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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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1 hour ago, LittleIggy said:

Alienation of Affection is a cause of action in only Hawaii, Illinois, Mississippi, New Mexico, North Carolina, South Dakota, and Utah. Most states got rid of it because it really is archaic.

Yes.  Alienation of Affection is pretty much done.  Only available in a few states.  

On another note, while I'm sure BellLA law will provide differently, and we can never underestimate Eric's romantic stupidity, there are no "cleaners" to which Quinn can take Eric.  Evn if he didn't get her to sign a prenup, at most, she'd be entitled to half of the money he made/net worth that he acquired during the marriage.  So, if he'd been worth $500M the day they married and $501M the day they separated, she'd get half of $1M.  Again, there'll likely be some cockamamie nonsense where she gets shares in FC or something but that's not really how the law works.

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So is this the only SINN wedding we’re getting now? How cheap, Show. That’s worse than the Ridge and Caroline monstrosity where they married themselves. At least they got to dress up. 

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I haven't been watching, just reading here...do we think Thomas will leave Hope alone now and maybe Show will try to pair him with someone else/resurrect Caroline or will the crazy come back?

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I’ve seen dryer cycles that are less boring than Stuffy and Finn.

I never realized until today how large those portraits of Quinn et al were. And what the hell was Carter going to do with that in his apartment? Gotta be easier ways to choke the chicken.

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13 hours ago, Anna Yolei said:

Wow, they really do have people reading message boards (or at least r/boldandbeautiful, where someone just days ago brought this exact thing about not giving someone a warning and asking if it's really necessary to replay the Vinny video as much as they have):

Talk about being ten minutes late with Starbucks in hand. Are you kidding me?! One (1) PSA on Twitter, way after the story wrapped up?!

Good lord. I'm ready to pack it up and apply as the show's new PR manager. They need the help.

I kept thinking about this when they replayed the suicide video. It was like a recurring joke to them, with Hope looking away from the horror.

I really expected them to have the Vinny actor do the above PSA at the end of all of those episodes.

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Justin, trust me. Famous last words. You can tell Ridge about malfeasance but you need proof to back it up. Have you been making copies all these years?  Bill is rich enough to have all his bases covered on any dirty dealings. 


Katie and Wyatt it’s not a matter of forgiveness, it’s a matter of trust. Bill might be able to forgive Justin but he would never be able to truly trust him once again. 


The same with Eric. You can forgive Quinn but she’s no longer trust worthy. You forgave Carter but in what soap opera world you can trust Carter for staying away from Quinn.  


I while back I posted about Zoey and Paris being boring and useless. But I forgot to mention Finn. You who think that Stuffy, a company exec, model, woman of the world would settle for another Liam. If fact, I find Mr Liberty Butual even more boring than Liam. At times, there are glimpses that Liam can actually act. With Finn, there is no glimpses at all.  Finn is about as romantic as silly putty and Stuffy is going along with it. What happened to adventurous Stuffy in Australia or Aspen. Even Stuffy’s wedding, on the beach, to Wyatt had more panache than a do it yourself wedding.  


So Justin gives Bill’s price possession, his sword, to Ridge as Justin’s pledge of loyalty and that fucked up idiot, Ridge accepts. It’s not like Bill can’t have another one made. Justin thinks that all of Bill’s power is in that sword like all Samson’s power was in his hair.  


Mark my words, Quinn’s portrait is going to turn into Lurch’s Hope mannequin 😉.  But wait, Quinn’s portrait actually came to life.  After having unsatisfying sex from a stick figure for months, how can Carter resist the beautiful eyes and smile of a real woman like Quinn.

in the divorce, Quinn’s contribution, as lead jewelry designer of FC, both in current and future sales are considered 

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12 minutes ago, Waldo13 said:

What happened to adventurous Stuffy in Australia or Aspen. Even Stuffy’s wedding, on the beach, to Wyatt had more panache than a do it yourself wedding.  

They could have at least strolled down to their beach in casual beach wear with baby Hayes and said their lame vows with the ocean vista behind them. Instead, Steffy is sitting on the sofa like a granny with her ugly blankie of despair on her lap.

Sad Bold And Beautiful GIF by CBS

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I have to say I really enjoyed that they had Eric saying: why isn't Carter at work at this hour. Did Eric wonder whether he might be boinking Quinn? And of course that is exactly what is going to happen.

Bold And Beautiful Yes GIF by CBS

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2 hours ago, Waldo13 said:

Justin, trust me. Famous last words. You can tell Ridge about malfeasance but you need proof to back it up. Have you been making copies all these years?  Bill is rich enough to have all his bases covered on any dirty dealings. 


But I forgot to mention Finn. You who think that Stuffy, a company exec, model, woman of the world would settle for another Liam. If fact, I find Mr Liberty Butual even more boring than Liam. At times, there are glimpses that Liam can actually act. With Finn, there is no glimpses at all.  Finn is about as romantic as silly putty and Stuffy is going along with it. What happened to adventurous Stuffy in Australia or Aspen. Even Stuffy’s wedding, on the beach, to Wyatt had more panache than a do it yourself wedding.  

Normally I'd think that Justin was on the ball enough to be making copies of $Bill's shenanigans for posterity, but he done fucked up that whole Thomas kidnapping thing and now I'm not so sure. Who really knows, but I'm sure that Justin's main MO at this point is keeping his own ass out of jail. Either way, I'm glad that he's getting screen time even though I'm not sure why we've got two lawyers at Forrester - but I'm sure they can use them!

And my god, you're not kidding about Finn. It's like the lights are on but no one is home. Stuffy must be completely dickmatized or just too weak from boning him to really contemplate how absolutely dead-ass boring her life is with Finn. Jesus. I feel like I need an energy drink or an amphetamine or something when I'm watching them. They're really awful together, and I thought Dope and Waffle Boy were boring.
/shakes head

Edited by lightninggirl
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10 hours ago, RuntheTable said:

Katie and Wyatt really need to find their way back to each other; cause Batie is staler than year old bread.

Just like in the Gilmore Girls revival where Rory keeps forgetting to break up with her boyfriend, I keep forgetting these two were a couple. LOL! But I'd rather see them reunite than Batie.

What a shame that HT and DD's chemistry together was wasted here and they waited till after HT left to put Victoria & Brad together.

5 hours ago, Artsda said:

Why does Ridge care to have Bill's necklace? This is so stupid. 

Do you want the actual answer or the slash fanfiction one? 👀😆

Yeah, not sure about it, either. I'm pretty sure he probably still has the one Liam loaded at him after he railed Steffy, so he could just wear that one. Hell, he could commission a duplicate from Quinn--i hear she may be in need of money right now.

5 hours ago, Crashcourse said:

I know soaps have always had their share of bad guys, but it bugs me that the only two main black male characters on this show--Justin and Carter--are being portrayed as stupid and disloyal.  

It ain't a great look, and it ain't just the guys: I remember when Maya flipped a switch from a humble woman to a gold digger who woke up back in love with Rick, was the one who spilled the beans on Caroline and Ridge and the proceeded to enable Rick's shitty behavior in the aftermath of that.


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I'm glad they had Steffy mention that Kelly was staying over with Liam and Hope. Some Steam fans out there been mad that while Liam was in jail he "never mentions Kelly!" and "only cares about Hope's kids!" Oy.

Justin. Bill will have you killed before he lets you hand over all his dirt to Ridge. But maybe Justin is doing a double-agent thing, gaining Ridge's trust so he can get info to deliver to Bill.

Oh geez, they've started the daily COO title mentions again. KMN. But ditto comments upthread, why does Carter being the FC COO and lead counsel require him to handle the owner's personal divorce? Such garbage.

Was Steffy wearing her own hair today? And Kelly's last name is Spencer? 🤔

Surely Bill sees now how worthless Wyatt is. Justin could've taken over and renamed the company Barber Publications and Wyatt would've been clueless. That Spencer nepotism isn't paying off for anyone but Wyatt.

Ridge. Bill probably has a whole box full of those mini-letter openers. 😼 How can you sell out yourself and Thomas and FC for so little?

Poor Hayes Forrester-Finnegan. Three last names. That kid will have a lot to live up to--or down considering all the scandals his mommy, grandmommy, grandpa, great-grandpa, and uncle are associated with.

Steffy and Finn marrying themselves on the couch? Oh come on! This show was already cheap but the COVID protocols seem to have enabled a new level of cheapness.

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4 hours ago, Waldo13 said:

while back I posted about Zoey and Paris being boring and useless. But I forgot to mention Finn. You who think that Stuffy, a company exec, model, woman of the world would settle for another Liam. If fact, I find Mr Liberty Butual even more boring than Liam. At times, there are glimpses that Liam can actually act. With Finn, there is no glimpses at all.

Forgot to comment on my last post, but yeah. Finn is very blatantly a studio mandate creation as a means to appease everyone sick of the ToD and/or JMW and SC's tiredness with the same damn script since 2011, but this ain't it. 

The original ToD worked because all three players were characters first. Ridge shared different dynamics with both women and when I watch old clips, neither takes away enjoyment from the other and both brought out different parts of Ridge and they, along with Caroline, all made him a better person.

Finn OTOH brings nothing to the table. A year on the show and he's a bigger blank slate than Paris and Zende even. That may change with the upcoming stories but given the current batting average so far, I'm not holding my breath.

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I’m  sure that there’s been a more boring human on a soap than Finn but I really can’t remember one. If someone else can, please enlighten me. Is his character so poorly written or it he just a really terrible actor? Or both? Please send both of these “lovers” away to another planet. Tomorrow.


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2 minutes ago, Gam2 said:

I’m  sure that there’s been a more boring human on a soap than Finn but I really can’t remember one. If someone else can, please enlighten me. Is his character so poorly written or it he just a really terrible actor? Or both? Please send both of these “lovers” away to another planet. Tomorrow.


I'd say most of JFP's pets on Y&R and the horrendous Z Twins from As The World Turns come pretty close! :P

But none of them really reeked of "I really don't want to do this, but he's here because I guess I have to *annoyed teenager sigh*" the way Finn does. It's obvious Brad wanted to milk the ToD into powder for the next ten years the way he did with Tridge and Bridge but he forgot to make any of them people we could tolerate for more than five minutes a week.

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Word to all the above. At least the "blankie of despair*" was present at the Sinn nuptials. I agree the Cardige ceremony was lame but the Lope t-shirt extravaganza officiated by Douglas also ranks highly. 

How are those ad hoc ceremonies even legal? Douglas was cute and all but c'mon.

I am angered that Carter got away scot-free. Agree. He's the one who really initiated the affair. I mean Quinn doing the eye-fucking and desperation and horniness practically oozing from every pore, Carter didn't need much encouragement.

*I caught a few glimpses of the show today in the hospital waiting room. On that huge TV screen, the snot blanket (and matching pillow) looked a muddy chartreuse color. I have to say that Steffy looked good. I like her natural hair and the dress was very professional and appropriate for a co-CEO. It wasn't black with some leather element or hardware, so those were all positives.

That guy who plays Finn is awful. I mean, he makes JWM look like Meryl Streep or something and that's just being polite. And ugh ... what an awful name for that poor baby. 

Had foot surgery and got some pain meds, so if my posts have been a little "off" recently, that's why!  I re-read a few from the other day and cringed and corrected them. Sorry about that!

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Why does Quinn seem calm, composed and almost gleeful? (Well, I get the gleeful, hey! hey! seeing that very last scene with Carter closing the door.) I would think she'd be a raging bitch, dressed in some of her black and reptilian-print clothes, and hell-bent on revenge and bilking Eric for every possible cent, the mansion, ownership in FC, etc.

Instead, she's just a sheepish, "oh, well." Shrug. The sex with Carter can't be that great. C'mon! But, Quinn is so sedate and downright compassionate and dare I say, pleasant around him. And ... HAPPY!

I thought the revered portrait looked cheap and flimsy. I noticed Quinn was able to easily move it with one hand. When it was hanging over the Forrester mantel, it looked very heavy, like you'd see in an art gallery (or Beverly Hills mansion!)

How about playing/writing all sides? I'd love to see a drawn-out (yeah ... ) SL where Quarter carries on a sizzling affair, while during the day, they are sworn enemies in an acrimonious divorce. (I'm thinking back to the battle for BeLieF.) That would make for good TV and RS and LSV (especially if he writes the scenes) could pull off the passion, drama and conflict. It would also draw in a lot of the other characters to give them some airtime.

Instead, I picture some wimpy outcome where Eric just throws up his hands and tells Carter, "Just give her "everything" she wants.") Hee!

I meant to post this thought a few weeks ago, but didn't want to get into boring personal details, but ... the guy who plays Finn might not be too far off the mark. My podiatrist reminds me a lot like Finn. He's about the same age, tall and thin with dark hair and eyes. (He always has had on a mask, so I haven't seen the rest of his face.) He's very dry, poker face (I imagine) and stick-to-the facts. However, I am sure he isn't that way outside the office/hospital. Finn, OTOH, can even make a marriage proposal or childbirth about as interesting as yeah, watching paint dry. Ugh ...

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Why does Quinn seem calm, composed and almost gleeful?

There's a wild spumor afoot that it's actually Sheila. If that's true, I'm out.


Instead, she's just a sheepish, "oh, well." Shrug. The sex with Carter can't be that great. C'mon! But, Quinn is so sedate and downright compassionate and dare I say, pleasant around him. And ... HAPPY!

Remember, this is a woman who's been with Biil "The Stallion" Spencer. If after that experience she's wowed by Carter, I'm gonna say yeah, it must be exceptionally great with Carter, and that the greatness is due both to the size of the ship and to the motion of the ocean. 😏 Quinn's not quite dickmatized yet but she's heading in that direction, I think. I hope they develop true feelings for each other because Carter just being Quinn's human sex toy is too easy IMO.

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Before I type a thing about Show; I feel I must shout out to my fellow posters who are simply on FIRE! These past few pages of posts have been hilarious and entertaining, and so enjoyable. Thanks guys!

I really am not getting this whole Justin thing. It doesn't feel thought out; it feels like they are flying by the seat of their pants. There is also a complete lack of continuity. What power does having Bill's necklace give Ridge? Also, any dirt Justin has on Bill would be old news, and without some type of hard proof; video, documents, pictures, tapes, it would just be hearsay. And how would any of that benefit Ridge or FCs? And why would anyone think Bill will be coming after them anyway? Bill has bigger issues to face right now, and the fact that Wyatt's complete incompetence didn't register with Bill is troubling. Bill specifically told Wyatt he was in charge of SPs, and Wyatt didn't beat around the bush about how he had basically turned the reigns over to Justin. Why isn't Bill questioning that? How do they know that Justin didn't set something in motion already? He had ample time and opportunity to forge documents, and apparently his signature is just as valid as Bill's. This is what anger does; it narrows your focus. All Bill can think about right now is Justin's betrayal, but Wyatt betrayed him too, because he did the complete opposite of what Bill asked. 

Eric is going to be watching Carter, and that is no way to live or work. If Eric wanted to give Carter a "second chance", then it should have been without any conditions. But here we are, the first day in and Eric is already questioning Carter's absence. Given that most FC's employees rarely show up for work, how is this anything out of the ordinary? Steffy, the company's Co-CEO, can be MIA for days, weeks, and months, with nary a word said about it, but Carter is out one day, and it is noted and recognized? No, Eric is just gonna ride Carter, and question his every move. It is not a workable situation, and to ask Carter to represent him in his divorce from Quinn was just mean and devious. 

Quinn is like a breath of fresh air when she is with Carter. Her smile is so easy and natural; more importantly, it touches her eyes. And she positively glows. I think Quinn is ok with what happened with Eric; maybe not the way it went down, but I think she is glad the truth is out, and she can just own her feelings for Carter. And she brings out a different edge in Carter; he is not so schmucky. So let him be an independent man who knows what he wants, and the world be damned. Because that is what makes good soapy goodness. 

Oh, Steffy and Finn. I was one that wasn't put off with the Ridge/Caroline faux wedding, but this? At least Ridge found a very beautiful, romantic setting, but Finn chooses the friggin couch? It is all just so unfortunate, because Steffy is like a new person. I don't like her, but I also don't begrudge her some happiness and contentment, but Finn is such a limp noodle. And the name should have been Forrester Hayes Finnegan. 


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3 hours ago, CharlizeCat said:

Instead, she's just a sheepish, "oh, well." Shrug. The sex with Carter can't be that great. C'mon! But, Quinn is so sedate and downright compassionate and dare I say, pleasant around him. And ... HAPPY!

On one hand, you have Eric and his flab, farts and he probably goes to sleep 37 seconds after pumping Quinn.

On the other hand, you have Carter's muscles.

The choice is clear.


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17 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

There's a wild spumor afoot that it's actually Sheila. If that's true, I'm out.

Wait, what?!?  Is Dr. Rolf moonlighting in Los Angeles now??

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Wait, what?!?  Is Dr. Rolf moonlighting in Los Angeles now??

Please to be explaining who is Dr. Rolf? 😕


On one hand, you have Eric and his flab, farts and he probably goes to sleep 37 seconds after pumping Quinn.

On the other hand, you have Carter's muscles.

The choice is clear.

I know that's right. Not applauding adultery but soon that won't be an issue, plus I think Eric arguably set things in motion by using the lack of physical intimacy to punish Quinn.

At this point I think the only thing Eric has going for him is his wealth and social status. Other than that IMO he's quite problematic and stuck in the past. Let him buy himself a bimbo who doesn't want much out of life but pretty things with big price tags.  O hai Donna. 😏

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
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On 7/16/2021 at 4:21 PM, bannana said:

I have to say I really enjoyed that they had Eric saying: why isn't Carter at work at this hour. Did Eric wonder whether he might be boinking Quinn? And of course that is exactly what is going to happen.

Bold And Beautiful Yes GIF by CBS

This is perfection, Bannana!

Dayum...I'm on vacation and missed a couch wedding featuring the blankie of doom???  Will my life ever be the same? I'm just so invested in the snooze-fest known as Sinn.

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16 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Please to be explaining who is Dr. Rolf?

Dr. Rolf is a mad scientist on Days of our Lives. He can resurrect the dead and make them look as good as new. He also makes a special serum that can either give you someone else's memories and/or get back the memories you've lost. And lately, he also makes very life like "masks" that look and sound identical to anyone that lives in Salem. And no one, not even a spouse would recognize the difference. Truly amazing. LOL!

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12 minutes ago, MsTree said:

Dr. Rolf is a mad scientist on Days of our Lives. He can resurrect the dead and make them look as good as new. He also makes a special serum that can either give you someone else's memories and/or get back the memories you've lost. And lately, he also makes very life like "masks" that look and sound identical to anyone that lives in Salem. And no one, not even a spouse would recognize the difference. Truly amazing. LOL!

It sounds like Days has snatched B&B's title of the fun, campy soap right from under them! 👀

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It sounds like Days has snatched B&B's title of the fun, campy soap right from under them! 👀

Was B&B ever considered fun and campy? I always thought that soap was Passions--until it was cancelled--and then DAYS took up the mantle.

Back to the wild spumor about Quinn actually being Sheila right now, doesn't Sheila avail herself of the same Doppelgängers R Us service Victor Newman uses? It's my understanding she can make herself look like anybody. Whatever, I'm hoping that spumor doesn't come true.

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3 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Was B&B ever considered fun and campy? I always thought that soap was Passions--until it was cancelled--and then DAYS took up the mantle.

Okay, maybe not full on camp like Passions, but it definitely had it's moments. Like Donna and the bear or the live cougar Jackie used in one of her campaigns. But the show is such a slog to get through because it takes itself so damn seriously. The show took a massive hit with the Beth story that just about everyone hated, and it's been more pain and misery ever since.

I am only glad they didn't wait a year to do that story.

3 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Back to the wild spumor about Quinn actually being Sheila right now, doesn't Sheila avail herself of the same Doppelgängers R Us service Victor Newman uses? It's my understanding she can make herself look like anybody. Whatever, I'm hoping that spumor doesn't come true.

But haven't we seen Sheila and Quinn in the same room before? When could Sheila have switched out with Quinn? And given how sociopathic they both are, who could even tell?

Whatever. B&B seems content to be the Riverdale of daytime TV, but with worse dialogue, so I guess we'll find out.

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I’m tickled that #SINN is a snooze fest. Even a “we’re so HOT” ‘ship name can’t save them as they are about as sexy as a prostrate exam. But so long as it keeps the ToD far, far away, I’m fine with them. Even finer if they are offscreen as much as possible. 

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Brooke looked AMAZING today and loved all those beautiful outfits on her!  I think she got hair extensions because I don’t remember her hair being so full and long.  Her hair looked great too.  

A quickie with Carter and Quinn…yep, it’s our laaaassssst time this time!  I was waiting for the proverbial door knock and hearing Eric’s voice asking Carter to open up!  Maybe tomorrow.

FF the Finn conversations, so not interested.




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Boy does that fit Finn’s oh so boring personality having a wedding on the couch with just Hays as a witness. Talking of boaring Paris and Xende opining on Quinn and Carter. Lurch’s Hope Mannequin had more personality than those three. 

And the truth will out with Quinn seeing the silver lining in being liberated from Eric. Not only that but she doesn’t have to deal with Brooke anymore.  Quinn is moving on. I would say upward because she no longer has to pretend she’s something she’s not. Quinn is a mover and a shaker and not a dull and pensive lady of the mansion. Beside Quinn and Carter are melting my TV screen 🔥🔥🔥

Just Quinn and Carter eye fucking each other has 100 times more passion than Brooke and Ridge kissing.  

Brooke, the opportunist, aces out Quinn and now she has her sights set on Stuffy. Watch Ridge asking Stuffy to step down in favor of Brooke. 

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Who wouldn’t want to get married on their couch? Maybe Finns parents will liven up this dullness. 
Please make Brooke go away. It’s too bad there’s not a farm for aging tramps that Ridge could drop her off at. 
All the new younger characters suck! Paris and Zende are awful, Finn is boring. Flo is also awful. 
At least Quinn is having a good time and hopefully can leverage her fling with Carter into a good divorce settlement.

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1 hour ago, Chatty Cake said:

Please make Brooke go away. It’s too bad there’s not a farm for aging tramps that Ridge could drop her off at. 

Can he check in with her, because his blowhard routine ain't much better to sit through 😒 I'm not terribly invested in whatever agenda he still has against Bill, they've both done Shitty Rich People Shit™ to one another and should be even. The guy didn't even win Brooke back after the last kiss FFS.


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Today’s show was sickening. I have no idea who that photographer was but she, Brooke and Ridge could not have been more silly and immature. What was the point of this exercise? 

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Finn must be still paying off student loans, hah hah. Dude, Steffy is rich. She's not having a couch wedding.

Is that photographer someone famous? Cute how TK was speaking German to her. Did we know Ridge spoke fluent German, lol?

Carter, the confict of interest isn't in your sleeping with Quinn while representing Eric in the divorce. It's that you're representing Eric when you are a big part of the reason for the divorce. Where did you get your law license, out of a Cracker Jack box? So stupid.

I have to say those clothes Brooke was posing in were a better look than the frumpy or ill-fitting other stuff she's been wearing lately. She did look great. Guess Zoe's departure freed up some wardrobe funds.

Quarter 2: Electric Boogaloo! Yeah! Eric can take his cuckold ultimatums and stick 'em up his...nose! 😏

Hmm. Is Brooke gunning for Steffy's job? Good luck with that, hon. And doing it while she's on maternity leave might be against the law.

Sure Quinn. You and Carter will be over after you do it a few hundred more times. Meanwhile, why were Carter's arms shiny? Was that supposed to be sweat? Oy. 😳

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6 hours ago, Foghorn Leghorn said:

Brooke looked AMAZING today and loved all those beautiful outfits on her!  I think she got hair extensions because I don’t remember her hair being so full and long.  Her hair looked great too.  

A quickie with Carter and Quinn…yep, it’s our laaaassssst time this time!  I was waiting for the proverbial door knock and hearing Eric’s voice asking Carter to open up!  Maybe tomorrow.

FF the Finn conversations, so not interested.




Finn is really, really, really boring for daytime. My goodness. 

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1 hour ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Finn must be still paying off student loans, hah hah. Dude, Steffy is rich. She's not having a couch wedding.

Is that photographer someone famous? Cute how TK was speaking German to her. Did we know Ridge spoke fluent German, lol?

Carter, the confict of interest isn't in your sleeping with Quinn while representing Eric in the divorce. It's that you're representing Eric when you are a big part of the reason for the divorce. Where did you get your law license, out of a Cracker Jack box? So stupid.

I have to say those clothes Brooke was posing in were a better look than the frumpy or ill-fitting other stuff she's been wearing lately. She did look great. Guess Zoe's departure freed up some wardrobe funds.

Quarter 2: Electric Boogaloo! Yeah! Eric can take his cuckold ultimatums and stick 'em up his...nose! 😏

Hmm. Is Brooke gunning for Steffy's job? Good luck with that, hon. And doing it while she's on maternity leave might be against the law.

Sure Quinn. You and Carter will be over after you do it a few hundred more times. Meanwhile, why were Carter's arms shiny? Was that supposed to be sweat? Oy. 😳

Were the clothes KKL was wearing for the photo shoot really EXPENSIVE loaners? She looked great in all of them. They didn’t look like they were from KKL/Brooke’s wardrobe rack from the B&B costume department at CBS. I guess they could have been knockoffs but she was literally popping off the screen in every outfit. I’m guessing the photographer was a real photographer from one of their overseas station. B&B always uses their international VIP for little bits. That’s why they’ve been a hit overseas since the show started. It’s too bad with the state of the world they might not go anywhere abroad for a long time. Before it was because of the budget and now it’s Covid-19. 

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1 hour ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Hmm. Is Brooke gunning for Steffy's job? Good luck with that, hon. And doing it while she's on maternity leave might be against the law.

Not that Brooke isn't 100x more qualified than any of the yahoos who have run FC since her ousting, but why the hell is she choosing now of all times to go after Steffy's seat? Brooke's been pretty happy playing Grandma these past few years to Lizzie and Beth and hasn't been too interested in jumping into the most recent melees of the CEO Musical Chairs in the last five years.

This is gonna be read as Brooke the bully going after poor, innocent Steffy and as loathe as I am in defending the latter because she is the B&B skating bronze medalist behind Flo and Quinn, it's a bad look to have a woman going after another woman's job during parental leave, history aside.

8 minutes ago, ByaNose said:

Finn is really, really, really boring for daytime. My goodness. 

At this point, I have to wonder if that's not a bug that was forced because of the actor arriving on the cast days before the COVID shutdown, but a feature so when fans inevitably get bored and even not being Liam isn't enough to sustain interest, Bell can say "welp, I tried ¯\_(ツ)_/¯" and never try to do anything besides the ToD ever again.



And per spoilers, he apparently STILL has hang ups about Liam as a threat?! Then why TF are you getting married?! Go talk to Wyatt about how that turned out for him both times he ignored his gut, ye gods.

If he's that insecure and stupid, he deserves to be cucked too, hopefully by someone else. Can Steffy go sleep with Carter, too? Or Bill again since she no longer looks like barely legal jailbait? Hell, I'll take a quickie with the Loading Dock Guy!



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2 hours ago, Anna Yolei said:


This is gonna be read as Brooke the bully going after poor, innocent Steffy and as loathe as I am in defending the latter because she is the B&B skating bronze medalist behind Flo and Quinn, it's a bad look to have a woman going after another woman's job during parental leave, history aside.


If anything, Ridge should be the expendable co-Ceo.  Isn't the only reason he's in that role because he threw a pathetic hissy fit about it not being "Steffy's time" yet?  

I'm sorry, but Quinn and Carter are boring.  We get it, you guys shag and it's a forbidden, super forbidden, romance.  I know a lot of people see a different side of Quinn in this pairing, but to me she put on the wide eyed nice girl look with Eric, too.  She always turns when things don't go her way, and I haven't seen anything yet to suggest that would be different with Carter.  


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1 hour ago, JNavarro said:

If anything, Ridge should be the expendable co-Ceo.  Isn't the only reason he's in that role because he threw a pathetic hissy fit about it not being "Steffy's time" yet?  

Oh God, I had completely erased that from my brain hole. Yeah, I seem to remember Quinn gifting the position to Steffy to curry favor with her and them Ridge slithered his way into a position. I can't recall if that was before or after their emotional affair.

He's not wrong about that, BTW, but the way he went about it made him sound like a petulant brat and reeked of manipulation. 

I feel like this new CEO story, like everything else over the last 4 months, is just the writers letting manatees select plot ideas outta a ball pit and slapping together a barely cohesive story to fill out the X number of episodes each actor is promised each seasons. Steffy's finally moved on from tormenting Hope for the moment and no Taylor stirring up problems, so there's no reason for these two to start beefing again except as yet another obstacle for Bridge to overcome since they had a whole 3 days of peace after Thomas's name was clear of this particular mess.

*Did* Brooke even tell him thank you for his help, BTW? Bill has as much reason to hate him as she does and can hd grudges like no one's business and even he was willing to give him a clean slate. I dunno if this turn to Shrillsville is intentional but I don't like it. Brooke's fatal flaw is her incurable thoughtlessness but the type of behavior she's had towards Quinn and even Thomas is not her. I say this as someone who has hated the character more often than not in the  past two decades.

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9 hours ago, Crashcourse said:

I agree.  The actor should have stuck with Liberty Bibberty or tried to snag other commercials.

Wouldn’t it be funny if Finns dad is portrayed by the Liberty commercial guy that yells “wet teddy bears?”

Shouldn’t our still new as a bad guyJustin be jonesing for the co CEO job? We don’t need another round of Brooke vs Ridges children.


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For the first time it seems Quinn is in the throes of something she is unable to control. I think she has come to realize that her love for Eric was not grounded in reality, but was a romanticized wish to live a life she thought she would never have. But Quinn is not the prim and proper lady of the manor, and I think being released from the pressure and the scrutiny has freed her, and she is understanding that respectability comes with a price. 

Carter, there are plenty of other jobs out there for multi-functional lawyers like yourself. And now you have COO experience too. Don't let your employer dictate your personal life. You know damn good and well you are not going to be able to come after Quinn on Eric's behalf. Just own the shit now and save yourself more unhappiness and disruption down the road. 

I was so happy to see Brooke stepping out, and she looked amazing. But I was disappointed when I discovered it was not about her, but about her and him. The Bridge Legacy? Really? Is that gonna be the whitewashed version, or the real version? How far will it go back? Will it include Caroline 1.0? I don't know; seems a bit desperate to me if you have to write you romantic history in a magazine article. And to adequately pay homage to Bridge history a table book would probably work better. 

So Brooke wants to step back into the CEO role? I think that is great. I have always felt she was the best leader FC's ever had. But I don't understand her timing, and I don't understand why she thinks Steffy would step down. Having a baby doesn't change anything for Steffy; Brooke had two children when she ran the company on her own. I see this as a ploy to further destroy Brooke's character; having her come off as making a power grab while Steffy is getting her personal life together; celebrating her new son and her new romance. Of course that won't be Brooke's agenda; her agenda will be all about Ridge, and running the company together. Oh, but that is not always a winning situation. There is such a thing as too much togetherness. I am not particularly happy about this turn of events. Unless it will eventually spell the end of Bridge. 

I have been binge watching old episodes on YouTube, and came across a 6 hour sequential daily recording of B&B. It was amazing. Compared to today where we are lucky to have 2 lame ass SLs going at once, on this 6 hour tape we had; Thorne and Macy getting remarried, while she is receiving threatening letters from someone with the moniker of "IRV". Everyone thinks it is model Ivana, but it is actually Anthony. Ivana is murdered by Anthony, but Thorne is suspected, and is arrested as he and Macy are getting married. Sheila has James locked up in her downstairs dungeon, as she and Eric are in the process of divorcing. Ridge is in the hospital after loosing his sight in the lab explosion. Taylor has come back to LA, and is living with her dad and is using the disguise of a British nurse so she can be around Ridge. I tell you my head was spinning trying to keep up with it all. It made me remember why I raced home everyday to play back my VCR recording. And God help them it Show was preempted for something! 

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I wonder if Brooke is going to use Eric as a way to get back in the CEO spot.  "Steffy needs time to bond with her new baby", maybe she'll throw in an "it'll only be temporary", etc. 

(The operative word here being "use" which, more often than not, is the nature of her relationship with Eric.)

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Carter.  Yeah, we get it.  You're buff.  Now PUT YOUR DAMN SHIRT ON!  I don't need to see you imitating Mandingo with Quinn.  You two need to just get the hell out of dodge. 

Why is Finn wearing a too-tight Leave It To Beaver t-shirt?  And why is Paris dressed like a bobby soxer.  Is this the 60's?  

Is Paris going to be the nanny now?  She can't sing that well, the voice is just passable.  If Finn starts working at the foundation, it's going to be interesting because those two will be working together.  I could be down with Faris because I'd love to see Steffy's face break when she finds out.



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