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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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The Quinn/Deacon wedding was made of WIN.


Hope and her emotional blackmailing self getting shot down by Daddy Deacon. Finally, someone has the cajones to stand up to Little Miss Princess and it's been a long time coming. And let's be honest. Hope isn't mad at Quinn because of the truly vile things she's done - attacking Waffles 2.0 for one, but because she continues to blame Quinn and Big Bad $ Bill for being ROBBED of her chance to be with Liam when the truth is, she had a million and one chances to marry him, with no obstacles whatsoever, and she.did.not.seal.the.deal. 


So you can take a seat, Hope, and while you're at it, book a suite next door for your increasingly cuckoo for cocoa puffs mother.


Speaking of Brooke, seeing her shot down and given the heave ho was extremely satisfying and this is coming from a day one Brookie. She needs to get out and stay out and get a god damn life of her own. She didn't even want Deacon - she just didn't want Quinn to have him. 


Finally, the wedding itself. It was short and simple and touching. I loved how Quinn, ever the radical rebel, clung to the traditional with the hand binding and the vow that she was only doing this once. I loved Wyatt's quick little speech. I loved Deacon's head over heels besotted face. One of the best weddings I've seen and RS looked just stunning. 

  • Love 15

Quinn was one of the most gorgeous B&B brides I've seen. There have been some real fugs, too. Sheila and the bizarre S&M equestrian bridal get-up and Brooke's hideous boob-baring orange and white number when she almost married Ridge (or was it Nick?)


I hope that Quinn and Deacon make it! But we know that's always too good to be true for any soap couple.

  • Love 7

I find the idea of Wyatt and Nicole ick. Isn't he like ten years older than her? He personality is disgusting though so whatever. She's also really stupid to fall for his transparent flirting and heavy handed pressure.

Oh so she's going to be a print model and jewelry model now. Why not. Pam and Charlie are too right? Anyone remotely connected to a Forrester ever is automatically interested in posing and gifted at that. Or super talented at design and technical construction of frocks without no studying required.

Oh Nicole and Maya are from Illinois now. Could've swore they said Kansas or Missouri way back but could be wrong. I think they're bringing on their parents. Maybe the dad is reconned to being single and Brooke will make a pass. That would not surprise me.

Ivy looked great. Stylish outfit, nice makeup and hair, cool jewelry.

Kinda boring lately without CarRidge around : (

Oh joy

JMW/Steffi has signed a contract.

this show is too short with the commercials and aerial shots and montages to devote screen time to her. There's too many strong performers who are more interesting not being featured enough as it is. I am talking about Ally and Caroline.

Nicole's dancing is like her clothing style. Straight outta the 80's -90's. I think Brian Austin Green did the exact same one in the opening credits of Beverly Hills 90210.

He grew up pretty cute they should get him on B&B.

Edited by Petunia13
  • Love 7

The DeaQuinn wedding was my favorite soap wedding in years. Two people who took the time to get to know each other, weathered some ups and downs and rough times. Had a few misunderstandings but actually hashed them out, no crazy bachelor or bachelor's parties to in handcuff from.. no insane destination, paperwork properly signed witnessed and filed. Gorgeous bride. Ridiculous haters trying to stop it shut down respectfully. Gorgeous bride. Loved it all. 


Nicole needs to get kidnapped. Rick needs a Maya intervention and we all need a break from this skull cracking anvil of a secret. Plus, Quinn looked amazing. 

  • Love 11

The DeaQuinn wedding was my favorite soap wedding in years. Two people who took the time to get to know each other, weathered some ups and downs and rough times. Had a few misunderstandings but actually hashed them out

I couldn't understand why I enjoyed the wedding when I can't stand Deacon or Quinn, but you hit the nail on the head as to why I did.



Anyone remotely connected to a Forrester ever is automatically interested in posing and gifted at that. Or super talented at design and technical construction of frocks without no studying required.

That's why I found it hilarious when Ridge & Taylor were clutching their pearls over Thomas not wanting to go to college AFTER he won some fashion showdown against Forrester when he designed for Spectra.
  • Love 2

Quinn was one of the most gorgeous B&B brides I've seen. There have been some real fugs, too. Sheila and the bizarre S&M equestrian bridal get-up and Brooke's hideous boob-baring orange and white number when she almost married Ridge (or was it Nick?)


I hope that Quinn and Deacon make it! But we know that's always too good to be true for any soap couple.

I think the worst wedding attire was #552 for Bridge aka the Jungle Wedding aka the one before Ridge "died" in the fire and Nick and Brooke had grief sex:



Dang. How long does it take to mix a margarita? Chickenhead started during bright daylight and finished at night complete with all the lamps turned on in the house. And more lame ass dancing...

LOL - I had the same thought as I saw it went from daylight to dark. Maybe he was busy harvesting the limes?


ITA that it is skeevy beyond skeeve with this late 20s guy coming onto a barely legal young girl. How far, exactly, is he willing to take this?


Also, I still fail to understand how Maya's big secret is going to take down Rick as CEP (Chief Executive Prick). 

  • Love 7

OMG. So now B&B has its own version of Scooby Don'ts? Why the fuck are Liam and the gang so certain Rick is part of this secret. They know Maya and Nicole don't have the best relationship, so why would Maya be confiding in Nicole about Rick's so-called secret? Has it occurred to them that it's just something to do with Maya?


Also, Fucking Ally, get some self-respect. Get your father to invest in your shoe line and stop groveling for Rick. If I were her and Ivy, I would not put up that shit and dare him to try to kick my ass out of that home. In fact, I'd bring in Ridge and get him to remind Prick that that is his mother's house and to stop treating his nieces in this despicable way. It really makes me sick and I've only read the recap.


When the hell is the secret going to come out? This is getting stupid.

  • Love 7

Also, Fucking Ally, get some self-respect. Get your father to invest in your shoe line and stop groveling for Rick. If I were her and Ivy, I would not put up that shit and dare him to try to kick my ass out of that home.

Plus, this is always about him being CEO.  What, he's also CEO of his father's house???

Edited by ByTor
  • Love 1

Well Daddy did give him the house (can't call it a mansion since we only see 2-3 rooms and Aly had to give up her room to Nicole) and moved into the guest house. But again, if he knew how Rick is treating his nieces I have a feeling he wouldn't be a happy camper. 


Yup....end the sekrit already.

  • Love 1

Well Daddy did give him the house (can't call it a mansion since we only see 2-3 rooms and Aly had to give up her room to Nicole) and moved into the guest house. But again, if he knew how Rick is treating his nieces I have a feeling he wouldn't be a happy camper. 


Yup....end the sekrit already.

Aly is Eric's granddaughter.

Ditto about the secret.

  • Love 1

But still, Rick's obnoxious thing at home should be "Daddy gave me this house, leave if you don't like it", not "I'm CEO".

Wait a minute... RICK IS CEO ?!! *


It was very subtle but I think Chickenhead was trying to get some "secret" info from Nicole.


Extra ditto about the secret.



* I never get tired of that bit.

Edited by Gudzilla
  • Love 10

It might just be me but I thought Wyatt showed some real emotion with Nicole.  Kind of ironic, pretend to be lonely, starting over guy and then realize you are?  But she's much too young for him.  (Wasn't she supposed to be 18 or 19 when she came on?)  It feels hypocritical because I don't have a problem with CarRidge at all.  


Eric keeps photos of Donna in his locked drawer?  And was the herbal thing foreshadowing or am I over-thinking it?

  • Love 5

Is Nicole 21? If not Wyatt could be in big trouble for serving alcohol to someone under 21.


Who cares what happens to that grifter?


Get her liquored up, squeeze what little info she's willing to hork up, drive her over the border and drop her off in beautiful downtown Ensenada, Mexico ... They like them young and ambitious.

Edited by Cupid Stunt
  • Love 5

I think the worst wedding attire was #552 for Bridge aka the Jungle Wedding aka the one before Ridge "died" in the fire and Nick and Brooke had grief sex:





The Bungle in the Jungle wedding ... Sheesh, that was a hors d'oeuvres table of crap on a cracker, with an open bar of ol' Thunderbird.

  • Love 5

OMG. So now B&B has its own version of Scooby Don'ts? Why the fuck are Liam and the gang so certain Rick is part of this secret. They know Maya and Nicole don't have the best relationship, so why would Maya be confiding in Nicole about Rick's so-called secret? Has it occurred to them that it's just something to do with Maya?


Liam over-thinks everything, and comfortably went criminal, dragging Ivy along with him ... Ivy has nothing to lose but her job, criminal charges and work visa ... So ...


You and Ivy break into Ricks office and desk, try to open the wall safe, searched his office, and decide to hack into the Forrester Creations server for WHAT?


You don't know. You're just looking for something ... anything that could make Rick look bad.


Oh, yeah ... and that phone call to Wyatt to keep plying Nicole with booze and sympathy ... Nice ... 


Like father, like son. Liam Spencer, you are a World Class Asshole.

  • Love 7

Wyatt, Wyatt, Wyatt, when trying to wrangle confidential, proprietary, or potentially explosive information from someone, it helps to approach the individual with finesse, and the softest kid gloves. Charging in whilst channeling Thor and his Hammer? Not so much. 


Even so, I remain conflicted on who is/was being manipulated at the Beach House, because Nicole ain't no slouch in that department. 


I just love Ivy and Liam, I mean, the couple that sleuths together stays together right? And surprise, surprise, our gorgeous little Aussie knows how to pick locks. Liam looked like he was about to have an orgasm. I wonder if that heretofore unknown talent will score him some head? 


I would have much preferred that Liam didn't figure out that stuff in the locked drawer was Eric's, and he and Ivy went on thinking Rick had some kind of crush on his hot aunt. The idea could have grown and morphed in their brains, and knowing that Maya is in the loop would have only added to the fun. Just to think of that press conference.......


Ally needs to start requesting a weekly stipend from her Uncle Rick, since she is now living in the maids quarters, and is fixing him and his girl their favorite treats. 


Maybe Ally should have hand fed Rick those crab claws since he was upset that she had already cracked them. That, or she could have crammed them up his ass. 


Right on cue, Maya continues with her enabling. 


I am not sure if I have said this before, but I hate Rick and Maya. 

Edited by RuntheTable
  • Love 8
Why don't they bug lil Ricky's office? Duh!

IKR? That'd probably be safer than madcap vandalism where you and your girlfriend the FC employee leave your fingerprints all over the place.


Even so, I remain conflicted on who is/was being manipulated at the Beach House, because Nicole ain't no slouch in that department.

Yeah but Nicole is a minor (under 21) who was being plied with alcohol by an adult who knows better. I'm glad at least they mentioned that she had called a car service to take her home.


I wonder if that heretofore unknown talent will score him some head?

LOL, wut? If anyone scored later, it was probably Ivy. Liam seemed to have developed a whole new appreciation for her hidden talents and likely "rewarded" her accordingly.


When The Secret finally comes out, Rick is probably going to feel like Julius Caesar on the Ides of March. He's pretty much made enemies of everyone except his doting mommy, his dotty grandpa, and Maya. The knives will come out and it'll be a bloody mess.

  • Love 5

When The Secret finally comes out, Rick is probably going to feel like Julius Caesar on the Ides of March. He's pretty much made enemies of everyone except his doting mommy, his dotty grandpa, and Maya.

Brooke's dad knows what's going on and is siding with Rick?  I guess I missed mention of him.

Edited by ByTor


All in all, I still hate them, and I don't think that's supposed to be the goal, at least not for Maya, if she's supposed to be some sort of hero to the transgender community.


Shira, I hear you.  I have to say I rather like the fact TPTB aren't pulling a 180 and making Maya completely sympathetic, sweet, etc. just because she's transgendered.  I am reluctant to give the writers credit for this but I think making the point that transgendered people can be jerks just like everyone else is progress.  I'd actually love for a character not to give a flying fig about Maya's transition and still have no use for her simply because she's an asshole.

  • Love 9

You know, I think I need to apologize to Eric. A while back, I said he was as stupid as Y&R's resident neanderthal, Nick Newman. I was wrong; Eric is far, far dumber than Nicholas. At least Nick has the excuse of being an evolutionary throwback. If Eric and Brooke blow any more sunshine up Rick's ass, he'll be shitting fire. I wonder if Rick noticed that his parents were talking to him as though he was a toddler who just learned to color inside the lines, or if getting his ego stroked makes him oblivious to the tone in which praise is delivered.


I wish the show would clarify if Nicole is old enough to drink, and if they have, I apologize for missing it. I'd hate to think Wyatt was plying someone underage with alcohol, and it would be even grosser if Liam was enthusiastically encouraging it. Maya didn't say anything when Nicole referenced being wined and dined.


I generally like Caroline well enough, but damn, she was annoying as hell today.

  • Love 7

News Flash: People Nicole's age drink whether it's legal or not. People her age may not get served in a public setting without the proper ID but they certainly do at home and at other people's homes and parties. In addition, she didn't appear to be getting tipsy.


I'm more offended by how heavy handed Wyatt is. Could he say the word secret any more times. Also, I abso-fucking-lutely cannot understand why these idiots are so damned certain that Nicole knows Rick's secrets. They are seriously clueless as sleuths, Ivy's lock-picking skills notwithstanding. And baby-tirl may be young, but she's not foolish enough to spill her guts to some guy she barely knows. Finally, I think Wyatt is still in his 20s and he doesn't seem to have gone to college, so he could still be just about 25 or 26 max. Who knows?

  • Love 5

Shira, I hear you.  I have to say I rather like the fact TPTB aren't pulling a 180 and making Maya completely sympathetic, sweet, etc. just because she's transgendered.  I am reluctant to give the writers credit for this but I think making the point that transgendered people can be jerks just like everyone else is progress.  I'd actually love for a character not to give a flying fig about Maya's transition and still have no use for her simply because she's an asshole.


I was thinking the same thing.  Just treat the character like any other, because that's really the best way to really be inclusive. Let her be a scheming bitch, not because she's transgender, but just because she's a scheming bitch.  But the show seems to be kind of afraid to fully go there now.  Hell, they can't decide what kind of personality to give her now that her secret is out.  

  • Love 4

Oh boy were there some great lines today;


Nicole: I got me a Rick!   ..... as if that were a good thing.


Eric: You fill these shoes well.   ..... as if they weren't previously worn by a moron


Wyatt:  (to the pilot)  you should stay in the cockpit.


The Spencer brothers continue to show how much more entertaining they are when they're "Hopeless"


Today's episode was brought to you by the word Integrity.

Edited by Gudzilla
  • Love 10

News Flash: People Nicole's age drink whether it's legal or not. People her age may not get served in a public setting without the proper ID but they certainly do at home and at other people's homes and parties. In addition, she didn't appear to be getting tipsy.

Of course but on American TV--particularly daytime soaps--underaged drinking usually isn't portrayed so nonchalantly.

Ditto comments upthread, I think the audience needs to get some clear indication that Nicole is several years older than the actress portraying her because not too long ago she was supposed to be a fairly new college freshman or sophomore. Typically that would put her at about 18 or 19.

Otherwise, I think there needs to be some melodrama created because adult Wyatt has been encouraging underaged drinking. Doing it in his own home is one thing but having it happen in the SP corporate jet could become another level of problem, especially if she can claim he tried to take advantage of her while she was intoxicated. Plus she knows that he's trying to get dirt to use against Rick in order to depose him as CEO. She could say that Wyatt's been trying to involve her in corporate espionage.

  • Love 2

I think the audience needs to get some clear indication that Nicole is several years older than the actress portraying her because not too long ago she was supposed to be a fairly new college freshman or sophomore. Typically that would put her at about 18 or 19.

I agree, especially since I read that the actress is 18, and she has one of those youthful faces that could easily get away with playing a high school student.

  • Love 1

Yeah, it looks like they aged Nicole for thus current storyline. A lot of underage kids drink but I think when they introduced her she was supposed to be a lot young than Aly. Now, with Wyatt I think they want her to be in her 20's. It's too bad because the show needs a young teen. That said, the actress playing Nicole is doing a nice job. I liked seeing Eric but I wish he would witness Rick's treatment of Aly. Hopefully, then he would speak up.

  • Love 3

When The Secret finally comes out, Rick is probably going to feel like Julius Caesar on the Ides of March. He's pretty much made enemies of everyone except his doting mommy, his dotty grandpa, and Maya. The knives will come out and it'll be a bloody mess.

More like the letter opener Quinn gave Rick as a gift for re - hiring her will cause the bloody mess. That way, whatever happens, it'll be Quinn's fault .

Edited by bittersweet4149
  • Love 3


RuntheTable quote

Wyatt, Wyatt, Wyatt, when trying to wrangle confidential, proprietary, or potentially explosive information from someone, it helps to approach the individual with finesse, and the softest kid gloves. Charging in whilst channeling Thor and his Hammer? Not so much.


Even so, I remain conflicted on who is/was being manipulated at the Beach House, because Nicole ain't no slouch in that department.


I'm on the side of Nicole playing a game of ambition, and Wyatt is wetting her appetite for things she's only seen on TV. She's been gaining ground on experiences at Forrester, was offered a jewelry modeling job, and now she's playing in the big leagues on a corporate jet. I don't think she's so naïve to hand Myron over to Wyatt without an exchange that will benefit herself -- That's how she's been playing so far. It is interesting that Nicole did not mention to Maya that the Spencer's want to kick Rick to the curb.


Wyatt simpering about secrets and honesty and being up front with each other and have another glass of champagne ... <blerg>


Wyatt admitted to Liam that he liked Nicole, but he's in favor of plying her with alcohol, impressing her with the wealth and power of the Spencer name, and romancing her to trick information out of her. Nice guy.


Ally needs to start requesting a weekly stipend from her Uncle Rick, since she is now living in the maids quarters, and is fixing him and his girl their favorite treats.



Ally needs to buy a clue. She's a doormat and Rick is enjoying wiping his shoes on her. Rick is stringing her along with the shoe line, but has no incentive to expand Forrester over an unknown quantity like Ally's design abilities or business acumen. Ally couldn't run a bingo game at Our Lady of Christian Lacroix.

  • Love 4

I was thinking the same thing. Just treat the character like any other, because that's really the best way to really be inclusive. Let her be a scheming bitch, not because she's transgender, but just because she's a scheming bitch. But the show seems to be kind of afraid to fully go there now. Hell, they can't decide what kind of personality to give her now that her secret is out.

To be fair, Maya's been waffling in personality well before this storyline was thought up. But I agree that having her as a villain still instead of the doe-eyed naive babe-in-the-woods she used to be isn't the worst decision this show's made.

Wyatt admitted to Liam that he liked Nicole, but he's in favor of plying her with alcohol, impressing her with the wealth and power of the Spencer name, and romancing her to trick information out of her. Nice guy.

I'm assuming Nicole will be awake when he kisses her for the first time, so I consider this progress.

  • Love 3

The thing with Maya, for me, is that she must have experienced bullying in her past so you would think she would be more sensitive to the bullying of Aly. Makes her an even bigger bitch for me.

As someone else said, Aly needs to quit being a doormat and speak up. She should call Thorne and tell him, at the very least. She has no one to blame Ricky's continued bullying but herself now.

  • Love 8

When Nicole was introduced it was indicated she was 18-19 based on her comments to Maya and Maya's replies. Also the casting notice for the character said 18 or 19. Shes always had this "aw shucks" and "oh em geee" reaction to now living in the city, wealth, someone being transgendered. She reacts with dull surprise or tantrum. Sooo she seems sheltered or ignorant of experiences as many late teens are. And a kid.

Wyatt has stated he worked for his mom for years and traveled the world. He has dealt with crazy stuff and outlandish situations, lived in the atmosphere of extreme wealth (clients and bio dad), and been married and almost had a child. He also has an unflappable demeanor instead of an "aw shucks" or "oh em geeeee" or foot stamp Violet Beauregard demand to everything. He reacts with polish and charm. Also he has some face lines and a hair toupee. At minimum I'd put him at 28 to Nicole's 18 or 19.

Edited by Petunia13
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