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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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2 minutes ago, TobinAlbers said:

I hate to say it but this baby turning out to be Bill's would be the best thing for Liam because Steffy will never ever play fair with him when she can jerk him around with this kid.

My money is still on the baby being Bill's and him changing the results so he could "do the right thing" for once. 

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Just when I think Ridge couldn't be anymore loathsome, he proves me wrong.  So Ridge's idiotic argument to Liam for why Liam and Steffy should stay together is because he's treated Brooke like crap, and Brooke was not only stupid enough to put up with it, but has spent decades chasing Ridge begging him to be with her and treat her like crap.  So because Ridge and Brooke are stupid despicable selfish people Liam should want to be like them, and have the kind of relationship with Steffy that Ridge and Brooke have with each other?  {face palm}

What are Ridge's vows to Brooke going to be this time around, "Thank you for being a pathetic doormat who was willing to chase after me no matter who I was married or engaged to at the time.  This time we will be happy for all of two minutes until I decide I want to dump you to be with someone else, but I know if I decide to change my mind a few months, years or decades later, you'll get back together with me because you have no spine, self-respect or self-esteem."

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What is it about this show, where it is really good for a month, six weeks maybe and then it just nosedives into total crap until whatever storyline is over and they start the cycle over again?   More importantly, what is it about me that I keep falling for it? 


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As they line up "Airplane" style to browbeat Liam into forgiveness they say "it takes time"( but we aren't going to give you any) I think it's possible he could forgive her because on this show they do some heinous crap to each other and then sit down to Thanksgiving dinner like it's nothing. I am used to that and I know that doesn't happen IRL. So yeah, I think it's possible but now it would be more dramatic to have him give it a try while driving Steffy batshit crazy with insecurity because Liam has options. Hope and Sally just waiting in the wings, Sally, all too willing and Hope, supporting their marriage but torn because Liam deserves better. I'd watch that.

Thorne and Katie were cute and I liked it but I also like her with Wyatt so that's interesting, too.

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3 hours ago, CountryGirl said:

My money is still on the baby being Bill's and him changing the results so he could "do the right thing" for once. 

I like that but never count on Dolla doing the "right thing" or would it be right to let your son raise your child as his? I can't really see Dolla giving up any possession, especially a child to anyone for any reason. If he really wanted Steffy he'd tell her it was his, if he knew it. Using the same child deserves a loving home and parents argument. JMO

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27 minutes ago, thewhiteowl said:

I like that but never count on Dolla doing the "right thing" or would it be right to let your son raise your child as his? I can't really see Dolla giving up any possession, especially a child to anyone for any reason. If he really wanted Steffy he'd tell her it was his, if he knew it. Using the same child deserves a loving home and parents argument. JMO

That's the damn problem with these writers and the hapazard way they've developed this story. They haven't considered anything beyond the shock and awe of Still boning and nothing about how and *why* he would do this to his favorite son or how and why he's pulling punches for this woman he supposedly wants when he moved heaven and Earth to be with Brooke.

4 hours ago, CountryGirl said:

Hope: "Look, I am not trying to sound harsh. I am not judging you."


You totally are judging her, Hope. Just OWN it...

Steffy: "Feels like you are."

As well she should, for reasons we've been rehashing for six years and two different message boards.

3 hours ago, TobinAlbers said:

Amen. But the show is trying to position Steffy as the one who kept trying and Liam as the one who gave up so that when she moves on, Liam does the 180 and looks like a dip and everyone can say 'I told you so!'

I swear to God if THIS is the situation that gets people on the "Liam is a waffle" bandwagon after all these years, I will flip my absolute shit. Waffle or not, who could be reasonably expected to forgive that? Let alone in the same week that all these morons have been badgering him to do so.

Bridge continue to be the most self centered people in daytime. Who makes their kid's impeding divorce about them?! ?? More importantly, how are they now considered any kind of authority on relationships?

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Based on the spoilers for this week, I think you'll have to c-o-u-n-t me out (New Edition style). Because I think we'll reach a new low in suckitude for this show, starting with the GarBridge nuptials complete with Satanie's portrait looking down (when it should be up) on the couple.

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1 minute ago, Anna Yolei said:

I swear to God if THIS is the situation that gets people on the "Liam is a waffle" bandwagon after all these years, I will flip my absolute shit. Waffle or not, who could be reasonably expected to forgive that? Let alone in the same week that all these morons have been badgering him to do so.

They have literally been lining everyone up outside Liam's hotel room for 3 weeks to berate Liam about how he needs to forgive Steffy and go back to her because of the baby.  No one who knows the full situation has said 'I know you're upset and you have a right to be' without adding a 'but' and moving on to try to guilt him into forgiving Steffy. Hell, even Katie is supporting Steffy and hasn't even visited her devastated former step-son who stood up for her ass with Bill during the Brill sex-room escapades, comforted her when she was crying, stumbling up and down the beach, and was the one who told Brooke to be honest with her barely hanging on by a thread sister. Liam was there for Katie and she hasn't done shit for him. Kind of pisses me off.

The deck stacking is laughable. Liam should not be this isolated with only the two woman who want to bone him supporting him.

If he were to take off and go radio silent so that he could clear his head, heal his heart from the gaping wound, and get some perspective everyone in show would REALLY get on Liam for abandoning Steffy and his child. As it stands now, Liam is being made the heavy in this with everyone telling him he'll regret not forgiving Steffy as if being married to Steffy and being a father to his child are mutually exclusive. Nevermind that Eric, Ridge, and Bill all have children with women they are not married to, Liam is the worst guy EVER if he doesn't go back to Steffy and his child.

When Bill moves in on Steffy and she accepts his attention, Wyatt, Bill, Steffy, and Ridge will all tell Liam he 'had his chance' and blew it and that he has no right to dictate who Steffy can be with and by consequence his child despite the fact that he has good reason to want to keep Bill from his child. I'd love Steffy if instead of going with Bill because she wanted him, she did it to force Liam to stay with her and for Bill to be butt hurt when he realizes it.

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1 hour ago, thewhiteowl said:

I like that but never count on Dolla doing the "right thing" or would it be right to let your son raise your child as his? I can't really see Dolla giving up any possession, especially a child to anyone for any reason. If he really wanted Steffy he'd tell her it was his, if he knew it. Using the same child deserves a loving home and parents argument. JMO

I could see Bill doing it, knowing he has the truth in his back pocket and waiting in the wings as inevitably, Steffy tires of what she feels is kowtowing to Liam.

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Boring and Banal.  That should be the title of today’s episode.  There’s more heat in the tundra than there is between Thorne and Katie.  And their silly repartee was nothing but time filler for the show.  

I’m surprised Stuffy hasn’t miscarried yet.  With all her sobbing and stress, and knowing of her past medical issues, there should have been a miscarriage weeks ago.  I just can’t see that airheaded wench being a great mother.  I think Liam would be a good dad, but her, no way. 

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I'd much rather see this fetus be a tock than a tick. (Tick = born, tock = miscarried, right?) But if it does get born or c-sectioned out, think it'll be a boy or a girl? Or even human?

I have a hard time envisioning Puffy with a spawn no matter who or what the father is.

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2 hours ago, TobinAlbers said:

When Bill moves in on Steffy and she accepts his attention, Wyatt, Bill, Steffy, and Ridge will all tell Liam he 'had his chance' and blew it and that he has no right to dictate who Steffy can be with and by consequence his child despite the fact that he has good reason to want to keep Bill from his child. I'd love Steffy if instead of going with Bill because she wanted him, she did it to force Liam to stay with her and for Bill to be butt hurt when he realizes it.

I'm not sure I understand this.  How would Steffy going with Bill force Liam to stay with her?

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I officially can't stand this Hope, or Hope period. This one sounds like she is always bawling her eyes out every time she speaks. I can't stand her voice or her delivery. She's weird looking, too. The character doesn't really seem to have matured while she was away. I'm dreading that we are in for more of the same old crappy triangle we were glad to be rid of when Hope transported to the mother ship as she walked across the lawn.

I don't see any chem between tall Thorne and Lemonheads. But it seemed like Lemonheads was all "Wyatt who?" when she was talking to Thorne. Is she embarrassed of Chickenhead? Or is it just that any Forrester is a prize to a Logan?

If Liam who is not poor can't get good vegetarian fare in the no-room-service no-tell-motel, why doesn't he just upgrade to another hotel in a more upscale part of L-fucking-A, a city with more than one hotel? I know he originally thought he was going to be hiding out like a low-life criminal on the lam but everyone and their rival knows where he's staying. BTW, is Sheila still in the room down the hall?

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7 minutes ago, ByTor said:

I'm not sure I understand this.  How would Steffy going with Bill force Liam to stay with her?

A good way to catch a man's attention is to make him think you don't want him and may have moved on.  Even better when it's his enemy.

Steffy knows Liam is adamant about keeping his child away from Bill. She also knows he has his Captain Save a Damsel complex and he was all too willing to believe Bill had gone as far as to rape her to rationalize what happened.

So if she's desperate enough, I could see her playing him against Bill by appearing to be vulnerable and fall for the 'big bad' Bill's charms which also puts his child in Bill's proximity. Liam's going to react to that in a big way and want to 'protect' their child and by default, Steffy.

Basically she'd be emotionally manipulating him/conning him into staying close/with her:  You don't want me and the baby with Bill, come back to me and be husband and father and we play family until it all becomes real for you.

Now sure he would know she's extorting him, but short of proving her an unfit mother and ripping that child out of her womb, she's got him over a barrel. So Liam could think the only way to really protect his child is go back to Steffy so she doesn't go running to Bill with his kid. And yeah, he even suggested that she and Bill would make a better pair, but he doesn't realize that Bill wants Steffy and the baby and that's going to be what makes Liam pause in a big way. For some reason Bill and everyone else can't separate Steffy's lover from Steffy's baby daddy and think they should be one in the same. Liam abdicating his lover role has been interpreted as him also abandoning his child -which is stupid, but is the story this show is writing. Bill wants them both and Steffy has said she doesn't want her child to be from a broken home. Bill wanting them both gives her what she wants.

Now as someone pointed out, it'd then be great drama for Liam to return to her and then find out that the child is actually Bill's and not want to give it up and /or he and Steffy are complicit in keeping the secret together, Steffy wanting to keep Liam and Liam 'punishing' Bill and rationalizing that he's protecting his sibling from Bill as a father.

Loads of ways they could go with this.

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Who is Brooke and Ridge to Liam?  Family? Not really.  They just want him there for Stuffy. Other than that they couldn't care less. Can someone tell me why Stuffy and Liam have to appear in public together now or in the next 6 months. Another stupid argument. Stay strong Liam and ignore the bull shit.  With all Stuffy's begging and self degradation, her true self came out when Liam asked her about her health. She snapped back about Liam interrogating her.  We would know for sure if the baby was Bill's by it being able to turn its head around 360 deg and up chuck green goo. 

"For us and the baby" is getting as trite as "we were robbed" or "cha cha cha". 

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46 minutes ago, TobinAlbers said:

Basically she'd be emotionally manipulating him/conning him into staying close/with her:  You don't want me and the baby with Bill, come back to me and be husband and father and we play family until it all becomes real for you.

Like mother, like daughter. ?

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What is it about this show, where it is really good for a month, six weeks maybe and then it just nosedives into total crap

I've watched a lot of soaps and I have never watched one that is as in consistent as this one. The show is either great or bad, very rarely is there a middle ground.

The whole Brooke trying to convince Liam to forgive the Stef-inator is so dumb. I don't recall her forgiving Ridge immediately for kissing Quinn. At the end of the day, that's all Ridge and Quinn did. Sure it went on for months and months and sure there was rolling around on a bed involved but they never actually did the deed. I'm not saying Brooke should have forgiven him immediately afterwards but for gosh sakes the Bill/Steffy thing is worse (in my opinion of course).


There's no way Katie will pass up a dalliance with one of her sisters exes.

Katie already had a brief something with Thorne and did indeed pass up on that. Plus, most of the men on this show are Brooke's exes ... so what can Katie do? I liked the Katie/Thorne stuff and see chemistry there. I wouldn't blame her for wanting to hook up with Thorne - he's hawt! I like Katie and Wyatt too, so I'm a little torn. I will say I much prefer this version of Katie to the Gladys Kravitz thing they usually put her through.

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1 hour ago, SweePea59 said:

I'd much rather see this fetus be a tock than a tick. (Tick = born, tock = miscarried, right?) But if it does get born or c-sectioned out, think it'll be a boy or a girl? Or even human?

I have a hard time envisioning Puffy with a spawn no matter who or what the father is.

If we don't get a tock, then I'm praying Hauxdi's spawn is $Bill.  They truly deserve each other.  If the child is Liam's Hauxdi's going to be rubbing her belly until the kid leaves for college.

44 minutes ago, Waldo13 said:

Who is Brooke and Ridge to Liam?  Family? Not really.  They just want him there for Stuffy. Other than that they couldn't care less. Can someone tell me why Stuffy and Liam have to appear in public together now or in the next 6 months. Another stupid argument. Stay strong Liam and ignore the bull shit.  With all Stuffy's begging and self degradation, her true self came out when Liam asked her about her health. She snapped back about Liam interrogating her.  We would know for sure if the baby was Bill's by it being able to turn its head around 360 deg and up chuck green goo. 

"For us and the baby" is getting as trite as "we were robbed" or "cha cha cha". 

Well said, especially the bold part.  That was the REAL Hauxdilox, not the delicate flower she's pretending to be.  Why the fuck would Liam and Hauxdi need to be seen together in public, if they're NOT together.  Is it to 'keep up appearances'?  And why should Liam want to attend a wedding where half the people in the room will know that his wife slept with his father?   If Hauxdi is so concerned about what the neighbours think, she should have thought twice about fucking her father-in-law.

I shook my head when Brooke told Hope that she didn't agree with Ridge about Bill 'forcing himself' on Hauxdi, but she just went along to make Sludge happy.  I have a feeling that Hope and Hauxdi are going to cause problems for Brooke and Ridge.  I just Hope that Brooke stands up for her girl THIS TIME.   Nobody stood up for Hope before, not even her own aunt who was married to $Bill during his quest to marry his son to his side-piece.  The best thing would be if Hope didn't NEED anyone to stand up for her.  I'd love it if Hope sat Ridge down, told him his daughter was a loose booty-ho and that he needs to back the fuck up.

I'm in the minority, but I like Hope and Liam.  I don't know if it's going to turn into a love story, but Hope is the only one who Liam can talk to about how HE feels.  The rest of the hordes that arrive at his door (the hotel is going to have to hire a bouncer and get a velvet rope to handle crowd-control outside Liam's door) are too busy telling Liam what THEY want.  Even Sally spends half her time telling Liam that she thinks he's really peachy-keen and would love to get his class pin.  Sally is on the rebound.  She lost her business and her man and she thinks Liam is the answer to her prayers.  He's not.

I'd like to think that both Hope and Liam are a little older and wiser and both have learned what really counts.  We don't know what happened to Hope in Milan; but I have a feeling we're going to find out.  As for Liam, it seems his wife had to sleep with his father before he FINALLY realized that he was married to trash.

Katie and Thorne were nice today so it looks like they're on.  Poor Wyatt is going to be alone AGAIN.  Maybe he and Sally can get together.  She wouldn't have a problem standing up to his mother and the sex would do her good!

Edited by mightysparrow
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Why is Slutty living in Liam’s house while he’s staying in the notel hotel? That’s his house that his sleazy dad gave him. She needs to move into Brooke’s where the other 50 family members live. Or move in with her dad wherever the hell he’s living. Or into Grandad’s guest house where she had sex with her father in law. I really can’t stand to see that nasty hotel room for another day. It looks like somewhere a homeless person would live when we know that Eric and Liam have plenty of money to stay at the Beverly Hills Hotel. 

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Wow! What a crappy way to kick-off the B&B week. First we have Brooke more or less signing off on the "Hauxdii is a ho" manta but is keeping her true feelings to herself to appease Sludge. WTG and a great way to start of another marriage -- based on HONESTY.  If ever there was a time to trot out the tired old "destiny" justification, it's now. Ridge isn't stupid. He knows that his daughter had the hots for $Dollah back in the day. This crap about her being "vulnerable and taken advantage of" is just crap. Brooke needs to open his delusional eyes.

Also, I thought JMW's acting had hit an all-time low today. She was so wooden and showed no emotion whatsoever. (A fine mother that one's going to be -- hopefully, not.) Standing there and guilting and barking demands at your soon to be ex-husband almost guarantees the opposite result. Then it was me Me MEEEE!! Liam is destroying Steffy's dreams, her life's goals, blah, blah, blah. I also didn't understand the "We have to be seen together in public for six months." The six-months timeframe plus the fact that she refuses to agree to an annulment maybe means that she's going to insist on a divorce and hope that during the six-month waiting period that Liam will soften. (What is it with Steffy and her idea that an annulment means "it never happened?" I know technically what an annulment is, but she sounds so insipid when she keeps insisting that, just like last time. One thing that she can't deny happening is boinking her FIL ... )

The best line she delivered was, "I know you want for me to leave," and Liam didn't respond so she left.

I don't mind new Hope. She is growing on me. She said the right thing, that Liam is the victim in all of this, not Steffy.  I also think that this one is going to have more of a backbone with Brooke than KM's Hope did. The new actress seems to be making SC behave in a more mature manner. It goes beyond the character of Liam responding to what he's been through recently. He seems older, more grown up and calmer around her.

Thatie is OK.  It was a little too overplayed for my taste today. Gee, where is Thorne finding those women he described having first dates with? Plentyoffish? Tinder? I find it very difficult to believe that a handsome, accomplished, nice, creative and intelligent man would have trouble finding women who weren't interested in having follow-up dates with him. Who doesn't have baggage? I'd rather meet a man who'd been widowed and lost a child than meet a slattern who was a 3X divorcee -- before the age of 30 -- whose last marriage broke up because she cheated with her FIL. Or a 50+ woman who has married and divorced the same loser more than 10 times! (Unless, of course, Thorne immediately launches into a fuck-buddy pitch on first dates and that turns women off. Or, he comes off as needy and depressed. In that case, he needs therapy, not a date!)

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15 hours ago, mightysparrow said:

Why the fuck would Liam and Hauxdi need to be seen together in public, if they're NOT together.  Is it to 'keep up appearances'?

What appearances? I mean, Liam coming alone instead of with another woman is rather novel, but you'd think that even if everyone and their mother didn't already know why they were split up this time, their break up would hardly be newsworthy.

13 hours ago, grisgris said:

The six-months timeframe plus the fact that she refuses to agree to an annulment maybe means that she's going to insist on a divorce and hope that during the six-month waiting period that Liam will soften.

Well, the trick worked once before and their was no spawn involved back when Liam finally tore up the annulments papers in 2012.

Steffy loves sticking to the classics.

Edited by Anna Yolei
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OK It's time for Liam to grow a set and tell Steff to get lost.  I am so tired of this looking at the floor.  He looks like a little puppy that has just got his but swatted with a newspaper for peeing on the carpet. Its time to man up and get a Lawyer.

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I want to say Thorne's rap is smooth but no, he's too obvious. Especially since he knows the object of it appears to be quite satisfied with her current boinking arrangement. But OTOH, Katie isn't exactly deflecting his overtures...

Of course Brooke is encouraging Hope's unresolved feelings for a married man who has a child on the way. Wasn't she just pressuring Liam to go back to Steffy--or at least be her date to the wedding? How does she manage to talk out of both sides of her mouth like that?

So tired of Steffy trying to use that baby as her Get Out of Adultery Jail Free Card.

"As long as you need a friend, I'm here for you. And I have a cooch if you need one of those too."


"We have to be seen together in public for six months."

I thought she said "in six months" meaning when the baby comes. Or at the christening. Is she three months along already?

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12 minutes ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Of course Brooke is encouraging Hope's unresolved feelings for a married man who has a child on the way. Wasn't she just pressuring Liam to go back to Steffy--or at least be her date to the wedding? How does she manage to talk out of both sides of her mouth like that?

It's like TIIC learned nothing from the last disasterous attempt at this triangle.

Liam is doing his part by not jumping into bed with the first warm body this time, and thank every god and goddess that has ever and will ever exist for that. But we don't need Brooke butting into Hope's life, pushing her into a stupid situation. There is no Taylor to one-up this time, so what's the excuse for this shit now?

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Given what Brooke said to Hope today about going along with the "Steffy was taken advantage of" delusion, now I question if she is being sincere about Lame reuniting. Maybe she's also just giving lip service to that fantasy in order to appease Sludge???

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He knows that his daughter had the hots for $Dollah back in the day. This crap about her being "vulnerable and taken advantage of" is just crap. Brooke needs to open his delusional eyes.

This entire thing would be be far more interesting if Brooke would sit down with Ridge and have a real convo. I get that no father wants to believe his daughter slept with her father in law. I get that Ridge wants to hang onto some idea of Steffy and put the blame on Bill. But Steffy has told him more than once his version isn't real. I'd like to see Brooke say 'Honey, Steffy slept with Bill because she wanted to ... you need to stop with this stuff about Bill taking advantage of her.'  Both KKL and TK are capable of pulling a good scene out of some real talk. But apparently that is never going to happen.

I'd love it if Brooke and Ridge had that real talk and both went to see Liam to apologize for pushing him. But that isn't going to happen either. Though both ideas would be much better viewing than this constant pushing Liam to forgive Steffy crap.

Honestly though, it's way past time for Liam to start telling everyone to shut up already. He needs to shut down everyone that keeps wandering to his door to blab about the wonders of Steffy and child. Not this sad face, staring and the floor thing but real anger. Let's go back to that. Also? It's time for him to find a new place to'hideout.'

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15 hours ago, TobinAlbers said:
15 hours ago, ByTor said:

I'm not sure I understand this.  How would Steffy going with Bill force Liam to stay with her?

A good way to catch a man's attention is to make him think you don't want him and may have moved on.  Even better when it's his enemy.

ahhh, gotcha!

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13 hours ago, Gam2 said:

Why is Slutty living in Liam’s house while he’s staying in the notel hotel? That’s his house that his sleazy dad gave him.

He let Steffy have the house because he wants nothing to do with anything from his sleazy dad (good description, btw).

15 hours ago, Waldo13 said:

Can someone tell me why Stuffy and Liam have to appear in public together now or in the next 6 months.

Because it's a huge scandal.  Didn't you know that nobody in LA gets divorced?

14 hours ago, mightysparrow said:

I shook my head when Brooke told Hope that she didn't agree with Ridge about Bill 'forcing himself' on Hauxdi, but she just went along to make Sludge happy.  I have a feeling that Hope and Hauxdi are going to cause problems for Brooke and Ridge. 

You bet this is precisely what's going to happen, and it's really going to frost me.  Not because I want Brooke and Ridge together, but because I'd like some damn consistency for once.  Apart, together, I really don't give a crap, just choose a lane and stay there!  At least stay there longer than a month or two.

15 hours ago, SweePea59 said:

If Liam who is not poor can't get good vegetarian fare in the no-room-service no-tell-motel, why doesn't he just upgrade to another hotel in a more upscale part of L-fucking-A, a city with more than one hotel?

Is he not poor, though?  He doesn't work for his sleazy dad anymore, and maybe he also pulled a Nick Newman (Y&R) and gave away all of his ill-gotten money.

By the way, I saw that BOD (blankie of despair) made an appearance.  Maybe soon it will join POD in the credits :)

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16 hours ago, SweePea59 said:

I'd much rather see this fetus be a tock than a tick. (Tick = born, tock = miscarried, right?) But if it does get born or c-sectioned out, think it'll be a boy or a girl? Or even human?

I have a hard time envisioning Puffy with a spawn no matter who or what the father is.

This is so true! When have we ever seen Stuffy have a thought or care for anyone else?  She has never demonstrated any empathy or sympathy for anyone but herself.


It was nice to see the return of the Blankie of Despair.  I'd been missing it!

Edited by A-Lo
Mistakenly called it the Blankie of Doom rather than the much more apt Blankie of Despair (TM ByTor)
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Is he not poor, though?  He doesn't work for his sleazy dad anymore, and maybe he also pulled a Nick Newman (Y&R) and gave away all of his ill-gotten money.

It is odd how he's slumming it. Presumably he never paid for his housing other than utlities maybe, and his car might've been leased via SP or he perhaps did pay for it himself. So if he was getting a likely a six-figure salary what was he doing with all his money? Did he save none of it or did he spend it all paying for all his weddings?

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15 hours ago, mightysparrow said:

.  I just Hope that Brooke stands up for her girl THIS TIME.   Nobody stood up for Hope before, not even her own aunt who was married to $Bill during his quest to marry his son to his side-piece.  The best thing would be if Hope didn't NEED anyone to stand up for her. 

Didn’t they, though?

No one in her immediate family was willing to engage in the shady shit Steffy and Bill cooked up, but I seem to remember Katie getting locked in a closet as she threatened to tell Hope about whatever shenanigans he was up to at the time. And Brooke was there sitting in on her therapy session....that is pretty WTF, but I think she knew the girl needed help. I do seem to remember Rick chewing Liam out once or twice.

Like you said, I’d be all for Hope not needing that support, because Liam himself is older and wiser and hopefully is not thinking with his dick anymore. He’ll have to put up with Steffy until this baby is revealed to be Bill’s, but then the two of them can truly reflect on their immaturity but realize they can actually communicate this time before running away with assumptions. No more of crap like this:

....because Liam ? Buddy? You may not have deserved this level of betrayal, but you were a Grade A toolshed as recently as three years ago. And Hope? My girl. He’s got a past and the world does not revolve around you and if you can’t move past his waffling like you couldn’t move past Oliver accidentally boning your mom, I won’t hold it against you. But work. It. Out.


15 hours ago, mightysparrow said:

I'm in the minority, but I like Hope and Liam.  I don't know if it's going to turn into a love story, but Hope is the only one who Liam can talk to about how HE feels.

That’s a marked improvement over Lope 1.0 because far too often, Old Hope seemed way too far up her own ass. Her reaction to Steffy losing the first Steam spawn being one egregious example.

personally, I’m not a huge fan of the whole young loves never moving on trope because far too often than not it comes with diminishing returns that usually mentally stunts the characters involved. Sharon and Nick Newman are the five time Olympic gold winner on this, but every time I knew Simon was coming back on ATWT, I knew to save for a new remote once the FF button broke from skipping every Katie Peretti scene for the next six months. And both of those pairings had strong pairing popularity that I don’t think Lope ever had in their salad days before it became a Brooke/Taylor rethread. I like platonic friendships. 

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1 hour ago, A-Lo said:

It was nice to see the return of the Blankie of Despair.  I'd been missing it!

I saw your edit reason...LOL perhaps Blankie of Doom is Blankie of Despair's understudy :)

20 minutes ago, Anna Yolei said:

Liam ? Buddy? You may not have deserved this level of betrayal, but you were a Grade A toolshed as recently as three years ago.


20 minutes ago, Anna Yolei said:

Old Hope seemed way too far up her own ass. Her reaction to Steffy losing the first Steam spawn being one egregious example.

Also, when Steffy had a concussion that everybody thought she was faking, I recall Hope flouncing around the hospital in her bikini & sarong reading Steffy for filth. Speaking of that concussion, didn't she really NOT have one but had no clue that Bill paid the doctor to fake her MRI results?

Edited by ByTor
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Only one day in and this show already stinks about as badly as the Blankie of Despair must by now or Liam's hoodie. Take your pick.


Liam, buddy, I feel for you, I truly do, but if you're sick of seeing the slattern's face, then either MOVE to parts unknown or, I don't know, stop answering your dang door. 

I also didn't care for him telling Hope that she was the only one who dropped by to see him that he was actually happy to see. I saw some smiles when Sally visited him so quit polishing Hope's halo. While I warmed to AN and Hope with the Hott reunion scenes (AN and DB have chemistry), I don't care for her otherwise and don't get me started on that ridiculous fishing-for-compliments-from-Liam comment by Hope: "I have the magic knock?" Gag.

There's zero chemistry with her and Liam and she is trying WAY too hard in her scenes with KKL (and that ridiculous cutesy posturing over whether or not Hope still had feelings for Liam) as well as JMW, which, to be fair, would be easy to over-act when paired with a lump.

Katie and Thorne are still bringing the cute although I don't buy Thorne not being able to get past the first date. Looks alone would get him to date no. 3. 

So Brooke thinks Bill didn't take advantage of Hauxdi yet is keeping quiet to appease Ridge? Reason #978 why her reuniting with Ridge and marrying him are the two dumbest things she's ever done and that's saying something. 

Also, the obvious disregard for history is killing me. Hope, the product of a Brooke's affair with her family member, is talking to Brooke about how much more awful it is that Hauxdi not only cheated, but with a family member.



Level of shit for today's show: ???

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2 hours ago, ByTor said:

Speaking of that concussion, didn't she really NOT have one but had no clue that Bill paid the doctor to fake her MRI results?

That is true, actually. But given the circumstances of the marriage and the shit before, I can understand why Hope had a healthy, if ill timed, skepticism of Steffy's innocence. Kinda like when Brooke went ham on Stephanie as she lay "recovering" from her fake heart attack. Amazinghow the tide turned after Tridge remarried, eh? Man, that was good times.

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Tomorrow? The wedding is tomorrow? Brooke just wants to get that ring on Ridge's finger before he has time to screw it up again. 

Fuck you Steffy. Just fuck you already. Did that horrible twat actually have the temerity, the unmitigated gall, to whine to Liam about what she is losing/has lost? Did she then compound that atrocity by turning Liam's refusal to play happy family into something he is doing to deliberately hurt her? I mean. My mind just went numb with rage. Liam is refusing to play happy family because there isn't any happy family. And the reason there is no happy family is because you, Steffy, decided to play grown up with his father's man bits. So shut up Bitch. 

And my girl Brooke isn't far behind you. WHAAAATTTT the fuck are you doing Brooke? Denying your voice in this "relationship" with Ridge because he must be respected? Dafuckingfug? So, what you are saying is that the only way to respect Ridge is to not disagree with him? Is that relating to all things, or just the fact that his heaux bag daughter fell on your husband's and her father-in-law's dick? Because if it applies to all things, then that is not respecting your partner; that is being a cog in his wheel. That means you are pandering to his every whim. That means you have lost your voice and your agency. That means you are giving up your identity to support your man in his selfish actions. That means that, in the end, you will have no one but yourself to blame. Brooke and Ridge should do like Wyatt and Steffy; forego the rings and get tattoos as symbols of their love and devotion, except R/B would have their's applied to their foreheads; Ridge would have a muddy shoe and Brooke would have a doormat. It would send a much clearer picture than any vows or rings. 

I don't know what to think about Hope, but here is another place I am pissed off at Brooke. Why was she fanning those dying embers? Actually, that whole conversation had me itching to smack them both. 

Here is what I think. I think that Brooke is pissed off as fuck that Steffy had sex with Bill. I don't think she cares because it was Steffy, her daughter-in-law, but because it was Bill, her still then husband. I think the fact that Bill chose Steffy over her has Brooke fuming. She knew something was up when Bill stopped fighting for her. And now that she knows it was Steffy, she is embarrassed, insulted, and mortified. But she can't give voice to it because that would make it real. Would make it a thing. And doing that would go against Ridge's beliefs, and supportive, pandering Brooke can't do that. And she will have to keep this charade up forever, because Ridge is never, under any circumstances, going to recognize Steffy's part in what happened. He will never acknowledge that his daughter wanted to fuck his most hated enemy. So Brooke will punish Steffy using another method called Hope. Which means revisiting that damned triangle. 

I hate all of it. 

But I did like Thorne and Katie. Could this mean some type of Katie, Thorne, Wyatt, Sally mash up? Katie chooses Thorne and Wyatt discovers Sally? I will admit that I thought Sally and Wyatt would be interesting in the beginning, but they decided to put her in Liam's orbit. But I would still like to see how they feel together. My fear is that Thorne will end up back with Brooke once Ridge fucks up, leaving Katie alone, and Wyatt realizing how much he really cares about her. Which would, once again, leave Sally out in the cold with no one. 

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2 hours ago, Anna Yolei said:

given the circumstances of the marriage and the shit before, I can understand why Hope had a healthy, if ill timed, skepticism of Steffy's innocence.

I actually had this in my original post but removed it...too many people on the show are excusing Steffy, I'm not going to do it too :-P

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1 hour ago, RuntheTable said:

Here is what I think. I think that Brooke is pissed off as fuck that Steffy had sex with Bill. I don't think she cares because it was Steffy, her daughter-in-law, but because it was Bill, her still then husband...So Brooke will punish Steffy using another method called Hope. Which means revisiting that damned triangle. 

It was sooooooo great when we got to see Taylor use Steffy in this manner the first time, so why not do it all over again?


Fuck Brooke if that's the damn case. If she wanted to stay with Bill, should should have fucking stayed. But she has made her bed and rolled around in it with Ridge before she'd even divorced him, so she can suck it.

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On 2/5/2018 at 10:54 AM, ByTor said:

I know some of her in-laws...from what I hear, she's not playing :)

OK now this is definitely more interesting that Unkempt Ridge, Puffy Puff and Liam the Waffle. Can you share any deets?

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Just now, sarivon said:

OK now this is definitely more interesting that Unkempt Ridge, Puffy Puff and Liam the Waffle. Can you share any deets?

Not much.  The person I know is the widow of Jonathan Frakes' deceased brother...all she really told me was that nobody in the family liked her because she's not a nice person, I never got any details as to what made her a not nice person.

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2 minutes ago, ByTor said:

Not much.  The person I know is the widow of Jonathan Frakes' deceased brother...all she really told me was that nobody in the family liked her because she's not a nice person, I never got any details as to what made her a not nice person.

Awww, Genie's had to endure Jill Pharren Phelps, Guza, Geary, and now Valenti. I can see her being pissy, LOL.

I'll always love that Laura Spencer is married to Commander Riker.

8 minutes ago, Anna Yolei said:

Fuck Brooke if that's the damn case. If she wanted to stay with Bill, should should have fucking stayed. But she has made her bed and rolled around in it with Ridge before she'd even divorced him, so she can suck it.

She'd have a bigger leg to stand on if she'd been married to Bill and trying to work things out when the Still fling happened. Ridge would be working overtime trying to convince Brooke not to eviscerate his baby girl and blame Bill and at least SOMEONE would not be coddling Steffy and hiss 'If only your grandmother could see you now'. And when Steffy began those tears Brooke could drag her ass to a mirror and say to her what Stephanie said to Brooke all those years ago 'Look in the mirror you little bitch! You are not a victim or some tragic heroine!'

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36 minutes ago, TobinAlbers said:

She'd have a bigger leg to stand on if she'd been married to Bill and trying to work things out when the Still fling happened. Ridge would be working overtime trying to convince Brooke not to eviscerate his baby girl and blame Bill and at least SOMEONE would not be coddling Steffy and hiss 'If only your grandmother could see you now'. And when Steffy began those tears Brooke could drag her ass to a mirror and say to her what Stephanie said to Brooke all those years ago 'Look in the mirror you little bitch! You are not a victim or some tragic heroine!'

Brooke has no business, like so many other characters on this show, saying one damn thing to Steffy about her behavior.  Pot meet kettle.  That's the problem with having the majority of the characters be lying despicable cheaters.  None of these people give a damn who they hurt to get what they want.  They will destroy a dozen other people's lives, whine they didn't mean to hurt anyone, and then once they get what they want, throw it away to go on and ruin someone else's life.  All while blaming everyone except themselves for the horrible things they do.

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23 hours ago, Foghorn Leghorn said:

And is Liam in the same hoodie since this all started?  

I give him a pass because he's not been alone long enough to shower or even just change clothes.

On 2/5/2018 at 6:25 PM, mightysparrow said:

We don't know what happened to Hope in Milan

Helicopter flying lessons ?

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Complete word to what everybody has posted about Brooke. I agree with RuntheTable about Brooke being damned pissed off that Bill was so quick to sign her off and turn to Hauxdi.  I believe that deep down, Brooke was counting on Bill to go full court press to try to win her back. When it became clear that it was "not going to happen Brooke!" (TM Ronnn Mossss) she went ahead and rushed into settling for Ridge -- to salvage her ego. Brooke's true feelings were momentarily laid bare, when upon hearing the news from Steffy, she bleated, "How could you do this to ME?"  I think all of this nonsense about attending the GarBridge wedding is to show Hauxipants that she's got nothin' on LaLogan. If Brooke's using Hope to passively-aggressively attack Steffy by encouraging Hope to rekindle things with Liam, double FU to Steffy. Especially since Brooke probably has convinced herself that Bill and Steffy have completely severed ties, so that leaves both of them in the dark, if Liam is successful in getting the marriage annulled and gets back together with Hope. Boy, wait until that kid is born with a shock of jet black hair. Joke's on Brooke.

Guess I'll go watch today's episode before I eat my dinner!

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Why didn't Ridge have a bachelor party?

Heh, if Steffy had known Liam was having a cozy dinner with Hope in his hotel room she'd have been loading up heavy artillery. If only she'd decided to drop in on him again and caught Hope there...

Wyatt! Have some self-respect. You are basically letting her treat you like a walking, talking sex toy.

"Forever." What a joke. More like six to nine months, tops.

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