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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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Deputy Chief Baker - you get them Forresters!

I see Thomas inherited his mother's ability to psychobabble.

I hadn't given any thought yet to the Deacon angle. I am here for this. Any time Sheila has "died" or pulled a big stunt in the past, she's done it with no one loving her except for Mike Guthrie, but it's always been clear that he is a sidekick. This situation, (Sheila having someone care about her), is new, and I adore Deacon. SK was terrific in Friday's scene with Finn. And I think Fibberty Jibberty is doing a great job in the role as a man in touch with his feelings. Brave new territory. I feel like he has made Finn his own character and even if I am misinterpreting his flaws as just weirdnesses of Finn's, I feel like he is owning the character and we're getting to know Finn.

JMW is never funnier than when she attempts to be dramatic.

Prior to the break-in we heard Sheila's voice say something like, tonight you die Steffy. So that would mean that Sheila had the intention to kill Steffy or have Stuffy killed. Fact. Why else would we have heard that? Tonight you die Steffy, does not mean tonight I will create a situation where you kill the person I send to kill you instead and you will remain alive.

So Steffy fucked-up Sheila's plan. But Sheila had to have also been planning on faking her own death by sending her look-alike in.

If Sheila's intention was to have Steffy killed by Sugar, then why Sugar if not to have Sugar die as well?

Was Sheila's plan to have Sugar kill Steffy, and then Sheila would kill Sugar and make it look like suicide? Why else have a look-alike commit the crime? But then Sheila would have to play dead, disappear, loose her freedom and give up on having a relationship with Finn and Hayes. So that doesn't make sense.

And maybe this was plan B. Sugar fails to kill Steffy. Steffy kills Sugar. There is potential for great fall-out for Steffy there - being arrested, accused, convicted, breaking up with Finn, loosing contact with her kids, getting stuck with Liam again. But still in this scenario Sheila has to play dead again. And that still makes no sense.

I'm trying to make sense of this, even though I do realize that the whole point is to beak up Hope and Thomas who they have written into a corner due to the actors' chemistry, and to free up Steffy for waffles yet again.


I'm still thinking Deacon is going to go to the morgue to see Sheila's body, and he's going to do a toe count and keep quiet when it comes to 10. 

I hope so.


Edited by SweePea59
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2 hours ago, SweePea59 said:

Prior to the break-in we heard Sheila's voice say something like, tonight you die Steffy. So that would mean that Sheila had the intention to kill Steffy or have Stuffy killed. Fact. Why else would we have heard that? Tonight you die Steffy, does not mean tonight I will create a situation where you kill the person I send to kill you instead and you will remain alive.

I'm assuming Sugar (or some new doppelganger) was right next to her, offscreen, and Sheila said that for her benefit. Just throwing a completely wild guess out there, Sheila probably told Sugar some version of a plan where Sugar goes in first and, naturally, all of Steffy's focus will be on her. Then, Sheila sneaks in during their confrontation and kills Steffy. And that very well may have been one of her backup plans. Meanwhile, in reality, Sheila sat outside and watched, waiting to see how the confrontation would go. Either Steffy takes Sugar out, and Sheila can disappear for a while to regroup and come up with her next plan (Mrs. Doubtfire, if I had to guess), or Sheila ends up having to go in and kill Steffy, and then she'd leave Sugar (dead or alive) to take the fall. That would also give her the time to get away, regroup, and put her next plan into action. 

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I think right now Finn is mourning that he'll never know if Sheila could have changed and become a good grandmom to Hayes.  Her death has put an end to any possibility of change and to know that it was his wife who put an end to it is deeply shocking.  I also think Hope understands wanting to believe the best in people--she did that endlessly with Liam, and then Deacon and now Thomas.  Steffy just needs to give Finn  chance to breathe and come to terms with Sheila's death,  And then when Sheila comes back from the dead, all bets will be off.

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What was Sheila's plan exactly?  Consensus seems to be it was Sugar who bled out in the Cliff House.  But was Sugar supposed to kill Steffy?  That may have worked if the real Sheila were working or very obviously and publicly elsewhere so she'd have an airtight alibi.  But the real Sheila was nowhere to be seen so I'm confused how this was all supposed to work.

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22 hours ago, KerleyQ said:

I'm still thinking Deacon is going to go to the morgue to see Sheila's body, and he's going to do a toe count and keep quiet when it comes to 10. 

Why just Deacon?!  Doesn’t everyone and their uncle *know* Sheila is missing one toe?  Most especially the police?!  So wouldn’t anyone else see that “Sheila” seems to have magically grown back her missing toe? 
The complete disregard for logic, procedure and how something would happen IRL just makes me so frustrated with soaps! 

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2 hours ago, norcalgal said:

Why just Deacon?!  Doesn’t everyone and their uncle *know* Sheila is missing one toe?  Most especially the police?!  So wouldn’t anyone else see that “Sheila” seems to have magically grown back her missing toe? 
The complete disregard for logic, procedure and how something would happen IRL just makes me so frustrated with soaps! 

Agreed. Anyone in town who is aware of all of her antics should immediately be like "check the damn toes. Make sure it's her."  But, my guess is that Deacon is going to look at her feet out of some affection, wanting to see her missing toe one more time, and he'll see that there's no toe missing. But he'll keep quiet and let her be on the run. 

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On 3/1/2024 at 3:38 PM, Cool Breeze said:

What’s the draw for Hope when it comes to Finn?  Thomas is totally devoted to Hope.  And a “one-woman man” in a way that Liam never was.  His only child is with Hope so he’s not vacillating between the mothers of his children.  In addition, Thomas is . . . uh, taking Hope to new “heights” never before experienced. 

I mean...yeah, I don't get it either, not even as a cockblock against Thomas. I'll personally never get over Thomas weaponizing his son to get Hope but bad boy/good girl pairings have been a staple in soaps for a reason.

Putting her with Finn just sticks he in the same waffling cycle she finally left Liam over (because let's face it, we saw this exact thing play out when Nick was swapped for Ridge in the Brooke and Taylor rivalry and no one wanted that either), but with mommy issues. Unless Thomas goes psycho again and bumps him off, but that's just gonna piss off even more people who are either tired of the inconsistent writing for him not sticking to to one personality or who will feel like he's being sacrificed for the Logan Agenda™

I hate Thope but I'm indifferent to Hinn, and frankly I think that would be just as  detrimental for different reasons.

On 3/2/2024 at 10:24 AM, KerleyQ said:

I can give Finn a little bit of a grace period to work through his confusing feelings. He is, at least, saying that he knows Steffy had to do it. But, he needs to get past the "but she was my mommy" crap soon.

Fully agree, not just because of Steffy but because his actual mother Li deserves more appreciation by her idiot son than they've ever had him show. SHE was the one who raised him and SHE nursed him to health after Mommy Dearest left him and his wife dead. But yanno, fuck Li, amirite? 🙃

Liam has had some true humdinger moments but he, spineless weasel that he is, never once tried to defend any of Bill's shitty actions to Hope. I get Finn not celebrating Sheila's death, that's normal behavior. Walking away without even trying to save their marriage, not so much.

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Maybe it is all just Sheila's master plan? 

The mention of someone showing up from her past would be Sugar. Right on the heels of that Deacon tells Sheila he is not ready to go to the altar, then Steffy shows up, confronting Sheila and telling her she wished she were dead. 

So, she goes with Sugar to Cliff House, telling Sugar to go in a kill Steffy, or at the very least, terrorize her to the point she attacks. Steffy will tell the police it was Sheila acting in a threatening manner, but then the police see all ten toes and know it isn't Sheila. Now they want to know what beef Steffy had with someone she didn't even know. The don't find any weapons on the victim, don't see any sign of forced entry, and arrest Steffy on murder charges. 

Finn thinks Sheila is dead and is clearly shook up by it. This is a big win for Sheila, because when he learns she is not dead, he will be happy and looking forward to seeing her again. 

Sheila will either have left Deacon a letter or will contact him saying she thought he needed a break to think things through, and she will be back later. 

I have no doubt Sheila would sacrifice her daughter to get what she wants, and this would get Steffy out of the way, would make Finn realize that he actually does love Sheila, and would make Deacon's heart grow fonder, and may get him ready to get married. 

The only hole is that Sugar would have been in Cliff House uninvited, but this is B&B land, where normal stuff never makes sense. 

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I have no idea what to think because all the media articles have Kimberlin Brown saying goodbye to Sheila and talking about how she'd played the role for 35 years.  I have a hard time believing the show would kill off its iconic villain, especially when it sounds like the actress would have been happy to have played her forever.

The main purpose of this seems to be to break up Steffy and Finn so Steffy can once again run back to Liam and marry him for fifth or eighth time.


I don't think I've been following that closely... what happened with Xander accusing Thomas of murdering Emma?  Did that just get dropped?  Why wouldn't the police investigate further?

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Ok this is  bugging me.   Why wasn't  forensics there taking pictures, baggi g the knife and any other clues, DNA samples of the rug/carpet, taking part of the rug/carpet for evidence, hauling Steffy downtown for questioning and securing the area?  Why was she allowed to  stay at the house and people NOT kept from going to the scene?   Sloppy work/sloppy writing.  

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If there was ever a question as to why Ridge should not be a leading man, today answered it. I get that Sheila was an absolute menace, & very few people are sad to see her go, but, damn, she gave life to Finn, granted she nearly took it away in an alley a few years back, but she still brought him into the world, he has every right to feel conflicted. The way Ridge was blowing up at Finn, for feeling conflicted that his wife killed his bio mom in the family living room (not saying she was wrong, & it was 100% self-defense), he’s just such a bully, I can’t tolerate him at all. Support Steffy, of course, but let Finn grieve & feel how he feels, especially when it’s the same night Sheila died & Finn found out. He just is intolerable & such a bulldozer. Damn. 

On a different note, this entire storyline is separating the good actors from the bad. Today, Finn, Deacon, Hope, & to a lesser degree the FC trio (they weren’t on, but when they were, it wasn’t focused on the Lunacy story, so that’s a plus), can stay at the adults’ table, Ridge & Steffy can pull up a chair to the kids’ table. 

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Tell me Stuffy, if Shiela has a gun why would she lung at you?  Would Shiela keep a save distance and just shoot you?

Ridge is such a dumb fuck. Deacon walks in and all he can say is what’s up. 

It takes a a psychopath to recognize a psychopath right Lurch?  

As far as I’m concerned, Hope has a lot more chemistry with Finn. So Lurch is devoted to her but I say Hope drop Lurch and get yourself a golden retriever. They are also very devoted. 

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7 hours ago, blackwing said:

I don't think I've been following that closely... what happened with Xander accusing Thomas of murdering Emma?  Did that just get dropped?  Why wouldn't the police investigate further?

Yeah,it was just thrown in because fans have been rightfully vocal about the crap deal  Emma got and that the show seemed fine with letting one of its heroines marry (or not) a murderer. 🙄

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8 hours ago, blackwing said:

I have no idea what to think because all the media articles have Kimberlin Brown saying goodbye to Sheila and talking about how she'd played the role for 35 years.  I have a hard time believing the show would kill off its iconic villain, especially when it sounds like the actress would have been happy to have played her forever.

It's pretty soap opera standard to "kill" a villain for a while once they've outstayed their welcome or if it will facilitate more story. Then, eventually, they bring them back from the dead down the road when they've got a new story idea for them. So my guess is that Sheila isn't really dead, but she is gone for the foreseeable future. So, KB is saying goodbye to Sheila, but she may say hello to her at some point either here or on Y&R. 

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"I've never seen anyone work so hard to change."  Well, we know where Hope gets it, don't we? 

Speaking of Hope, I thought she was a good friend to Finn today. He needs someone to listen to him without judgement, and she's pretty much as close to a neutral party as he's going to get, even with her issues with Sheila. 

I admit, I laughed at Finn not being able to kiss Steffy. Oh, Finn, Liam is going to hightail it over there, and he'll lay his naked ass right on that bloodstain and let your wife ride him. Everything we've seen on screen tells us that it will be subpar sex, but, well, clearly Steffy has never had a problem with his, um, limitations. 

Ridge, again, you can be technically right about something but still be an entire bag of dicks. Stop telling people who cared about Sheila that she was an animal who deserved to be put down, will ya'? 

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I watched today and was screaming at the TV at Deacon to lift up the freaking sheet on the other end!

And when I saw Steffy all sad sack, hand to God, I said, "out loud, don't worry, Steffy, Liam will be sniffing around" and boom, there he was at her doorway. I also predict that Steffy will be the first to cheat. She's already halfway on the path of emotionally cheating with all the literal shoulder-crying with Liam today. 

Speaking of Steffy, Sheila is the worst and she did the world a favor by offing her, but did you really think it was a good time to initiate sexy times with Sheila's blood still drying on the floor? 

I'm in agreement with PP that said monster or not, Finn deserves a minute or two to process that his bio-monster is dead. 

Except she's not because Sheila is basically Voldemort for this show.





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I hoped that when Deacon moved the sheet back up to cover up her face that her toes would pop out the other side!

Everyone is being so rude talking about Sheila like they are in front of Finn. Especially Ridge. I realize she wasn't his mom, but she was his birth mom who died a violent death in his home.

Li is as warm and loving as usual, and Liam (of course) is taking the opportunity to move in on Steffy.  

Give the man a moment to process.

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21 hours ago, Anna Yolei said:

Yeah,it was just thrown in because fans have been rightfully vocal about the crap deal  Emma got and that the show seemed fine with letting one of its heroines marry (or not) a murderer. 🙄

I get that... but has there been any progress made since Xander made his allegations?  Last I saw, it seemed Finn was thinking it was possible.  Hope believes Thomas.  

Is that it?  Has it been dropped again?

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2 hours ago, blackwing said:

I get that... but has there been any progress made since Xander made his allegations?  Last I saw, it seemed Finn was thinking it was possible.  Hope believes Thomas.  

Is that it?  Has it been dropped again?

I'm assuming it's going to come back up now that we've got Hope being the only person sympathizing with Finn and she and Thomas will naturally be on opposite sides of the Finn/Steffy conflict that's building up. I'm guessing that the two of them will become closer, so he'll start worrying more about her being with Thomas, especially if he's no longer with Steffy, so he won't feel a need to listen to her "you have to believe my brother is OK" crap. And since Hope doesn't have the baggage with him that she has with her waffling ex, she might be more inclined to listen to Finn. 

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1 hour ago, blackwing said:

I get that... but has there been any progress made since Xander made his allegations?  Last I saw, it seemed Finn was thinking it was possible.  Hope believes Thomas.  

Is that it?  Has it been dropped again?

Honestly, I think so. Unless  and Finn starts sniffing after Hope and needs ammo to get rid of Thomas for a while, I'm positive this is the last were gonna hear about it for a hot minute.

21 hours ago, KerleyQ said:

Speaking of Hope, I thought she was a good friend to Finn today. He needs someone to listen to him without judgement, and she's pretty much as close to a neutral party as he's going to get, even with her issues with Sheila. 

Yeah, this last week has been a good reminder why I went from a Hope basher in the Kim Matula era to a (mostly) Hope fan after AN took over. The backbone she had in those days came at the cost of any  flexibility and grace for anyone else, such as her doing 110 in LA traffic after Bill stayed with Katie to gloat at Steffy....and that was in a period of time where Steffy was considered an underdog with no stake in the company and Hope's unearned line getting more celebrations in her honor than Cassie frigging Newman. Or her shitty behavior to Ivy in her jealousy after *she*  chose to marry Wyatt  bc Liam was a few minutes late to the Effiel Tower without so much as a call.

That level of head-up-assery has been rare and of the two times anything close to that's been seen, one was literal grief and the second was in service of protecting a child with no voice and no one else coming to his aid...and I'd never bash anyone for putting a child first. Which makes this shit with Thomas all the more anger inducing, but I'm gonna digress for now and say it's nice to have a few genuine white hats around in this story.

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Finn didn’t want to talk about Shiela but Li, true to form, just had to sticker her 2 cents in and berate Shiela.  


Something is very wrong here. Shiela’s body has to remain in the morgue because it’s an on going investigation but the police allowed Stuffy to clean up her home which is the scene of the crime 🤔


If we learned anything from watching Ducky on NCIS, he would have already counted the toes, taken fingerprints, and taken DNA to make a positive identification of the body. Not only that, the autopsy would have shown that there was a very tiny black heart.  

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I did not know that members of the general public could just walk into the city morgue with no accompanying personnel or protective gear to view bodies. Geez ... the level of "detail" on this show is mind-boggling!

Why is Li so hellbent on Finn's marriage? It would be consistent with her self-righteous character to be opposed to divorce in general, or is it mainly because Steffy is a Faux-ester? 

I don't pick up any real chemistry with Hope and Finn but I also don't feel chemistry with Finn and Steffy. The only actress he had any chemistry with was his wife when she was a stand-in for Steffy during Covid.

I wish Finn and/or Deacon would punch Ridge.

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14 minutes ago, CharlizeCat said:

I did not know that members of the general public could just walk into the city morgue with no accompanying personnel or protective gear to view bodies. Geez ... the level of "detail" on this show is mind-boggling!

Deacon had a quick line in there about Finn having arranged for him to get in and see her. 

Come on, Deacon, don't you want one more peek at that four toed foot for the road? Pull back the sheet! 

I can kind of buy that, if that's not Sheila, the toes might not tip off anyone in the morgue, since I doubt she had any official medical records showing it. Yes, people know, but if it's not in her medical records, it might just skate by since having 10 toes isn't remarkable ordinarily. So, if nobody who knows about her toe thinks to ask about it or check the autopsy, then it will go unnoticed. 

Liam is basically the same as Thomas now. He even went into that low, slow soothing tone for a short moment there while he was assuring Steffy that he'd always be there. 

I can get why Sheila is beyond a sore spot for Li and all, but does nobody understand that the more they keep throwing "bitch deserved to die!!!" at Finn, the more messed up he's going to be over all of this, and the longer it's going to take for him to reconcile it all for himself? 

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3 hours ago, KerleyQ said:

I can kind of buy that, if that's not Sheila, the toes might not tip off anyone in the morgue, since I doubt she had any official medical records showing it. Yes, people know, but if it's not in her medical records, it might just skate by since having 10 toes isn't remarkable ordinarily. So, if nobody who knows about her toe thinks to ask about it or check the autopsy, then it will go unnoticed. 


I mean Sheila was fully capable of removing Sugar or any other lookalike's toe just to cover herself.

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17 hours ago, blackwing said:

I get that... but has there been any progress made since Xander made his allegations?  Last I saw, it seemed Finn was thinking it was possible.  Hope believes Thomas.  

Is that it?  Has it been dropped again?

That was Show's way of retconning the "Thomas murdered Emma" storyline so that he and Hope can be together without the fans' heads exploding. Nice try, Show, but we all saw Thomas run Emma off the road on purpose. It was not an accident. 

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Oh that was HILARIOUS @CountryGirl! Thanks for the much needed laughs as I lay in bed with a respiratory viral infection. 
What made it so funny for me was that it was men reciting the lines and Steffy’s sounded like he’d inhaled helium!🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

But as to Sheila being “dead” or DEAD-DEAD, my opinion is that no death is permanent on soaps unless the actor portraying said character has passed in real life and a recast is unthinkable. The one example I didn’t see mentioned here was when Jack from Days of Our Lives died, his organs donated, yet he returned from the dead. Then there is Rose’s rant below, that David Barnes just ignores!😂😂😂😂😂😂


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48 minutes ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

my opinion is that no death is permanent on soaps unless the actor portraying said character has passed in real life and a recast is unthinkable.

Isn't Sally Spectra 1.0 still alive as the in-show canon?  It's so weird that the show won't allow Sally to RIP given how long ago DC died in real life.

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10 hours ago, nilyank said:

I mean Sheila was fully capable of removing Sugar or any other lookalike's toe just to cover herself.

As someone who didn't see the whole Sugar storyline, I have to ask, would she really go along with that for Sheila, and, if so, why? Is Sugar basically the female version of Mike, with some weird devotion to Sheila that pushes her to do whatever Sheila wants? 

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46 minutes ago, KerleyQ said:

As someone who didn't see the whole Sugar storyline, I have to ask, would she really go along with that for Sheila, and, if so, why? Is Sugar basically the female version of Mike, with some weird devotion to Sheila that pushes her to do whatever Sheila wants? 

IIRC, Sugar (originally played by Robin Mattson) was a prison warden who befriended Sheila (when she went to prison after "killing" Taylor) and helped her escape. She helped Sheila kidnap Ridge after the Mayan Jungle Bridge wedding and then escaped when Ridge "died" in the foundry fire. 

Later, Sugar crossed over into Y&R territory, Sheila tricked Sugar into having plastic surgery to look like Sheila so that she could put the cops on SugarSheila's tail and it was Sugar who went to jail, though not before stabbing Scotty Grainger (she did so to get revenge on Sheila by attempting to kill someone RealSheila loved and whom she had raised briefly when she swapped him with another baby when married to Scott Grainger Sr). Sugar was caught and carted off to prison where she presumably has been ever since.

Sheila mentioned she's been meeting with someone from her past made me think it could be Sugar. And while it wouldn't make sense for Sugar to do her now-enemy a favor, what if Sheila told her how much she loved and adored Steffy and would be lost without her daughter-in-law? Thinking to provoke Sugar into taking care of a problem like Steffy for her?

Anything is possible with this show. 

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My speculation is that Sugar was already dying of cancer/Soap Opera Mystery Disease and Sheila promised to make Sugar's family and beneficiaries very comfortable financially if she took the bullet, uh, knife, for her.  

My speculation is that Sugar was already dying of cancer/Soap Opera Mystery Disease and Sheila promised to make Sugar's family and beneficiaries very comfortable financially if she took the bullet, uh, knife, for her.  

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When Steffy was saying how things are rough right now, but she's not giving up on her marriage, and she believes she and Finn could work through this, you just know Liam was thinking "but why would you do that when you have another choice you can just waffle over to? That's the beauty of having two options, you never have to deal with the hard stuff!" 

Finn just needs to start calling security any time Liam drops in on his office. 

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Please please Li, stop barking orders at everyone. Stop telling people how they should feel. 


Aw!  Isn’t that sweet?  Stuffy can always count on waffle boy to be there. You got a friend in me but I rather be a friend in you. 


As much as I hate Hope’s choice in men, Wyatt excluded, Hope was the only one to show compassion, first to Finn and now to her father. Hope didn’t dwell on how terrible Shiela was but understood that they both had deep feelings for Shiela.  Hope in trying to show that same compassion to Stuffy was an absolute waste of time. 


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8 hours ago, Waldo13 said:

As much as I hate Hope’s choice in men, Wyatt excluded, Hope was the only one to show compassion, first to Finn and now to her father. Hope didn’t dwell on how terrible Shiela was but understood that they both had deep feelings for Shiela.  Hope in trying to show that same compassion to Stuffy was an absolute waste of time. 


Hope has great empathy for people who are hurting and I like how she simply let both Finn and Deacon talk--sometimes you just need to vent--but Steffy isn't here for that.  She immediately got angry that Hope wasn't falling all over herself explaining away Steffy's actions.  Both and Steffy and Liam need a harsh reality check with their disbelief that Finn's grieving Sheila's loss--just because they can't comprehend something doesn't mean the other person is wrong.  

Edited by kitmerlot1213
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3 hours ago, kitmerlot1213 said:

Both and Steffy and Liam need a harsh reality check with their disbelief that Finn's grieving Sheila's loss--just because they can't comprehend something doesn't mean the other person is wrong.  

Steffy has known for how long now that Finn has some complicated feelings about Sheila. Sure, he's sided with her on banning her, because he gets what a threat she is, but he still had feelings he was working through on all of that before this happened. It would seem pretty obvious that standing there next to Sheila's blood all over their floor would be something he's just not up to within hours of her death. 

Also, Steffy is hypersensitive about the word "killed."  It's an accurate description. It was in self defense, but, yeah, she killed her.  I can see being pissed off if Hope had said something like "I can imagine how hard it had to be to actually murder someone." But she didn't say that.  And she was trying to empathize. Everything leading up to the "K" word was her talking about how awful and traumatic it all must have been.  

BTW, is anyone going to remember that this isn't Steffy's first kill? You'd think Steffy would, at some point, be like "I can't believe this is the second time this has happened to me." 

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