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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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Aww. Baby JY today! I remember him!

I missed the first half of the show (thank you, Comcast), but I did hear some selective recollection of the events in the meeting. Rick is hurt, sure. I mean, this was only yesterday, but if I recall correctly, Rick made decisions that people believed were personally motivated (but the argument could go either way), Caroline challenged him on it, brought Maya's sister up for no reason, the meeting started going of the rails so Rick kicked everyone else out, told Caroline not to challenge him again and then the same conversation that we've been hearing for 3 months was rehashed. Everyone needed to take a seat, not just Rick, but the way they told that story would have had me believing that Rick just popped off with no reason.

Edited by kia112
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Their utter lack of empathy makes them all look morally and ethically bankrupt.


From the lists of Eric's conquests, I have a feeling he honestly didn't think that anything less than a full-fledged affair was a big deal.  (Granted, it probably helped that Ridge was one of the offenders.)  And in his clumsy way, Eric probably thought he was doing Rick a favor, get things back on track with Caroline, move on, etc.   


It's also very human to want the drama to just go away.  Especially in a family business. 


ETA:  If there was moral bankruptcy, I'd say it was Eric (and Rick) making Ridge and Caroline work together just because their designs were hot and making money.  You could tell from the body language of all 3, Rick, Ridge and Caroline that it was a bad idea and nothing good was going to come of it.  

Edited by tessaray
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From the lists of Eric's conquests, I have a feeling he honestly didn't think that anything less than a full-fledged affair was a big deal.  (Granted, it probably helped that Ridge was one of the offenders.)  And in his clumsy way, Eric probably thought he was doing Rick a favor, get things back on track with Caroline, move on, etc.




Even with my anathema to infidelity, and considering this is a soap, Caroline and Ridge kissing does seem sort of quaint when compared to the boinking that usually goes on in most soap affairs.


It's also very human to want the drama to just go away.  Especially in a family business.


Very true.


ETA:  If there was moral bankruptcy, I'd say it was Eric (and Rick) making Ridge and Caroline work together just because their designs were hot and making money.  You could tell from the body language of all 3, Rick, Ridge and Caroline that it was a bad idea and nothing good was going to come of it.


If watching Other People's Money taught me anything it's business tends to require psychopathic behavior--that and Danny Devito is a damn good actor.

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Oh, and another reason I'm looking at Katie like, "Please kick rocks" is the fact that she sicced her ex-husband on her fiance in retaliation and now she's just sitting around with this placid expression talking about Rick going too far and giving Caroline her "blessing." Easy for her to do since she already exacted her pound of flesh.

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I was cheering Liam the past few days. He's been great! The performance is fire. Everyone's really stepping up. This show is so, so good right now. I hope Hope never comes back and frankly don't miss Brooke. But I'm calling it now. Rick accidentally shoots Brooke when she comes back or Eric.

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Oh, and another reason I'm looking at Katie like, "Please kick rocks" is the fact that she sicced her ex-husband on her fiance in retaliation and now she's just sitting around with this placid expression talking about Rick going too far and giving Caroline her "blessing." Easy for her to do since she already exacted her pound of flesh.

Hypocrite, much, Katie?


I just love how she is practically gushing in her support of Caroline, you know, the woman who stole Ridge's affections,  meanwhile giving ZERO support to her own nephew. But considering how she raked Brooke over the coals and emotionally blackmailed her for months over Brill, I can't say I'm surprised. That's why I don't  see Katie as having changed. She's still the vengeful, shrewish, harpy she always has been, still looking for someone to fill the bottomless bucket, and still, largely, the same immature young girl who gazed out her window, dreaming of the day Prince Charming would come along...and her skin would clear up.

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Liam is so great when Hope's gone, I loved him today going after Rick. 


Why does Caroline really need this job where Rick behaves this way? She's a Spencer, she's rich, she can open her own line and fashion house with Ridge. Ridge can go back to Marone and re-start that with Caroline, Ivy and who ever else Rick throws out in tow.

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Liam is so great when Hope's gone, I loved him today going after Rick. 


Why does Caroline really need this job where Rick behaves this way? She's a Spencer, she's rich, she can open her own line and fashion house with Ridge. Ridge can go back to Marone and re-start that with Caroline, Ivy and who ever else Rick throws out in tow.

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Maybe it's because I don't like Rick at all but I'm finally enjoying Liam and the backbone he has grown. It looks like Amy gave him a new life after Hope sucked his old life out of him. Liam brought it to Rick and has expressed Rick's issues that have been discussed on social media. Just remember Rick that the pen is mightier than the sword (hopefully mightier than the gun) and Liam has a major publication behind him. Bill has a photo of Maya's portrait and it can be woven into a pretty damaging story about FC.

Isn't Caroline living with Liam? Why did she say see you tomorrow? Also, is the house that big where Liam and Ivy can have a romantic evening and Caroline will be hiding in her room? Just wondering.

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I just love how she is practically gushing in her support of Caroline, you know, the woman who stole Ridge's affections,  meanwhile giving ZERO support to her own nephew. But considering how she raked Brooke over the coals and emotionally blackmailed her for months over Brill, I can't say I'm surprised.


I just figured that she's ignoring whatever Caroline did because she's Bill's niece.  And it's easy to be magnanimous when you're getting what you really want.  


Were Katie and Rick ever close? 

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...I don't  see Katie as having changed. She's still the vengeful, shrewish, harpy she always has been...

Same here, but somehow I find her most tolerable when she's with Bill.



Bill has a photo of Maya's portrait and it can be woven into a pretty damaging story about FC.

Good call, I didn't think of that!

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Oh, and another reason I'm looking at Katie like, "Please kick rocks" is the fact that she sicced her ex-husband on her fiance in retaliation and now she's just sitting around with this placid expression talking about Rick going too far and giving Caroline her "blessing." Easy for her to do since she already exacted her pound of flesh.


Katie is sitting in the catbird seat now: Brook's out, she's back at Spencer Publishing with a vice-presidency to clip to her keychain, $Bill is all humble apologies, cutsie flirting, and truth telling to get back what he's convinced himself he needs to repossess, and she's all warm and fuzzy with her boss Liam. 


Katie got more than her pound of flesh, she's been deemed the gracious lady. Katie will have her calm pose and her hands will stay clean when the shit hits the fan.

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Katie used to babysit Rick, as well as Bridget, and I thought they had a fairly close relationship until Katie decided to pursue a very-married Nick and get pregnant by him, all while his sister, Bridget, was working night and day to find a cure for Katie's heart condition.


That's another reason I can't stand Katie - she has taken Brooke to task over and over and OVER again over Brill but conveniently forgets her homewrecking past with Nick and her own niece. And unlike Katie's own actions in setting Brill in motion, Bridget was under the assumption and rightfully so that Nick was very happy. Katie used her heart condition to make inroads with Nick, although hahahaha, eventually, it backfired and he saw their relationship for what it was - and wasn't - and reunited with Bridget.


And Katie had no problem having at least an emotional affair with Ridge behind Brooke's back when he returned from Paris.


So no wonder she's "ok" with Caroline's actions - she's been there, done that, and she never really wanted Ridge that way anyway (once he had served his purpose of hurting Brooke, she was basically done with him).



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Waldo13, on 21 Jan 2015 - 3:09 PM, said:


Bill has a photo of Maya's portrait and it can be woven into a pretty damaging story about FC.


Good call, I didn't think of that!


There's good and bad with that:


If $Bill and Liam savage Rick in their publications it damages the entire Forester brand and Forester family.


Should they tar and feather Rick, they also soil the careers of the people they allegedly want to protect.

Edited by Cupid Stunt
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I was with Liam until he starting going on about how Rick's anger didn't give him the right to be... angry? What? The very definition of being angry means you're not going to be nice to the person you're angry at. It's nonsense to suggest otherwise.


And Liam is sympathetic? When? How? It must have been off screen, because I don't remember him having anything remotely sympathetic to say about Rick after the affair came to light. Liam was and is all about supporting his cousin.


I almost feel bad for Caroline because everyone is infantilizing her right now. Everyone thinks Caroline will break because Rick shouts and calls out her misdeeds. Not the Caroline I remember. Not the Caroline who schemed and plotted for months to win Rick at all costs, that Caroline owned the shit she did. She was tough. Now? Now she can't fight her own battles; now she needs an army to praise her light whenever anyone dares criticize her.

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Sigh, I don't know. This storyline has been so much fun, but every day it seems they're going more down the Rick's nuts and everyone else is a perfectly innocent victim of his tantrum. That's BORING (except for him actually acting crazy which is fun). What I liked over the past few weeks is that everyone involved has behaved badly yet at least partially sympathetically. That's messy and compelling to me. 


If they're going to go huge battle, I'm going to need more than Rick and Maya on his side. Them against every other person on the show isn't fun for me to watch.


Don't ruin this!

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Aww. Baby JY today! I remember him!


So pretty!



It does look like the petri dish that mixed Forester and Logan genes is showing signs of instability again.


Happiness is a warm gun ...

Happiness ... Bang, bang, shoot, shoot ...

When I hold you in my arms ... Oh yeah 

And I feel my finger on your trigger ... Oh yeah 

I know no one can do me no harm ... Oh yeah

Because ... Happiness is a warm gun, mama

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Yep, I still love Bill, possibly even more after today's show.  The way he walked up to Katie from behind and did a little arm stroking and slid his hands down her sides - yes please.  Although I do wish he'd do something about that chinstrap he's got going on.


I also am really enjoying Liam lately.  So nice to see him not be all dopey mopey with Hope all the time.

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Okay, so can ANYONE on this show spend like, I dunno, ten minutes in a therapist's office (not Taylor, obviously) to work out their anger issues?

Good one.



It's not a mocking nickname to me, it's just descriptive.  Though, to be fair, most of the nicknames we use here are mocking.  Chickenhead, Mushmouth, Waffles.

Hey I call him Chickenhead with the highest respect possible.


I consider Ivy more busybody than meddler.


I know it's unpopular but I love Amber, especially when she made Rick wear high heels and photo shopped him in a dress.

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Sigh, I don't know. This storyline has been so much fun, but every day it seems they're going more down the Rick's nuts and everyone else is a perfectly innocent victim of his tantrum. That's BORING (except for him actually acting crazy which is fun). What I liked over the past few weeks is that everyone involved has behaved badly yet at least partially sympathetically. That's messy and compelling to me. 


If they're going to go huge battle, I'm going to need more than Rick and Maya on his side. Them against every other person on the show isn't fun for me to watch.


Don't ruin this


So much WORD!! This story needs balance and it ain't gettin' it! I'm disappointed as well. I'm especially disappointed because they have to actively write some characters like complete faithless, hypocritical dicks to make it so imbalanced, Katie and Ivy I'm looking at you. Katie Rick's your nephew you might want to give a shit that attempted murderer Bill is gunning for him, you faithless, capricious twat. But it's as a poster upthread said, Katie got what she wanted so fuck everybody else. I hope Brooke comes back and flashes a glimpse of her glittery hoo-ha and makes Bill start drooling all over again and this from a former Batie fan. If you're just going to throw your family under a bus for a guy who has twice thrown you under one with no compunction for two completely different woman (one of which was your very own sister) then you deserve every loathsome thing you get. A-hole.



I almost feel bad for Caroline because everyone is infantilizing her right now. Everyone thinks Caroline will break because Rick shouts and calls out her misdeeds. Not the Caroline I remember. Not the Caroline who schemed and plotted for months to win Rick at all costs, that Caroline owned the shit she did. She was tough. Now? Now she can't fight her own battles; now she needs an army to praise her light whenever anyone dares criticize her.


I could never feel bad for Caroline, she's too much of a dick. Plus nothing says faaaaawwk like propping! I hate hate hate propping (GH I'm looking at you) and B&B has been propping Caroline and Ridge and frankly CarRidge to a stupid degree. Let the evening build buddy. Geez!



So no wonder she's "ok" with Caroline's actions - she's been there, done that, and she never really wanted Ridge that way anyway (once he had served his purpose of hurting Brooke, she was basically done with him).


I didn't know all this. Explains a buttload!

Edited by slayer2
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So while I am not Team Rick, I really feel that everyone else has been out of line, in the work environment.  I have worked for CEOs and it doesn't really matter why they decide what they do, they get to make the call.  I know Forresters is not indicative of a real work environment because you have all these junior people attending meetings they would never be invited to IRL, but Rick is no more an asshole CEO than Ridge has been, or $Bill.


And frankly, why the hell is Ivy even speaking to Rick about his personal life?  If Rick now has a bias, it is because of his reaction to the betrayal (rightly or wrongly).  So that is between him and Caroline. If he wants his head designer to be at the meeting, he gets to do so.  If he wants Maya to model and not Ivy, he gets to do so.  IRL, Ivy and Caroline would have acquiesced to the CEO, even if he was wrong and had a bias.  That's the way it works out there.  IRL Ivy would have been fired because she has crossed so many lines in discussing and interfering in Rick's personal life.


Rick can fire Caroline, he will just have to pay her out.  I am surprised he waited this long to do it.  And why would she want to work there?  Oh yeah, so she can cream her jeans over hairy hands.


Bill is a bully.  Still I enjoy his scenes.  Maya is an idiot.  Back when she was behaving badly at Forresters, Eric should have fired her.  None of these people are acting like you would in the real work world.  And Liam, a guy from another co., storming in and physically assaulting Rick because he yelled at Caroline and Ivy?  Yikes.  I can see my husband doing that if he witnessed it happening to me, which is why I keep him away from work situations,  but Liam should know better.


So I don't think Rick is behaving well, but I do think that Ivy especially, and Caroline and Ridge, are pushing his buttons and exacerbating the entire situation.  I thought Ally reacted like a normal employee would, disappointed, but didn't say much.  Even Pam isn't being as much of an instigator as Ivy is.  Ivy is over the top unprofessional and intrusive.


Rick's problem is that if he alienates everyone, Eric will swoop in, no matter what that contract said.  Plus Rick only has a year to accomplish what he needs to do.  

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Great points bannana! Everyone has been wildly unprofessional except Aly (unless you count endless gossiping with Outback Octopus when she should have been working) but at the end of the day CEO is CEO, the decisions fall to him as well they should. He is the one that will have to fall on his sword if it all goes toe up so they shouldn't be bullying him into submission about their ideas on shit anyways. Who gives fucks what the Head Designer has to say about business decisions? Clearly this isn't the real world though as you stated or if their panties were so knotted they'd just get a vote of no confidence from the board and be done with it. Bunch of idiots, truly.



Rick's problem is that if he alienates everyone, Eric will swoop in, no matter what that contract said.  Plus Rick only has a year to accomplish what he needs to do.


The problem with this is that they all alienated Rick from the moment he refused to get back with Caroline and they continue to alienate him anytime he does something that they don't like. They want him to dump Maya, they want him back with Caroline, they want a shoe line for Aly, they want Ivy to be lead model, they want Caroline to be the point person for all the meetings. Well if that's how you feel what the fuck is he therefore, why don't you all share CEO duties despite your entire lack of experience and your shared tendency to spend all day gossiping instead of doing fucking work.


If they could give him a week without somebody whining about how much he loves her and how unfair he is to her and what a dick he is to be with Maya (all while sighing and swooning over CarRidge), if they could all go a week accepting the fact that yes the marriage is fucking over, one never knows what could happen. 


This entire snowball from hell meeting began with Ridge storming into the office like a petulant child and hurling insults at him like "How do you even look at yourself in the mirror." when all Rick did was ask to see what he was working on which was due that morning. Follow that up with Ridge's defiant absence and everyone jumping in on decisions he should make as a CEO, irrespective of whether they are right or wrong and it's no surprise that it turned out just as it did. When your back is to the wall and the vultures are circling you you're either going to break down like a bitch or fight back. They're not going to gain anything by ganging up on him about decisions that aren't theirs to make, why should Aly get her own shoe line simply because she's been working on it for a month? A month? People spend years and years, testing and researching and preparing this shit. Yeah Rick is throwing tantrums but I think it'd be harder to do if he wasn't trapped in an episode of Romper Room. 

Edited by slayer2
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Just remember Rick that the pen is mightier than the sword (hopefully mightier than the gun) and Liam has a major publication behind him. Bill has a photo of Maya's portrait and it can be woven into a pretty damaging story about FC.

But Spencer (or maybe just Bill) owns a chunk of Forrester, right? Smearing their subsidiary won't help anyone over the long run.

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I almost feel bad for Caroline because everyone is infantilizing her right now. Everyone thinks Caroline will break because Rick shouts and calls out her misdeeds. Not the Caroline I remember. Not the Caroline who schemed and plotted for months to win Rick at all costs, that Caroline owned the shit she did. She was tough. Now? Now she can't fight her own battles; now she needs an army to praise her light whenever anyone dares criticize her.


Sounds like Caroline is morphing into Hope.  (If they can't have the real thing...)

Edited by tessaray
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Might I say that I loved Liam today -- pointing out Rick's obvious hypocrisy, calling him out about the whole "I'm CEO of this company", and calling Rick a "pissed off little child",  Oh my heart swelled to see my little Waffles all grown up.


The show has been *so* good this week.  i'm looking forward to Brooke returning as a grown-up woman, completely over her "destiny", and maybe/ maybe not looking for a adult relationship with Bill? or ???


JY is bringing it these days -- uncomfortably so.  I once had a boss like him, who mananged to be a total asshat to everyone without drinking.  Yelling, demeaning language, name calling (some of it obscene), every other word a 4-letter one.  All that coupled with his contol freak, micro-managing style, He was a hostile work environment lawsuit waiting to happen.  Unfortunately, the owner (private company) was worse so no one to make the guy stop. 


Oddly enough the owner and upper management, who followed the owner's management style. never could figure out the reason for high turnover.


Calling it here first.  Rick goes to shoot Ridge and ends up shooting Caroline -- and Maya stands by her man and helps him cover it up




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I was with Liam until he starting going on about how Rick's anger didn't give him the right to be... angry? What?

Unless I missed something, I thought Liam said Rick DOES have the right to be angry, he doesn't have the right to be a bully & create a hostile work environment.

Edited by ByTor
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I only discovered yesterday that Liam had balls, but they were tiny, grade school balls; he graduated today to middle school gonads. Should he have been there? Nope. Was he out of line? Yep. But everything single thing he said was dead on. Rick has no right what so ever to be lashing out at Caroline and Ivy this way. If his little knickers are knocked up because Ridge didn't show for the meeting; then save all that stuff for him. But deliberately making bad business decisions because you have personal beefs with some of your staff is not only asinine, but juvenile. He also doesn't have the right to degrade employees, or create a hostile working environment, or threaten jobs because people are sticking up for each other. Rick may be losing it, but he is also on a massive power trip, and anyone who wants to lay a smack down on him is A OK in my book. Does Rick want Eric to extend that contract? He sure isn't acting like it. The only reason Rick wanted "ironclad" control is to conduct himself just as we have seen, and to bully the people that have stepped on his little boy feelings. He has not one iota of interest in running FC's; it is a means to an end. Maya is his second weapon of choice. Girlfriend better be opening up those big ole doe eyes cause,

Momma Bear is coming back to town, and I doesn't appear she is real happy. After visiting with Quinn, it seems Brooke will go to the Forrester Estate where a lingerie clad (red), complete with FMPs, Maya answers the door. Yep, it appears that Momma then sets about takin out the trash and her picture.

Of course spoilers can always be wrong or misleading.


I am totally confused with these sleeping arrangements. The last we saw Caroline she was bunking on Liam's couch, so I took that to mean that Bill is in the room upstairs. Caroline said she was going home to get comfortable, so how is Liam going to set up this romantic evening with Ivy? And why did Caroline say she would see him tomorrow? Did she move out and we didn't see that? Does Ridge know where she is living? I read that

Ridge see's Caroline in her skivvies and gets instant wood. I read an interview with Linsey Godfrey and she was talking about how hard she has been working out to get into shape for the scene.


Edited by RuntheTable
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Both those spoilers sound link bunk, one of them actually contradicts a couple others. A lot of it I believe is down to interpretation, I think I'm going to take a breather on watching this show until the Caroline propping subsides (if ever). As of now the entire cast is siding with CarRidge. Bullshit, bullshit, bullshit. Bah and Bleeerg!

Edited by slayer2
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Where is Bill living now, anyway? With Ridge in the invisible apartment?

Now here is a show I would watch all day long. Throw in Liam to make snarky asides, and you've got gold, people, gold.


I had to work this afternoon (no buff shirtless men at my workplace dammit!) and so missed the show today, but did they explain why Ridge wasn't there for the design meeting from hell? I figure the actor is off on one of his breaks, but it would be nice to now why Ridge wasn't there, considering they made such a big hairy deal about it.

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So while I am not Team Rick, I really feel that everyone else has been out of line, in the work environment.  I have worked for CEOs and it doesn't really matter why they decide what they do, they get to make the call.  



I'm not sure I agree with this.  Yes, the CEO has the authority to make a lot of decisions, but generally they are not permitted to abuse employees and to use the workplace as a venue for their personal revenge.  Additionally, if people own Forrester stock, then it has shareholders, and the CEO has to answer to them.  So Rick has  been completely out of line.  Everyone involved in this has been out of line.

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Unless I missed something, I thought Liam said Rick DOES have the right to be angry, he doesn't have the right to be a bully & create a hostile work environment.



Liam had some good points, but it was high-handed to tell Rick to bury his feelings and be nice to the woman who ripped his heart out. Not that Liam gives a rat's ass about that, anyway. Worst still, Liam used physical violence to make his point, which means he lost all moral high ground to call Rick a bully.

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I'm not nitpicking, steelyis, but I didn't get that Liam told Rick to be nice to Caroline, he told him not to talk to her "like that" in his borderline abusive way.


Honestly I don't find the "Rick is being a crazy bully in the workplace" plot very interesting (at least right now I don't).  I really wish he had stuck with firing Caroline...or when Rick "unfired" Caroline, I wish she would have said thanks but no thanks.  All the Forrester Creations drama, IMO, has the potential to get old fast.  More drama, again IMO, would be for people to break away from Forrester and work for/create a competitive fashion house.  And I'm not talking endless fashion showdowns where the winner gets whatever fill in the blank prize, I mean a real business rival storyline.

Edited by ByTor
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I'm not sure I agree with this. Yes, the CEO has the authority to make a lot of decisions, but generally they are not permitted to abuse employees and to use the workplace as a venue for their personal revenge. Additionally, if people own Forrester stock, then it has shareholders, and the CEO has to answer to them. So Rick has been completely out of line. Everyone involved in this has been out of line.

Yet they do it alllll the time!

For me, the show is going to have to give me better examples of Rick making poor business decision because even though what he's doing is personally motivated, I don't see where it's hurting the company, either. He told Aly, not unkindly, that her sketches were good, to keep working on them and they'd revisit at a later time. He wants Maya, who is a known quantity and has her own following (so we've been told) to reshoot the ads, which can easily be argued as promoting brand consistency. If he'd axed the whole line, then that would be another story.

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JY is bringing it these days -- uncomfortably so.  I once had a boss like him, who mananged to be a total asshat to everyone without drinking.  Yelling, demeaning language, name calling (some of it obscene), every other word a 4-letter one.  All that coupled with his contol freak, micro-managing style, He was a hostile work environment lawsuit waiting to happen.  Unfortunately, the owner (private company) was worse so no one to make the guy stop. 


Oddly enough the owner and upper management, who followed the owner's management style. never could figure out the reason for high turnover.

This is my point.  In the real world, people would leave, or be happy for a payout.  And, maybe I have just worked in shit places, but I have done well doing so for more than three decades; I don't think Rick's behaviour was uncalled for, because he had junior staff verbally challenging him in an unacceptable way.  Any CEO would have shut that shit down, and probably fired them both.


If Rick is being an asshole, it is because he is reacting to asshole behavior.  My criticism of him is that he is reacting.  A seasoned CEO would not even stand for these people to be in the room with him, let alone speak to him that way.


Let me put it a different way.  I didn't watch B/B back in the Eric CEO days, but I am guessing he didn't put up with random employees who may or may not be relatives dissecting his love life, his intentions and his decisions.

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In the real world, Rick's treatment of his employees would open the company up to huge lawsuits, which would only increase if he also fired them.  I consider that a bad business decision.  Him firing people who have been significantly contributing to the success of the company, for no work-related reason, would also be a bad decision.  But I get your point that also in the real world, this absolutely does happen.  I was just saying that it shouldn't happen, and I think these kind of personal vendettas from a CEO are bad for any company.  


And let's not forget that Rick has been the one to start a lot of these yelling matches, not Caroline and Ivy, and I can't fault them for pushing back when they're attacked or humiliated, especially in front of others.  But everyone's being an asshat.  I suppose the soap format requires people to take sides and make scenes and scream.


Can someone give me a quick summary of why Rick hates Ridge so much?  I think it would help me understand Rick's reaction, because right now I feel like he is totally overreacting but I've picked up on the fact that there's a lot more going on than I know.  Thanks!  

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In the real world, Rick's treatment of his employees would open the company up to huge lawsuits, which would only increase if he also fired them.  I consider that a bad business decision.  Him firing people who have been significantly contributing to the success of the company, for no work-related reason, would also be a bad decision.  But I get your point that also in the real world, this absolutely does happen.  I was just saying that it shouldn't happen, and I think these kind of personal vendettas from a CEO are bad for any company. 

I agree it shouldn't happen, and I have been a CEO myself, and I have standards and principles, and would never have treated my staff like that.  I have also worked in major companies where shit like this does happen.  And there are no lawsuits.  Most people are afraid to even go to HR to complain.  Those who do, they get paid out a generous severance.


I don't think Rick has done anything egregious.  What he has done is display his lack of CEO skills, because in the world I live in, no one could talk to the CEO like that.  They wouldn't even consider it.  Rick is far too emotional.  But I also know of real life examples, especially in the area of the arts, where this kind of emotion happens at senior levels.

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I'm not nitpicking, steelyis, but I didn't get that Liam told Rick to be nice to Caroline, he told him not to talk to her "like that" in his borderline abusive way.



Believe it or not I agree Rick is out of control when he yells at Caroline like he did in the meeting, but I also think Liam doesn't see or doesn't care Rick isn't emotionally capable of being civil to Caroline right now, and especially when they butt heads. If Liam can't recognize what the problem is how am I supposed to think he's grand arbiter of right and wrong in this situation? Also, if Liam expects Rick to show others respect then Liam shouldn't punctuate his ideals with physical violence.

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The Little Dicktator's behavior is unprofessional and egregious. He shouldn't be surprised that he gets pushback from staff. He is using FC to pursue his vendetta against Caroline and Ridge. He can move along with his mistress, but Caroline can't with Ridge? STFU, brat. Go play hide the cocktail weenie with Myrna.

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If I thought her feelings were sincere (i.e. she still loves him and wants to put their family back together), I might be willing to get on board the Kill wagon again. But I have the sinking suspicion that this is another revengemance in the making and that it has more to do with sticking it to Brooke than any real feelings for Bill.


If this were about sticking it to Brooke, wouldn't Katie just marry him?  Bill's frothing at the mouth to "win" and right now, he wants to "win" Katie back.  He's already throwing the offer of an engagement ring at her.  It would take nothing to get him down the aisle.  So for whatever Katie's faults are, I do think she's playing this legit with Bill.  Brooke doesn't factor into it beyond what Katie expressed today.


In the real world, Rick's treatment of his employees would open the company up to huge lawsuits, which would only increase if he also fired them.

I can't think of one thing that Rick has done regarding his employees that would open him up to a lawsuit in the real world.  Sure, he's creating a hostile work environment but the only way a lawsuit flies under those circumstances if the harassment happens to be based on a person's sex, race, national origin, age, disability and a few others depending on where one lives. 


None of Rick's harassment is related to any of them as members of a protected class. 


Fortunately, I haven't been bullied but I do know of a few co-workers who have been in the past before I arrived.  HR was sympathetic but there was absolutely nothing they could do as long as the higher ups supported the bully.  They did...or at least didn't have the will to terminate said bully so those under the bully either suffered or quit.


Him firing people who have been significantly contributing to the success of the company, for no work-related reason, would also be a bad decision.\

This I agree with 100%  What Rick is doing isn't just over the top.  It's bad business.  I don't know how Forrester is set up but if there's a board, they should easily be able to unseat him if they disagreed with how he was running the business.  And firing people just because he felt like it or they talked back to him if they're prime talent would make a board nervous. 

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Wouldn't any sane person, who was being berated in the manner Rick was doing, pack up and leave? Rickster has made it plain that he has no use for Ridge, Ivy and Caroline, so why don't they ride off and start their own design house? He basically fired them all today, so why the heck are they still there?

After Rick slugged down the double shot, and then picked up the gun, he had a very scary look on his face, and I almost thought he would put the gun to his head. But now, I just get the feeling that either he will accidentally shoot either Caroline or Maya, but my money is on Caroline.

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