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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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Why is Nicole dressed like Debbie Gibson? Throwback to the 80's with that hat. I sort of like Wyatt's Burberry shirt. Unfourtnatly, it's almost $300. Exactly, how much does Wyatt make? LOL!!!!

Is it that Nicole has no sence of style or is she bucking for a whole new wardrobe via her big sister. Wyatt probably is well paid and remember, he doesn't pay rent. Ally is probably about Nicole's age and she should give her pointers on how to dress appropriately in the court of the CEO and the Foster Matriarch. Oh, wait a minute, didn't Stephanie pass the Matriarch septer to Brooke? Shouldn't Brooke be offended? I forgot Rick is infallible in Brooks eyes so this is not an insult to her. Along with breast feeding Rick, Maya will be on the teet.

Edited by Waldo13
  • Love 6

OMG. When is Caroline coming back from visiting her two moms so the Maya/Myron reveal can happen? I sort of watched the show live today and it was unbearable. Tired of the AA crap, mad that Quinn can't have a happy romance without fucking Brooke interfering, mad at Deacon for being so fucking weak. When I get home I am pressing delete on the DVR.

This so much.  I'm fucking beyond bored with this show.  I'm over Maya and her transgender bs and while I loved Nicole making her sister squirm for a few days, I think she's an obnoxious little troll who can leave now.  WTF with all her whining of you left me..I want my sister...waah waah, but then the little hustler starts blackmailing the sister she claims to want a relationship with.  I tell you what would be just karma though is if someone drops the news on Rick in the middle of a meeting with Maya standing there slack jaw.  Karma baby!


Did I hear right?  Matriarch?  Oh please..not that bullshit again.   Another thing...can Nicole please step back thinking she's model material?   Her boy George outfit sure doesn't scream that she even understands fashion let alone how to sell it.     This show is making a mockery of what a real fashion model looks like.  


Can Brooke get tanked, spill vodka everywhere and accidentally knock over a candle and set her ass up in flames?  I'm ready for this bitch to die.   I really didn't miss her needy pathetic ass and all of this drinking bullshit because she doesn't have a man between her legs is ridiculous. The other thing that has me pissed is Deacon even considering tossing Quinn over for Brooke because no other woman compares to the insane beauty and sexual goddess that is Brooke Logan.   KKL is a beautiful woman but compared to Quinn, Brooke is just mediocre. Aside from the stunning raven hair and electric blue eyes that RS has, there is the  unique style and energy that Quinn exudes.  Brooke doesn't come close as far as I'm concerned.  Deacon is an idiot!   


Sigh...When is Caroline back?  I miss her smile and the humor and energy she infuses into this show.   I need some Ridge and Caroline STAT!   

I'd also love to see more of  Ally and Oliver and move their romance along.    

Edited by PsychedelicTrip
  • Love 14

Hate Nicole and her little whiny ass "and you didn't come to rescue me" shtick. Rescue from what? Their lousy parents? Myron saved himself, so what stopped Nicole from leaving too when she became of age? It's not like the little brat is shy or stupid.


And I don't care what anyone says, Nicole IS blackmailing Maya. It's not Maya's place to "share the wealth"...because if you really want someone to be generous, you don't constantly threaten them. Nicole is nothing but a little bitch who is jealous and wants to see Maya suffer. Drop dead Nicole!

  • Love 11
Sigh...When is Caroline back?  I miss her smile and the humor and energy she infuses into this show.   I need some Ridge and Caroline STAT!   


There's a spoiler for the week of April 13 that Ridge is thrilled to be reunited with Caroline.

Also, according to CBS SID, Caroline is on next Wednesday as well (maybe a phone call or something)


I can't wait!

  • Love 8

Now just hold up a minute here! Quinn isn't "beautiful" enough for Deacon? WTF???????? This, after size shaming Deacon's ring? Are they trying to make Brooke completely unlikable? After years of loving this character, and supporting her, and forgiving her; I find myself at a crossroads. Since her return from Milan, Brooke has been nothing less than a raging bitch; snapping her fingers, making threats, condoning Rick's neurotic behavior, and now insinuating herself in Quinn and Deacon's romance. And I wouldn't even mind that if it was based on Brooke actually, you know, having romantic feelings for Deacon, but that isn't the case at all. And girlfriend can just stop pulling the friggin Hope card too; you never let Deacon be a part of her life because you were too busy treating him like something stuck to the bottom of your shoe. That pisses me off too, because you were just trying to deflect attention from your own trifling ass. Oh yeah, it was so much better, not to mention easier, to reinforce Deacon's thugishness, and that he would be a big detriment to Hope's future, than to allow people to think on their own, because then they might remember that you had no problem spreading your legs for said thug, who also happened to be your son-in-law. I really am so done with Brooke. 


Did I hear Deacon say to Brooke that he knows "she has slipped a little"? Well hell, just color me shocked. I think Quinn sounded like the voice of reason, I agreed with every word out of her gorgeous mouth. Oh, that's right, I forgot that no one can call Brooke on her crap. 


If I hear Deacon call Brooke my "unattainable" woman one more time I am gonna hurl. 


When faced with the choice of vinegar or honey, it is best to weigh all contributing factors, and Maya didn't do that. I won't defend Nicole's blatant attempt to extort her sister, but then again, Maya has been less than welcoming. I can only speak for myself, but if my kid sis showed up and had no place to go, I would definitely open my home to her, and I don't live on a huge estate. But Maya didn't even offer. Nope, it was more like "ooops, sorry to hear that Nicole, don't let the door hit you on the ass on your way out". So I guess after being rejected by Maya so many times Nicole has had to pull out the big guns. 


I wish they would give Carter a SL, other than being the shirtless sounding board. 


Props to Wyatt for not walking away from Deacon and Brooke's nonsense. I mean really, "I love Quinn and I am committed to a future with her, but that is only because I can't have you". What a bunch of douchbaggery! I hope Wyatt socks him just because. 


Oh, how I long for muses, and body painting, and soft, candle lit sexiness. 

Edited by RuntheTable
  • Love 13

To be honest, I think RS is attractive, but I really don't see anything exceptional about her.  That being said, although I'm a Brooke fan, I think her line to Deacon about him finding someone more beautiful was ridiculously uncalled for.  i hate when women do that to each other.  Just accept that you're both attractive and move on, no need for competition.  Besides, it's all in the eye of the beholder anyway.

  • Love 3


I agree with whoever said Maya is still boring. I think it also says a lot for how far we as a culture when folks are not giving her a pass for her shitty behavior just solely because of this revelation and she's still treated like every other character, if that makes sense.


I, too, am glad Maya's not being beatified (yet).  I also like that Nicole is not giving her a pass on not telling Rick.  That's a pretty big secret to withhold from the man you love - that you used to be a man too.  Maya has her reasons and, although I don't like her, I don't think they're ridiculously out of bounds.*  She's naturally concerned about Rick's reaction, she is a woman now, etc.  But, there's no arguing that keeping information like that from the person you're supposed to love most in the world is, at best, a lie of omission.


*The whole, "I'll wait until he proposes" shtick I just chalk up to bad writing creating an arbitrary line in the sand.

  • Love 3

I think that Quinn was born in the wrong century. Quinn is one fine sword maker. I but she could give Hattori Hanso a run for his money.

Wyatt is right. Quinn should be focused on Deacon and not Brooke. But we all know Quinn will not take heed to Wyatt's advice. Quinn's sword making outfit has far more class and is far more stylish than Nicole's outfit. Maybe Quinn can take Nicole under her wing and help her forge a silver dagger for Maya.

Don't let an open door get in the way of your secrets. Geez Louise, I've heard of an open door policy but this is getting too contrived. 2 open doors in 2 days. Is this a record?

I guess Rick is working out because he wants to make sure is muscles are keeping up with the size of his head. He actually thinks that he and Caroline will make a good team. No mention of Ridge who I'm sure Caroline, though talented, wouldn't be that good without him.

Maya, cut the kid a break. Yes she is petulant and a brat but she does have a finger on the detonator to most likely blow up your world. Maya, you can win the battle, but not the war. Did you see the look on Carter's face. I thought he was about to hurl but I'm pretty sure he won't say anything.

Final thought. Does B&B share writers with Y&R. There seems to be quite a few parallels in their characters to the point of being interchangeable.

Edited by Waldo13
  • Love 2

I thought RS did an excellent acting job when she discovered she had cut her own hand with that knife.  So Wyatt says to Deacon "oh my God can you imagine what my mother would have done if she had heard you?!?" then proceeds to tell Quinn anyway?  OK...


Very tired of the Nicole blackmail story with Maya, both can't act so it is same old same old every day.  

  • Love 4

I would have enjoyed thirty solid minutes of Wyatt reading those two idiots for filth. I am tired of their sleazy romp being portrayed in a positive light. Brooke and Deacon had such a beautiful, special thing, if beauty is defined as shameful sex that ruins a mother-daughter relationship. And for what? Some deadbeat dick and Hope, who has all the substance of a kleenex. Recapture that magic, assholes.


You guys, the show blew my mind again. Not only have I learned that Rick is the CEO of Forrester Creations, but did you also know that he hates it when people lie to him? True story.


I don't know which is worse, Nicole's attitude or her wardrobe.

  • Love 14

Now Nicole is using the "m" word...that is, matriarch! So Maya is the matriarch AND owns Forrester???

Matriarch, they keep using that word... I do not think it means what they think it means.


Hey did you know Brooke is the mother of Deacon's child and is is unobtainable ?


Carter's face was comedy gold.


I'm calling Quinn fantasy.


So now suddenly CEO Rick is ok with Caroline, all these flips are making me dizzy.

  • Love 10
Aside from the stunning raven hair and electric blue eyes that RS has, there is the  unique style and energy that Quinn exudes.  Brooke doesn't come close as far as I'm concerned.  Deacon is an idiot!



I think the issue is that Quinn is an "outsider" like Deacon, but, if he can have Brooke, then he's "accepted" or some such shit.   (But, I swear, if he starts talking about being the "patriarch"...) 

  • Love 3

Does B&B share writers with Y&R. There seems to be quite a few parallels in their characters to the point of being interchangeable.

Yeah, Y&R's crazypants Kelly stabbing her romantic rival during a dream sequence = B&B's crazypants Quinn stabbing her romantic rival during what must surely be a dream sequence.

Wow, Carter has turned into quite the halls-roaming, gossiping busybody. Just like Maya used to be. Wonder if he'll drop his bombshell at a board meeting like Maya did?

The Nicole thing is just disturbing. What a loser of a character! Instead of making her a smart, career minded young woman and acting as an ally to Maya (being her co-conspirator so to speak), she is just a shallow, lazy human being. It was insulting how she diminished all the Maya accomplished from the streets to jail to coffeehouse to model. It's not like Maya was given anything, she did work for it. Nicole, it seems had her support from both her parents, etc. Boo to Brad for wasting this promising actress on a hateful role.


Glad Carter found out. At least it allows the focus to move away from Nicole.

  • Love 8

The only thing Maya stumbled into is Rick. Prior to meeting him she worked as a waitress...and apparently earned enough money to have transgender surgery.  If Nicole wants "opportunities", let her find her own sugar daddy...or find a freakin' job! 


All I see Nicole do is make demands. Nicole's entitlement is beyond ridiculous. Maya doesn't owe Nicole anything. If I had a sister like Nicole, I wouldn't want her in my house either.

  • Love 8

Yeah, it is annoying how she's so entitled and acts like Maya owes her so much as if she were her freaking parent. And even if they had to make Nicole a scheming blackmailing bitch couldn't they also have made her a smart bitch earning a degree while she harasses her sister? Or, working on some next big tech thing on her own?

  • Love 5

Blackmail aside, have you noticed, Nicole is really cute?

This right here is the inherent problem. Maya views Nicole not as a threat of telling Rick the truth but more as a rival to her relationship with Rick. I feel she is worried about Nicole gaining Rick's affection, sexually or not, and Maya than becomes the non sole recipient of Rick's attention. In other words "nothing comes between me and my man". Maya doesn't want Nicole to compete with her as a model feeling that Nicole would get such positive reviews and become the face of FC.

Yes, Nicole is becoming a sceaming entitled bitch, but if Maya had more compassion for others around her and also didn't act like an entitled bitch, she would have garnered more sympathy from me. Maya and Caroline competed for Rick, at first, as a boyfriend. There all was fair in love and war. But as a married man, Maya started to pursue Rick first in the steam room and than lurking in the halls to listen at open doors looking and listening for dirt on Caroline. This is how the high and mighty Maya gained access to Rick's bed and this is how Maya can boast to Nicole how she worked so hard to get to this position. Yes, Maya do what I say but don't do what I do. What has Nicole done to Maya that Maya has not done to everyone else? Nicole's venom is focused on Maya, Maya has been spraying venom throughout CF.

ETA: Nicole is very young to be the face of CF, maybe the face of HFTF, but Nicole being the face of FC is just as believable as Maya being the face of FC to me.

Edited by Waldo13
  • Love 9

Since her return from Milan, Brooke has been nothing less than a raging bitch; snapping her fingers, making threats, condoning Rick's neurotic behavior, and now insinuating herself in Quinn and Deacon's romance. And I wouldn't even mind that if it was based on Brooke actually, you know, having romantic feelings for Deacon, but that isn't the case at all.

It came up some weeks ago about how completely counter to Brooke's nature that this is--not the being an instigator in inappropriate relationships, but apart from Grant, Whip and her first botched wedding to Nick, Brooke has always been in love with the man she was pursuing...or thinks she is. It took Breacon 1.0 for her to get some serious heat from fans for this reason.

God knows I'm sick of hearing destiny as an excuse, but I like seeing one of a legacy character's few consistent traits go out the window even less.

  • Love 2

Nicole is a very pretty girl who bought Debbie Gibson's old clothes at a yard sale. That being said, I don't think Maya is worried that Nicole will steal Rick; her only concern is keeping Myron in the past. Even if Nicole drops the transgender bomb on Rick, he'll be furious that she kept it a secret and his satin CEO undies will be off limits to little sister.

Because Rick hates secrets. In case you didn't know.

  • Love 4

I really want Brooke to have been stabbed because I am so over her, but I really don't want Quinn to have stabbed her because I've really been liking her lately.  


Carter's face at the end - I don't even know what that was.  Other than hilarious, of course.  Is he confused?  Is he angry?  Is he about to sneeze?  

  • Love 4

Nicole's outfit, with the silly hat and chin strap, was beyond ugly. And would someone please explain to me how hard Maya worked to get to where she is? I just don't get how hard it is to walk around in beautiful clothes, have people dressing you and doing your hair and makeup, and getting your picture taken. But all we keep hearing her say is "I've worked hard for what I've got".

The story of Quinn making a sword and thinking of stabbing people whenever she gets pissed is getting real old. She needs to come up with better modes of murder.

  • Love 6

Carter's face at the end - I don't even know what that was.  Other than hilarious, of course.  Is he confused?  Is he angry?  Is he about to sneeze?


Good God. Lawrence Saint-Victor is the worst. I go back with him to Guiding Light. He was horrible and wooden on that show in the mid 2000's and he has not improved one whit. IMO, one of the worst soap actors ever.

  • Love 1

Wyatt got it right; if his mother is going to be stabbing anyone, it should be Deacon. Of course, she could stab Brooke too, just for good measure. 


When did Wyatt start disliking Deacon? I thought they were all BFF's after Deacon saved Liam from Swordgate 1.0.


After weeks of being absent, Rick's mom, the CO-VP, returns to work, and he isn't aware of it? 


Why did Brooke go to work just to resume the same conversation she was having at her house? Shouldn't she have been in search of her son, the CEO, to discuss what has been going on at Forrester?


Karen called Katie to see how Rick is doing? Weird.


Rick thinks he and Caroline are going to make a good team? Is that with our without firearms being part of the deal? 


So, now Carter has learned the fine art of door listening! It's all good, because learning that skill is a right of passage at FC's, and Carter like Wyatt is altering the program; he didn't walk away, but came back to call Maya on her shit. 


Carter looked stupefied. Yep, that face was a combo of confusion, disbelief, stupification, and maybe just a little anger. I really hope Carter gives Miss Integrity a mouth full. Carter has been deceived by Maya just as much as Rick, so he has every reason to be put out too. 


Nicole wants to be a model Maya; please don't wax on to her about how hard you have worked to become one yourself. Because what you did Maya, was tell Rick that you would be by his side running FC's as the Lead Model. There was no interview, no audition, no trial runs; nope, you told Rick what you wanted and you got it. So all that "hard work" must have been happening behind closed doors or in the bathtub. 


Maya just needs to have out with it; she already has this figured out, Maya told Nicole that she knew the ante would keep getting higher and higher. That is going to cause stress and paranoia, and you and Nicole will be at each other's throats, and Rick will be all a buzz about his girl being unhappy. Put an end to the torment; Rick is going to find out in the end anyway. 

  • Love 10

The "I'll wait til Rick proposes" thing is weak. Also, she clearly didn't have the same philosophy when she was engaged to Carter because he clearly doesn't know. Hypocrite.

Maya is clearly trifling, but do not, nor ever will, feel one whit of sympathy for a man that jumped into an engagement without even one date with a woman that was obviously on the rebound. No one could have predicted the sex change but everything else? Screw 'im.

  • Love 7

Maya is clearly trifling, but do not, nor ever will, feel one whit of sympathy for a man that jumped into an engagement without even one date with a woman that was obviously on the rebound. No one could have predicted the sex change but everything else? Screw 'im.

ah, that happened before I started watching. Sometimes I think it's freeing to be unencumbered by show history. He didn't do his due diligence but, I agree with you, he could never have predicted that Maya is transgender. I still maintain that she should've told him. And she should've told Rick a long time ago. If he is the love of her life, she should respect him enough to tell him the truth about her past.

  • Love 5

I think Carter should recieve a daytime Emmy for his rendition of The Hulk. You don't challenge a man's man ego even more so than someone who values honesty and no secrets. I view Rick as more Meteosexual so his ego won't be as challenged as Carters'. But who knows. Maybe Rick will decide to shoot, into the wall, over Maya's head. Oh, by the why, isn't that as insane as anything Quinn has ever done.

I noticed that there was a plaque on Rick's office door saying Rick Forester CEO. I was sure there would be a neon sign over his office door with Rick as CEO and Maya as Face of FC and Matriarch. WTF was Brooke wearing? How inappropriate was that outfit to be worn to a fashion house especially as a co VP. It looks like she put something on when she got out of bed.

Quinn showing restraint. Is this the new Quinn or just the calm before the storm? I'm glad Rick defended Quinn and put his mother in his place. This is the first time Rick made a good decision.

Edited by Waldo13
  • Love 9



I agree with whoever said Maya is still boring. I think it also says a lot for how far we as a culture when folks are not giving her a pass for her shitty behavior just solely because of this revelation and she's still treated like every other character, if that makes sense.


Cool Breeze quote

I, too, am glad Maya's not being beatified (yet).  I also like that Nicole is not giving her a pass on not telling Rick.  That's a pretty big secret to withhold from the man you love - that you used to be a man too.  Maya has her reasons and, although I don't like her, I don't think they're ridiculously out of bounds.*  She's naturally concerned about Rick's reaction, she is a woman now, etc.  But, there's no arguing that keeping information like that from the person you're supposed to love most in the world is, at best, a lie of omission.


*The whole, "I'll wait until he proposes" shtick I just chalk up to bad writing creating an arbitrary line in the sand.



Carter exposed Maya's "I'll wait until he proposes" for the lie it is, and exactly how huge a betrayal it is  to find out the person you were planning to share your life with didn't start out the gender they were presenting themselves to be. Carter has every reason to be upset, but it's nothing like Rick's aneurysm when he get's the skinny on Maya.

  • Love 8

Why is Katie ALWAYS at Forrester? Doesnt her ass work at Spencer? She is just being a nosy busybody.

Great scenes with Carter and Maya. She was coming across a bit delusional but I get it


If Mayas big reveal to the world isn't at a Forrester Fashion Show, by her on her terms a la Geena Roccero, that will be a missed opportunity. I love a good "THIS IS ME" moment.

  • Love 2

Why is Katie ALWAYS at Forrester? Doesnt her ass work at Spencer? She is just being a nosy busybody.

Great scenes with Carter and Maya. She was coming across a bit delusional but I get it


If Mayas big reveal to the world isn't at a Forrester Fashion Show, by her on her terms a la Geena Roccero, that will be a missed opportunity. I love a good "THIS IS ME" moment.


I wouldn't be surprised if the reveal came at an FC fashion show, but I'd bet anything it won't be by her choice or on her terms.  

  • Love 2

I'm very confused by all this "Maya is the most honest person in the whole wide world and always tells me the truth even if I don't want to hear it" talk. I mean, I'm sure it's for the buildup to the big reveal and Rick being all betrayed-crazy again, but shouldn't it make even a little sense? I'm pretty sure I have not been watching Maya be honest with anyone, including Rick. Hell, she lied to him to get him to turn on Caroline, and then kept on stroking his ego and telling him exactly what he wanted to hear. That's not really honesty. Unless we're counting her "Maybe that huge portrait of me shouldn't be there" statements as evidence of her total honesty? I don't even know.

  • Love 10

This is one of those situations where it is difficult for me to fault anyone. There is no doubt that Maya should have disclosed this information a long time ago, but at the same time I completely understand why she didn't, and I am having a hard time condemning her for keeping silent. Carter has every right to be outraged; in my life I have no point of comparison, but I would imagine news like this would strike at the core of a person's manhood. Even so, I can't really feel all that bad for Carter because he knew the whole relationship was a lie from the start. Getting engaged to a woman you have never dated? A woman you know just broke up with her great love? So I did have to chuckle a little when Carter pronounced "our whole relationship was a lie". Ya think? And for a reason I can't explain, I am glad that two people now know. I seriously doubt Carter is going to go the distance with Rick, so we will get to watch Maya's paranoia escalate as she tries to keep Rick from finding out. Does that make me a horrible person? Well......that's just tough darts then, cause I want to see the Lead Model squirm for awhile. 


Brooke doesn't trust Caroline now? And that is based on the way Caroline "just dumped him?" I think I replayed that about five times, cause I just couldn't get my mind around Brooke's words. Then again, this is Brooke and her baby boy, so I shouldn't be so surprised. After all, since her return from Milan, she has given Rickosuarus a pass on all his abhorrent behavior because he is making profits for Forrester; family relationships be damned! 


Quinn can fantasize about stabbing Brooke all she wants, because in all seriousness, the bitch does deserve it, but it would only fan the flames and prove everyone right. I do like how Quinn doesn't want to hear the crap, and just wants a straight answer. I think Deacon is so used to Brooke's inconsistency, and to listening to her Baby Doll, Sex Kitten voice, that he doesn't know how to handle someone straightforward like Quinn. As much as I like Q/D, I wish she would just kick him to the curb, and free herself up for some real fun with Liam or Rick. I might even consider Carter, I would imagine he will be needing to let off some steam, and will probably be hell bent for action. 


When given the right material, Darin Brooks is really very funny and quite engaging. I absolutely prefer this over the love struck, blinded by the light nonsense we had with Hope. I think Wyatt and Ally would make a very interesting couple. It isn't that I don't like Ally and Oliver, they are cute, but first romances seldom last, and I notice we don't see them together as a couple any more; on B&B that usually means something. After this episode, I have little doubt that Oliver is going to end up with Nicole somehow, freeing Ally up for Wyatt. 


They really need to do something with Brooke. When you go back and look at old clips of her, you see a dynamic, sexy, beautiful and FASHIONABLE woman, who always dressed for the part, and who had incredible hair. Compared to Katie yesterday, Brooke looked like a washed up hag! Katie was dressed for the office, Brooke was dressed for lunch with a friend. And not to keep beating a dead horse, but Brooke's hair is just one big NO. 

Edited by RuntheTable
  • Love 10

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