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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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ITA about Ivy and the begging.




It's not a good look for you.

But...but...Steffy's going to write her a letter of recommendation! I actually am getting angry over this. Steffy with her "we're cousins, let's put this behind us" and once she got what she wanted, screw "we're cousins." I really hate Steffy in a way I shouldn't hate a fictional character!
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Beside working out, kissing on the rooftop, and gossiping about the Foresters, Thomas has found another use for an intern to earn their place at CF. Beside defiling Caroline, Thomas has now opened himself and CF up for a sexual harassment law suit. I'm not going to say this will happen but it could. I can't wait for Thomas' and Caroline's conversation. I'm imagining it will be all about Thomas and what he wants.

Can someone please tell me what the President and Vice President, of CF, has ever done to earn or even deserve their positions other than being Ridge's daughter and being the bosses' daughter's bitch? Even with Bill's rant today, to Quinn, what has Liam actually done to deserve his title, at Spencer, other than being Bill's son. The only work We see Liam doing is waffling between Hope, Steffy, and Ivy.

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It's probably a lot of work shoe horning into.those ill fitting, tight in the wrong way suits. And making sure that scraggly beard gets chewed by goats every morning to make sure it always looks unkempt AND sparse. And I am sure he is holding in his poops to keep that tight distracted constipated look on his face all the time. And anyone having to get up close and personal with Bride of Chucky every day should get a 6 figure salary, amirite?

I need the ghost of Aly to start Poltergeisting the crap out of these fools

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From Blackwing (sorry, couldn't copy quote): "Apart from Ridge telling Caroline that he is sterile, yesterday's show was just stuff we have already seen over and over.  Ivy begging for her job again.  Puffy saying no again.  Beady Eyes misplacing his testicles again.  Wyatt complaining about being denied House of Spencer again.  Bill talking about denying House of Spencer again.  Thomas looking creepy again.

Why would Ivy even want to work for a spoiled witch like Puffy?  I get that it's her family's company, but still. 

Forrester is her EXTENDED family's company, so she really has no rights. But as you and others have pointed out, why would she want to work there? If she's as talented as everyone says, why doesn't she start her own small boutique jewelry line of one-of-a-kind beautiful, extravagant pieces? Her hair has been looking like hell lately, too,


I haven't watched this show since last week because as you said it's so repetitive, but i've been reading these comments. Can't believe Bill said such mean things about Wyatt. These writers are stupid. We never really see anyone at work very much, but I think we can presume that Liam has been hard at work over at Spencer all these past several years. He certainly has enjoyed the perks of being Bill's son, but I don't think it's fair to say he hasn't worked hard. Unlike Wyatt, who I will never forgive for walking into Liam's house with a bottle of champs to tell him he's gotta move so Wyatt and fucking Dope could move into the bigger house and start a family. He did help build his mother's jewelry business that she seems to have abandoned to work only for Forrester, so why not rebuild that with Ivy?

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And random observation - WTF was up with Quinn talking to Deacon on the phone without actually seeing Deacon?  Christ, he gets 2 minutes every 3 weeks as it is.  Now they are taking the crumbs away?

Somewhere Thorne is reading this and getting jealous of Deacon's expanded role.


At least the jolly green giant has moved up to conscious partners now.


When a sweaty half naked guy tells you now is not a good time after you knock on his bedroom door, don't be surprised when he has company.


I know Caroline is going through a lot right now, but wtf with barging into the giant's room and being offended ?

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Bill doesn't think Quinn is talented, yet he wore the sword necklace she designed for about 25 years before Katie made him swap it out for a newer version.

I really really thought that was going to be Othello in Thomas' bed!

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Honestly, all I could think was "C'mon, show, let Thomas be banging somebody who at least looks like Caroline."  Charlotte the Intern bore only a superficial resemblance, at that, so boo!


And, by extension:


Has it ever been confirmed that Thomas and Caroline had sex? If they did, I am shocked! Why is there not more evidence on Thomas's part in his memory montages?!?!?


I imagine this is/was a deliberate choice on the writers' part, considering how...let's say iffy...the situation was to begin with.  I don't think they showed Ridge and Brooke actually doing it either when this happened with them in 2006, for the same reason: it'd be a lot harder for them to get away with having either of them effectively get over it and excuse their respective men for not catching that they were too far gone to consent.  And, yes, that's exactly as fucked up as you probably think it sounds.


Back to today's episode for a split-second...Bill in full dick mode effectively blasting Wyatt for his (admittedly loopy, but still) mother's genes was a bit much.  OTOH, what the heck was Quinn doing appealing to Liam for whatever it was after that?  Is she about to pull a Stephanie and ask him to step down from one of his positions?

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If Bill loved Liam's mother so much why didn't he search for her when she left? From what I recall, he wasn't thrilled at the thought of being Liam's father (who would be?). He was hoping it would be Thorne. This "I would have made a life with Liam's mother" is revisionist bullshit. Total retcon.

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Wow.  Bill is a giant dick.  And a stupid one at that, since he thinks Liam is brighter than Wyatt.  I'm no fan of Quinn, but in this case I hope she goes full-on bitch and helps Wyatt find funding for his design house.


eta:  He goes on and on about how crazy and unstable Quinn is, but he's going to set her off by telling her he thinks her son is inferior and stupid because he has half her DNA?  Does he think that's going to end well for his favored waffle?  What an idiot.


Wait, Bill tried to have a conversation where he argued that Liam is smarter than Wyatt? bwahahahahahaha oh oh bwahahahahahahaah!! Wait, okay, let's just start with the first syllable of that word, shall we? "Liam is smart-" nope, can't do it. bwahahahahaha oh oh bwahahahahaha.

Edited by slayer2
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I really really thought that was going to be Othello in Thomas' bed!


Me too! I signed it to post exactly that! Frankly, I'm disappointed. That would have been such a great reveal, and it would all make so much more sense if Thomas were gay. He's downright creepy with women, so the explanation could have been that he's having issues dealing with his homosexuality so he's trying to cover it up by being a lothario with the ladies.


Oh, Brooke. Please, please, please: find something else to occupy your time besides the current state of Ridge's penis. Can't she just phone him for an update? What did she plan on doing if Caroline was actually still at the loft?

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I think Brooke is aging well, she looked very pretty today but please no more pant suits!  Y&R is dressing women beautifully these days in great dresses that she can rock with her figure.  


Caroline get a grip!  She pushes her way into Thomas' bedroom and finally the penny drops when she spies a hook up but still insists she has to talk to him NOW!  Grit your teeth and be patient...oh wait...she is already gritting her teeth!

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Caroline get a grip!  She pushes her way into Thomas' bedroom and finally the penny drops when she spies a hook up but still insists she has to talk to him NOW!  Grit your teeth and be patient...oh wait...she is already gritting her teeth!

Lol, I think the talk has something to with the pregnancy. The timing may not be perfect... But this guy can pounce on women whenever he feels like but could barely spare a few minute hear someone out? 

Edited by sweetautumn
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Wait, Bill tried to have a conversation where he argued that Liam is smarter than Wyatt? bwahahahahahaha oh oh bwahahahahahahaah!!

Did my ears deceive me, or did Bill say something like "Wyatt isn't as bright as Liam, but it's not an insult, most people aren't"? Hmmm, let me think who's brighter than Liam...my dog; my neighbor's dog; my tortilla chips; (you get the point). Also...Wyatt doesn't have the "steely assertiveness" Liam has??? Let's see what's more assertive than Liam...a waffle; a ping pong ball; a flip flop (you get the point).


Someone mentioned being able to see the demarcation between Steffy's hair and extensions.  I really can't tell, to me it looks like a full-on wig.

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If you go over to the "BB in the Media" thread, I posted a clip of some PR event in NYC that was a mock wedding reception for Ridge and Caroline. JMW is there and talks a little bit. She seems somewhat nicer in person and you can see her with her natural hair and drastically toned-down makeup. MUCH better.


Anyway, yeah, I had to rewind when I heard Bill say that Liam is smarter than Wyatt. Wyatt is a millions times brighter, quicker and more creative. He definitely has the old man's chutzpah (some of his schemes, while interesting, are often a bit -- a lot -- shady.)


Was I mistaken, but didn't Bill tell Katie that what he told Quinn was just a bunch of BS to get a rise out of her and that he (implied) that he really didn't mean it?  I wonder how it made Katie feel when Bill was posthumously declaring his love for and intentions with Liam's bio mom?


I also thought that Caroline looked indignant when she spied Charlotte the Intern, in Thomas' bed. Jealous, maybe? (A tinge?)

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Liam is the shiny silver ball in a pinball machine with Steffy working the flippers. He is neither smart nor assertive, but he is the owner of a Spencer penis that has plumbed the depths of Steffy's vagina, which is what all of Bill's shitty parenting choices boil down to, sick as that is. Well, either that or Bill got a hold of Eric Forrester's parenting manual.

It would be delightful if Thomas learned about boundaries in the workplace.

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I also thought that Caroline looked indignant when she spied Charlotte the Intern, in Thomas' bed. Jealous, maybe? (A tinge?)

Given the fact she looks so shock, upset, devastated, and heartbroken during and after Ridge's confession. Not to mention her completely horrified expression at mere thought there is a chance Ridge may not the father of her child. It doesn't take a genius to figure out what is Caroline's state of mind at the time. So I totally failed to see Caroline's "glance" had anything to do with the bedwarmer unless we are watching different show. Or should I say does she even care who is in the bed? 

Edited by sweetautumn
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I thought she definitely have him a "look", but along the lines of "seriously, the intern?" Not jealousy. Which I can understand, but all of these people have slept with their superiors/subordinates, so...

Assuming Caroline doesn't want everyone in BellA to know what's up, she might want to leave long enough for the intern to get up and get dressed. Obviously she's understandably upset, but it's going to raise a few questions if you barge into a half-naked guy's apartment and start shrieking about how you HAVE to talk.

Of course, this is a world where Steffy fired Ivy and Quinn's the only one who asked why.

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Caroline get a grip!  She pushes her way into Thomas' bedroom and finally the penny drops when she spies a hook up but still insists she has to talk to him NOW!  Grit your teeth and be patient...oh wait...she is already gritting her teeth!


Anything Thomas is doing between the sheets should be giving Caroline flashbacks.


Why does Caroline have to talk to Thomas about anything? Particularly after Ridge finally tells her the truth about shooting blanks and she finds out she's pregative (I still think it's Ridge's Super Sperm that won the WTD Contest). To tell her rapist that the fruit of her womb is most likely his? To what purpose? Mayhem, tears and divorce?


Caroline is Queen of the Idiots.

Edited by Cupid Stunt
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Bill really scared me there for a minute; it is one thing to feel that way about your child, but to lay voice to it? So, I was relieved when he told Katie his true motivations, but that opens up another can of worms for me. We all know Quinn's history, but I think there is a lot more to the character than her misplaced "protection" for Wyatt. The thing that very seriously pissed me off was Bill calling Quinn and Wyatt's business rinky dink. Now, compared to the Spencer Publication juggernaut, I guess it is, but it is still a company that has his son's life blood on it and in it. Wyatt and Quinn had to work really hard to achieve the level of success they had, they weren't handed anything by a powerful, rich father like Bill was, so anything they gained was through hard work and determination. I also don't like his blatant disregard for Quinn as his son's mother. No Bill, you don't have to like her, but you should respect her. Quinn may have issues, but she did a pretty bang up job raising a child on her own and starting a successful business. I wish Quinn had held up a mirror so Bill would see that he was describing himself and his actions. Bill has been on his best behavior lately, as has Quinn, but anything Quinn is capable of Bill would match and give her ten points. And when he started going on about Liam being smarter and more aggressive than Wyatt? I was wondering if Bill had been drinking or had become touched in the head. 


I see Katie is charging forth with her passive/aggressive nonsense. If you want the venture to take shape; just say so! Don't intimate you would like it, then switch gears and say "I better stay out of it". 


My well is empty when it comes to Ridge and Caroline. I am so sad, I have no words. Oh, yes I do.....ICK, ICK, ICK! The whole SL is damn confusing:


Thomas says we had sex

I was on the pill

I had a vasectomy

I had my period

I have no virile swimmers


I am pregnant


I wanted Quinn to reach across that desk and wipe that superior look right off of Liam's face. Actually, I wanted her to yank him out of his chair and have mad sex with him. Steffy fucking who?


Please tell me that I will never have to witness my beautiful Ivy groveling to that snake headed Medusa ever again. Blackmail my ass! That little Marone Bitch works daily with people who wrote the book on the subject, and of course, we all know she is pretty accomplished at it herself. No, Steffy is threatened by Ivy. When she first came back with her "sex for shares" bargain, Liam stood firm that he loved and was committed to Ivy. That really through Medusa for a loop. So she knows there was something real between Liam and Ivy, no matter that she was able to eventually pry him away. It is also a power play; just to show the poor side of the family who is boss. Wait a sec.......did I say poor side of the family? Let me be more specific; poor side of the Forrester family, not the Marone's, since Steffy so often forgets her true lineage. 


Brooke's pantsuit is distracting me. Why is it pastel? If a pair of flat walking shoes and a broach suddenly appear I am done. 


Is it possible that Steffy's hair weighs more than her entire body?


Thomas's chest! Put that shirt back on boy!

Edited by RuntheTable
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It's probably a lot of work shoe horning into.those ill fitting, tight in the wrong way suits. And making sure that scraggly beard gets chewed by goats every morning to make sure it always looks unkempt AND sparse. And I am sure he is holding in his poops to keep that tight distracted constipated look on his face all the time. And anyone having to get up close and personal with Bride of Chucky every day should get a 6 figure salary, amirite?

I need the ghost of Aly to start Poltergeisting the crap out of these fools

I have church giggles now.



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Where is James Warwick when you need him? B&B can hire doctors but not psychiatrist?  James's reputation for being a respected specialist in psychotherapy, close ties to the Forresters, extensive knowledge, expertise and past experience make him the perfect fit for helping the newlywed especially Caroline.  Caroline and Ridge should sign up for separate and joint counselling session with Dr. Warwick instead of behind closed door mumblings with the ineffective "friends"


How many times do I have to hear:


Oh I am sorry

I am so so so...sorry

I am not that kind of guy

You know I could never take advantage of you, right?

You know I could never hurt you, right?

I wish nothing but happiness for you...




Tell her





Edited by sweetautumn
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Is it possible that Steffy's hair weighs more than her entire body?

Yeah, I observed a while back that whatever that is on her head is defying the law of physics. There must be a complex set of levers and pulleys up in there which allow her to keep her head upright.


Thomas's chest! Put that shirt back on boy!

Heh, he looked like a 14-year-boy getting caught making out with the babysitter. And IMO he could stand to get some sun or at least a spray tan.

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This show, I swear.  Why is it that every time it looks like there's going to be an interesting story, they pull the rug out and go back to doing the same thing that's been done ten times before?


I was so looking forward to a rival fashion house, but now it looks like they're just going to use it as an excuse for Quinn to go nutso again?  What a damn waste.  I was beginning to warm to a less crazy but still truth-telling Quinn, and would much rather have her, Deacon, Wyatt, and Ivy go head to head with Forrester creations that another round of sword-making and attempted murder.  And having Liam run to Wyatt for help with Quinn, and using past history to get Wyatt on his side in the current situation?  What a douche!


And while I can't stand Thomas, Ridge is so wrong.  You can't ignore your kids for years and then buy them off with a college education and a fancy title and expect everything to be ok.  Ridge's double standards and hypocrisy are just ... there are no words.  Again, what a douche!


Whatever.  At least Sean Kanan looked smokin' hot!

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The only thing is Thomas didn't have this grudge when he left for Paris and then came back talking all this smack he never once mentioned before moving to Europe. And then it's the only thing he can think and/or talk about? Il est un imbecile!

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And having Liam run to Wyatt for help with Quinn, and using past history to get Wyatt on his side in the current situation?



I think Liam needs to grow a pair.  Beyond that, why go to the guy who is pissed at you and not Deacon who seems to be the only one that can actually get through to Quinn?   

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I couldn't be happier that Caroline come to her senses and left. Her constant anxiety can becomes severe, prolonged, or incapacitating anxiety that hold risk for both her and her baby. She should be doing what the doctors tells her - stay relaxed and don't worry too much.  


I did not anticipate Caroline going to the Malibu Mansion. I like what they have done with the flashback of their wedding on the beachside.  The way Caroline's memory manifested itself at first, as dissolving images of Ridge and Caroline where they said their vows, was so cool to me.


Speaking of the craziness. I am confused. What the hell is the fight about? It come out of nowhere!  You know one of the things that I like about soap operas in the past was the bonding moment between father and son/daughter or mother and son/daughter. I always had a smile whenever was seeing Drake's Roman and Genie's Diane's interaction with little Carrie and Eric.  All I've seen today is a spoiled grownup son and a nonchalant stranger/dad. Oh by the way, Thomas should be lucky he didn't grow up in Middle East And Africa where young lives has been wasted by ravages of wars, terrorist attacks, poverty, hunger and disease etc. At least you live in an extravagant life which many could only dream of.

Edited by sweetautumn
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Great screenshot, tricknasty! That is the one and only time that the Jolly Green Giant appears smaller than everybody else in the cast.


I am so sick of the Taytots and their ongoing spoiled brat problems about their dad "deserting" them, while he was living in the same town and seeing them pretty much every day at the office. Today's tantrum from Thomas reminded me of Rick whining to Maya (after sex in his parents' bed) about his "terrible" childhood in Beverly Hills and the ski slopes of Aspen. Could Ridge have been a better dad to Steffy and Thomas? Sure. Has the statute of limitations run out for bitching about it? In my book, yes. Once you're an adult, get yourself some therapy and move the eff on already! I wasn't watching back in the day, but from what I've seen of the show the past few years, Ridge was a dick to Taylor and Brooke for the merry-go-round wife treatment (which they should have put a stop to themselves), but he was always loving and supportive of his kids (not just financially). And I say that as somebody who couldn't stand Ronnnnn Moss. Not a candidate for Father of the Year, but not an absentee father either.


I can't handle it on this show when as soon as pregnancy comes up, there's the constant tummy-rubbing. There's nothing there to even rub at this point!


Liam just gets lamer and lamer, doesn't he? Running to Wyatt to tattle on Quinn, when honestly, she was right on the money this time. I'm glad Ivy is calling Liam out on his BS.

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Let's see-----Caroline is pregnant, and people are wondering how/who. Just look at the facts, and remember it's a soap pregnancy. There's so much sex going on at FC, in so many places, some super sperm could be on any chair, couch, work out equipment, steam table or toilet, so the baby could be anyone's.

Hey Ridge. Let me explain something to you. Paying for an education, buying cars and providing other monetary gifts does not make you a good, caring father. As a father, you suck, as your only goal was to copulate with as many women as B&B cast, and your second goal was to run FC. You never gave a real damn about your spawn.

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Did my ears deceive me, or did Bill say something like "Wyatt isn't as bright as Liam, but it's not an insult, most people aren't"? Hmmm, let me think who's brighter than Liam...my dog; my neighbor's dog; my tortilla chips; (you get the point). Also...Wyatt doesn't have the "steely assertiveness" Liam has??? Let's see what's more assertive than Liam...a waffle; a ping pong ball; a flip flop (you get the point).

Someone must have told Bill this was Another World not B&B because he's definitely not living on this planet and he can shut up about Quinn being crazy, too. He's done everything she's done and worse.

Edited by slayer2
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WTF Thomas, it wasn't like Ridge beat the crap out of you every chance he got. He made it up to you the only way he knew how. Not everyone can make a good father. Sometimes they don't have it in them but at least Ridge tried but to Thomas it was an epic fail. Does anyone think Bill is a good father or even Eric? Bill capitulated to Liam as did Eric to Rick. In my eyes, all the B&B fathers suck.

Caroline, I still love you but you are a jerk for running to Thomas. I'm glad she saw the error in her ways when Thomas wanted to play hide the snake with the intern than speak to her. He came running to Caroline when she was distressed but seeing her in distress now he couldn't give a crap because he already had a warm body in his bed.

With all the same plots in the realm of B&B, I fully expected Caroline to fall down the steps and loose the baby. Brooke, you actually thought it was a good idea to stick around to Caroline gets home? WTF? Liam, you are a grown man. Grow a pair. You had to go running to Wyatt, like the sniveling little bitch you are, to get Wyatt to protect you from Quinn. Liam she's half you size. Instead of going to Wyatt, have your attack dog, Steffy, defend you. She can also wipe your nose and change your diaper.

I loved Ivy's line that she that she rather defend a woman who pushed her in a river than a boyfriend that thew her under the bus.

Quinn speaks the truth about Liam but all he hears is Bla, Bla, Bla and interprets it as Quinn going off the rails again.

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Thanks for the pic, tricknasty. lol Thomas looks like he's crying and Ridge looks as calm as a hindu cow.

Poor PF had to bend down just to make that shot. He's legit slouching, I hope this show doesn't do irreparable damage to his posture.

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The only thing is Thomas didn't have this grudge when he left for Paris and then came back talking all this smack he never once mentioned before moving to Europe. And then it's the only thing he can think and/or talk about? Il est un imbecile!


That's actually not true. He had a similar rivalry to Liam and Wyatt, he didn't take it out on Steffy though but he definitely doubted his father's love because Ridge always gave Steffy everything. I remember many-a-conversations he had with Dayzee where he talked about how undervalued he felt especially when he didn't have a stake in the company and Steffy was given something like 12% or more. That lead to Brooke convincing Ridge to give Thomas something and that's how he got his 5%. But he definitely felt under appreciated by Ridge (not by Taylor) and he had definitely expressed feelings of abandonment from Ridge prior to this, His daddy issues were strong even when RM played Ridge. It's what played a hand in him and his and Stephanie's diabolical deed where he tricked Brooke into thinking that they had slept together on those Boinkberries. (I apologize for bringing up the boinkberries, I know it was a difficult time for all involved).



Quinn speaks the truth about Liam but all he hears is Bla, Bla, Bla and interprets it as Quinn going off the rails again.


He's a daddy and Forrester-supported full blown narcissist. 

Edited by slayer2
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I loved Ivy's line that she that she rather defend a woman who pushed her in a river than a boyfriend that thew her under the bus.

It's a shame she didn't have a mic to drop.


My mother's comment after Thomas punched Ridge, "Now he has to wash the grease off his hands."

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That screenshot is awesome.


The worst thing about the Thomas and Ridge fight is that there's no one for me to root for.  I don't really care about either one of them. 


Well, actually, I don't mind TK when he's with Caroline, or most times when he's with Brooke, but it's like he turns into a different person when he gets around the other characters.  Today just reminded me of how awful he was when he returned from Paris, strolled in the office, and expected Eric to hand him the reins.  Sometimes the smug just wafts off of him.

Edited by Kitty Redstone
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Caroline, I still love you but you are a jerk for running to Thomas. I'm glad she saw the error in her ways when Thomas wanted to play hide the snake with the intern than speak to her. He came running to Caroline when she was distressed but seeing her in distress now he couldn't give a crap because he already had a warm body in his bed.

Friendship is give and take. If someone takes much but gives little, then he is not worthy of your friendship. Besides, you can't befriend with someone who is a snake. Caroline and others in real life learned this valuable lesson from the hard way. 


Liam, you are a grown man. Grow a pair. You had to go running to Wyatt, like the sniveling little bitch you are, to get Wyatt to protect you from Quinn. Liam she's half you size. Instead of going to Wyatt, have your attack dog, Steffy, defend you. She can also wipe your nose and change your diaper.

It's hilarity at its finest watching the balless husband of wannabe Iron Lady, talk to Wyatt about forging a collaborative alliance against Quinn. Steffy had his balls kept in a jar inside her purse lol. 



Well, actually, I don't mind TK when he's with Caroline, or most times when he's with Brooke, but it's like he turns into a different person when he gets around the other characters.

He is like a stranger to me today. I kept asking myself who is he? Are you certain he's Caroline's husband?


P.S. I don't think there could be a worse parent than Bill. He declared, in front of Quinn, that Wyatt is worthless because he inherited genes from her. Then he blamed Wyatt for not being bright, talented and smart. What kind of father would say something like this to his son's mother behind his back?

Edited by sweetautumn
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