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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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There's the fact that no one in his family is worried about him, least of all Wyatt. You'd think $Bill would be more concerned

Right? I know everybody got texts "from Liam," but the fact remains that he's not the type to send a blanket "I'm finding myself, leave me alone" text, never to be heard from again. The only one who acts semi-suspicious is Steffy, but her suspicion miraculously goes away once Wyatt's tongue is down her throat.
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I think no one looking for Liam is another way characters are dumbed down to make Quinn work. They are trying to make Quinn crafty but that doesn't work when people's common sense becomes non-existent. See Bill not hunting down Liam or Deacon falling for Quinn's another chance ploy or Wyatt not being completely suspicious of Quinn's no-face man and Liam falling off the face of the Earth.

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That's actually an interesting alternative idea, jenrising.  It probably would have ended up falling under the sexual dyslexia heading, I suspect, buuut stiiiill...


- Liam conks his head on Ivy's flight, goes to Australia, comes back, sees Steffy and Wyatt in bed, stumbles off, maybe checks in with a doctor about some headaches or something. It gets written off as a minor concussion or so on, and could or could not be revisited later.

- Liam decides to just take a sabbatical and bails for an island in the south Pacific where somebody had built a retreat of some sort.

- Man Brady #2 (a.k.a. Jan Brady #3, a.k.a. Wyatt) whines to Quinn about Liam tossing Steffy aside, how he's a better man for her, blah blah Marciacakes.

- Quinn locates Liam and flies down, Stephanie-style, to "reason" with him.

- Quinn and Liam somehow end up ingesting boinkberries, since the retreat is--ta da!--on Boinkberry Island.

- Quinn and Liam, initially thinking if not actually hallucinating the other person is someone else, have mad hot sex.  Maybe a few times, with the last time optionally being when they come down from the berry buzz.

[bonus] Quinn and Liam come down from their boinkberry high, realize what happened, decide it never happened and to never speak of it again--but (in my best announcer voice) "they can't forget about what happened..."


It'd admittedly be more expensive production-wise (location shoots, different sets, etc.), but it'd be more graceful than where this mess went.  And Deacon, or cliffdiving Deacon in this case, wouldn't even be a factor (yet).

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So once again Zende is bastardized for braking up with Saint Nicole. Maya and Nicole are just dumbfounded how Zende doesn't apprehend that the sun revolves around them. I would rather watch Steffy's puffy face than listening to Maya's condescensions.

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Right? I know everybody got texts "from Liam," but the fact remains that he's not the type to send a blanket "I'm finding myself, leave me alone" text, never to be heard from again. The only one who acts semi-suspicious is Steffy, but her suspicion miraculously goes away once Wyatt's tongue is down her throat.


He does tend to be rather on the loquacious side, I doubt he could manage a "Good Morning" in less than thirty syllables nevermind a short, succinct text.


Quinn, you just shoved someone off a cliff after convincing them to help you shove someone else off a cliff, I'm fairly certain you're not becoming a better person, in fact the term person is something I'm using very loosely. Then again if $Bill can have two Forrester women fighting over him than why not Quinn right? That quid should plain pro quo on this show.

Edited by slayer2
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That's why I've kept asking if anyone had ever broken up with her before. She doesn't seem to get how it works. Steffy seems to be the kind of woman who appears on Jerry Springer to beat up the woman her husband/boyfriend is cheating on her with--instead of beating up the husband/boyfriend. The person in the middle is almost always the one with the power and women like Steffy tend to misidentify who is in middle.

Steffy's checkered romantic history includes dumping Marcus for Rick, with whom they had a mutual off screen break up and then months of pursuing Owen, Bill and Oliver (all of whom were involved with other women) before imprinting on Eggo. She and Liam never used to break up so much as he'd run to Hope and Steffy eventually became wise enough to let them implode on their own to let him come back.

This is the first time he's called her for slime and didn't waffle away to the next warm body.

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So once again Zende is bastardized for braking up with Saint Nicole. Maya and Nicole are just dumbfounded how Zende doesn't apprehend that the sun revolves around them. I would rather watch Steffy's puffy face than listening to Maya's condescensions.

Zende was more noble than most other young men of his age group, much less a young man in LA. He also made a clean break from Nicole before bonking Sasha, again something that is rarely seen on this show.

Maya can STFU. if she cared that much for her sister, she could've bought an outside donor or asked any other female relative of Rick's to carry the baby.

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So once again Zende is bastardized for braking up with Saint Nicole. Maya and Nicole are just dumbfounded how Zende doesn't apprehend that the sun revolves around them. I would rather watch Steffy's puffy face than listening to Maya's condescensions.

He gave it the old university try, and he made a clean break. That's more than most of these dolts can say. (Puffles had to take another man's engagement ring off to put the new one on.) He shouldn't be guilted into taking her back. Maya can go suck an egg. I don't blame him for moving on. He's the only one who isn't beholden and up someone's bum in that storyline. Saint Nicole is an adult. This is probably the first of many losses. She'll be okay.

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He gave it the old university try, and he made a clean break. That's more than most of these dolts can say. (Puffles had to take another man's engagement ring off to put the new one on.) He shouldn't be guilted into taking her back. Maya can go suck an egg. I don't blame him for moving on. He's the only one who isn't beholden and up someone's bum in that storyline. Saint Nicole is an adult. This is probably the first of many losses. She'll be okay.

Nicole and Zende had a weird relationship anyway. You couldn't call it "dating" because they never went out and did things together.

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Nicole and Zende had a weird relationship anyway. You couldn't call it "dating" because they never went out and did things together.

To be fair, when was the last time any couple has really "dated" on this show? My guess would be somewhere in the early days of the Obama administration....if even that recently.

All snark aside, I can't think of a more boring couple than those two, and that was even before Baby Raya was thrown in the mix. I'm glad they've finished but I have a feeling the writers have no clue how to finish this story. You'd think either the shock of Nicole banging her ex, Nicole being her sister or both would be the big dramatic reveal that leads to her miscarriage, but neither of that is happening.

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Waldo13, on 22 Mar 2016 - 5:14 PM, said:Waldo13, on 22 Mar 2016 - 5:14 PM, said:Waldo13, on 22 Mar 2016 - 5:14 PM, said:

So once again Zende is bastardized for braking up with Saint Nicole. Maya and Nicole are just dumbfounded how Zende doesn't apprehend that the sun revolves around them. I would rather watch Steffy's puffy face than listening to Maya's condescensions.


AussieBabe, on 22 Mar 2016 - 8:01 PM, said:AussieBabe, on 22 Mar 2016 - 8:01 PM, said:AussieBabe, on 22 Mar 2016 - 8:01 PM, said:

He gave it the old university try, and he made a clean break. That's more than most of these dolts can say. (Puffles had to take another man's engagement ring off to put the new one on.) He shouldn't be guilted into taking her back. Maya can go suck an egg. I don't blame him for moving on. He's the only one who isn't beholden and up someone's bum in that storyline. Saint Nicole is an adult. This is probably the first of many losses. She'll be okay.


When Nicole first talked to Zende about the surrogacy he was against it and explained his reasons why (armed with Carter's counsel). At that point Nicole saw that she could lose more than 9+ months of her life, but Maya wasn't going to let the inconvenience of Zende's negative reaction get in her way of the production of a Forrester-Avant baby. Maya stayed on message, lobbying hard for Nicole to be impregnated and carry Rick's child -- Zende didn't stand a chance over Maya's determination to have Nicole be her incubator, and he gave in.


I think Zende did the right thing by breaking it off with Nicole. He should have done it earlier, knowing fulfilling Maya's desire for a child was more important to Nicole than he could ever be.


Nicole had a Hell of a nerve questioning Zende's commitment to her as her life was being consumed by Maya and Rick's baby.


Anna Yolei, on 22 Mar 2016 - 11:55 PM, said:Anna Yolei, on 22 Mar 2016 - 11:55 PM, said:Anna Yolei, on 22 Mar 2016 - 11:55 PM, said:

All snark aside, I can't think of a more boring couple than those two, and that was even before Baby Raya was thrown in the mix. I'm glad they've finished but I have a feeling the writers have no clue how to finish this story. You'd think either the shock of Nicole banging her ex, Nicole being her sister or both would be the big dramatic reveal that leads to her miscarriage, but neither of that is happening.


Watching moss grow is more entertaining than those two trying to remember their motivation as young lovers as they stumble through their dialog and stage directions.

Edited by Cupid Stunt
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May I ask as a relative newbie here (little over a year) if y'all would fill me in on Boinkberry Island.


Inquiring minds want to know.....

I can't find a good video, but here's The Clarence Update:

In a nutshell, Thomas and Brooke were flying to a fashion show, and their plane crashed on an island. They were hungry and ate some hallucinogenic berries, where they saw all kinds of HR Pufnstuff things. Stephanie urged Thomas to lie that they had sex in order to break Ridge and Brooke up, and as incentive Stephanie gave Thomas Forrester stock.

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Aww, I so miss Clarence.  He'd have a field day with WTHQuil.


And it occurs to me that the one thing that stops Zende from being the completely sanest young man on the show is that, even though he did break up with Vanessa Williams-chibi first, he still didn't wait that long at all before hitting the sheets with Miss Tall Drinkwater.  Comparatively, however, Soulverine is still a virtual paragon of restraint.

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Zende's ending things with Nicole showed that he's the only sane & rational adult involved in the St. Nicole & Raya maternity mess. Zende knew that he couldn't keep living a lie and pretending to support Nicole's choice anymore. If Nicole had any sense, she wouldn't have done it. If Raya had any sense, they wouldn't have asked in the first place.

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Zende asked Maya if she would have preferred if he lied, and she said no. Which begs the question, just what the hell was he supposed to do??? I know, Maya, he's supposed to support Nicole. Except he DOES support Nicole; I don't know where they're getting it from that supporting her decision also means he needs to continue to date her. Note I use the term "date" loosely, as they've never actually been on a date.

Edited by ByTor
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Oh but don't you remember the magical night of pepper steak?

 I mean, it was love at first bite, dontcha know?


Seriously, this couple couldn't light a fire with each other if both of them had matches and lighter fluid. If I had to measure their chemistry, I'd need negative numbers to complete the calculation. Nicole pinched up face and lips when she's kissing Zende like some ancient great-great-granny speaks volumes.


But even pretending that their love is the greatest love that ever loved, expecting a man to wait for his virginal girlfriend to give birth to her brother-in-law's spawn is a bridge too far. At least he had the decency to tell her he tried, but he couldn't hack it.


And I sense it will all be for naught because I'm guessing Nicole will take a tumble down the ill-fated Forrester mansion staircase after she spies him getting some sexual healing from Sasha and bye, bye baby Raya.


Speaking of babies, I should be cooing over baby Douglas but (1) I hate his namesake with the fire of a thousand suns, that bitch doesn't deserve to be memorialized in any way, shape or form and (2) I'm actually siding with Thomas. Thomas of all people! Thomas the pervy rapist. But two wrongs do not make a right and keeping little D's paternity a secret is going to blow up spectacularly. Ridge's crowing about how they must keep the secret or otherwise they wouldn't be together is just all kinds of WTF. He has zero right to do this, Thomas' actions notwithstanding, and Caroline looks younger and more immature by the second as she sits there listening to her daddy's - I mean husband's oh-so-sage counsel. 


And yet, somehow all of this will end up being Brooke's fault. I can see the blame and bash from a mile away.

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And yet, somehow all of this will end up being Brooke's fault. I can see the blame and bash from a mile away.

Yes, it will, because she needs to keep her fucking trap shut. In the end, they'll discover the baby actually is Ridge's and everyone will also learn that Thomas is a sexual predator.

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And I sense it will all be for naught because I'm guessing Nicole will take a tumble down the ill-fated Forrester mansion staircase after she spies him getting some sexual healing from Sasha and bye, bye baby Raya.


If the show had the guts, instead of Nicole falling down the stairs due to getting an eyeful of Zasha, she gets caught in the crossfire of Rick and/or Maya confronting Ridge and/or Caroline over Baby Douglas' paternity and it gets physical and Nicole gets nudged and somehow falls down the stairs and loses the baby.


Rick then has another 'reason' to hate Ridge for killing his baby while Raya get some karmic payback for trying to use someone else's baby as a power play in their bid for Forrester. Rick would then really be hellbent on destroying Ridge. Add in the fact that Thomas finds out Douglas is his as well and you have 2 prime suspects for a who shot Ridge (and didn't miss!) attempted murder mystery.


In the end the culprit will be Daddy Avant.

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Can someone please tell me why Zende was sporting a Don King haircut? In addition, could someone please teach Nicole how to produce tears while crying especially in a close up. Geeze Louise.

The rivalry between Rick and Eric is like two petulant children fighting over wanting to wear the same pair of sneakers. It's an epic fail and falls short of the rivalry between Jack and Victor over in GC. At least, deep down inside, Jack and Victor have a mutual respect and a symbiotic relationship. Ridge and Rick is pure hatred fueled by not being greatful for what you have but focusing on what the other one has. What does Rick expect to find rifling through Ridges desk? Has the hidden secrets, of the desk, replaced the partially open door?

I thought, for sure, Poppa Avant was going to forbid Sasha from seeing Zende but he remembered he foresaw this and tried to warn Nicole.

Nicole as become as self centered as Maya, the enabler. Sasha is right, she is the only daughter that's like her father. At least for today, Sasha out acted Zende and Nicole. She held her own with Julius.

Edited by Waldo13
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Yes, it will, because she needs to keep her fucking trap shut. In the end, they'll discover the baby actually is Ridge's and everyone will also learn that Thomas is a sexual predator.

Ridge should have never told her in the first place. He chose to confide in her, his ex, instead of the woman he was supposedly in love with, Caroline, knowing she wanted children and lying (by omission) about his ability to have a child. His lies and confession to Brooke are on him, not Brooke. She doesn't owe him a damn thing and when the truth comes out, which it will, it should be on Ridge. He's the one that lied to Caroline and is lying now to Thomas and chose to tell Brooke - people who have nothing to hide, hide nothing. It is not Brooke's fault that he's in the situation he's in - he chose to put himself in the situation by his own actions and he chose to insert Brooke into a situation she had no business being in. All choices he could easily have avoided but didn't.


Not to say Thomas isn't to blame as well - he is, since, for now, he's the baby real father and his actions, which I would call rape, resulted in the conception in the first place. 


But to blame Brooke for actions Ridge took? No. That's on all on him.


That's like folks who blamed Maya for breaking up Rick/Caroline when she outed Caroline for cheating with Ridge. Um no, the reason their marriage broke up is because Caroline cheated, not because Maya busted them. 


Of course, I'm sure that this won't even matter one whit because once the smoke clears from firing upon Brooke, it will come out that Douglas is Ridge's after all, so all's well that end's well. Right?

Edited by CountryGirl
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I forgot to mention...when Rick was laughing about the name "Douglas" (not the name per se but the Stephanie connection), all I could think was that somebody with that haircut has no business laughing at anybody else about anything!

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I think the Raya baby will be fine because the TPTB can't resist the Emmy winning story line of Ridge and Rick battling over which child* will get the bigger room at the boarding school they get sent to.




* AKA "kid"

Edited by Gudzilla
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Nicole and Zende had a weird relationship anyway. You couldn't call it "dating" because they never went out and did things together.


I laughed so hard when they said "I love you."  Slow down, children.  You've spent 5 minutes together.  

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Julius, Zende, and Sasha really didn't come off looking too good after today's ep. For Julius, everything is Maya's fault, including his daughter getting with his other daughter's ex. How can Zende claim to have ever cared about Nicole if he boinks her best friend 15 minutes after they broke up? And Sasha... she's just a despicable, worthless character.

And I sense it will all be for naught because I'm guessing Nicole will take a tumble down the ill-fated Forrester mansion staircase after she spies him getting some sexual healing from Sasha and bye, bye baby Raya.

I will be exceedingly angry if they try this. If I had to sit through all of the horseshit surrounding Nicole's surrogacy (complete with 9,000 parts that made no damn sense), there better be a baby at the end of it all. OTOH, I was stunned that Nicole didn't clutch her stomach in pain after hearing about Zende and Sasha.

Speaking of pain, watching the actress who plays Nicole try to cry (or do anything at all) causes this viewer distress.

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Zende, chile please. Of course the way you show someone how much you "care" about them is to tell them that you're screwing their (former) best friend. AFAIC, you can take your effing "honesty" and shove it up your narrow azz. Plus, there were no other women in LA you could sleep with other than Nicole's (former) best friend? Sorry but I think the kind of men who do things like that are showing how much disrepect and disdain they have for both women. Nicole should consider herself lucky to be free of someone who really seems to think very little of her, or at least not as much as he thinks of himself.


That's like folks who blamed Maya for breaking up Rick/Caroline when she outed Caroline for cheating with Ridge. Um no, the reason their marriage broke up is because Caroline cheated, not because Maya busted them.

I would agree with this except for the part where Maya knew it would benefit herself to drop that bomb. IMO, she didn't do it for any reason other than to create an opening with Rick and deliver some payback to two enemies.


ETA: Heh, nasir, GMTA. (That's what happens when I try to post on multiple threads at the same time. Stupid multi-tab browser...)

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
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I'm betting that that dodo Ridge had all of his confidential medical reports about his vasectomy-non vasectomy-vasectomy in his unlocked office desk drawer. Makes sense to keep something like that in the communal office, right? 


I just can't with this Zende/Nicole/Sasha nonsense. Watching that girl try to act in a scene with the actor who plays Mr. Avant was just painful.

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I just can't with this Zende/Nicole/Sasha nonsense. Watching that girl try to act in a scene with the actor who plays Mr. Avant was just painful.

The sad thing is, that is the most animated I've seen her! Even sadder, she's practically Meryl Streep compared to Nicole...that girl is so bad it hurts. Edited by ByTor
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I thought Felisha Cooper wasn't that bad in Sasha's scenes with Daddy Dearest, but she does tend to get a little strident and harpy when Sasha's "mad."  OTOH, when Julius actually dared Sasha to go ahead and drop the bomb on him...honestly, this might be the sanest thing she could possibly do right now.  It'd still be fucked up due to the Zende factor, but she might as well.  (And if it means we get a scene of Vivienne slapping the taste completely out of Julius's mouth--bonus.)


That said, Reign Edwards...this was definitely the most animated I've seen her thus far, but Vanessa Williams-chibi still came off so remarkably stilted and frozen when trying to give Soulverine what for.  (Conversely, as relatively sane as Zende has been up to this point, today's episode kind of torpedoed that.)


As for Rick...the one thing stopping him from overtaking Katie on the Jan Brady-o-meter is that he hasn't become an alcoholic.  But his "What about me?" game is just as tight, if not perhaps tighter with more years of experience behind it.  He needs to go resurrect Jackie M, buy his own goddamn house, hang Maya's portrait on the front door and then worry about besting Ridge.

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To be fair, when was the last time any couple has really "dated" on this show? My guess would be somewhere in the early days of the Obama administration....if even that recently.


But other couples have been shown doing things together, most recently Wyatt and Puffy frolicking on the beach. Not Zzzende and Nicole.

Daddy Avant nailed it about Maya guilting Nicole into being her surrogate.

Titty baby Rick's whining drives me nuts. He was actually bitching about living rent free in his Mommy's mansion instead of his Daddy's. Well, if it's so bad, you little turd, go buy your own effing house!

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As for Rick...the one thing stopping him from overtaking Katie on the Jan Brady-o-meter is that he hasn't become an alcoholic. But his "What about me?" game is just as tight, if not perhaps tighter with more years of experience behind it. He needs to go resurrect Jackie M, buy his own goddamn house, hang Maya's portrait on the front door and then worry about besting Ridge.

Can I state once again how over Rick's entitlement I am?

My God. Ridge had his day on the entitlement throne, but we were shown the blood, swear and tears he and Thorne both put into the company so I actually cared when they got into it.

What has Rick ever added to the company? KL!Rick manipulated his fall from the balcony to getade President and then once that was outed, he took to using Steffy to weedless Ridge and sell the collection designs to Jackie M. Yep, what a winner there. Not.

I wish I hadn't used the N.Sane moniker on Nick Marone. He never took to firing warning shots at Brooke and Ridge in the office and had the good sense to hire a surrogate outside of Bridget's immediate family.

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As for Rick...the one thing stopping him from overtaking Katie on the Jan Brady-o-meter is that he hasn't become an alcoholic.  But his "What about me?" game is just as tight, if not perhaps tighter with more years of experience behind it.  He needs to go resurrect Jackie M, buy his own goddamn house, hang Maya's portrait on the front door and then worry about besting Ridge.


I expect Rick to snatch his head bald once The Happy First Forrester Family article premiers in Eye On Fashion. Rick will go beyond whining and sniffing in desk drawers, to using a coat shovel to unearth Ridge's secret shame -- Thomas is a rapist, and Ridge claimed the child from that rape as his son to shield him and Caroline from Thomas.


I believe Ridge is packing Super Sperm, and no French vasectomy can stop his Penis Flytrap from it's appointed rounds. 

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I'll give it to Reign, she certainly tried....something, but Lord, that was p-a-i-n-f-u-l and not in the oh, you poor, devastated pregnant poodle but it's clear this one just cannot act. It was the most animated I've ever seen her so there's that.


Felisha's Sasha has the opposite problem - everything she does is at a 10!!!! All the time!!!! Full blast!!!

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Felisha's Sasha has the opposite problem - everything she does is at a 10!!!! All the time!!!! Full blast!!!

Yep. I think her acting style has "high school drama club" written all over it. But she tries, gawd help her, she tries.

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Felisha tends to end up more often than not playing against just two people--Rome Trumain, who she usually comes off as better than, and Obba Babatunde--who pretty much blows her away on sheer melodramatic gravitas.  Poor Reign, meanwhile, is usually up against Rome and Felisha and then Karla Mosley...and comes up prettier, but simultaneously lacking.


And I really need Sasha and Thomas to hook up.  They'd be a prettier couple than Zencole (not to mention a taller one), they can both act--well, more so PF--and, hell, they'll both need a friend once their respective shitstorms hit.


I wish I hadn't used the N.Sane moniker on Nick Marone. He never took to firing warning shots at Brooke and Ridge in the office and had the good sense to hire a surrogate outside of Bridget's immediate family.




Never doubt that one, Anna.  Nick was the one who went overboard trying to save Brooke from (Ridge and) herself, which after the better part of a decade is still in the running as both the sanest and stupidest thing any one person has ever done on this show.  He earned that title.

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BillC, I wouldn't mind seeing Thomas and Sasha together - their heights complement each other nicely and they are both a little on the spicy side. Let Nicole forgive Zende now that he's sowed his wild oats and they can go enjoy a life of vanilla-dom and live boringly ever efter.


By the way, where is Mama Avant? Shouldn't she be aware her daughter's BFF has been banging Zende?

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I feel bad for KM, she is another one (along with RS) who I'm sure has NO idea how she's supposed to portray her character. First, she was right there with Rick that Ridge is the devil. Then, she seemed OK with Ridge; for example, she was perfectly fine with Ridge taking her portrait down & kind of spoke in Ridge's defense to keep Rick from going all in revenge mode. Now she's acting like she has no clue as to who Ridge is and why Rick has issues with him. I really wish they would just write something and stick with it for more than a month (real time).

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Maya in a general sense is consistent about backing her man, but it'd still be nice if they were more consistent about letting her doubt his decisions.  I think we literally got three seconds of that in today's episode, wedged between Rick's 80s cop-show "I know he's dirty! I just need proof!" thing.


By loose extension...Liam went thud in the FC parking lot at the end of December in realtime, right?  So, ballparking it, it only took fifty-odd episodes for someone to revisit that...


Whatever sanity Soulverine had saved up from the last two weeks of episodes was gone the moment he didn't reply to Sasha's quasi-question about how he felt about her.  OTOH, there probably wasn't a good answer to that question...but still.  Why couldn't you let one man be relatively rational on this show, Show?


And that leaves the suddenly sleazy Dr. Whatsit, who apparently stalks Ridge to lunch just so he can declare that his sperm count is still zero and that he knows "his secret."  Did we need that?  Really?

Edited by Bill C.
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Maya in a general sense is consistent about backing her man

True, I'll give them credit for that. But her acting like she doesn't know about the history between Rick & Ridge negates any goodwill I had toward the writing :)
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Nicole has now become a full fledged member of the Rick/Maya my shit doesn't stink whinny entitlement me me me club. Nicole doesn't remember that she drew first blood with getting Sasha fired as does Rick not remember how he became CEO in the first place.

What is the purpose of Dr Eat Shit and Die telling Ridge that having a baby is impossible? How does he know that there wasn't a sperm donor? Is the good doctor going to blackmail Ridge? He can't say anything because of HIPPA and he would loose his license.

Will Thomas say anything to Ridge about Rick and Maya? And one more thing, Nicole, Zende, and Sasha are more boring than listening to Max and Rubie.

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What is the purpose of Dr Eat Shit and Die telling Ridge that having a baby is impossible? How does he know that there wasn't a sperm donor? Is the good doctor going to blackmail Ridge? He can't say anything because of HIPPA and he would loose his license.

I'm sure that to these writers HIPPA is just a female hippopotamus.


At least Rick's petty behavior has led to something positive as now Charlie (actually the most effective crime fighter on the show) is on the Quinn/Liam case. 

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