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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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So just some quick thoughts before it's back to the grindstone.

NuHope is Nope for me, for now. 

I realize that I am being super-picky and super-judgey and not a little bit salty here since she's been on all of ONE day, but this already-bulging-at-the-seams didn't need a Hope return and if they did, then do whatever it took to bring back KM. But since the canvas is already more than full (case in point - where the hell is my favorite gal, Sally?), then I see ZERO reason to bring her back, especially not when it could very likely mean the resurrection of the TOD. 

I'm sure AN is talented and a nice person and dyed her hair and everything, but she comes off as looking more like Donna's daughter and a good 10 years older than KM (the stiff beach waves aren't helping and did her new TV mom no favors either) and that Joker's smile is kind of creepy.


I'll reserve final judgment until after I see her in motion for a while, but again, if she was brought back to go around round with Steamless, OMG, I am not fucking here for that.

She did seem to play off well with both KKL and TK and here's some shots of them greeting her:



But almost everyone plays well with KKL because she's just that good, so that's no prize. It also irked how friendly she and Ridge seemed because last I checked, these two were not on great terms, in large part due to Ridge, the father who raised her, the man she had called "Daddy" and later "Dad," completely snubbing her to take Hauxdi's side in the Liam Wars. TPTB may think we've forgotten how he gave Hope, the supposed daughter of his heart, the shaft, in favor of the soiled spawn from his own loins but I haven't.

I loved KKL's shorter, fresher 'do and as much as it kills me to say this, TK looked pretty damn good yesterday. Some soap and shampoo have worked wonders. He actually didn't seem wrong sitting next to Brooke and I never thought those words would leave my keyboard. I will never, ever, EVER be okay with a GarBridge reunion for the simple fact that Ridge will always be a lying, cheating, lowdown dirty dog, but with Thorne being chem-tested elsewhere (and MIA after a lot of initial fanfare) and Bill being thoroughly ruined and forever smelling of the stench of Hauxdilox, I can (somewhat) tolerate seeing them together...and by somewhat tolerate, I mean, not immediately reaching for a wastebasket at the sight of them.


And dare I say TK looked downright cute here.


Uh oh...Hope better be careful...lest she be next on Ridge's list of inappropriate women to pursue. I kid...I kid...mostly.

Elsewhere, as predicted, Bill showed up on Hauxdi's front door. Or the Unabomber's. You decide.


Liam isn't taking any of her calls or responding to her texts.

Boo hoo hoo, boo boo!


So these two cheated and it's been a day, maybe, since Liam found out, and here they are, spending time with one another. Bill offering comfort. Her accepting it. This is the VERY LAST THING ON EARTH either of them, Steffy especially, should be doing right now. All contact should have ceased the moment Liam found out. The fact that they can't seem to stay away from one another (as we certainly didn't see Steffy throw Bill out) is very telling. I wish Liam HAD come in then (to get some of his things) so he can see how truly not sorry either of them are. They didn't give two shits about what he thought behind his back but this is even worse. Now, he DOES know and they don't care if he sees them together, I guess. If Steffy cared about Liam or her marriage one iota, she would have slammed the door in Bill's face and told him to never contact her again. If Bill cared about his son, he would stay away from Steffy.

But their egos just can't handle that. 

Nor can they handle the fact that for perhaps the first time in his life, Liam is calling the shots. Liam is making his own decisions. For them to stand there and plot how he HAS to do this or he HAS to do that is truly galling. They've already taken so much agency from him by having the affair and keeping it under wraps and they think they have a right to dictate how the rest of his life plays out? It's as if they've written a play Life for Liam and it's his job to say the lines and follow their stage direction. Only he's not doing that. Not anymore. Baby or not. He will live life on his terms, fatherhood included. 

If Steffy truly wants to change from the broken, selfish heifer she is, then she needs to let Liam be and focus on her unborn child and being the mother that child deserves. But we know she is about as capable of change as her father. 

JMW went right back to me full-on hating her so her upping her game was short-lived.

Oh, look at her, so tired from sleepless nights...


Oh, look at her, I need to eat but alas, I'm too miserable to eat these scrambled eggs.


Oh, let me stare out the window like I'm in a remake of George Michael's "Careless Whisper."


Blech to all of that...

In more promising news...


It's about damn time Red and Liam meet up. I've missed CH/Sally SOOOO much. 



Edited by CountryGirl
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23 hours ago, CountryGirl said:

Liam needs to focus on Liam right now. He needs to take care of himself and learn how to live alone and begin to heal from the double betrayal inflicted on him by the people he loved and trusted the most.

He's needed some time alone since his first wedding was exposed as a fraud in 2012 (and that year he spent moping behind Steffy doesn't count).

But I'm all for that now. Let him and Hope stay friends as she and Wyatt reconnect. Let him start up a foundation or his own business that Sally supports and promotes and eventually connect outside of the insanity that led them to nearly dying. I know six months is asking too much, but it need not happen overnight.


3 hours ago, RuntheTable said:

Wouldn’t it be a real twist if they are planning on pairing Hope and Thorne?

Don't even curse us with that hot mess! Lol!

Rick with the Taytwins was gross enough.

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12 minutes ago, Anna Yolei said:

But I'm all for that now. Let him and Hope stay friends as she and Wyatt reconnect. Let him start up a foundation or his own business that Sally supports and promotes and eventually connect outside of the insanity that led them to nearly dying. I know six months is asking too much, but it need not happen overnight.

Preach. He needs to throw himself into something as he moves away from Spencer and he's got time on his hands until the baby arrives so have him start a tech company. He did mention to Bill how he would've been happy just being in IT before Bill handed him a pair of keys to the kingdom and elevated him so let him get back to that computer nerd.  Hire Nicole who gets her Black Girl Magic Geek back on.

And no, he does not need to be head of business at Spectra. He needs something that is his.

I'm tired of the nearincest so no to Hope and Thorne as romantic partners, but yes to him looking at her and taking her under his wing and in the course of developing Aly's designs he gains an adopted daughter. Thorne is to mess with Watie. Brooke made her choice to go to Ridge, so with him she needs to stay.

The pairing/triangles/quads stories that seem to be possible this year are:

  • Hope/Wyatt/Katie/Thorne
  • Thorne/Brooke/Ridge
  • Sally/Liam/Hope
  • Hope (Sally)/Liam/Steffy/Bill
  • Nicole/Rick/Maya/Carter

My money is on Steffy and Bill being the biggest hook up which prompts Liam to go for full custody and the custody battle cranked up to 11. Liam will file for divorce but Steffy will be the one who wants to finish it so she can finally be with Bill.

If all goes well, Steffy's due to give birth in June/July - which means she'll have a preemie for May sweeps.

We also have Zencole and Steam's anniversary coming up in February and the anniversary of Aly's death in July so I'm guessing that is when Aly's Designs makes it's debut at Forrester. Or Spectra.


17 minutes ago, Anna Yolei said:

Rick with the Taytwins was gross enough.

Yes. Yes, it was.

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I really don't think Katie is with Stuffy as a friend but more of a nosy rosy.  Wyatt has always been a little slow on the uptake but the light always goes on in his pea brain.  Brother bonding is beautiful but it's over a very shitty situation.  

Bill, getting back with Stuffy would be the biggest mistake of his life. I can almost guarantee that the child will not see a loving home because it will be a marriage of convenance and the child will be able to pick up on the resentment as he or she gets older. Liam will not be able to kiss Stuffy without knowing where Stuffy had her mouth on his father.  He won't be able to orally satisfy Stuffy knowing that Bill shared bodily fluids in that area.  Liam will never be able to make love, to Stuffy, wondering if she is fantasizing about Bill or if he measures up to his father.  Wyatt is a non issue, to Liam, because they were married and Stuffy chose Liam over Wyatt where as Stuffy chose to cheat on Liam. 

Rick and Maya looked none too please with Hope being back permanently in LA. Rick, the Prick, and Maya always have an air of privilege surrounding them and don't want to share it with their siblings.  

If Bill is so bent on Liam being with Stuffy as a family, than why doesn't he go back to Katie for Will's sake. That's because, deep down inside, he hopes Liam doesn't come back and he can keep  pressuring Stuffy to be with him.

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On 1/8/2018 at 1:11 PM, mightysparrow said:

Whatever happens, if Hope and Liam get back together, it should be after they take the time to rediscover each other and realize that they ALWAYS wanted the same things and that they (and when I say 'they' I mean Liam) should have fought harder for the life they always wanted.

Honestly, no matter how much of a cretin Steffy is, I can't say Hope didn't contribute much to keeping them together, either. Steffy wasn't around when she kept stringing Liam and Wyatt around or when she jumped into marriage with Wyatt when Liam was five minutes late for the wedding. That isn't to say Waffles didn't give her amble reason not to trust him, but there comes a point where you shit or get off the 'ship.

And on a bigger scale, there aren't nearly enough couples allowed to outgrow one another. 

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Why is everyone acting like Hope was on the ISS or something? She was literally one plane ride away. And then there's them fancy newfangled things called the telephone and the internet where people can communicate instantly over long distances. Yeesh.

"Dad and Steffy? I don't understand that." Well, Wyatt, when a man and a woman have certain special feelings for one another, their bodies undergo certain strong changes..."

"Steffy could use a friend right now." Um, why exactly? Whatever, it seems Katie has the job covered. No need for Hope to defy all logic and common sense. (Girl, the ring was still warm from when you'd just taken it off! Steffy can never be your friend.)

LOL, Wyatt also wondered if Bill got Steffy drunk and took advantage of her. I love how the people closest to him immediately assume Bill is some kind of creeper perv. (And I still don't understand why sexual assault is seemingly preferable to simple cheating with these people.)


She also made it publicly without consulting her fiance which just revealed gross immaturity and self-absorption on her part.

Not to mention the part where she was literally using her hymen as a fashion marketing tool. Sure, sex sells but that, IMO, was some kind of weird Bizarro world switcheroo that made her fiance look like a tool. (Which he's repeatedly proven to be anyway, but still...)

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People! Please leave Liam alone. He needs time to think and process and doesn't need his dad constantly badgering him to "not leave Steffy." To the contrary, I believe that the huge mistake Liam could make would be to stay with that louse. The kid will be just fine. (I don't have much faith in it surviving to term, so what difference does it make?)  And this also goes for Katie pumping Fauxdi full of false hope that Liam is going to forgive and forget and return home. I actually agree with Waldo13 that Katie is more engaged in the secrecy and scandal as opposed to being a genuine friend to Steffy. I wouldn't give two shits about that tramp, especially after she tried to interfere in Batie 1.0.

Why is Rick now dredging up Quidge after all of this time? I know he is late to the game -- having just found out -- and missed out on all of the insults, ire and wrath he could have had a hall pass for to throw at Sludge. Unless there is going to be a revisit of Quidge, why go there? I am not sure how I like nuHope. I agree that she looks more like Donna's daughter and she seems way too eager to convince everybody within earshot about how she respects Steam and has moved on. There is something distrustful about her that I can't put my finger on. In any case, I'd be happy with a more devious Hope. The old one really got on my nerves with her self-righteousness, sense of entitlement, etc.

Speaking of old Hope, I also watched "L.A. to Vegas," and was pleasantly surprised. KM has a flair for comedy and she was able to carry the show as its star. Dylan McDermott's role is intermittent and after reading the reviews, it appears that it will be kept that way and the reasoning made sense. The reviews were pretty good, but I do agree with the statements that the show needs a few more episodes to "reach altitude" before the audience can enjoy the full effect. While Hope wasn't always my favorite character, I always liked KM and I am always supportive with fellow B&B-ers who move on to better opportunities.

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1 hour ago, grisgris said:

In any case, I'd be happy with a more devious Hope. The old one really got on my nerves with her self-righteousness, sense of entitlement, etc.

Me, too. There were times where it felt like Hope was the opposite side of the same entitlement token, especially once Steffy was no longer a daily factor in Lope's relationship and before TIIC turned the latter into a complete sociopath. With Sally as the ambitious good girl with morals, they can afford to give Hope some more gray nuance.

Even more than pissing on Steffy, I'm hoping Hope tears Bill a new one. As others have said, Hope didn't deserve all that he helped Steffy pull off just for not sleeping with the first guy to give her attention. Between that, nearly killing Liam, the piss excuse for leaving Brooke and now with Steffy, she has more than enough ammo to shoot him with.

5 hours ago, TobinAlbers said:

We also have Zencole and Steam's anniversary coming up in February

I entirely forgot about Zencole existing, lol. ?

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Why is Rick now dredging up Quidge after all of this time? I know he is late to the game -- having just found out -- and missed out on all of the insults, ire and wrath he could have had a hall pass for to throw at Sludge.

This is so dumb. Hey Rick, your mommy knows what happened with Quinn and Ridge ... and she still got engaged to him again. 

Sigh, another day of Bill telling Liam he needs to go back to Steffy. Do the writers not know that parents can raise children without living together or being married? Liam can still be a father without reuniting with Steffy. Good lawd this show. Though honestly most soaps peddle that same nonsense.

I'm tired of looking at Steffy trying to act sad. It makes me sad. Because JMW is just terrible at acting sad. Or happy. Or mad. Or ...


Katie is more engaged in the secrecy and scandal as opposed to being a genuine friend to Steffy.

To me HT is playing it as though Katie is trying to be a friend. I have no idea why, but whatever.

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9 minutes ago, hypnotoad said:

This is so dumb. Hey Rick, your mommy knows what happened with Quinn and Ridge ... and she still got engaged to him again. 

Not only that, Brooke has had ample time to see Sludge for who he is and she keeps going back. Likewise, I've been watching Rick piss on Ridge for nearly the entire two decades I've watched this show. Rick battling Ridge for pissing on his wife as a twenty-something was one thing. Rick pushing 30 pissing over Ridge and Brooke while engaging in literally every entitled action Ridge took was irritating. Rick pissing on Ridge a year after the fact as he's approaching 40 (?!) over his mom is boring and stale. Dude, you have awife and kid now. Be happy.

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Bell Jr., seems to have some kind of 50s era, 'Leave it to Beaver' idea of family.  The only way to properly raise a child is a two-parent household, Dad with his pipe and Mom with her apron.  So even though the sight of his wife makes him sick and brings forth images of Hauxdi and $Bill tearing up the guest-house sheets, Liam HAS to return to the marital home to raise his child.  Dr. Spock would totally agree that a household full of hatred, shame and guilt is the perfect environment for little Timmy/Susie.

It's sad to see Liam in such pain, but maybe it's a good thing that he has to give up his dream of the perfect life for his child.  His mother was a single parent and she did a pretty good job with him.  He didn't start to go astray until he was reunited with dear old Dad.  He doesn't have to be with Hauxdi to be a good father, in fact it's probably better that he won't.  That child is going to need another home to escape to.

The Liam/Wyatt scene was moving but there was some serious subtext going on.  There might be brotherly love but there's also betrayal.  Wyatt knows how Liam feels because Steffy cheated on him with his brother.  All of the Spencer men are united in deceit and betrayal.  And Steffy's lady parts.

Katie is so full of shit.  Her 'Dear Abby' routine is so phony.  She HATES Steffy and they both know it.  Katie had to have a fucking heart attack to pry her husband out of Hauxdilox' talons.  And isn't Katie raising her child on her own because Bill left her for her sister.  TWICE!!!

I can't say I blame Rick for not wanting to see his mother with Ridge, even if he has taken a shower.  Rick grew up watching Ridge hurt his mother; he knows how this latest chapter is going to end.  It's no surprise that he's pissed that Ridge was fooling around with his dad's wife considering that Ridge also fooled around with his wife too.  I really can't wait for the crowd at Brooke Logan's Homeless Shelter find out about $Bill and Steffy.  Land-speed records will be broken!

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Why is Rick a day late and short short on the Ridge & Quinn thing? Did Rick just find out? It doesn't even make sense. Maybe, BB is trying to give Jacob Young something to do. It seemed so out of left field today when he & Maya were discussing it. I literally replayed the scene again on my dvr because I didn't understand the context. And, I still don't.

Edited by ByaNose
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43 minutes ago, ByaNose said:

Why is Rick a dollar late and day short on the Ridge & Quinn thing

Unless you were trying to be ironic, it's a day late and a dollar short...which describes Rick perfectly.

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The Rick/Hope/Ridge/Brooke/Maya scene was interesting in that I almost got suckered into believing they might be planning a nuanced sibling rivalry, Hope doesn't realize the world has moved on from her awesomeness kind of storyline. 

I do remember advocating for a Hope recast awhile back but it was partly to give Brooke some reason other than Ridge or Bill to be onscreen and partly wishing for a Deacon sighting.  Be careful what you wish for, I guess.  (Though honestly, I'd suck it up and watch whatever if it did include some appearances from SK.)  

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14 hours ago, mightysparrow said:

And isn't Katie raising her child on her own because Bill left her for her sister.  TWICE!!!

And why doesn't Liam throw that in his face?

Edited by AngelKitty
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So, thoughts on Tuesday's show...

Bill is STILL at Steffy's, telling her Liam won't abandon the mother of his child. I mentally correct him - he won't abandon his child. I've said it before and I'll say it again...the last place Bill should be right now is at Steffy's. I saw the longing on his face and her's. I feel like it's just a matter of time before she chucks trying to make amends with Liam and goes after the man she's always wanted...and the fact that it will drive him crazy, especially with his child being partially raised under Bill's roof, well, so much the better. 

Katie really is a drama llama...I knew my head tilting and enjoyment of the scene where she comforted Hauxdi was all for naught.

She ain't there for anything but the tea. That I can deal with as it's classic Katie. What I cannot deal with is her enabling of her one-time nemesis. 

Steffy: "I hate myself." You should, tramp.

Katie: "You should never have been put in that position...by Liam, and, especially by Bill." Katie is truly dumb as shit. How is it Liam's fault that Steffy spread her legs for Bill as fast as if they were spread with mayo? His kissing Sally doesn't justify any of this, particularly when one considers the circumstances where said kiss occurred...and just think about that, folks, Liam had nearly DIED the day less than 24 hours before and this is what his wife does? As for Bill, again, I call BS. She gave Brooke zero quarter for Bill, so why is she giving Steffy, a woman she detests, an excuse now? What's her angle here? I'm guessing it's for more tea. What she plans to do with said tea, I don't know.

Don't even get me started on the nonsense at Brooke's.

Hope is ready to reboot Hope for the Future - notice how Ridge quickly wants to put the kibosh on that. Leopards just don't change their spots. What does he expect her to do? Sit by the pool, reading magazines? 

Then we have to hear Hope talk about how she's looking forward to seeing Steffy and having a fresh start and Ridge telling her Steffy could use a friend. 

I was left literally shaking my head. Those two will never be friends, much less the stepsisters they were for so many years. Too much water under that bridge.

The only scenes worth watching were between Wyatt and Liam.

It's good to see Liam packing his stuff and getting the hell out of SP. 



Wyatt comes in and even with sex brain, he pretty quickly deduces something is very, very wrong, noting the boxes, the bandage on Liam's hand, and, most telling of all, his brother's terrible mood. He should be over the moon with happiness about the baby he and Steffy are expecting, but he's clearly upset. Wyatt then notices the missing sword necklace. Dun, dun, DUNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN!


Wyatt: "Liam, what did Dad do?" Oh, that's such a loaded question. A better question would be: what didn't Bill do?


Liam, cryptic: "Something I'll never forgive him for." I mean, the demolition alone should be an unforgivable sin.

He tries to avoid further questioning, indicating he wants to just pack up and get out of there before Bill shows up, but Wyatt is a dog with a bone and continues to press him for answers. And what is UP with DB's forehead? It looks like it's covered with the Kraft singles wrapper.


Liam's anger is building as he stands there and seethes, hating this, hating that he has to tell someone else about his father and wife's betrayal.


But Wyatt continues to hound him and so he finally erupts as he spits: "Do you really want to know what dear ol' Dad is capable of? He SLEPT with Steffy!"


Wyatt is stunned and that's putting it mildly.


Liam reveals the dirty little details, starting with Steffy fleeing off to the guest house after she learned about his kiss with Sally, revealing also that she lied about being in her car all night. He says that Bill showed up at the guest house and they had sex and then, his wife came home, all tearful and ready to forgive him for Sally, and oh so willing to renew their vows. You can see the wheels turning as he pauses, another piece of the sordid little puzzle falling into place, as he realizes now exactly why she was so quick to forgive him. It wasn't because she was a loyal, loving, forgiving wife. It was because she had fucked his father and was trying to assuage her own guilty conscience.




Wyatt can't believe that Steffy would do this (notice he doesn't question Bill's actions at all), but Liam gives him the latest scoop on his ex-wife (and I love how he calls her out as being Wyatt's ex-wife here), sharing how he found the paternity test and Steffy admitted the truth. 

He's relieved to hear his brother is the baby's father but he looks helplessly at Liam here, admitting he doesn't know what to say. But thankfully, he doesn't try to defend his father or Steffy's actions. His sympathies are squarely with Liam as he watches the very unfamiliar jaded side of his brother start to dissolve before his eyes.


Liam is tearful here and once again, SC is just amazing, sharing how all of his hopes and dreams were finally coming true...and then "Dad and Steffy ruined it."


Without a word, Wyatt comes forward to put his arms around his younger brother as Liam gives in to full-on sobbing (and where are my damn Kleenex?!?), letting out some of the pain and anguish and heartache and finally, finally, being comforted. 


You can see tears in Wyatt's eyes as he holds his brother and kudos to DB for his work today as well.


Liam crying is exactly what he needs to help him heal and I love that Wyatt just let him sob on his shoulder. Despite their differences and Wyatt's constant sucking up to Bill, I do believe these brothers love each other and that Wyatt is beyond devastated at what has happened. 

Later, when Liam regains his composure, Wyatt learns that what happened that night happened between two very consenting adults (he, like others, Liam included, wrongfully assumed Bill took advantage somehow). 

Liam confirms again that it was consensual, that Bill was consoling Steffy, and she allowed him to do it.

Wyatt asks what Steffy said and Liam shrugs, saying she begged him for forgiveness. As if that can undo what she did.

Liam: "How am I supposed to forgive something like that? Even if logic is telling me that we have a baby on the way, I mean, I can't look at my own damn wife right now...that doesn't...that's not gonna change. 

Wyatt is so sorry for him here and, perhaps, thinking he dodged a major bullet.


Liam: "What she and Dad did...that is the most disgusting, heinous thing they could do to me." As apt a description of the Swill boink as I've heard, especially the "disgusting" part.

Wyatt looks sadly as his disillusioned, hurting brother, and asks: "What about the baby?"

Liam is still tearful here: "That's the tragedy,isn't it? That baby's the real victim."


He sighs and swipes at his tears, looking at his boxes.

Liam: "I feel sick to my stomach. I gotta get out of here."

Wyatt, concerned, immediately asks, "Where are you going?"

Liam: "I got a hotel room."

Wyatt interjects: "Dude...you can stay with me." Awww...

Liam gives him a look: "What? With Dad and Steffy camped outside? I can't do that. I gotta get lost. I gotta pick up whatever pieces I have left." And in the most telling it like it is moment in all of this: "It's moment to moment. Breath to breath."

There's a long look between the brothers.

Liam almost smiles here: "Thank you...thank you for listening." Wyatt is the the only source of comfort he's had in all of this thus far, but I have a feeling Sally will add to that very soon. 

Wyatt: "Yeah, I mean..." and he can't even finish his sentence, on the verge of crying himself and Liam sees it and his wounded heart can't help but be moved.

He reaches out to touch Wyatt's shoulder, almost comforting Wyatt here, and that's so like Liam. He grabs his box and turns for the door when Hurricane Bill enters and just go the fuck away, you asshole!

Wyatt jumps between the two and he can't even look at his father right now.


Bill immediately goes into the Hauxdi apology tour, begging Liam to forgive him and once again, tone fucking deaf! The last thing he should be doing is defending that whore to the son they both destroyed. And I want to punch him right in his big, fat mouth when he goes on to try and continue to emotionally blackmail Liam into staying, using his own selfish past as some kind of twisted rationale for why Liam should reunite with Steffy. I will shout it til the cows come home, from the rooftops, as loudly as I can. LIAM DOES NOT NEED TO PHYSICALLY BE LIVING UNDER THE SAME ROOF TO BE THERE FOR HIS CHILD. Also, as someone who knows all too well it's better to be from a broken home than living in one, it will be far better for Baby Spencer's parents to be living under separate roofs than having to be a key witness to the farce that is sure to play out over his childhood if they reunite. But OMG, it was just sickening listen to Bill prattle on about his beloved fuckbuddy. I lost count of how many times he said that heifer's name. It's like salt in the very open, oozing wound for Liam to even hear Bill say her name and how it must disgust him to hear Bill's obvious love for his wife by continuing to go to bat for her.

Liam says exactly that, hissing at Bill: "Don't say her name!"


He moves to leave and as he starts to walk away, Bill barks out tthis: "I'm warning you Liam... you walk out on Steffy, it will be the biggest mistake of your life." I'd say reuniting with her will be the biggest mistake of his life. 

Also, Steffy walked out on him the moment she spread her legs for you, dickhead. Second, that sounds dangerously close to Bill warning him that if he won't go back and pick up the pieces with Steffy, he will.

And I think that's exactly what Liam is thinking as he stares at Bill, hatred evident in his eyes.


So while the Hope return, Katie/Steffy whatthefuckery, and Bill bull in a china shop did grate...the Brothers Spencer made this episode well worth the watch.

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16 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

I still don't understand why sexual assault is seemingly preferable to simple cheating with these people.

Because Steffy would still have her integrity rather than being a cheating cheater who cheats.  The hell with whether she was traumatized from being assaulted!

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I can't wait for the moment when Hauxdilox learns that Hope is back in town.  Hauxdi's head will explode and she'll turn on dime from 'poor wittle me' to the harpy slattern we all know and hate.  I have no doubt that Hauxdi will get hope on the first thing smoking to warn Hope to stay away from her man.  Because that's what Hauxdi would do (and did).  The second she hit town, she was in Liam's face, scheming to get in his bed.  It won't matter that Hope has said that she respects the fact that Liam and Steffy are married and she's hoping to start fresh with both of them.  Hauxdi will judge Hope by her own standards and you can't get much lower than that.

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52 minutes ago, CountryGirl said:

And what is UP with DB's forehead? It looks like it's covered with the Kraft singles wrapper.

Think maybe the harsh lighting made his spikey hair throw some crazy shadows on his forehead?

I'll admit, Wyatt is always semi-permanently on my shit list even if DB can be a charmer, but he was a good brother in those scenes with Liam. The fact that he bodily put himself between Liam and Bill as if trying to shield Liam was such a nice damn touch.

I like Liam's logic about not bunking with Wyatt and staying at a hotel that it helps keep Steffy and Bill at a distance but I don't get why he was packing up shit in Bill's office. Have an intern or assistant or Wyatt do it and ship it somewhere. If I were Liam I'd have never set foot back in that office unless it was to pee and poop all over Bill's desk and chair!

I just can't with Steffy and Katie. Again, no matter how you spin it, Katie is the last person who should be comforting her. Brooke I could buy more in this case since she was her step-mother and raised her for half her childhood and is about to be her step-mother again.

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18 hours ago, Anna Yolei said:

In any case, I'd be happy with a more devious Hope. The old one really got on my nerves with her self-righteousness, sense of entitlement, etc.


18 hours ago, Anna Yolei said:

Me, too.

Me three!  Everyone seems to forget she's Deacon Sharpe's daughter.  I'm not saying she should wear a leather jacket, smoke cigarettes and drink Jack Daniels (and I'm not saying she shouldn't either) but she could sure have an edge and an attitude when it comes to Liam, Steffy, Wyatt and Bill.  This show has enough mealy-mouthed milquetoast heroines (Maya, Coco, Ivy and Nicole).

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Preach Katie, preach. That's your specialty giving advice but don't take it. Bill takes blame but only in words. In taking blame,  he's actually making excuses.  His latest is that he loved Stuffy first but because of Katie's health he didn't pursue it. Bill is not only a love them and leave them type of guy (Liam's and Wyatt's mother's) but a serial cheater. Wyatt showing solidarity with Liam is a good idea because he doesn't have to worry about him and Katie.  

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ENOUGH of this revisionist crap that Bill is in love with Steffy and always has been! Saying that you stayed with a partner for "health reasons" (to me) is just as insulting as insisting that a couple remain together for "the sake of the children." How thoughtful, Bill. Asshole! I guess it would have been so much more convenient if Katie had just died of a heart attack the first time. What low blows to Katie and Brooke. I am also tired of the excuse, "I thought that the marriage was over." Steffy left Liam for what ??? a few hours ????  Brooke used that same excuse when she slept with Deacon, but I think that he and Bridget were at least separated if not in the process of divorcing. (I don't remember.) Also, Bill is still technically married to Brooke.

I thought Wyatt was going to throw up in his mouth. It seemed like it was the first time he'd ever learned that Swill was a thing in the past -- but he recovered nicely -- so I guess he wasn't totally in the dark. I am so glad that he stuck up for Liam and read Bill for the filth that he is. I am also glad that Wyatt didn't gloss over things or secretly slap Bill on the back after Liam left. Also noted that he didn't insist that Liam return to Steffy for "the child," "the family," etc. Yeah. I'll bet Wyatt was indeed thinking how fortunate he was to have his losses cut for him.  I forget how good DB is when he's given decent material to work with -- especially with DD and SC.  The opportunities just arise so few and far between.

The only way that I can stomach Katie being there for Steffy is if she is ultimately going to stab Fauxdi in the back somehow. Otherwise, it doesn't make sense. I'm also sick of hearing "family" thrown around like an excuse to gloss over everybody's past and present disgusting behavior (thank you, Wyatt!) I don't want for Brooke (or Hope) to offer a shoulder to cry on either. That tramp needs to wallow in her onw misery A.L.O.N.E. Is Sheila gone for good now? If not, here is a prime opportunity for her to worm her way back in to the Forrester family by befriending Steffy.

It was SO GOOD to see Sally back today. I hope that she is just going to act as a confidante and good friend to Liam right now. I don't want to see anything more happen. Liam is just too raw and certainly doesn't need to rebound.

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I really can’t take Katie as Puffy’s confidant/cheerleader. She should have been sneering in Steffy’s botoxed face.

I'm having a tough time buying it too. Now, I think HT is playing it as Katie being sincerely supportive. But I just don't buy Katie being sincerely supportive to this particular person. I would much prefer it if Katie were sneering in Steffy's face - it would make more sense! Steffy was a part of Katie's issues with Bill. Steffy cheated on Liam and Katie is close to Liam. I am standing by the idea that the writers looked at the canvas and said 'well gee we have no one to be a sounding board for Stefy.' Then they pulled out a dart board, put some photos up on it and threw a dart. Unfortunately for HT, Katie 'won.'

I seriously cannot stand listening to Bill anymore. Every single word is so insincere. And no he isn't sorry he hurt Liam, he's only sorry he got found out. I really need Wyatt to stay strong and support his brother.

I really like Liam and Sally.

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Wow.  Is the plan to turn $Bill into a weak, sniveling, pathetic loser?  Because if it is, it's working. 

So we're to believe that when $Bill was shoving Steffy at first one and then another son, it was because he was soooooooooooooo much in love with her?  He chased Ridge and Brooke down in Dubai(?) and threw Ridge out of a helicopter because he was madly in love with Steffy?  He married and divorced Katie (TWICE) and Brooke (TWICE) because he couldn't get Steffy out of his mind?

Please Show, don't turn Sally into a stalker.  Following Liam to the hotel isn't necessarily a good look.  And if he wants to be alone, leave him alone. 

I love Sally because she's the real thing.  Sally IS what Steffy pretends to be.  Sally is a free-spirited, independent, COOL business woman fighting to make it on her own.  I will always have a soft spot for Liam/Hope but I would enjoy seeing Sally and Liam have a chance at love.  They really complement each other, and I think they share the same values and view on life.  Sally would be a fierce defender of Liam and protect him from all the hateful creatures that are trying to tear him apart. 

I pray that we don't have to endure a catfight between Hope and Sally.  It would be even worse would be if Hope joined the 'Liam HAS to stay with the mother of his child' chorus.  If anyone should know how much of a mistake that is, it's Hope.  If the choice is between Liam and Hauxdilox, then Hope should choose Liam 24/7.  Hauxdi is the one who devoted her life to making Hope miserable simply because she's a Logan.  Kind of how Hauxdilox decided that Sally was scum because she was a Spectra.

I'm very curious to see what Wyatt is going to think of Katie being Hauxdilox' new BEST friend.  Will he understand and if he does, will he explain it to me because I sure as shit don't.  I agree with those that say Katie should be laughing in Hauxdi's poorly cutup face.  In fact, I think that the whole of LA should turn out to laugh at the chicken's coming home to roost on Haudilox' botoxed ass.

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I know I should be into the Lemonheads consoles Puffy shtuff, (for example I love it when the Logan sisters sit around and chat), but I just am not. It bores me and I turn away or zone out. Then I feel a little embarrassed. But it just doesn't ring true for either character. I can't take it seriously. (You know what I mean.) Katie of yore would have been caring and comforting, but not Katie of now. She evolved, or devolved, but she is not the sweet caring person she used to be. We've seen the transformation. Maybe HT's contract called for more days on screen and this is where they've shoe-horned her in? I just hope that Hope brought her Star Trek transporter technology with her and uses it on Puffy.

1 hour ago, grisgris said:

Is Sheila gone for good now? If not, here is a prime opportunity for her to worm her way back in to the Forrester family by befriending Steffy.

I love this idea. Seriously, it would take a psychopath like Sheila to befriend that beast.

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7 hours ago, Waldo13 said:

Wyatt showing solidarity with Liam is a good idea because he doesn't have to worry about him and Katie.  

I dunno, the season still has eight more months in it ?

But i do generally like the Spencer brother dynamic when they're not at odds over the same woman. 

All the talk about Steffy being alone reminded me of how/why I could enjoy it when Original Recipe Stephanie got called out on her shit. Yes, she was always ultimately forgiven but Stephanie did believe she was doing the best thing for family. So when said family turned their back on her, it held some weigh. It meant something. Susan Flannery carried a lot of that as the caliber of writing tanked like the Titanic, but still.

Meanwhile Steffy has so many supporters that it's hard to give any shit's about her pain in a situation she help create and which was entirely preventable if she wasn't an irredeemable slattern. I hate being told things I can't see. I hated it when it was Ridge being sold as the biggest catch of the 90s; I hated it as Amber went from a novel thorn in the Forresters' side  to psychotic nutbar over barely legal penis; I really hated it for Nick "Only Real Cryptonite to Bridge Ever, Yes That Includes Brill" Marone; came to resent all the praise Hope got for her non job.

And I really don't buy it for a woman who has been making it her business to fuck up people's lives since before she could legally drink; who terrorized one sister for who her mother was; who his the fact that she killed one cousin for months*; who came between the relationship of the other because she felt entitled to it; and who tanked the relationship of the brother who has backed her on every anti Logan scheme she led because  the girl stood up to her unlike Hope,Aly, Ivy, Brooke, Katie and Jackie never did.

*UO, I don't have a huge problem that Steffy protected herself, because damn Aly was full dark, no stars by then and I fully expected her to  boil the Lope Kitty** within a few weeks. But Steffy's shady AF behavior killed any sympathy I had for her quicky.

**Does Liam still have that cat, or did Steffy manage to turn him into one of her wigs yet? ?

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8 hours ago, Anna Yolei said:

But i do generally like the Spencer brother dynamic when they're not at odds over the same woman. 

Same here, I'm an episode behind, but I loved the Liam/Wyatt scene.  Two really good actors in a well-written scene, that's almost unheard of in B&B.

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I meant to post after the show yesterday (Wednesday), & I had to do actual work, & forgot. I hate when I'm at work & it gets in the way of my socializing.

Anyway, the scenes I think on Tuesday, between Wyatt & Liam, were so, so good. It felt like the first time since this started that Liam has really, truly had a chance to break down with someone he trusts. The hugs, the shock, the love, it just all worked, & I was so glad Wyatt was there for him.

However, yesterday, Wyatt didn't work for me. I know that their relationship has changed in the last year or so, but Wyatt was the one who completely went after Hope when she was clearly still with Liam. He married Hope not even an hour after Liam supposedly stood her up, & he knew that Liam was crazy in love with her. He chased Steffy when she first came back to town, knowing that Liam had been married to her in the past (& still might have some residual feelings), & then, the second he got an opportunity, he hooked up with her & married her before Liam could escape Captive Cabin. I completely understand that Steffy & Liam were actually married, & that does change things for the worse, but him reading $Bill for filth about interfering in Liam's relationship made me want to tell him to take a step back, son.

I've said this before, but I do believe that $Bill has always had it hardcore for Steffy. I'm not saying that he's always been in love with her, & I don't mean to diminish the fact that he was legit in love with Brooke, because I truly think he was, for years, but I think Bill has always wanted Steffy, too. It very well could just be a sexual attraction, not necessarily a real feelings attraction, but that wouldn't surprise me, either. They truly are very similar, & Steffy can turn a blind eye to some of his misdeeds (Bill making Thomas think Caroline was dying), if it fits her agenda. Brooke couldn't. I think, & I think Bill does, too, Steffy could be his ride-or-die, & I think he's always thought that. I remember a post here once that I still think of & laugh, where poster said "hey, Liam, your dad is trying to screw Steffy with your junk!" It was so true. When he was going on to Wyatt, though, about loving her first, he just sounded like a dog who was mad that he didn't pee on her when he had the chance, to mark his territory. My husband is divorced, & if his ex came back & said that she wanted him back because she loved him first, I'd look at her like Maya looked at Carter last week. 

Edited by nkotb
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Just watched yesterdays show. Belated reactions:

Oh come on, Liam. I'm in your corner--right now, on this one issue--but give me a break. You know Steffy is a garden utensil. Her entire history with you has been about her using her cooch either as a weapon or as an excuse. The only surprise here is that she 'fessed up. She could've claimed it was some random guy she met in a bar.

Ditto comments upthread, I still don't get why is Katie all up in this mess with Steffy and Liam. What difference is it to her?

"But I loved her first." OH SNAP!!! He admitted it out loud! But geez, what kind of Spencer man Kryptonite does Steffy have in her lady parts? When Will hits his teens they better not ever let him be alone with her.


I'll bet Wyatt was indeed thinking how fortunate he was to have his losses cut for him.

Has a DNA test ever been done on Wyatt? Is it known for sure that he's $Bill's kid? I imagine that's a boat Wyatt doesn't want to rock or have rocked on his behalf.

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Wyatt for the WIN!!!!  I am so glad he told Bill he WOULD NOT be siding with him on this one, that he had Liam's back.   I am happy they are acting like brothers!!!!!!  Hope better not screw this up!!!!


Do we think they would go Hope/Ridge? (ewww I hate even typing that)  Will Deacon be back?  I haven't been this excited about this show in a LONG time

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2 minutes ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Has a DNA test ever been done on Wyatt? Is it known for sure that he's $Bill's kid? I imagine that's a boat Wyatt doesn't want to rock or have rocked on his behalf.

This question was asked recently and the answer was that while there was a DNA test for Liam, there was not a DNA test for Wyatt.

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46 minutes ago, sugarbaker design said:

This question was asked recently and the answer was that while there was a DNA test for Liam, there was not a DNA test for Wyatt.




'My daddy abused me' Bill and his sociopathic behavior and 'My mommy abused me and that's why I acted this way because I'm broken' pre-Eric Quinn are actually a perfect match. Problem is they unleashed their sociopathy on innocent people instead of each other.

Bill is now in dangerously mentally unstable territory. His narrative shifts according to the person he's talking to and trying to convince. He lies with ease to anyone -including himself- and blames others for the situation while never taking on any of the responsibility. He's constantly trying to manipulate through coercion, threats, charm and will resort to violence. He is obsessive to the point of insanity over something until he shifts to a new obsession (Steffy, Brooke, Skye, Steffy) and is relentless in his pursuit to the destructive emotional and physical consequences to whatever is in his way.

Bill's moved past mustache twirling schemer to a dangerous psychopathy where you really can make the case that he should not be around people period and for Liam to make a case for full custody if/when Steffy decides she's going to try things with Bill. I love me some DD but the show needs to bring back consistency with him and shades of humanity or else we really will wonder why we should root for him.

Edited by TobinAlbers
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2 hours ago, nkotb said:

 My husband is divorced, & if his ex came back & said that she wanted him back because she loved him first, I'd look at her like Maya looked at Carter last week. 

Speaking of, are they ever going to revisit this?  Or was this the semi-annual "let's give Carter something to do" storyline that is just going to be dropped?  He is way too gorgeous to be wasted on crap like this!

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Just now, sugarbaker design said:

Absolutely!  Carter should stick to what he does best:  shirtless pool scenes!

Or he could recreate that pajama fashion show, wearing those glasses.  Sigh :)

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I enjoyed much of yesterday's show - the Wyatt/Bill showdown and the return (finally!!!) of my girl, Sally.

I'll dispense with the continued, plot contrivance nonsense of Katie being Hauxdi's shoulder to cry on.

The only reason I can think of her for her "being there" for Hauxdi is she's projecting her past with Bill onto Steffy and using the situation as another opportunity to blast Bill - both for his affair with Steffy years ago and the more recent events with her own sister). Nevermind that the statute of limitations has long since run out on either situation. Which is not to say Katie should have gotten over the betrayals but she herself has given every indication that she's forgiven and moved on with all parties, Steffy included, so she doesn't get to hop up on her high horse now. As much as I despise Bill, I am not going to champion Katie reading him for filth in today's episode. Not from her. Also, easy on the crazy eyes, Katie.


Proof positive that Katie is on a crusade to make Bill pay for the sins of their past is her going ballistic when she learns Bill stopped by earlier.

Steffy shrugs: "He won't be back." Sure, he won't. 

Katie is all motherly, asking Steffy if she's eating and taking her vitamins and clearly, Steffy doesn't give two shits about that or her baby, quite frankly, which is sad. The only thing she's thinking about with respect to her unborn child is how she can use him or her to keep Liam on her hook.  She also can't be bothered to clean up all her nasty-ass snot rags lying around the room. Gross...

Steffy then says she's fine and needs to go find Liam. He wants to be alone, bitch, and he's had, what, all of two days to process? But she is so damn selfish and needy that, as always, she's making it all about her and who cares about his pain.

Katie insists that she stay there and thankfully, the heifer listens. For the moment. She also thinks that they still have a chance and I certainly hope not.

Steffy looks at their wedding photo - the one in Aussieland - how sad that I have to clarify that for this twenty-something. She thinks maybe they should move there. She is truly delusional if she thinks Liam is moving anywhere with her.

Katie: "I know you're in pain but think about Liam's capacity for forgiveness." That well has run dry right about now. "He's always wanted a family with you." Well, not anymore.

She tells Steffy to stay positive and OMG, actually refers to her as "Superwoman." Superwoman, my ass. If anyone's wearing a cape around here, it's Liam. Superwoman...I just...cannot...somewhere, Stephanie is rolling around in her grave, bemoaning the fact that her namesake is the Slut of the Valley.

On to the real action...

We're back at SP where Liam and Bill are this close to fisticuffs with Wyatt standing between them, protecting his brother. 

Bill: "Don't walk out on your marriage." 

Liam calls him out: "Like you care about my marriage, given what you did with my wife."

He looks at a stricken Wyatt: "You need to get out now...while you can."

Bill gives Liam a warning look: "Don't put your brother in the middle." Um, YOU did that, asshole! "You and Steffy need one another." 

Liam has had enough of this: "Don't you dare turn this into 'Liam can't forgive his wife.' I wish I could...because the one who will suffer most is my child."

He tears up here and then flees the office, nearly knocking Sally over in his haste to get away from this company and his father.

Sally is startled and immediately senses something's amiss but Liam, on the verge of crying, tells her he can't talk right now and strides away. 

She watches him go, her mind racing at what could be wrong and wanting to help.

Back inside Bill's office, Bill makes a move to charge after Liam but an angry Wyatt blocks his path. Show them balls, Wyatt!

I love his disgusted expression as he calls Bill on the carpet: "I can't understand how a man who talks like you do about family takes his wife's son to bed! How could you do that to him?"

Bill tries to sputter some nonsense about how it wasn't like that. Oh really?


Wyatt sees right through his father's BS: "It's beyond insane...it's unconscionable!" Absolutely perfect description, although I have to admit I'm a little impressed at Wyatt spouting off such big words.


Bill: "I'm disgusted by what I did..." That's not what the constant flashbacks tell me. He then tries to chalk it up to: "It's complicated."


Wyatt all but rolls his eyes here.


Bill blathers on and on about all the history he has with Steffy and how the "past caught up with the present." I agree with those who have surmised somehow, Wyatt missed the memo on Swill 1.0. 

Bill then makes me (and Wyatt) throw up in our mouths a little: "You both loved her, but I loved her first."

Wyatt gasps: "You love...Steffy???" The words process in his head and the disgust and disdain grows even more. "What the HELL is WRONG with YOU?"


Bill starts whining about Wyatt didn't hear a word he said: "I'm not some depraved monster who was targeting my son's wife." Sure about that, Bill? "I didn't do this to get back at Liam for taking control of Spencer." Su-ure. Uh huh. "I told you! I thought their marriage was OVER." 


Let's follow that logic for a moment. Say their marriage was OVER...so an hour or so later, it's okay to fuck your son's wife? I'm shaking my head right now.

Bill tries to up the ante: "And you know as well as I do that there was something between Liam and Sally?" 

He is seriously the King of Delusional right now and Steffy is his queen.

Wyatt is about to lose his shit right now: "Oh my God! And you think that justifies what you did to Steffy?" Not to her, Wyatt, but with. Wyatt is sickened as unwanted images pop into his head. "Give me a freakin' break here!" 


Bill doesn't like this, shouting: "You gotta get control of yourself!"

Wyatt, finger in Bill's face, fires back: "NO! You gotta get control of yourself!!!" OMG, Wyatt (and DB) are just bringing it! 


Wyatt is a long way from being finished here as he rips into Bill: "After everything YOU'VE done...setting fire to Spectra! Blowing up that building! Almost killing Liam in the process!" And here his face turns anguished as he finally lets himself think about the fact that he came thisclose to losing his brother...at their father's hands. "


Bill opens mouth to speak but the words don't come. Whatever he was expecting of Wyatt, the son who typically sides with him, it wasn't this.

Wyatt continues: "Through all of it, through everything that happened...you said that you would never hurt your family." There's a dangerous glint in Wyatt's eyes and oh, the finger just keeps flying in Bill's face and I am loving this so much. Spencer first, family first...do you remember, Dad?" He is right in Bill's face here.


Bill, of course, is trying to hide the fact that he's steaming inside, all full of indignation that how dare this pipsqueak bite the hand that's feeding him.


He looks down, clenching his fists, and I'll bet he's just dying to punch Wyatt the way he did Liam.

Wyatt isn't through: "And then you do this...you take Liam's wife." The enormity of it hits him and he turns away..."Oh God..." He can't even look at his father.

Bill: "Wyatt, I'm warning you." You're what? You're warning him??? What the actual fuck is happening here? Bill has ZERO leg to stand on.

Wyatt immediately wheels on him, with a bit of crazy in his eyes: "Oh, you're warning ME?" I was applauding Wyatt here.


Wyatt shakes his head in disgust: "I'm not gonna condone what you did."

Bill shouts at him: "I'm not asking you to condone it." The hell he isn't. 

Wyatt sees right through him: "Oh...you just want me to be on your side?"

Bill keeps shouting and he has no right to be angry or shouting at anyone but himself. "No! I don't want you to be on my side-"

Wyatt interjects: "GOOD!"

Bill whines: "I just want some understanding!" There is no comprehending, let alone understanding or absolution to be found here, Bill.

Wyatt shuts that down right quick: "NOT THIS TIME!" 


He gives Bill a searing look and points for emphasis through all of this: "I am NOT gonna do it! You crossed a line that should never, ever be crossed by a father." DB's inflection at the word "father..." Just so, so good here.

Bill just stands there and takes it like he has taken nothing before. If he felt uneasy with an angry Liam...he is on quicksand with a pissed-off Wyatt.

Wyatt: "I am standing with Liam on this." YESSSSS!!! "Now, if he's gonna walk out on you, so am I." 

He turns to leave and a freaked-out Bill screams out after him: "I made a terrible MISTAKE!" Again, not a mistake. 

Wyatt pauses at the door, but his back remains toward Bill.

Bill: "I regret it...tremendously." I don't believe him, but he's selling it, with reddened eyes. "But if you let this ruin our relationship, it will be a double tragedy, and I'm not having that." No, Bill! YOU ruined the relationship. YOU did this. YOU and Hauxdi. But he is clinging to any shred of family he has left. Nevermind he burned the family home down with everyone inside, himself included.

Wyatt turns to look at him. He's never seen his father like this before.

Bill, tearing up now, and interesting how I find DD so much more believable here as his voice has gone quiet and shaky here: "You're my son and I am asking you to dig deep and find some kind of understanding of the situation. I need you, Wyatt." Why? Because he's the only one left you haven't fucked over yet. Give him time, Wyatt. "I need you to help me keep the Spencers together." You decimated them just like you warned Liam you would. "This family is on the verge of falling apart!" Newsflash, Bill...all on you.

Wyatt starts at this and charges back toward Bill: "Because of what you did!"


Wyatt spells it out plain and clear: "This is all because of YOU!"

Bill cries out: "And I own that!" Sure he does. "I own it. But there is nothing I care more about than my boys and this family." If that were true, you would't be haven't this conversation right now. Your other son wouldn't be staying in a hotel room right now.

Wyatt just stares at him, looking as if he's going to be sick.

Bill: "You might find that hard to believe after what happened." Ya think? "But it's the truth."

Wyatt continues to stare, looking every inch the lost little boy he is right now. While Liam has the lion's share of pain, Wyatt's world has been upended, too. But he's just collateral damage.


Bill: "I love you, Wyatt..." Bill looks as if he's aged ten years overnight. I don't want to feel any sort of anything for Bill besides loathing, but DD is just that good.


Oh, DB's facial expression here at the words he's always longed to hear from this man, his father, and I think Bill has told Wyatt "I love you" before, but not very often. How cruel of Bill to say these words now, meaning them or not, using his son's love for him to continue to try to wrest sympathy or, really, control.


All Wyatt ever wanted growing up was a father to love him, a father to look up to...especially considering that unlike, Liam, who had a kind, caring loving mother, Wyatt had...Quinn.


Bill continues to twist the knife and it's emotional blackmail at its finest: "I love you and your brothers...and I will be damned if I let this destroy us. I will NOT let this destroy our family!" Here, his voice breaks as he fights for control. "I WON'T!"

Too late for that, Bill.

Wyatt can only stand there and stare, yet another victim of Bill's cruel, selfish actions.

Bill shakes his head, echoing again: "I won't."


He looks away from his son as the tears threaten like never before.


Wyatt is visibly moved but I hope he runs like the wind out of there and leaves Bill alone, which is what he deserves.

We end in Liam's hotel room and he grimaces as he removes the bandaged from his injured hand.

There's a knock at the door, which he ignores, but the person on the other side persists and he sighs, getting up to answer it.

He finds Sally on the other side, looking as gorgeous as ever.


Liam is clearly surprised to see her: "Sally?"

Sally admits: "I followed you here." Some of the haters are calling her a "stalker" and they can shut the hell up...she's a concerned friend. "May I come in?" Hauxdi would have barged right in.

He hesitates for a moment, then ushers her inside. 

She walks in slowly and CH is just so good that it's criminal we haven't seen more of her recently. She's very careful, sensing she's dealing with a very hurt, wounded man right now. Not knowing exactly why, but the fact that he's in a hotel room, the hurt in his eyes instead of the teasing twinkle she's come to cherish, is very telling.

Sally, sensing there's no room for BS or small talk right now: "What is going on? Why are you here?"

He looks at her but doesn't answer.

She gives him a look: "Liam?"

Liam: "I kind of don't feel like...talking..." Understandable but don't think I missed the fact that he doesn't want to be alone, either, and I know my girl will be there for her just like he was for her.

Sally, starting to put some pieces together: "Ohhkay...would you rather I go?" Throwing the ball in his court. Giving him control. Very important to him right now.

He doesn't answer and so, wishing to respect what she thinks he wants - to be alone - she says okay and that she'll leave.

But he gives her a look, his face haunted...and she stops.

Sally: "Clearly, you're not yourself." How well she knows him after just a few months. Steffy could know him the rest of their lives and still never know him like Sally does. "I'm really concerned that something terrible has happened." He looks at her, looking so lost and broken and her voice softens. "You can tell me, Liam. I'm your friend." And I believe her, wholeheartedly. That her motives are ones of true caring and concern and not angling for an opening. We all know Hauxdi would take all kinds of advantage of Liam right now if she were in Sally's positions (and, with Hope, she often was and did.)

Liam, his voice raw from crying and hurt: "Actually, I think probably...probably you should go." He steps around her. 

Sally: "Okay...I have never seen you like this. It scares me." It should. 

Liam, stoic: "I'm fine." 

Sally isn't buying it: "You're not...fine. Clearly something...or someone has hurt you."

Her gentle voice, her caring, is almost more than he can bear as Liam whirls on her, angry: "Okay, would you just let it go?"

Sally keeps her face neutral, knowing this isn't Liam, but knowing he needs to lash out at something or someone...and she'll take it, if that's what he needs.

Instantly contrite, Liam apologizes: "I'm sorry...you didn't deserve that."

Sally couldn't care less about his outburst: "I just wanna help." He can't look at her, the mind movies starring his wife and father he can't stop playing in his head. "Please...let me help you." She asks the question I think she already knows the answer to: "Is it you and Steffy? I mean, it has to be, right? Why else would you be here? Please, Liam...talk to me..." She's not fishing here...I think even though it's pretty obvious something has gone awry with Steffy, she's almost in disbelief that something has happened.


He finally raises his eyes to hers and you can see him debating whether to tell her or...not.

I don't know exactly what or how much he'll tell her but I think he is going to confide something...and I have no doubt she will be there for him. As a friend...for now...and we will see what the future holds for these two, but my goodness, I love seeing them together, even under such awful circumstances.

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If I'm supposed to feel sorry for Liam, I don't.  I won't be at all surprised if two days from now, Liam is in a triangle with Sally and Hope.

Katie should shut up to.  Katie was the one who lectured Brooke about staying away from Nick, and not hurting Bridge again, and then Katie went and did the same thing to Bridget that Brooke did.

This is the problem with having all the characters being back-stabbing, waffling, lying cheaters.  The only thing I can root for is for all of them to burn.

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43 minutes ago, sugarbaker design said:

Someone refresh my memory!  There was a male character, not too long ago, who had the habit of changing his shirt, mid-meeting, in the offices of Forrester Creations.  I want to say Carter, but I think it may be Thomas?

Yep, I think that's our very own Topless Thomas of which you speak :)

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Well Hello Wyatt! My goodness, that smack down was just as compelling as Liam’s ice cold one. Wyatt is a character that has had me perpetually on the fence; sometimes I like him and sometimes I don’t. But I was loving him in those scenes with Liam and Bill. It was so nice to see him act like a true, loving brother with Liam. And it was soooo satisfying to see him stand up to Bill! And Wyatt really brought it; that is what Liam needs. What Liam doesn’t need is people harassing him about fucking forgiveness, or overlooking shit, or running back to his traitorous wife because she is in the family way. I simply cannot believe that Bill actually expects Liam to run back to Steffy and play happy fambly. This is not Fun With Dick and Jane, this is real life, this is real hurt and real betrayal. Liam is just starting the grieving process, and any type of understanding or forgiveness is a long way down a very treacherous, steep slope. It absolutely pisses me off that Bill keeps pushing for this reconciliation, because he doesn’t want it for Liam, and he doesn’t want it for that unborn child. Bill wants it for Bill. If Liam and Steffy reunite and bond over their child, then Bill will find it easier to stay away and keep his dick to himself. Also, and more importantly, he will be able to alleviate his conscious and his guilt by saying there was no real harm done because S/L got passed it and reconciled. I have always been able to separate ugly Bill from Brooke’s Bill, and that has allowed me to continue to like and support the character. But there is no Brooke’s Bill anymore. The goodness she brought to his life is gone. Now he is blinded by Steffy lust and a need to control his betrayed son’s actions. Remembering Australia is just goddamned painful. To think Bill threw away the best thing that has ever happened to him, not to mention the marriage he fought for over five long years, how he bullied and terrorized Sally, how he nearly killed his son by blowing up a building with him still inside; all for his obsession with a building. And where is that obsession now? When was the last time we saw Bill stroking Skye? When was the last time we have even heard him mention her? Now he has a new obsession, but he can’t have her. At least not without ruining nearly every relationship he says he cherishes.

Really? Katie dispensing Steffy’s vitamins, and standing watch to make sure she swallowed them? Telling Steffy she made a mistake, but Bill has destroyed everything? That confuses me……….wasn’t Steffy married to Liam when she freely, and with open eyes, as well as legs, and with welcoming lips and vagina, fucked Bill with abandon? Has it been someone else flashing back to riding the bucking bronco? I don’t know. A mistake? Grabbing the wrong set of car keys is a mistake. Picking up someone else’s bag in the grocery store is a mistake. Transposing figures is a mistake. So, can somebody, anybody, explain to me where Steffy made this mistake? Was it when she was having clandestine meetings with her FIL? Was is when she was rubbing his knee, and allowing him to pet her? Was it when she was supporting her FIL over her husband? Was it when she opened the door to the guest house and allowed Bill entry? Was it when she was kissing Bill? I just don’t get it:




OH WAIT! I think I have it figured out……




Sally! I was so glad to see her I yelped with happiness. Now, THIS is what Liam needs. A friend to listen and comfort. Someone not related to him or Steffy. And for God’s sake; someone who hasn’t fucked Liam’s wife.

Steffy "Liam must have turned his phone off. He isn't answering any of my calls or texts"  Ya think? Girl is thick. 

Edited by RuntheTable
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25 minutes ago, Cindylou said:


Do we think they would go Hope/Ridge? 

God, no! Ridget was universally the most hated SL in the show's entire history and tainted what should have been the most explosive, game changing revelation about Stephanie "I'm So Fucking Moral" Forrester.

Never again.

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