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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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2 hours ago, nkotb said:

No, Wyatt, nope, nope, nope. I don't care how loud you sing Flo's praises, she is NOT better than Sally, & while Sally did a shitty thing, she hurt you, Katie, & the babynapping conspirator. Flo was paid $50,000, & her lies temporarily destroyed Liam, Hope, & Steffy, & got poor Emma killed.

Emma being driven off of a cliff was hands-DOWN the best thing about that storyline. Holy god, I didn't think that I could handle watching her ridiculously horrible acting another week.

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Seems kind of soon for Steffy to be leaving the hospital, especially given the amount of pain she's still in. She can barely move. (But she seems to have been okay enough to fix her hair and put on some light makeup,  hah, hah.)

Looks like they used some old footage of Wyatt and Flo having teh secksay times. Bleh.

Oh shut up, Wyatt. You're always determined to be the victim, aren't you? "You called me Liam? How dare you hurt me like that! Get out!" "You kidnapped my niece and didn't even tell me? How dare you hurt me like that! Get out!" FOHWTBS.

You shut up, too, Katie. If you weren't such a busybody Sally likely wouldn't have been able pull off her scheme. BTW, aren't you the one who faked a heart attack to stop a wedding? Hmm, what's that saying about people throwing stones inside their glass houses? 😒

SELFLESS?????!!!! Wyatt and Flo?????!!!! What is this world?!!!!???!!! Hope Katie had a bottle of mouthwash in her bag. That was quite a tongue bath she gave those two walking pieces of 💩💩💩💩💩💩.

And then Wyatt gave Flo even more tongue bathing after Katie left. KMN! Seriously, Bradley, nobody's buying it except maybe the handful of Flo fans. Repeating something over and over doesn't magically make it become true.

I'm liking these theories here and elsewhere that Liam and Hope will end up suing for temporary custody of Kelly. Steffy will probably drop Kelly (off-camera) because of her pain and they'll decide Kelly isn't safe alone with her while she's still healing. That will likely provoke Steffy's overuse of painkillers. 🤔

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Is it just me or is there like negative zero chemistry between JMW and whoever the guy is who is playing Dr. Finn?  It's too bad TK plays her dad, otherwise, he really seems to be the only one that seems to generate a spark in her.   TK has been looking particularly greasy and disheveled these days. 

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49 minutes ago, CharlizeCat said:

Is it just me or is there like negative zero chemistry between JMW and whoever the guy is who is playing Dr. Finn?  It's too bad TK plays her dad, otherwise, he really seems to be the only one that seems to generate a spark in her.   TK has been looking particularly greasy and disheveled these days. 

It is fun that they had the anvil moment when she came to, and she was looking at Doctor. I guess he will be her pill provder.

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It just figures that when I tune back in Sally is leaving; that is going to make it so hard to keep watching. I am not up for days, or weeks, or months, of watching those two irritants wax on about how horrible Sally was. 

I hate Wyatt. I am completely done with him. I was holding out a small modicum of hope that he would acknowledge how badly they had all behaved, but alas, Sally's badness outweighes everyone else's. 

I think what pissed me off the most was Wyatt asking Sally where that dynamic, vibrant, exciting woman he first met had gone. Oh, I don't know Mother Fucker, maybe it has something to do with you toodling around with your high school squeeze while still living with Sally? Oh, and maybe it has something to do with you dumping Sally for Flo? And maybe it has something to do with how quickly you got past Flo decimating the lives of everyone you know; causing pain, and stress, and doubt, and heartache. It also cost a young girl her life. And she did it for money. At least Sally did it out of love for your useless ass. And did you actually open your squawk box to talk to Sally about kidnapping? No, you too dumb for fucking words fucker; KIPNAPPING is more in line with what your favorite grifter did. She bartered human flesh for money. I hate you Wyatt. 

I want to slap that sneer off of Flo's face in the worst way. You sanctimonious little preachy bitch. Look at you going on to Katie about Sally. UGH. 

Why is Steffy acting like a serial killer? 

Me and Mr. R have been through 18 surgeries in our 34 years together. Mr. R had a tough and dangerous job, and he is a bit accident prone. I can speak from much experience; take the pain meds. Dr. Liberty Biberty was right about getting ahead of the pain; get ahead of it and then manage it. If you don't, you will end up an addict; just like Steffy is gonna be. 

I am really wondering why I tuned back in. They better be gearing up for more than Steffy as a junkie, and having to watch Wyatt and Flo fuck, then sit and talk about how wonderful they each are. 

Edited by RuntheTable
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I was holding out a small modicum of hope that he would acknowledge how badly they had all behaved, but alas, Sally's badness outweighes everyone else's. 

Wyatt has to be one of the most un-self-aware people on this show. His stance with Sally is baffling to me. I guess Flo must put it on him something fierce. Or not. (And come on, clearly Sally has a better body. 😼) Whatever, after the way he was going on about how Saint Flo was the only woman for him and he'll be with her for the rest of his life, I'm hoping that means they're going to break up within the next year and it's going to be spectacular. And I hope she'll be the one to dump him, though I won't be looking forward to how sanctimonious she'll be about it. Ugh.

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It's truly a testiment to how badly Wyatt has been ruined when I post to r/B&B on Reddit, which saw a lot of new viewers during the baby story, and nearly all of them viewed Liam as the less flaky person between the two. I've said before that Wyatt was never a character I liked for his own merits but I thought there was potential.

But then, I was a new viewer in '99 who missed out on Taylor's decade of hypocrisy and thought she was the bee's knees for years before YouTube was invented, so...

57 minutes ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Wyatt has to be one of the most un-self-aware people on this show.

And he sure has a LOT of competition for that title!

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2 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Whatever, after the way he was going on about how Saint Flo was the only woman for him and he'll be with her for the rest of his life, I'm hoping that means they're going to break up within the next year and it's going to be spectacular. And I hope she'll be the one to dump him, though I won't be looking forward to how sanctimonious she'll be about it. Ugh.

And that just highlights how f'd up this SL is. I want Flo and Wyatt to pay. I want them to hurt, and feel like they are cut rate; just like they made Sally feel. I want something really horrible to come between them, but it will be a no win situation. Show will find a way to make it Sally's fault. Or whatever error Flo has made will be swept away just like her prior criminal behavior. Or they will try to make Wyatt sympathetic. I say piss on all of it. That is why they make FF'd buttons. 

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Ugggghhhh ... looks like we're getting a preview of Sloppy Schteffy, all lubed up and slow-mo, totally dead-eyed on pills. Yay. Lucky us. What's worse? Her wincing and groaning in pain every 18.4 seconds or slurring? 

KKL's blouse looked like it was stuffed with two of those balls we used when we played four square back in the day. If someone can make an animated gif of KKL walking to the "ping" sound of that ball hitting the ground (or some unfortunate kid's head), I'll send you a gift basket.

And Brooke just totally blamed $BILL for "that mess" which is impeding her getting closer with Ridge. OMG, you stupid cow - IT WAS NOT $BILL'S FAULT YOU WERE FILMED WITH YOUR TONGUE DOWN HIS THROAT. Jesus wept.

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5 minutes ago, lightninggirl said:

And Brooke just totally blamed $BILL for "that mess" which is impeding her getting closer with Ridge. OMG, you stupid cow - IT WAS NOT $BILL'S FAULT YOU WERE FILMED WITH YOUR TONGUE DOWN HIS THROAT. Jesus wept.

I really want to like Brooke but then she pulls this crap. Quinn is no saint and I couldn't care less about Ridge's hurt pride but fucking A, take some responsibility FFS.

1 hour ago, LittleIggy said:

Did Ridge and Brooke get divorced? I can’t remember

They signed papers but nothing was officially filed.

I don't have anything to add about Flatt except to say I'd rather see a Steam reunion than one more nanosecond of this garbage pairing. I might hate it even more than I did 2000s Bridge or the second coming of Bricky. They both seem to be as clueless and oblivious as Raya at the peak of their dictatorship reign at FC 

Flo is DOA and a poison to the show. She's Amber without the intelligence, wit or ambition. If we need a grifter with a heart of gold, bring back one with a history with the cast who can show a glimmer of remorse for her actions.

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The Flo actress is competent, she's not Sally/CH special, but she's fine. However, Flo is irredeemable, & she needs to be gone yesterday. 

Never, ever did I think I'd' say this, but when Thomas walked into Steffy's, I sort of had a "hello, sailor" moment. I approve of the new & improved-looking Thomas. 

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15 hours ago, bannana said:

It is fun that they had the anvil moment when she came to, and she was looking at Doctor. I guess he will be her pill provder.

Noooo. I hate when they do the bait and switch of a supposed new love interest for someone who you know is just stunt casting and won't be around long haul to they make them a baddie. Finn should've been like the character the actor plays in the LiMu commericals - a hot, sweet lunkhead that Steffy uses for quickie no frills thrills.

Could Sally's abrupt end be due to needing money since they put the Carter actor back on contract and


the hire of nuZende ?

So with Flatt having no obstacles to their love,, the can head straight to backburners-ville. That couch post coital sex scene was laughable. Both gazing at each other adoringly at opposite ends of the couch.  Whatevs. You just know their story is gonna be that they want to have kids but because of her one kidney it's a no go. They'll want to look for a surrogate and dumb ass Hope will end up volunteering. You know the better story? If Sally had been the surrogate and do like GH did with Lucy/Scotty/Dominique where Flo ends up dying and Sally and Wyatt raise the baby together in the end.

MA/Thomas looks good with a beard but I couldn't help but laugh at the thought that he's grooming himself like Liam  in growing out the facial hair. I get it's all Covid quarantine related but damn I need all these guys to get a hair and beard trim. Whoever called Liam a mopey Lion was dead on, LOL.

Hey! It's Donna! Can we get a story of her dealing with her sassy tween granddaughter, Rosie, who is a kickass STEM kid who wants to follow in her Great Aunt Brooke's footsteps as a kickass chemist?


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Did I miss something?  Did I pull a Rip Van Winkle?  Stuffy’s home?  Lurch is back with a pussy mouth and Flo is giving Donna a run for her money in the cleavage challenge. 


What are the odds that Stuffy becomes addicted to Oxy?  Oxy or extra strength Tylenol you don’t pop a pill every time you feel pain but it seems that’s the advice Lurch and Ridge are giving. They should be more concerned about having someone help with Kelly. 


Kiss of death when couples will be together forever. Forever or a month whichever comes first. I would imagine Wyatt’s and Flo’s forever will be much longer. 

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Hey, Thomas! How you doin', boo? We might have to talk about the messy facial hair though. Could you consider trimming it back a bit?

Oh, so we didn't get enough of Katie's act wrt the Sally unmasking yesterday? It had to continue today? Thanks a lot, show. 😝

And now Flo is talking like she and Katie are besties. Girl, bye. Get off the planet, please.

Seems to me the least they could do is make Darin Brooks' sideburns look like those of the guy standing in for him in the kissing scenes. 😼

Um, Flo? Wyatt has screwed several women on on that couch. Probaby including your new BFF. Just saying. ☹

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Color me confused but why is Steffy left alone with Kelly the first day she’s home from the hospital? Where is her private nurse, nanny, father, step-mother, Kelly’s father and step-mother? All they can do is push pills on her when she’s totally responsible for a toddler? Good deal, folks.

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I watched back in the late 90s/early 2000s. There was original Ridge, Deacon, Amber, Little D, Bridget, Stephanie, and the Marones.  I gave the show another chance since they started airing new shows. I felt bad for Flo. I had no idea she had been involved in a kidnapping. So watching them all berate Sally for her fraud and completely ignore Flo’s crimes was disgusting. I’ve never been a fan of Thorsten Kaye’s and he is looking ickier than ever. I don’t think I can watch Steffy doing her imitation of Sgt. Hulka from Stripes every time she has a pain. Ack! Ack! Sheesh, girl. Take the pain meds as prescribed. It’s not that hard. 

Edited by Runningwild
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9 hours ago, TobinAlbers said:

MA/Thomas looks good with a beard but I couldn't help but laugh at the thought that he's grooming himself like Liam  in growing out the facial hair. I get it's all Covid quarantine related but damn I need all these guys to get a hair and beard trim. Whoever called Liam a mopey Lion was dead on, LOL.

And guess what, men can actually shave.  Unlike women who could not at that time get haircuts.  So all these guys, on all these shows with beards?  Hilarious. They have a razor.

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I have had dislocated ribs, not fractured. At times it would be okay, but at other times I was literally paralyzed with pain and could not move.  And this lasted well over a year.  In no way should they have sent Steffy home to deal with her house or her daughter. Ridiculous. 

The doc said something about a few weeks of healing.  She has a sprained back and fractured ribs.  She should be in hospital and in physiotherapy but they sent her home with a bottle of pills she is insistent she doesn't want to take.


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Brooke’s hair

THE BAD      

It’s a sad day when I FF’d in order to watch Steffy, Ridge, and Thomas. But seriously; Brooke STILL COOING ABOUT HER EVER LOVING DESTINY? This absolutely brings me to tears, and not in a good way. More on that below. Then we had Katie and Sally; yeah, I enjoy watching a hypocrite laying it on thick. Wedding ceremonies and all Katie. At least Katie did kind of back off a bit there at the end of her tirade. And I refuse to acknowledge any scenes at the Beach House.

I was ok with this Steffy SL at first, but now I am getting a little angry, and a little offended. I mentioned in a prior post that Mr. R has had a lot of surgeries and has taken a lot of meds. This SL is being so irresponsible with how they are handling Steffy’s recovery. I realize it is all plot contrivance to get Steffy addicted, and have Liam and Hope try to take Kelly, and ultimately become the bad guys who tried to steal baby Kelly from his mom. Because isn’t every SL written to trash the Logans? All the same, that doesn’t give them the right to fuck around with such a serious issue. First of all, Steffy should be in bed, resting and healing. She should absolutely not be walking around, keeping house, and tending to a toddler. Does her idiot family not realize this? Then these stupid fucks keep telling her to take her meds, which are going to down her out, and make her tired. So she is either going to drop Kelly out of pain, or she is going to drop her from being drugged. I don’t like Steffy, but I don’t like this set up either. These are rich people for heavens sake. Steffy had a nanny when she was perfectly healthy, but now that she can barely walk or talk, she is being left alone? Terrible storytelling. I just can’t with it.


Having to watch Wyatt and Flo in any capacity, but they had to go there. So gross and so disgusting. I hope that POS Flo has road burns on her ass from all the wear that couch has gotten.


So, I haven’t been around for awhile and was wondering if Thomas is on the up and up? He is so good at lying and manipulating, I can’t quite tell. But for his son’s sake, I sure hope he is.

I usually don’t like facial hair on men, but I like Thomas’s new look. I also like the hair; I have always had a soft spot for dark haired men that swoop the hair over their ears. And he was totally rocking that green top.

I have been in love with Katherine Kelly Lang since the first moment I saw her. I have supported her through everything she has, and hasn’t, done. But I find myself wanting to slap her in the worst way. Lose that baby voice. Get a hobby. Go out and troll the clubs. Go back down to the lab where it all started. Do something for God’s sake, that is not related to Ridge and that fucking destiny. It absolutely breaks my heart how completely irritated I am at my fav character. If all she is gonna do is whine and moan about Ridge, then I don’t care to watch her. Even worse, is watching her suck up to him. UGH! I could probably take it if it was Ronn. But watching her worrying over that beast is more than I can bear. And what was he doing? Fantasizing about his trailer trash grifter. And holy hell, didn’t she say yesterday that she would never give up? This is what they did to Susan Flannery in the later years. They stopped writing for her, and just told her to say “That tramp from the Valley” in every scene.

Why did I tune back in again?

21 hours ago, Anna Yolei said:

I might hate it even more than I did 2000s Bridge or the second coming of Bricky.

Or maybe Ridget?

Good Lord @TobinAlbers; that spoiler though? Whyyyyyyy???????






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1 hour ago, RuntheTable said:

Or maybe Ridget?

To be frankly honest, Ridget wouldn't even make my top five most hated pairings anymore. I doubt it'd even clear the top 10.

For all the absolute WTFery involved with making that work, people in canon had normal reactions to an abnormal situation and no one was trying to pass this off as healthy or sane, like they do with Steam's codependency or Lope's refusal to communicate or Bridge's.....everything and especially not the backflips TIIC did to salvage Thomas/Caroline after The Misunderstanding. It was godawful and no one tried to sell it otherwise.

It also ended pretty quickly, when ratings tanked, so that's a point in it's favor.

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Vinnie has a crush on Steffy AND sent flowers?!?! Go there, show! I'm fine with the doctor, but I'm also fine with Vinnie. I'd be 100% fine not seeing anymore triangles, especially with the Shauna/Ridge/Brooke one that's heating back up, but I'm fine with Steffy snagging either Vinnie or Finnie. I'm also fine with seeing $Bill doing anything, including reading the phone book, so snap out of not showing him, Bell. 

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Today the Bridge 'embrace' was HILARIOUS. KKL was crying again (someone get her and Heather Tom an electrolyte drip FFS because THEY ARE NEVER NOT CRYING) and moving in to hug Ridge/TK, and it was obvious she was moving in on a guy wearing a wig. 🤣🤣🤣

Then cut to TK - who was hugging a mannequin. He kissed "her" cheek and that thing literally didn't move. Then they cut to the back of a woman in KKL's blouse with a man's hands hugging her, so looks like stand-in actors.

That mannequin's hair was 5000% better than KKL's stringy locks! 😅

I appreciate the safety measure they're taking with COVID-19 and VERY much am happy for the continued storylines, but I about died when TK put the moves on the mannequin.

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Did you notice Stuffy’s prescription vial?  I don’t know of any painkillers that can be taken as needed. Even over the counter painkillers can’t be taken as needed.  A musical relaxer that also may be prescribed, can’t be taken as needed.  Stuffy told Lurch that the Doctor call to tell her to stay on schedule with her pain meds so I guess as needed is on schedule. Yes, Stuffy will become addicted to painkillers because she will require a refill of 30 pills after only a few days being home. 


All the way from Las Vegas?  Give me a brake. It’s a 3 1/2 hr drive.  


As I though, Brooke’s and Ridge’s forever won’t even last a month. 

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This show becomes more and more laughable each day since they resumed. The social distancing mantra is so obvious and the dialogues are so predictable and boring. Zzzz. Sorry, folks. I just can’t do this.

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So uh...what shipment was Thomas so hot to go meet that he left Steffy alone? Is he on the Sonny Corrrrrrrinthos business of being a ‘coffee’ importer? I missed his explaining what he’s keeping busy doing these days. Shoot, Thomas and Vinnie falling into the drug trade and using FC to smuggle in drugs is a whole other show I’d love to see. Bold Breaking Bad and Beautiful 😂

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Thomas will be shaving that thing off soon, right? It’s a quarantine beard. It’s not B&B beard. I guess Thomas will now attempt to go straight. I’m interested to see him not obsessed with Hope & not threatening his son at every turn. 

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Flo bragging to Shauna about having frequent sex with Wyatt. Seriously? How old is she, 12? (Oh wait, that'd be all kinds of illegal for Wyatt. Nevermind. 😮)

Look at Thomas being such a good brother. And I wonder if Vinnie stuck his business card into that floral bouquet? Steffy will likely want to avail herself of his drug-dealing services soon enough. 🙄

Ugh, more tongue baths for Saint Flo. WHHHHHYYY?! I'm thinking Bradley needs to get a product placement deal for anti-nausea medication if he's going to keep pushing this new narrative for Flo.

Thomas, sweetie, your body is a wonderland but you might want to consider going up a shirt size. You're looking a bit gigolo-ish to me right now with the too-tight shirt and we know you don't have sell what you got going on.

I see you, Dr. Finn, dropping in on Steffy all nonchalant like. Since when do ER doctors make house calls? 😉

Wait, Ridge was messing with Shauna long before Brooke's kiss with Bill happened. Way to twist the story ya d-bag. But teary-eyed Brooke didn't seem to care. Because Destiny! Bleh.

So much for four generations of Forrester men living together. Freeloading Ridge is moving back in with Brooke, Douglas is with Hope in the cabin, and who knows where Thomas is staying right now. Sounds like he might be back at Vinnie's place. 🤔

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On 8/5/2020 at 4:07 PM, TobinAlbers said:

Hey! It's Donna! Can we get a story of her dealing with her sassy tween granddaughter, Rosie, who is a kickass STEM kid who wants to follow in her Great Aunt Brooke's footsteps as a kickass chemist?

I'm confused, isn't Rosie the daughter of Rick and Maya?  How is she Donna's granddaughter?  Thanks for any explanations.

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12 hours ago, Kimboweena said:

I'm confused, isn't Rosie the daughter of Rick and Maya?  How is she Donna's granddaughter?  Thanks for any explanations.

You are thinking of Lizzie. Rosie is the daughter of Marcus and Dayzee. Marcus is the son of Donna and Justin.

ETA: Lizzie is short for Elizabeth named after Brooke’s mom, Beth. Rosie is short for Ambrosia the full name of her biological mom Amber.  

Edited by Angeleyes
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7 hours ago, RuntheTable said:



1 hour ago, Angeleyes said:

You are thinking of Lizzie. Rosie is the daughter of Marcus and Dayzee. Marcus is the son of Donna and Justin. 

And Eric. Didn't Eric adopt him?

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Just catching up on the show. 

What's detestable about Flo is she sits in judgment of Sally as if she's never committed any crimes.  We're supposed to regard Flo as what's good and pure and light even though

  • She helped steal and traffic Hope's baby for $50,000
  • Said baby is Wyatt's niece
  • Flo trafficked Wyatt's niece but he's more mad at Sally than he is at Flo

Since Flo is such a nasty character, the show needs to lean into that and have her be a villain.  This heroine act doesn't suit her.

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Yes, the mannequins and the stand-ins are obvious/distracting, but I'm just happy to see new episodes every day. Anything is better than the alternative, which is nothing.

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12 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Flo bragging to Shauna about having frequent sex with Wyatt. Seriously? How old is she, 12? (Oh wait, that'd be all kinds of illegal for Wyatt. Nevermind. 😮)

Look at Thomas being such a good brother. And I wonder if Vinnie stuck his business card into that floral bouquet? Steffy will likely want to avail herself of his drug-dealing services soon enough. 🙄

Ugh, more tongue baths for Saint Flo. WHHHHHYYY?! I'm thinking Bradley needs to get a product placement deal for anti-nausea medication if he's going to keep pushing this new narrative for Flo.

Thomas, sweetie, your body is a wonderland but you might want to consider going up a shirt size. You're looking a bit gigolo-ish to me right now with the too-tight shirt and we know you don't have sell what you got going on.

I see you, Dr. Finn, dropping in on Steffy all nonchalant like. Since when do ER doctors make house calls? 😉

Wait, Ridge was messing with Shauna long before Brooke's kiss with Bill happened. Way to twist the story ya d-bag. But teary-eyed Brooke didn't seem to care. Because Destiny! Bleh.

So much for four generations of Forrester men living together. Freeloading Ridge is moving back in with Brooke, Douglas is with Hope in the cabin, and who knows where Thomas is staying right now. Sounds like he might be back at Vinnie's place. 🤔

I can't have too much judgment for Thomas in that area. This morning, I put on a shirt that I'm pretty sure has become a casualty of the quarantine. It fit fine in March, but now that I'm having to start wearing more than pajamas & sweats every day, I'm noticing that a few of my outfits are probably going to be casualties of my laidback quarantine lifestyle (& lack of movement, coupled with unacceptable amounts of sweet, creamy coffee has caused a lot of clothing casualties, at least temporarily). In this 1 area, I can't judge him. The killing Emma, using Zoe, using Douglas, lying to Hope, the list goes on, & that I'll judge him for, but the tight shirt, I'm giving that a pass. 😉 

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9 hours ago, nilyank said:


And Eric. Didn't Eric adopt him?

Yes, Donna pressured Eric to adopt Marcus. IIRC, it was before it was officially revealed that Justin was his biological dad. 
I also forgot to mention that Amber is Rosie’s biological mom. Marcus and Amber had a secret fling. IIRC, she gave up custody for Dayzee and Marcus to raise

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This Ridge story is stupid. There’s a law in Nevada that if a marriage is performed when one or both parties are under a “chemical inducement” the marriage is easily annulled.  Bet the writers don’t know Jack about that. 

Donna, we’ve already seen your Plan A and Plan B. Time to tuck them away, OK?  Unless you’re trying to be the Irish Setter, aka Lauren on Y&R by outboobing her.

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So now that he's taken a walk on the wild side he's ready to get back with Brooke and let bygones be bygones. Right, Ridge. Seems like Brooke always has to play by your rules. Rules which seem to change from month to month. 😒

Quinn is insane. Shauna can give Ridge exactly what he wants? She really has a low regard for him, huh? As far as I can tell, Shauna brings nothing to the table but her body and Ridge is way past the age where that's all he wants.

Steffy was cutting the grapes in half. Is that a safety thing for toddlers or was Steffy just coddling Kelly?

Wow, Finn was putting the moves hard on Steffy. He smoothly secured permission to keep dropping in on her and got assurance that there aren't any other men in her life. (Except for the married baby daddy with another family.) He'll be finessing himself an  invite to stay for dinner in no time. And then will come sleepovers and breakfast. 😉

Yeah, no way is that marriage legal and if anyone should know that it's Shauna since she lives in NV. She's probably trying to pull something. I'm taking bets that Ridge will pay her $$$$ to go away and keep her mouth shut, only she won't leave. And Quinn definitely won't stay quiet. She's probably already texted Brooke with the news.

ETA: According to his Soap Central character profile, Ridge is still married to Brooke. Does that mean he'll be facing a bigamy charge? Yay!

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The doctor doesn’t need a thermometer to take Stuffy’s temperature.  Stuffy definitely has the hots for the doctor which radiated throughout the beach house. He’s better than pain medication for Stuffy hasn’t winced once all the time he was there. 


Ridge is not only a shit ass husband he’s also a shit ass bigamist. I don’t remember him filing the divorce papers with the county. 

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I wasn't watching, but I am guessing that they did not show the wedding? I think I am happy about this. If they didn't show the wedding, then does that signal the start of something different? Did they write this in to change the direction of Bridge? Of course the wedding will never hold up, but that doesn't mean that Bridge will either. What I am hoping is that Brooke finds out and gets mad. As hell. Ridge nearly popped a blood vessel over that Brill kiss, but what exactly did Ridge and Shauna do after the drunken ceremony? I also noticed that KKL looked better than she has in awhile. She looked brighter and fresher. And it is nice to see her beautiful smile again. I see Ridge using these few days while Brooke is away to desperately try to fix things. Get an annulment, or fight off bigamy charges. I doubt they would actually stick given Ridge was sauced and has no memory of the event. But this is B&B and the laws of the land have never applied. Oh, and let me add how happy it makes me that Ridge doesn't remember. Shauna thought she was special. I tried to tell her a long time ago that she was battling with the Queen, a woman Ridge has never had to be inebriated to enjoy. Ridge has been tapping the Golden Cooter for decades. And that is a place men check in, but they don't check out. Dream on honey. 

And fuck you Quinn. Were you really going on about Brooke making mistake after mistake? I don't even know where to begin, but just to highlight a few of your more egregious actions; stalking a young man and trying to kill him, pushing a young woman over a bridge into a river, attempting to kill your ex-husband, kidnapping an injured man and lying to him about being married? Brooke has hurt people for sure, but her crimes have been those of the heart, which hurt, and cause trauma, and pain, and can be unforgivable. But your crimes Quinn? Your kinda crimes take people away from those that love them. You try to kill people, and who knows, maybe you have because I cannot forget about that man that had the Hope Diamond. In any event, you can just shut the hell up. What really makes me mad though, is that Brooke continues to pay, while you skated on everything, and landed a rich husband too. So again, shut the hell up. 

Shauna and Flo are so smarmy. I feel dirty when I watch them. Wyatt's tongue is black from licking his little felon clean. I can't believe I am going to say this because it is absolutely horrible, but I hope that little witch winds up pregnant, and carries that child a full nine months, and then the baby is still born. Oh, the heaps of karma and payback. Let that heartless bitch truly understand what it feels like to carry a child in your body for nine months, then have it be taken from you. God can strike me dead now. 

Steffy could do worse. I think Dr. Liberty Bibberty is kinda cute when he smiles and loosens up a bit. And dare I say how much more I like Steffy when she is interacting with any man that is not Liam? I am actually enjoying watching Steffy. And I can only speak for myself, but I am finding Thomas a hunka sexy. If they want to bring him back from the madness, I could be on board for that. Douglas needs his father, and the Thomas that left for NY was not whack.

I mentioned that I had been watching old SLs on Youtube. I have started watching the period when Taylor was passing Thomas off as Thorne's. After the truth comes out, Brooke goes to the now Wyatt and Flo putrefied Beach House to meet Thomas. I am a little ashamed to admit I teared up a bit as Taylor handed Thomas off to Brooke, and she just lit up as she looked down at him. I had this current state of affairs in my head and it made me really sad. 

Edited by RuntheTable
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22 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:


Steffy was cutting the grapes in half. Is that a safety thing for toddlers or was Steffy just coddling Kelly?

Definitely a thing. Grapes & hot dogs are the #1 (& #2, I guess) items kids choke on. Honestly, my kids are 4 & 6, & I still cut them in half. I just got in the habit, & I never stopped. 

I, too, kinda like Finn. It's so nice to have a character be a love interest with no baggage, no felonies, no relatives, just a clean slate. I'm sure they'll screw it up soon, but for now, I'm down with Steffy/Finn. What're we gonna make their combined name? Finfy? Stinn? Fiffy? So many odd possibilities. 

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On 8/7/2020 at 3:21 PM, Joimiaroxeu said:

As far as I can tell, Shauna brings nothing to the table but her body and Ridge is way past the age where that's all he wants.

Ridge was past that age in 1989.

No joke, there was a channel (whose videos have been removed for a copyright strike, because CBS *sigh* )that had much of Caroline's story when he had to choose between them. And to my surprise,  Ridge pulls a Kelly and chooses Ridge. Tells them both he wants to focus on his career after a trip to Europe got him inspired to get further into the business.

Of course we know he does marry Caroline afterwards and we know how that turns out, but after that Ridge is most playing the rich heir version of Archie Andrews for the next 20 years, with the only half-way serious digression for Ashley Abbot. And frankly, given her own obsession for Victor Undead Newman, I think Ridge dodged a bullet by going back to Brooke in spite of the gross way that reunion was facilitated. I digress.

Which is why everything about Ridge since this recast just rings so hollow. I dunno if Brat Bell forgot how to write for him in the year that Ridge was off the show or if Ronnnnnnnn Moss had put his foot down on certain things behind the scenes and Bell purposely decided to pull this crap, but either way, it might as well have been a new character. They should've just left Ridge "die" under mysterious circumstances and then return with a more suitable actor. I'm still okay with that option.

9 hours ago, nkotb said:

What're we gonna make their combined name? Finfy? Stinn? Fiffy? So many odd possibilities. 

I saw one Twitter post calling it Sinn, which...hey 😛

And honestly, between Finn checking in and this crush that Vinnie apparently has, I'm glad because for all that I've given Steffy shit for being a horrible little cretin, it's never made sense that she didn't have at least one other non-Spencer guy knocking down her door. This is the stuff I wanted for her ten years ago after the horrible Rick story but better late than never. At least it seems Lope will be given a fair shot to grow after all this time and move away from their quarterly weddings and insecurities.

Edited by Anna Yolei
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I know that we ask this about every 8 pages or so on this thread, but where in the hell is RJ? I can't remember the last time he wandered into a scene. Is he in Europe? I now he and Ridge were there for some reason during one of the Bridge breakups. At the rate they SORAS kids, he should be in a retirement home by now.

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Watching Brooke and Donna (why is she always wearing a low cut dress even at work?!) simpering and acting like 12 year olds about Ridge reminds me why I didn’t miss this show at all during the hiatus. This is the same plot B&B has had for the past 30 years. After all of this time off, couldn’t the writers have come up with something new, interesting, unique or even mildly entertaining? Brooke, you are at least 60 years old. And when was the last time you even talked about going to visit Bridget and “your grandson”. Do you even know his name? Goodness gracious me. Brain numbing.

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