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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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I don't want $Bill to go back to Brooke because she'd just waffle back to her destiny.   I previously wanted her to get back with Deacon, but she'd treat him the same way. 

I want $Bill to be with Li, and I loved that he told her she was full of "fire and passion."  

Work that fire and passion on him, Li!

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Paris is back and the monkeys with a keyboard are making her more relevant. First as a model and once again invading other people’s space where she actually prying into two family matters. Friend or not, she’s only an employee and doesn’t need to know about personal family matters. Paris is just a Yenta. 

Bill and Li, for the win. The biggest difference between Bill and Ridge is that Bill can be very charming and Ridge has the charm of an ogre. 

Hope is 100% correct. It’s nobody but Ridge’s decision. With that said, how much longer are the monkeys with a keyboard going to drag this out. It’s getting very very trite. 

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Why is everyone acting like Steffy answering Ridge's phone and blocking Brooke from talking to him was some brand new nefarious tactic? Didn't Thomas do the EXACT SAME THING just a few months ago? With the added bonus of physically blocking Brooke from entering the Cliff house? 

This is stale crackers from these two. 

Hope, there's no.point trying to talk any sense into those two...just let Thomas know you're picking up Douglas and taking him home. Hasn't school started? 

Can we get more of Bill and Li meeting up at various locations and complementing and sming at each other? 

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Bill and Li was the only thing worth watching in this episode. More of that please. 
I’m tired of Brooke and Taylor running to each other to complain about everything. Complain to Ridge to make a final clear decision and move on or it means nothing. 
Thomas is once again gaslighting Hope. He tells her he’s being honest, but he hasn’t really told her anything. She doesn’t know he blocked Brooke from getting into Steffy’s house or that he was secretly in cahoots with Sheila and that’s why Finn and Steffy were shot. She doesn’t know he ran someone off the road to keep the Beth secret or that he drugged Liam so that he would have sex with Steffy. She also doesn’t know the full truth about the night Douglas was conceived. So yeah Thomas, you are totally being honest and would never lie to Hope [insert eye roll]

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40 minutes ago, Angeleyes said:

I’m tired of Brooke and Taylor running to each other to complain about everything. Complain to Ridge to make a final clear decision and move on or it means nothing. 

Or just become sister wives for Ridge and STFU.

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Brooke, your husband blew you off last night. Never called to tell you he was going to be out. Never came home. Why are you going to Taylor and not Ridge? He's the one who is married to you. None of Steffy, Thomas, or Taylor's antics could matter a single bit if he didn't indulge them. He is the one who is your problem.  If he'd even given a passing thought to talking to you last night to let you know what he was doing, Steffy wouldn't have had a chance to keep you from talking to him. But he didn't. 

Come on, you had the confidence and backbone to walk away from Bill when you refused to compete with a building. Where is that now? The only reason you should have gone to the cliff house to talk to Taylor should have been to say "here are his things. He's all yours."  Instead, you're practically over there singing "Jolene" to Taylor, allowing your husband to keep playing happy family with her, and terrified of saying two words to Bill or Deacon, lest it send Ridge running right to Taylor. Fun fact, though, Brooke, he can't run to Taylor when he's already with her 24/7. 

When Taylor told Brooke that Ridge was struggling to choose between the two of them, that was the perfect time for both of them to look at each other, laugh, and say "and why the hell are either one of us putting up with that shit like this is the fucking Bachelor?" 

And, Hope, pick up the hints. Thomas is hardly being subtle. First it was his "one woman man" comments. Now "Romeo and Juliet"? He's not talking about co-parenting. He's using Douglas, again, to try to drag you into his life. And you're allowing it. School has started. Go pick your son up from school and take him home. Then talk to a lawyer about formalizing a shared custody agreement that explicitly spells out where Douglas will sleep on specific nights. 

Thomas and his "I never want to lie to you" bullshit.  The only acceptable response to that was "since when?" 

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14 hours ago, Waldo13 said:

Bill and Li, for the win. The biggest difference between Bill and Ridge is that Bill can be very charming and Ridge has the charm of an ogre.

While this is true, Brooke, Ridge’s “destiny”, nicknamed $Bill, “the Stallion”. I choose to believe that $Bill’s charm, beauty, & bank account aren’t the only thing he has that are bigger than Ridge’s. 😉

I’m in a few Facebook B&B groups. OMG, the level of vitriol from fans of Brooke/Taylor, toward the other side, is insane. I want to comment: “if you’re a really a fan of Taylor or Brooke, you should want her to be with someone who doesn’t treat her like this. Any wo/man worth fighting over is never going to let you fight over her/him.” 

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It was kind of nice watching Brooke read Taylor for filth today, but it will mean nothing in the end if she doesn't go do the same thing to Ridge. Because until Ridge makes it clear to Taylor and the Tots that Brooke is the woman he wants to be with (not just the woman he's married to), this nonsense will not stop. And Brooke will spend the rest of her life walking on eggshells because Ridge might catch her having a conversation with Bill or Deacon, while he spends all kinds of Happy Family time with Taylor.

Frankly, I think Brooke should show Ridge the door. No one should have to feel like the Side Piece in their own marriage.

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This is all so tiresome. I think that for the first time ever, I have been so bored by the stale storylines all around. 

We are preaching to the choir that Taylor and Brooke need to kick that sleazy, greasy two-timer to the curb once and for all. You would think that during all those years Taylor was away "doing good," that she would have met some like-minded man to be happy with. But no ... and she makes fun of Brooke about "destiny."

Bill is different with Li. He seems like he's almost in awe of her, which I did not see with either Katie or Brooke. Interesting ... I always felt that with those two, although he did love and admire them in different ways, he always positioned himself just a head above them, if that makes sense. I don't pick that up at all with Li. She is warm and a little flirty, but still a bit indifferent to him, which I think challenges him. Katie was thirsty for his love and I think Brooke loved Bill but he was always just a placeholder for Ridge. Li seems like she could take him or leave him. I think she would make a perfect Spencer matriarch!

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On 9/22/2022 at 7:14 AM, CountryGirl said:

I'm looking ahead to the future and seeing the two of them, in their sixties, bitching to Hope after Ridge dies, whining he should be buried with Taylor instead of Brooke. 

Back on the old TWoP site in the 2000s, I remember someone saying "in 20 years, Brooke and Taylor will be fighting for Ridge in the old folks' home and Stephanie will be instigating from beyond the grave," and the only reason the latter hadn't happened is because Susan Flannery is enjoying retirement too much to make a John Abbott-esque cameo.

On 9/20/2022 at 7:45 PM, nilyank said:

Reminds me when Taylor came back from the dead and Thomas demanded Brooke (with young Hope and RJ at home) leave her husband so that Ridge and Taylor could reunite for their adult children. As if they were cheated even though Ridge and Taylor were married nearly a decade raising their two nutty/selfish children and Phoebe.

As shitty as that was, Thomas was 18 then, and his selfishness then, while still tiresome and in need of being shut down hard, could be somewhat more understandable. And even then, it didn't come at the expense of his green card marriage to Gabriela or his short lived career at Spectra.

God, how low has this show suck when I'm defending the most boring, basic bitch version of Thomas, who was dull as dirt?

At any rate, the way these two grown ass, nearly middle aged "kids"  are this involved with their parents' lives is beyond embarrassing. Such a change from the first time Eric contemplated divorce and the Forrester kids had words of concerns amongst themselves, then got back to their loved ones and running the company. Hell, you had Felicia actively encouraging them to separate for their own good even, which made her parent trapping escapades in the 2000s  all the worse!

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4 hours ago, nkotb said:

I’m in a few Facebook B&B groups. OMG, the level of vitriol from fans of Brooke/Taylor, toward the other side, is insane. I want to comment: “if you’re a really a fan of Taylor or Brooke, you should want her to be with someone who doesn’t treat her like this. Any wo/man worth fighting over is never going to let you fight over her/him.” 

I've seen my fair share of shipping wars, but the ones for B&B make the least amount of sense. I often get the sense that people just want their fave to "win" just to spite the other without thinking about exactly what the "prize" is. I've never been a huge fan of Brooke's but even Ive wanted better for her than this petulant manchild. And if Hope had any other option besides Tomass on canvas, I'd be glad to see her ditch Liam too.

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4 hours ago, nkotb said:

While this is true, Brooke, Ridge’s “destiny”, nicknamed $Bill, “the Stallion”. I choose to believe that $Bill’s charm, beauty, & bank account aren’t the only thing he has that are bigger than Ridge’s. 😉

I’m in a few Facebook B&B groups. OMG, the level of vitriol from fans of Brooke/Taylor, toward the other side, is insane. I want to comment: “if you’re a really a fan of Taylor or Brooke, you should want her to be with someone who doesn’t treat her like this. Any wo/man worth fighting over is never going to let you fight over her/him.” 

I think Schwill is a disgusting, swollen,  pompous idiot.  I wouldn’t  wish him on any  woman.  Ridge certainly isn’t a prize, but he’s so much better than that ogre.   Bill would treat her a a possession.  As far as who’s bigger.  Brooke’s been with both, she chose Ridge. 

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On 9/20/2022 at 10:03 AM, nkotb said:

I’m not sure what Brooke’s obvious health crisis is going to be, but if she’s the lead in that story (as opposed to Ridge or their “destinnnnnnny”), I’m here for it. Anything to get away from the every.single.day parent trap nonsense. 

My guess is a lump.

Today was gag worthy!  I had to FF Steffy altogether, just can’t listen to her anymore.  

It must be in KA’s contract to dress her with as much skin showing as possible.  She is all bone!

Ruh roh!  Thomas wielding the knife in a threatening manner around Brooke can’t be a sign of good things to come….

It is just one constant party over at Eric’s for Douglas now isn’t it?   

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Just wow. Thomas talking to Brooke so disrespectfully and with such venom. Why did she stay to listen to that hatefulness? And why does Ridge stay to listen to that bitch of a daughter? NuTay? Put on some clothes and tell your brat to shut up. Then tell Ridge to go home to his wife and stay there. Problems solved.

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What's going on with Brooke's frantic scanning of that pocketknife in Thomas' hand? Are they going to turn her into a serial killer now?

Good for Thomas for calling Brooke out. They rarely revisit him being raised by Brooke, and I appreciate him calling her out on the things she said about him when he was a child.

Speaking of children and child-rearing, where the fuck is RJ? Stuffy and Thomas keep going on and on about them being "a family," but what about Ridge's family with Brooke? She really needs to play that card and throw it right back at them. I absolutely cannot stand Brooke but c'mon, she has a (completely unseen) family with Ridge as well.

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I'm old and Show has been on a long time, so sometimes things get muddled up in my brain, but I could have sworn the Tot's were grown when Ridge walked out on Taylor. But the way she was talking to Ridge it seemed like they were just wee little ones. Oh, maybe she was talking about her second dirt nap? But that isn't when Ridge left her, and it certainly wasn't Brooke's fault. Then again, like I said, things often get confused in my head. 

When Thomas and Steffy open their big mouths and start flapping their lips all I hear is:

But really Thomas, wives do often wear lingerie for their husbands. There is nothing wrong with it, and if the wifey can rock it, and Brooke certainly can, then their husbands usually enjoy it. Frankly, I would pay good money to see that Brooke reemerge, so sexy and sassy. I guess Thomas is just Jonesing for it cause he never made it there. Actually, I don't think ole Thomas has had any since he raped Caroline 2.0. 

Brooke needs to share her and Thomas's um.........interaction, with Hope post haste. Thomas is starting to get into Hope's head again, and maybe his unstable and bizarre behavior with Brooke will set her back on the right path. Brooke also needs to let Ridge know, although he would probably make excuses. 

I did see Steffy's jaws flapping too as I FF'd through all of her scenes.

All in all, a disappointing episode after getting the Spencer men and then the delightful pairing of Bill and Li. You know, one of the best things that will come out of Bill and Li will be Bill filling Li in on his and Steffy's night in the Forrester Family Guesthouse. She is already unhappy with her son's choice for a wife; just wait till she gets a load of that mess. 

I can't believe I am going to say it, but here it goes; I am totally rooting for Sheila now. Generally, I just FF'd her scenes, she is about as scintillating as Steffy, but now? Oh, I so want her to come up with one of her nefarious schemes and aim it straight at Steffy's elitist heart. And while I am at it, she can aim for Finn too. For nothing other than being a colossal doofus, who has become Steffy's eunuch. 

Edited by RuntheTable
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The only young kids that were abandoned by Ridge were Rick, Bridget and, later, Hope and RJ. The first go-round was after it was revealed that Bridget, the child Ridge had raised since the day she was born until six years old, wasn’t his biological child and Thomas was. The second go-round, Ridge fucked over his own flesh and blood, namesake RJ, and Hope, the child he had raised from a  toddler, for his nearly-grown kids when Taylor returned from the dead the second time. It was Brooke’s children, including his youngest son, who got screwed over and to whom he should be apologizing. 

Ridge was always shown to be an involved, loving father with the Taytots and Brooke a loving stepmother. So TPTB can GTFO with this revisionist history.

I would have slapped the taste out of Thomas’ mouth if I had been Brooke. He’s the same selfish, psychotic asshole he’s always been as is his twisted sister. 

As for Brooke eyeing the knife Thomas was waving and pointing at her? I don’t think she was considering using it on him, but concerned he would use it on her. 

It’s beyond long past time for RJ Forrester to come home and support his mother and read his half-siblings for filth. 

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Lurch Lurch Lurch you are a  f…..g hypocrite just like your father. Brooke is told to stay out of our lives while he meddles in Brooke’s life.  Oh but Lurch is justified because his behavior is all Brooke’s fault like Ridge’s behavior has nothing to do with it.  Lurch is still imbalances because it actually looks like he’s threatening Brooke with a knife.  Is berating Brooke making him so hungry that he he has to cut up an apple and eat it as he’s doing so?

From the look on Brooke’s and Lurch’s face, somebody is going to get stabbed. 

When was the last time Ridge saw Beth or he sat down to dinner with Hope and Liam?  The only thing he does with Brooke’s family is make tyrannical demands. 

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I’m confused as to why this world renowned psychiatrist who has helped people all over the world is now living upstairs at Steffy’s house and walking down to catch S&F kissing over and over and over acting like she’s embarrassed every time. Geez Louise! These people are so stupid and insulting!!!

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I fail to understand why Thomas and Steffy get angry at Brooke instead of their actual parents. This narrative that Brooke is a gold digger who broke their parents up multiple times should have been corrected by their parents long ago. Why are they not angry that their mom was fake dead twice in their life (with very little explanation as to why the second time)? It was gross today when Ridge “poor me’d” an apology for waffling as a parent. Steffy constantly rushed to defend his behavior. I notice he didn’t apologize to Taylor for waffling between her and Brooke. 

The whole thing with the pocketknife today felt like a bit of an overreaction. I know on this show it’s going to end up meaning something though. Not sure why rich California guy Thomas would carry a pocketknife through. Maybe for camping, but not typical for having around for every day use like someone from the South. 

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I would have paid cash money for Brooke, when Thomas mocked her for her adult kids all leaving LA. would have said "kind of like how your own mother couldn't get away from you often enough, huh?" 

Does Brooke know that Taylor is the one who shot Bill? I want to see her start throwing that kind of shit out there when the TayTots go on about their sainted mother. Just her recent history - violated Brooke's medical privacy to find out she was pregnant and then told Katie. Then left Eric's place (yes, remember, children, mommy was fucking grandpa, or "Eric" as you called him at the time to pretend that wasn't a thing?) and stayed out of the country for a long time. Until, of course, she came back and tried to murder Bill because her daughter rode him like a stallion, leading to "Who's the Daddy, part 1" and ending her marriage to Liam. Then she bought Steffy a black market baby to try to help her lure Liam back in while he and his wife grieved their "dead" baby (that Taylor bought), peaced out of town and didn't come back to help Steffy deal with the aftermath of that whole thing or to find out what the fuck was going on with her psycho son who went to extreme measures to keep the "Phoebe is Beth" secret, including running a woman off the road to her death, abusing his own son, roofying Liam so he'd sleep with Steffy, and almost roofying Hope because she very clearly did not want to have sex with him, despite the sham marriage he manipulated her into. 

But, sure, Taylor is mother of the year, and Brooke's to blame for Thomas's crazy because she dared to be a decent and involved stepmother while his sainted mommy was faking her death and not coming home to be with her children. Twice. 

I agree that Brooke needs to tell Hope in specific and thorough detail exactly how her conversation with Thomas went. Hope needs to understand that Thomas is not this new, improved man. He's just hiding his crazy a little better most of the time. 

Also, if Donna is babysitting Douglas, why not just have her bring him home while Thomas is at work. Hell, he won't even notice right away, since he'll likely go directly from work to yet another tedious Parent Trap dinner party at Steffy's house, and won't be home until after Douglas's bedtime. Oh, wait, does he have a bedtime at Daddy's (Grandpa's) Vacation House of Fun and Giggles? Thomas won't figure out he's gone until the next time he calls Hope or shows up in her living room to try to lure her over to see him, only to find Douglas is with her. 

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Uh yeah, It's pretty obvious that the juxtaposition of Brooke & Tomass' Knife was a clear sign of his antagonism & killer tendencies not Brooke's(it's not like she has a history of murder unlike him anyways) lmao 😂 but then again, If Brooke were but an inch away from wasting one or both of the Taybrats....I for one wouldn't blame her too much 🤷‍♀️ 

And fucking Hell more revisionist to make the Fauxrresters look like little victims?! Sure, whatever, go off then Brad Bell & Co.! Keep piling it on. Continue to make the writers of DOOL, (whose writing essentially got them kicked to Peacock) look like literary geniuses if you want to! 👍

It was particularly disgusting having Tomass blame Brooke for why he's a murderer/r*pist/kidnapper/child child abuser. Also pray tell, what was it that Brooke said about him as a child that would scar him so badly? I only ask because Hope has certainly heard worse being the product of an affair between MIL & SIL and she hasn't killed people or forced herself on anyone so far, so I truly want to know what gives with Tomass? And shouldn't he have gone to therapy? No, not to his quack mother, as it's unethical & clearly ineffectual to treat family members. But to a real therapist, preferably in a far away mental institution. 

Saint Taylor has also fucked the Taybrats Grandpa, father(that's a given), and uncles, in fact Tomass your slag saint mommy passed you off as Thorne's kid for a while! Couldn't have done that if she didn't fuck him! Just saying :) Oh of course there's her shagging Rick, Storm, & Brooke's father! But I forgot since Tayloon shagged them, it's A-Okay 😀 Maybe Brooke's children stay out of L.A to stay away from the other side of the family that acts just as insufferable, manipulative, and criminal as Stephanie used to. At least Stephanie was respectable & even at times commendable, along with just having a few redeeming qualities that Susan Flannery brought to the character. If Hope had any sense she'd get away from the toxicity as well but by some miracle she hasn't reached her breaking point with Tomass or Steffy yet. Shouldn't the Taytos be happy that Brooke's children don't come back much? Cos R.J might have a few choice words for them plus Bridget & Rick are older than the Taybrats and they likely remember how things actually happened as opposed to the Fauxrrester Alternate Universe Special that they have seared into their psychopathic brains. 

I almost want to laugh, because I think the main reason they had Ridge be all emotional cry yesterday was in response to the fans calling out TK's orge-ish version of Ridge but anyways, nice try TPTB. Ridge is still the same tyrannical, hypocritical, emotionally abusive POS he's pretty much always been. Appreciate the attempt to gaslight though. Tridge actually raised their 3 kids together for a good while before Taylor's second dirt nap, and then Ridge ditched two toddlers(ya know...again, as Rick/Bridget were the first) for 2 teens, so the fact that they're so fucked up and lacking in life seems like a Taylor/Ridge problem & not a Brooke one, but I digress. Hell, arguably it's not even Tridge's problem anymore, as the brats are grown and have the means & methods to unfuck up themselves and cut off mom/dad & whoever else they feel they need to in order to heal. So that they can stop being immature assholes to people. 

But that would be asking to much right? 

Edited by Skarzero
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So are the Taytots referring to when Ridge left Taylor after she finally revealed her ONS with James? They were young adults by then. It certainly wasn't Brooke's fault that Taylor "died" two times.

Or are they referring to another time? Because, yes, I remember only infant Thomas was around when Taylor "died" the first time. When she came back from the dead, the Tridge family seemed happy for many years until Taylor "died" a second time, when all the kids were teens or tweens. Bridget took care of them for a long time until Bridge remarried. I don't know for how long Brooke was their stepmother before Steffy went off to boarding school, Thomas started working at FC, and Phoebe died.  

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On 9/24/2022 at 3:19 PM, Skarzero said:

Uh yeah, It's pretty obvious that the juxtaposition of Brooke & Tomass' Knife was a clear sign of his antagonism & killer tendencies not Brooke's(it's not like she has a history of murder unlike him anyways) lmao 😂 but then again, If Brooke were but an inch away from wasting one or both of the Taybrats....I for one wouldn't blame her too much 

Well, Brooke did accimadentally assist Thomas off of the cliff when she misconstrued the situation between him and Hope.  But, like you said, can't really blame her for that (although Ridge did...)

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On 9/23/2022 at 1:23 PM, lightninggirl said:

Good for Thomas for calling Brooke out. They rarely revisit him being raised by Brooke, and I appreciate him calling her out on the things she said about him when he was a child.

I can't recall anything Brooke may have said about him as a kid, TBH, but whatever it was I wish they'd focus on that being the reason he hated her instead of this revisionist history about her breaking up their happy family. No man who is faithful can be "stolen" by another woman and they've been old enough to have seen Ridge's waffling in action for themselves.

Be free, let Ridge make his own mistakes and teach your own brats how to expect better for themselves. 🤷‍♀️

On 9/24/2022 at 4:13 AM, backhometome said:

Taylor does need to move out of Steffys house. Her walking in on Steffy/Finn is not funny anymore. Just tedious. 

So uh, what happened to that guest house Steffy had when Paris was living with them and TIIC were clearly chem testing that union BTW? 👀

If Taylor insists on sticking around, maybe she ought to utilize that more often.

Or yanno....get her own place. Even if we never see it, just say she's living somewhere else. Hell, Wyatt is pretty much a nonentity on the show at this point, have her buy back her old Santa Monica beach house. 🤷‍♀️

On 9/24/2022 at 2:06 PM, CharlizeCat said:

Or are they referring to another time? Because, yes, I remember only infant Thomas was around when Taylor "died" the first time.

Actually, Taylor's first death was well before any of the kids were born. She "died" then regained her memory right after Ridge and Brooke happened to spend their first honeymoon in whatever country Prince Omar had her in, which was around 1994-95.

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11 hours ago, Snaporaz said:

Well, Brooke did accimadentally assist Thomas off of the cliff when she misconstrued the situation between him and Hope.  But, like you said, can't really blame her for that (although Ridge did...)

Thanks I actually forgot about that lmao 

10 hours ago, Anna Yolei said:

I can't recall anything Brooke may have said about him as a kid, TBH, but whatever it was I wish they'd focus on that being the reason he hated her instead of this revisionist history about her breaking up their happy family. No man who is faithful can be "stolen" by another woman and they've been old enough to have seen Ridge's waffling in action for themselves.

Facts and thank you, I genuinely want to know if she said anything about him, because that would make more sense than the homewrecking nonesense sob story, because every kid on this show(and on soaps in general) went through that. But whatever it is she said about him, it's not like he's gone out of his way to prove her wrong so...and if he had, then at least she'd objectively be closer to being the cruel bitch he believes her to be. 

I've said this before but I'll say it again, contrary to a good bit of my posts on here, I don't actually like Brooke or even Hope all that much lol. I don't dislike them either but I'm neutral most days. I've hated on them both before though, especially during Brooke's shrill buttinsky era (ugh the memory of that alone....just no....😒) & Brill Vol. 1. They get on my nerves too, for entirely different reasons that are bothersome but I ultimately deem small in the face of typical Marone antics. Like the way Brad Bell insists on writing this soap, I feel frustratingly compelled to "side" with or "like" them in more instances than I would if Steffy/Tayloon/Tomass had some decently written foils, held some L's, and were on the receiving end of reads for filth more often than not. I think that's what fuels some of my vitriol towards them. Because even if I hated Hope's guts, it wouldn't change the fact that Steffy actively conspired to come between her & Lame more than a few times and is still a bitch to her today, that Lame mistook her for a mannequin and cheated on her, or that Tomass lied about Beth & kidnapped Hope. And (Nu)Hope more or less, has taken all this lying down aside from the rare/ineffectual snipe back.

On other soaps protagonists, antagonists, and the characters in between tend to get what they dish out in some capacity. There is imbalance here & there, but from what I see it's still far better than what goes on in B&B. From what I've heard, only General Hospital comes pretty close, as Carly hasn't taken many L's over the years, and is allowed to drag others unencumbered. And fans on other platforms tend to lean to her side. Which I understand a bit more cos for all her BS & misdeeds Carly, unlike Taylor/Steffy, is sometimes lowkey likeable. All 3 versions of Carly imo. But I'd still say that she's likely gotten more put upon than Steffy or her family ever has. Her son's baby mama gave her a decent bit of hell before she died. So while not much, it's something. I haven't watched in a couple of months so it could be different(I doubt it tho). Oh well, at least Ridge sorta has Bill to shit on him 😂

Edited by Skarzero
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I had totally forgotten that this was a thing that happened, since I didn't watch at the time, and only read about in SOD when it was happening, but didn't Thomas have a thing for Brooke when he was around his early 20's or so? You'd think if his entire existence as an adult was shit because he overheard her say mean things about him when he was a child, that he wouldn't have been so thirsty to bang her. 

Also, again, I wasn't watching at the time, but am I right in assuming this whole "I heard the things you said about me when I was just a kid" rant is a retcon and not something that was actually ever seen on screen? 

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4 hours ago, KerleyQ said:

Also, again, I wasn't watching at the time, but am I right in assuming this whole "I heard the things you said about me when I was just a kid" rant is a retcon and not something that was actually ever seen on screen? 

To my knowledge, no, it was never seen on screen, all I remember is Brooke being a caring stepmother. 

But I wouldn't really give a flying fig if she had said something, because the way Thomas talks about Brooke behind her back and to her face is disgraceful. So, a butt hurt, overgrown baby can go play in busy traffic. 

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11 hours ago, KerleyQ said:

I had totally forgotten that this was a thing that happened, since I didn't watch at the time, and only read about in SOD when it was happening, but didn't Thomas have a thing for Brooke when he was around his early 20's or so? You'd think if his entire existence as an adult was shit because he overheard her say mean things about him when he was a child, that he wouldn't have been so thirsty to bang her. 

Also, again, I wasn't watching at the time, but am I right in assuming this whole "I heard the things you said about me when I was just a kid" rant is a retcon and not something that was actually ever seen on screen? 

7 hours ago, RuntheTable said:

To my knowledge, no, it was never seen on screen, all I remember is Brooke being a caring stepmother. 

But I wouldn't really give a flying fig if she had said something, because the way Thomas talks about Brooke behind her back and to her face is disgraceful. So, a butt hurt, overgrown baby can go play in busy traffic. 

AFAIK, this Brooke talking shit about Thomas when he was a kid is a retcon and sorry, TPTB, you cannot just have a character spouting a line and we have to accept that with zero evidence of this. I agree that Thomas lusting after Brooke was as much about his hormones as it was to make granny happy (with the Boinkberry Island boink that wasn't). Speaking of, Thomas has a history of lying about Brooke. Well, let's be honest, he has a history of not having a great relationship with the truth period. 

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On 9/23/2022 at 11:54 AM, Anna Yolei said:

At any rate, the way these two grown ass, nearly middle aged "kids"  are this involved with their parents' lives is beyond embarrassing.

I did just see an AITA post from a woman who is in her 60s. She's been separated from her jerk-ish (maybe abusive) husband for like 25 years. They never divorced because religion (if I remember correctly). But literally haven't been together for a quarter century. She had recently begun dating a nice guy, but didn't tell her adult children (who have to be in late 30s to early 40s), until she and new boyfriend decided they were going to move in together. Adult children threw fits and have cut her off for "cheating" on their father - who has had girlfriends in the intervening years. 

All that to say - though it's repetitive and ridiculous and crazy on the part of Steffy and Thomas (who I hate) - it's not out of the question in terms of how adults can behave about their parents.

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Come on monkeys with a keyboard, the way you have Lurch holding the knife is definitely a threat. 

That dress is not only ugly but is you watch Y&R, you would know that Summer would look like crap wearing it.  Beside the color is all wrong for her complexion and it’s too much of a ball gown than a wedding dress. 

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I think Brooke has lost her damn mind about that knife! Thomas didn’t even know she was in the room when he first had it out AND he reassured her that he has been cutting apples that way all his life so don’t worry. Was she stabbed in some earlier storyline and has PTSD about knives? I live in a rural area where many men carry pocket knives so…

 However, I did catch Thomas say to Taylor “you know how you always use a knife to cut your apple?” And she said yeah, so I do foresee Douglas (Brooke?) being injured and Thomas maybe wrongfully getting the blame…

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Taylor got a look of suspicion on her face as Thomas was spouting off about the knife and doing anything to protect his family blah blah blah.  I think she might be clueing in to the fact Thomas is not back to normal.  And of course she was wearing a skimpy top.

KKL looks good in black and I liked her outfit or at least what I could see of it.  

I sometimes eat an apple using a paring knife so it didn’t seem unusual to see Thomas with one.  Geez, does Brooke think Thomas has never made a sandwich for Douglas or cut up his meat using a knife FFS??  Plus they have aged Douglas so he is not a little kid which is how they are talking about him still.

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I think Brooke's initial reaction wasn't so much that it's weird to cut an apple with a knife, but just the visceral reaction to "psycho holding a knife." And then he kind of proved her point by aiming it menacingly in her direction while threatening her. 

When Taylor said she was headed into the office, I just automatically assumed FC, since she likes to spend her days there to moon over her asshole ex. Then it occurred to me "oh, maybe she's actually going to her own office to work? Maybe?" And I swear they are alternating writers for her. One day, she'll be giggling and plotting with Steffy over how to get Ridge back, the next day she'll be pretending to admonish her kids for that same plotting, and then the day after that she'll be coming on to Ridge. 

Speaking of Ridge. Ick. So he swings by to see Taylor first thing in the morning, to make sure she's still on the hook, then he goes home, after flirting with his ex-wife, to make out with his current wife. He's going for the Olympic gold in Waffling Asshole. 

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Brooke needs to make it more clear that Thomas had a pocket knife. And good point ... nuDouglas seems old enough now that he can safely use a knife for eating.

I don't think it's a good idea for Thomas to have a pocket knife around Douglas yet and you don't regularly use one to cut up an apple. And if Thomas (by example) is showing Douglas at that age that it's "cool" to carry around a pocket knife as an accessory or type of toy that could be dangerous.

Plus, the way Thomas was pointing the pocket knife at Brooke was threatening along with what he was saying. 

Brooke is right to be concerned but her nitwit daughter isn't going to agree or pay any heed to what's going on. All for the sake of "keeping peace." /eyeroll

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Yeah rich spoiled boy who grew up in Beverly Hills and is a fashion designer looks just like one of those guys who carries around a pocket knife wherever he goes.

Even though the Forrester have a cabin up in the mountains, they never looked like a family who went hunting and were comfortable using guns and knives.

Although that didn't stop Steffy from toting a shiv when she all high and paranoid demanding her baby a few years ago.

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The problem is Brooke didn't tell the whole story. Thomas using a knife to peel an apple isn't weird, but Thomas pointing that knife at Brooke, coupled with his inappropriate dialogue is. His words were nasty and mean, and meant to hurt, actually far worse than anything his sister or mother have lobbed at Brooke. Very personal and going places no stepson should be going. My opinion is that Thomas doesn't hate Brooke, he hates the fact that he never got there. The boy has been thirsty for Brooke pretty much his whole adult life, and I think he is angry and resentful that he never scored the direct hit. Probably has a lot to do with his angst towards his father too. 

I was also disappointed that Brooke didn't tell Ridge about Steffy's antics. How is a coddling father ever expected to step up and slap his brats if he is never given the facts or the full story? 

So, what did Deacon give to Nikki? That whole scene was weird. 

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15 hours ago, lgprimes said:

I think Brooke has lost her damn mind about that knife! Thomas didn’t even know she was in the room when he first had it out AND he reassured her that he has been cutting apples that way all his life so don’t worry. Was she stabbed in some earlier storyline and has PTSD about knives? I live in a rural area where many men carry pocket knives so…

 However, I did catch Thomas say to Taylor “you know how you always use a knife to cut your apple?” And she said yeah, so I do foresee Douglas (Brooke?) being injured and Thomas maybe wrongfully getting the blame…

Excellent in parenting with allowing  Lurch to cut an apple with a pocket knife since he’s a little kid. First of all you don’t use a pocket knife to cut an apple because it’s often not washed between uses. Second you shouldn’t cut an apple towards you with a sharp knife. Especially using your thumb for leverage.  If you cut yourself, you will have an apple with blood sauce. 

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Agree that it's not about the apple-peeling. Plenty of people peel apples with knives although I use a peeler since I know I would cut myself or it would take too long or whatever.

But people who peel apples with knives generally don't point it at someone while talking shit, including spewing thinly-veiled threats at that person.

4 hours ago, RuntheTable said:

The problem is Brooke didn't tell the whole story. Thomas using a knife to peel an apple isn't weird, but Thomas pointing that knife at Brooke, coupled with his inappropriate dialogue is. His words were nasty and mean, and meant to hurt, actually far worse than anything his sister or mother have lobbed at Brooke. Very personal and going places no stepson should be going. My opinion is that Thomas doesn't hate Brooke, he hates the fact that he never got there. The boy has been thirsty for Brooke pretty much his whole adult life, and I think he is angry and resentful that he never scored the direct hit. Probably has a lot to do with his angst towards his father too. 

Agreed - on all counts. Brooke is the scratch he never got to itch and perhaps why he has been so obsessed with Hope all of these years. She's the closest he can get to her mother. And perhaps, too, his hatred of Brooke has informed, even on a subconscious level, his horrible treatment of Hope - the lying about Beth being alive and living under his sister's roof, the plans to roofie Hope, the attempted kidnapping, etc.

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Thomas and Steffy are ridiculously out of line. Steffy intercepting Brookes call was childish. Thomas however was creepy and  menacing. First when mentioning that Brookes plan was just a negligée and that his dad had seen it all before and also mentioning Brookes marriages within the same family. HELLO, Taylor has banged all the same men too in addition to Brookes son Rick. One could see where Stephanie was upset about Brookes entanglements years ago but her bratty grandkids need to take a seat. 
If Giggles McShoulder Blades was such a wonderful woman, she would have found happiness elsewhere and shown her daughter how to be a strong woman instead of the weak thing that needs mommy and daddy back together at age 30ish.

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