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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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Katie Logan, you little minx! Just look how she was not the least bit embarrassed opening the door for Thorne in her lingerie. I think I am liking this Katie so much better than the sour, bitter version we have had for so long. I much prefer Katie donning lingerie and outfits for some sex play, and smiling and laughing, over Katie screeching and spying and accusing and making sweeping proclamations. And oh boy howdy, I don’t think Wyatt is gonna be on board for Thorne moving in, but I love it! It will certainly force him and Katie to look at their relationship and decide if they want to take it to the next level. Could this spell the end of K/W, and Wyatt will be reconnecting with Hope when she returns? Cause there is no way Hope is coming back without a love interest lying in wait. And I thought Heather and Ingo had a little something, something going on. Not the same kinda sparky heat as Ingo and Kelly, but there was still something there. So I can be on board if they go that route.

Holy BeJesus! I put in another call to the Men in Black to see if they would be willing to sell me a Flashy Thing so I could just do it to myself, because it looks like Show is going to keep giving us this afterschool soft porn. YIKES! And now Brooke is looking off into the distance, thinking about Thorne, and………NO. Just fucking NO. No fucking way. Thorne made his pitch and you rejected him. You told him to move out to save Rumple’s from having a set of bursting balls. And Thorne left and wished you well. Now, you let him go. I am going to be pissed as all hell if Brooke starts sniffing around Thorne. God, I love her, but right now I want to smack her back into childhood. I have seen her do this so many times before. Now that Thorne has flown the coop, and particularly if he takes up with Katie, Brooke will keep coming around to remind Thorne how much he cares for her. This is the exact shit she pulled with Nick; it massively pissed me off then, and will do so again. You already got in between Katie and Bill, and no, the end of your marriage to Bill was not your fault, but you still married your sister’s ex; don’t go messing about her and Thorne too. You have what you always said you wanted; your Destiny. So you should be happy and fulfilled with that. Honestly, I am so sick of Brooke and Ridge. Just so sick of them and the fucking games they play with others.

It’s Liam’s baby! Oh, happy fucking joy, joy. And I have a nice little tool that will remove the wheels from Steffy’s skates so she can’t get away. Asking Bill if he used her? Right. What a useless cow. Maybe you used each other? Girlfriend seems to have forgotten the weeks of clandestine meetings, and hand holding, and “support” she and Bill were giving each other. By the time they got there, fucking each other was kind of a moot point. So, Dodo bird goes and gets a prenatal paternity test behind her husband’s back, and then stupidly stuffs the paperwork in her purse? Huh. I would have ask for the closest shredder. Mr. R isn’t known to rifle through my purse, but he will on occasion ask where something is and go in there. Would he open and read a piece of paper he found? Very doubtful. But Liam is not Mr. R, and seems the sort with enough curiosity to do just that. And I think I like this ending better. I hope Liam reads that shit, and goes all Hardy Boys on his traitorous wife. I hope he runs right to Wyatt full of anger and accusation, forcing Wyatt’s hand about Katie. Then, I want them to simultaneously have the dawning horror of who the test was actually for, and I want to see Wyatt really bond with his brother in his disgust with Bill. Then, Liam can walk out on the Bitch, telling her he will be there for their child, but she can go kick rocks, or fuck his dad, because he is done with both of them.

I miss Sally, and am disappointed they didn’t show the Spectra’s enjoying Christmas too. But I am far more disappointed that Thorne hasn’t made any attempts to connect with them. Ally Designs belong there, not at FC’s. I wish Thorne would go to Sally and pitch his line. And I also wish that Hope is coming back to be Sally’s friend and confidant, and not to be put in a triangle with her and Liam.

As always, my furbabies watched with me, and my Quinn, who is also a Brooke lover, was not at all pleased when she saw her girl and Rumple’s making out. She tilted her lovely face back to look at me and let out a long, slow, sweet little fart.

Edited by RuntheTable
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17 minutes ago, ByTor said:

Why would Justin consider this justification if the child would be better off with Bill as the father?

A) Justin thinks Bill is the bestest thing in the world, B) he's ride or die for Bill Spencer C) Justin's job may technically be as his lawyer but he's literally Bill's 'make what I want happen' guy to the point that he's on the hook for aggravated assault (dropping Ridge from a helicopter) and accessory to arson (Spectra building fire) and that's what we know of. 

Bill wants Steffy and to be a father to her/their baby and the only thing 'holding him back' is Liam. Justin could see switching the results as doing his job - make what Bill wants happen. He's just 'sparing' Bill having to ask. Justin could rationalize that the kid would be better off with Bill as daddy because Bill says he loves Steffy and their baby that much and he believes it. Liam has a history of being a waffler and while this could blow up Bill and Liam's relationship, so what? Liam showed himself to not be loyal by taking Spencer from Bill. Bill may have forgiven Liam but Justin probably hasn't. His loyalty is to Bill, first, last, always. Liam has shown himself to be a disloyal bitch so in Justin's mind he may think screw him.

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11 hours ago, TobinAlbers said:

There are a number of ways this could go-

1. A mistake/switch was made and Bill is the daddy (Justin, Bill, or Dr. GYN made the switch)

2. There are twins (fraternal twins like Steffy and Phoebe means multiple eggs and if Steffy was taking fertility drugs she may have had multiple eggs floating with Liam and Bill each getting one in there. It happens) and only Liam's kid's fetal cells were detected in the blood sample as his child was conceived earlier but Bill's baby is in there as well to be detected later.

I think we're gonna get a reversal on the baby and Bill is the daddy (or appears to be) with a final flip back to Liam if that's the endgame. One thing they confirmed is that Liam and Bill are indeed related but they actually were careful to not say father/son so I'm still holding out hope for the long shot surprise twist with Liam being Bill's brother via Bill, Sr.

Or, there could be a reversal where Brooke wakes up aboard the Stella Maris, a towel-clad Bill emerges from the bathroom and she breathes a sigh of relief and tells him that she has had the worst nightmare of her life.  She then recounts the last several months of storylines that viewers suffered through since Brill got married back in May ( a lifetime ago).

I'm still trying to reconcile the shitty writing that has Brooke declaring that she doesn't want to be alone and deciding that she belongs with a Steve Bannon lookalike after all and what I saw in Australia and afterward.  The fuq?  Don't want to be alone and have "special needs" that need to be met?  How's this for a solution?  Buy a fucking dog, a "Rabbit" and some damn batteries.  Problem solved.  I still love Brooke, but lawd is this woman too stupid to live sometimes!  BTW--what will her reaction be when she finds out that Bannon-lite had his former side chick design her ring?  Will we be treated to a giggle, a battled eyelash, or more angst?  I just can't with this shit anymore.  Even the glorious KKL isn't enough to make me want to tune in while TK paws all over her and rasps his dialogue.  All my high hopes have gone literally right out the window for a slow build for Throoke 2.0, but because TIIC don't know what the fuck to do with a character who should have had his jersey retired when Ronnnn Messss left in a snit, the writing for Brooke will never progress beyond the storylines KKL was playing 20 years ago.  

I can't even with the guttersnipe twat that is Stuffy, and I hate calling other women names like that but a bitch pushes me there.  Oh, so it finally occurs to you to wonder that your Satan-in-law might have fucked you (not made love to you) as a part of the Big Payback?  Really?  Dumb bitch.  So much for the flashbacks of the animal sacrifice in Eric's guesthouse, right?  Too bad Stuffy was so hoisted on her own special petard (with some help from all the Spencer men) that she missed the evil mustache-twirling looks Bill used to give when he started out playing her ass.  Perhaps if she wasn't at his house all the damn time stroking his thigh, preening while being heaped with praise for her non-existent virtues, eye-fucking Bill and effectively digging that dagger in Liam's back, she wouldn't be in this fix now.  Go to hell, you bad wig wearing piece of human refuse.  I'm so not here for your belly rubbing and angst about your hamster's paternity for the next few months.  Nor, am I here to listen to your besotted fool of a husband treating you like some Madonna who is about to birth this unholy thing.

And, no I'm definitely not here for Justin's faux outrage or his ride-and-die experiments to give his boy exactly what he claim he wants. 

Man, did this show take a serious acid trip in the last few months!

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1 hour ago, RuntheTable said:

And now Brooke is looking off into the distance, thinking about Thorne, and………NO. Just fucking NO. No fucking way. Thorne made his pitch and you rejected him. You told him to move out to save Rumple’s from having a set of bursting balls. And Thorne left and wished you well. Now, you let him go. I am going to be pissed as all hell if Brooke starts sniffing around Thorne. God, I love her, but right now I want to smack her back into childhood. I have seen her do this so many times before.

Brooke won't go after Thorne until she knows he's interested in someone (Katie) else.  She and Ridge are a perfect match and need to stay together.


1 hour ago, RuntheTable said:

I miss Sally, and am disappointed they didn’t show the Spectra’s enjoying Christmas too. But I am far more disappointed that Thorne hasn’t made any attempts to connect with them. Ally Designs belong there, not at FC’s. I wish Thorne would go to Sally and pitch his line. And I also wish that Hope is coming back to be Sally’s friend and confidant, and not to be put in a triangle with her and Liam.

The only Spectra Thorne knows (as far as we know) is CJ (and Sally1).  He was married to and divorced from Macy over 20 years ago so there's no reason he would know Sally2 or Coco and he may have only met Shirley once or twice at Spectra family gatherings.  Since CJ apparently has taken the money and run, he won't be the one bringing Thorne & the Spectras together.  He seems to want to make his mark at Forrester so the only way I think Thorne goes to Spectra is when Ridge insults him/gives him the heave-ho at Forrester.

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2 hours ago, TobinAlbers said:
3 hours ago, ByTor said:

Why would Justin consider this justification if the child would be better off with Bill as the father?

A) Justin thinks Bill is the bestest thing in the world, B) he's ride or die for Bill Spencer C) Justin's job may technically be as his lawyer but he's literally Bill's 'make what I want happen' guy to the point that he's on the hook for aggravated assault (dropping Ridge from a helicopter) and accessory to arson (Spectra building fire) and that's what we know of. 

Bill wants Steffy and to be a father to her/their baby and the only thing 'holding him back' is Liam. Justin could see switching the results as doing his job - make what Bill wants happen. He's just 'sparing' Bill having to ask. Justin could rationalize that the kid would be better off with Bill as daddy because Bill says he loves Steffy and their baby that much and he believes it. Liam has a history of being a waffler and while this could blow up Bill and Liam's relationship, so what? Liam showed himself to not be loyal by taking Spencer from Bill. Bill may have forgiven Liam but Justin probably hasn't. His loyalty is to Bill, first, last, always. Liam has shown himself to be a disloyal bitch so in Justin's mind he may think screw him.

Again, if this is how Justin feels, why would he switch the results to make Liam father?

Edited by ByTor
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I'm working from home today and caught the show live. Show had me rolling my eyes more than a few times, but I'm glad I stuck with it until the very end. That last scene had me like this


I'm gonna watch it again this evening when it airs on POP, but this time I'll have popcorn.

ETA: Scott Clifton's son is a cutie.

Edited by bittersweet4149
fixed link
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The only thing that would have made it more perfect today is if it was Bill calling Steffy on her cellphone when Liam went through her purse and found the paternity test results.

Dummy Steffy didn't even fold up the paper and just made it easier for Liam to find it. Maybe she did want to get found out.

Finally Scott Clifton has one gorgeous son.

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After today's conversation between Bill and Justin, and Bill going on about not hurting Liam, I think Bill paid the doctor to change the results.

1) He didn't look all that surprised when Steffy told him the test results. 2) He makes the supreme sacrifice of giving up Steffy and his child to keep Liam happy and clueless.  3) It shows that Bill actually can put someone else's (Liam's) feelings first and lets Still do a slow tortured build as fated to be together lovers.

However -- Liam finding the paternity results puts a fly in the ointment.  Unless Steffy could convince Wyatt to lie and say they cheated one time or was a sperm donor.  Sure it ruins the brotherly relationship and Watie -- but Bill and Liam don't blow up.  That is until Bill can't stand it any more and tells the truth -- or Wyatt does..

Maybe Waytt tells Hope the truth when she returns and Hope holds it over Steffy's head.  Not because she wants Liam, but just to torture Steffy.

Clearly I spend way too much time thinking about Show.

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14 minutes ago, La di Diva said:

Unless Steffy could convince Wyatt to lie and say they cheated one time or was a sperm donor.  Sure it ruins the brotherly relationship and Watie -- but Bill and Liam don't blow up.  That is until Bill can't stand it any more and tells the truth -- or Wyatt does..

Wyatt's way too happy for Liam to lie for Steffy like that. This might be the thing that finally makes Wyatt read her for the filth she is. LOL, just playing about that read, but that heiferous heifer (tm MulletorHater, I think) is about to get her wig snatched...


I can hardly wait to see what happens tomorrow, because I. Hate. Steffy.

Edited by bittersweet4149
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Today was an honest-to-goodness cliffhanger! It's been a while since we've had 1 of those, but today was a good one. What a total moron Steffy is. If you're cheating on your husband, & you need a paternity test, you don't barely fold up the paternity test results & put it in your purse, you throw it away, or shred it, or make it pocket-size & stuff it in your wallet. Rookie mistake. 

Aren't we off until at least Monday now? 

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1 hour ago, ByTor said:

Again, if this is how Justin feels, why would he switch the results to make Liam father?

You know what I totally misread your post and got myself confused! You're right, Justin switching the results to Liam only works if he's trying to clean up Bill's mess and yet I'd have a hard time believing he'd do that given how much he loves is loyal to Bill. He'd never do to Bill what was done to him in changing the results and taking away his kid unless he saw that as the lesser of two evils. With Bill being Steffy's baby daddy it blows up him and Liam which would further distract him from Spencer and send Bill's life in a tailspin, but yeah, can't see Justin going that far.

So back to thinking Steffy's doctor did it since it's what Steffy sobbed that she wants. 

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7 minutes ago, TobinAlbers said:
2 hours ago, ByTor said:

Again, if this is how Justin feels, why would he switch the results to make Liam father?

You know what I totally misread your post and got myself confused!

LOL thanks for the response, I've had a cold and been a bit brain foggy & was wondering if I totally missed something! :)

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How exactly is Justin able to talk to $Bill like that? Guess when you know where all the bodies are buried you get a lot of leeway. A lot.

Katie, haven't you heard? Thorne has really bad credit and lives in his dad's basement so of course nobody wants to date him. And has she never had a fcuk buddy before? She's positively giddy about it.

I was getting so tired of schmoopy Liam. Thanks for being such a careless airhead, Steffy. Let the mud-slinging begin!

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14 minutes ago, SimplePleasures said:
  • Dear Soap Gawds:
  • Please don't let today's ending be a dream.  Thanks in advance for any help you can offer.
  • Warmly,
  • No Excuses
  • aka SimplePleasures

It’s funny. I always think of dream sequences with B&B but it didn’t even occur to me this time. You could right. Steffy was dreaming her life with Liam & their child. She was also dreaming about being Wonder Woman when she was twirling around. I’m not sure why she was dreaming about being Lynda Carter but whatevs. Anyway, there is a slight possibility that she was dreaming the nightmare ending with Liam holding the paternity test in his hand. The worst part is we have to wait till Tuesday to find out. B&B isn’t on Friday or Monday. Drats!!!!!,

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Did Liam actually say they had to cut back on work a little bit? ?  

Stuffy rubs the belly and Liam rubs the belly and the cow jumped over the moon.  It must be nice to actually live a nursery rhyme life.  That's until big bad paternity test blows the Malibu house down and the Liam runs away with the Sally.  

What is Thorne wearing?  Is that a button down sweater and a t-shirt?  Very SoCal. ?. Katie is in full flirtatious mode with her platitudes and signaling Thorne she is actually available for whatever. At least Katie got dressed. 


Yes, I know I mixed nursery rhymes but at least I didn't mix metaphors. ?

Edited by Waldo13
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I don't understand why Thorne is running around with no place to live, acting like he has no money. He can afford his own place or even go live in the guest house of his dad's.

I wasn't expecting Liam to be the dad, especially with all the fertility issues they had. So I wonder if the test is wrong. 

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Steffy twirling around was the cheesiest cheese that ever cheesed and that's saying something for this show.

But my goodness SC's son was just the cutest.


The rarely utilized anymore cliffhanger - on an actual cliff no less, was everything and with ZERO dialogue.

Liam, finding the paper the heifer actually was dumb enough to leave in her purse. 


You can see the moment the words "paternity test" make impact.


He steps over to where Queen Heifer is blissfully lying on a chaise, waiting for her grapes, I'm sure.

His face speaks volumes...


She is so fucking dumb and entitled and smug with the knowledge that once again, she's gotten away with her dirty little $ Bill deed that she mistakes the stricken look on her husband's face as him being overcome with emotion over their little bun in the oven.


And there it is, in black and white.



Watching her face crack is a thing of beauty. The cracking, not her face, folks.


The jig is up, Hauxdi. Good luck talking your way out of this one with those pork-fried lips.


Liam is in tears and shaking and clearly in shock...all his joy turned to ashes in a single moment.

SC was so very, very good here as he always is when Liam and Steffy are at odds. Are you listening, TPTB? 

They fade out with the two of them staring at each other with the only sounds those of the waves crashing down below them.


I don't think it's a dream/nightmare because of this:

I don't think a dream would extend beyond a single episode, but Hope is set to return less than two weeks from now so the timing fits. But ITA that I want to see Hope there for Liam as a friend and as a gal pal to Sally (and get my Lally), with Hope's sights set on reuniting with Wyatt now that Thorne and Katie have been successfully chem-tested and GarBridge is back in all its disgusting, brain-bleach inducing glory.

Don't get me started on dafuq was that re Carter/Maya.

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I saw that spoiler video for Monday on YT and I loved the dumbfounded expression on Maya's face. It was so good that it made me wonder if KM hadn't any prior knowledge of the abrupt shift in the SL.  This is doomed for a snoozefest. I guess that I am the only one who doesn't care for Carter. I think he's boring and not the sharpest tool in the shed. Face it, his major screen time has been spent either working out of performing marriages on the fly.

Wow!  Outdoor lighting is no friend to JMW. Egads!  Usually, when she's been filmed at the beach and is wearing minimal makeup, she actually looks presentable. Yesterday, uh, .... NO!

I think Steffy was aiming for something like this?  (I actually wanted to find the very last scenes of FM's "Gypsy," but was unable to. That would have been perfect.)


And look, there even is an appearance by Ridge halfway through!

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We wondered why tptb chose this episode of all of them to re-air for New Years Day but everyone looked so gorgeous on the beach (esp Brooke was stunning and Sally's body is insane. They both have such warm natural smiles)  so I realized it reaffirmed my, and many, a viewers resolutions fitness or skincare wise. Also I adored the flashbacks John McCook and everyone were babies! It was a bit off beat in that it was a Thomas heavy episode and had a lot of Quidge so I don't know if that's intentional foreshadowing. 

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On 12/29/2017 at 5:09 PM, grisgris said:

I guess that I am the only one who doesn't care for Carter. I think he's boring and not the sharpest tool in the shed. Face it, his major screen time has been spent either working out of performing marriages on the fly.

I don't care for him, either. When he was brought on as Marcus' adoptive brother*, I hoped he was gonna call him out as a sellout who had ditched the family who raised him, but them Mushmouth and his new bride disappeared to parts unknown shortly after.

I thought he and Caroline were going somewhere with all those Room 8 antics that they'd realize they had more in common with each other than Maya and Rick. 

But if he disappeared, I'd hardly miss him.

*I just realized that Marcus would be the oldest of Beth Logan's grandchildren since he was born while Donna was in high school, yet when he was introduced, he was far closer to Steffy's age than Rick's. Gotta love SORASing. 

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Liam at the end of the episode today reminded me of my beloved Patrick Swayze, in "Ghost", when PS realizes that he's dead. When Liam kinda stammered & moved robotically, it was just like Patrick Swayze in "Ghost". Neither a compliment nor an insult, just an observation.

OMG, they must've pulled out every Carter/Maya clip they had, because they were together in show-time for all of about 5 minutes. Also, way to come way the hell out of the blue, Carter. She's married, with a small child, & she's given you absolutely no indication that she has any interest in cheating on her husband. For all of her faults, & Maya has mannnnnnnnnnny faults, she's ride-or-die with Rick, & she always has been. Carter is a successful, smoking hot lawyer in LA, can he seriously not find anyone but his ex (whom he was with for about 1/2 the length of Brill's marriage, & both of them have way moved on), who's very clearly moved on in every way?? Wasn't he the pastor at their wedding? I can't remember. 

I must admit, so far, the fallout from this Still Baby has been delicious. Can't wait for the Liam/$Bill scenes. Funny that he just assumed that she'd slept with Wyatt. Oh, no, Buddy, it's waaaaaaaaaay worse! 

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Stuffy doesn't need water, she needs to clean the brick of ?from her panties.  

Yes, Rick it's great that you have a corporate jet so you can spend $20,000 for one person to fly instead of $2,000. 

Liam putting Stuffy on blast is a thing of beauty.  Liam's rose color glasses have been retired.  SC was the master, of the scene, and JW could even carry his jock.  In Stuff's lame mind, Liam should forgive her for riding the bucking bronco because she forgave Liam for kissing Sally.  It was Liam's fault that she needed comfort sex.

Are they finally going to screw with Rick and Maya?  Was today a chemistry test for Nicole/Rick and Maya/Carter?  

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16 minutes ago, nkotb said:

I must admit, so far, the fallout from this Still Baby has been delicious. Can't wait for the Liam/$Bill scenes. Funny that he just assumed that she'd slept with Wyatt. Oh, no, Buddy, it's waaaaaaaaaay worse! 

SC displayed way more emotion with just his voice than JMW did using her whole plastic face!

If TIIC had shown the occasional interaction between Maya/Carter, today's scene would have made a little more sense. YMMV, but what did work for me was the conversation between Rick/Nicole. Hell, I'm surprised they haven't trotted them out earlier as test case.

Dear Poo Flinging Monkeys - Please take your time developing whatever you want to do with Ricole. Today's conversation was organic, and I kinda like their interactions. If they're hooked up (I'm talking May sweeps at the earliest), it will impact everyone: Avants, Forresters, Logans, even Spencers (SP spilling the tea in the tabloids for the $$). Play it right and it's gold'; if not, SSDD.

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TBH I thought SC wasn't as bad as usual, but I still wouldn't say he was good.  I have no words for JMW's "performance".

The way Steffy was crying saying that she didn't want to have to think about it, I'm surprised the writers didn't have Liam at least ask Steffy if she was assaulted, since I'd think Liam's 1st thought would never be that St. Steffy committed adultery.

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@ByTor,  I thought they were going to go there as well.  Saying Dolla "raped" her may be the only way she keeps Liam but I don't think she could do that to Bill and she already has admitted that it started as friendship so kinda too late. but maybe...

So many things were unintentionally funny. Liam's WHY? Why would need a paternity test and his light bulb moment were way too far apart.  Duh, dude.

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37 minutes ago, thewhiteowl said:

Saying Dolla "raped" her may be the only way she keeps Liam but I don't think she could do that to Bill

That would really be shitty if she did that...but of course this is Steffy we're talking about LOL. 

@thewhiteowl, is your avatar your puppy???

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@ByTor no, I wish. I already have 2 doxies but I love picking up cute pictures online.  

Oh show, a quad with 3 that can't act is no good. Rick is a douche but the guy can act the rest are just lame and please enough of verbal stroking of Dolla's wad.

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1 hour ago, ByTor said:

The way Steffy was crying saying that she didn't want to have to think about it, I'm surprised the writers didn't have Liam at least ask Steffy if she was assaulted, since I'd think Liam's 1st thought would never be that St. Steffy committed adultery.

He did start to say ' I know you would never-' and then thought about it and internally admitted that yes, she totally would sleep with someone else ?

And yeah Steffy's 'don't make me relive it !' really makes her reaction evoke an assault which it wasn't. I loved how she actually tried to deflect by saying 'why were you in my purse?!'  Which naw, girl, naw, you ain't confusing a man -even Liam- with that weak sauce. Also if a woman feels she has the right to snoop on her man's phone without him saying boo about it, same goes for a man and a woman's purse.

Seriously, Carter? Where the fresh blue blazes is this love of Maya coming from? You are a handsome, rich, lawyer and there are no eligible women in alllll of LA that hold a candle to Maya for you? Ridge needs to be a friend and tell him to stop selling himself short and set him on on a few dates! My mom was laughing, 'If Maya goes back to Carter she'll have even less story and see her even less than before!'

On paper Ricole is the obvious angle and yet I don't see any chemistry between them. She's way too young for him and...no I just can't see it. 

Only on this show would Justin utter the words 'you're a good dad but you made a mistake' to a man that slept with the wife of one of his 3 sons, two of them he didn't know about until they were in their 20s, with the third under the age of 5 who he still doesn't really see and he be sincere about it. Justin, puh-leeze. I know you ride or die for the stallion but that's some bull!

Edited by TobinAlbers
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I thought the same thing about "Don't make me relive it" which is probably where tomorrow's scene preview gets it's head start. It really does seem like it was assault when you phrase it that way.

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2 minutes ago, TobinAlbers said:

I loved how she actually tried to deflect by saying 'why were you in my purse?!'  Which naw, girl, naw, you ain't confusing a man -even Liam- with that weak sauce.

Super weak.  If she had even gone through the effort of folding the damn paper Liam never would have seen it!

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1 hour ago, LittleIggy said:

Steffy’s “I can’t...I can’t....I can’t...It’s BILL!” cracked me up. 

Weirdly enough to me it didn’t sound like she said Bill. It was more Brill. I think she sort of jumped ahead of herself in her head with her line. Maybe, it was just me?! Bill didn’t sound clear but she said, “your Father” more clearly. That said, that was a pretty emotional & intense scene that I’ve seen in a while in daytime. SC kept badgering her and JMW couldn’t take it any more and just let it out. Well done!

Edited by ByaNose
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15 minutes ago, Petunia13 said:

Rick is super ambitious, experienced, and eccentric. Nicole is boring and bland. I can't fathom why he'd even be interested in a friendship with her.

Opposites attract? :D

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Ok, show. Just no with Carter and Maya. Did he just fly through the window and start showing some affection for her? Where in the world did this come from? And that shit between Rick and Nicole? We do not care about any of these characters. They all need to go to Paris, send an occasional text to the family and disappear!! And Steffy’s “crying” today with Liam? Please, girl. Go to Paris with the rest of the non-entities. We do not care about any of you. I just want to see Liam beat the shit out of his “father” and take a trip around the world. I did think that Scott did a great job of acting today and Steffy, as usual, was just awful. That poor woman cannot act her way out of a paper bag, as my mom used to say. 

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There is absolutely no scenario in which adding Carter to the mix makes anyone or any couple more interesting.  Rick and Maya are boring and chemistry free as it is, please don't punish us with Carter and Nicole tossed into that bowl of bland.

JMW is not a good actress and I still find her more tolerable than KM. At least JMW has an excuse for the bad acting - she has a plastic face. KM has no such excuse and yet cannot even remotely execute a human emotion on screen and that is her alleged occupation!

Did Justin really just call Bill a good father who made a mistake? Umm no a mistake is giving Steffy the wrong present for Christmas. Bill did not accidentally screw his sons wife. That isn't an accident. Also that makes him the opposite of a good father, especially since he let Liam go on and on about forgiveness and reuniting the Spencer family.

I did enjoy the Steffy/Liam stuff today. Well really, the Liam stuff. I cannot believe this all out so quickly! I loved his reaction when she said it was Bill.  Good times.

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Do you mean KM as in Karla Mosley or Kim Matula?

I kind of have to hand the acting award today to Karla because the totally dumbfounded expression on her face when Carter made that awkward WTF declaration of interest was priceless. Seriously? Who just shows up out of the blue with, "I just thought I'd check and see if you were still OK in your marriage ... if not ... well, here I am!"  I don't know about anybody else, but I laughed and laughed. Carter looked like such a moron and desperate, pathetic loser.  I paid zero attention to Rick and Nicole. I just heard her babbling to Rick about how important it is to "keep things interesting" in a marriage. Like she should know. She's been married, what ... a year max ... if not less. Rick and Maya kept things pretty interesting, if I recall, by ordering poor Aly around to deliver ice cream to the bedroom, give foot massages, etc.

Ah, I thought the Lame scenes were pretty intense. Even JMW wasn't that awful today. Frankly, I was expecting much, much worse. She got around a lot of it by making sure the sleeves of that sweater were tugged around her hands, then placed her hands sort of over her face. Yeah. I thought at first, Steffy was going to spin the night as an assault. Sure enough, first it was a "routine test," when that didn't fly, she moved on and blamed Liam for getting into her purse and also "rushing" the vow renewal, when, by God, she was going to tell him the truth. SC was great today. The look of total shock, pain and disbelief at the end of the show was gripping. He was literally shaking.

Boy, the writers are really backpedaling, aren't they? So now, Bill regrets sticking by ailing Katie way back when, when he could have had a future with Steffy? GMAFB. I don't believe that for one second. If Bill wanted Steffy so badly, he surely would have left Katie after she recovered from her cardiac scare. He certainly didn't sit passively by the sidelines when Brooke was unavailable.  I will have to look for it, but I watched an old clip the other day and Bill was having a talk with Liam about how Steffy wasn't really interested in Liam and was just using Liam to punish Bill. (This was wa-a-a-ay back in the day before Liam and Steffy were even seeing each other.) If that was true, then Bill didn't do a very good job of protecting his son.

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