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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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Ugh, I bet we will be seeing those beach scenes in the Wyffy love montages for freaking ever. I guess it is something that the actor who plays Wyatt has enough self esteem to not work out but "a loaf of white bread" he is indeed.

You know that a young female on a soap would never be able to get away with that!

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Coming here to say its a Tesla. There's a dealership in my town (by my mothers house). They're nice. Liam's supposed to be an environmentalist so it fits.

I also don't get why other soaps refuse to do any location stuff even just a park scene. It must be cheapness. You can see the cheapness on the soaps even Y&R. I wouldn't be surprised if in 10 years they are all gone. Even B&B to online or produced overseas.

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Seriously, has anyone figured out how much time is spent panning LA from the start to finish of the show then adding the time for advertisements just how much show are we actually getting?

The online version of the show on CBS' site is generally only about 20 minutes tops. I imagine those aerial shots are taking up at least 2-3 minutes. It seemed particularly bad on Friday's show, a show which was a lot of filler anyway with all the Wyatt and Steffy beach stuff.

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The online version of the show on CBS' site is generally only about 20 minutes tops. I imagine those aerial shots are taking up at least 2-3 minutes. It seemed particularly bad on Friday's show, a show which was a lot of filler anyway with all the Wyatt and Steffy beach stuff.


Heh, I once counted nine aerials before they got to a scene. Excessive, I agree.

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Seriously, has anyone figured out how much time is spent panning LA from the start to finish of the show then adding the time for advertisements just how much show are we actually getting?

17 minutes of new content each day. This is an average for the episodes overall after commercials, aerial shots, stock shots of buildings/homes, and flashbacks/montages are removed.

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The aerial shots & (especially) the flashbacks are just lazy writing & producing. I could understand it on an hour show but for a "half show" which is really 20 minutes is ridiculous. Do we really need to see the front & end building shots of Forrester? They have two offices and a receptionist desk on the show. I think everyone know they are at Forrester. Bill has 2 offices. I think we know they are at Spencer. The Forrester mansion has a living room with a large portrait so we know we're at the Forrester mansion, right? So, right there I've saved a good five minutes for the show. Would someone please forward this onto Bill Bell. Thanks a bunch!

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The show's been doing its establishing shots in their current form for a few years now, and I always thought it was blatant if gentle padding for time.  It's definitely gotten worse in the past year or so about it, though at least they're changing up the shots from time to time; then again, if this is how they can keep affording their location shoots, I'm generally fine with it.


But I so wouldn't mind if the couple of minutes we're apparently losing were actually subtracted from...oh...Bill's increasingly Theresa Lopez-Fitzgerald-esque daydreams...and given to, I don't know, Gandalf?  Loading Dock Guy?  Carter and Veronica, even?

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I think I remember reading that George Clooney had a Tesla and hated it because it kept breaking down on him.

I've heard that as well from other owners,especially in colder climates, where the range will get noticeably shorted in a snowstorm.

I think I'll stick with my MINI. Maintainance is included in the price for the life of the lease. Lol.

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Heh, I once counted nine aerials before they got to a scene. Excessive, I agree.

The aerials don't bother me as much as the constant flashbacks. At the height of Brill round one, they were flashing back to things that had happened within the week. What the hell?

The best thing about the TK recast is that we'llnever have Bridge flashbacks while "Unforgettable" plays over it ever again.

Edited by Anna Yolei
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For me, the montages are the worst. I remember when the Aspen wedding montages were on almost daily. I could be exaggerating, but it sure as hell felt like they were running every single day.

I know Katie can be downright insufferable when in martyr mode, but damn, Brooke and Bill are supposedly adults with control over their own actions. They just need to quit with the forbidden longing bullshit before I'm forced to listen to Katie whine about it.

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They just need to quit with the forbidden longing bullshit before I'm forced to listen to Katie whine about it.


Forbidden longing. Ugggh.. Honestly, the far more interesting storyline would have been Katie cheating on Bill. How would the macho man deal with that etc etc. Particularly if it was with Liam? This rehash story (and frankly let's face it a rehash, rehash, rehash, rehash of the same Brooke storyline for the last 20 some years) is just boring. I don't buy it and I just plain have no desire to see it. B&B returns to my DVR when Ridge and Caroline do.

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Brooke dumped Bill when she left for Europe and told him to give Katie a chance then wanted him back but he said no tyvm to the golden cooch, so I really don't get all the angst and longing. Why wait till Katie trusts them again? Pure plot point. I don't even believe they are hot for each other just bored with their lives.

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. I imagine those aerial shots are taking up at least 2-3 minutes. It seemed particularly bad on Friday's show, a show which was a lot of filler anyway with all the Wyatt and Steffy beach stuff.

I know right!!..Thought i was watching The Travel Channl!! I don't know how in the hell Quinn is going to redeem herself from the Liam in the cabin fiasco. Just too dumb! And i hate the re do of Brooke and Bill, but such is soap life.

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For me, the montages are the worst. I remember when the Aspen wedding montages were on almost daily. I could be exaggerating, but it sure as hell felt like they were running every single day.


It felt like it. I hate the Aspen wedding because it's typical Liam behavior -- torn between two lovers, he marries the one directly in front of him because there's a wedding taking place and he's the groom -- and Steffy's very ugly dress, veil and hair cut.

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It felt like it. I hate the Aspen wedding because it's typical Liam behavior -- torn between two lovers, he marries the one directly in front of him because there's a wedding taking place and he's the groom -- and Steffy's very ugly dress, veil and hair cut.

Don't forget her hiking boots and the bouquet of weeds! That "veil" looked like a napkin she had bobby pinned to her hair.

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Interesting Quinn Spoiler...

Monday Feb 8

An 8-year-old girl actress, Reagan Rundus, appears as young Quinn in flashback scenes.

Actress Mariah Bonner appears as Quinn's mother in the flashback.

Actor Ross Brooks appears as Quinn's mother's boyfriend in the flashback.

Source: SID Comings and Goings

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It's ridiculous that Deacon is not involved in this in some way.

I need someone to explain to me like I'm a five year old why Deacon and Quinn got married if all they were going to get is a lame ass ending. What was the point?

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I guess they seem more invested in Quinn (Rena Sofer) than Quinn & Deacon together. Hopefully, she'll get a love interest instead of becoming (already is) a meddling mother, mother in law & "older character". She's only 47 not 67. On B&B, she's considered ancient. Of course, there is KKL (at 54) who has always been front & center until last year. They are just getting around to bringing Brooke back but it's sort of a rehash of last years storyline. Chris McKenna is joining the show and he's 38. I'm not sure who he is playing or who he is being paired with. I could see see him with Quinn which means he'll be paired with Hope, Caroline or Steffy. Sigh!

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How does Quinn get away with this crap? She is such a great actress, why do they waste her talents with this drek? The woman is hot, she should be focused on her own love life, not freaking Wyatt's. As long as there's plenty of OPP to go around, he's set.


Katie is a fool and Bill is a dog.


Where the hell are Caroline and Ridge?

How does Quinn get away with this crap? She is such a great actress, why do they waste her talents with this drek? The woman is hot, she should be focused on her own love life, not freaking Wyatt's. As long as there's plenty of OPP to go around, he's set.


Katie is a fool and Bill is a dog.


Where the hell are Caroline and Ridge?

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So Bill is the great love of Brooke's life? What the hell? I always hated her and Ridge, but still Bill being the great love of her life is a ridiculously stupid line to say. Brooke and Bill were only even together for a few months compared to decades of her wanting/loving Ridge.


Nick or Deacon is more a great love than even Bill.

Edited by Artsda
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Let me preface this by saying that I'm no fan of Bridge, but Bill is the love of Brooke's life?? Did she actually say that? They were together for like 4 months before the ill-fated wedding that wasn't, and I honestly can't remember exactly what happened after that (I think she did "Dancing with the Stars" abroad, but didn't Brooke release Bill so he could be with Katie & Will?). There is no man in the world that will ever be the love of Brooke's life except for Ridge, and their 20+-year-history proves it. Not Eric, not Deacon, not Nick, all of whom she was more in love with/serious about than she was $Bill. Again, I'm no Bridge fan, and I'd actually argue that she wasn't the love of his life, but without a doubt, he was most definitely the love of hers. *snaps fingers* Just like that.


I am looking forward to Katie going off on them. At least they didn't drag it out for months this time.

Edited by nkotb
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You would think that Ridge would be the love of Brooke's life, given their lengthy history, but a close inspection of that history tells a different story, one that reads more like a tale of obsession vs true love.


I could fill pages with all the nasty little details, but a few stand out and one, in particular, stands on its own.


Ridge's suggesting Brooke have an abortion when she was pregnant with their first child, then dumping her so he could run back to St. Caroline (and this is said as a Caroline fan) shortly after her miscarriage. The runway proposal where he gave the dress he designed for her and the ring to Taylor. Ridge's inability to let her move on countless times. Ridget (enough said). His abandoning her over a text message. Worst of all, his continuing to allow his mother in his life after all she did to Brooke - the most horrific, when he learned Stephanie had orchestrated Brooke's vicious and brutal rape. If Ridge had ever been the love of Brooke's life, that died the day he learned the truth and did nothing but "Oh Mother" in response.


Obviously, Brooke kept going back for more of the same treatment (in keeping with the obsession, ahem, destiny), because I think she truly thought this was what love was all about when nothing could be further from the truth.


It wasn't until she met fell for Bill, someone who loved her because of, instead of in spite of, like Ridge, that she learned what unconditional love was about. She finally had a soft place to fall and someone who accepted her as is, instead of trying to make her into someone she wasn't. Someone who, once he knew who she was, defended her. Even when she sent him back to Katie, after having bested him where his company and Will's custody was concerned, he never trashed her and he threw himself wholeheartedly into making his remarriage to Katie work. Because it was what Brooke wanted. 


He would have stayed with Katie forever and been content with her forever because he wanted to respect Brooke's wishes and he thought that would make her happy, but self-sacrifice, especially in the face of one's face being daily rubbed in it, falters and once he knew Brooke had never stopped loving him regardless, all bets were off. He had never stopped loving her as well.


So while they were only together for four months, they had been in love for a year before that and for me, it's all about quality, not quantity.


YMMV, of course.


ETA: As for Ridge, well, I think we can all agree that the true love of Ridge's life is Ridge.

Edited by CountryGirl
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I swear I don't feel sorry for Katie. She should had known better. Brill have never got over their feelings she's just been oblivious.

Steffy sure got over Liam superquick! Engaged one minute then on to the next. How Brooke Logan of her

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Quinn should be allowed to have the "All the times I've abused Liam" flashback whenever she wants to.


I find the outside establishing shots to be be very helpful, for fast forwarding/stopping purposes.

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Katie sure had a weird reaction. It was like she was having gastrointestinal issues. Just sayin....

Yeah, I think Brad Bell & the writers are hoping fans have short memories when it comes to Ridge & Brooke. I guess Bell has forgotten that B&B has been on for over 25 Years. I sure hope KKL put up a fight when she had to say that line but she probably just says what's on the page. Quinn had a torturing Liam flashback. Some have love scenes but not Quinn. Too funny!

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I must be at a party for one because I can't stand Quinn; I do like her portrayer, always have, but I can't stand Quinn. Meddlesome to her grown son, immature, does whatever she wants, I am sorry but I don't enjoy her. She needs to get a life and leave her son alone. And now holding Liam prisoner (because that is what she is essentially doing) and kicking him amongst other things....well, I can't stomach it. 


Counting the days till Ridge/TK returns !

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I am looking forward to Katie going off on them.

I'm not because, a) Katie knew better than to put Bill and Brooke in each other's orbit again yet she did it anyway because Katie Always Knows Best, and b) Brooke and Bill are probably going to have to act guilty and ashamed instead of throwing Katie the biggest "what did you expect?" faces of all time. Not that I'm defending them. I think Brooke is a special kind of predator and has just been lying in wait for an opening, and Bill is a cheating dog who used Katie as consolation prize when he remarried her. The only one I feel sorry for in this mess is Will.


BOTOH, Katie's reaction is sure to be an Emmy reel moment for HT.

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I must be at a party for one because I can't stand Quinn; I do like her portrayer, always have, but I can't stand Quinn. Meddlesome to her grown son, immature, does whatever she wants, I am sorry but I don't enjoy her. She needs to get a life and leave her son alone. And now holding Liam prisoner (because that is what she is essentially doing) and kicking him amongst other things....well, I can't stomach it. 


Counting the days till Ridge/TK returns !

Wait! Ridge/TK is returning? I haven't seen any blurbs in the media on this. That said, I didn't see any blurbs in the media on why he was gone. He's been gone so long. Actually, Ridge, Caroline & Thomas have been MIA a since before Christmas. How far along is Caroline supposed to be? The next sweeps period in May so I guess she could deliver then.

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Wait! Ridge/TK is returning? I haven't seen any blurbs in the media on this. That said, I didn't see any blurbs in the media on why he was gone. He's been gone so long. Actually, Ridge, Caroline & Thomas have been MIA a since before Christmas. How far along is Caroline supposed to be? The next sweeps period in May so I guess she could deliver then


ByaNose - forgive me -- this was just me thinking and hoping out loud. I mean, I didn't hear anything one way or the other so I figured he and Caroline (and Thomas) were just not being featured and as soon as the stories they have now (yuck) are finished up......we would see these three again.....hope so !!! Sorry about that !!

Edited by SiouxB
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Yeah, I think Brad Bell & the writers are hoping fans have short memories when it comes to Ridge & Brooke. I guess Bell has forgotten that B&B has been on for over 25 Years.


TIIC must be hoping for amnesia from their viewers. $Bill as Brooke's Greatest Love is historical revisionism. 

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Even Eric, who 99% of the time appears to be in semi-senile denial land and/or thinking with his other head, could see that having Katie invite Brooke to work at SP was a huge mistake. DUH-oh!!! I don't feel one bit sorry for Katie. I mean, how stupid can you be?  And she claims to know her sister? SMH.


Before CBS swiffered all of the old B&B episodes off of YT, I watched the first 25 episodes (or something like that.) Young impressionable Katie (who was dealing with some very awkward high school girl loves boy issues) saw firsthand how Brooke schemed and lied and manipulated her own mother, as well as Caroline 1.0 and even to some degree, Storm, to get into Ridge's orbit. Then there was no turning back. Katie, honey, to coin a tired old phrase--leopards don't change their spots.


Whatever man Brooke is with at the moment is the "love of her life:" Ridge, Nick, Bill, Thorne, Deacon... repeat. Sadly, the men she should have given half a chance to for that label were Connor Davis and Whip. They were both good, decent, attractive. well-established professional men. Either they were too safe and boring or weren't rich enough, I guess ... Plus, neither was involved with another woman, so that obviously detracted from their appeal.


The way that Quinn keeps eyeing Liam makes me wonder if she's going to pounce on him and have her way with him. Except, she seemed so repulsed when he kissed her hand, that I guess not.


See, if JMW would ditch the femme fatale wanna-be Karashian-inspired hair and makeup, her horrible plastic surgery isn't that in-your-face. I thought that today when she was in minimal makeup and her hair was deflated, that she was at least presentable. I think the Liz Taylor from the neck up/Joan Jett/Chrissie Hynde from the neck down attempted look doesn't work for Steffy/JMW. Girls got an athletic bod and clearly looks better toned down. I'd like to nominate her for "Love, Lust or Run."

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Hi. I hope this is the right thread for this request. Mods, if there is a general questions thread on this forum, I missed it (I did look). I apologize if this is out of place.

I have to be able to discuss B&B* intelligently, a week from today. I'm a lifelong soap viewer and used to post on the TWoP soap boards (and recap for TWoP), but I've never watched B&B.


Please recommend some online resources where I can acquaint myself with the show, significant past and present relationships, etc.

I only have a week (well, really six days, now), and I have a job, and a family, so what I need is a good series-long overview, highlights and significant events. I can't binge watch a bunch of YouTube playlists (although if there is a NO YOU HAVE TO SEE THIS ONE CINDY playlist, I will trust your judgment).

Also, do you have a go-to B&B resource, when you're trying to remember, "Hey, what did Eric do, that time Stephanie did the thingum?" If so, please share. Thank you.

*(Yes, I posted a very similar question on the Y&R boards. I couldn't figure out how to ask in one place, about both shows, without being at least half off-topic.)

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I don't feel one bit sorry for Katie. I mean, how stupid can you be?  And she claims to know her sister? SMH.


I get what you are saying, I really do but at the same time isn't Katie supposed to trust her husband and her sister? And let's face it if she said nope this isn't a good idea, she would have been verbally beat up for not trusting them.


The thing that bugs me about this ... okay one of the many things ... is that Katie didn't chase after Bill to reunite. He chased her. He was pretty much begging for a 2nd chance etc. So now I'm supposed to believe that Bill did all of that pursuing just because Brooke told him to? Please.


Plus, Brooke has been back in town for ages but he didn't remember his great love for her until she brought it up? It's all too stupid for words.


Bill is the love of Brooke's life? Sure. I suppose this week. And if Ridge had responded to a single one of her finger snaps? She wouldn't even remember Bill's name.

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It wasn't until she met fell for Bill, someone who loved her because of, instead of in spite of, like Ridge, that she learned what unconditional love was about. She finally had a soft place to fall and someone who accepted her as is, instead of trying to make her into someone she wasn't. 

True enough, but this is far from the first time Brooke (and Taylor to a lesser extent) has had a man put her first. Thorne told Stephanie to go pound sand when she used his inheritance as a ploy to sway him from Brooke. Likewise, when Nick was first introduced on the show, he never bashed Brooke for Hope's paternity and was livid when he'd found out Jackie had hid the true paternity of RJ. Putting aside the horrendous mess that Nick N.Sane became in later years, he was by far the best threat to usurp Ridge.

But both of those stories were years in the making. The Brill stuff was slower paced than the ToD that was consuming the show at the time, but in no way do I buy Bill and Brooke as a love story for the ages, imo.

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I get what you are saying, I really do but at the same time isn't Katie supposed to trust her husband and her sister? And let's face it if she said nope this isn't a good idea, she would have been verbally beat up for not trusting them.

The thing that bugs me about this ... okay one of the many things ... is that Katie didn't chase after Bill to reunite. He chased her. He was pretty much begging for a 2nd chance etc. So now I'm supposed to believe that Bill did all of that pursuing just because Brooke told him to? Please.

Plus, Brooke has been back in town for ages but he didn't remember his great love for her until she brought it up? It's all too stupid for words.

Bill is the love of Brooke's life? Sure. I suppose this week. And if Ridge had responded to a single one of her finger snaps? She wouldn't even remember Bill's name.

Yeah, that's the other part of this. Bradley Bell dragged Brooke and Ridge's story out well beyond its sell-by date. Were Ronn Moss still on the show neither Brill nor CaRidge would be happening right now.

Although, I wish I could see the alternate universe version of this show of Bridge post-Stephanie, who was their biggest hurdle next to their own hubris. Would've been interesting, since nothing Brooke has gotten since has been worth a bucket of dog piss.

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So which of Steffy's wedding get-ups was uglier?

The ACE bandaid dress with toilet paper veil and combat boots or the Elvira, Queen of the Night, get up?

Yes, I am that bored with this show.

When is CM coming again?

My family and I took a vote and the black goth / Desperately Seeking Susan nightmare Steffy sashayed down the aisle in won (lost?).

A good percentage of the time she looks ridiculous like Bai Ling crossed with a Spirit Halloween ad. That vertically striped bandage dress with the teased stiff yellow highlights a few weeks ago was a total ripoff off Beetlejuice.

I was gonna pose a meme side by side but was too busy.

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Even Eric, who 99% of the time appears to be in semi-senile denial land and/or thinking with his other head, could see that having Katie invite Brooke to work at SP was a huge mistake. DUH-oh!!! I don't feel one bit sorry for Katie. I mean, how stupid can you be? And she claims to know her sister? SMH.

Before CBS swiffered all of the old B&B episodes off of YT, I watched the first 25 episodes (or something like that.) Young impressionable Katie (who was dealing with some very awkward high school girl loves boy issues) saw firsthand how Brooke schemed and lied and manipulated her own mother, as well as Caroline 1.0 and even to some degree, Storm, to get into Ridge's orbit. Then there was no turning back. Katie, honey, to coin a tired old phrase--leopards don't change their spots.

Whatever man Brooke is with at the moment is the "love of her life:" Ridge, Nick, Bill, Thorne, Deacon... repeat. Sadly, the men she should have given half a chance to for that label were Connor Davis and Whip. They were both good, decent, attractive. well-established professional men. Either they were too safe and boring or weren't rich enough, I guess ... Plus, neither was involved with another woman, so that obviously detracted from their appeal.

The way that Quinn keeps eyeing Liam makes me wonder if she's going to pounce on him and have her way with him. Except, she seemed so repulsed when he kissed her hand, that I guess not.

See, if JMW would ditch the femme fatale wanna-be Karashian-inspired hair and makeup, her horrible plastic surgery isn't that in-your-face. I thought that today when she was in minimal makeup and her hair was deflated, that she was at least presentable. I think the Liz Taylor from the neck up/Joan Jett/Chrissie Hynde from the neck down attempted look doesn't work for Steffy/JMW. Girls got an athletic bod and clearly looks better toned down. I'd like to nominate her for "Love, Lust or Run."

POD has had more airtime than Ridge and Caroline this month. Like Liam, POD works at FC and SP but, unlike Liam, POD has a purpose.

I agree, Steffy's hair looked pretty darn good today.

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If Bill was the love of her life, why did Brooke let Ridge lead her down the beach as if she was child away from her wedding to Bill? She put up no fight at all and obediently got into the helicopter.

Because Brad Bell was still trying to make Bridge happen with nuRidge. :p

Thankfully, Kaye and KKL had all the chemistry of two noble gasses in the same beaker, bring what I'm finally confident in proclaiming to be the end of the show's second worse supercouple next to any pairing involving Liam (Hope and Steffy are fairly interchangeable it hardly matter. Just depends on which character you hate the least).

But yeah,all of this ICAM. And as mentioned earlier, Bill all but begged for a second chance with Katie and has ignored Brooke this whole year. What's his motivation ?

Edited by Anna Yolei
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I still found it funny Brooke said the greatest love her life was Bill.

I called so much bullshit.

As a person who has watched this show on and off since 87, Ridge will always be Brooke's number 1 love and greatest passion.

Bradley just writing while smoking a few 10 dollar dime bags at this point.

Edited by BlackMamba
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