'd like to ask him about that some day.

Edited by KHenry14
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To answer several questions about why Marcus didn't want Betty to make the ice cream. He wasn't rejecting the idea of serving ice cream, only that he didn't want Betty or her people to make it. Takes up too much of her time, distracts her from her main job. Adds to her stress. She definitely does need structure and focus, and the ice cream production was just another thing for her to stray about. She was charming, creative and totally without any direction. Was wonderful that Marcus gave her the tickets to see her mom.  He really does care about the people.

Yes, he is razor focused on his ways, but he's usually correct.  A genius in business.

As for Jay, he's been raised badly with no sense of responsibility or caring that he's killing his potential and the money will dry. up eventually. He's totally without conscience or credibility, financially speaking.If he was serious about paying back his dad and others, he'd jump at the chance to be directed by Marcus, learn how to live reasonably and make the business profitable.

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^^ I agree. IF Betty weren't so scatterbrained, she could have kept the  ice cream making in house. It is a great complement. But she couldn't even handle the pie making. I tend to be a high end food consumer. So I do hope the ice cream is from a small batch quality brand. 


On one hand you could argue, that since the ice cream was an add on that wasn't really the focus, why not just make a batch and have it for the people who want it. If you don't sell that much a batch could last you a while. On the other hand if it's just an add on -- why spend any energy doing it. Just buy it -- and you can offer more flavors without using your time to make it.


What shocked me was (and maybe I didn't hear correctly) -- that the outsourced ice cream didn't come from Mr. Green Tea and Keyport Creamery that Marcus bought. THAT is the first thing I thought when he said get the ice cream from outside -- because he's got an "in house" ice cream and gelato maker. But that wasn't the manufacturer they said it came from. Maybe because she's in the West and Keyport is in the East. But still…..ice cream can be shipped.

Edited by selhars

I live not too far from Betty's and have eaten stuff from both shops many times. It is all ridiculously good. If it really is true the recipes were never written down before now, that's amazing because they actually do have very consistent products. The process problems I've seen were more that everyone seemed discombobulated behind the counter. It takes longer than it should to order and pay, and get your stuff even if it's To Go, and that has nothing to do with baking. I hope something that comes out of this is fixing that.


ALso I can see a baker having two shoppes aimed at different clientele. Lots of companies multiple brands and price points. Why couldn't she have two stores? I think she COULD -- SHE couldn't because she's so scatterbrained…it's just that even if it could be some, SHE's not the person who could do it.

One thing I thought was interesting (although I understand why it probably didn't fit the narrative of the show) is that they presented it as though the dessert shop were the new business. When Marcus said she never should've opened it in the first place, I laughed. It existed before the pie shop, and I thought I heard Betty even say during the episode that it used to be profitable. It's a sort of recent thing that it moved to that strip mall. It used to be where the pie shop is now! (But when it was there didn't have the large dining room the pie shop does. That space was tiny back then.) Both have a good reputation locally, it seemed like it was the location that killed the dessert shop, not being too different from the pie shop or any of that. It was weird to hear him call it a "second location". They were two separate businesses with the same owner, probably stretched too thin. The one that closed was an established and popular bakery for years. At least it seemed like it.

What shocked me was (and maybe I didn't hear correctly) -- that the outsourced ice cream didn't come from Mr. Green Tea and Keyport Creamery that Marcus bought. THAT is the first thing I thought when he said get the ice cream from outside -- because he's got an "in house" ice cream and gelato maker. But that wasn't the manufacturer they said it came from. Maybe because she's in the West and Keyport is in the East. But still…..ice cream can be shipped.

I don't have it recorded so I can't go back and check, but I think the gelato she mentioned is from a local shop. I think they make it in-house there. So the replacement for making their own at Betty's seems like the next-best-thing, ie still not a major brand, not something being shipped, just a local vendor doing what she was doing before herself. Edited by theatremouse
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Hated the lobsta guy and glad Marcus walked away.  His business will soon be gone, along with his family and friends.  


I liked the pie lady, even if she was a bit scatter brained.  Adding Marcus' business sense to her good food should be a win for both of them.  But I kept being distracted -- why were all those people in the kitchen making the food not wearing hair nets?  The owner was the worst.  I imagine that more than one customer has found human hair in their pie.

Da Lobsta guy might have been a psychopath.  I heard that psychopaths have no empathy, but are usually charming and great at mainpulating other people.  I at first though he felt a little guilty about his outstanding loans, but then realized it was just an act.  He must be very convincing to get all those family memebers to shell out the big bucks and then blow it on fun nights on the town.  However, I am no pychiatrist, so I have no idea it this is correct.

Hated the lobsta guy and glad Marcus walked away.  His business will soon be gone, along with his family and friends.  


I liked the pie lady, even if she was a bit scatter brained.  Adding Marcus' business sense to her good food should be a win for both of them.  But I kept being distracted -- why were all those people in the kitchen making the food not wearing hair nets?  The owner was the worst.  I imagine that more than one customer has found human hair in their pie.

Hair nets are not a health requirement unless a volunteer kitchen. Employees in kitchens are supposed to have had a sanitation course which covers hair care. Frequent Combing, hair gel,  hats eliminate the source of hair in food. 

But I kept being distracted -- why were all those people in the kitchen making the food not wearing hair nets?  The owner was the worst.  I imagine that more than one customer has found human hair in their pie.

As others noted, hair nets aren't required, but also all of the goings-on in the kitchen were staged for the show, including her wearing her hair down at work when she normally does not. Think of it like this: on shows like MasterChef there are always a zillion posts of people commenting about how the contestants' hair is down and terrible for cooking, and ew and whatnot. And then there's the inevitable blog posts that during the "real" cooking they have their hair back, but certain glamour shots required having it down and coiffed and whatnot. Same gist.
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I know it's not going to end, but I hate that kind of manipulation. And I know "reality" shows are not documentaries, but I'd prefer producers just capture what happens without that kind of "tweaking" -- which isn't even vital to the story line. So why not just leave it be.


Also. since Marcus doesn't know these people I get that asking them about their personal lives gives him a peak into their personalities which he'd need to know about before deciding on a deal because it can give insight into their integrity and their thought process about other things besides "business.". I think Marcus was thrown by the lobster guy. When they were out on the street and Jay broke down crying about owing his dad and family money…Marcus presumes it's the money that messed up Jay's relationship with his dad. But if Jay was going to the movies and out to eat -- $u$hi no less -- while still owing his dad, grandmother and sister money…..it was clear to me -- that father son relationship was messed up waaay before that dad gave him the first money for the California business debacle.


Also do you think Marcus was GLAD or disappointed Jay turned down the deal. True Jay was too ignorant to even make a counter offer -- BUT in other shows Marcus has said, "Well do you have a counter-offer? I think by the offer scenes Marcus was ticked of at Jay, realized he'd wasted his time, and didn't want to do a deal anyway. Even in the first popcorn show or the Marse florist show, or Skullduggery….the show didn't end with Marcus just saying, "see yah bye."

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I love that the show teased us with Lobsta, dumped it and moved on. More of that, please.

Bunty is right: the Pie Hole woman is probably a not-bad person and a brutal manager.

Because she manipulates but plays it as incompetence.

She's a natural performer! I'd go so far as to say she's one of the best actors we've seen on this show. She has it all: expressive face, expressive voice, immediate reactions, quippy, sensitive. Other actors would describe her as a "good scene partner." And she smoothly trots out lines -- like the one about The Secret and secret-ing. She's said that before. I bet the producers loved her. She knew how to be a perfect reality show character. And I wish her well. I like her and bet her food is delicious. And that Pie Hole was the cutest fucking thing I've ever seen in my life.

P.S. You don't stay away from your mother for six years because you can't find the time or spring for a plane ticket.

P.S. You don't stay away from your mother for six years because you can't find the time or spring for a plane ticket.

Oh yes, that moment made me go "huh-wha?" too. In SIX YEARS you couldn't eke out enough money for a bus ticket and enough time for a few days off? My cynical self wondered if that trembling smile she produced when Marcus handed over the plane ticket wasn't hiding a "dammit, now I HAVE to go see the old bat" thought.
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Oh yes, that moment made me go "huh-wha?" too. In SIX YEARS you couldn't eke out enough money for a bus ticket and enough time for a few days off?

Bus? Taking the bus round trip from Southern California to Texas would take at least four days, assuming you don't spend any significant time there once you arrive. And is barely less expensive than a plane ticket. I totally buy the not having time for a trip, even if one did save up the cash. The issue seems to be more like, can't leave the business alone for three days, which is its own problem, but is totally believable to me. An expensive multiday trip needs to be planned in advance and can't easily get moved. So if you work 6-7 days every week, but potentially don't know exactly which 6-7 you're going to have to, yeah I buy it.

Or it could've been manufactured for television. I don't know. Given the types of stuff on these TV shows, I'd believe it either way, but I don't think it implies family animosity.

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I don't think Marcus would like it if someone lied to him -- about their business info….or the personal stuff he asks them about. I know producers may ask them to do certain scenes or have conversations in certain locations but I didn't think Marcus went along with made up drama. Not that he could control whether someone would like to him, but he doesn' seem to be the type to appreciate that. And would have something to say about it.

Edited by selhars

I don't think Marcus would like it if someone lied to him -- about their business info….or the personal stuff he asks them about. I know producers may ask them to do certain scenes or have conversations in certain locations but I didn't think Marcus went along with made up drama.

Let me clarify, when I said manufactured for television, in no way did I mean to imply I think people are lying or exaggerating for drama such that Marcus would find out about it later and be appalled. I'm implying the producers might be editing things or asking leading questions intended to amp up drama, and if so, he's in on it. As is the case with pretty much every television show of this nature. Not saying that's definitely what happened here. Just that if it did, it's completely unsurprising to me.
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OMG, Marcus you deserve better! Why is he dating Bethanney Frankel?? Why?

Please tell me this is some kind of a publicity stunt that B cooked up for some exposure or recognition (just like she did with that Modern Family guy?).  Please tell me this is some kind of a master plan sales pitch disguised  as dating on B's part so Marcus will start some new business adventure with her.  I don't want Marcus contaminated with Bethanney's neuroses and nervous energy.  Lemonis seems way to chill for that type of personality.

Edited by beesknees
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It´s incredible, this guy is broken, he must negociate with Marcus maybe more money for example US$ 350000, to pay his debts, and will have a good job not so bad salary and 1 % from a business running by Lemonis who had tons of experience in this. The most important he loss the opportunity to pay his family, and sleep well, but he has nothing today just a bad reputation. This is a good example in business, when you are not prepare to take opportunities in life.





How does this guy's family have so much money to loan and invest in his crummy businesses?  Over half a million from his family.  Hundreds of thousands from his father.  I would be ecstatic if my father gave me just $6,000 to pay off my student loans (though I could never ask him for it because my parents don't throw money around at their adult children).


I did borrow $7000 from my brother in 2004.  I didn't make any payments on that loan for about 5 years, and I hated it because I always felt so uncomfortable around him.  But finally in 2009 I was able to start making payments and paid him back in full by June of that year.

Edited by Thrifty
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So I was in Chicago Thursday for Thanksgiving.  Stuck around an extra day to try Da Lobsta.

I went to the Clark Street location.  I went to the Clinton Street location first, but when my GPS told me I was there, I saw no evidence of its existence, so I went to the other.  I went there at about 11:15.  There were no hours posted anywhere and the door was unlocked, so I walked in and went to place my order.  The guy there told me they weren't open until 11:00.  At that moment, I realized I had not adjusted my watch to Central Time.  My bad for that but.... no hours posted and an open door.  What did they expect to happen?


So I went to a Starbucks across the street to kill 45 minutes.  After that, I returned and ordered.  I got a Lobster Roll, extra meat, traditional style, served chilled.  Got a soda and fries with it.  The food was good, but expensive.  Total bill came to $31.


I don't usually take pictures of my food, but this deserved an exception.  Put inside a spoiler tag because it's kinda big.




Gonna follow up a bit on this topic.


So Da Lobsta is way off in Chicago, which is about 3 hour drive up I-65 from me in Indianapolis.  However, there are opportunities for a lobster roll much closer to me.  There is a Red Lobster right across the street from my apartment complex.  I see the sign if I look out the front door of the building.  Somehow it only recently occurred to me that Red Lobster might also serve lobster rolls.  After living across the street from it for almost a year and a half (17 months to be precise), I decided to go in.


My total bill was $40.  However, the lobster roll was not the only thing I got, so let's subtract those extras to make sure we have a fair apples-to-apples comparison.

  • Subtract $6 for the tip.
  • Subtract $21 for the crab linguini platter I got.  It was not that good and I would not get it again, but I digress.
  • Add $2 for the fries, which came with the crab linguini but wouldn't have been there if I didn't get that.  So this is sort of an ad hoc adjustment based on the prices of the sides you order a la carte.

Adjusted bill for soda, fries, and lobster roll: $15

The Red Lobster lobster roll was a little smaller, and had a little less crab, so I feel that we should adjust Da Lobsta a little as well.  As I mentioned, the bill there was $31.

  • Subtract $8 by not adding "extra lobster" add on.

Adjusted bill for soda, fries, and lobster roll: $23


So clearly Red Lobster is the winner for price.  It also wins for convenience, being a 3 minute walk versus a 3 hour drive.  I will give credit where credit is due and say that the lobster roll at Da Lobsta was tastier.  It had sort of a salty and buttery taste to it, whereas I the one at Red Lobster was kind of bland and had a strange aftertaste. 

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