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S08.E03: Party In A Sweatbox

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I think Cynthia handled that talk with Peter like a Boss! I'm not completely put off that she's giving it one more go because the thing is this. Yeah, they've had a lot of bullshit in their marriage and some will say she's already given chance after chance but no she hasn't. She's just tolerated his behavior putting forth the loyal, accepting wife without really making it clear that things need to change or their marriage will be in trouble. I get it I get it some things shouldn't need to be spelled out but people when it comes to men, especially men like Peter, it sure does cause he's floating through thinking yeah he's on his own program but he's found a passive wife that for the most part won't cut and run. At least that was his thinking up until THAT conversation and good for Cynthia for drawing the line in the sand.


Basically what Cynthia is doing is making it clear that Divorce is an option for her and I don't think Peter understood how dire their circumstances were. I applaud her for allowing him to really drink it in and finally have it resonate with him while he still may just have a chance to turn his behavior around and not just for him but for her too. She doesn't want to divorce him and when you're torn like that you need that last bit of hardcore, no doubt proof that you can turn to in your mind for those days after breaking it off when your mind starts playing tricks on you. I saw it as her way of laying down a powerful foundation for her to reference when she finds herself grieving or second guessing her decision to divorce him.


This way when he does continue doing him after she reveals that the next step is divorce she's got no one else to blame but him. Not herself, not how she handled it, not because maybe she wasn't as forthcoming enough, ya know the stuff we as women like to do to ourselves. This way, when she finds herself feeling conflicted after the fact she can go, Nope, uh-uh that mofo knew what the consequences would be straight up and down, black and white and he still did me wrong and threw away his last chance to be in this union with me so I had to let that shit go. No regrets, no shoulda, coulda wouldas, nada and that's a good strong position to be in emotionally when ending a marriage. She's laying the ground work and defense for those vulnerable feeling that are gonna creep up on her once the divorce is final. Even though it was the right thing the heart still likes to play tricks on ya so it looks like she's one step ahead on that front. Kudos.

Edited by Yours Truly
  • Love 15

Having been to parties like this before, the items you see out on display are just that.... display items. Kenya mentioned that people should be trying the product at the hair bar, or whatever she called it. That's where you go to get samples and try it on your own hair. I think Porsha's friend was out of her element. In other words, she must not get out much to product launch parties.

But when Kenya asked her, why not say, "yes it's filled with water as it's display. Go to the hair bar to try all the products you want"? Instead she said, "I don't know I just got here." Which makes me think all her shit is just ionized water.

  • Love 6

Was happy to see Leon... but it was really weird seeing Noelle.  What was the timeline between this scene being shot and the boat trip on Below Deck?  She looked about 20 lbs heavier and several years younger on that trip.  A summer growth spurt?  Weird juggled timeline?


Definitely agree that Cynthia laid out this year’s storyline ahead of time – Peter is a goner.  She will “work on it” for a bit, just to prove that she tried her best, but then he’s gone.  And he’s not in her bed in the meantime.  I think he knows what’s up, but thinks he can turn things around, and even if he can’t, can be on the teevee a little bit longer -- maybe enough to line up the next woman who will support him.  Next year on RHoA: How Cynthia Got Her Groove Back.  


I think Peter's tear was real because for the first time he realized that he is about to lose his meal ticket and his only chance to continue to be on TV.



Maybe he can go and live in Todd and Kandi’s garage.

  • Love 17

All I could think of when they were interviewing the new tutor was "no hotties! matter of fact, NO MALE TUTORS" Geeze, are they stupid? The girl is all hormones and you're going to expose her for untold hours a day with a fine piece of tail like that? Oh heeell no. Not to mention how horny Cynthia was acting around the boy...they need a nice girl tutor, not too hot...cause, Peter...

I predict this tutor thing blowing up in Cynthia's face in the future.

Good episode though. My friends judge me for loving this show...I couldn't care less :)

  • Love 8

I think Cynthia handled that talk with Peter like a Boss! I'm not completely put off that she's giving it one more go because the thing is this. Yeah, they've had a lot of bullshit in their marriage and some will say she's already given chance after chance but no she hasn't. She's just tolerated his behavior putting forth the loyal, accepting wife without really making it clear that things need to change or their marriage will be in trouble. I get it I get it some things shouldn't need to be spelled out but people when it comes to men, especially men like Peter, it sure does cause he's floating through thinking yeah he's on his own program but he's found a passive wife that for the most part won't cut and run. At least that was his thinking up until THAT conversation and good for Cynthia for drawing the line in the sand.


Basically what Cynthia is doing is making it clear that Divorce is an option for her and I don't think Peter understood how dire their circumstances were. I applaud her for allowing him to really drink it in and finally have it resonate with him while he still may just have a chance to turn his behavior around and not just for him but for her too. She doesn't want to divorce him and when you're torn like that you need that last bit of hardcore, no doubt proof that you can turn to in your mind for those days after breaking it off when your mind starts playing tricks on you. I saw it as her way of laying down a powerful foundation for her to reference when she finds herself grieving or second guessing her decision to divorce him.


This way when he does continue doing him after she reveals that the next step is divorce she's got no one else to blame but him. Not herself, not how she handled it, not because maybe she wasn't as forthcoming enough, ya know the stuff we as women like to do to ourselves. This way, when she finds herself feeling conflicted after the fact she can go, Nope, uh-uh that mofo knew what the consequences would be straight up and down, black and white and he still did me wrong and threw away his last chance to be in this union with me so I had to let that shit go. No regrets, no shoulda, coulda wouldas, nada and that's a good strong position to be in emotionally when ending a marriage. She's laying the ground work and defense for those vulnerable feeling that are gonna creep up on her once the divorce is final. Even though it was the right thing the heart still likes to play tricks on ya so it looks like she's one step ahead on that front. Kudos.


I agree with this.  Cynthia's talk with Leon encouraged her to give the marriage one final go but I think she's already checked out of the Hotel Peter.  She didn't deny falling out of love with him and said last week she's not attracted to him any longer.  I think she's been resentful for a long time and when you lose the attraction/fall out of love as well, stick a fork in it, you're done.  I speak from experience on this.  Resentment is never good but when it goes unchecked for a long period and then you no longer have attraction or love, it's a losing battle.


I think Cynthia, up to this point, kept ignoring the "Peter is a massive douche" red flags because she didn't want to be wrong.  Her mother and sister warned her and did not want her to marry Peter.  She uprooted her NY life and her daughter's life for this man.  She has a history of not sticking with relationships. She had a lot riding on Peter and her relationship with him.  But at some point you have to throw in the towel and admit that you've done everything you can do and it simply is not and will not work.


It made me so angry when Peter turned the blame for the relationship failing on Cynthia. Way to deflect, douche.  This was the time for him to shut up and listen to what his wife had to say and apologize for being a colossal ass clown.  He's damn lucky that Cynthia didn't lock him out during that 10 day jaunt.  Between the video and then being an egregious drunken fool at her eyewear event, I would have had him thrown out before the 10 day thing.   I certainly hope Cynthia got a prenup in order before they married and I hope she was smart enough to start separating assets and finances after this fiasco.  She's started the Bailey Agency and her eyewear line since the marriage so I'd be worried that Peter owns a piece of those businesses, married or not.   I'd also be worried that if he has any children that are still minors that he's paying support for, the mothers could try to go after Cynthia for funds.


I also want to jump on the Kim's husband love train.  They are darling together and I adored his victory lap when he found out they were going out without the kids.  They are both real and that is super refreshing in this Kardashian world of reality shows. 

  • Love 11

I agree with this.  Cynthia's talk with Leon encouraged her to give the marriage one final go but I think she's already checked out of the Hotel Peter.  She didn't deny falling out of love with him and said last week she's not attracted to him any longer.  I think she's been resentful for a long time and when you lose the attraction/fall out of love as well, stick a fork in it, you're done.  I speak from experience on this.  Resentment is never good but when it goes unchecked for a long period and then you no longer have attraction or love, it's a losing battle.


I think Cynthia, up to this point, kept ignoring the "Peter is a massive douche" red flags because she didn't want to be wrong.  Her mother and sister warned her and did not want her to marry Peter.  She uprooted her NY life and her daughter's life for this man.  She has a history of not sticking with relationships. She had a lot riding on Peter and her relationship with him.  But at some point you have to throw in the towel and admit that you've done everything you can do and it simply is not and will not work.


It made me so angry when Peter turned the blame for the relationship failing on Cynthia. Way to deflect, douche.  This was the time for him to shut up and listen to what his wife had to say and apologize for being a colossal ass clown.  He's damn lucky that Cynthia didn't lock him out during that 10 day jaunt.  Between the video and then being an egregious drunken fool at her eyewear event, I would have had him thrown out before the 10 day thing.   I certainly hope Cynthia got a prenup in order before they married and I hope she was smart enough to start separating assets and finances after this fiasco.  She's started the Bailey Agency and her eyewear line since the marriage so I'd be worried that Peter owns a piece of those businesses, married or not.   I'd also be worried that if he has any children that are still minors that he's paying support for, the mothers could try to go after Cynthia for funds.


I also want to jump on the Kim's husband love train.  They are darling together and I adored his victory lap when he found out they were going out without the kids.  They are both real and that is super refreshing in this Kardashian world of reality shows. 


Say that.  ding! ding! ding! ding!  Bingo.   


I think that conversation with her babydaddy was about needing the validation and permission to call time of death.  It's a shame that it would've taken some external thing to confirm instincts she's had for years but better late than Peter.

  • Love 2



I think Cynthia handled that talk with Peter like a Boss! I'm not completely put off that she's giving it one more go because the thing is this. Yeah, they've had a lot of bullshit in their marriage and some will say she's already given chance after chance but no she hasn't. She's just tolerated his behavior putting forth the loyal, accepting wife without really making it clear that things need to change or their marriage will be in trouble. I get it I get it some things shouldn't need to be spelled out but people when it comes to men, especially men like Peter, it sure does cause he's floating through thinking yeah he's on his own program but he's found a passive wife that for the most part won't cut and run. At least that was his thinking up until THAT conversation and good for Cynthia for drawing the line in the sand.

Basically what Cynthia is doing is making it clear that Divorce is an option for her and I don't think Peter understood how dire their circumstances were. I applaud her for allowing him to really drink it in and finally have it resonate with him while he still may just have a chance to turn his behavior around and not just for him but for her too. She doesn't want to divorce him and when you're torn like that you need that last bit of hardcore, no doubt proof that you can turn to in your mind for those days after breaking it off when your mind starts playing tricks on you. I saw it as her way of laying down a powerful foundation for her to reference when she finds herself grieving or second guessing her decision to divorce him.

This way when he does continue doing him after she reveals that the next step is divorce she's got no one else to blame but him. Not herself, not how she handled it, not because maybe she wasn't as forthcoming enough, ya know the stuff we as women like to do to ourselves. This way, when she finds herself feeling conflicted after the fact she can go, Nope, uh-uh that mofo knew what the consequences would be straight up and down, black and white and he still did me wrong and threw away his last chance to be in this union with me so I had to let that shit go. No regrets, no shoulda, coulda wouldas, nada and that's a good strong position to be in emotionally when ending a marriage. She's laying the ground work and defense for those vulnerable feeling that are gonna creep up on her once the divorce is final. Even though it was the right thing the heart still likes to play tricks on ya so it looks like she's one step ahead on that front. Kudos.

Edited by Yours Truly, Today. 12:57 pm.




In otherwords...Cynthia became her own woman. She laid down a clear boundary. 


A boundary is a way to get respect in any relationship and say,"... there is only so far you can go with me or else." Period. 


Good for her. Way overdue. 

  • Love 4

Anyone crack up laughing when Kim Fields said her and her husband go to bed at 9:30pm with the kids every night? Obviously there's nothing wrong with going to bed that early, especially when you have small children, but I'm continuing to love Kim Fields as the normal, sober voice in the group. She's like the antithesis to what a "Real Housewife" is...yet she's literally a real housewife.

  • Love 15
Anyone crack up laughing when Kim Fields said her and her husband go to bed at 9:30pm with the kids every night? Obviously there's nothing wrong with going to bed that early, especially when you have small children, but I'm continuing to love Kim Fields as the normal, sober voice in the group. She's like the antithesis to what a "Real Housewife" is...yet she's literally a real housewife.


That's why I like them so much, very relatable! I go to bed about 9:30. My husband passes out closer to 8! (He's in construction and up at 4, but unlike the Beadors, we don't sleep in separate rooms and he can have as many potatoes as he likes.) And the last time we had a kid free night was....well...I couldn't even tell ya. It's nice to know they are a real family, they are with their kids daily and they also have great attitudes. 

  • Love 4


She's started the Bailey Agency and her eyewear line since the marriage so I'd be worried that Peter owns a piece of those businesses, married or not.   I'd also be worried that if he has any children that are still minors that he's paying support for, the mothers could try to go after Cynthia for funds.



Then it stands to reason that Cynthia would own a piece of Peter's Charlotte nightclub. Assuming he won't run it in to the ground and go bankrupt like he did with the last one. 

Also, I doubt the mothers of Peter's minor kids(if any of them are minors) could go after Cynthia for funds. 

Then it stands to reason that Cynthia would own a piece of Peter's Charlotte nightclub. Assuming he won't run it in to the ground and go bankrupt like he did with the last one. 

Also, I doubt the mothers of Peter's minor kids(if any of them are minors) could go after Cynthia for funds. 


True, Cynthia would own a share in the Charlotte nightclub but given that Peter is running it, how successful/solid can it truly be?  I'm thinking he would come out the winner in the splitting the assets department. 


I don't know about Georgia but here in California, back when I was married I was told that if my ex's baby mama went to court to get the child support modified, my income would be taken into account when modifying the support, despite the fact that I was only the stepparent.  "In the best interests of the child," I was told.  Given that I made quite a bit more money than my ex, I was less than thrilled.

  • Love 1

I don't know about Georgia but here in California, back when I was married I was told that if my ex's baby mama went to court to get the child support modified, my income would be taken into account when modifying the support, despite the fact that I was only the stepparent.  "In the best interests of the child," I was told.  Given that I made quite a bit more money than my ex, I was less than thrilled.

Agree but I was referring to them getting a divorce. In that situation, Cynthia would not be liable to pay his baby mama's anything.  You are talking about when you were still married. (: 

Laughed so very hard seeing the big chunk of ass sweat on the new "friend of" when standing around the seated group. So thirsty she actually drank out of the product bottle. Girl, bye.


She thought she was being clever, but the joke was on her.  She drank from an unsealed bottle that may have been filled with water from the toilet.


Peter can lose me with his fake, "I'm still so in love with you and you're breaking my heart" bullshit. Cynthia has bankrolled his entire lifestyle and he's afraid of losing that. Nothing more. 


Yes, but you would think he would work a little harder at pretending to be a better husband.


Having been to parties like this before, the items you see out on display are just that.... display items. Kenya mentioned that people should be trying the product at the hair bar, or whatever she called it. That's where you go to get samples and try it on your own hair. I think Porsha's friend was out of her element. In other words, she must not get out much to product launch parties.


Sometimes, they don't have water in the bottles at all.  I thought the event would have been nice if the air conditioned had worked.  Kenya's hair was not styled for selling her product, however.  She should have gone with the silky waves, not the bone straight blowout.


The event planner should have known that if you are having events during the summer in the South, you need to make sure the AC is set to freezer because a) a large crowd is going to make the temperature rise; b) curling irons, straight irons, blow dryers and what not will make the temperature rise; and c) you just know there will be people who will wear head to toe leather to an event and no one wants to smell wet leather as they mingle through the party.


Praise God, no mama Joyce. 


Yet.  I suspect we will see Joyce, Karmon, Not Karmon (Kandi's friend that likes Joyce and hates Karmon), and Cousin Winnie planning a baby shower for Kandi.


Kenya's hair is due to genetics. No matter how much I follow her routine, use her products, hell follow her exact same diet I will never had hair like that. I also wonder if she even relaxes her hair. 


This cannot be said enough, especially those of us who went natural thinking that our hair would look like Tracee Ellis Ross' hair........


Then it stands to reason that Cynthia would own a piece of Peter's Charlotte nightclub. Assuming he won't run it in to the ground and go bankrupt like he did with the last one. 


Owns a piece?  Peter has to be using Cynthia's credit/money to open up these places.  I cannot see any bank extending him a line of credit.  People that work at lending institutions watch TV like the rest of us.

Edited by ToukieSmith
  • Love 4

I hadn't thought about Kenya not wanting people to walk off with her product, but that is exactly what someone tried to do.


I don't recall Kenya talking about working on a hair care line either and couldn't help but wonder if Kenya were copying Porsha, a la that bootie workout video she made soon after Phaedra's.


Kenya made a commercial about her product line in her pilot.  I think its been in the works for a while.  I would give it a try -- it would be neat if she was able to get a distribution deal of some sort.





This cannot be said enough, especially those of us who went natural thinking that our hair would look like Tracee Ellis Ross' hair........

Damn YouTube!  I

  • Love 1

Peter is slick and Cyn is dumb with money. Her realization I think is posturing. I don't see her leaving him. I think more likely he leaves her cause she goes broke. Remember she moved to ATL to be with him. I bet my last buck that Peter's name is somehow on that house. He has lived in it, with her, prior to even the engagement. As long as she's been on the show he's lived there as far as I understood. But for this show I have never seen her eyeware. I do not think the Bailey Agency brings in money. Her only sizeable income is the housewives. Bar Charlotte, I would think is doing brisk business. But as slick as Peter is I bet if it's turning a profit that she ain't seeing a dime. I only say 'if' re profits only because it's new, as far as I have seen it is always fairly packed when I pass it on the weekend.

Edited by Shoppergal
  • Love 3

Peter is slick and Cyn is dumb with money. Her realization I think is posturing. I don't see her leaving him. I think more likely he leaves her cause she goes broke. Remember she moved to ATL to be with him. I bet my last buck that Peter's name is somehow on that house. He has lived in it, with her, prior to even the engagement. As long as she's been on the show he's lived there as far as I understood. But for this show I have never seen her eyeware. I do not think the Bailey Agency brings in money. Her only sizeable income is the housewives. Bar Charlotte, I would think is doing brisk business. But as slick as Peter is I bet if it's turning a profit that she ain't seeing a dime. I only say 'if' re profits only because it's new, as far as I have seen it is always fairly packed when I pass it on the weekend.

My friend lives in ATL and purchased a home while she was with her BF.  She scrupulously left him off title.  She is much smarter than Cynthia, but if Cynthia bought it before she met Peter, wouldn't he have to actually take some action to get on title?

 Cynthia looked gorgeous in her last scene with him - that dress was a great color on her and her hair and makeup were on point. If she divorced Peter she could find someone better in fifteen minutes. You could throw a rock in a crowded room and hit a random dude that would be a better husband than Peter.




Agree that she was just STUNNING in that scene.  Only magnified by her calm, cool and collected manner.  His single tear, accusations and general BS seemed to roll right off her.  I loved the way she pretty much dismissed him from the conversation when she'd said what she had to say.  Very much business, very "Thank you, you may go now.".


Good riddance to bad rubbish on the Peter front, I hope.  I never understood the match.  

  • Love 3

My friend lives in ATL and purchased a home while she was with her BF.  She scrupulously left him off title.  She is much smarter than Cynthia, but if Cynthia bought it before she met Peter, wouldn't he have to actually take some action to get on title?

Even if Cynthia is the only name on the title, because it was used as the marital home, Peter will get a % of the homes value minus any money owed/mortgage, unless there is a prenup stating otherwise.


Even if Cynthia is the only name on the title, because it was used as the marital home, Peter will get a % of the homes value minus any money owed/mortgage, unless there is a prenup stating otherwise.

OMG, I was just coming in her to ask about this. Good lord, I hope Cynthia was smarter than I thought she was because Peter is just the type of garbage to take everything she has. 


Cynthia looked gorgeous in her last scene with him



She is gorgeous. It was one of two scenes I caught, the other was about three minutes of Kenya's sweaty event, then I was out right behind Khandi.  But Cynthia, stunning. I just kept shaking my head and asking why? Why girl? Why?


And don't tell me it's love. It's not even about looks for me, cause I don't think Peter's actual face is unattractive and I think his skin is beautiful.


But all that turns to ugly on him when you catch a glimpse of the man he isn't, ugh. He's just gross, his attitude,  like dude, just go away.


Again, why Cynthia? Why?


Does this show have at least one man who isn't a loser, or just a loser personality wise?


I saw someone post how Todd is becoming a whining bitch, and I get that too.

  • Love 3

I love their normalcy too. When he praised Him for no babies this evening and did the Walls of Jericho run around the staircase, I giggled, they're cute.

It cracked me up when Kenya finally made her appearance at the event and they showed Kim's husband yawning. I remembered she had said that they went to bed at 9:00 each night and I guess the sandman showed up at Kenya's party. Lol!

I have never been able to understand why Cynthia married Peter in the first place. The man isn't good looking, has no money and a bunch of kids by different women. What could he have to offer Cynthia?

I wish someone would explain to me why Cynthia married that clown. At least Apollo was attractive and I could see Phaedra thinking, "we could have some good looking kids." But Peter...ick.

Someone once posted a photo of Peter when he was much younger and he was actually very nice looking. Maybe that was about the time Cynthia met him. I think they went together for some years before they got married didn't they?

Edited by cooksdelight
  • Love 1

A lot of us (including me many x) have asked "why did Cynthia marry Peter?" or "why has she stayed so long?"

Before Cyn was with Peter she was with independent financially secure guys not using her for fame (since they had it). Russell Simmons who she dumped for cheating. And Leon who I didn't know if she dumped but the split is very amicable. But in both those cases she had no issues walking away from what could be called decent catches. Now here's Peter who is just the complete opposite and she gives him chance after chance.

I think something happened to her between Leon and Peter that made her confidence shrivel up. She has been so weak and whimpy around him while he's disrespected her.

  • Love 3
Before Cyn was with Peter she was with independent financially secure guys not using her for fame (since they had it). Russell Simmons who she dumped for cheating. And Leon who I didn't know if she dumped but the split is very amicable. But in both those cases she had no issues walking away from what could be called decent catches. Now here's Peter who is just the complete opposite and she gives him chance after chance.



Lord knows this will always be one of the great mysteries of life for me.


I posted this before, but I will say it again.


When Cynthia and Peter got married, I showed their online wedding picture to my friend who knows nothing about any howife franchise.  The friend proceeded ask whether it was another case of a pretty young thing marrying a rich old dude for his money.  I informed said friend that:


A. He is broke as a joke

B. They are the same age

C. He does not treat her with respect.


Friend was absolutely mystified.

  • Love 1

Someone once posted a photo of Peter when he was much younger and he was actually very nice looking. Maybe that was about the time Cynthia met him. I think they went together for some years before they got married didn't they?


This would make me respect her even less.  Arguments sake, let's say they met 10 years ago.  37 is far and a-ways past the point at which a grown woman is (should be) basing her marriagable choice upon looks.   Phaedra's another one, these women are too old to have dicknosis trick them into commitment.    This is why we dispense with pretty ricky* by college graduation.  Broke as a joke, disrespectful and cheater are all lessons to be done with in our twenties. 


*completely relative and largely diminished by the existence of a mug shot.





Yeah, I think Peter is a good looking older guy (not as good looking as Cynthia, but good looking), and he's definitely confident. I can see how he gets women. I'd guess he cheats with younger women (Porsha mentioned servers in his restaurant, I think) who don't know that just because you own a bar doesn't mean you have any money.

  • Love 4

I'm going to have to guess that Peter can be really really charming and nice when he wants to be. That's the only way I could see Cynthia falling for him. As for why she stays, I think Leon might have inadvertently pointed that out. He mentioned something about her always walking away, not being serious about her commitments. Perhaps she has been feel self conscious about that for awhile, and has pressured herself into staying this time, even though it ceased being a healthy relationship long ago. 

  • Love 4

I'm going to have to guess that Peter can be really really charming and nice when he wants to be. That's the only way I could see Cynthia falling for him. As for why she stays, I think Leon might have inadvertently pointed that out. He mentioned something about her always walking away, not being serious about her commitments. Perhaps she has been feel self conscious about that for awhile, and has pressured herself into staying this time, even though it ceased being a healthy relationship long ago.

I agree with this (the bolded part. I can't bring myself to think of Peter as charming!). This, and the voice in the back of her head that everyone will be saying "we told you so." Thankfully she seems to have reached the point where it doesn't matter, as they're saying it already - so she may as well cut her losses and be happy. All we know about her and Leon is that they had very different styles, temperaments and goals in life and that's why they aren't together. That they managed to stay such good friends and co-parents speaks very well of both of them.

  • Love 3
I loved the no kids night but I also loved the part of that conversation where he was You have no friends, she was I have friends, and it went around in circles and not a lick of meanness about it at all. Just a little comical back and forth.


I also loved watching her do her own makeup and manicure while sitting and chatting with her husband.  It is quite refreshing after seeing so many years of these  "housewives" with personal makeup artists and stylists.

There has been talk about Kim needing the money, but more power to her.  There are many people who have taken some type of financial hit over the past decade or so due to this new economy.

Edited by SpringTulips
  • Love 6

Kim Fields looked and seemed, pardon the pun, "real".  She was beautiful in that long handkerchief dress? (fashionistas help me out) that she wore to Kenya's non brand launch.  I did not like her hair in the promos, but I will say the color looks good against her skin.  She is still quite pretty and it is hard to believe she leads such a cool low key life.


Please do not ruin her for me show...hell, we know it's gonna happen.


The main thing that I surmised from the single tear shedding Peter is that there is a prenup and Peter is terrified of losing his meal ticket.  I love the way his definition of making a marriage work under any circumstance is " I do what the hell ever I want on your dime and you suck it up".


I mean can anyone tell me one single sacrifice this man has made for the marriage?  He took her money and sank it into a failing business, he did not even have the decency to tell her that he had lost her money, he actually was planning a trip to Venezuela to cheat on her when she had the nerve to get sick, he belittles her every chance he gets, and now she is bankrolling his other business where he hides out and feels on other women in Charlotte.


Cynthia has uprooted her life from New York (which she loved), she has given him money and the opportunity to be on this show (man is dying for a peach), she allows him to buy expensive cars on her dime so he can pretend to be a baller (old school nineties term), and the list could go on forever.


I do not condone violence, but if Cynthia has punched him the face when he had the nerve to ask about when she fell out of love with him, I would have cheered.

  • Love 5

What I found so funny was that after that talk to give their marriage another try, neither of them tried to hug the other one. No affection. No happiness that we're both on the same page.  Just, thanks and goodbye you can leave the room now. Wow. I don't like Peter and frankly I would have cheered if she'd answered "I feel out of love with you on Day 4 of no contact, by Day 10 I'd talked to the divorce lawyer," but that was a cold scene. No warmth between them at all. Even though allegedly Nene was the problem win their marriage. LOL

  • Love 3

(I'll miss her pretty house, though -- I think it might be the most attractive housewife home of any franchise, except some of the NY Hamptons houses)

I don't watch the other iterations so I don't know about them, but I love her house - definitely my favorite of the Atlanta housewives. It's a nice size without being imposing, it's not a generic McMansion, and it looks homey.

  • Love 2

Oh wow I think Cynthia almost got away, that converstion started off so well, she told Peter she was not happy and not in love anymore, I think he was just about to loose it and tell her that he wasn´t in love with her either, but he managed to reel himself in and turn on some charm and even a tear!

Edited by halkatla

New York Cynthia picking up her fashionista lifestyle on RHONY would be awesome for me, but not so sure who she would hang out with. A natural would have been Carole, Kristin & Heather, but they ran Heather off (damn you, Andy *shakes fist in air*). I can't see her with Ramona, Dorinda or the Countess. And Bethenny? Not so much.

  • Love 2

Lovin this new vastly improved Cynthia. I only hope to the heavens that she stays true to her word and kicks the bum out when he fails to change. Because, lbr, he ain't gonna.

Phaedra looked beyond ridiculous in that cowgirl get up at the hair launch party. Sheree looked terrible too, but I'll give her a pass because Atlanta + summer+no AC. She looks 100x better in her talking head wearing the red with her hair blown out.

Lord knows this will always be one of the great mysteries of life for me.

I posted this before, but I will say it again.

When Cynthia and Peter got married, I showed their online wedding picture to my friend who knows nothing about any howife franchise. The friend proceeded ask whether it was another case of a pretty young thing marrying a rich old dude for his money. I informed said friend that:

A. He is broke as a joke

B. They are the same age

C. He does not treat her with respect.

Friend was absolutely mystified.

Oh A and C are 100% right on. But Peter is a good 7-8 years older than Cynthia I believe. I remember it was when he turned 50 that he proposed to her, and she was still early 40s at that point.

  • Love 1

Loving Phaedra and Porsha as friends, the scene at the spa was fun, I'm definitely here for that.


I think that after Cynthia's shenanigans last season, she has just lost me for good, not interested in what's going on with her now that she is ready to stop trying to be whoever she was trying to be and face facts.

Edited by Flabbergasted
  • Love 2


(I'll miss her pretty house, though -- I think it might be the most attractive housewife home of any franchise, except some of the NY Hamptons houses)


I love Lisa's and Yolanda's ... Lisa for the beautiful feminity of it all and Yolanda for the fabulous views.  


Cynthia's house is confusing to me ... is the main floor the second floor?  It seems like the ground level might be a garage.  It looks like it is three levels ... 

  • Love 2
Phaedra's another one, these women are too old to have dicknosis trick them into commitment.    This is why we dispense with pretty ricky* by college graduation.  Broke as a joke, disrespectful and cheater are all lessons to be done with in our twenties.



I think Phaedra just wanted to have pretty children and that's why she chose Apollo, can't think of any other reason.  

  • Love 4

Exactly. I think that and that she got impatient. JMHO Apollo is not that handsome (I can't stand his mouth and permanent frown/sneer) and I actually think if she just wanted a hot guy for some secks and cute babies she could have done better. Maybe a gorgeous lazy young guy who is better looking and no record or mental instability. I think Apollo, besides the knocks I made on his looks, is a bit crazy.

Cynthia's house is confusing to me ... is the main floor the second floor? It seems like the ground level might be a garage. It looks like it is three levels ...

Yeah, I don't get her house. I far prefer the more contemporary looks and layouts of most of her costars' houses. I don't like the size of the lot. I get the feeling the houses on both sides are really close. But that is just my preference. I don't like tall, skinny houses. I didn't even like Luann's townhouse in the early seasons of RHNYC, and that was worth millions of dollars.

What is up with her closet though?!? It is dark, cluttered, and not connected to her bedroom! In fact, I'm pretty sure her closet is on another floor from her bedroom, like it's on the first floor. Having my closet on another floor from my bedroom would be a deal-breaker if I were looking at real estate. Even if there is a closet annexed to her bedroom, but she needed to branch out to make more space, I don't like the arrangement. If that's the case, convert an upstairs bedroom into a closet. Don't use a room off the kitchen.

I wrote up thread that I wasn't quite sure about who Kim was, and that I wanted her to get down with the other women. I read a lot of posts since then that led me to change my mind: first, if she is going to be portrayed as an anti-Housewife housewife, I am ok with that. It is kind of like going back to the old format to watch her be a domestic goddess, and not inextricably intertwined with the rest of the women. Also, the excitement over having a night away from the kids, to the extent that the husband did a happy dance, rang false to me. I was thinking, "you are rich! You can hire a babysitter at any time!" But someone wrote here that Kim owes a lot of money to the IRS, and that is why she is doing the show. That explains everything, and I can now appreciate their joy over the little things.

Edited cause it's isn't its.

Edited by N. Bluth

I think Phaedra just wanted to have pretty children and that's why she chose Apollo, can't think of any other reason.  


I've heard this said before and I kind of take offense to it.  It makes it seem like the only way black women can have pretty children is if they procreate with a light skinned man.  Phaedra is a pretty woman.  I feel her children would be pretty even if she was married to a dark skinned man.  Plus, I've never heard Phaedra say or do anything that would make me think that is why she married Apollo.

  • Love 4

I think it's simpler than that: she got knocked up by Apollo.

I don't know what to really think of that.  Having unprotected sex with any man you're not ready to have kids with is a terrible idea.  Having unprotected sex with a man who just go out of prison is an even worse idea.  I may not like Phaedra, but in this day and age women know how to avoid pregnancy, so why wouldn't she take those steps unless she wanted to have a baby by him?

  • Love 3

I think it's simpler than that: she got knocked up by Apollo.

I don't know what to really think of that. Having unprotected sex with any man you're not ready to have kids with is a terrible idea. Having unprotected sex with a man who just go out of prison is an even worse idea. I may not like Phaedra, but in this day and age women know how to avoid pregnancy, so why wouldn't she take those steps unless she wanted to have a baby by him?

I think she was horny and stupid, plain and simple. Wasn't she engaged to another man when Apollo got released that May? The lies about due dates and the quickie wedding (from a woman who loves spectacle and pomp) , combined with her super churchy references that first season point to nothing but a hurry up wedding to me. They probably have bomb sex and she got knocked up. Formal education means nothing when it comes to unprotected sex. That religious stigma (pastor mama) and the fact that she was getting up in age wrt biological viability were probably the triggers for the marriage. Who knows when she'd get another chance, especially when one accounts for finding men of a certain age and accomplishment level in straight man thirsty Atlanta, appropriate dating times (a couple of years maybe) then marriage, to try to squeeze out a kid or two. I think Apollo's looks played a part in the hookup, not necessarily the kids. Do we really think Phaedra would ever seriously date any other poor, uneducated man with the intent of marriage and kids, even beautiful and without a criminal history? She is way too stuck on image for that. Shotgun marriage, IMO.

Edited by sunsheyen
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