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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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I’m just now getting caught up. I noticed that they filmed some of Steffy’s closeups during the wedding out of order because her lipstick kept disappearing and then reappearing later. Someone mentioned Brooke holding the champagne glass, but why was recently recovered addict Steffy drinking? That seems like a bad idea. 

It was nice to see the flashbacks of Sheila’s misdeeds, although they barely scratched the surface. It makes me wish Lauren had been invited so she could fill in about the stuff that happened in Genoa City before Sheila arrived in L.A. I wonder how long until Finn finds out he has siblings? That would be interesting if they show up too. 

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5 hours ago, ByaNose said:

AN & SC are having a easy week. They probably needed to meet their required minimum of episodes in their contract and Brad Bell gave them a week where didn’t have to actually work. It’s tough being front burner and working 5 days a week.

No kidding. And as hard as these two work on screen, that's nothing compared with the last Hope actress, who had over 930 episodes she appeared in between Jan 2010 and late 2014 when she left the show. She had the same number of episodes appearances as Katie on her last day, and HT had been on the show over two years longer by then. Like damn, it's a wonder Kim Matula didn't collapse from exhaustion!

Edited by Anna Yolei
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In my book fair is fair so if the Foresters airing Shiela’s dirty laundry why shouldn’t the Foresters’ dirty laundry be aired. Does Finn know that Stuffy killed her cousin Aly?  Does Finn know that her brother, Lurch, “raped” Liam’s cousin Caroline?  Does Finn know that Ridge is not a Forester by birth?  Does Finn know Stuffy’s mom, Taylor, shot Liam’s father Bill.  

I’m not saying that the Foresters have any reason to like Sheila but Finn is her blood and Stuffy’s bloodline is not that Kosher either.  Shiela has a very checkered pass but Stuffy, Lurch, and Taylor are just as capable of murder as Shiela. If Hayes turns out to be a wack-a-doodle, it can’t be blamed solely on Shiela.  

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1 hour ago, Anna Yolei said:

No kidding. And as hard as these two work on screen, that's nothing compared with the last Hope actress, who had over 930 episodes she appeared in between Jan 2010 and late 2014 when she left the show. She had the same number of episodes appearances as Katie on her last day, and HT had been on the show over two years longer by then. Like damn, it's a wonder Kim Matula didn't collapse from exhaustion!

That explains so much about this show. I swear to god, this show doesn't seem to care about anything but putting Liam and Hope in some kind of love quadrangle with Steffy, whether it's with his brother Wyatt or his father Bill or Steffy's brother Crazy Thomas.

5 minutes ago, Waldo13 said:

 Does Finn know that her brother, Lurch, “raped” Liam’s cousin Caroline?

Lurch is all better now, though, because it turned out that it was all just his brain tumor. Thank god Ryan and Erin were able to find out that about Jonathan after he went all whacko and they were able to get the "bad" cut out of him. Wait, wrong show.

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7 hours ago, Waldo13 said:

In my book fair is fair so if the Foresters airing Shiela’s dirty laundry why shouldn’t the Foresters’ dirty laundry be aired. Does Finn know that Stuffy killed her cousin Aly?  Does Finn know that her brother, Lurch, “raped” Liam’s cousin Caroline?  Does Finn know that Ridge is not a Forester by birth?  Does Finn know Stuffy’s mom, Taylor, shot Liam’s father Bill.  

I’m not saying that the Foresters have any reason to like Sheila but Finn is her blood and Stuffy’s bloodline is not that Kosher either.  Shiela has a very checkered pass but Stuffy, Lurch, and Taylor are just as capable of murder as Shiela. If Hayes turns out to be a wack-a-doodle, it can’t be blamed solely on Shiela.  

Additionally, Taylor also killed Darla while driving drunk. She also shoved Morgan from a balcony, causing her to miscarry Ridge's child.

Thomas blew up Rick's car and set his house on fire. When Thomas pursued Hope the first go-round, he went along with a plan Steffy set in motion to get Hope drunk so Thomas could seduce (read: rape) her. His brain tumor wasn't around then nor was it ever suggested it was present when he raped Caroline II. He was planning to do the same with Hope with the pills Vinnie gave him more recently. 

Thorne shot Ridge after finding out about the Ridge/Caroline I boink. 

Stephanie tried to kill Brooke multiple times (including holding a gun on Brooke and telling her to kill herself), tried to give Morgan tea that would have caused her to miscarry, tried to kill Jackie  by pushing her over a balcony, attempting to shoot/kill Nick, partially responsible for Beth Logan drowning, and set up Brooke to be brutally raped by Andy.


The bottom line is none of these people have a leg to stand on in the psychopath department.

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They did a pretty good job outlining Sheila's past and her crimes, but they still left so much out:

She not only pulled on a gun on Brooke, Taylor and Eric, but also pulled one on the entire cast when she was originally outed. Additionally, she shot Stephanie when it was just the two of them and baby Mary. 

Her whole history with Lauren, which also involved a baby, something that would be relevant given little Hayes. 

Messing with Bridget's paternity.

Killing Dr. Garvin

Deleting the BeLief formula from Brooke's laboratory computer

Kidnapping James and holding him prisoner in her basement dungeon

Attempting to kill her own mother

Kidnapping Ridge and dumping him into a burning foundry fire

I am sure there are even more.

I am gonna have to give Ridge a pass. He has every reason to suspect foul play. Sheila has always played the long con, and this set up is most definitely in her wheelhouse. And she will use any weapon at her disposal. So I am ok with him yelling at Jack and Finn; he has suffered enough at Sheila's hands, and now she is coming after his daughter. 

JM was great; even though he clearly wants nothing to do with Sheila, he still remembers how he loved her. I have mentioned that I have been watching old episodes, and I just went through the early Sheila period, and yes, Eric was totally smitten. But even after everything Sheila has done to him and his family, he is still gentle with her. 

I think Li is my new favorite character. She is spot on in her reactions and her tone. She is clearly torn here, wanting Finn to have what he has always wanted, but at the same time being very wary given what she is hearing. And the looks she has been throwing her husband are priceless. 

It is a rare occasion I stand in agreement with Steffy, but when it comes to Sheila, I am totally in her corner. I don't blame her one bit for not wanting Sheila in her life, or anywhere near her child. It was very telling when Steffy asked Finn if he had been involved in some type of plot. Could she be realizing maybe that she rushed things? Marrying a man she knew nothing about. And seriously, when she put her hand on Finn's chest, and couldn't even be bothered to look at him? Oh, boy howdy, Finn is fixing to get an education on the woman he married. I think I rewound and watched that scene about five times. The look on Finn's face as she just casually pushed him and his concern aside, and daddy stepped in to drive the point home. Ridge didn't even need to lay voice to "your helps not needed here son; my girl learned from the best, her Gansta Grandma." 

I have always thought Finn was a bit.........dim, but this is taking it to a whole other level. All these people have been hurt by your bio mom. They have told you about shootings, and poisonings, and lying, and manipulations, but you still stand there and insist that she belongs? I get that you want to know your birth mother, but how friggin insulting is it to Li, the woman who raised you, watching you support someone like Sheila? Any rational person would be happy to have finally made that connection, but now that they know who and what she is, would be telling her they cannot have a relationship. Your new bride is just steps away telling you this woman shot her mother, you also now know she tried to kill Thomas when he was an infant, and you are a new father, but still you insist she belongs? Compounding that is how Sheila hasn't denied any of it; instead trying to make it as if she was only reacting to how badly she had been treated. Sane people don't go get guns and start shooting up families, or slowly poisoning someone with Mercury, or threatening infants when they get their feelings hurt. No, sane people yell, and scream, and cry, they may throw out threats of retaliation, but they eventually skulk away and lick their wounds and move on. But not Sheila; no, when Sheila feels she has been done wrong, she starts talking to herself about "doing something" to stop them, which means hurt them in a permanent way. And this is the woman you are choosing over your new wife and the parents who have loved you and who gave you a good life? This is a person you would want around your newborn son? I am sorry, that is not dimwitted, or foolish, that is being bullheaded and selfish, and is going to deny you any future happiness, and will probably prove to be a fatal decision for you, or someone you love. 

I fully expected to be rolling my eyes and throwing rotten tomatoes at my tv, but I think the way they have handled Sheila's introduction has tempered my derision. The counter play of Donna and Katie looking at old photos, and reminiscing, coupled with interspersing the old clips made it so enjoyable, and made it less about stunt casting, and more about Show's history. 



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3 minutes ago, RuntheTable said:

JM was great; even though he clearly wants nothing to do with Sheila, he still remembers how he loved her. I have mentioned that I have been watching old episodes, and I just went through the early Sheila period, and yes, Eric was totally smitten. But even after everything Sheila has done to him and his family, he is still gentle with her. 

I really loved those moments with Eric. He's so raw and vulnerable right now after learning of the double betrayal from soon-to-ex-wife Quinn and colleague/friend Carter. He has always had a soft spot for Sheila and I think it's because she was the only woman who was 100% committed to him and only him. Every other woman he's ever been with cheated on him in one way or another (even though he obviously played around in his younger days). 

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How could Jack not know what Shelia has done? Makes no sense. The Forrester's are a high profile family.

I get why Ridge would think Finn and Sheila were teaming up but not Steffy.

Finn is kinda rude to Li. Poor girl. She is your mom. 

Hate them but Liam/Hope had funny background looks. That would be fun to play as actors. 

Edited by backhometome
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Oh good after Brookes nasally whiny complaining, what the show needed was Liam’s perspective on Shelia turning up. 

Steffy needs to look after her HUZZBAND. Finn just discovered his birth mom and Steffys yelling at her, the Slut of the Valley is shaming her.......etc

Kick Brooke and Ridge out, make Eric a martini and let the Stache and Shelia explain themselves.

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Oh, Liam, honey, don’t even try to puff your chest out acting like you could handle Sheila. You couldn’t even handle Quinn. 

Wonder which kids does Hope know about of Sheila’s. Mary/Erica is a given as is Diana. Do Ryder and Daisy count on B&B. 

Wouldn't have minded to see Thomas and Paris babysitting Hayes. Given he was engaged to Zoe, a Thomas and Paris discussion could be interesting.

Sheila’s ‘And What?!’ turning to step up to Brooke as she tried to rush her after saying ‘You Witch!’ had me laughing. Sheila was ready but Brooke let Eric ‘hold her back’. 

Don’t think I didn’t notice Sheila’s snark at Jack about his ‘protecting’ Finn. Lots more to that story. 

And we all noticed Finn answer Steffy’s request of his promising not to see Sheila again with ‘ I love you.’ That marriage is so done.

John McCook is doing great work. You can feel the weight of the Quinn betrayal on him, as he tries to muddle through this return of Sheila and all the complicated feelings there. I actually did feel for him when he apologized for the incident as he was the one who brought her into their lives. He’s made horrendous choices in women sometimes and Sheila continues to haunt him and his family for now two generations.

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28 minutes ago, TobinAlbers said:

And we all noticed Finn answer Steffy’s request of his promising not to see Sheila again with ‘ I love you.’ That marriage is so done.

Well damn, that's gotta be a new record, LOL!

I do get the feeling Finn is gonna be dead at the end of this. Either he gets shot in a scuffle between her and Steffy or Steffy inevitably waffles back to Liam and Finn bites it trying to keep her from shooting him. Either way, his days are numbered.

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28 minutes ago, Anna Yolei said:

I do get the feeling Finn is gonna be dead at the end of this. Either he gets shot in a scuffle between her and Steffy or Steffy inevitably waffles back to Liam and Finn bites it trying to keep her from shooting him. Either way, his days are numbered.

I don't know, though, they seem to have their fans on boards that aren't here.

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16 hours ago, Waldo13 said:

In my book fair is fair so if the Foresters airing Shiela’s dirty laundry why shouldn’t the Foresters’ dirty laundry be aired.

Oh the Forresters are horrid creatures, sure, but Sheila's crimes stand on their own. She was like this well before she got her hooks into Eric and she continued to be a menace after her escape from prison for shooting Taylor. The Forresters didn't have a hand in her using Mary as a tool again James, then gaslighting her to insert "Erica" into Rick's life.

She will use Finn and Hayes when given the opportunity. None of them are wrong about that.

Between Sheila's two grandkids, I wonder which one is more fucked: Hayes for having Taylor and Stephanie in his family tree or Lucy for having Phyllis in hers. 🤔

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Stuffy, your wedding?  I guess Finn is just chopped liver. 

Why does everything have to be raised to the nth degree. Shiela sucks but do we have to hear about it at 🤢🤮.  

Hope’s dress looks like a prom dress for a young lady who just realized it’s cool to show your breasts or a reasonable facsimile. If you kook at Hope, really look, Hope looks like she’s about 5 years younger than Stuffy. Maybe it’s the way Hope dresses. 

Brooke is like an elephant who never forgets except for her loved ones transgressions.  Brooke likes poking the bear, but, unlike Quinn who’s passive aggressive Shiela is aggressive aggressive.  As far as I’m concerned Shelia, you have card blanch to bring the rain all over the hypocritical Foresters.  

Ridge, the reception wasn’t perfect, it was non existent.  

Finn finally realized that Stuffy rules the roost and her balls are bigger than his. 


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1 hour ago, Anna Yolei said:

Between Sheila's two grandkids, I wonder which one is more fucked: Hayes for having Taylor and Stephanie in his family tree or Lucy for having Phyllis in hers. 🤔

Lucy by a country mile. Taylor’s got her problems but she’s shown remorse and empathy for others. Phyllis is a sociopathic narcissist who has never ever taken responsibility for her actions. This is a woman who told her son to ‘man up’ and raise the baby -Sheila’s granddaughter- that was conceived via his rape when there was a perfectly good couple on the show who wanted to raise her that her son approved of.  3 of the 4 grandparents Lucy has are criminal sociopaths- Terrible Tom, Sheila, and Phyllis. Daniel is gonna try to nurture the hell out of that kid but he’s fighting a whole lot of nature. Hayes has it relatively easier.

But damn, had Lucy been raised an Abbott-Newman....that would’ve been interesting.

50 minutes ago, Waldo13 said:

Finn finally realized that Stuffy rules the roost and her balls are bigger than his. 

Preach! So, so true. 😂

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1 hour ago, BoffoDaWonderSheep said:

I know this is asking for logic, but shouldn’t someone be asking who the father is?

I’m guessing that the need for further information will be Finn’s excuse to keep meeting with Sheila. 

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29 minutes ago, TobinAlbers said:

But damn, had Lucy been raised an Abbott-Newman....that would’ve been interesting.

With Billy Abbott as her dad? She'd been better off with Sheila! :P

Okay, I mostly kid because I reeeeeeeeeeally hate Buttbiscuit but yeah, you're right that Lucy is screwed :(

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On 8/11/2021 at 9:01 AM, CountryGirl said:

SF/Stephanie continue to slay:


i wish they would ask Suasan Flannery to do voice overs for her portrait, could you just imagine...... "Ahhh Another Damn wedding in my house, and it's her (or his) 5th  wedding, when will these assholes get it right".....   or just some great stepahnie snark, it could be golden!!!!!

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Finn didn't answer, or give Steffy any indication he would stay away from Sheila. That marriage is doomed. 

Steffy better smart up pretty quick and in a hurry. Don't leave Hayes and Kelly at home with a nanny; take them to work with you. I am sure FC has some sort of daycare situation, and if not, have the nanny come with you. Or, you could just work from home, with seriously beefed up security. I wouldn't even leave your kids home with Finn; I don't really see Sheila going back to Eric's, but I definitely see her paying some visits to Cliff House. You just know she will be casing the joint waiting for her opportunity to get Finn alone, and if the kids are there, so much the better. And of course she will be visiting him at the hospital, whittling away at his defenses. 

Everyone in that room has done horrible things; some have committed actual crimes, while others have just committed terrible taboo's. I honestly don't care what they have done, because it would never compare to Sheila's multiple reigns of terror on Genoa City and Bell LA. The difference with Sheila is that she is pathological, she has no sense of right or wrong, possesses no boundaries, and is a narcissist who feels entitled to what ever she deems hers, or her rights. She will not accept other people's stances or opinions, and does not respect their wishes if they differ from hers, and will plan and manipulate against anyone who goes against her. And her plans often involve serious long term harm or death. She is one to herself; there are no other's like her. Pure vindictive, evil personified. No, I say let the Forrester's and Logan's have at her; they have more than earned that right. The only soap villain that even comes close to Sheila would be Angelique from Dark Shadows. Of course Angelique was a real witch, and one who had a total disregard for others. She ran roughshod over the original Collin's family, leaving only Joshua, who lost a wife, a sister, a brother, two children, and a sister-in-law to her machinations. 

And for God's sakes; would someone ask who's the daddy?

Edited by RuntheTable
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Maybe I’m giving them too much credit, but if any of them would tear their eyes away from Sheila & look in Jack’s direction, they’d know who bio-dad is as easily as we do. TK/Daddy Finn (just realized Ted King & Thorsten Kaye have the same initials) really is gifting everyone in that room a master class in acting without saying a word. 

About being a stan of Sinn, I’m not really a fan, so much as I’m a fan of jumping off of the TOD merry-go-round. I’ll take boring over TOD all day, every day. 

Is Justin still hanging out at FC, waiting on an answer from Thomas & Ridge?

Edited by nkotb
TK Clarity
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Really could have done without Liam/Hopes commentary on Sheila/Finn/Steffy. 

Liam is as threatening as a whiny toddler. 

Good for Eric reminding them that Jack and Li are Finns parents. 

Edited by backhometome
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On 8/12/2021 at 12:25 AM, Waldo13 said:

In my book fair is fair so if the Foresters airing Shiela’s dirty laundry why shouldn’t the Foresters’ dirty laundry be aired. Does Finn know that Stuffy killed her cousin Aly?  Does Finn know that her brother, Lurch, “raped” Liam’s cousin Caroline?  Does Finn know that Ridge is not a Forester by birth?  Does Finn know Stuffy’s mom, Taylor, shot Liam’s father Bill.  

I’m not saying that the Foresters have any reason to like Sheila but Finn is her blood and Stuffy’s bloodline is not that Kosher either.  Shiela has a very checkered pass but Stuffy, Lurch, and Taylor are just as capable of murder as Shiela. If Hayes turns out to be a wack-a-doodle, it can’t be blamed solely on Shiela.  


On 8/12/2021 at 7:49 AM, CountryGirl said:

Additionally, Taylor also killed Darla while driving drunk. She also shoved Morgan from a balcony, causing her to miscarry Ridge's child.

Thomas blew up Rick's car and set his house on fire. When Thomas pursued Hope the first go-round, he went along with a plan Steffy set in motion to get Hope drunk so Thomas could seduce (read: rape) her. His brain tumor wasn't around then nor was it ever suggested it was present when he raped Caroline II. He was planning to do the same with Hope with the pills Vinnie gave him more recently. 

Thorne shot Ridge after finding out about the Ridge/Caroline I boink. 

Stephanie tried to kill Brooke multiple times (including holding a gun on Brooke and telling her to kill herself), tried to give Morgan tea that would have caused her to miscarry, tried to kill Jackie  by pushing her over a balcony, attempting to shoot/kill Nick, partially responsible for Beth Logan drowning, and set up Brooke to be brutally raped by Andy.


The bottom line is none of these people have a leg to stand on in the psychopath department.

All this.  In addition, Steffy slept with her father-in-law Bill at least once.  Steffy and Thomas tried to keep Brooke and Ridge apart many times so that Ridge and Taylor could get back together (I think one of them was the "I now pronounce you man and.... horse?!" wedding).  And what about all the stuff that Steffy has done to Hope?  Steffy conspired with Bill to trap Hope in the gondola at Aspen so Hope would have to watch her swoop in and marry Liam.  Steffy got Liam drunk and tattooed and hair dyed the night before one of his weddings to Hope.

Taylor slept with her daughter Phoebe's boyfriend Rick.  Taylor went through Brooke's medical records to find out that Brooke had miscarried Bill's child (which should have cost her her medical licence).

Aunt Pam tried to kill Donna Logan at least once, by tying her to a chair, dousing her with honey, and trying to get a bear to eat her.  Pam continues to foist her infamous lemon bars onto the world.

The entire Forrester family is a mess.  I think most of them are killers or attempted killers, some of them multiple times over.  Obviously Sheila has her own long list of crimes, but it's really rich that Steffy, a killer and attempted killer herself, is aghast that Finn is somehow now just as bad as Sheila even though his only crime so far is being interminably boring.

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35 minutes ago, blackwing said:

Obviously Sheila has her own long list of crimes, but it's really rich that Steffy, a killer and attempted killer herself, is aghast that Finn is somehow now just as bad as Sheila even though his only crime so far is being interminably boring.

Now if only Sheila would read this post, while wearing a button with a picture of Aly Forrester, preferably aloud, in public, perhaps at Hayes's christening. 

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Eric can't get someone besides Carter? Please. 

Yes Eric, Carter sure does know your family. 



Finn even looks dumbfounded in his online doctor profile photo.

Staring out the window, looking bewildered. 

Edited by seasons
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Paris has ZERO reason to be staying at Steffy’s!  And Steffy and Finn act like no one is home at all and free to have sex anywhere? The only reason why the writers might have written Paris into their lives so closely is she will somehow have something to do with Sheila.

And why is Carter always at home these days and not at the office?  How often has Eric or Ridge been looking for him only to find him at his house “working out”…and on company time I might add.  He should be at work like them and leave the partying with Quinn to evenings.   Still cannot understand how Eric has let bygones be bygones when the Quarter affair was known.  Dumb Eric sounds so trusting.

Stupid stupid Finn sending Sheila a heart?!  

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Carter and Quinn 🔥🔥🔥. Finn and Stuffy 🥶🥶🥶.  Ridge, Brooke, Eric 💨💨💨. Stuffy is such a buzz kill. She really knows how to kill an erection.  To think of it, Paris is also a buzzkill and is going to be a major cockblocker.  

Eric, Brooke, and Ridge the consortium of pontification.  Their focus is on everything and anything and work be damned.  Carter stays home and doesn’t work while the consortium goes to work and doesn’t work.  Carter is just saving gas 😜 and being frugal because gas is $4.50 per gallon and he can’t afford a Tesla 😇.   






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4 minutes ago, Waldo13 said:

Carter and Quinn 🔥🔥🔥. Finn and Stuffy 🥶🥶🥶.  Ridge, Brooke, Eric 💨💨💨. Stuffy is such a buzz kill. She really knows how to kill an erection.  To think of it, Paris is also a buzzkill and is going to be a major cockblocker.  

Eric, Brooke, and Ridge the consortium of pontification.  Their focus is on everything and anything and work be damned.  Carter stays home and doesn’t work while the consortium goes to work and doesn’t work.  Carter is just saving gas 😜 and being frugal because gas is $4.50 per gallon and he can’t afford a Tesla 😇.   






Carter needs to be available for Quinn and he can’t do that at the pesky office with everyone breathing down his neck for divorces and restraining orders.

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10 hours ago, Foghorn Leghorn said:

The only reason why the writers might have written Paris into their lives so closely is she will somehow have something to do with Sheila.

You know, if it's for that purpose, I kinda don't mind because this is close to how characters used to get integrated into the show in the olden days. Amber Moore was originally Sheila's babysitter for Mary until Sheila fucked off and the show happened to SORAS Rick and CJ but not Bridget for a few more months, specifically for Amber to be her babysitter and get with Rick. 

I wish more characters of color had their own unique stories but this has better legs to grow than the predicted Faris affair because no one wanted that.

18 hours ago, RuntheTable said:

Everyone in that room has done horrible things; some have committed actual crimes, while others have just committed terrible taboo's. I honestly don't care what they have done, because it would never compare to Sheila's multiple reigns of terror on Genoa City and Bell LA. 

Yep. Look at what she did to her own mother when she was about to spill the beans to Lauren. And while the Forresters are all loons, they at least aim their grudges at people who have wronged them (Rick is the one consistent outlier, using Steffy against Ridge and then his and Maya's reign of terror after his separation from Caroline).

Yes, Thomas blew up Rick's car but the guy by his own admission was using Steffy in his agenda in a beef with Ridge.

Yes, Steffy cold-cocked her cousin and it was absolutely stupid she hid what was a slam dunk self defense case. Because as much as I love the actress, Aly was O B E S S E D against Steffy and I will sit at a table for one to say Steffy was not entirely wrong to be afraid of what she might do.

Sheila OTOH? Kills her operatives the minute they become liabilities. If you think what Thomas did to Douglas over months was horrid, imagine what Sheila did to Mary over the 4 years two decades she grew up being groomed to be Rick's wife. A child that has never been brought up in any subsequent appearances, I might add. I'm personally fine with forgetting Terrible Tom twit twins exist, but why was she never in their lives? Where's Diana?

I mean, she's made snide comments about Lauren losing Dylan and made threats about killing Thomas as a baby in diapers. Even Quinn, who was the only person on the show not named Steffy who didn't like Hope showed remorse for her part in her miscarriage.

Two people can be terrible and one is clearly worse than the other.

Edited by Anna Yolei
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Paris living with Sinn and especially hanging around during their wedding night is stupid, stupid, stupid.  There is no plausible reason why this woman is living with them as opposed to FC Corporate apartments or Eric's pool house for pete's sake.

I get Finn was all about humping his new wife, but given he just met Sheila and heard all this crap about her, if I were him, I'd have been burning up the internet googling her to understand why the Forresters were so shook.  And the thing is he STILL doesn't know half of what she's done and especially what she did in Genoa City.  I'd love for Lauren to pay this fool a visit and educate how Sheila befriended her son Scotty after Lauren hid him away to protect him from Sheila and terrorized Lauren, stole her life, etc. and not treat him with kid gloves like the Forrester's did.

I honestly shook my head and sighed when Finn sent that heart emoji as that poor dummy didn't realize that in opening that door to Sheila, he's ended his marriage and his life as he knew it. Sheila will never let him or Hayes go now.

I'll give Finn this, that little tug down of his pants when he stood up to greet Steffy to give a little tease to the viewers was not unappreciated, LOL. Poor pretty dumb, thing.

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44 minutes ago, TobinAlbers said:

I'll give Finn this, that little tug down of his pants when he stood up to greet Steffy to give a little tease to the viewers was not unappreciated, LOL. Poor pretty dumb, thing.

Well, the dumb ones are better in bed, I hear. If nothing else, I hope Steffy's getting better sex than she got from boring ass Waffles 🤣

The Finn actor's been a bit more alive in these scenes the past week than he has at any point in the last year. Even a third rate talent must get tired of fourth rate ass kissing passing for "story." But boy is he gonna be a sacrifice at the end of the story...but with Hayes as her grandson, they're setting up JMW with story for years. Finn doesn't even need to be apart of that, he did his job.

More importantly, I feel like the chance of Liam fathering this child is close to zero and they won't revisit that as a sideways foot in the door for Steam. : p I'm mostly snarking here, but Hayes has the most potential for a juicy built in backstory of any legacy kid since Hope a full....oh, nearly 20 years ago. Assuming the show is chugging along somehow, it could be fun. Maybe he'll make for a better Paul Ryan-esque character than his uncle Thomas or great-uncle Rick ever did.

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Sheila doesn’t need much encouragement does she? I think even if Finn had sent a thumbs up or check mark emoji to acknowledge the message she would have read some deeper message into it. I don’t seriously believe that she was just going to leave town with no chance of further contact. Finn should have just ignored the message, but it wasn’t going to matter anyway. 

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Really guys? You have a houseguest and you are just going to rev up the engine right there in the living room? And for heaven's sake; go put on some damn clothes. You shouldn't be prancing around in your sexy nighty, and displaying your bare chest while you sport some tight ass pajama pants that put your donkey kong on full display. ICK! 

So Paris now knows most of the whole sordid story. I was hoping that we might see Paris and Thomas getting to know each other. Since Zende thought they were moving to fast, I say that opens the door for Paris to explore other opportunities. A Pairs/Thomas romance is never gonna happen though because they are saving Thomas for Hope. I don't need a crystal ball to see where this is going; Finn is not going to be able to turn away from Sheila, and Paris will be his sounding board and friend. Steffy will find out; be heartbroken and horrified, and will turn to Liam who will comfort her with his penis, leaving the door open for Hope and Thomas. I certainly hope they don't just start the triangle of DOOM again, with Hope pining away for Liam. I really don't think I could take that. 

Holy googity moogity! I never realized what a rocking bod RS had until they showed that cleavage shot. Wowza; you go on and rock that ship girl. So freaking gorgeous. And her reaction when Eric was talking about keeping that maniac away from Steffy and Hayes? Can't say Quinn lacks for self awareness. Actually, I enjoyed all the Carter/Quinn scenes, so playful and funny. 

Eric and Ridge, I know you guys are trying, but I don't think a restraining order is going to do any good. Isn't there another type of order that is even stronger than the restraining order? I don't even think that would help. No, you can't fight Sheila on the up and up, and the law will never help you. What you need to do is beef up security, make sure Steffy and the children are never alone, find out where Sheila is, and put a tail on her ass. You both know how this woman operates; she hides in the shadows, planning and plotting, almost always gets an accomplice, then pounces when you least expect it and don't see it coming. The only way to fight her is to stay ahead of her; a restraining order isn't going to do any good when she has knocked Steffy out and took off with Hayes. 

Edited by RuntheTable
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1 hour ago, RuntheTable said:

Eric and Ridge, I know you guys are trying, but I don't think a restraining order is going to do any good. Isn't there another type of order that is even stronger than the restraining order? I don't even think that would help. No, you can't fight Sheila on the up and up, and the law will never help you. What you need to do is beef up security, make sure Steffy and the children are never alone, find out where Sheila is, and put a tail on her ass. You both know how this woman operates; she hides in the shadows, planning and plotting, almost always gets an accomplice, then pounces when you least expect it and don't see it coming. The only way to fight her is to stay ahead of her; a restraining order isn't going to do any good when she has knocked Steffy out and took off with Hayes. 

This. All of this. If Sonny Corrinthos can have all his ‘security’ extras hanging around then for this Sheila storyline the Forresters should have one as well. They should hire a female security agent who can doppelgänger Steffy and drop kick Sheila when she inevitably tries to knock Steffy out.

One thing the show didn’t take advantage of to have some fun is in the articles that Sheila was reading about the wedding is if there were some text/subheadlines along the lines of ‘Will wedding number 6 last?’ Or ‘Lope was in attendance and looking happy -for now.’ Bonus if they had pics of all Steffy's Men (Marcus, Oliver, Bill, Liam, Wyatt) in the article about Finn doing a comparison 😂  Also did Spencer Publications not cover it? I really would’ve loved if they did an Eye of Fashion digital short covering Steffy’s romantic past ending with Clarence summing up that they’re happy for Sinn but know that the dramafree life isn't gonna last.

Heck, the show should take note of Days of our Lives doing digital series and do some kind of tie in digital short spinoff for Paramount + that’s a gossip tabloid series from Spencer Publications that gives up dirt and snippets about the first family of fashion and even drops teases of upcoming story or someone gets reactions from offscreen characters like Rick, Maya, etc. 

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19 hours ago, Anna Yolei said:

More importantly, I feel like the chance of Liam fathering this child is close to zero and they won't revisit that as a sideways foot in the door for Steam. : p

I hope so. But Sheila has a history of messing with paternity test results and she said she's been keeping tabs on Finn all along. She might have decided to mess with Hayes's test results to make Finn the daddy so that Finn could get the woman he wanted and Sheila would have an in to the Forrester family. I guess it depends on how long Sheila's supposed to be around. If she's going to be permanent it makes sense to keep Hayes her grandson so that Steffy (and Taylor, if they ever suck it up and recast) are stuck with her, but if she's only going to be around a little while I can see that reveal coming.

And since Finn is obviously not going to stay away from Sheila and Steffy is obviously going to have major issues with that, I can see her whining to Liam regularly about it and Liam agreeing with her and running Finn down. And then Finn could learn from Sheila that Hayes isn't his and decide to stay quiet about it because he can see Steffy already has one foot out the door and that learning Hayes isn't Finn's will be the end.

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1 hour ago, Black Knight said:

But Sheila has a history of messing with paternity test results and she said she's been keeping tabs on Finn all along. She might have decided to mess with Hayes's test results to make Finn the daddy so that Finn could get the woman he wanted and Sheila would have an in to the Forrester family.

Yeah, youve got a point there. Vinny's suicide never made a lick of sense and having him make the tape before shoving him in front of a car would be pretty on-brand for Sheila. 

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Steffys back at work while Finn heads to the beach with Paris and her boobs. I can already see him confiding in her that he wants to know his birth mommy but Steffy has forbidden him from contact. 
Ooh Quinn don’t give in to Eric. 

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19 hours ago, Chatty Cake said:

Steffys back at work while Finn heads to the beach with Paris and her boobs.

In all fairness, Paris did make an effort to cover the girls up. While I'm a huge admirer of such things, they're so, um, long....

She'll be tripping over them by the time she's 50, methinks.

Edited by Winston Wolfe
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Paris is getting on my last nerve. She’s quickly become more annoying than Brooke.  Paris, button your shirt and stop flashing Finn. Even with Stuffy’s momma boobs, your making Finn compare yours to hers and Stuffy is loosing. 

Stuffy goes to the office, Finn goes surfing and Paris can go to the beach. Just a normal day in LaLa land.  You are lying through your teeth Paris, you do mean to pry.  Paris is hoping that someone to talk to turns into much much more. Paris morals seem to be non existent when it comes to her. 

Ridge, you fucking hypocritical idiot.  You have no right to belittle Quinn. How many times has Brooke gone to someone else. Brooke had a sampling many men and settled for you for now.  

What a dilemma for Quinn. Carter wants her a now so does Eric.  Does Quinn want passion or comfort?  Does Quinn want a man that is totally in love with her or a man and his family that is constantly looking for her next discretion and judging her. 


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16 minutes ago, Waldo13 said:

Ridge, you fucking hypocritical idiot.  You have no right to belittle Quinn. How many times has Brooke gone to someone else

Has she, though? From what I can recall, most of her men she was involved with were very blatant rebounds after Ridge was with Taylor. Nick was the one exception to this prior to the Brill kiss from a while ago and I remember a lot of people pointing out how egregiously out of character this was for her.

That aside, I *wish" to high heaven she'd pick a new man and actually mean it.

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1 hour ago, Waldo13 said:

Ridge, you fucking hypocritical idiot.  You have no right to belittle Quinn. How many times has Brooke gone to someone else. Brooke had a sampling many men and settled for you for now.  

What a dilemma for Quinn. Carter wants her a now so does Eric.  Does Quinn want passion or comfort?  Does Quinn want a man that is totally in love with her or a man and his family that is constantly looking for her next discretion and judging her. 


What made me literally LOL was when Ridge told Eric Ridge knows Eric takes divorce seriously!   🤣🙄

Uh yeah, guess that's why Eric has never been divorced before (unless you count Stephanie, Brooke, Sheila and Donna)!!!

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Okay, Steffy goes to work while Finn (the doctor) and Paris McBooby go to the beach. They come back totally dry, not even wet hair.  Paris’ ginormous boobs are hanging right out there for Finn to admire. What the hell are these producers trying to do with this young girl? Enough already. Move her into her own apartment and dress her appropriately. Next thing we know she’ll be Donna’s assistant boobster.

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Don't do it Quinn. Eric is confused, and hurt, and feeling lonely. He has also been rocked to the core with the reemergence of Sheila. You should think long and hard about this; do you really want to step back into that life? If you think it was bad before, it would be 100 times worse now; everyone would be watching your every move. Sure, Eric can tell them all to step off, it's his life and his decision, but that will not stop them, and after a while Eric will be missing his family. Compare that to what you have found with Carter. Tell Eric that you are flattered, but no, you want to move on. But of course that isn't going to happen; that is why we had that snarky shit in the office between Brooke and Quinn, with Brooke waxing on about how she couldn't wait to get Quinn out of the family for good. Yes, because watching Brooke act like a jealous, snitty high schooler is more entertaining than watching two smoking hot adults starting a new romance. 

Come on Show; Paris and Finn have less chemistry than Finn and Steffy.

Fucking idiots; leaving those kids with a nanny, and Sheila is back in town? "Oh, well yeah officer, we know full well Sheila is a psychopath, but I had to go to work, and Finn and Paris needed some time at the beach." DUH

I swear, I won't have one iota of sympathy for any of them if they are going to play it like stupid fools. I mean, there is Steffy telling Ridge that you can't fight Sheila the legal way, and how she hides and waits for her moment to strike. But you left your kids at home with a nanny. 

Look at Carter manning up; I like it. Take back control of your life; and if Eric and Ridge can't support your need for happiness, and for your need to have agency over your future? Well, there are other jobs out there; Spencer Publications just lost their attorney. 

Loved Steffy's dress, and that girl just had a baby? 

Paris's boobs need support and something to cover them. 

Edited by RuntheTable
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NOooooo! C'mon, Quinn. Just. Say. No. ITA. After the initial rush of makeup sex and whatever ish goes down with Queric, it will be back to the same old, same old. Eric's family will rebel and why would Quinn want to relive that? I can hear Brooke right now, and Ridge will make noises that "whatever makes Dad happy," but will badmouth Quinn, as well as Eric's decision, behind Eric's back. 

I also agree that the reappearance of Sheila probably jolted Eric and he decided that Quinn didn't seem so bad after all.  Maybe he also felt threatened by and vulnerable to Sheila and Quinn is his safety shield. This is going to crush Carter and Donna, but maybe they will end up together. I actually do feel pretty sorry for Carter, but ... he rushed into things again. Didn't he more or less invite Quinn to move in with him yesterday?

The show is pretty much at a low for me right now. I'll keep watching, but I find every character and SL highly uninteresting. Even Sheila. What made her so good and have such an impact in the past was that she played off strong characters like Stephanie and Lauren. There is no way the guy playing Finn, DW and JMW can pull off anything comparable. 



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1 hour ago, CharlizeCat said:

What made her so good and have such an impact in the past was that she played off strong characters like Stephanie and Lauren. There is no way the guy playing Finn, DW and JMW can pull off anything comparable. 

That's a really good point, Sheila is only as good as her adversary is.  The only actress in this current canvas that even comes close is Rena Sofer.  I don't know how the writers could angle the story this way, but I would love to see Sheila vs. Quinn.

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