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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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Re: changing names. I just Googled it and the regulations in CA appear fairly straightforward.  As long as you aren't trying to commit fraud or evade the law, no problem.  You can even change your gender.  Pretty sure that's not an easy option where I live... http://www.courts.ca.gov/1051.htm

Yes, but the person seeking to have his/her named changed petitions the court (if an adult) and goes to court. They made it seem as if Bill got Justin to petition the court and then surprised Wyatt with the change.

  • Love 3

Apparently word in the soap mags is that

Bill & Katie reunite in 2015.

I don't know how I feel about this just yet other than I guess it would be more entertaining than Hope/Liam/Wyazzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz


Re: the aerial footage of L.A. - I hate to say it, but it doesn't look all that glamorous. I didn't realise there were mountains in the background until I Googled "Los Angeles" just now either. Is that where Big Bear is? Maybe L.A. is more impressive on the ground with all the attractions. Call me patriotic, but when I look at a picture of L.A. and then a picture of Sydney Harbour, I think the latter is much nicer.


Shira, I'm sorry to hear of your misfortune w/ miscarriage (but happy to hear you have your two children!).


Gudzilla there are probably more photos of Bill in his office (is that thing called a credenza? idk furniture) but it's hard to tell when Bill's big-ass executive chair is in the way.


Do we know when the Forresters are back on? John & JMW did a facebook chat for Moda Na Sukces (Polish Bold - I think it's not airing anymore?) but I can't find a transcript. :/ I've asked around on Twitter, hopefully there is one.

  • Love 3

Why is Beady Eyes still there with Hope?  Yes, he found Hope and took her to the hospital.  But once Wyatt showed up, he should have left immediately.  Because, you know, Wyatt's her husband.  But nooooooo, Beady has to be there because he's "concerned" about Hope.  Of course he's not just biding his time hoping that Hope will dump Wyatt now that there is no more baby.  When that doctor asked him if he was the husband or the baby's father and he just sits there and stammers.... ugh.  Why couldn't he just say he is Hope's brother-in-law?

  • Love 6

I suppose it's too much to hope (no puns intended) that this brings Hope and Wyatt closer together and that, not the baby, is what makes Liam finally focus exclusively on Ivy?  Because I know Ivy said anyone who was with Liam had to accept that Hope is in his life but you know she didn't really mean it.  (Deep down. Because no one is that selfless...)

  • Love 1

How in the hell do they know the sex of the baby? Hope found out she was pregnant like 4 weeks ago "real life" time. Also what is the damn point of having Steffy/Liam married pregnant; Hope/Wyatt married pregnant if they weren't going to keep at least one of the pregnancies. Sigh I can't with this show

Edited by carolinagirl81
  • Love 4


I wonder if they actually planned on keeping this pregnancy going before they knew KM was out.  Because it doesn't make sense otherwise.


My money is on that this baby was supposed to be Liam's and lived so that Liam and Hope would have a HEA for a time with their baby before something else broke them up.


Long story speculation: I totally think that instead of Quinn stopping the crazy, she would've gone the other way: kidnap a pregnant Hope (make it look like she left town on her own power to get away from all the stress), plan to steal the baby from Hope and/or have Hope die in an accident/go missing so that she can raise the baby with Wyatt. Hope may try to escape and gets injured so she's in a coma for a while so that Quinn can set up shop with Wyatt and Baby Fuller Spencer. Quinn tries to off the comatose Hope a few times, raising Liam's suspicions. Hope wakes up with no recollection of what happened but since she's recovering from the drama, Quinn stays in control of the situation. Liam and Wyatt try to help Hope remember as Quinn plots to either kill Hope or gaslight her into thinking she's unstable so she can have her committed. Just as Hope remembers the truth, Quinn's plan works and no none believes Hope so she's committed.


THEN Baby Fuller gets sick and it's revealed that Liam and not Wyatt is the baby daddy. Maybe Wyatt and Quinn are the only ones who know initially but then because they need Liam for a donation, either Wyatt tells him OR Quinn kidnaps him and tries to harvest his body parts. Wyatt comes clean to Bill and they save Liam in time but Quinn makes off with the baby, now completely around the bend. On one hand she still thinks of the baby as her grandchild but they worry she's so unstable that she may also hurt the kid since it's Liam's. Baby Spencer is still in need of his medical treatment and Wyatt, Hope (now released), and Liam race to find the child. Finally Quinn is found and confronted and she's close to offing herself and the kid because Hope and Liam don't deserve a child and it would be better off dead than have Liam and Hope as parents. Wyatt is able to talk her down saying that he loves the child like it's his own and it IS his blood, he's that baby's uncle and her killing it would be killing him. Quinn hands over the baby and then either jumps or tries to pull Liam or Hope over the edge (I imagine this taking place at the Cliff house at the cliffs) but Wyatt pulls him free and Quinn (and possibly Wyatt) plummets to her death.


Hope and Liam reunite with baby. Wyatt gets a reboot or leaves town (or is dead). Quinn is dead and the Fullers are kaput.


All this would've taken a year to play out but in the end I think KM leaving saved Quinn from becoming full on Morgan or Sheila and be written out.


If they had something like the above planned, then I think they scuttled it is because that's a lot to ask a recast to play out and if the new Hope has no chem with Liam, it's a lot of story for no real gain and saddling Hope and Liam with a kid. Better to let the recast come on with minimal baggage and see who she sparks with and then rev things back up.

  • Love 4

I understand being upset that someone lost their baby..but everyone acting like Hope just miscarried the messiah is over the top.   I didn't need to see everyone and their mother rushing over.   Yeah....I'm heartless.   I still don't care.  No tears here.   


Please get this shit over with.  I'm holding the door open for KM and Hopeless....don't let the door hit ya!  


*taps fingers anxiously for Ridge/Caroline to get back on my screen* 

  • Love 13

I understand being upset that someone lost their baby..but everyone acting like Hope just miscarried the messiah is over the top.   I didn't need to see everyone and their mother rushing over.   Yeah....I'm heartless.   I still don't care.  No tears here.   


Please get this shit over with.  I'm holding the door open for KM and Hopeless....don't let the door hit ya!  


*taps fingers anxiously for Ridge/Caroline to get back on my screen* 


I was laughing at how awkwardly some of that was staged, with poor Donna all by herself in the middle of Ivy/Liam and Bill/Katie. 

  • Love 5

I'm torn on Quinn's responsibility.  She did just push her way in the house and wouldn't leave.  But I would have called the police.  Then again, I would have called the police when she tried to murder Liam, so that's their responsibility that she's still able to walk around, murdering jewelers, pushing people into rivers and just being a general nuisance.

I was laughing at how awkwardly some of that was staged, with poor Donna all by herself in the middle of Ivy/Liam and Bill/Katie.

Bill and Katie looked very hot and intimate today in their interactions. That wasn't even the intent, but the result wasn't lost on me. I always liked them, so I'm not mad at it.

Edited by kia112
  • Love 6

Liam is still there because when he went to leave, Wyatt asked him to stay. Also, Hope asked him to stay. The real question is: why is Deacon there? And why is Bill bringing Katie?

'Cause it was his grandchild and Katie was the child's great-aunt. I know we all like to pretend Hope was some randomly generated mistake that some drunken monks forced on us to eventually bring on the apocalypse but she does have family.

Edited by slayer2
  • Love 4

Re: changing names. I just Googled it and the regulations in CA appear fairly straightforward. As long as you aren't trying to commit fraud or evade the law, no problem. You can even change your gender. Pretty sure that's not an easy option where I live... http://www.courts.ca.gov/1051.htm

Yeah, YOUR name, not that of your grown child.

And thanks for the reminder of Mushmouth's Paternal-go-round, and one of the most unnecessary reconsider in B&B history. God, I wonder what those Waltons think of all that.

Edited by Anna Yolei
  • Love 2

Bill and Katie looked very hot and intimate today in their interactions. That wasn't even the intent, but the result wasn't lost on me. I always liked them, so I'm not mad at it.

The only time I really liked Katie was when she was with Bill.  When it comes to bad ideas from the writers, I think Bill & Brooke was one of the worst.  It made no sense (IMO) that they got together in the first place, and I bet if Bill & Katie do get back together history will be forgotten to the point that a new viewer would never know Brooke & Bill were even an item.

Edited by ByTor
  • Love 6

Is it all that unusual for someone Hope's age to miscarry early in their first trimester? I agree with comments upthread that it's way over-the-top for them to be acting like this is the biggest tragedy ever. Unless the doctors tell her she can no longer have children, she can heal up and get pregnant again, no? Plus now she'll have the opportunity to get knocked up by the Spencer son she really wants.

  • Love 5

I'm trying to figure out Deacon's motivation.  Why is even still here?  Is he just biding his time waiting for Brooke to get back from wherever she is so he can propose to her?  I gagged yesterday when he was talking to Wyatt and telling him that Wyatt doesn't understand the things a parent will do for their child, and that when Wyatt and Hope have their baby that he will understand.  I had to rewind to make sure I heard him right.  Deacon, absentee loser sperm donor, telling Wyatt about what it's like to be a good parent?  The father who wasn't around for 16 years and is now father of the year?  The father who deliberately sabotaged his own daughter's wedding in Italy.  Yeah.  He's the perfect person to be giving parenting advice.  I don't understand why Wyatt didn't respond to that.


Deacon is so gross.  The actor has really porked out, he's like Thorne in putting on the pounds.  And at 50 years old, isn't he a bit too old to have that floppy hairstyle?  I fear that they are rehabilitating him to be one of Bell A's most outstanding citizens?  Why?  He was always a con man.


I will never understand why Deacon isn't struck down by lightning when he starts getting all preachy about the joys of fatherhood.  I had the same reaction you did.  Like, how in the fuck would he know?  Does he even remember that he has a grown son out there somewhere on the Planet Zatox, whom he once tried to sell like a piece of meat to the highest bidder?


As for Bell & Co. trying to turn that trifling con artist into an upstanding citizen, puh-leeze!  At the end of the day, a turd covered with glitter and spritzed with cologne is still a piece of shit.

  • Love 5

'Cause it was his grandchild and Katie was the child's great-aunt. I know we all like to pretend Hope was some randomly generated mistake that some drunken monks forced on us to eventually bring on the apocalypse but she does have family.


I know she has a family, but up until 3-4 months ago, Deacon wasn't a part of it.  I really don't think he's a part of it now, he's just...around.  And even now, he's more concerned with how Quinn is dealing with Hope's rejection of her than Hope's feelings.  As exemplified by the fact that he's even with Quinn.


I wasn't questioning why Katie was there, but why Bill had to bring her.


This "Next on..." looks lovely.



But this deleted scene was boring.



  • Love 4

I may have missed mention of it during the scenes, but was Hope still in her first trimester?  I assumed that they had SORASed the pregnancy to some extent, as evidenced by her "bump" (I hate myself a little bit for using that term) the past couple weeks.  I don't think she was 6 months along or anything, but I got the impression she was supposed to be more than 3 months.  (Still too damn early for a baby shower.  Seriously.) 

  • Love 3

Then again, I would have called the police when she tried to murder Liam, so that's their responsibility that she's still able to walk around, murdering jewelers, pushing people into rivers and just being a general nuisance.

Allegedly murdering jewelers. ;)


As for the 'Next on' It looks like Chickenhead drops a truth bomb on our pretty pretty princess, you go Chickenhead !! 

  • Love 10

I will never understand why Deacon isn't struck down by lightning when he starts getting all preachy about the joys of fatherhood.


I don't know what became of Alphabet Baby because I don't watch Y&R. However, didn't Brooke and all of the Forresters band together to banish Deacon from Hope's life when she was growing up?  I suppose that he could have refused or tried to contact Hope when she was older. There probably was some type of payoff Deacon couldn't refuse...


  • Love 1

It's ridiculous that they're doing this story without Brooke,  as in the case of Stephanie's death without Ridge.   Katie and Donna are no substitute,


Yes!  I'm only keeping up to date on KKL's Dancing with the Stars gig via this forum, but it seems to me that she hasn't actually been on the show in awhile.  Is she still in Italy or something?  Otherwise, I don't know why they couldn't ask her to come back for a day for this, and show Hope flying back to Italy with her because she couldn't handle everything happening in LA, then Hope just stays when Brooke comes back.

  • Love 2

No Hopeless, Quinn did not manipulate you into marrying Chicken head, that was your decision. I'm so sick of everyone pinning that on Quinn.  I don't feel bad for Chicken head either cuz he knew he was second choice so him saying that Dope only wants what she doesn't have doesn't move me.  Get a fucking divorce and let Waffles and Hopeless ride off into the sunset. Bring on Ridge/Caroline/Rick/Maya/Katie....Can't wait to be rid of Hope on Friday. Sheesh

  • Love 8


I'm torn on Quinn's responsibility.


 I am as well. No, she didn't push Hope down the stairs but IMO she's not totally off the hook, either. Hope would not likely have been there at the top of the stairs if not for Quinn. She would not have been that upset or distracted.  Like Deacon said, all she had to do was leave Hope alone but she would not.  I think that's the point Liam was making.


  • Love 5

 I am as well. No, she didn't push Hope down the stairs but IMO she's not totally off the hook, either. Hope would not likely have been there at the top of the stairs if not for Quinn. She would not have been that upset or distracted.  Like Deacon said, all she had to do was leave Hope alone but she would not.  I think that's the point Liam was making.

A fair point but Liam has also been so creepy and weird in this storyline that I can't help but yell "nuh-uh" back at everything he says irrespective of how meritorious.

Edited by slayer2
  • Love 6

I am eagerly awaiting tomorrow's episode when Wyatt gives Hopeless the smackdown. I'll bet that they have a huge fight and that she just walks out, or sneaks away while Wyatt's off confronting Quinn or something. Later, she'll send him a text that she's in Italy with Brooke and wants an annulment, divorce, etc. That can get DB off the show so he can film his movie.


The level of drama in today's show was on par (poor re-creation) of the "Felicia's deathbed" scene many years ago.



What's with all of the wasted time/scenes with Ivy and Katie shooting the breeze? It sure was boring.

  • Love 4

 I am as well. No, she didn't push Hope down the stairs but IMO she's not totally off the hook, either. Hope would not likely have been there at the top of the stairs if not for Quinn. She would not have been that upset or distracted.  Like Deacon said, all she had to do was leave Hope alone but she would not.  I think that's the point Liam was making.

When Quinn kept insisting they had to talk, and she wanted to do it outside, in the garden, I was convinced Quinn was going to push her down the Stairs of Flowing Rose Petals Reuniting Brooke and Ridge.  Then Quinn left.  Then I guess Hope was distracted or upset and just lost her balance.  But in the end, it's mostly Hope's fault.  She's pregnant and wore those huge heels.

  • Love 2

Liam said Hope miscarried, but we didn't see that happening, no one had to leave the room while something happened.  All we saw was the doctor saying she didn't hear a heartbeat, and calling the baby "he" for the first time.  I think Hope has mentioned feeling a flutter, which would put it at about four and a half months.  Maybe the baby is still alive, and there was some kind of fold of fat, of which Hope has very little, masking the sound.  The doctor didn't wait very long before she turned on her heel.  That baby is still alive, and will go on to go to boarding school.   

Edited by Unwarranted
  • Love 1

She didn't push Hope down the stairs but IMO she's not totally off the hook, either. Hope would not likely have been there at the top of the stairs if not for Quinn. She would not have been that upset or distracted.  Like Deacon said, all she had to do was leave Hope alone but she would not.  I think that's the point Liam was making.


The series of events leading to the loss of the baby were set in motion by Quinn.  There's just no getting around that her constant stalking, harassing and insistence on continuously confronting Hope  was the cause of all of this.  Quinn keeps looking at what she wants, what she needs and where her place should be in all of this.  She's never thought about that baby, or about her son and allowing him this moment to soak up being a father.  It's all me...me...me.. with Quinn.


 I'm no fan of Hope but Quinn's hands are all over this tragic event and if I were Wyatt, I doubt I'd be able to speak to Quinn or look at her for a long while.  The bitch is certifiable and way too into her son's love life/marriage and now it's cost him his child.  


Liam needs to have a stadium seat.  WTF is he so upset?  Wasn't he pushing for Hope to abort this baby?   This little whine bitch needs to gtfo out of Hope/Wyatt's bizness. He keeps acting all sanctimonious in regards to Quinn, but he's not far off from being a bit crazed where Hope is concerned.   


In regards to the

That Bill/Katie reunite, all I can say is they better keep Broke away from Ridge. I'm calling him for my girl Caroline!

Edited by PsychedelicTrip
  • Love 9

When they were all lining up to hung the Princess, I flashed back to the scene from Airplane where they all lined up to smack the hysterical passenger.

I can't figure out how many months Hope was pregnant. One week she was parading around modeling dresses without a hint of a baby - the next she came out sporting a nice sized 'bump' and having a baby shower.

Seems strange that Brooke hasn't been mentioned (she called, she's on her way back etc). When people are gone from this show, they are GONE and not even mentioned. Where is the kid she/Taylor had with Nick? I can't even remember his name.

I won't be mad if $Bill and Katie get back together - at least she won't be sporting that damn tired ratty red ribbon. $Bill would actually spring for a real ring. He might still pine for her sister, but eh you can't have everything. lol

  • Love 4

I didn't shed a tear until Deacon sat down on that hospital bed and looked at Hope. Regardless of his past, and what he has and hasn't done, that was still his grandchild. But mostly, it was because of SK, who, I think, was really, really, good in those scenes. However, when Bill came over and Hope was looking up at him and broke down, I completely lost it. Something tells me there was a lot more in those tears than a SL; I think it was KM saying goodbye to DD. 


I am a person who tries not to place blame; I don't feel it solves anything, and generally, the person responsible feels bad enough about what they have done. In this case, I see both Quinn and Hope as contributors to this tragic event. Quinn should have stayed away, but I also think Hope was more about punishing Quinn for Paris, than she was about protecting her child. And from the clip above it seems Hope will now be blaming Wyatt. If I didn't despise this character before, I certainly will if that is where they are taking her. Little Princess needs a serious reality check about who has lost something here. Wyatt has lost his child, his mother, and now maybe his wife. While he is out obtaining restraining orders to keep his mom away, Hope and Liam are prancing all over LA together on the pretense of Liam offering her his protection. 


I am so annoyed at Liam right now, I can barely stand to look at him. He doesn't leave the room to give Wyatt and Hope privacy, but he drags Wyatt out when Deacon gets there? And trying to convince everyone that Quinn is responsible? So, will the tables turn now, and Liam becomes Quinn's stalker? Running around telling bad stories about her, and lurking in her apartment? 


Why were Rick and Eric not there? 


I was no fan of Steffy, but damn, the juxtaposition of her tragedy and Hope's is jarring. There was no outpouring from the family. Liam took her home and dumped her on the couch and went to seek out Hope. 


Please, make this week end. Please make this nonsense go away! Bring back my Ridge and Caroline....the real drama and the most exciting SL this show has had since Brooke put on her red suit. 

  • Love 9
I won't be mad if $Bill and Katie get back together - at least she won't be sporting that damn tired ratty red ribbon. $Bill would actually spring for a real ring. He might still pine for her sister, but eh you can't have everything. lol



It's not like she has ever had Ridge's undivided attention, may as well go with Bill's divided attention and get some perks. 


When Bill called Katie to tell her about Hope, it took me right out of the scene to laughter when she raised her hand to her face in dismay and that stupid ribbon was dangling from her finger.  


To me the whole "it's Quinn's fault!" thing just reminds me of people blaming her for Ridge's dump into the drink.  While none of this would have happened if she hadn't showed up to talk to Hope, it wasn't exactly a foreseeable outcome of that action.  Just like the Ridge thing wouldn't have happened if she hadn't showed him that picture, him getting dumped out of a helicopter wasn't a foreseeable outcome of showing him the picture.  Hope's the one who ultimately decided to go toddling out to that M.C. Escher backyard in her super high heels to continue a pointless confrontation with her crazy mother in law.  Say "sure, we can go out back and talk," allow her to leave first, lock her ass out and call the police.  Problem solved. 

  • Love 10

No Hopeless, Quinn did not manipulate you into marrying Chicken head, that was your decision. I'm so sick of everyone pinning that on Quinn.  I don't feel bad for Chicken head either cuz he knew he was second choice so him saying that Dope only wants what she doesn't have doesn't move me.  Get a fucking divorce and let Waffles and Hopeless ride off into the sunset. Bring on Ridge/Caroline/Rick/Maya/Katie....Can't wait to be rid of Hope on Friday. Sheesh


I couldn't have said it any better, Tricknasty.   Would it be too much to ask or expect that Hope will put her big girl panties on and accept her role in this fiasco?  I will never understand why Wynutt was so willing to play the hapless dolt, who was content to lap up his brother's leftovers.  Any sympathy I could have had for him went right out the window the moment he fixed his mouth to ask Bill for Lame's house.  But, I have to remember this is the same guy who leaped at the chance to hurry up and marry Hope at his mother's urging.   Dude, knowingly marrying someone whom you know planned to marry someone else only moments before all but guarantees a lifetime of looking over one's shoulder and waiting for the other shoe to drop. 


Nor, will I understand why Quinnsane made it her mission in life to procure this particular young woman for her silly son.  As my niece would say, "She's alright, but she ain't all THAT!"  As painful as this all is for Wynutt, why would he want to be bound to someone as a choice (not even second choice) just because the other guy didn't arrive on time.



In regards to the

That Bill/Katie reunite, all I can say is they better keep Broke away from Ridge. I'm calling him for my girl Caroline!


And, by the same token,

they had better keep Deacon's scummy ass away from Brooke also.  I guess I now know why TK has been making noises about wanting to work with KKL more...which doesn't bode well for this particular viewer.

  • Love 2

To me the whole "it's Quinn's fault!" thing just reminds me of people blaming her for Ridge's dump into the drink.  While none of this would have happened if she hadn't showed up to talk to Hope, it wasn't exactly a foreseeable outcome of that action.  Just like the Ridge thing wouldn't have happened if she hadn't showed him that picture, him getting dumped out of a helicopter wasn't a foreseeable outcome of showing him the picture.  Hope's the one who ultimately decided to go toddling out to that M.C. Escher backyard in her super high heels to continue a pointless confrontation with her crazy mother in law.  Say "sure, we can go out back and talk," allow her to leave first, lock her ass out and call the police.  Problem solved.


How many times does someone have to tell Quinn, "We don't want you around Hope.  She's always stressed out wondering what you're going to do next and that's not good for the baby," though?  Sure, no one could have predicted that she'd fall down the gargantuan staircase, but Hope was sure to freak out when she saw Quinn (like she always does), and people can get clumsy in those situations; it doesn't have to be a tumble down backyard stairs.  It's like, how many times does someone have to tell Quinn to stay away.


And she bears some responsibility for what happened to Ridge.  2%, maybe.  She didn't show him that picture out of boredom.  She knew he was going to do something rash to stop the wedding, and that was the point.

  • Love 5

RS and SK were really rocking the scenes today. I almost felt sorry for Quinn.


I see the good doctor redeemed herself.


This whole storyline seems like a lather-rinse-repeat of Steffy's accident and subsequent miscarriage.


I wish that they'd wind up this junior varsity drivel and get back to Ridge-Caroline-Rick-Maya. FINALLY, a quadrangle worth watching.


Amen to this whole post. Quinn had the best reaction of anyone, I thought. She was fabulous when she was trying to get it out to Wyatt, then she was even more fabulous when he told her via phone (I deleted it after I watched it, wasn't her reaction silent as in music playing over it?). Literally, she could not get the words out to him, because she sold her shock so well. She's got the crazy, but she truly loves Wyatt, and Hope & Baby Wype by association to Wyatt.


That doctor's reaction was every woman's worst nightmare, but luckily, our dream is that if God forbid we have to have a misstairrage, please let the guy that we really love, but can't be with because "we wus robbed" be there to comfort us, rather than our husband, who we tolerate. Well-played Bell.


Finally, bring on the Ridge/Caroline/Rick/Maya quad. Isn't it funny that when we all talk about that quad, Katie never figures in? What's a girl who ties a red string of commitment on her finger every morning from her millionaire (billionaire?) boyfriend gotta do to get some love on these boards?? ;-)


Last thing, there were more people there for Hope's misstairrage than there were at the hospital when I actually gave birth. I thought there were a ton of people there for us, but Hope's fan club outnumbered mine. I actually really bought $Bill's reaction, though. He doesn't like her & never will, but his face showed that he truly has sympathy for her. There are SO many great actors on B&B, I'm hoping that with drippy Hope leaving (in 2 shows!) they'll focus on the more-talented actors.

  • Love 4

And she wants to go to the hospital??  Over the top deranged, get her some help!

Reminds me of a Joss Stone song I know "Just incredible you shock me daily, unforgettable now get some help!"


It also reminds me of the "I'm Rick James, Bitch." skit where Rick James says "he needs help" after the Murphy brothers just beat him up and Charlie Murphy says "Yo, we just gave him some help." Quinn is lucky she never met the likes of Stephanie or Sheila.

Edited by slayer2
  • Love 5

When the going gets tough Hope gets going.


I still see more chemistry from Liam and Quinn than Hope, but he gives Hope too much credit by saying it will be Quinn that causes her to leave. The self centered little fool had one foot out the door (or never put both feet in) from the start of her marriage. Now she's going to blame and dump her husband who has never wavered in his feelings for her because he can't control someone else* ...... Hope is the worst.


I can't believe I used to like Hope over Steffy.


Run like hell Ivy !


* Did I just defend Chickenhead ?

Edited by Gudzilla
  • Love 13


I didn't think Liam was all that sympathetic towards Quinn


I didn't mean sympathetic, he was gentler with her instead of just raving at her so I saw that as kinder.  


And I liked Wyatt calling Hope out  "you just want what you can't have!"  THANK YOU!

Edited by Foghorn Leghorn
  • Love 8

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