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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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I know I'm mixing Apples and Oranges but I feel revealing that you are transgendered prior to sex is just as important as revealing you have HIV, vaginal warts, genital harpies, or other STD's.


Not to equate being transgender with disease, but sexual history is important information. Someone who goes to extreme lengths to keep all information about their gender secret is setting themselves, and their partner, up for disappointment and failure.


Maya says she wants to be certain that Rick loves her unconditionally before disclosure, while Rick yacks incessantly about Maya's singular honesty and femininity ... In Rick's feverishly neurotic mind, withholding this information will make Maya just one of the other liars, traitors and deceivers in his life. 



Unwarranted quote

And what about those genital harpies, are they really obnoxious?  Sorry, Waldo, I couldn't resist.  Typos are heck, aren't they?


Heck in a handcart typos are ... Waldo's typos are hilarious.



So, how creepy was Wyatt when Nicole flashed him the bikini? <Ick> 


Looks like another sunscreen application scene at Beach Blanket Babylon: "Oh, yessss ... Full-spectrum SPF 50 ... I bought it in Italy on my honeymoon ... errr, ummmm <lips smacking> ... soooo, no secrets, right? ... Let's play Twenty Questions ... Is it vegetable? ... No ... hmmm, mineral? ... No ... Animal? ... Maybe? Now we're getting somewhere!"

Edited by Cupid Stunt
  • Love 5

And after you reveal that you have HIV, vaginal warts, genital harpies, AND other STD's, are you still going to have sex? And what about those genital harpies, are they really obnoxious? Sorry, Waldo, I couldn't resist. Typos are heck, aren't they?

Sorry about that. Yes they are. I guess I had a senior moment because I could of sworn I wrote herpes. My daughter is a Gynecologist and she would have a good laugh if she saw my post.

Not revealing being transgendered is usually not life threatening as some STD's but, in this case, It could be if Rick goes ballistic. But somehow somewhere Quinn is going to be blamed. Mark my words.

Edited by Waldo13
  • Love 7

Another good show that had me rewinding and re-watching. The Spencer brothers are so entertaining now that they have been deHoped; I enjoy their sparring. I also enjoy that it gives Scott Clifton a chance to show his natural comedic talent; I really did bust out laughing when Liam was trying to get Wyatt to take the phone and was shaking it at him with that goofy look on his face. However, I was a little taken aback when Liam advised Wyatt to go the distance with candles, flowers and dinner, and Wyatt's response was "She hasn't even spent the night yet". Whaaa? Wouldn't the wining and dining come before spending the night? 


And I may be in the minority, or I may be standing on an island all by myself, but Wyatt and Nicole are growing on me. I still don't like that Wyatt has an agenda, but then, Nicole has one herself. What I like about them is her playfulness, which brings out the silly, goofy Wyatt I loved in the beginning. He is no longer the long faced, angsty, heartbroken guy, who's wife couldn't be bothered to tell him bye before she was beamed up to parts unknown. The relationship may go nowhere, but it is serving to make Wyatt the guy he was before he was sucked into Hope's black hole, so for that reason alone I enjoy him and Nicole. 


I enjoyed those scenes with Rick, Maya and Nicole as well. They seem to have reached a place where they are comfortable together, and the emotion and reactions seemed real. I like how Rick is playful with Nicole, and was so surprised when he didn't explode about Wyatt wasting time at home and inviting her over. They very rarely let Rick have a sense of humor, so it really stands out when he is relaxed and is cutting up.


And more good stuff with Rick and Ridge, with Ridge struggling to find the right "name" for Maya. I was trying to mentally place Ronn Moss in that scene, and just wasn't able to envision him saying "you know what I like about you? Absolutely nothing", or "I have always thought of Maya as a sitting by the pool sipping margarita's kind of chick". Thorsten however nailed it. He is a master at expressing exasperation and annoyance. 


For the first time I felt a little something between Ridge and Brooke. Nothing romantic, no destinies; more like a jelling of the actors. KKL and TK have seemed very uncomfortable with each other, but that discussion felt like old Brooke and Ridge. And they gave Ridge the line of the day with "I really don't care for Rick's little attack dog". I also appreciated that they let both of them be empathetic to Maya, but still outraged that she has been lying to all of them.


I was mesmerized as I watched Brophanie read Maya. My Lord, where has this person been hiding? Every single thing about Brooke screamed Stephanie; the mannerisms, the body language, the finger pointing, the hand slapping, and the dialog. Oh my, the dialog! "I know what you are doing. I have been watching you. You're planning everything perfectly. Your waiting till he gets tied in, then you will confide in him. And I am sure you have your sweet little speech about how it doesn't matter, because you are still the same woman he fell in love with." That entire dialog had Stephanie written all over it. And Maya was totally channeling a young Brooke by saying things like "I will not marry Rick without telling him, so you can just get that idea out of your head", and "But you find out and suddenly I am lower than life." And props to Brooke for not allowing her empathy for Maya's ordeal blind her to what Maya has done. I loved how she quickly told Maya "I am not tying to make you feel ashamed." KKL and KM did a marvelous job, will be watching that again and again. 




I was glad to see everyone changed clothes but:


Liam's pants were way too tight. When he was outside watching Wyatt wax his surfboard, he stuffed his hands in his pockets and sorta pushed out his pelvis, clearly showing his package.


While I loved Maya's black and white blouse, I didn't think it matched the tan skirt at all.


Why was Nicole wearing a snake print dress with a frayed denim vest?


After spending some time trying to figure out what Brooke was wearing, I finally decided she must be on her way to audition for the Flying Nun.


Who the hell dresses Rick? Pink striped shirt, bright blue tie, dark blue jacket and light blue kerchief? And what is with the Poindexter comb over?

Edited by RuntheTable
  • Love 9

ITA those were some great scenes with KKL and KM yesterday and nary a man in sight.


It was two women, going nose to nose, over the man they both love but wonder of wonders, it wasn't a "the boy is mine!" triangle tripe. 


Brooke was the protective lioness and yet she showed depth by empathizing with Maya, although not to the point that she was willing to be swayed by it when it came to her son being lied to all this time. And Brooke is 100% in the right - Rick had a right to know from the beginning that Maya was transgender so he could decide for himself (instead of Maya deciding for him) whether or not he was okay with that. 


Maya's holding on to this secret until Rick proposes is so self-serving and I can see where she wants that kind of commitment and security (no matter how fleeting it could be when Rick finds out), but it is just incredibly unfair that she would put Rick in such a position of proposing to the woman he intends to spend his life with, still in the dark, then being faced with the truth and the betrayal and not just having to accept Maya as transgender but accept that the woman he loves has lied who she really is to him all this time. 


I don't blame Brooke one bit for channeling her inner Stephanie and telling Maya that this ends. NOW. 


Maya was vulnerable yet held her own. I think she knows, deep down, this was not how she should have handled it but here they are. I also think in all the bravado and fear that there was almost this look of relief that "I can finally stop hiding who I really am" about her.


This is the kind of show I would gladly watch all day, every day, to see two talented actresses give it their all.

Edited by CountryGirl
  • Love 9

Who the hell dresses Rick? Pink striped shirt, bright blue tie, dark blue jacket and light blue kerchief? And what is with the Poindexter comb over?

I actually like the way Rick dresses. It's very Euro and a lot dandy. Brooke needs to call Ashley Abbott for some fashion tips. Interesting how the midwest girl has a wonderful, sexy, age-appropriate wardrobe and the LA gal who actually works in fashion dresses like a hausfrau in clothes that often are boring or have unflattering shapes.


Everyone has made really insightful comments. Too bad Maya doesn't know anyone like that. She should know that this lying by omission is a huge fucking deal, especially given the physical intimacy of their relationship. Rick's all-woman has a manufactured vagina and she also has a prostate just like he does. He wants to have children, for goodness sake! If he'd known from the start he might not have cared, but we'll never know.

  • Love 3

Cosigning everyone who thought the last few days have been really good tv.

I really like that the show has been slowly unraveling the secret. It feels good to see things actually happening kind of like a pressure cooker slowly releasing steam. Some shows *glares at Y&R* don't seem to understand that too many secrets held for too long cause frustration instead of intrigue. When you drag it out too long you've lost so much enthusiasm that the reveal lands with a thud instead of a boom. I like that nearly every day someone new is finding out. I even loved Charlie figuring it out because you know, why not? Lol There's still enough drama that when Rick finally does find out it'll be pretty rewarding, but it won't have been painful as a viewer waiting to get there.

My biggest curiosity right now is wondering who is going to have an off color reaction to Maya's secret. I feel like someone has to do it but am worried that with GLAADs involvement with the show everyone is going to react to the secret in an ideal way, not a realistic way. I think with social issues there's always a fear by writers of throwing a character under the bus. I'm hoping they'll let Dollar Bill be that guy since he's written like a brute half the time. As of now everyone has reacted the exact same way, which makes me nervous. Someone needs to do it. This isn't a fairytale, it's a soap. Someone has the be tacky and over the top.

Edited by luvlee2003
  • Love 6


And more good stuff with Rick and Ridge, with Ridge struggling to find the right "name" for Maya. I was trying to mentally place Ronn Moss in that scene, and just wasn't able to envision him saying "you know what I like about you? Absolutely nothing", or "I have always thought of Maya as a sitting by the pool sipping margarita's kind of chick". 

I can. ;D

Brooke said that Maya had to tell Rick today. Sounds like

Wyatt finally gets the truth from Nicole and then runs back to Bill. Who writes an insta-story the same day and runs it before Maya can tell Rick? LOL.  


I like Bill, and that Katie hates it. They're so boring, no sure why they rushed them to marry. Bring back Bill and Steffy, they were interesting.

  • Love 1

I think it's possible that all three Spencer men make some less than PC comments when they find out about Maya. I can envision a scene with the three of them talking about it, crudely, and someone walking it and chastising them. Or maybe one of the brothers isn't a total jerk about it, and tries to set the other two straight. I think GLAAD might support some bigotry, because it's a real part of being a transgendered person.

  • Love 2

I couldn't stand Bill and Steffy, although at least we didn't have to hear Steffy's "cha cha cha" nonsense.


And I'm still peeved over the reunion of Bill/Katie after all the Brooke/Bill build up. DD is wasted on the perpetually lemons-sucking HT, but I'll bide my time, especially now that Brooke is showing some glimmers of red power suit Brooke lately. This gal don't need a man and Katie and Steffy so desperately do.

  • Love 2

Liam's hair is distractingly bad.


Are you serious, Maya. Like are you seriously serious? It's okay to be alone with Rick while dropping the truth bomb because he would never ever hurt you? He shot a gun at his wife and brother! If I was Maya, I'd actually bring Brooke with me to tell him.


Oh Wyatt, leave the shopping cart at the supermarket.

Edited by NinjaPenguins
  • Love 9

I don't think that Bill has a problem with transgenerism per se, but he will strongly believe that a dude ought to know where his dick has been and get a laugh over the fact that Rick didn't.


Nicole is horrible and selfish and superficial girl. I don't care how close she and Wyatt are becoming, she had absolutely no right to tell him Maya's secret. They have had like 3 dates. 


Can't wait until next week!

  • Love 3

Maya has a friend? Wow, didn't see that coming.At least her 'friend' is at least the only one so far concerned about her personal safety. Why is no one else?   Looks like the door is wide open on the Secret Barn, and all the horses are escaping one by one. I am guessing Deacon and Quinn are being notified by the loading dock workers now.


Rick may grit his teeth and pretend to be accepting, because he has to save face with everyone after the public and non stop speeches about Maya's beauty, femininity, honor and integrity. How can he let all the people in his life know he's been blindsided. My guess is he takes it out on Maya privately by spewing mouthfuls of hateful bigotry and emotional abuse. And she will take it because she figures he's only doing it because he loves her and that he'll come around. Or some nonsense. 

Nicole deserves whatever she gets. 

  • Love 7

Personally, I hated them together. All they ever talked about was some variation on "we're cut from the same cloth! We GET each other!" Katie can be a raging bitch, but I like that she keeps Bill's massive ego in check with jokes, especially in tandem with Liam.


I never saw Bill/Steffy, but it sounds like that would get just as tedious as "Steffy is FUN!  FUN!!!"  


I don't think that Bill has a problem with transgenerism per se, but he will strongly believe that a dude ought to know where his dick has been and get a laugh over the fact that Rick didn't.




That's what I think his thing will be - not that someone would transition, but that Rick was sleeping with a woman, constantly, and he had no idea that that woman wasn't born a woman.  Because Bill, of course (in his own mind), being the studliest, most masculine of men, would know immediately if the parts weren't original. 

  • Love 3

Wyatt sure is Bill's son, he was hyping up to put every Spencer publication outlet on this and his "I won't tell anyone at Forrester"

line was so the truth but a twist.


Pretty much the story of Wyatt's life.



I was waiting for Wyatt to shout, "STOP THE PRESSES!"


Oh, well. It's out of your hands Maya.


 ... The three second fuse has been lit.

  • Love 1

Someone please explain it to me like I'm Sonny. How is it that Maya being transgender: a) Is SCANDALOUS, b) Will oust Rick as CEO


I hate Nicole

The same way that older rich guy "Eric" marrying a much younger buxom blonde "Donna" is scandalous. Or the picture of Ridge holding hands with a gay male friend in Paris is scandalous. Or that the CEO of a fashion house is getting divorced is scandalous! The real scandal is having a CEO so obsessed with the Lead Model that he effectively puts her picture EVERYWHERE. And everyone is afraid to even tell her if there's spinach in her teeth lest they be publicly humiliated by their boss. Does this place even HAVE a human resources office? You just get hired by and submit your W9's directly to the CEO? Does he run the payroll software and give the sexual harassment classes too? 

Did Ally quit while we weren't looking? 

Edited by smartyshorts
  • Love 2

Brooke said that Maya had to tell Rick today. Sounds like

Wyatt finally gets the truth from Nicole and then runs back to Bill. Who writes an insta-story the same day and runs it before Maya can tell Rick? LOL.  


Aren't Rick and Myron going to Big Bear for the weekend? They'll be cut off from the world up there and won't know what's going down. 


I can't wait to see Liam's reaction face!

Edited by SweePea59
  • Love 1

Someone please explain it to me like I'm Sonny. How is it that Maya being transgender: a) Is SCANDALOUS, b) Will oust Rick as CEO


I hate Nicole


I don't think it's Maya exactly but the notion that her deception will cause Rick's head to explode, subjecting the company to unfavorable publicity because of an unstable, maybe violent CEO, not the perfect one he's pretending to be.


Maya being transgender might get 5 minutes trending on Twitter before people realize it's no big deal and move on.

  • Love 2

Are the individual episodes titled?   If so, I assume that today's ep is titled, "How stupid can Nicole really be?:  Yes, even stupider."  


Wyatt and Liam are miserable twits like their father now.   The only possible way for Nicole to redeem herself is to hack into SP and create all sorts of shenanigans.

Edited by nasir jones
  • Love 6

Eric tells Rick that a clause in his contract could cost him his position in the company.


Does this mean Eric included a 'CEO can not date a transgender person' clause. What amazing foresight !


I hope it's not forgotten that besides the lie of omission Maya also lied outright to Rick about why she takes estrogen, because that was a clear opportunity for her to tell him the truth. (and Rick hates lies)


Was Liam hiding in the bushes outside ?


I so wanted Liam to ask Ivy " How was your visit with Thorne ?"



And more good stuff with Rick and Ridge, with Ridge struggling to find the right "name" for Maya. I was trying to mentally place Ronn Moss in that scene, and just wasn't able to envision him saying "you know what I like about you? Absolutely nothing", or "I have always thought of Maya as a sitting by the pool sipping margarita's kind of chick". Thorsten however nailed it. He is a master at expressing exasperation and annoyance.

I had the same thought at the same time, then I tried to picture TK in the "NOT GONNA HAPPEN " scene and realized that Ron Moss is the master of unintentional comedy.

  • Love 7

I don't think those two crazy in love kids are gonna make it to Big bear without this secret being blasted from the pa system of passing ice cream trucks and interrupting regularly scheduled programming via the emergency alert system, and possibly Breaking the Interwebs!  to the point that normal life literally stops, while people exclaim and gasp and hopefully point at Rick and Maya mockingly and berate these two paragons of honesty and integrity! 

  • Love 7
Ridge is showing incredible restraint and kindness, considering he can't stand Rick.

Yeah but I think that was still some surgical precision shade Ridge threw at Rick when he said that Maya was a woman probably created just for him. When Rick is in a position to understand what Ridge was really saying, that burn's gonna leave a mark.


I was disappointed that Brooke let Maya off the hook. IMO she should have marched Maya over to Rick's office and insisted that Maya tell him right then. Odds are either Maya won't do the right thing in a timely manner (prior to Rick's proposal) or Rick will find out beforehand in some other way. It's probably going to double the pain for him to realize how many people knew before he did, including two of the very people he thought he could trust.


So Nicole gave up a huge family secret and what did she get in return? A private jet ride that never left California air space, a few drinks, and a chance to spend a few hours in Malibu. The words "dumb" and "gullible" don't even begin to cover it. But Wyatt is wrong for working a naive and impressionable young girl like he did. I can't see how this is leading up to a romance between those two. Why/how could she ever trust him again?

  • Love 10

As Shira noted above, it is quite interesting how Wyatt went from "I feel bad" to "OMG fire up the printing press, this is HUGE!!!!" in no time flat.


Speaking of Wyatt, after Nicole left, Wyatt was walking around and you could see a shadow on the side of his torso.  Initially, I could have sworn he had giant stains from profuse pit sweating!

  • Love 4

Ah c'mon Brooke... She went sort of soft on Maya. I wanted an all red in the face, finger-pointing, shouting match. Oh, well.


RM Ridge (sitting with fingers in steeple/contemplative position): "That's right Motthrrrrrr... Maya is transgender."


Stephanie: Maya. Maya? You mean that girl Rick's about to propose to used to be a MAN??? Does Rick know about this? Wait a minute. Does BROOKE know? Of course she does. Those two have been keeping a secret from Rick. What kind of mother does that? To her own son? Does anybody else know? This company does not need another scandal. This FAMILY does not need another scandal."  (Starts to charge out of the room.)


Ridge: Where are you going mother?


Stephanie: "Well to Brooke, of course. She's known about this all along." (Barges out. Ridge woodenly shakes his head.)


Man, I thought there for a moment that Wyatt was going to hold back on telling Liam and when he hesitated, I thought maybe he was going to spin some totally pull-it-out-of-his-ass story in order to protect Nicole. Dollah Bill will be so proud. Nicole on the other hand...I can't believe Dancin' Machine outed her own sister in order to preserve her whatever it is she thinks she has going down with Chickenhead. Well, I guess it's safe to say that she won't be spending the night anytime soon.


Maya is foolish to drop the atom bomb on Rick alone and in a remote area. Does she know about him using Grant Chambers for target practice in his younger days, or is this one of Rick's secrets? Don't they keep guns up at the cabin?


I hope that on Monday they cut right to Wyatt and Liam telling Bill the sordid details!!


OBTW, could you picture Steffy doing the "cha-cha-cha" ear nibble to Bill? He's laugh in her face.

  • Love 8

I don't think those two crazy in love kids are gonna make it to Big bear without this secret being blasted from the pa system of passing ice cream trucks and interrupting regularly scheduled programming via the emergency alert system, and possibly Breaking the Interwebs!  to the point that normal life literally stops, while people exclaim and gasp and hopefully point at Rick and Maya mockingly and berate these two paragons of honesty and integrity! 



Ah c'mon Brooke... She went sort of soft on Maya. I wanted an all red in the face, finger-pointing, shouting match. Oh, well.


RM Ridge (sitting with fingers in steeple/contemplative position): "That's right Motthrrrrrr... Maya is transgender."


Stephanie: Maya. Maya? You mean that girl Rick's about to propose to used to be a MAN??? Does Rick know about this? Wait a minute. Does BROOKE know? Of course she does. Those two have been keeping a secret from Rick. What kind of mother does that? To her own son? Does anybody else know? This company does not need another scandal. This FAMILY does not need another scandal."  (Starts to charge out of the room.)


Ridge: Where are you going mother?


Stephanie: "Well to Brooke, of course. She's known about this all along." (Barges out. Ridge woodenly shakes his head.)


Man, I thought there for a moment that Wyatt was going to hold back on telling Liam and when he hesitated, I thought maybe he was going to spin some totally pull-it-out-of-his-ass story in order to protect Nicole. Dollah Bill will be so proud. Nicole on the other hand...I can't believe Dancin' Machine outed her own sister in order to preserve her whatever it is she thinks she has going down with Chickenhead. Well, I guess it's safe to say that she won't be spending the night anytime soon.


Maya is foolish to drop the atom bomb on Rick alone and in a remote area. Does she know about him using Grant Chambers for target practice in his younger days, or is this one of Rick's secrets? Don't they keep guns up at the cabin?


I hope that on Monday they cut right to Wyatt and Liam telling Bill the sordid details!!


OBTW, could you picture Steffy doing the "cha-cha-cha" ear nibble to Bill? He's laugh in her face.

Dear God. This thread--I'm dying! LOL


I finally did it. After days of setting my PVR to tape B & B episodes one by one, I took the plunge. That sucker is now set to tape every show, from here to eternity. 


I tell you. If Maya hasn't spilled everything by Wednesday...


Oh, who am I kidding? Somehow, I have the feeling they're gonna make us wait 'til Friday.

  • Love 5

Wyatt is contemptible for getting Nichole to tell him, and then immediately concluding, we need to get this out there, it will ruin Forresters and Spencer can take over.  This is why younger employees should have someone with a steady hand that thinks through all the repercussions. Unfortunately, it is $Bill and he would love this shit.


They should really be thinking this through.  Outing Maya as transgender might be a good National Enquirer story, but in the fashion world and in LA, it is not a scandal at all.  Hoping beyond hope that $Bill points this out to the young'uns.  In fact, outing this as a "scandal" could actually hurt the Spencer world.


The bottom line is that Maya is really messing up here and she should have told Rick long ago.  Even her transgender friend said he did that, and then told her there are no rules.  There may be no rules, but if you have something in your life that is major, you share that with your partner.  That is what a relationship is all about.  She can say, this is my business, I am a woman, but her journey was significant, and she should share that a minimum.  And, I am pretty sure there are plenty of men out there who don't want to be with a transgender person, so that makes it dangerous.  There are real life examples of violence against transgender people when they have kept the secret (and even when they have not).  


The anvils are falling that Rick will become violent, and I think that is too bad.  I hate that Ridge is making his snarky, Maya is a woman designed just for you, comments.  I never liked Ridge but this Ridge is hateful and a prick.  And I like TK, so he is doing a great job.


Why is no one worried about what will happen when Rick finds out, given his shooting a gun in the office etc?


If they go down the violent road, it might be a good storyline, cause it has happened many times IRL.  Maya thinks Rick is not that person, which is sad.


I was never a fan but I didn't dislike Wyatt, but I truly hate him now.  


  • Love 7

Wyatt is contemptible for getting Nichole to tell him, and then immediately concluding, we need to get this out there, it will ruin Forresters and Spencer can take over.  This is why younger employees should have someone with a steady hand that thinks through all the repercussions. Unfortunately, it is $Bill and he would love this shit.




I was never a fan but I didn't dislike Wyatt, but I truly hate him now.  


I don't hate Wyatt and they've at least made it plain that he is conflicted about A) using Nicole and B) gobsmacked and MAJORLY conflicted about the actual secret.  But dang, they could have made his inner conflict last a few more minutes at least.


It never occurred to me that Maya was all that naive but between the friend and Rick's (relatively recent on-screen) bursts of violence, that's all I've got.  The Avant sisters need a keeper.  Or a mom and dad... 

  • Love 5

At the end of US show on Friday, did Wyatt actually tell Liam "Defcon 4Secret?"  I remember a lot of pursed lips the Liam saying What is it, tell me. And Wyatt just exclaiming to fire up the presses, but I can't for the life of me remember if he actually said the words. 

If not, Wyatt could still be salvaged. 

Rick would never hurt me.. famous last words. 

  • Love 5


So Nicole gave up a huge family secret and what did she get in return? A private jet ride that never left California air space, a few drinks, and a chance to spend a few hours in Malibu. The words "dumb" and "gullible" don't even begin to cover it. But Wyatt is wrong for working a naive and impressionable young girl like he did. I can't see how this is leading up to a romance between those two. Why/how could she ever trust him again?


Nicole will go comin' round' Spencer Mountain again because all the womenfolk on Bn'B put up with serial betrayal and inconstant attentions in favor of fortune, DESTINY, Cha Cha Cha, power, or whatever shiny lure gets tossed into the pond.


The promise of money, swordsmanship and mythic romance go a long way on Show.

Edited by Cupid Stunt
  • Love 6
At the end of US show on Friday, did Wyatt actually tell Liam "Defcon 4Secret?"  I remember a lot of pursed lips the Liam saying What is it, tell me. And Wyatt just exclaiming to fire up the presses, but I can't for the life of me remember if he actually said the words.

No, he hadn't actually said the words yet. I bet Monday will jump to the two of them standing in Bill's office so Wyatt can tell them all at once.

Excellent point about Rick being upset that Ridge knew first.


I kind of always disliked Wyatt and the way he stalked Hope, her relationship with Liam be damned, and especially after he tried to steal Liam's house. Now there re no words for this horrible way he's used Nicole and his plans to put Myra on blast.

  • Love 5

I want Nicole to kick Wyatt in his Wynuts after she figures out that he not only betrayed her confidence but that he gleefully told his brother about it without seeming to give a crap about anything other than the "Spencer name".

I am no fan of Maya. I think she's handled the situation terribly and than she is a Mean Girl of the highest order. However, I also think that Wyatt's glee at learning the "dirt" that will "destroy" Forrester Creations makes him a horrible scumbag.

  • Love 5

Wyatt is contemptible for getting Nichole to tell him, and then immediately concluding, we need to get this out there, it will ruin Forresters and Spencer can take over.  This is why younger employees should have someone with a steady hand that thinks through all the repercussions. Unfortunately, it is $Bill and he would love this shit.


They should really be thinking this through.  Outing Maya as transgender might be a good National Enquirer story, but in the fashion world and in LA, it is not a scandal at all.  Hoping beyond hope that $Bill points this out to the young'uns.  In fact, outing this as a "scandal" could actually hurt the Spencer world.


The bottom line is that Maya is really messing up here and she should have told Rick long ago.  Even her transgender friend said he did that, and then told her there are no rules.  There may be no rules, but if you have something in your life that is major, you share that with your partner.  That is what a relationship is all about.  She can say, this is my business, I am a woman, but her journey was significant, and she should share that a minimum.  And, I am pretty sure there are plenty of men out there who don't want to be with a transgender person, so that makes it dangerous.  There are real life examples of violence against transgender people when they have kept the secret (and even when they have not).  


The anvils are falling that Rick will become violent, and I think that is too bad.  I hate that Ridge is making his snarky, Maya is a woman designed just for you, comments.  I never liked Ridge but this Ridge is hateful and a prick.  And I like TK, so he is doing a great job.


Why is no one worried about what will happen when Rick finds out, given his shooting a gun in the office etc?


If they go down the violent road, it might be a good storyline, cause it has happened many times IRL.  Maya thinks Rick is not that person, which is sad.


I was never a fan but I didn't dislike Wyatt, but I truly hate him now.  

When Maya's friends told her "there are no rules" I nearly yelled at the TV. If I were Maya, I'd be concerned about exactly what you mentioned--her safety. Also, I see a person revealing the fact that they're trans as a matter of trust. In other words, all of the nonsense they mention on the show--blah blah integrity, blah blah honour, blah blah honesty--actually means something to me. If my partner kept something this important from me, I'd have questions about how much they respected me, let alone loved me.


I don't want to think about the show taking a turn with Rick having a violent response. (I don't know B & B very well.) Sure, he annoys me, but I had no idea he had a screw loose. 

Edited by C76
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There are rules to common decency but as a viewer I know Myra is not familiar with those. Assuming Myron was a gay male before surgery and assuming he was not a virgin, common decency would indicate disclosing a possible risk to someone before you sleep with them. JMO I'd expect the from a former needle using drug addict.

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While I agree that Maya should have disclosed, is a transgender person considered gay? Don't you have to consider yourself a man first? (Just asking, because I have no clue what the correct way to even frame the question is, much less any answers...)

Gender identity isn't the same as sexual preference. From the one trans friend I have, she's told me that while sex as a male with other males is unappealing, sex as the woman she is with men is. So, I'd say that makes her as straight as I am.

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Let me get this straight. We've had months of Wyatt and Liam, telling us they are the good guys, they care about woman, Rick is the devil etc. But they're the ones who are going to use the fact that someone is transgender to take over a company? To spread this truth, in a hardly perfect world, across the media. They are the ones who found it "fun" to seduce a young naive woman into confiding into them, and ultimately betray her trust?

These are the good guys? Yep. Okay.

I hope this addressed. And while I suspect Maya's world will come crashing down, in the end she will be the one to come out of this with the last laugh.


I also think it's weird that Dayzee hasn't at least been mentioned in all of this. Since she was initially how we were introduced to Maya it would be nice to have known how she fits into the story. 

Edited by Whitley Trillbert
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