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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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Thomas(no Ridge): My dad is old! He probably designed togas for Aristotle. 

Excellent !



After seeing Rick and Maya today, I would like to play a game that's called either or. Would you rather see Rick and Maya all warm and fuzzie or Steffy and Liam warm and fuzzy? Or in other words, would you rather be nauseous or throw up?

* I would rather see Steffy/Liam, they are funnier to look at.


* Assuming clawing my eyes out is not an option.

  • Love 7
At least Thomas got that creeping scragg off his face, even though he didn't get a Real Boy haircut yet.

This applies to Rick as well. The hair/makeup person, aka Leatherface that constantly applies a chainsaw to Rick’s head needs to be fired. Another day without Waffles and Puffy is truly a gift.  Amsterdam is beautiful.

  • Love 3

Good grief. Is Caroline the only adult on this show? (I never thought I'd say that line!) This is some good soapy story happening here.  Don't give a flying fig about any of the others, but will watch Caroline & Ridge all day.


Damn those two (LG & TK) have some serious burning hot chemistry!!


LG has matured so much since they've given her something more. I think that her accident & spit with her bf had to have played some part in her incredible maturity as an actress as well. I'm glad she seems able to use her pain to help her grow. Impressive.


Oh geez...TK is still hot. I love him when he is not all shouty ( as in his Zach/AMC persona!!!)



Thomas...dude still creeps me out. Wonder what the others in the casting room were like....


Nice to have a break from S/L/I/W. Very nice. Stupid story.

Edited by RedRockRosie
  • Love 11

English, Caroline. Do you speak it? "Can't" doesn't necessarily mean, "I don't want to".


And MYOB, Ridge is a grown ass man who can do whatever the hell he wants; stop sitting there and gossiping with Thomas, like two yentas.

IKR? Why was Ridge discussing it with her anyway? Maybe Brooke and Thomas need to have a fling since they've got an icky common obsession to use for pillow talk.


Good God, that TK...yowza !

Yep, this is the kind of storyline where TK shifts into fifth gear acting-wise.

  • Love 5

I can just see the lazy Bell cycling the old SLs through in overdrive:


1.  Ridge had testicular cancer. (Grant Chambers eventually died of that, but the big tip-off was that he was unable to get Macy pregnant.)

2.  Caroline starts consoling herself with Pam's xanax. (Hope redux.)

3.  Thomas sleeps with Caroline, unaware that she's drugged out of her mind. (Ridge and Brooke.)

4.  Caroline is pregnant with another WTD scandal.


Lather. Rinse. Repeat isn't even a worthy description for this garbage.

  • Love 11

TK is seriously it for me! I loved him on Port Charles, loves him on AMC, and now I adore him as Ridge.

I had to go back and watch the show again after I put my kids to bed. It hurt to watch Caroline. It was so sad seeing her get happy and then have everything come falling down. I will not be surprised if she runs to Thomas because I believe that is what is going to happen. However, Thomas is a boy and there is absolutely no chemistry there. LG and TK have pretty great chemistry and it is getting ready to be thrown away. I just pray this doesn't become another Bridget/Nick story.

  • Love 6

I have bored everyone with my TK love that goes back to Patrick on OLTL (a show I was not even watching until I caught him and the whole Irish story) As Zack on AMC he was good but it was not quite the same---he is miscast as Ridge but only because we all know who came before him---Caroline annoys me with her Thomas the blouse wearer friendship---it just seems so insta-forced  and over sharing---the age thing does not bother me at all and I do not buy the whole Ridge is too old to have kids thing---my own family is riddled with proof that is lame and uncles who are younger than their niece or nephew--if it works  it works and if not there is usually another reason----TK is not that old of a fossil anyway---I am really crabby at Brooke/Thomas interferring in something that is so NONE of their business and I do not EVER want to see TK with Brooke---UGH--I am seeing what some of you are saying that maybe Ridge cannot have more kids---interesting but if so TELL HER before she does something stupid---if I was not so in a rage about Grampire on Y&R I might really rant.....

  • Love 7

I don't want Thomas with Caroline because of his creeper behavior. If Thomas wants to crack Ridge's face, maybe he could drag his father to his face instead of behind his back. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the two faces of Thomas.

Thomas (w/Ridge): Golly gee gosh I've been working sooo hard on my designs just to please you. You are the very pinnacle of fashion excellence, father. Only your approval can fill the gaping hole in my psyche.

Thomas(no Ridge): My dad is old! He probably designed togas for Aristotle. And selfish, hooooo boy, is Ridge Forrester a giant selfish dick. He hates babies! Here, Caroline, let me burden you with a secret about my sister that I will pull the trigger on later to get in your pants. Have I mentioned that my dad is really old? Seriously, grandma used to yell at him for tracking dino poop in the house. Who wants a boinkberry?


Old joke: There are two things I can't stand about Thomas ... His face.



  • Love 9

Is gathering together with the family, post-honeymoon for a little celebration a thing that is done?  I know it's been a few years or 18 since my own honeymoon, but I seem to recall just dragging our butts from baggage claim to the limo to our front door, unpacking, contemplating laundry, saying "screw it, we can do that tomorrow," and passing out (which is pretty much how every vacation ends in our family).  I definitely do not remember gathering for a "yeah, you consummated your marriage!" champagne toast upon arriving home.  


I'm not sure if it's a thing. The Forrester Mansion has become the family crèche, so I'm guessing every milestone of the newlyweds is to be shared and celebrated by the attendant family members.

Edited by Cupid Stunt
  • Love 2

I have bored everyone with my TK love that goes back to Patrick on OLTL (a show I was not even watching until I caught him and the whole Irish story) As Zack on AMC he was good but it was not quite the same---he is miscast as Ridge but only because we all know who came before him---Caroline annoys me with her Thomas the blouse wearer friendship---it just seems so insta-forced and over sharing---the age thing does not bother me at all and I do not buy the whole Ridge is too old to have kids thing---my own family is riddled with proof that is lame and uncles who are younger than their niece or nephew--if it works it works and if not there is usually another reason----TK is not that old of a fossil anyway---I am really crabby at Brooke/Thomas interferring in something that is so NONE of their business and I do not EVER want to see TK with Brooke---UGH--I am seeing what some of you are saying that maybe Ridge cannot have more kids---interesting but if so TELL HER before she does something stupid---if I was not so in a rage about Grampire on Y&R I might really rant.....

Yeah, I'm sick of Brooke trying to weasel her way back to Ridge while he's unavailable yet again--and unlike when Ronn Moss was in the role, the writers have made it very clear that he's over her milkshake.

As for the kids issue...as much as many love his looks (TK does nothing for me at ALL) and he does look young, how old is Ridge supposed to be nowadays? I mean, I agree that May/December relationships can fail on their own merits, but the issue of children, especially when the older party already has grown children out the house, is probably one of, if not the biggest factor.

That said, if I spent time around the grown Beverly Hills equivalent of Bebe's kids that are Ridge's entitled brats, I'd have my damn tube tied if I were Caroline.

I remember Jackie and Owen had this issue as well...this was a bit unique, given that Jackie was already a grandmother by the time this came up between them. But I loved seeing her baby boy Nicky getting his nose outta joint over it, because Nick. N. Sane.

Is gathering together with the family, post-honeymoon for a little celebration a thing that is done? I know it's been a few years or 18 since my own honeymoon, but I seem to recall just dragging our butts from baggage claim to the limo to our front door, unpacking, contemplating laundry, saying "screw it, we can do that tomorrow," and passing out (which is pretty much how every vacation ends in our family). I definitely do not remember gathering for a "yeah, you consummated your marriage!" champagne toast upon arriving home.

Mind you, most of these people sat around a phone as Deacon took Bridget's virginity, so I consider this a step up. :D
  • Love 8

Geez, RAYA returns, and all the light goes out of the show; imagine that. I knew there would be more to it as I listened to Ridge tell Brooke that he was going to make Caroline happy, but I was really expecting him to broach the whole adoption thing; not cut her loose. Even so, as much as that hurts and fills me with dread for the future; I do get it, and I do understand it. But, I still feel there is even more to this story. My fellow posters have covered some ideas; Ridge had testicular cancer, or maybe he just decided to have a vasectomy, maybe he met someone in Paris and started a third family? Or, maybe he adopted some orphaned child, or found out that the DNA tests were wrong and he is Eric's bio son, or that Rick isn't Eric's and is actually his? Although, I can't figure out how those scenarios would keep Ridge from wanting children, unless, well, when you consider how fucked up the situation would be with either of those revelations. 


Linsey Godfrey broke my heart. The dialog broke my heart. I hate that we have only had this amazing couple for a few months, and now they are going to destroy them. And for what? Hmmmm..........Caroline turning up pregnant by Thomas? Brooke coming around to help and console Ridge? Now, let me just say that I would be ok with that if there wasn't that whole other thing, but we know that Brooke will be pushing her agenda. I realized yesterday that I could completely get behind Ridge and Brooke as friends; outside of the fact that KKL and TK have absolutely zero romantic chemistry, is the fact that Bridge has been broken down for years, and should just stay that way. And here is something else. They have allowed Ridge to have his "fling", although it hasn't been presented that way. So why can't Brooke? When she came back from Milan, I was hoping that she would have found herself, and that she would try to refocus her life. All she found was her way into a bottle and into Deacon and Quinn's relationship. Why couldn't Brooke have had a fling too? A boytoy? Of course the selection pool is pretty shallow; Carter, yes, I could have gotten on board for that. Or, they could have let Brooke find her inner lesbian, and hooked her up with Quinn; something else I would have been on board with. Let's see, that leaves Wyatt and Liam, and both of those are a resounding NO! Charlie? Nah, Brooke would probably kill him. What they should have done is bring someone back from the past; my picks would have been Connor Davis or James Warwick. But, it looks like we will be rebuilding bridges. Again. 


So, Eric was able to dust himself off to see Rick and Maya home, but has been totally MIA in regards to the recent death of his grandchild. Did we even get one interaction with Thorne and Eric? Why wasn't Brooke there to welcome the happy couple home? Where was Mama A? Did they have to be swapping spit right in the middle of the party? Oh, maybe they will ask Eric to bring them some ice cream today? Or, ask him to refresh their champagne as they take their daily bubble bath. 


If there was any doubt how much I dislike Liam, it was scrubbed away with this one statement to Steffy "I don't think I ever gave up on you coming home. And here you are". Really Liam? So what was all that stuff with Hope after Steffy left. The race to the alter, and interfering with her relationship/marriage to Wyatt, and suggesting she abort her baby? And Ivy! Dear Lord, you pledged your love, devotion and commitment to this girl, and the whole time you were waiting for Steffy to return? What a schmuck. And a loser. And a poser. And a shit for brains overcooked waffle. 


Ivy views that video as if it were porn; the glazed, satiated look she gets. Or, maybe it is more like the cat who ate the Canary? The one thing I know for sure is it certainly makes her horny. If Wyatt knows what is good for him, he will put that shit on a loop, and have it playing every night right before bedtime. 

  • Love 12

I won't be able to watch today's show until this evening.  So does Brooke know Ridge had some snipping done?  And aren't vasectomies potentially reversible?  And I guess Katie doesn't know?


While I get what they're doing with Thomas, it's too bad that Raya are officially in the honeymoon phase.  Caroline and Rick hooking up and getting pregnant would have been much soapier to me.  (ETA: Thomas is just gross.)

Edited by tessaray
  • Love 7

On one hand I hate that Caroline and Ridge are hitting this kind of skid in their relationship, but a part of me is okay that Ridge is getting a bitter pill to swallow with his son betraying him in such a way in that Ridge has pulled some crap moves over the decades* and it'll be nice for him to feel the sting for once- but I don't want this to end CaRidge but them coming out of it stronger somehow. 


*I still don't believe Ridge betrayed Eric over Brooke for what many think Thomas bedding Caroline would be karma for, however; Brooke and Ridge were an item (engaged; nearly had a kid) well before Eric fell for her and Brooke settled (IMO) for the silver ring instead of the gold she wanted. To me it was Eric betraying Ridge by going after a woman he had been seriously involved with and honestly, Eric was duping himself that Brooke was over Ridge and wanted him and only him. He took the risk that there would always be something between Ridge and Brooke and lost when the 'timing' was finally right for them to hook up. Brooke was of sound mind when she toddled back to Ridge and stepped out on Eric so if he wants to be angry at Ridge for that 20+ year old grievance he needs to dish it out to Brooke as well.


I hope that this doesn't go the way of what happened on AMC when TK was there. James Scott was TK's long lost adult son Ethan on the show and primed to be a long term leading man and paired with Kendall; Behind the scenes stuff went down and James Scott was killed off and TK was paired up with Kendall for them to go to become a huge supercouple on the show.


Thomas may have just showed up but he better watch his back, LOL. He may get bumped off to give the angst for Ridge to then want an heir/child. Or even worse they could pull what OLTL did when they had Kelly (then played by Heather Thom) sleep with Duke, her husband Kevin's son, and get pregnant  and for Duke and Kevin to have a rift only for Duke to get killed off and Kelly and Kevin end up raising the kid together. Ridge could end up raising his grandchild with Caroline as his own kid!


Man soaps are crazy when it comes to baby shenanigans, LOL.

  • Love 8

I hope that Caroline doesn't remember hooking up with Thomas but I am pretty sure Thomas will be basting in all his glory and happiness when they wake up. No way is he going to leave before Caroline notices or realizes they had sex.

This better be another dream sequence with Caroline and Thomas hooking up because it's so wrong on many levels. First and foremost is that Caroline was virtually pass out when Thomas starting kissing her. Thomas might as well have given Caroline roofies (sp). Caroline was not given a chance to say no and for all she might have known she was kissing Ridge. Thomas taking advantage, of the situation, by forcing himself on her, was more than creepy. In addition, Caroline spent a few glasses of wine explaining, to Thomas, how much she still loved Ridge but Thomas was only interested in what he wanted and he calls his father selfish. I guess the jury is still out if it was a dream or not or Caroline finally pushed him away but if they did actually have sex, it would be another feather in TPTB's cap to reserect St. Maya and Lord Rick. What was the purpose of the Maya and Rick honeymoon montage other than that?

Edited by Waldo13
  • Love 10


I wish they would have cast someone as Thomas who actually had chemistry with LG.

Thomas has absolutely NO chemistry....with anyone. Nicole and Zenda or whatever the hell name, absolutely  make me want to fall asleep, so boring. Why are they even in the picture? At  least I didn't have to look at puffy steffyface today, nor blinking waffle eyed Liam.!! I agree I think LG  really played it today, as did Ridge, but we all know golden cooter Brooke isn't finished yet!!

  • Love 6

Ugh, someone at CBS Daytime must really like this rapey stuff. As if Y&R hasn't already had the rapey storylines more than covered this year. I know it's a soap staple but AFAIC we can stop using rape as entertainment any time now. (And I say this as someone who's a steadfast Law & Order SVU fan. This show is called The Bold and the Beautiful, not The Raped and Violated.)


I hope that this doesn't go the way of what happened on AMC when TK was there. James Scott was TK's long lost adult son Ethan on the show and primed to be a long term leading man and paired with Kendall; Behind the scenes stuff went down and James Scott was killed off and TK was paired up with Kendall for them to go to become a huge supercouple on the show.

I think JS shot himself in the foot when he allegedly developed a gargantuan ego due to his good fortune. At the time AMC was still a pretty big deal and he was going to be connected the key legacy character's daughter. He had a long run on DAYS so I guess he must have reined himself in. I also heard here and there that TK didn't want to play the father of an adult. If that's true he must have gotten over it when he was hired to play Ridge.


Why doesn't Ridge just let Caroline raise the kid he and Brooke are currently ignoring?

Heh. Apparently Caroline wants one fresh from the package, as it were, and not a hand-me-down from Brooke.

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
  • Love 6


Why doesn't Ridge just let Caroline raise the kid he and Brooke are currently ignoring?


Ha! Personally, I would have much preferred a storyline about a woman that doesn't want a child. I will never understand soaps and the babies rabies stuff. I mean up until this point when has Caroline ever mentioned wanting children?


Why not have Caroline be a person who doesn't want kids and then accidentally gets pregnant by Ridge and then they have to deal with all of that? Rather than this cliche boring storyline of her wanting a child, being upset that he doesn't and then getting drunk and sleeping with Thomas (or being raped by Thomas). Which of course will result in pregnancy. ZZZZzzzz.


Hey soap writers there are women out there who actually don't want children and never have.

  • Love 14

*I still don't believe Ridge betrayed Eric over Brooke for what many think Thomas bedding Caroline would be karma for,

Nope, but he's got a lotta bad juju for the many,many other times he's played buttinski (sic?) in Brooke and Taylor's lives after supposedly being "over" them. The one that springs to mind was when he pretended to still live Brooke when she was with Thorne...it was a plan of Stephanie and Taylor's to basically Roger Rabbit Thorne into going back to Macy, which led to her first death by exploding gas tanker.

That said, this is just plain creepy, and just not needed. FFS, they just spent six months beating us over the head about trans issues, but yet we have to rehash the "sex by booze and pills" crap for the ten millionth time?

Edited by Anna Yolei
  • Love 5

I thought that LG was insanely good today. She certainly pulled off the xanax/wine stupor masterfully!


NuThomas is just ick. I don't find him attractive and he's just skeevy. However, I couldn't imagine Adam Gregory in this role.


Is this the slow and torturous build-up to a Bridge reunion? I don't think KKL and TK play well off each other at all. They aren't convincing as ex-spouses, co-parents or even friends. They seem more like co-workers who barely tolerate each other. TK's Ridge is too strong and complicated or something to pair well with one-note (again sex-kitten) Brooke. RM was perfect because his Ridge was so predictable and malleable in her hands.


The only reason I watched the Raya scenes is because I have some elderly friends from Denmark and wanted to see the fleeting glimpses of Copenhagen. Did BB actually send the cast abroad or was that some clever editing of stock footage? I can't imagine going to that expense to film some montage crap.

  • Love 7


I don't think KKL and TK play well off each other at all. They aren't convincing as ex-spouses, co-parents or even friends.


They are like anti-chemistry in scenes. I hope they do not waste him on the horrible idea of a Bridge reunion because yuck. I think the Ridge and Katie scene just a bit ago was a much better exes type scene than anything between this Ridge and Brooke.


This guy playing Thomas is creepy and he has no chemistry at all with LG - anti-chemistry strikes again.


I realize the Ridge/Caroline thing probably wasn't going to last because of the age difference and all that, but dammit this is a pairing I really like. Pretty much the only one on any of the remaining soaps that I can stand. I hate that the writers are going to pull them apart in this stupid cliche way.


It's hard to believe that the writers who wrote the scenes between Ridge and Caroline yesterday are the same people writing the rest of this nonsense isn't it?

Edited by hypnotoad
  • Love 7

Ugh, someone at CBS Daytime must really like this rapey stuff. As if Y&R hasn't already had the rapey storylines more than covered this year. I know it's a soap staple but AFAIC we can stop using rape as entertainment any time now. (And I say this as someone who's a steadfast Law & Order SVU fan. This show is called The Bold and the Beautiful, not The Raped and Violated.)

Fellow SVU grad here. This is not rape IMHO. Thomas and Caroline were both depicted as drunk and he had no knowledge that she was hopped up on anxiety meds so if they fuck, it is not a crime. His only crime is being a creeper. 

Ridge is being an asshole. Tell Caroline the truth about the vasectomy and let her make an informed decision, i.e. adoption or get vasectomy reversed (It worked for over 100 year old Victor Newman)…Many more options I know nothing about because this is not my specialty.

  • Love 10

Did BB actually send the cast abroad or was that some clever editing of stock footage? I can't imagine going to that expense to film some montage crap.

But they saved money on wardrobe, evidently. We've seen them in the same clothes for the honeymoon montages. Hopefully we will be spared the details of why they only needed to bring one outfit each. ~blech~

  • Love 5

UGH--I LOAAAAATHE  Thomas and barely remember the other actors who played him--he makes Devon on Y&R look like a Tony award winner and I loathe Devon with the fire of a thousand suns---and it is not because of my TK feelings either---I just LOATHE LOATHE LOATHE this horrid actor of the nth degree ---if he continues I am pretty sure I am not---I make a huge effort in my time zone to drag downstairs at 3pm and for this and "Raya" not so much---so sad--guess I am left with Grampire and the idiots in Genoa City because I ain't going back to GH or Days after 15 years---UGH and UGH--even TK cannot keep me here to see Ivy tank and all the rest---sob--hate to see Eric be senile and so many other issues---I really tried but this tripe is not anything I wanna see---so sad for the good actors and the rest at least are getting a paycheck---yikes---so sad---I was so hopeful when I first took this show up---

  • Love 7

Linsey did so great today. The pills and alcohol is going to be blamed on her sleeping with Thomas? Will she not remember since he was shaky. lol


Ridge's "I can't" was literal. He just should have told Caroline he had a vasectomy. However this is so soapy.


Of course he should have told her he had a vasectomy and WHY he didn't want any more children the first time baby came out of Caroline's mouth.


Instead, Ridge dummies up, torturing Caroline ("If he could only see our baby in my arms ...") into believing she is the reason he "can't" reproduce with her, while he carries around old medical treatment confirmation that he's been shooting blanks since Paris.


As grisgris pointed out earlier:


I can just see the lazy Bell cycling the old SLs through in overdrive:


1.  Ridge had testicular cancer. (Grant Chambers eventually died of that, but the big tip-off was that he was unable to get Macy pregnant.)

2.  Caroline starts consoling herself with Pam's xanax. (Hope redux.)

3.  Thomas sleeps with Caroline, unaware that she's drugged out of her mind. (Ridge and Brooke.)

4.  Caroline is pregnant with another WTD scandal.


Lather. Rinse. Repeat isn't even a worthy description for this garbage.


The testicular cancer has been replaced with a vasectomy, but somewhere in the middle of the nauseous swirl of Who's The Daddy it is determined that Ridge's super sperm will not be denied and Caroline's It should have been our little bundle of joy is another Ridge Forrester Original.


Thomas dives deeper into his unbalanced fantasy fail-safe, firting with murderous rage after losing his Lady Faire a second time -- burns down the art studio love nest /steals the bundle of joy to sell on the black market /switches the paternity test of said bundle of joy to read as his own /rends his already awful hipster wardrobe to shreds and proceeds to wear Victorian morning coats, high button collars and shoes, waving a cigarette holder and imagining himself the supercilious embodiment of Dorian Gray.

Edited by Cupid Stunt
  • Love 8

So, I guess it is asking too much to have just one couple, or one character, that viewers can get behind and support? Do they actually think that fans want to tune in and watch nothing but entitled bullies and stalky creepers? I cannot believe, I just cannot believe that they are going to sacrifice the most sizzling and amazing couple this show has seen since Brooke and Nick first hooked up. And for what? To stick it to Ridge for his decades of being a jerk? Is this payback for him having sex with a drunk Caroline? A drugged up Brooke? Or is it more about Eric getting his pound of flesh over losing Brooke to Ridge? More disturbing is the thought that the intent is to recreate the Eric/Brooke/Ridge triangle with Ridge/Caroline/Thomas. I don't like any of this nonsense I tell you, and I am calling a big fucking foul on all of it. I am so boiling mad, my head feels like a pressure cooker full of underdone kidney beans that is about to explode. Why didn't Ridge just tell Caroline he had been snipped? Oh, of course, he wants to hurt her and make her feel bad about herself. What better way to assure she will stay away? But Ridge didn't count on his son's abilities to console, and cajole, his way into Caroline's bed. This is a perfect example of why this show falls short in the friendship department. Caroline is a young, vibrant, very popular woman, yet she doesn't have a friend in the world expect that Pompadoured Praying Mantis. I understand that Thomas isn't aware of the anxiety pills, but he can clearly see Caroline is a bit tipsy, and is very distraught, and probably not thinking with her right head; the perfect scenario for sex. Hell, just batten down those hatches and full speed ahead! Yes, because that is what all the viewers want to see; an inebriated young woman being taken advantage of. REALLY SHOW? Here is a big FU:




From me and all my fellow viewers who have had enough of this crap. I swear, I tasted bile as I watched Thomas paw on my beautiful Caroline. Then again, I would probably feel that with any female unfortunate enough to wind up in Thomas's orbit. I love Brooke, but I would have rather seen the angst built on Thomas rekindling his desire for her. I mean, at least that way, we have the off chance that he would get lost while wandering the vastness of the Golden Couter. That, or he would get trapped in there like so many before him, never to be seen or heard from again. 


Having said all that, let me give a round of applause to all involved. Ridge and Brooke; I can't peg it, but for some reason I love the new non-vibe going on between them. They are coming off like oil and water; no chemistry at all, but it is working. Maybe because I am not hearing about "the chiwldreen", and "but Widdggge! I know you love me!" There is no one eye crying or squinty eyed death glares. They don't come off as ex-lovers, or ex-spouses, who engaged in a three decade love affair. 


Thomas and Caroline? Wow, is all can say about those scenes. Obviously, LG was on point, and when she said "I don't know how to not love him", well, I was completely undone. I also think she did a fabulous job of morphing into the slightly intoxicated Caroline. Just enough of an edge, with the right amount of body swaying. And as much as I am hating on Thomas right now, I must hand it to Pierson Fode. This guy can bring the creepy. I don't know whether this is his intent or not, but the Thomas character has always been a bit strange, and this guy just personifies the upscale, untouchable rich boy, who is also a closet rapist. I also thought they did a good job in shooting those scenes; the dark hotel room, and then the blurring of Thomas's face. Who knows, maybe we will be surprised and Thomas will have a case of conscious and stop before it is to late? Probably not. Or, maybe Caroline will rouse herself enough to realize what is happening? Doubt it. 


As if all that weren't enough, we are being asked to sit through honeymoon montages for a honeymoon that we were not a part of? Whatever, just makes the show even shorter because I couldn't hit my FF button quick enough. 

Edited by RuntheTable
  • Love 10
Fellow SVU grad here. This is not rape IMHO.

Based on what's been shown so far, I agree. But I think Thomas does know Caroline is drunk and he is taking advantage, especially since he's knows that she's in love with his father and is in agony over their momentary breakup. I'd call that rapey.


if I spent time around the grown Beverly Hills equivalent of Bebe's kids that are Ridge's entitled brats, I'd have my damn tube tied if I were Caroline.

Bebe's kids. OMG what a great reference for those two.

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
  • Love 3

I cannot believe, I just cannot believe that they are going to sacrifice the most sizzling and amazing couple this show has seen since Brooke and Nick first hooked up. And for what?

Not to sound like a broken record, but I will be happy if this couple goes away, but as far as "for what?", my opinion is that these writers (in fact IMO soap writers) have a hell of a time writing for a happy couple. I know, they view happy couples as "dull", but I wish they had the ability to write some sort of drama that has nothing to do with a relationship. I see soooo many people clamoring for more business stories, and I couldn't agree more, it would be perfect for a story of conflict outside of romance.


Why didn't Ridge just tell Caroline he had been snipped?

Because the writers didn't know it yet ;-)

  • Love 3

Don't care for this new Thomas but I absolutely detested the previous plastic version, so I don't think anything can be worse than that one.


As for the kids issue...as much as many love his looks (TK does nothing for me at ALL) and he does look young, how old is Ridge supposed to be nowadays?
Well, Ridge and Brooke are supposed to be about the same age I think.  And Brooke has a 35 year old son, although they may have regressed him to 30.  In any event, Brooke has to be about 50 or 55, so I'd say Ridge is at least 50.  Not too old to biologically father children, but I would have to agree that if he has children that are close to 30, he might not really want to start over and have a baby.


No doubt Caroline becomes pregnant with Thomas' baby.  But they will think it is a miracle baby of Ridge's.  Hilarity ensues.  Never mind the vasectomy.  If 75 year old Victor Newman can father a child post-vasectomy with a 50 year old woman, then surely 50 year old Ridge can father one with a 25 year old!

  • Love 2

So, now that we completely predicted this whole mess, who thinks that Caroline and Ridge will have sex the same night and they will be "unable" to determine who the father is?

Thomas gives me all kinds of feelings. He is such a creep. I am so happy though that Caroline made it very clear that she loved Ridge and that is the only man she wanted to be with to Thomas. Never once did she say she wanted Thomas.

  • Love 7

Nobody ever wants Thomas.  If they do, it's because they want something from him because of who he is, but nobody ever wants him for him.  Amber deflowered him when he was 15, but only because she was trying to make Rick jealous.  Gabriella married him because otherwise she was going to get deported.  I think Daisy was slightly interested but not sure what happened.  Caroline didn't want him.  Hope didn't want him.  Brooke didn't want him, it was the boinkberries.  Loser.

  • Love 5

Agreed! I know TK has a lot of fans here - and I do think he's a good actor - but he always looks like he needs a shower.

For that matter, he needs to iron his clothes, tuck in his shirt, shave, and move into a place that doesn't look like a dorm room, if they want me to believe this is Ridge Forrester. I have a hard time buying TK's version of the character. In fact, most of the time I really do forget that he is supposed to be Ridge.

Ronnnnn Moss was a truly horrible actor in his time on the show, but at least I could believe based on his "look" and his general style that he could have been Stefanie/Eric/Massimo's child, and the head of a fashion house. TK looks way too scruffy, and frankly way too close to John McCook's age.

(Not that I fault TK for this. As I say, I think he's talented. But the writing and the styling for him are all wrong for Ridge, IMO.)

  • Love 14

Linsey was so amazing today too. Caroline is on the path that she didn't consent, so she should be going out and getting a morning after pill. However they won't have her do that obviously for where this is going.

Not knowing that Ridge had a vasectomy, I would imagine that Caroline was on some sort of contraceptive. I don't think that Caroline would question Ridge not putting a helmet on his soldier. Than again, that creepy low life Thomas would assum that Caroline was on some sort of birth control and just plow ahead. Lower than low was also Thomas trying to justify his actions by telling Caroline she wanted it just as much as he did. But, the worst part was Thomas trying to convince Caroline that if he knew she was on drugs, he would of stopped. I got news for you, you idiot, alcohol is a drug. I'm so glad that Caroline kicked him out on his ass.

I was hoping that Wyatt would also have kicked Steffy out on her ass. Yes, it was self defense, the way the scene was first portrayed, but since it is Steffy, I don't give a crap anymore. Steffy can have all the hissy fits she wants and she can make demands until she is blue in the face but I hope Wyatt and Ivy continue to toucher her.

  • Love 12
move into a place that doesn't look like a dorm room

Yeah, it's hard to image the CEO of a major fashion house based in LA would live in a tiny apartment like that. I get the whole "artist's loft" concept but he could build that inside a mansion.


Is that a product from Jabot Cosmetics?

Heavens no. It's from the revived Brass n' Sassy line, Newman Enterprise's "we can do that too" cosmetics brand.


Than again, that creepy low life Thomas would assum that Caroline was on some sort of birth control and just plow ahead.

Since contraception isn't the only thing condoms are used for, Caroline better get STD tested because who knows where that pyscho Thomas has been...

  • Love 6

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