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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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I almost choked at Wyatt's reassuring Ivy that "you're just as lovely as Steffy."  Ummm...what?  Steffy wishes she was anywhere in the same "lovely" zip code as Ivy.

While I was watching I actually went onto Wikipedia to see what films Elizabeth Taylor had done when she in her 20s. Someone in Hollywood really needs to nab Ashleigh Brewer for a remake of one of them. She looks so much like a young Liz it's scary. I think Wyatt needs to have his eyes examined.

  • Love 6

I'm not going to blame Ivy if and when Liam's waffle cone is dipped into Steffy's pint of vanilla froyo. That's all on Liam, even if he is a gormless handpuppet with all the resolve of a Q-tip.

Poor Chickenhead. I shouldn't feel bad when he chooses to speak to Steffy of his own free will, but I bet he's never had his soul siphoned out through his pecker before.

You know, there must be a happy medium between Rick's autocratic douchebaggery and Ridge's laid back "whatever" styles of leadership. Maybe Thorne could provide it. Or our anonymous friend, loading dock guy. Perchance Rick and Ridge could co-lead with a good CEO/bad CEO type of partnership; Ridge can be the artist with Rick as the muscle. When they reach a stalemate, Eric is called in to provide advice with the understanding that Rick and Ridge do the exact opposite of what he suggests, because Eric is a big ol' dope.

Edited by NinjaPenguins
  • Love 12

This Aly stuff reminds me of when Pam first came on the show barking at Donna to stay away from Eric. A lot of folks wondered if she didn't want Eric for herself, to say she'd barely talked to Steph in four decades.

But then, Pam had the excuse of a brain tumor to hand wave her behavior. Not sure what Aly's excuse is.


Didn't she have a thing for Liam when she first hit town?  Wasn't that the whole reason for the makeover she let Quinn give her?  

  • Love 2

That's right. Aly was crushing on Liam at the beginning. I don't remember if Hope was with Liam or Wyatt at that time, Who'd want Liam when you could have Oliver? (shhh... don't tell Steffy that.)


I was watching Steffy carefully yesterday and I really don't understand her alleged appeal. She's lost her looks and looks like she should be taking on Carter in the bench press. She doesn't have an attractive personality (smug, entitled, arrogant -- misread as confidence) and shows no emotion, warmth or vulnerability. I don't consider trickery, blackmail and throwing herself at unavailable men as particularly intelligent. Men drool, go weak-kneed and slay aliens over that??? As far as being a maneater, her only conquest has been Liam. Efforts with Oliver, Owen and $Bill all fell flat. Apparently "cha cha cha" is a siren song that only Liam can hear (sort of like a dog whistle.)


Ivy isn't emotionally immature and passive-aggressive like Hope, but she still needs to up her bitch game against Steffy.


Personally, I can't wait to see Quinn and Steffy mix it up. I'd happily applaud if Quinn tosses Steffy off a bridge -- like the Golden Gate for starters.


Now Brooke/KKL back in the day? Oh, hell yes!

Edited by grisgris
  • Love 7

Too bad Amber isn't haunting Los Angeles.  <ducking>. 

I a most wrote that she's the only woman in LA that wasn't lining up to ride Liam's disco stick, but I'd forgotten about her trying to pass off Mushmouth's kid off has his.

Let sigh. But it would be fun if she came back to fuck shit up with Raya. I could support that.

  • Love 3

Ivy isn't emotionally immature and passive-aggressive like Hope, but she still needs to up her bitch game against Steffy.

I'd prefer her to go about her business and let Steffy fall flat on her face. Yanno, the tactic Steffy used to let Liam and Hope screw things up, because that's what they did.

Back when I was new to the show, before I realized what a hypocrite Taylor truly was, I rooted for her against Brooke because the latter's ploys were just so lame (like wearing lingerie in Ridge's office or any of the steam room scenes....which come to think of it, hasn't been seen in years) and Ridge was pretty resound in telling her to back off. Taylor rately, if ever, sought out Brooke to confront her just 'cuz.

I wish Ivy could be like that, and it would be 100 times better than with Taylor because she's not a preachy hypocrite.

Edited by Anna Yolei
  • Love 2
I wish Ivy could be like that, and it would be 100 times better than with Taylor because she's not a preachy hypocrite.



Taylor wasn't always a preachy hypocrite, preachy yes, but she didn't start out as a hypocrite.  She was moral, she did do the right things, she was a classic soap heroine.  Well, until that didn't work anymore, then she was unfaithful, then she she lied, then she drank, etc etc etc.  This show isn't great to long term characters, B&B turns them into jokes (Eric), parodies of themselves (Brooke), or completely new characters (Ridge).

  • Love 6

LG and TK really brought it today, especially LG. I know she was drawing on her personal experience but you still need the talent to convey the pain.

At first I was thinking that the FC CEO cares more about their main squeeze than their jobs. But in fairness to Ridge, he was thinking about Caroline's injuries and Rick was thinking about bathtubs, steam rooms, and sex on the desk.

Wyatt is 100% correct in telling Steffy he is a lot more fun than Liam. Wyatt even got Hope to ramp up her fuddy fuddy. Wyatt and Steffy are much more adventurous than Liam and Hope/Ivy.

Edited by Waldo13
  • Love 11


Personally, I can't wait to see Quinn and Steffy mix it up. I'd happily applaud if Quinn tosses Steffy off a bridge -- like the Golden Gate for starters.

I'd like to see Quinn show her the Full Montemayor.



Let sigh. But it would be fun if she came back to fuck shit up with Raya. I could support that.


Amber might actually help them. She did have Rick wearing women's shoes. ;)



Steffy and Wyatt are... grotesque.  When she said "attractive" while listing their similarities, I almost gagged.  Well, not almost.  I definitely gagged.


Even more gagging when Chicken-head kissed The Mask while sexyphone music played. 


I wish I was good at photoshop so I could put Wyatt's hair on Steffy's head and see what the world's most Charming! and FUN! child would look like.


I'd also like a version of this show where everyday Quinn throws a different character off a bridge. (Let's face it, they all deserve it)

  • Love 5

Wow, Steffy/JMW sure gets a lot of flack about the choices she's makes in her appearance. I'm not all that enamored with it either, but it's not my face and hair so it doesn't really bug me much. I definitely would never go so far as to imply she's unattractive. Beauty being subjective and all.

Ridge and Caroline sincerely do nothing for me. Not even a little bit, not even on accident. I can certainly appreciate LG giving it her all, and I get that this story touches on her real life injuries, but from a fictional standpoint... meh. Just meh.

I don't understand what her leg injuries has to do with her not being in the office designing. If she can show up to visit, and her job doesn't require her being on her feet for any real reason, why can't she go to work? I sincerely don't understand. Is it because she's so traumatized? I would have an easier time accepting that if she hadn't already been spotted out and about in her wheelchair.

Ivy annoys me so much. It makes me sad because I really really liked her when she first came on the scene, before she picked up the pompoms.

Edited by Amberosia
  • Love 3

Tricknasty, I hope you will be available to comfort my grieving family because I. AM. DEAD.


So, why is Wyatt going after Steffy again?  Because this might've been the first time they've actually spoken to each other.  Am I supposed to buy that he fell for her reputation alone?  does Steffy do butt stuff?

When did this show become about the same five people having the SAME conversation for days on end?  I swear I 've been hearing about Steffy pushing up on Ivy's "man" since around Mother's Day. 

And if we have questions about why Aly was in the executive meeting, can we address why CARTER was?  I could see that maybe he had to bring in the papers to sign, but why was he still there by the time the models came out?  Why was he offering his opinion on the 'collection'?  Where the hell was BROOKE?  Was she pushed out of Forrester along with Eric Jr and Sr?  $Bill would've made more sense being there.

I guess at this point I'm glad the takeover is a done deal, and I can stop listening to these numbskulls doing basic math every 3 minutes.

  • Love 6

Wow, Steffy/JMW sure gets a lot of flack about the choices she's makes in her appearance. I'm not all that enamored with it either, but it's not my face and hair so it doesn't really bug me much. I definitely would never go so far as to imply she's unattractive. Beauty being subjective and all.

Yeah, looks are subjective, and I don't want to sound mean, but I am of the opinion that she wasn't the least bit attractive pre-surgery either.  But I'm a heterosexual female, so what do I know? :)


Ridge and Caroline sincerely do nothing for me. Not even a little bit, not even on accident.

I don't think they make a nice couple at all, and IMO their syrupy scenes make them both look incredibly awkward & immature.

Edited by ByTor
  • Love 3

Definitely an UO, but I don't mind that Steffy is back, and I think she and Wyatt would be good together. Do they have off-the-charts chemistry? No, but the two characters make much more sense together than Steffy and Liam. At least Wyatt appears to have learned from his fiasco with Hope, so he made it clear that he won't relive that experience with anyone.

I'm finding these art-imitating-life scenes with Caroline pretty powerful, and I'm glad they've written it into the story. Instead of derailing the CarRidge momentum, I think it has given it a new dimension.

My vote is for Conveniently-Left-Open-Door. (CLOD) REIGNS!

  • Love 8

I don't understand what her leg injuries has to do with her not being in the office designing. If she can show up to visit, and her job doesn't require her being on her feet for any real reason, why can't she go to work? I sincerely don't understand. Is it because she's so traumatized? I would have an easier time accepting that if she hadn't already been spotted out and about in her wheelchair.

She could be on pain meds and sleeping most of the day or loopy.

I hope the actress is doing better than the character.

  • Love 8

I have no quarrel with Steffy's looks, especially when nature blessed this penguin with a face only a mother could love if there was a paper bag over it. It is the atrocious personality of the character that grinds my granola. So smug, so inappropriate, so FUN. How can someone who craves adventure even look twice at Liam, a man who thinks adventure means pouring almond milk on his corn flakes instead of soy? Why do I have to listen to characters rave about Steffy like she wrote the Kama Sutra and invented sex appeal?

Oh smartyshorts, are you a new viewer? Having the same conversation over and over was this show's stock and trade during the Triangle Tragedy II. Here's a sample:

Katie: Looks like it might rain today.

Brooke: Please, Katie. The only dark cloud in my life is that my daughter isn't with Liam.

Ridge: Hey, Thorne. Did you catch the game last night?

Thorne: Game? Game? How can you waste time on such frivolities when Liam kissed Hope the other day? Where are your priorities, man?

Marcus: Baby Rosie said her first word yesterday!

Dayzee: That's great! What was it?

Marcus: Hope. Then she said Liam. And then she said Steffy. Kid's a genius.

Taylor: So this patient was obviously traumatized by the giraffe incident and was projecting her fears onto the poor zebra, who was already mildly neurotic thanks to...Eric? Are you still listening?

Eric: I wish I was a giraffe. I would use my long neck to gaze over the treetops of the present and into the future, where I would finally learn who Liam chose to be his mate.

Taylor: *awed silence* That's deep.

Bill: Let's go to that steakhouse on Mullet Avenue. The sirloin is so rare that I swear you can hear it moo.

Justin: You know what else is rare, Bill? True love. And your son has found it with two women.

Donna: Lemon bars again?

Pam: Fuck you, Donna.

*A minute goes by*

Pam: So, um, what's the latest on Liam, Hope, and Steffy?

Donna: Go to hell, Pam.

Pam: Please?

Donna: Fine, but only because you asked nicely and it's against the revised Los Angeles city charter to waive participation in the most significant debate of our time. The fate of our fair city rests on Liam's choice.

  • Love 22

Triangle of Doom is a pretty recent construct...in show terms.  Did it start with them?  I started viewing more regularly around the time Amber was scamming Mushmouth and Liam with a baby, And the whole BoinkBerry nonsense.  I missed the Pose! Wall smash, but I heard about it later.  I mean, was there some definitive line in the sand when Bell and the Showrunners decided that there would be One Great Story to Rule Them ALL, and that everyone would pay homage to that story or be smote. 

When Katie was banging Bridget's husband, when Taylor returned from the dead a second time, even when Stephanie went walkabout amongst the homeless...it didn't SEEM like every conversation was about one thing, one relationship, one couple and what they may or may not be doing.

  • Love 5

There have been triangle and quadrangles ever since the inception of the show, but no, they weren't forefront in everybody's mind. Of course, that's when Bell Sr. was in charge of the scripts and knew how to actually write compelling simultaneous stories. In today's case, the apple didn't even fall in the same stratosphere as the tree.


LG was all sorts of awesome today. It seemed unscripted like they just let her tell her story. Otherwise, with this crew of inept writers, the scene could have easily come off as gratuitous. OA of the hip with a middle ager and a tragic car accident for a 20-something woman contrast vastly, but I know what it's like to have to depend on others to get around, etc. (Fortunately, I'm good to go now and LG will be soon!) But I did get a bit misty-eyed.


What a choice? Chicken or waffles. I didn't detect any chemistry at all between Wyatt and Steffy. It seemed very forced. Wyatt is starting to come off as quite skeevy.  First with Nicole, now the full court press with Bratz. That kind of "charm" worked with a naive ingenue like Hope, but not so much in this case. To me, part of the problem is that JMW looks so much older than SC and DB, although I think they all are close to the same age. I see her with somebody older (not Bill) and rough around the edges. A Deacon type. Yeah...

  • Love 8

Yeah, looks are subjective, and I don't want to sound mean, but I am of the opinion that she wasn't the least bit attractive pre-surgery either. But I'm a heterosexual female, so what do I know? :)


I like her natural hair color. If you look at her hair before....I wanna say 2009, it definitely fits her imo. Dyed black hair is something I've rarely seen get pulled off well. Stephen Colbert is the only one that jumps to mind, and even then, I'd tell his to consider the salt and pepper look when takes over for Dave in the fall (cuz I'm mean and catty, lol).

  • Love 3

Triangle of Doom is a pretty recent construct...in show terms. Did it start with them? I started viewing more regularly around the time Amber was scamming Mushmouth and Liam with a baby, And the whole BoinkBerry nonsense. I missed the Pose! Wall smash, but I heard about it later. I mean, was there some definitive line in the sand when Bell and the Showrunners decided that there would be One Great Story to Rule Them ALL, and that everyone would pay homage to that story or be smote.

When Katie was banging Bridget's husband, when Taylor returned from the dead a second time, even when Stephanie went walkabout amongst the homeless...it didn't SEEM like every conversation was about one thing, one relationship, one couple and what they may or may not be doing.

This. Back then it was Nick as the inexplicable love interest instead of Liam and Brooke and Ridge ate up way too much screentime, and it was one of two times I thought about quitting the show. But it was nowhere near this level of repetitive and tunnel-visioned as it is today.

To put it in perspective of how skewed the balance on this show is, the day Hope left the show, she and Heather Tom had appeared in the exact same number of episodes, despite Tom being on the show nearly three YEARS longer than Matula. KM began on this show mid-January of 2010.

WTF? Nick was the last single character to come anywhere near eating up the show like she did, but his character had a built up fan base by the time that happened.

ETA: Grisgris, I too would love to see Steffy with Deacon. Not only would I get to see Quinnsane tear her a long overdue new asshole, but Hope's head would explode when she found out. I don't see a downside to this!

ETA 2: to posters newer than 2013, the Nick I'm referring to here is Nick Marone, Ridge's half-brother, and not this new Nick who oddly enough bears a resemblance to Jack Wagner (who played Marone).

Edited by Anna Yolei
  • Love 4

I have been laying low because all of a sudden it is all about the past and I don't have much of a one with anyone on the canvas currently----I do like Ridge and Caroline but I am not part of their baggage and I loved the scenes they have had recently but then I am a TK fan so there ya go---I do not have a lot of background with Steffy other than drive by episodes from way back but yeah---hate her. Liam is a waffle for sure and if he can not do better than he has been the last few days then he deserves a life with Steffy---UGH---Wyatt is just a puzzle to this new viewer but so far I am not amused--Days dork from what I can see---do not miss Brooke or Maya or Rick or idiot Eric these last few days---don't understand Ally---where are Quinn and Deacon? 

  • Love 4

I'm not sure how old Quinn is supposed to be (RS is 46) but  I would love to have her come back from the honeymoon pregnant.  First, a married woman getting pregnant and knowing WTD would be quite the daytime shocker. Second, it could be comic gold, considering Deacon, Wyatt, Brooke and Hope. Third, well, it could be very dramatic/traumatic, considering her age and stage in life.


I just want more Deacon and Quinn on my television. :-)

  • Love 15

I'm not sure how old Quinn is supposed to be (RS is 46) but I would love to have her come back from the honeymoon pregnant. First, a married woman getting pregnant and knowing WTD would be quite the daytime shocker. Second, it could be comic gold, considering Deacon, Wyatt, Brooke and Hope. Third, well, it could be very dramatic/traumatic, considering her age and stage in life.

I just want more Deacon and Quinn on my television. :-)

That's a great idea. I would guess Quinn to be about 46 also but anything is possible in soap land. After all Sage is pregnant, on Y&R, and she's no spring chicken. It will blow a lot of minds for this middle age woman to have a baby where there were two 20+ year olds who didn't.

As an aside, Pauley Perrett is a natural blonde who dyes her hair black.

  • Love 3

That's a great idea. I would guess Quinn to be about 46 also but anything is possible in soap land. After all Sage is pregnant, on Y&R, and she's no spring chicken.

Hell, Brooke was recently pregnant, and I think she should be older than Quinn.  That's one problem with soaps, they seem to enjoy keeping adult characters as perpetual 30-somethings, regardless that their histories/ages don't mesh.

  • Love 4

If Sally could have CJ in her late 40s, why not Quinn/Deacon?


For Quinn, it's an opportunity for her to raise a child happily married and for Deacon, who was in and out (mostly out) of both little ABCDE's and Hope's life (Hope more because she couldn't have Deacon around playing Daddy when there was Ridge and DESTINY), a chance to raise his child from the word go.


And OMG, Hope's head would probably explode which is all the more reason to do it.

  • Love 7

At this point I just want a storyline for Quinn and Deacon that's not about Hope/Wyatt/Brooke.  Quinn's only purpose is to be up Wyatt's ass.  Deacon just exist to try to calm Quinn down and I don't know what that nonsense was with Deacon asking Brooke if their was a chance for them and Brooke trying to stop their wedding (a time killer because of the actress who plays Caroline's accident?  It was nonsensical.) 

  • Love 5

This whole immigration kerfluffle with Ivy is just so much bullshit. It's impossible to believe that the INS is going after an employed, tax paying green card member when they can't find an illegal whos right under their nose. It's a stupid plot point by the writers.

At least we get an explanation of why Ivy has immigration problems but, you're right, this hole deportation SL is just a bunch of Edited by Waldo13
  • Love 10

Speak of the devil. I was ready to put out an APB on Quinn. I didnt realize how much I hate her scenes with Wyatt till today. Did not miss that at all

Wyatt is a damn idiot to pursue another one of Liam's leftovers. How dumb can he be knowing she still wants Liam. Did he learn nothing from Hope?

I thought hte way they were handling Ivy's deportation status was good at first bc they addressed many things people pointed out but now she might be arrested if she reenters the country and it could be years before her issue is settled?

Yay to Steffy and Dollar Bill interacting but I wish it were longer. Kinda of sleazy in a way for him to say that her lingerie was hot as hell in front of Liam

  • Love 1

Wait a minute. Could this be even possible? Is $Bill so hell bent in getting Liam back together with Steffy that he'd nose around with the INS to get Ivy deported?


It would be so much cleaner if Bill would just f*** Steffy and get it out of his system. Then Liam could date whomever he wanted to -- in peace. A ONS (insist on using protection) and it would be over. That would also render her damaged goods for both Liam and Wyatt. Bill could throw a little SP stock her way and it would be a done deal. She could be on the next early morning flight back to Parisl

  • Love 5

I thought hte way they were handling Ivy's deportation status was good at first bc they addressed many things people pointed out but now she might be arrested if she reenters the country and it could be years before her issue is settled?

Yay to Steffy and Dollar Bill interacting but I wish it were longer. Kinda of sleazy in a way for him to say that her lingerie was hot as hell in front of Liam

Aly should go back to Australia than come back to the USA via the Spencer jet. Bribe the customs official, at a private airport, to turn the other way. Aly is too high profile but as an illegal alien, INS will never find her. She can continue to work as long as she is paid in cash.

  • Love 1

Bill wants Steffy so bad. I am shocked he could walk in those tight ass pants after he saw that lingerie. I don't think Bill will care that Wyatt wants Steffy. He just wants her in his family and either son will do. He just wants live through Liam because he can't have her for himself. 


I laughed at Quinn's "You kissed Steffy? Ohmygod she is so hot!" Hilarious. Ivy is about to become Quinn's new best friend. She will not let her be deported because she wants Steffy for Wyatt. Quinn better be ready though because Steffy is nothing like Ivy and Hope. She won't be able to walk all over her like she did them.


And in casting rumors news -- today Christian LeBlanc (Y&R's Michael) was posting pictures and he posted one of Martha Byrne (ex Lily, ATWT) and tagged B&B. Then I looked at her twitter and she said she just joined a show and follows CBS Daytime. Then she tweeted she was eating in the CBS cafeteria and posted a picture of her and Lauralee Bell. Hmm. I wonder.

  • Love 3

Wait a minute. Could this be even possible? Is $Bill so hell bent in getting Liam back together with Steffy that he'd nose around with the INS to get Ivy deported?


It would be so much cleaner if Bill would just f*** Steffy and get it out of his system. Then Liam could date whomever he wanted to -- in peace. A ONS (insist on using protection) and it would be over. That would also render her damaged goods for both Liam and Wyatt. Bill could throw a little SP stock her way and it would be a done deal. She could be on the next early morning flight back to Parisl

Your scenario of Bill and the INS would make for some good soap but knowing these writers it won't happen. Bill getting it on with Steffy would get it out of his system but Steffy would still be thirsty for Waffles' syrup. She wouldn't be damaged goods for the bros, since they both shared Hope(less). Despite the lack of chemistry between Chickenhead and Steffy, they would make a good couple since they are both so thirsty as to pursue people who don't want them (Hope/Chickenhead) or people who taste better with syrup (Waffles/Steffy)

  • Love 1

Bill wants Steffy so bad. I am shocked he could walk in those tight ass pants after he saw that lingerie. I don't think Bill will care that Wyatt wants Steffy. He just wants her in his family and either son will do. He just wants live through Liam because he can't have her for himself. 


This theory has never made sense to me.   Not that I have a better one.  But its never made sense that Bill ended things with Steffy so they could make Steffy the perpetual loser in the Hope/Liam relationship (she doesn't even merit a side of a triangle and I liked Steffy - or the potential of Steffy if done correctly- a lot more than either Hope or Liam) only to have Bill obsessed over Steffy being perfect for his son for years.  There is living vicariously and then there is $Bill and I have no idea what he is doing. 


If either Bill or Steffy is behind INS, they are dumbasses.  INS stories always end in a marriage to keep a person from being deported on soaps.


My crystal ball says....Liam is wracked with jealousy over Wyatt and Steffy....but in enough denial to marry Ivy... then the epic musical montages about the woman he's not married to but mooning over begin...this time Steffy has the starring role instead of Hope.

Is the show even correct on the legal issues? My understanding is that someone born outside the U.S. to one U.S. citizen and one non-U.S. citizen is automatically a U.S. citizen as long as the U.S. parent lived in the U.S. for some amount of years. I'm pretty sure John Forrester met those years requirements.

This reminds me of the Sandra Bullock / Ryan Reynolds movie where she is about to get deported. She says "I'm from Canada!" Since when was INS concerned about deporting that huge hotbed of controversy, the Australians?

Also... What on earth has Jacqueline Wood done to her face? It's so puffy and terrible looking.

  • Love 4

Is the show even correct on the legal issues? My understanding is that someone born outside the U.S. to one U.S. citizen and one non-U.S. citizen is automatically a U.S. citizen as long as the U.S. parent lived in the U.S. for some amount of years. I'm pretty sure John Forrester met those years requirements.


I have no idea of the legalities, but it sounds like INS decided Ivy failed to do things that are expected of a US citizen or person with dual citizenship and that was tantamount to rejecting/losing US citizenship.  I can kind of believe it based on some US laws around property, etc.  Based on her answers, I'm willing to ignore whether it holds water legally.  Really, she thought that because she was a US citizen she didn't need a US passport to enter/exit the country because her Dad says she was a citizen. I presume she didn't proclaim herself a US citizen when she declared herself at the airport because they would expect evidence of that.  I wonder if she pays income taxes the way someone with dual citizenship is supposed to or if she created tax law that applied to her situation in her head.


Is the show even correct on the legal issues? My understanding is that someone born outside the U.S. to one U.S. citizen and one non-U.S. citizen is automatically a U.S. citizen as long as the U.S. parent lived in the U.S. for some amount of years. I'm pretty sure John Forrester met those years requirements.

This reminds me of the Sandra Bullock / Ryan Reynolds movie where she is about to get deported. She says "I'm from Canada!" Since when was INS concerned about deporting that huge hotbed of controversy, the Australians?

Reading about duel citizenship is very ambiguous and you need a PHD in government legalese even to come close to understanding all its ramifications. But how the INS agent explained it seemed plausible. Even though Ivy's father is a U.S. Citizen it didn't make Ivy an U.S. Citizen by default because she was born in Australia. Aly had to file certain forms by the time she was 18, I believe, in order to claim her duel citizenship. With John telling her incorrectly she was also a U.S. Citizen, Ivy never filed the forms. The problem arose when she went to Paris with Liam. Ivy had only a work visa for the U.S. And needed a work visa for France. In the paperwork, for the work visa, she stated that she had duel citizenship which she didn't. That's what put her on the INS radar. If she didn't go to Paris, there would be no problem. I don't think that Bill or Steffy would have any clue about Ivy not having duel citizenship status to turn her in to the INS or even have knowledge of the paperwork filed to get the French work visa. Edited by Waldo13

I'd be on board with Steffy and Bill having a short affair. (I still say that after her gets his rocks off on her a couple of times the novelty will wear off and he'll dump her.) But then we'd probably have to deal with another running mascara faced Katie faux heart attack fiasco, although I could be entertained by a strong healthy Katie tearing into Steffy and slapping that smug off the bitch's face.


I'd rather see Steffy start dating Wyatt and of course, he'll fall hard for her. Quinn will be very pleased. Meanwhile, Liam will start having second thoughts and break up with Ivy and lure Steffy back. Quinn will not be pleased and go after Steffy with a vengeance. I can see her down in her dungeon welding a new sword as we speak!

  • Love 8

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