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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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Once again I say, Paris’ dress is very nice but her hair is still off putting and destroys the entire look. 

Why of all people is Zoey asking Ridge for help?  He owes her shit on a shingle. Now it’s Paris’ fault. Did Paris tell her to try to seduce Zende?  Get real you skinny scarecrow.  You’re the one who should be gone. Take you’re ass back to England. 

Occasionally, Lurch can be useful.  

Edited by Waldo13
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In the oceans of bad relationship choices Show has given us over the years; color me shocked they allowed Carter to make the right decision. Alas though, that the decision was propagated on the newly arrived, and most unnecessary, and unwanted, Forrester employee. There was some reason that baby stealer was rushed to forgiveness and acceptance, and it appears that it will be to stick Zoey up her skinny ass. I need to express how this infuriates me. Outside of the fact that Flo deserves nothing, this "acceptance" is based on a peripheral character like Zoey? So, Hope will be forced to see Flo at work everyday, and I would expect forgive her too, in order to prop Zoey? Ah, nah, that shit ain't right on any day of the week. 

Clearly Zoey remains confused about who did what. Paris needs to wind this nonsense up real quick and in a hurry. There isn't enough sisterly love in the universe for a girl to put up with this ish. 

And just after I said I didn't want to see a romance between Paris and Zende, I will just as quickly retract that statement. I was angry and irritated, and felt their blooming romance was sullied and tarnished by Zoey, but I am all good now. Zende taking his new girl to grandad's for dinner would be one thing, but taking her to grandad's for a catered lunch, a new gown, and to be treated like a lady? I would be down for it. And he didn't ask for anything but to learn more about her work and a song? Not even a kiss? Yeah, I think I am all in. 

Thomas is on the case man! He is gonna keep hounding Vinny until something busts loose. No matter, my bets say if they take a retest, it will still show Liam as the daddy. And of course that opens the door for Kelly to be Bill's, cause they have to keep the Liam kid tally even between Hope and Steffy. Also, it would give us a SL with some meat and muscle. I am about done with all this goodness and light and begging. 

Edited by RuntheTable
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if they take a retest, it will still show Liam as the daddy. And of course that opens the door for Kelly to be Bill's, cause they have to keep the Liam kid tally even between Hope and Steffy.

I dunno, I've seen believable speculation that not only is Finn the father of Steffy's new baby, but somehow it's going to come out that Bill is Kelly's father. Many think that JMW is over the Steffy/Liam/Hope thing and wants to end it definitively. Plus, that could be the only reason Hope decides to stay with Liam, if she thinks he no longer has a reason to be in Steffy's life. Of course that revelation might eventually open up whole new rounds of "woulda, coulda, shoulda" between Steffy and Liam at some point in the future, especially if Finn doesn't remain on the canvas.


There was some reason that baby stealer was rushed to forgiveness and acceptance, and it appears that it will be to stick Zoey up her skinny ass.

Well that would explain the look Flo shot at Zoe when Zoe arrived to learn that Flo was being re-hired at FC. Flo vs Zoe? Ehhh, that's like arsenic vs strychnine AFAIC. Pick your poison.

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I thought part of the reason this Bart Simpson lookalike was forgiven was she was capable of remorse and took responsibility for her mistakes. Or so Zoey droned and immediately forgot because ever since she back to zero accountability for her actions and total entitlement. 

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Wow! I was shocked, then I was shocked, that Carter did the right thing and dumped that grifting heifer. Double kudos for insisting that Zoey no longer wear the engagement ring. KB is such a bad actress. I hate her attempts at the quivering teary voice. Instead of sounding like she's on the verge of tears, she sounds like she has a Dorito wedged in her windpipe. Hunter Tylo used to do that too, and it also drove me nuts, because she was equally as bad at it.

Then, I could not believe Zoey's audacity to barge into Ridge's office and demand that he speak to Carter on he behalf.  It was one of the very few times I agreed with Ridge when he just nonchalantly told Zoey she "screwed up."  I wish that FC could find some reason to fire her as well. 

Hmmm ... Zende seems a little too good to be true. I was fully expecting him to suggest to Paris that he "help her out of that gown," but he didn't. I ff'd through the singing, It's not that I find DW a bad singer, but I just found it boring.

I am pulling for Zaris. I think they are fun together!


Edited by CharlizeCat
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So today, Steffy said she thought that she felt a fluttering from the baby. 

Um, the actress was ready to pop when this was filmed, so visually it looks silly because looks more pregnant that she is supposed to be on the show.

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Wow - color me surprised how quickly Show brought somebody else into the whole "Did Vinny change the paternity test result?" storyline!  ["Quickly" compared to the Beth reveal, for example]

And it wasn't just anyone who was brought into this - but Finn, who has a direct bearing on the story.

I guess this makes me need to tune in the rest of this week to see what happens...


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Paris and Zoe look nothing alike.  Nothing.  I wonder if they have different fathers.  Zoe's still saying Paris follows her and won't get out of her life and it's just strange.  So as much of a bitch Zoe is, I still side eye her sister.  They're both coming off as...strange. 

And I'm sorry, but that cap of worms on Paris' head just gives me the creeps.   

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4 hours ago, CharlizeCat said:

Hunter Tylo used to do that too, and it also drove me nuts, because she was equally as bad at it.

I never noticed it back in the day because she was so stunning and I typically cheered for her over Brooke, but she was very, very shrieky at times and it was...not good. I tried watching the 2007-'08 season with the story about her baby w Nick and  boy did that dispel me of any lingering ideals about her acting abilities 😞

1 hour ago, norcalgal said:

Wow - color me surprised how quickly Show brought somebody else into the whole "Did Vinny change the paternity test result?" storyline!  ["Quickly" compared to the Beth reveal, for example]

Well thank fuck they did. I don't mind a long story playing out but it needs to actually be moving and not having the same conversation for months. If they don't wanna do that, at least put us outta our misery.

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Vinny should've just said two words to Thomas: HIPAA violation.

Who does Zoe think she is, telling Paris to email her resignation to Ridge and GTFO? I think the time to have been bothered about Paris encroaching on her two-timing turf was months ago when Paris first started hanging around FC like it was the town square.

So Zoe did give the engagement ring back to Carter. Meh, that just leaves it open for him to make a big production of giving it to her again, when he loses his mind and decides to take Zoe back. 😒

I just don't get why Vinny is so invested in Thomas moving on Hope if she dumps Liam over Steffy's baby. What difference would it make in his life?

Lemme get this straight. If Paris had stopped Ridge from going over to Eric's to catch Zoe with Zende, Zoe would still be engaged to Carter? Huh? What if Zende had agreed to sleep with Zoe and afterward they'd decided they wanted to be together? Was Zende going to be her sidepiece or was she going to dump Carter and blame Paris somehow? Zoe's out of her stupid mind. Her "logic" makes my head hurt.

And then Paris read Zoe like the LA county phone book translated into binary code and printed backward on a roll of toilet paper. In other words: hard. 🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗


Paris and Zoe look nothing alike. 

Not sure I understand the expectation that they look alike. Plenty of full siblings don't resemble each other much, especially if at least one of their parents has strong features. For example, I never thought Rudy, Theo, and Vanessa looked much like Denise and Sondra and they definitely all had the same parents. 😉

Whatever, Paris' last name is Buckingham so if she and Zoe aren't full siblings she probably has a different mother. That is unless Reese's wife cheated on him and passed Paris off as his. Shady Reese seemed to me like the type who'd have an outside child though, and perhaps the baby mama gave Paris his last name. I don't recall, have Paris and Zoe ever mentioned Reese in conversation?

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Zoe is the worst. She's blaming Paris for her chasing after Zende?  She obviously didn't listen to Ridge telling her take her responsibility. Zoe can't handle what she did and she didn't care much for Carter when trying to convince Zende to be with her.

The audacity to ask Ridge to go to Carter on her behalf was hilarious.




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Liam is the father by process of elimination since there was no DNA tested. 

Stuffy said this was her second pregnancy but if I remember correctly isn’t this her third?  Didn’t Stuffy have a miscarriage?  

Zoey is back to being an out and out bitch or should I say a rabid dog.  Have some pride and you should be the one leaving. Nobody wants you and everybody hates you just go sit in the corner and eat some worms.  Zoey, some revisionist history?  You left home and came to LA to start a new life?  No, Zoey you left England, with you cat, to chase Xende to LA.  

Partially open door, my hero. You deserve a Daytime Emmy. Beside, you have more of a personality than Zoey. 

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38 minutes ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

just don't get why Vinny is so invested in Thomas moving on Hope if she dumps Liam over Steffy's baby. What difference would it make in his life?

I read a post on r/boldandbeautiful that suggested that maybe the reason for the deception has nothing to do with Vinny protecting his "bro" but covering his own ass and that the baby may be his.

I dunno how they would work that short of a "misunderstanding" along the lines of that malarkey that revised Bridget's paternity, but if they manage to avoid that, I will be all on board with it to see Liam cry and be cucked AGAIN.

Next to when Bridget stepped out on Nick and conceived Logan with Owen, nothing in B&B's history would give me more joy--except maybe if Kelly ended up as Bill's kid. 🤣

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15 minutes ago, Waldo13 said:

Stuffy said this was her second pregnancy but if I remember correctly isn’t this her third?  Didn’t Stuffy have a miscarriage? 

She sure did. They made a whole of her getting fixed again to get pregnant, which she even tried to use bait Liam once when the Liam/Hope/Wyatt triangle was going on.

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I’m currently watching the Beth is Phoebe reveal on Paramount + and I don’t understand why Zoe is still at FC. Ridge terminated her ass and told her never to step in the building again.  I like that ending a lot better than her somehow getting to stay on. 

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15 minutes ago, Runningwild said:

I’m currently watching the Beth is Phoebe reveal on Paramount + and I don’t understand why Zoe is still at FC. Ridge terminated her ass and told her never to step in the building again.  I like that ending a lot better than her somehow getting to stay on. 

In Zoe's marginal defense, she *did* help expose how warped Thomas has truly gotten and "saved" his marriage to Brooke for a whole 5 minutes as a result. I've honestly forgotten if the Brill kiss was exposes before or after the hiatus, but it hardly matters because...well, it's Bridge we're talking about.

At any rate, Ridge is about Ridge so it's probably water under the bridge to him.

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I read a post on r/boldandbeautiful that suggested that maybe the reason for the deception has nothing to do with Vinny protecting his "bro" but covering his own ass and that the baby may be his.

Okay but no one has any reason to suspect Vinny might be the father. Unless Vinny roofied her and Steffy has no idea he might be the baby daddy, that would mean Steffy's deliberately been lying about only having slept with only Liam and Finn. I could believe that part though because I've been saying all along that the premise of only testing Finn for paternity is b.s. since Steffy could easily have slept with another guy that wasn't Liam.

Wow, that would be a heck of a development for Steffy and Vinny to have been working together to cover up the baby's true paternity. Or Vinny alone covering up his somehow managing to impregnate Steffy. I think the last time we saw Vinny and Steffy even acting like they know each other was at Thomas and Zoe's aborted wedding. I think if they've been carrying on a big secret relationship, or Vinny had sex with Steffy while she was in an altered state and she doesn't remember it, Brad would've dropped some clues.

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OMG Finn needs to go back to doing commercials. Anything over 3 lines and/or the actor needing to emote is just waaaaaay over his head. Wow. That angle from the floor just made it more cringe-worthy to watch, bless him.

So, it looks like poor Vinny needed not only three days' worth of being yelled at, but he also needs two knuckle sammiches before he gives up the truth. 

But one more day of continuous close-ups to his incredulous-looking mug and I was going to have to skip a few days and come here for answers. 😂😂 I hope he sues Finn and his buddy for assault! Who does that?

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I kept hoping Finn would improve in the acting arena but NOOOOO. If possible, he’s worse than when he first came on the show. Dare we hope he moves to Paris with Steffy and they both stay there forever? Oh and Steffy? I’m not sure that Liam will be in favor of you moving his child half way around the world. Just saying.

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2 minutes ago, Gam2 said:

I kept hoping Finn would improve in the acting arena but NOOOOO. If possible, he’s worse than when he first came on the show. Dare we hope he moves to Paris with Steffy and they both stay there forever? Oh and Steffy? I’m not sure that Liam will be in favor of you moving his child half way around the world. Just saying.

Pfft. He's the kid's father, but it's not like he doesn't have  a jet at his disposal to drop in every other week or a job that would miss his presence. Frankly I'm surprised Steffy hadn't considered this dinner to put the screws into him.

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14 minutes ago, Gam2 said:

I kept hoping Finn would improve in the acting arena but NOOOOO. If possible, he’s worse than when he first came on the show. Dare we hope he moves to Paris with Steffy and they both stay there forever? Oh and Steffy? I’m not sure that Liam will be in favor of you moving his child half way around the world. Just saying.


7 minutes ago, Anna Yolei said:

Pfft. He's the kid's father, but it's not like he doesn't have  a jet at his disposal to drop in every other week or a job that would miss his presence. Frankly I'm surprised Steffy hadn't considered this dinner to put the screws into him.

For me, it was the arrogance of Steffy unilaterally deciding that it's OK for her to take Kelly to another country without even talking it over with Liam. Yes, Liam (or rather, Spencer Publications) has a private jet so he can fly to Paris whenever - and there's also Zoom - but does Steffy have the legal right to just take Kelly away?  Steffy told Ridge this was "something she's been thinking about for a while", but I don't recall her informing Liam, even though, again, given she's "been thinking about for a while".

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5 minutes ago, Gam2 said:

“Hadn’t considered this dinner to put the screws into him ?” Please to explain?

Yanno, because of how absolutely petty Steffy has typically been. She's been mostly on good behavior until the last six months, but given she lasped back into the whole "Liam used me" cra, I'm surprised she had pulled a page from her sainted mother's playbook a d threaten to leave town because she couldn't play Happy Famy™ any longer. (And also what norcalgal said as I was typing this)

I know someone said upthread they suspect JMW (and I hope Scott Clifton too) has put her foot down on any more Steam nonsense which may be why this new baby may stay Finn's. I sure hope so.

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Poor Finn. He looked like he'd just realized he'd released a wet fart. Before he met Steffy he must've lived in some fairy tale world where people didn't do bad things just because they could.

Hope, instead of obsessing over an innocent baby maybe you should keep your energy focused on your scumbag of a husband.

Why waste time browbeating Vinny? Just have the tests run again by someone else.

"Maybe he just made a terrible mistake." Understatement of the year, Brooke, Maybe the decade. Liam definitely made a terrible mistake, confusing a plastic mannequin for his human wife and then using that as an excuse to jump directly between Steffy's legs. You should want better for your daughter. 😐

Steffy's said she's going to Paris. What's Paris going to do about Steffy's mess? She's got problems of her own right now with her crazypants sister. 😉

That lab was an awfully small space for two guys to be throwing punches at a third guy. The fellas will be lucky if someone doesn't hear all the noise and call the cops.

Wonder how long it'll take Thomas to inform Hope about the paternity test switcheroo? For sure he's going to look like a hero to her.

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What is Hope wearing?  It looks like her PJ’s.  Liam has rubbed off on Hope for she has learned to waffle.  

Ridge says Finn is tall dark and handsome so I guess Ridge thinks Liam is short blondish and pasty.  

Back and forth back and forth with Vinny. Just tell him you’re going to get another paternity test and see if he confesses. Even if he doesn’t, Finn should get Stuffy to get another paternity test. 

Did Stuffy hit her head?  Since when does a selfish self centered bitch like Stuffy turn altruistic.  Bull shit talks and Stuffy walks. Stuffy, you ass hat, you can’t take Kelly to Paris without Liam’s permission. 

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Everybody was Kung Foo fighting.....

And cue hilarity! But really guys, how fair was it for the two of you to gang up on Vinny like that? I can't decide what was the most entertaining; Finn sucker punching Vinny, Vinny on the floor looking desperate, or Finn's head looming large and wailing about "It's my life!" 

So, I guess Vinny's hospital gig is up. 

Listening to Steffy and Ridge discuss her love life, and her night with Liam, and her sex life, gave me a raging case of the skeevies. That is a conversation a girl has with her mom, but Steffy and Ridge have always had an...........unnatural connection. Where is a nutty professor when you need her? Taylor needs to get her useless butt home stat and help ole Ridge out. 

I don't think I am on board with Steffy hijacking Kelly without discussing it with Liam. The baby is one thing, especially given today's events, but Kelly is entirely another. 

Running away isn't going to change what you did Steffy. It will just remove you from the scene of the crime and having to look at Hope. What a coward. And it really was irritating to hear you lamenting about Finn, and how this isn't fair to him, but not a word about Hope.  

Edited by RuntheTable
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So, I guess Vinny's hospital gig is up. 

As well as his connect to pharmaceutical-grade drugs to sell to his friends and other customers. He also may get arrested if the hospital finds out he changed the results of a medical test.

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On 3/9/2021 at 7:50 PM, Joimiaroxeu said:

I just don't get why Vinny is so invested in Thomas moving on Hope if she dumps Liam over Steffy's baby. What difference would it make in his life

If I were writing this, I'd have it turn out that Vinny and Finn are secretly half brothers with Finn having no clue about it, while Finn and Vinny's father only acknowledged Finn as his son and it turned out that Vinny's mother was paid off with a settlement that she quickly squandered leaving Vinny to a mundane middle class existence in Los Angeles and becoming accustomed to selling drugs to rich L.A. party kids.

The alternate story is that Vinny did this because he's bisexually in love with Lurch, always has been, and while he knows that Lurch can never feel the same way back, he just wants Lurch to be happy and he thinks that has to be with Hope.

Oh, whatever, it's not like this show cares about Vinny anyway. LOL.

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33 minutes ago, methodwriter85 said:

The alternate story is that Vinny did this because he's bisexually in love with Lurch, always has been, and while he knows that Lurch can never feel the same way back, he just wants Lurch to be happy and he thinks that has to be with Hope.

Please let it be this and then bring a new man in for him 💜

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The alternate story is that Vinny did this because he's bisexually in love with Lurch, always has been, and while he knows that Lurch can never feel the same way back, he just wants Lurch to be happy and he thinks that has to be with Hope.

There's a corner of B&B fandom that has been imagining slash fiction involving Thomas & Vinny for a while now. It's hilarious. And sad that Bradley would never go there because they would make a gorgeous couple.

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15 hours ago, Winston Wolfe said:

In fact it was a little bit frightening. But they fought with expert timing.😆

That fight was pretty hilarious and very b movie with the first person camera effects (cuz of covid and budget I assume?). Commenting about it made me look for a gif of a classic brawl and damn Bruce Lee, Patrick Swayze, Clint Eastwood ect used be fine. 

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Well I am glad that Steffy is having a kid that is not fathered by dummy Liam. Let us pray it puts the end to any more Liam/Steffy shenanigans. 

I hope the baby not being Liam's means that Hope still dumps the loser.

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"...it's not like this show cares about Vinny anyway"

Waaah. But I want Show to care about Vinny!!! I care about Vinny.  I had high hopes for the character at the aborted ZoeThom wedding. He called out Lurch for using Douglas to get to Hope, Vinny looked so spiffy in the midnight blue tux standing next to Steffy. They looked, dare I say it, like a couple. They seemed in sync disgusted at Lurch's trifling ways and manipulations. I really hoped Show would bring him on and do a redemption arc. Maybe they still will.

While I do ship Lope,  I want Waffle to go through pure tee hell until he and Hope can reconcile waaaaaay down the road.  I would not be upset if Vinny and Hope became friends.  He could explain the test switcheroo as he thought Liam had been a trifling man-ho ass to sleep with Steffy and felt Hope would be better off without him.  He could beg her forgiveness and say he had no right to make that decision for her, that no one has a right to make decisions for her. And then a slow, slow arc working toward then being just friends.  He could know Felony from somewhere, know all kinds of other dirt on her and back Hope up when she refuses to forgive Felony. Maybe Felony has done the baby thing before -- she didn't seem to have any qualms helping Dr Buckingham Palace out. and taking the $50,000.

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13 minutes ago, La di Diva said:

He called out Lurch for using Douglas to get to Hope,

That's why it's sooooo stupid that Vinny switched the paternity result to HELP Thomas hook up with Hope. So it's OK for Thomas to use a child (Douglas) to get to Hope, but not OK that Vinny do the same (Steffy's unborn fetus) so Thomas can get with Hope?! 

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France is only a plane flight away, Steffy. If you want some real distance from Finn and Liam maybe you should go to Antarctica. 🙄

Ugh, more Liam begging. I wonder if he'd have been going to all this effort with Hope if Finn had dumped Steffy instead of promising to stand by her.

If you messed with the test, you must confess! Oy, Vinny, you could've spared yourself some pain by just admitting it when Thomas first suspected. Apparently you don't know your buddy as well as you thought you did.

OMG, Finn, instead of rehashing old news or breaking the speed limit to dash over to FC, you should've immediately sent a group text to all the concerned parties. Technology is your friend.

Hope, Douglas is not yours and Liam's to share either. Yet, you expect him to accept that raising Douglas means also having Thomas around. You are such a hypocrite. Guess it doesn't matter now though.

Finn makes the best WTF? faces. My guy, this will be your life with the Forresters. There will always be some new WTFery you could've never imagined.

Lol, it'll be funny if Steffy gets emotional and pushes Finn off the cliff. (Yeah, I'm mean like that. 😉 ) Meanwhile, of course Thomas didn't waste any time running to tell Hope. Wonder how grateful she be? Be funny if Liam came back and caught Hope kissing Thomas for real. 🤯

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B&B must really be broke. Those two racks of dresses look like the were purchased at K-Mart at their going out of business sale. 

Stuffy, Kelly also needs a passport plus Liam’s permission to take her out of the country. If it’s without Liam’s permission it’s actually kidnapping. 


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Steffy was just going to up and take Kelly for who knows how long without telling Liam? 

I'm bored of Finn and this fake super love with Steffy. Steffy has shown none of it especially when she was cheating with Liam.


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Wordy, McWordy, Word!

Right on the heels of that rock um sock um MMA action yesterday; today we get Vinny fleeing the lab while shouting "I'm not going to jail!" 

And you know what? He probably won't. Thomas and Finn were so overjoyed at the news they will both probably forget about Vinny. 

All the same; I am struggling to drum up any interest. The only character I care anything about in this mess is Hope, who once again is on the losing end, while Steffy, the one who betrayed her new man, comes out on top. Hope gets a waffling husband, a broken marriage, and more heartache; Steffy gets the new guy, the new romance, and now, the new guys kid. 

And then there is Finn; TN is a terrible actor, and he has absolutely zero chemistry with JMW. If they want Steffy to move on from Liam, they could have at least given us someone worth rooting for. Finn leaves me numb; he is a clueless schmuck, who apparently hasn't had a girlfriend since 7th grade. At least Hope had the decency to be offended, and hurt, and angry, about HopequinnGate. At least she didn't immediately forgive Liam. In fact, Hope is the only one acting the way someone should act when they have been betrayed. Finn OTOH, couldn't forgive Steffy quick enough. He is so oddly weird, with his neediness, and his adoration. I almost feel sorry for the guy, cause he is positively clueless about what he has signed up for. 

Yeah, and so when Finn showed up at Steffy's, and he ran to her, all I could hear in my head was the theme song from the very old soap called Love Is a Many Splendored Thing. 

So does this mean that Steffy won't be leaving? What would be the point now? She said she was leaving to help Finn, but Finn doesn't need to be helped now. 

I would love to see the tables get turned and Hope come out on top for once. 

Edited by RuntheTable
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4 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

. I wonder if he'd have been going to all this effort with Hope if Finn had dumped Steffy instead of promising to stand by her.

I don't know, either. I think Liam "loves" Hope more than his other romantic interests but he still wants to keep Steffy on a string because reasons.

I'm just hoping they can both be done with him. 

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