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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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I completely agree, Turtle! When he said she tells him the truth "no matter the cost," I thought WTH? What show have I been watching everyday?? All I have seen is Maya prop up his ego at any cost - most notably at the cost of Ally's dignity.

The ego propping IS "honesty no matter the cost" in Rick's brain :)


I guess the writers are making Nicole look worse every day with her opportunism to make us sympathize with Maya.  It's not working with me, I just can't stand either of them.

Edited by ByTor
  • Love 5

Rick said to Ridge today that they all need to accept Maya for who she is. Well lets see how Rick does that when he knows the truth.


Maya's all about if Rick proposes she'll tell the truth to him, yet she didn't tell Carter after being engaged. Why would Carter or anyone believe she'd tell Rick the truth? Obviously when Maya and Carter was engaged this transgender story hadn't been thought up yet, but all the claiming that she'd tell her fiancee the truth shows some lies she since didn't last time. 


Carter tried at least and if Rick doesn't want to listen to him, Carter should just let Rick find out when he does. 


"You won't have any power." So true.

Edited by Artsda
  • Love 4

Brooke, be afraid. Be very afraid. I'm not scared of you can be her epitaph. Deacon and Brooke are idiots if they didn't think Wyatt would tell his mother. Deacon and Brooke don't actually mean squat to him anymore since he is divorcing Hope.

Not to beet a dead horse but Brooke looks very frumpy and old since her return. Brooke has seemed to age 10 years since her return. Maybe Brooke is a witch and needs sex to keep her young. "Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the fairest one all". Not you you dumb bitch if you keep antagonizing Quinn.

Carter be a man and don't whimp out. Tell Rick Maya's secret just for the fact that Maya is trying to intimidate you. The best part of Maya's acting is her bitch face. IMO Caroline would be the worst dumb ass in soap opera history to even entertain the thought of going back to Rick.

Edited by Waldo13
  • Love 8

Carter be a man and don't whimp out. Tell Rick Maya's secret just for the fact that Maya is trying to intimidate you. The best part of Maya's acting is her bitch face. IMO Caroline would be the worst dumb ass in soap opera history to even entertain the thought of going back to Rick.

IMO, they are using Maya's " honesty" as an out for Rick. He won't dump her because of transgender, but because she lied, even if by omission. But he will freak out. If he shot at his ex when they were already separated, what will he do with Maya? They'll use that history to say he is unstable when he finds out and freaks out.
  • Love 1

Brooke, be afraid. Be very afraid. I'm not scared of you can be her epitaph. Deacon and Brooke are idiots if they didn't think Wyatt would tell his mother. Deacon and Brooke don't actually mean squat to him anymore since he is divorcing Hope.

Not to beet a dead horse but Brooke looks very frumpy and old since her return. Brooke has seemed to age 10 years since her return. Maybe Brooke is a witch and needs sex to keep her young. "Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the fairest one all". Not you you dumb bitch if you keep antagonizing Quinn.

Carter be a man and don't whimp out. Tell Rick Maya's secret just for the fact that Maya is trying to intimidate you. The best part of Maya's acting is her bitch face. IMO Caroline would be the worst dumb ass in soap opera history to even entertain the thought of going back to Rick.

I think Wyatt would tell even if he wasn't divorcing Dope.


I do agree however that Brooke is looking very frumpy. Who the hell dresses her? Though, I'm not a big fan of the clothes on this show, which is ironic given it centers around the activities of a fashion house. Rick's the best-dressed of the lot and the only one whose wardrobe seems to receive any real attention aside from perhaps Pam. Brooke should take a few notes from the old girl. And ever since Caroline was preggers in real life and then returned from maternity leave her clothes have left something to be desired in my mind.


Carter can't publicly blast Maya until Caroline comes back. She should be embarrassed/ambushed in the board room the same way she did to Caroline and Ridge.


Also, seriously Nicole, go home or better yet, go to bloody school. You are way too young to be the face of anything and it shows on that baby face and in your whiny voice and bratty attitude. Where the heck is Ally?


I also can't believe she won't cut a few inches of that hay on her head. It would make such a difference. 

  • Love 5

I watch way too much Investigation Discovery and old episodes of Forensic Files to ever - and I mean ever - find Quinn entertaining to watch.  She is a profoundly disturbing individual.  Everyone saying they have to watch what they say and watch what they do so as to not set her off is the same kind of bullshit behavior that abusers get away with.  I loathe the character. 


Maya is still boring.  Giving her an asshole sister doesn't solve that problem, either.


Rick's turnaround is inexplicable.  The way these characters just change on a dime is so . . . clunky.  I get that they had to rewrite stuff because of LG's accident, but they could and should have done better than this.

  • Love 7

Maya cannot see beyond her personal investment in being this abstract caricature of 'A Woman,' and denies the person that got her started, good ol' Myron.


As long as everyone saw her as 'A Woman,' there was no reason to tell them she didn't start out that way. Nicole and Carter's threats to expose her omission would be more than a personal denouement, but a financial and business-related liability for Forrester Creations. If Maya's worried about Rick's reaction to being duped by her for years, imagine when FCs bottom line go to hell because of a publicity freak show starring 'The Matriarch.'



I wonder if $Bill found out about Maya's Myron when he had her investigated, and was waiting to use the information for the most impact.

  • Love 2

LG's segment on ET was great, she looks good despite the 2 walking boots. They said

they're writing an accident into the storyline.

She's walking on one foot now and she hopes to lose a boot soon and start walking on the other. 


She'll be shown on tomorrow's episode. 


She also said the cast has been great, Thorsten force fed her, her first meal after the accident. Don would show up early mornings to be there with her. Such a great team around her! 

  • Love 18

I wonder if $Bill found out about Maya's Myron when he had her investigated, and was waiting to use the information for the most impact.

I was wondering if $Bill knew as well. His lines made it seem as though he possibly knew. It's hard to guess his stand on the issue considering he's cool with his sister, but he tried to make a big deal out of Ridge going to a gay parade in Paris. So would he treat Maya's deep dark secret as something personal to her, (and subsequently Rick), and leave it alone or would he treat it as a card up his sleeve to used when need be? Although with Liam's big takeover plan that seems to have fizzled out, wouldn't $Bill have given that gift to Liam? Now I'm leaning towards $Bill doesn't know. But I also want to think that Justin did a thorough job in his investigation so $Bill would know. It's funny, I'm more interested in $Bill's minor role in this story line than any other part of it.

  • Love 3

So much for redeeming Maya; her callous and self serving remarks to Carter were infuriating. Not Carter's business? Oh, honey, you made it Carter's business when you slept with him and agreed to marry him, but didn't disclose that you were born a man. I shouldn't have, but I felt bad for Carter when he was going back over his and Maya's relationship, and realizing the magnitude of Maya's deception. And now, because Carter won't toe the Matriarch's line, and is hell bent on telling Rick, Maya is going to be gunning for Carter's job? What needs to happen, is Carter needs to wait till Caroline comes back. Then, at the next board meeting, when Rick announces his and Maya's engagement, Carter needs to pop up with "you can't do that Rick", and proceed to spill it. That would be so special; watching Maya's face crack so darn hard. Sorry, but karma can be a mean and hateful bitch sometimes. 


Wyatt and Deacon are seriously getting on my nerves; it seems all there care about is Quinn might hurt Brooke. Hello dumb asses, but I do believe Quinn does have some reasons to be upset, and fighting for her relationship does not make her crazy. And how is this paranoia going to show Quinn that you guys believe in her, and that she wants to continue to try and improve her bad impulses? Do I care that she slapped Brooke? In all honesty, the slap should have been for Deacon, but I am so disgusted with Brooke right now, that I am challenged trying to muster up some fucks to give. And what exactly has Quinn said to Deacon, or Wyatt, or Brooke, that smacks of crazy? I think I heard a woman calling her man out on his actions. I think I heard her asking for a straight and simple answer to her question regarding his feelings for Brooke. And Deacon cannot explain it away; no matter what he says now, because those words have come out of his mouth several times. Yeah right, Brooke, his "unattainable" woman. 


For some reason Quinn calling Brooke on her storied love life felt totally right, and like it really hit the mark. I absolutely love her disdain of, and disgust for, Brooke's past. I am not saying Quinn is an angel, or that she shouldn't be held accountable for her actions, but in this instance she is correct. Brooke doesn't want Deacon, and she doesn't give a rat's behind about his safety. This is all about someone wanting her. Pining for her. Someone to pump up her faltering ego, and to tell her she is still the Queen of all the Glittery Who Ha's. If Eric was in the picture she would be running to him for this boost in moral, but he seems to be a prisoner in the guest house with Stephanie's portrait and an endless supply of martinis. 


I am always on board for Bill and Liam, and I even found Katie entertaining. Must have been the company she was keeping. As always they gave them great stuff, and it was nicely juxtaposed against the Carter/Maya drama. And I loved Liam's grey suit. 


Rick, I think I remember Eric putting Carter under contract when he was hired. So, unless there is a clause in there about "dissing my girl" being a firing offense, Carter could sue the pants off you if try something like that. Oh, and if you had bothered to really look at Carter, you might have noticed that he didn't appear jealous. No, he looked angry, and confused, and disgusted, and horrified. Then again, maybe Rick did see a little of that, given his wondering thoughts while talking to Ridge. 


Ridge! So glad to see him, and I hear we should be having a Caroline sighting soon. Just like Campbell's soup, it is umm, umm good!

Edited by RuntheTable
  • Love 10

I have the perfect karmic payback scenario -- Caroline spills Myra's secret during a meeting.


Carter doesn't tell Rick today. Because reasons.  But he does tell Ridge. Ridge tells Caroline. Meanwhile Carter finds the hospital record of Baby Boy Avant's birth (in many states a hospital birth record is separate from a birth certificate).


Rick calls a meeting and Caroline drops the bomb.  Extra points if during the meeting Rick drops to one knee, proposes, Myra accepts, and Caroline reveals all then.


This will lead to Rick's "you lied to me" tour, with him questioning what else Myra may have lied about -- including her assertion that CarRidge were sleeping together. Remember "I saw them in each other's arms!"


Show is already dropping little anvils that Rick is softening to Caroline so I predict a full blown "why did I believe her, why did i ever let you go, please forgive me, please come back to me" drunken begging, pleading conversation.  Right after, as said up thread, he gets drunk, rips the Myra portrait off the wall, curses it and tears it to shreds.


Extra, extra points if the gun reappears and he shoots over Myra;s head.

  • Love 9

For some reason Quinn calling Brooke on her storied love life felt totally right, and like it really hit the mark. I absolutely love her disdain of, and disgust for, Brooke's past. I am not saying Quinn is an angel, or that she shouldn't be held accountable for her actions, but in this instance she is correct.

Considering all the crap Quinn has not only pulled but gotten away with, I feel like she has no right whatsoever to judge anybody else's actions.


Not to beet a dead horse but Brooke looks very frumpy and old since her return.

Yeah, that pink blouse/tan pants combo has been doing her no favors.  But as long as they are frumping Brooke up, I say she should go full throttle dowdy and show up in a polyester pantsuit while reclaiming the matriarch title.

  • Love 4
So much for redeeming Maya; her callous and self serving remarks to Carter were infuriating. Not Carter's business? Oh, honey, you made it Carter's business when you slept with him and agreed to marry him, but didn't disclose that you were born a man. I shouldn't have, but I felt bad for Carter when he was going back over his and Maya's relationship, and realizing the magnitude of Maya's deception. And now, because Carter won't toe the Matriarch's line, and is hell bent on telling Rick, Maya is going to be gunning for Carter's job? What needs to happen, is Carter needs to wait till Caroline comes back. Then, at the next board meeting, when Rick announces his and Maya's engagement, Carter needs to pop up with "you can't do that Rick", and proceed to spill it. That would be so special; watching Maya's face crack so darn hard. Sorry, but karma can be a mean and hateful bitch sometimes.

I sort of agree with Maya, it's not Carter's secret to tell. However, I think he should tell Rick that Maya has some life-altering information about herself which involves them both and that he'll only tell Rick in Maya's presence and if Maya refuses to do so herself. Also, yep, there's a semi truck of uppance coming Maya's way but as far as faces getting cracked are concerned, I think Rick's will hit the ground with such force that it'll register on on the Richter scale.

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
  • Love 8
What needs to happen, is Carter needs to wait till Caroline comes back. Then, at the next board meeting, when Rick announces his and Maya's engagement, Carter needs to pop up with "you can't do that Rick", and proceed to spill it. That would be so special; watching Maya's face crack so darn hard. Sorry, but karma can be a mean and hateful bitch sometimes.



I want him to do it kind of faux-innocently.  Something like "so you told him, and he's cool with it?" Since she said she'd tell Rick when he proposed, he can get away with assuming that she followed through. 

  • Love 5

I have the perfect karmic payback scenario ...


Carter doesn't tell Rick today. Because reasons.  But he does tell Ridge. Ridge tells Caroline. Meanwhile Carter finds the hospital record of Baby Boy Avant's birth (in many states a hospital birth record is separate from a birth certificate).

May I adjust this slightly?


Carter doesn't tell Rick today. Because (shirtless) reasons.  But he does shirtlessly tell Ridge. Ridge tells Caroline. Meanwhile Carter, on his home computer wearing only pajama pants and slippers, finds the hospital record of Baby Boy Avant's birth (in many states a hospital birth record is separate from a birth certificate).

  • Love 9

I really can't say that Carter whimped out because he realized it was Maya's place to tell him. Carter probably realized that Rick would take it out on him than Maya feeling the full force of Maya's dishonesty.

Of all the constant catch phrases that have to be endored, there is two more to be added to list. First is that Maya will only tell Rick, her secret, if he proposes and the second is that Maya keeps professing that this is who I am, the woman, the real me. I know that Maya feels this in her mind and heart and I have total empathy for her but the real her is a transgendered male. As a transgender male, Maya would most likely have to continue on a hormone replacement regiment to maintain her female persona. Since Maya had the surgery, she would continue to be feminine in certain areas. Even her feminine area would need prescribed care and exercise.

Yes Ridge, encourage Nicole to try to be a model. Can anyone say passive aggressive. Oliver, at least you could have had Nicole change her clothes. Your a fashion photographer have some pride in your work. You look like you were taking pictures for the local thrift store. Beside, Rick will blame you for taking lousy pictures of Nicole. Maya would blame you but in seclusion, Maya would be doing a Snoopy Dance.

I saw the ET clip of LG. It was good to see her smiling and happy. LG said that Thorsten and Don came to see her but she did not mention Robert, her boyfriend. Maybe he was too busy solving Austin's murder or it was in direct response, to a question of who from the cast came to see her. I could just see Don being the polar opposite to his character, Bill, in real life.

Deacon is still an idiot.

  • Love 3

I saw the ET clip of LG. It was good to see her smiling and happy. LG said that Thorsten and Don came to see her but she did not mention Robert, her boyfriend. Maybe he was too busy solving Austin's murder or it was in direct response, to a question of who from the cast came to see her. I could just see Don being the polar opposite to his character, Bill, in real life.


Since they are married, he probably saw her when he came home at night after a day of being a Scooby Don't.

  • Love 2

Oh SweePea, your (shirtless) Carter scenario is so much better than mine.


I liked Carter and Nicole today. He was being just a tiny bit scheming and bad ass.  Now if he'd only do that shirtless.


Maybe the persistent rumor that he and Caroline (CarCar?) get together is that they get together to expose Maya's secret.





  • Love 8



I do agree however that Brooke is looking very frumpy


Carter can't publicly blast Maya until Caroline comes back. She should be embarrassed/ambushed in the board room the same way she did to Caroline and Ridge.


Also, seriously Nicole, go home or better yet, go to bloody school. You are way too young to be the face of anything and it shows on that baby face and in your whiny voice and bratty attitude. Where the heck is Ally?



KKL is an attractive woman but I've never bought Brooke as the be all end all of womanhood for this show and especially lately.   The stringy hair, bland makeup and now blah wardrobe aren't doing her any favors.  If I'm supposed to think that she's any sort of competition for Quinn and or Caroline...the hair and MU dept need to kick it in high gear! 


I'm all in with Maya getting her comeuppance in the same way she dished it out.  I want to see her ass dragged for filth. 


As for Nicole,  I wish the person committing all the murders in Genoa City would hunt Nicole down and snuff her out.   This is one character that I can do without. She's beyond annoying and pointless. 


My oh my..how handsome did TK look today posing for that camera?   Ridge daydreaming about his sweet Caroline gave me the feels and when she called..oh I was grinning ear to ear.  I'm so happy that LG is feeling better and on the mend.  What an inspiration she is and truly a tough cookie.   I can't wait until she's back on full time because this viewer misses the sparkle and energy she brings to the show!    I also need my Ridge/Caroline!  


I really think having Brooke back has slowed down a lot of the energy and momentum that was going prior to her return.  The drinking story has been a huge flop and it's clear that Brooke/Deacon lost any magic they may have had years ago.  Ridge is so much better away from her and  Bill has much more wit and sparkle with Katy.  Dare I say that perhaps Brooke is not needed on canvas anymore?    I hate to wish KKL out of a job...but where does the show go with Brooke from here?   Mileage and all that, but she does nothing for me anymore.  I'm way past being over her or her sexual antics and the idea of her banging another of her daughter's boyfriends/exes is revolting.   

  • Love 12

So this is how Rick thinks you run a company? Just threaten anyone who doesn't like or respect your girlfriend with their job? Let me be the first to say how really, really tired I am of this MO. You know what Rickster, you can just take your friggin jobs and shove um. 


And then there is Rick's whole demeanor with Maya; so childlike, and robotic, and acquiescent. When I watch him I am wondering if Maya hasn't kidnapped the real Rick and replaced him with a doppelganger or an automaton. He is like a needy little boy, who has to keep reminding Maya how much he has suffered in his life. I just know at any minute Rick is going to go the full "woe is me" route; throwing back his head and slapping his hand to his forehead, palm out, as he wails about the injustice of it all. And what was up with that Opie look he was sporting? The comb over and checked hoedown shirt, was a pocket protector and a broken pair of nerdy glasses away from full on Poindexterhood. 


Ha! Nicole looked like a deer caught in headlights. This tells me that she never had any intention of spreading the news, as she is clearly terrified that Carter knows, when she should be overjoyed. I don't know; if Carter came in the room with me, and started talking about how everyone was gone, and we were alone, then proceeds to shut the door? Well you know, I am all woman dammit, and I think I wouldn't be interested in talking about my sister. And since folks throw down all over the FC's, it would never even be noticed.......


Brooke looked totally disappointed that Quinn didn't do anything, other than to tell her to stay away from Deacon. And it isn't like Brooke hasn't heard that refrain before. 


Is Deacon really all that desperate to marry Quinn out of love, or does it have more to do with losing his meal ticket? I don't think I am sold. 


I really enjoyed Ridge and Ivy; they should let these two interact a lot more. And my goodness, but Ashleigh Brewer looked absolutely gorgeous! Those bangs look so good on her, they just frame her amazing eyes so well. And Ridge was looking pretty damn hot too. It is obvious TK has lost some weight, and he is dressing better now, and they seem to be doing a better job with his hair. And how sweet was his little daydream of Caroline, and their phone conversation. Man, that scene really served to remind me how much I miss them, and their bright sweetness. 

Edited by RuntheTable
  • Love 11

Maya cannot see beyond her personal investment in being this abstract caricature of 'A Woman,' and denies the person that got her started, good ol' Myron.


As long as everyone saw her as 'A Woman,' there was no reason to tell them she didn't start out that way. Nicole and Carter's threats to expose her omission would be more than a personal denouement, but a financial and business-related liability for Forrester Creations. If Maya's worried about Rick's reaction to being duped by her for years, imagine when FCs bottom line go to hell because of a publicity freak show starring 'The Matriarch.'



I wonder if $Bill found out about Maya's Myron when he had her investigated, and was waiting to use the information for the most impact.

Bolded part offends me - Transgender people are not freaks.

  • Love 1

I saw the ET clip of LG. It was good to see her smiling and happy. LG said that Thorsten and Don came to see her but she did not mention Robert, her boyfriend. Maybe he was too busy solving Austin's murder or it was in direct response, to a question of who from the cast came to see her.


She was probably talking about the B&B cast.

SID had an article on Linsey's first day back. Robert Adamson was there at the taping and actually carried her from her wheelchair to the chair she was supposed to tape. :)

  • Love 2

Bolded part offends me - Transgender people are not freaks.


Not the original poster, but I think the "freak show" would be the publicity circus, not that Maya is a freak.  But sadly, some of the media and general public would treat her as such.  I mean, look at Bruce Jenner.  Some are respectful, but a lot of the more tabloid-y outlets are far more interested in turning it into a freak show spectacle to get eyeballs.  

  • Love 6

...I really think having Brooke back has slowed down a lot of the energy and momentum that was going prior to her return.  The drinking story has been a huge flop and it's clear that Brooke/Deacon lost any magic they may have had years ago.  Ridge is so much better away from her and  Bill has much more wit and sparkle with Katy.  Dare I say that perhaps Brooke is not needed on canvas anymore?    I hate to wish KKL out of a job...but where does the show go with Brooke from here?   Mileage and all that, but she does nothing for me anymore.  I'm way past being over her or her sexual antics and the idea of her banging another of her daughter's boyfriends/exes is revolting.

Maybe Brooke should be taking on the role Stephanie used to play. She's about the age Stephanie was when the show began, and wasn't that the whole point of Stephanie dying in Brooke's arms? Passing the torch to Brooke, telling her she's the matriarch now?

I'm a big KKL fan, so I'm hoping this recent floundering and frumpiness is intentional and leading somewhere. She looked amazing on Ballando con le Stelle, so I have to believe this will turn around.

  • Love 3

Maybe Brooke should be taking on the role Stephanie used to play. She's about the age Stephanie was when the show began, and wasn't that the whole point of Stephanie dying in Brooke's arms? Passing the torch to Brooke, telling her she's the matriarch now?

I'm a big KKL fan, so I'm hoping this recent floundering and frumpiness is intentional and leading somewhere. She looked amazing on Ballando con le Stelle, so I have to believe this will turn around.

I sincerely hope you are right, because honestly if she left I would be sad.  She and JM are it as far as the vets and you're absolutely right that she should be the matriarch for the Forresters and the show.  That really was my hope for her and where I thought we were going when Steph passed.    KKL is deserving of more than this silly desperate for a man crap they keep shoving at her. 


Well, it was probably only because Stephanie didn't realize Maya was an option...




Cute and a bit blurry pics of LG back at B&B set. Her and her daughter with TM is too cute.






Thanks for sharing.....and I don't know why but I seriously got a bit teary eyed.  It's obvious how much she is loved on set.   Aww..TK kneeling with her daughter ...*melt*  And then DD's warm embrace.....it all gives me the feels!    I gotta go blow my nose (yeah I'm a sap)

Edited by PsychedelicTrip
  • Love 8

I know I've never been a CEO of any company, but I hardly would believe that the honchos of companies like Intel, Dell, Louis Vuitton and the like, spend their days with their wives/girlfriends/paramours/mistresses sitting on their laps and making out like 14 year olds in daddy's basement. Rick and Maya's relationship is totally unbelievable in the real world with regards to their behavior. And for that matter, I hardly think that designers who are supposedly as world renowned as Ridge and Caroline, would put up with their boss's Gestapo tactics. I think the EEOC would have a field day at Forrester.

  • Love 8

Cupid Stunt, on 07 Apr 2015 - 9:54 PM, said:


Maya cannot see beyond her personal investment in being this abstract caricature of 'A Woman,' and denies the person that got her started, good ol' Myron.


As long as everyone saw her as 'A Woman,' there was no reason to tell them she didn't start out that way. Nicole and Carter's threats to expose her omission would be more than a personal denouement, but a financial and business-related liability for Forrester Creations. If Maya's worried about Rick's reaction to being duped by her for years, imagine when FCs bottom line go to hell because of a publicity freak show starring 'The Matriarch.'


I wonder if $Bill found out about Maya's Myron when he had her investigated, and was waiting to use the information for the most impact.


tricknasty quote

Bolded part offends me - Transgender people are not freaks.


I did not intend to suggest that transgendered people qualify as freaks, and I personally do not believe that transgendered persons are freaks either. My point is that Bn'B and BB are portraying the subject of Maya's transgendered status dripping with tension and anxiety, which could translate into negative media attention for FC once Maya's original gender is revealed -- As the example KerleyQ pointed out in the post below:



KerleyQ quote

Not the original poster, but I think the "freak show" would be the publicity circus, not that Maya is a freak.  But sadly, some of the media and general public would treat her as such.  I mean, look at Bruce Jenner.  Some are respectful, but a lot of the more tabloid-y outlets are far more interested in turning it into a freak show spectacle to get eyeballs.


What I see are resentful and angry Forrester's riled up by antagonism generated by a CEO wearing a crown too tight for his pointed head, and Maya's dishonest opportunism and self-interest. Ridge remains angry with Eric and Brooke, has no loyalty to Rick, and resents anything associated with Maya. Would Ridge publicly out Maya to tear down Rick, attack Brooke and cut Eric off at the knees? As long as Ridge got what he wanted out of grinding them under his heel ... Absolutely.



If I have offended any member or reader of the forum with this or my earlier post, I humbly apologize.

  • Love 15

When was the last time Maya wore anything but black, white, or black/white? Ivy and Quinn in the same sceen. Beauty personified! The sceen with Brooke and Maya pales by comparison. Rick now needs two Bulldogs to fight his battles. It's like a life and death situation where Rick is hiding behind their skirts saying kill them not me. Quinn giving Rick the letter opener might be a prelude to something bigger with him saying that now Stephanie's gun has been retired and making a thrusting motion. Who is he going to kill and blame it on Quinn because she shouldn't have made the letter opener. Like Sharon, on Y&R, Quinn is the root of all evil.

What is Rick smoking thinking he knows more about designing than Rick and that he will have more power over Caroline than Ridge. Rick doesn't realize that Pam could be his worst enemy. You wouldn't want Pam and Charlie, with his connections, looking into Maya. Lemon Bar Twins unite! Did you see the look on Carter's face when questioned about if Maya had any secrets? He looked constipated. Did you see the look on Ivy's, Quinn's, and Wyatt's faces when Carter said "as for Maya not being who she seems, who is".

Ridge is not drinking Brooke's Kool Aid and I'm glad he is standing up to her. I guess he knows her as well as anyone and knows exactly what she is up to.

Edited by Waldo13
  • Love 5

I know I've never been a CEO of any company, but I hardly would believe that the honchos of companies like Intel, Dell, Louis Vuitton and the like, spend their days with their wives/girlfriends/paramours/mistresses sitting on their laps and making out like 14 year olds in daddy's basement. Rick and Maya's relationship is totally unbelievable in the real world with regards to their behavior. And for that matter, I hardly think that designers who are supposedly as world renowned as Ridge and Caroline, would put up with their boss's Gestapo tactics. I think the EEOC would have a field day at Forrester.


That goes both ways.  I doubt anyone has the audacity to complain when the CEO of those companies you listed says the work isn't good enough or hasn't been handed in in a timely manner.  While good bosses ask for input, I doubt they expect to have every decision they make questioned regardless of it's intent.  Rick can certainly be blamed for the atmosphere at FC, but we've seen people flip out on him when he asked simple, normal things that any boss would ask of any worker at any company.


I honestly can't get into the Maya storyline.  It's crap and the way CBS is trying to sell it doesn't work when the person involved is being deceitful.  Dragging out the reveal certainly doesn't help either.


I think I really hate Katie.  She isn't a good person at all.  I'd rather hang out with Quinn in a room full of knives. 

  • Love 4


What I see are resentful and angry Forrester's riled up by antagonism generated by a CEO wearing a crown too tight for his pointed head, and Maya's dishonest opportunism and self-interest. Ridge remains angry with Eric and Brooke, has no loyalty to Rick, and resents anything associated with Maya. Would Ridge publicly out Maya to tear down Rick, attack Brooke and cut Eric off at the knees? As long as Ridge got what he wanted out of grinding them under his heel ... Absolutely.



If I have offended any member or reader of the forum with this or my earlier post, I humbly apologize.


I agree with your whole assessment so no need to apologize to this poster.    For the record...I'm team Ridge on this one.  After the way Rick has behaved and the way MayRon has thrown her weight around,  I personally have no fucks to give for her.  As I said before I want her ass dragged for filth and Rick thrown under the bus of humiliation.   Bring it ON!


Ridge is not drinking Brooke's Kool Aid and I'm glad he is standing up to her. I guess he knows her as well as anyone and knows exactly what she is up to.

I think like some in viewerville...Ridge is over Brooke.  I love that he more or less told her that he's finally seen the light where she and her ego are concerned.  Caroline is a breath of fresh air for him and for this viewer.   

I know she is a polarising character, but I'd like to see them bring back Amber.  I don't think the actress is doing anything at the moment.  If they can bring back Deacon, why not Amber?  And for that matter, why can't they bring back Bridget or Owen?  Why bring on new characters like Nicole?


I couldn't stand Amber...but I loathe Nicole so much that I would at this point welcome Amber back.   She makes way more sense than Nicole who is nothing but an annoying opportunist.  There is at least history with Amber and she is connected to some on canvas.  The audience is invested in her...wtf should I care about Nicole?  The only thing I enjoy is the way she makes MayRon squirm. 


I honestly can't get into the Maya storyline.  It's crap and the way CBS is trying to sell it doesn't work when the person involved is being deceitful.  Dragging out the reveal certainly doesn't help either.


I think I really hate Katie.  She isn't a good person at all.  I'd rather hang out with Quinn in a room full of knives. 

I find myself bored with Maya's whole story...that said I am so looking forward to the big reveal and her being shown the door out of Forrester.  IDGAF if she stays with Rick, but I will enjoy his face being cracked by the reality that this woman who is so wonderful and unique has been lying to him all along ....from day one..while she was busy running around pointing out everyone else's deceits.  Oh how sweet it will be!  


I don't hate Katie..but I do agree with you that I would hang with Quinn any day.  I love her! 

  • Love 3

I don't want to see Amber back.  (We all have an actor who inexplicably just annoys the hell out of us, and AF is mine.)  But, I am curious - did she actually get written out of her last stint, or did she just kind of disappear?  The last thing I can remember of her is her showing Caroline pictures of Rick dressed as a woman to try to push her away from Rick and onto Thomas.  But I don't remember anything of her after that.  

  • Love 3

I don't want to see Amber back.  (We all have an actor who inexplicably just annoys the hell out of us, and AF is mine.)  But, I am curious - did she actually get written out of her last stint, or did she just kind of disappear?  The last thing I can remember of her is her showing Caroline pictures of Rick dressed as a woman to try to push her away from Rick and onto Thomas.  But I don't remember anything of her after that.  

Last I recall she took her baby with Mushmouth, Rosie, and hightailed it to parts unknown. (She's probably living down the block.) She ate the show for too long. I don't need to see her, or her twin, or anyone that looks like her, ever again. In LA or GC.

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