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S01.E05: How Does She Do It?

Tara Ariano

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I wonder if Maxwell Lord gave Lex Luthor a call and collected tips on how to verbally spar with a Kryptonian.  At least this means we won't be subjected to some ridiculous romantic subplot involving Lord and an oblivious Alex.  I think the show already has too many romantic balls in the air.


Winn's desk is covered with toys.  I suppose that's relatively subtle.

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This was a really good solid episode. Something seems to have happened in the last two episodes and the show feels like it's found it's stride.  Before I enjoyed the show but felt like it's strings were showing too obviously and now, it's just clicking for me. 


Random, but did anyone else think Cat's son looked a bit like Bruce Wayne over on Gotham?


Hank Henshaw really does seem to be showing Martian Manhunter tendencies. 


Oh, and Kara is a terrible babysitter.   

  • Love 9

Hank Henshaw really does seem to be showing Martian Manhunter tendencies. 

At first the theory seemed out there for someone who everybody expected to be a killer cyborg instead (that's so well known and in the coverage of the show it's not even a spoiler--especially since it now seems maybe not so likely to be true). But the more time that passes, the more it really does seem like a good fake-out and substitution here. It's not just the red eyes either. It's also that he didn't seem to be a different age in the Flashback we saw with him, and also that it makes perfect sense in a way for an alien to wind up being in charge of a government branch meant to stop incursions by aliens (not that the government would necessarily KNOW he was an alien). 

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So if this episode was swapped with Livewire, does that mean that there is no resolution to this plotline? Or is there a part 2 coming up, after Livewire?


So now we know how Jimmy got back with Lucy. and now we know that Hank Henshaw is secretly an alien, but doesnt want anyone on the DEO to know. For a moment there I thought he was the one trying to bring Supergirl down.

I'm pretty sure that Lord will continue to be villainous through most of the season in between the various villains of the week.  It's kind of too bad because the actor had chemistry with both Cat and Alex.


I found that swapping the episodes did make it more difficult to follow.  I'm still not sure it was needed.


Oh, and Kara is a terrible babysitter.

That's because she was trying to do everything at once, you must have heard Cat tell her.  On the other hand, if Cat wanted Kara to concentrate only on babysitting, maybe she should have given her the days off work to do it.


for two supposedly adults, James and Lucy have no communication skills at all. That was just painful to watch.

  • Love 4

I really wish they'd just let Lord be a good guy on this show. For those not aware,

his villainous reveal in the comics was a complete ass pull done purely for shock value, which blatantly contradicted several scenes over the years he'd been an ally to the Justice League, most notably the lasso of truth completely missing his supposed evil intentions. So this seemed like a great opportunity to let him be the jerky but not evil guy he should have stayed, but alas.

At least the rest of the show is so good that I'm willing to see where it's going with this.

Edited by The Crazed Spruce
tagged spoilery stuff from the comics

So you just leave the kid on the train that's about to go boom and tell him to go be a hero. Worst. Babysitter. Ever.

James only exists to be objectified. Girl power?...

I would have had so much more respect for Kara if she had shut down Lucy like she originally shut down James. Let grown folks do what grown folk do, don't get in the middle of that mess.

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For those not aware,

his villainous reveal in the comics was a complete ass pull

Not really;

in Justice League #1, Max was shown to have set everything in the comic in motion.


Yes, Kara really needed to focus, but she is still learning how to handle her new life. Add in one extra duty to juggle and things were bound to be wobbly.


James? If you have feelings for Kara and feelings for Lucy, maybe don't bro-talk with Kara? Not fair to her, dude. Talk to Winn. Speaking of Winn, he was fun tonight and showed that he's got a bit of hero-y spunk too. Carter also won me over with his relatively respectful self around Kara. Winn trying to impress Carter with knowing Supergirl was hilarious. The hug may have saved Kara, but what intrigues me is how Max acted like he had no idea who Carter was, when we found out that Max and Cat had some very personal face-time somewhere in the past. While I am not jumping to conclusions, I'd think Cat Grant's son would be paparazzi fodder.


Max also needs to step away from the Alex Danvers. The chem was cool, but my gal Alex needs to date Max like she needs to cuddle with Aunt Astra.


Hank was awesome; a typical Monday night. I wondered if his act of heroism was caught on tape and/or if he has that relevant footage?


Lucy is cool. Even if she doesn't stay longer, I do hope she pops up a bit. Ms. Tatum seems to be doing okay and it would be nice to get a bit more of Lucy fleshed out without Lois running by.

Edited by The Crazed Spruce
hid spoilery stuff from the comics
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Anybody else expect Kara to go, "Ah, screw it," and burn off the hair off Lord's head? It's hard not to think of Lex Luthor, especially since we haven't had a definitive version in this generation (maybe Clancy Brown?).


Anybody else unnerved by how well Winn and Carter got along? On the bright side, Carter does humanize Cat a little. Not a lot, but it gives Calista an extra dimension to work with. Then again, you can't spell "Carter" without "Cat."

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So, this was the episode that was suppose to air last week.  Besides the whole how James/Lucy rekindled the flame again reveal, I also noticed that Cat still didn't know about Kara's parents, like she found out last week.  But I guess it wasn't too bad, all things considering.


Seemed to be basically setting up Maxwell Lord to be Kara/Supergirl's version of Lex Luthor.  The brilliant, rich tyrant, who believes that he is protecting the world from the super-powered alien.  Could be fun.  I always enjoy it when the main antagonist is at a disadvantage physically, so it is his or hers intelligence that give them a fighting chance.


The James/Lucy stuff was eye-roll worthy.  James thought Lucy broke up with him because of her work, but she really was just tired of being second best to his man-crush on good old Supes.  Even after finding out (thanks to Kara going against Alex's advice), she still is a snit about it, but it takes Lucy possibly getting blown up, for him to snap out of it.  So, they are together, while Kara looks on sadly.  Lame.  It probably won't last though.


Not sure if it was intentional or not, but having Cat's son being played by an actor (Lev Miller), who just recently played another famous character who can fly (Peter Pan in that recent Pan bomb, with Hugh Jackman), was amusing.


Henshaw continue to be intriguing.  Still seems to be using his mysterious powers for good, but I'm sure he's still up to something.


The Kara/Alex bond continues to be my favorite part of the show.  Although, sorry, even you two can't make "friend-zone" cool.  Quit making that a thing, everyone.

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I liked a lot of things in the episode. Carter was surprisingly great. He doesn't seem all that like his mom, which is interesting to see. Plus, the boy's not a bad actor. Winn's role this episode was stronger than most of his other episodes. Though still don't see anything between him and Kara. Cat was great, even if her speech to Kara was a bit eyeroll-worthy. And Kara/Alex scenes were great. 


Oh, and Henshaw! I liked seeing more of Henshaw. And Alex is catching on very, very slowly. It's just the first hint, so yay.


James/Lucy wasn't awful, but a bit boring. I walked away during one of their scenes to do something else. And I like Maxwell Lord, and I'm disappointed him and Alex won't be starting anything (right now) because I think they had good chemistry. Plus, Peter Facinelli. 

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I really liked this episode, probably the best of the season so far.  Maxwell Lord reminded me a little of Mr. Glass from "Unbreakable" with his test bombs to see what Supergirl's limits were.  I liked the DEO using sun lamps to charge Supergirl up.  Before this episode I would've thought that the writers were setting Alex up to be a slow-burn villain but this episode killed that idea.  


One thing I didn't like was Kara setting Lucy and James up.  I get not sabotaging their relationship but there's no need to actively help repair it if she likes James.

Edited by lion10
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So, this was the episode that was suppose to air last week.  Besides the whole how James/Lucy rekindled the flame again reveal, I also noticed that Cat still didn't know about Kara's parents, like she found out last week.  But I guess it wasn't too bad, all things considering.

I'm supposing the few people in the audience who don't know it is are probably somewhat peeved at the show.


You also forgot that Alex told Kara to trust Hank--something she never would have done if this really had happened after last week's episode.

I liked the DEO using sun lamps to charge Supergirl up.

It's a logical idea that I somehow am sure the comics have used before, but via Superman basically having a tanning bed in the Fortress of Solitude.  This way works much better and reinforces Kara's notion that working in a team is a better method for  her.

Cat was great, even if her speech to Kara was a bit eyeroll-worthy. And Kara/Alex scenes were great. 

I think even moreso than last week (which theoretically happens after this), it was a great expansion for the character of Cat. From the pilot you wouldn't have known she was a good mom.

It's a logical idea that I somehow am sure the comics have used before, but via Superman basically having a tanning bed in the Fortress of Solitude.  This way works much better and reinforces Kara's notion that working in a team is a better method for  her.


Superman does seem to be more of a loner than Kara is but he collaborates a lot with the Justice League and other heroes, at least in the DCAU he did.  It may be a function of the difference in Kara and Clark's upbringings.  Clark was an only child who had no memory of Krypton whereas Klara is probably more used to collaboration because of her relationship with Alex.  ...And now I feel sad for Clark because of how lonely he must have been for 24 years thinking he was the last of his species.

Husband pointed out that Lucy called James before Kara went to pick-up lunch at The Only Diner. Then Lucy shows and says she left her phone at the diner?  Either that is a timeline boo-boo or we are maybe supposed to think that Lucy just made up a cover in order to talk to Kara? I dunno.  Easiest to go with the timeline boo-boo, I know.

Hank is interesting me more and more.



I like how Kara showed up to Carter's school to pick him up with no car. I hope there's good public transportation nearby. Did she even have her purse with her to pay for it? Where does she put her purse and the rest of her clothes anyway?

It was the clothes that got me. One moment she's flying in her suit and the next she's fully dressed in office clothes.


Cat is a loving and caring mom but she's not a great mom.  A great mom would have realized Kara can't work fulltime at the office and look after Carter properly and given her the day off.  And maybe arranged something about the sleeping accommodations since it was an overnight thing.  A great mom would have taken Carter with her to the Big City (hotels have babysitting services to look after him during the nighttime functions) and turned it into an adventure for him.

The speech about how Kara can't do everything yet while Cat has learned how to juggle career and family -- no, not really dear and if you think you have, you're missing something about Carter.  Though I get the feeling that in true Regina (OUaT) fashion, Cat's relationship problems will be the fault of her mother.

Edited by statsgirl
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Husband pointed out that Lucy called James before Kara went to pick-up lunch at The Only Diner. Then Lucy shows and says she left her phone at the diner?  Either that is a timeline boo-boo or we are maybe supposed to think that Lucy just made up a cover in order to talk to Kara? I dunno.  Easiest to go with the timeline boo-boo, I know.

Or she called from a landline?

Or maybe Lucy has a personal phone and a workphone.  Though I'm sure the writers weren't actually thinking of that.


This show is definitely growing on me.  I was figuring I would have dropped it by now (the first few episodes didn't make much of an impression), but instead I'm enjoying it a lot.  I thought Carter would be a brat and the babysitting plot would be stupid, but instead he seemed like a shy but curious kid, and his crush on Supergirl was cute.  His being a good kid reflected well on Cat too.


They're definitely building toward something with Alex and Max.  I thought there was good chemistry there.

  • Love 1

Supergirl wasn't pushing up on a load-bearing beam. Just a few feet above her there was a rather large gap. The weight of the upper stories rested on the last whole beam above the big hole. 


And the engine doesn't stop because it gets blown up. The fireball and fragments would hurtle forward. 


Look, I know it's all pretend, but help us out just a little bit, please!


Count me in with the people who suspect the friendzone is as fictional as the phantom zone. Kara likes'em butch, so James is a candidate. Winn is, to use an old fashioned word that shouldn't have been forgotten I think, a sissy. He's not good enough, so he's not a candidate.


Is Kara leading him on, using his attraction to her to get more time, help, adoration, etc. from him? No, in my opinion.


Should Kara consider him romantically if he were more manly, suiting her taste? I suppose so, but that's not the premise. We watch the show we have or don't.


Should Winn face the situation? Yes. Being a sissy means being effeminate, not stupid and not cowardly. 


What should he do about it? Well, that would tell us who the character is, won't it?


Everything DEO is starting to grate on me more and more. I think I could watch Martian Manhunter, but closet superhero in a tiny team that mostly watches the entire planet on the monitors place everywhere, hurts my eyes.

I wonder if the kid figured out Kara=Supergirl, and that's on the list of reasons he wants her as a babysitter again. (Also possible that he knows a lax babysitter when he gets one, and that's good, or he's developing a type, and Kara and Supergirl are both it.)

Cat was surprisingly interesting in this episode, to me illustrating the difference between "antagonist" and "villain." I liked her advice about not trying to have it all at once--very practical to prioritize one thing at a time. (Not always great advice to tell your boss that work isn't your highest priority, though some can adapt to that.)

Out of sequence was a little annoying--but only a little because they did the wrong thing for the right reason, and didn't completely Firefly it.

Winn might have serious parental issues that complicate his relationship with other people. Also, that conversation about who/how his dad is in prison might get awkward. (I'd love to see it if they went in a new direction and had him talk about how his father was framed by a yellow speedster, but...no. Possibly cell mates, but not the same guy.)

Edited by marketdoctor
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Peter Facinelli as this show's version of Lex Luthor? YES.


Ugh, keep that "love" tringle crap on the CW, Kreisberg.


Henshaw is intriguing, and I'm going to try and stay as un-spoiled as possible about who/what he is.


I know they're somewhat replicating the formula from Arrow and Flash, but I not sure if the team format is working as well here. And Kara actually has two teams: the CatCo team and the DEO team. Seems like that's a lot of assistance for someone so powerful. (Not that it doesn't come in handy sometimes.)

I quite enjoyed this one, and this show is really cute and just fun to watch, without the angst of Arrow or even The Flash (not that I'm not a huge fan of both).  The potential emergence of Lord as a recurring nemesis was interesting, as was Henshaw's newest display of secret badassery.


So Supergirl can fly at least as fast as Mach 2.  Given that she ought to be able to take down some of these villains using her speed; I'd like to see that depicted or have the writers address it. 


Melissa continues to be adorable.  What a doll, in either persona.   

So Supergirl can fly at least as fast as Mach 2.  Given that she ought to be able to take down some of these villains using her speed; I'd like to see that depicted or have the writers address it. 

To be fair, she probably can't instantly move about at Mach 2. Like a Jet, one imagines she has to build up that speed.  Speed vs. acceleration. We know she has speed. Maybe only The Flash has acceleration.

To be fair, she probably can't instantly move about at Mach 2. Like a Jet, one imagines she has to build up that speed.  Speed vs. acceleration. We know she has speed. Maybe only The Flash has acceleration.



Sure - - that's one good way of potentially handling it.  But her speed - i.e., being able to move much faster than most of her adversaries, and not just in flight - should be depicted a bit better now that she's coming into her powers. 

The timeline drove me crazy in this one.  She picks Carter up after school, then goes off to do Super stuff, gets blown out of the sky, gets revived at the DEO's undisclosed location... and then it's Carter's lunchtime?  And how did we never get the scene where he goes to stay at (presumably) Kara's loft?


I did like Henshaw doing his thing, though... and the Max Lord stuff intrigued me.

  • Love 5

I know they're somewhat replicating the formula from Arrow and Flash, but I not sure if the team format is working as well here. And Kara actually has two teams: the CatCo team and the DEO team. Seems like that's a lot of assistance for someone so powerful. (Not that it doesn't come in handy sometimes.)


I actually enjoy that. It is nice ot see teamwork afoot because even in the real world thes stars seem to have a team of support.  I also thought they were trying to place Lord in that - bad guy because he is a loner - space. I hope they don't make Max Lord the "bad guy" I would prefer him to be a nemisis but not necessarily because he is bad... more than he has different goals. I would prefer him with Alex as I think that makes for a more interestng situation for Kara.


I also was confused with the timeline. Kat is calling from her car and it looks like it is night and Kara is flying during the day. Is Metropolis supposed to be on the east coast and National city on the west?


Jimmy and Lucy Lane... zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz other than glad it seems Kara isn't going to have him as a love interest.

I guess Kara wasn't thinking clearly when she grabbed the bomb and started flying horizontally before asking what she should do and being told to go up. Straight up from the start would have gotten the bomb farther away from the city faster than out and then up. 


I care so little about Jimmy and Lucy that the only thing I took away from their interaction is the likelihood (since they never explicitly said) that she doesn't know who Kara or Clark are. I'm presuming, although again I don't know for sure, that her sister and Clark are together and that Lois knows Clark is Superman, which presumably means she knows about Kara too, but no one has told Lucy anything. Which must make Kent/Lane family gatherings interesting when Clark suddenly need to run out for...ice, or something.


I'm still trying to work out Henshaw's deal. I know more or less who he is in the comics but I'm not sure if they're doing the same thing here.


And while I like Peter Facinelli as Maxwell Lord (and for some reason I got a laugh out of hearing Mr. Lord) I can't help wondering why the pilot and the second episode set up Astra and the alien plot, all of whom now seem to be taking a break.

Edited by KirkB
  • Love 4

I'm not surprised that Lucy wouldn't know who Kara is but she doesn't know her sister is married to Superman????

I guess Kara wasn't thinking clearly when she grabbed the bomb and started flying horizontally before asking what she should do and being told to go up. Straight up from the start would have gotten the bomb farther away from the city faster than out and then up.

This made sense to me that she was so frazzled and desperate to get it away, she wasn't thinking clearly.

When I was young the brakes on a van slipped on a steep hill and the van was rolling towards me. I started running away, straight in its path and it took a few moments for me to figure out that it would be smarted to run to the side away from where it was rolling.

  • Love 1

Sure - - that's one good way of potentially handling it.  But her speed - i.e., being able to move much faster than most of her adversaries, and not just in flight - should be depicted a bit better now that she's coming into her powers. 


They did kinda show how fast she is when it only took her a few seconds to change into her civilian clothes (that were folded up really small?*) when she flew in to pick up Carter.


*(Whatever, I'm just going with it.)

  • Love 1

They did kinda show how fast she is when it only took her a few seconds to change into her civilian clothes (that were folded up really small?*) when she flew in to pick up Carter.


*(Whatever, I'm just going with it.)


According to comic-book tradition, she keeps them supercompressed in a pouch that's built into her cape.  Superman does the same thing with his civvies.

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 Do we need a nitpick thread? -- Because I'm fairly sure that hot metal is weaker than cold, hard metal; so when Supergirl lasered those beams, it took me right out of that scene.

Too true. We want to suspend disbelief, is it so much to ask that they don't put such obvious obstacles in our way. On the contrary, making the little things easy helps with the big stuff, I think.


I think she was supposed to be soldering the broken rebar. 

If she had solder there, I'd agree.

I also was confused with the timeline. Kat is calling from her car and it looks like it is night and Kara is flying during the day. Is Metropolis supposed to be on the east coast and National city on the west?

They've never said it overtly, but it's strongly implied.  National City is clearly a California coastal city (a new one created for this show admittedly--I suppose they could have used the classic DC "Coast City" but that's so strongly associated with Green Lantern), and Metropolis has traditionally been shown as a kind of fictional New York analogue that co-exists with New York, but down the East coast a bit (around Delaware usually, I think, with Gotham being somewhere in New Jersey... but without those states ever being named). It was only in the Smallville TV show days, I think, that they instead kind of started to imply that Metropolis might instead be in the Midwest, so they could have the Smallville non-supers all move there intact and yet also travel back to Smallville on alternate days. So where Metropolis is supposed to be now is unclear.

They mentioned "thousands of miles" between the two cities, so my mind is in the "L.A. / East Coast" space. If Smallville wanted to put Metropolis in place of Chicago or St. Louis that's their problem.

Also, yes, at least one map (I think for a DC RPG) had Metropolis and Gotham across Delaware Bay from each other, far enough apart that a bridge wasn't feasible.

They mentioned "thousands of miles" between the two cities, so my mind is in the "L.A. / East Coast" space. If Smallville wanted to put Metropolis in place of Chicago or St. Louis that's their problem.

Also, yes, at least one map (I think for a DC RPG) had Metropolis and Gotham across Delaware Bay from each other, far enough apart that a bridge wasn't feasible.

Smallville did so much worse than put Metropolis in a Chicago or St. Louis.  They put it in Kansas.  On a waterway.  Oh and Smallville varied between three hours away and half hour, but you could see Metropolis from Smallville. When the mountains didn't get in the way. 

Edited by BkWurm1
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