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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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In no universe ever is Oliver overlooked in favor of Liam.

No offense to SC, but ZC is just a gorgeous, beautiful man who is only going to get that much more handsome as he ages.

LSV too. This show is just silly with this Liam=hot, drivel. Alas what can I say, grown men and their wish fulfillment. The male Stephanie Meyer I suppose.

Edited by slayer2
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Liam is more like a limp, wet rice noodle. No taste and gluten-free.

I feel compelled to step in and defend rice noodles. They serve a great purpose as a tasty alternative to wheat pasta (for those of us who can't eat gluten) and can be combined with all sorts of delicious sauces and entrees. Liam, however, serves no discernible purpose. I've been trying to come up with a more apt metaphor for him, and I can't. He is too awful. He is a complete dud as a romantic lead, and as a human being as well. Perhaps we should call him the Milk Dud.


All I can say is I sure feel bad for Scott Clifton having to play the pathetic idiot tool aka Liam, King of Waffles. Holy sh*t this is some mighty pathetic writing/rewriting/ignoring what just went down on screen a few days/weeks ago.

Don't cry for him, Argentina. He's won two Daytime Emmys for playing that tool. I imagine some salary bumps followed those awards too.

I never thought about actors getting post-Emmy salary bumps, but it makes sense. And he's one of the few daytime actors left who works (tapes) regularly, which is nothing to sneeze at these days. That being said… I feel sorry for SC too, because he's been one of my faves for a long time and he deserves a better character to play. I loved what little I saw of him as Dillon on GH, but unfortunately that was when Guza was terrorizing, I mean headwriting GH so I couldn't stomach watching it. Then I was excited when SC came on OLTL but he was just shuffled from story to story, then thrown under the bus when his character came between the Twu Wuv of the writers' vomit-inducing favorite couple. So I just wish I could watch him play a decent role on a decent show… but I guess that leaves out all four of the remaining US soaps. :(


On a more B&B-related note… can Ally and Olly come out of the basement soon? Pretty please? And maybe bring Deacon with them?


ETA CountryGirl and slayer, you both took the words right out of my mouth. One look at either of them should be enough to convince anyone that those two, right there, should be the leading men of any show.

Edited by Maelstrom
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Perhaps we should call him the Milk Dud.

I happen to love the combo of caramel and chocolate that make up milk duds. Can we think up a non-food name for Liam? You guys are making me hungry.  In other news, today I saw what looked like a plucked chicken attempting to work-out.

Edited by tricknasty
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I happen to love the combo of caramel and chocolate that make up milk duds. Can we think up a non-food name for Liam? You guys are making me hungry. In other news I saw what looked like a plucked chicken attempting to work-out.

Soy Dud? He is a vegan after all.

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Since I'm being shallow what is up with the make-up department and the eyebrows on Steffy and Caroline?  Talk about distracting.

I know, right? Those eyebrows??!! Somehow Caroline's don't really bother me too much...but what look is Steffy going for??

Don't even want to speculate....and that red lipstick on those "plump" lips??


I'm gonna be nice & stop right here.....but seriously.....WTF??

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I'm about a week behind and these posts are not really inspiring me to want to catch up. :-)


I like Scott Clifton.  He was the only person under 30 to ever have onscreen chemistry with Kristen Alderson (OLTL), which is kind of miraculous right there.  Hasn't he been at B&B long enough to ask the writers for an actual personality?  I mean, I know character development and growth is getting into unicorn territory but sheesh...   

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True, there's probably no food product on the planet that deserves the stigma of being associated with Liam.

How about we call Liam, as a non food product, Duncan because he's a real yo-yo. Or how about Vane short for weathervane because he changes direction for whoever is blowing wind on his ego at that time.

For now, Liam his doing his gold metal waffle routine. In addition, I also would love to see Hope, as a floating head, telling Liam, "I thought i was the love of your life." I'm also waiting for a scene where Ally, dressed in Medieval armor with sword in hand, tells Steffy to step off or else.

Edited by Waldo13
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There was something just off about that whole scene. First of all, both Steffy and Liam went so far out of character I couldn't trust a word from either. Sad vulnerable needy Steffy? It is to laugh. She's like a wolf trying on a sheep suit to see if anyone will pet her. And suddenly passionate, determined, "it's all clear to me now" Liam is just as unconvincing. He's always been swept away by the emotions of others, he's reflecting what she wants to hear back to her, but getting this fired up is not his default self.

Though if it weren't for the impact on Ivy, I'd say fine, ride that motorcycle together off into the night, they deserve each other. But it looks sticky for Ivy, I hope she can extricate herself from both the emotional and legal messes she's in.

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Pretty sure I am not even bothering to watch today---our local Seattle affiliate has beached the show over at 3pm in favor of an hour of local news so it is an effort to remember to turn the TV on at all and somehow Liam slobbering over Steffy ain't a reason.

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Did everyone see the same episode I did? Or did I pass out from ink fumes at work and hallucinate non-stop cowflops on my teevee screen? I saw a moldy waffle just begging someone, anyone to dropkick his ass to the moon, a toddler having a tantrum because Ivy played with her favorite stuffed donkey, and a giant penis throwing shade at his son. Oh sweet fancy fortune cookies, it was real, wasn't it?


Steffy played the damsel in distress card before launching into her "you just love rescuing women" armchair psychology session. La dee da. First of all, no one but Brad Bell thinks you're a tough chick, girlfriend. Second, you poor thing, just weeping and rending your garments in Paris, holding out for a hero, or zero, as it were. Excuse me for a moment.


Searches under bed, between couch cushions, in my dog's water bowl, the freezer, and the take it or leave it pile at the town dump.


Nope. Just couldn't find that fuck I wanted to give. To be fair, I might have left it on a gondola in Aspen.


Don't listen to Bill and Ridge, Chickenhead. Listen to me instead. Stay away from Steffy because she's fucking horrible. Your dates will involve talking about Liam, dollar store toys (not even the sex kind), shitty food, and Bob Hope specials. Your soul will be sucked dry, and you'll be left an empty husk of a pseudo-man, aka Liam. You should have married Ivy instead, you dumb bastard. I say that out of love, of course.

Edited by NinjaPenguins
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**small voice** I found Liam kinda hot when he was being so passionate with Steffy at the end. I actually thought he showed more passion in that scene than he's showed in several years of scenes with several different women combined (granted, several of those years was spent with drippy Hope, who couldn't igninte passion with a tank of gasoline and a blowtorch). I'm finally buying that he has the deep feelings for Steffy.


I feel like I must make a confession...I thought I loved Steffy. After a several year absence, I actually started watching just after she and $Bill apparently ended, and I'm pretty sure the very first episode I watched was when she hit her head in the living room bathtub and woke up in love with Liam. However, I think that my hatred for awful, wretched, no-purpose-serving Hope clouded my judgment, and Steffy was just the better alternative. I know it wasn't popular on this board, but I was really excited that she was coming back, and I was hoping that she would move on from Liam to a real story. With that confession being made, I really am not a fan of this latest incarnation, and I'm starting to think that I never really liked her, I just hated Hope that much.


How long has it been since we've seen Rick & Maya? They were front and center forever (rightfully so, as that story was the biggest story in daytime tv at the time), but then they're missing for weeks on end? This is the strangest show.

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**small voice** I found Liam kinda hot when he was being so passionate with Steffy at the end. I actually thought he showed more passion in that scene than he's showed in several years of scenes with several different women combined (granted, several of those years was spent with drippy Hope, who couldn't igninte passion with a tank of gasoline and a blowtorch). I'm finally buying that he has the deep feelings for Steffy.

I thought he was acting like a demented clown. He's so much better at comedy. I'm not buying the deep feelings for Steffy either.

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How long has it been since we've seen Rick & Maya? They were front and center forever (rightfully so, as that story was the biggest story in daytime tv at the time), but then they're missing for weeks on end? This is the strangest show.

It is really strange in the sense that they will show the same storyline to the point of oversaturation, then *poof* gone until they are obsessed with another storyline that they'll beat us over the had with. Rick and Maya should be on coping with the takeover of Forrester. And, as others have mentioned, where the heck has Katie been?
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YIKES! That was some frighteningly bad acting today with JMW and SC. I remember when she was acting in scenes opposite Brandon Beemer, who was usually quite capable (never mind the eye candy factor) and she totally dragged him down into her vortex of sucky acting. I thought SC was immune to it, but apparently not. That was really, really, reeeeeeeeeeally bad. How did that not end up on the cutting room floor? Shame on you, Bell!


Having said that, with a much better actress in the part, I would've liked that the character of Steffy was reading Waffles the Riot Act. Also loved that she slugged him. I liked that she was telling him he was an idiot not to have thought this through, and that he had no idea how long he was even supposed to keep up the pretense of marriage while asking Steffy to wait it out (or worse, be the sidepiece). Of course, it'll all be moot tomorrow because it looked at the end like he had won her over with all of his pathetic histrionics. It was practically Master-Thespian-on-SNL levels of laughably bad.


I really hate how Waffles went from telling Ivy he loves her to this "care for" crap. Although I never bought that he loved her in Amsterdam when she blurted it out and he followed suit, they had grown since then. What a complete and utter a-hole he's become since Bratz returned.


There was something just off about that whole scene. First of all, both Steffy and Liam went so far out of character I couldn't trust a word from either. Sad vulnerable needy Steffy? It is to laugh. She's like a wolf trying on a sheep suit to see if anyone will pet her. And suddenly passionate, determined, "it's all clear to me now" Liam is just as unconvincing. He's always been swept away by the emotions of others, he's reflecting what she wants to hear back to her, but getting this fired up is not his default self.


This, exactly!


How about we call Liam, as a non food product, Duncan because he's a real yo-yo.


Can "Asshole" be a name choice?

Edited by Shira
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The slap was Steffy's best moment.


Gotta love Steffy telling waffles "Just go" in his own house.


Saying  "we're done" then not leaving is kind of ineffective.


Thanks CountryGirl for reminding me that Bratz dolls have more lifelike faces than Steffy.



 Can we think up a non-food name for Liam? 

I only came up with 'floppy', (This show sucks the creativity out of me)


Can "Asshole" be a name choice?

 I think it might be to strong for someone as passive as him. ;) 

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The slap was Steffy's best moment.

Gotta love Steffy telling waffles "Just go" in his own house.

Saying  "we're done" then not leaving is kind of ineffective.

Thanks CountryGirl for reminding me that Bratz dolls have more lifelike faces than Steffy.


I was thinking the same thing especially when she said we're done for the third time and then made no attempt to go.  


I also liked how they were talking like they have had something all this time and not like while Steffy was away Liam was on a merry-go-round with Wyatt and Hope.  


Those scenes were just bad and did SC no favors in the acting department. 

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I know I'm not supposed to be putting this out into the Universe, but what would happen, hypothetically, if Hope did show up unexpectedly this afternoon and said she wanted another chance with Liam? Who would win the big prize in that scenario?

Is it wrong that I'm curious about this, too? That'd be one helluva hat trick that even Ridge Forrester the King of Waffles never achieved.

ETA: The sole redeeming factor of Steffy/Liam 2: Repetitive Boogaloo is that we don't have the peanut gallery....I mean patents running interferrence. The most we've gotten is Quinn talking Ivy into a green card wedding and Bill's usual Team Steffy stuff, but that's a far cry from the days of Logans and Forresters all yapping at the human yo-yo to choose one or the other while he stands there slack jawed and saying nothing.

And to the poster who said they liked original Steffy/Liam: I don't think you were alone in that. Overall, I think the majority of folks, at least at TwoP, didn't ship one side so much as they loathed the other that much more.

Edited by Anna Yolei
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I really hate how Waffles went from telling Ivy he loves her to this "care for" crap. Although I never bought that he loved her in Amsterdam when she blurted it out and he followed suit, they had grown since then.

I think Liam is only in love--and faithful--as far as his options extend. Plus he's lazy. It was easy to be "in love" with Ivy as long as there was no one else sniffing around him. Steffy seems to have always understood that but it took Hope a while to get it. Ivy will learn too.


Overall, I think the majority of folks, at least at TwoP, didn't ship one side so much as they loathed the other that much more.

Ugh, I think I loathed Steffy/Liam and Hope/Liam equally. IMO, Liam should have never given Steffy Hope's engagement ring while it was still warm from having been her finger, and if Steffy had a shred of self-respect she'd have never accepted it. Hope should have never kept taking Liam back after he'd humiliated her over and over again. Even her virginity wasn't enough for that d-bag. Somehow Liam has trained these women to eat whatever re-warmed crap he dishes out and he apparently has no motivation to change his behavior because there's always another woman in his back pocket. His vicariously horny dad cheerleading him on doesn't help either.

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
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**small voice** 


I'm not even going to use my small voice.  Further, I'm barely going to equivocate at all.


If you view this as a standalone episode and leave your baggage at the door, this is the strongest episode I've seen, by far, since I started watching again (two weeks ago).  It may be in the top five of the strongest episodes for Steffy and Liam ever (and I can't think of four others) and I saw the whole frustrating thing.  Granted, I also can't recall a scene between Steffy and Liam that didn't end in Liam looking at the sky mooning over Hope via a musical montage flashback.


I equivocated 5 times already.


This was like wallowing in Liam related Nirvana.  The writers have Liam nailed.  Its like the golden retriever with a mouthful of tennis balls comment.  They understand who Liam is as a character and you can not fix what you don't acknowledge.  Its hope (the little 'h' not the the bringer of virginity press conferences and musical montages).  Today for the first time when Liam was shouting words only the deeply stupid would utter I could tell that they knew that Liam was, in fact, a moron.  I mean when I was rebutting the stupidity from my couch. Steffy would actually follow up along similar lines after the commercial break.  Disturbing for me but cathartic.


Liam truly loves to be the put upon hero torn from his true love by whatever.  But this time Steffy is cast in the Hope role and Ivy is stuck being Steffy.  Which means any time now they are going to go back to the hilarious Italy montages when they put the same flashback on loop for weeks because they did't have a variety of happy times for Steffy/Liam to reminisce over despite protestations that they did have love between them.


Anyways,  I like this Steffy.  She reamed Liam.  Good.  Slapped Liam. Better.  Her nasally line delivery of 'Oh, you don't know. You don't know?'.  Cracked my shit up.  This is the Steffy I always wanted Steffy to be.  If I don't watch tomorrow, I can pretend she is done with him for good.  I know this is a tale. Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,. Signifying nothing.  But we dropped the baggage and I'm ignoring that right now.


Could it have been better? Sure.  Steffy could have had the long awaited epiphany where she realizes Brooke/Ridge/Taylor has completely screwed her up in the head and she is repeating her parent's patterns.  Love doesn't mean some guy sometimes says he feels bad for dropping you and every once in a while picks you for a bit.  Rinse and repeat.

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All I know is that after watching JMW chew every scrap of scenery there was to be had and SC be the beadiest-eyed weasel that ever weaseled, I wanted to slap the shit out of both of them.


Tyrion Lannister style.



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And WTF forever to Steffy preaching about Ivy needing to play by the rules. When has that self-absorbed, selfish little barracuda EVER played by the rules?


When she put Hope's still warm engagement ring on her greedy little finger?


When she offered up her cha-cha-cha  to him every chance she get, including sending him those stupid, unsexy videos of herself?


When she ensured her rival was trapped in a gondola so that she could finagle an oh-so-romantic insta-wedding in Aspen? Which, of course, Lame went right along with because he turns into a complete dumbass when he's around either Steffy or Hope. Ivy is the only one who made Liam likeable.


Someone do me a favor and kindly drop them both off the cliff Bill tried to throw Amber from because I can't even hate-watch these two right now.

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Wait, did I really hear Waffles say:  I'll leave her, I shouldn't have gotten married, it was stupid, it was a mistake, and I want to take it back, STEFFY LET ME TAKE IT BACK.  HAHAHAHA!  He is a little boy.


One thing that didn't make sense (wait, one? no, one more) was that Steffy proclaimed that Liam should have followed her to Paris and grieved with her and told her it didn't matter that she lost the baby blah blah.  But I thought he did do that and she was quite clear that she wanted him to be with Hope. Yes, stupid and ridiculous, but she at least didn't waffle.

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All I know is that after watching JMW chew every scrap of scenery there was to be had and SC be the beadiest-eyed weasel that ever weaseled, I wanted to slap the shit out of both of them.


Tyrion Lannister style.



The only Lannister worth a shit. *Back on topic* to our regularly scheduled shitfest, err....show...

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Steffy slapping Liam was the best.


Liam's such a moron I don't get how he's the son of Bill. He wants to take back marrying Ivy now? He didn't think Steffy would have an issue with him being married (again) and juggling them both?


Liam's now in love with Steffy (again) when a week ago he was in love with Ivy. Bring on Hope and we'll see how long until he's declaring love to her too!

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And to the poster who said they liked original Steffy/Liam: I don't think you were alone in that. Overall, I think the majority of folks, at least at TwoP, didn't ship one side so much as they loathed the other that much more.

I couldn't stand either couple, but I always rooted for Hope and Liam because I HATE when Steffy gets her way.


And WTF forever to Steffy preaching about Ivy needing to play by the rules. When has that self-absorbed, selfish little barracuda EVER played by the rules?

She's too !!!FUN!!! to play by any stinkin' rules!


One thing that didn't make sense (wait, one? no, one more) was that Steffy proclaimed that Liam should have followed her to Paris and grieved with her and told her it didn't matter that she lost the baby blah blah.  But I thought he did do that and she was quite clear that she wanted him to be with Hope.

That's exactly what happened as far as I remember. So she needed him to keep going back to Paris begging her to come back to him? What an entitled piece of shit.


Gotta love Steffy telling waffles "Just go" in his own house.


That cracked me right up...but actually she said "just go-wuh!" :)


Saying  "we're done" then not leaving is kind of ineffective.

Another line that cracked me up. I also enjoyed Steffy mocking Liam in that weird ass voice. I was starting to think this was a comedy routine.


ETA: I almost forgot to mention, what the holy hell was with Liam flailing his arms all over the place? If he did it any faster I think he could have ended up airborne.  And the frantic pointing..."I want YOU *point* YOU *point*"  It was reminiscent of those Uncle Sam Army posters.

Edited by ByTor
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Can someone just give me a breakdown of what happened please? Is Liam now saying he wants Steffy again?

Yes. Liam loves Steffy. Liam has never stopped loving Steffy. Liam will always love Steffy, and Steffy saying "it's over" is what finally made him realize it. Liam punched the air, saying "This is me fighting for you!", which was actually the most accurate metaphor he could have made.

Edited by Snaporaz
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I felt like I was watching a really bad high school play. Liam flapping around (whilst wearing that gray suit, no less) looked like he was going to become airborne, or better yet, pair up with Taylor in the "drunken chicken dance" (or wait...should that be Wyatt?)


I try really hard to suspend my disbelief when watching this show, but really, yesterday was just too much. As little as a week ago, Liam was masterminding that FC hostile takeover, primarily to benefit Ivy. Now he's ready to dump her like used cat litter and resume (what exactly) with Pufferface. That Paris miscarriage rescue business was just a trickle of crap that dripped out of Bell's ass to create a front-burner SL for his other pet, JMW. I recall Liam repeatedly calling and texting and even traveling to Paris to try to reunite with Steffy. She rebuffed him each time and insisted that he go back to Hope. SOOOooooo???? WTF?


If this means even more air-time for Steffy, I'm gonna hurl!


Here's my wish for AB. I hope the writers start turn Ivy into a darker character. That way, it might be more interesting for her and allow her to show a new side of her acting skills (kind of like they did with LG) and she either soars in popularity, or it is a vehicle for her to get off this crapfest soap and move on to something bigger and better!


Speaking of greener pastures...I thought JMW left to go be on some cable travel/party show and make movies. What happened there? Was it all a big flop, so she came crawling back?


At this point, I'd take Brooke back to get into the fight for FC ring or start something up with Eric, Ridge, Bill or Deacon. ANYTHING!!!  Move to this kindergarten theatre off the stove.

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Now he's ready to dump her like used cat litter and resume (what exactly) with Pufferface.

Speaking of Pufferface....I know it's been said many times before, but seriously what has she done???  To me, it looks like she got her nose done WAY too small & had some fillers in her cheeks.  As a result she now has the oddest profile of a flat (from the nose) yet puffy (from the cheeks) face.  Sadly, I have the feeling she'll be going under the knife a few times to correct this. 

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The last time Steffy blew into town, she made her Forrester shares contingent on Liam getting back together with her.  He was emphatic about his relationship with Ivy, and told her no. (I actually was blown away that he did that).


Now he loves Steffy so very very much and always has?


Did I miss something, or am I misremembering the conversation from about 6 weeks ago? 

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Could it have been better? Sure.  Steffy could have had the long awaited epiphany where she realizes Brooke/Ridge/Taylor has completely screwed her up in the head and she is repeating her parent's patterns. 

That would have segued nicely with Steffy's comment about Liam not being able to save his mother. Either Steffy or Liam could have delivered it.


Speaking of Pufferface....

I just want her to wash her face.

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Speaking of greener pastures...I thought JMW left to go be on some cable travel/party show and make movies. What happened there? Was it all a big flop, so she came crawling back?.

Yes, that didn't work so well but the show JMW did, "Wild On" was on a lesser known cable channel. Believe me I'm not defending JMW but leave for greener pastures or a actor turning down a fantastic role is not that uncommon. KM left for greener pastures to make a move, which included a sex scene with Scott Eastwood, and now maybe looking to return to B&B because the movie flopped. Some actors can leave soaps and do well and others can. It's a crap shoot but I think AB might be able to do it.

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The last time Steffy blew into town, she made her Forrester shares contingent on Liam getting back together with her. He was emphatic about his relationship with Ivy, and told her no. (I actually was blown away that he did that).

Now he loves Steffy so very very much and always has?

Did I miss something, or am I misremembering the conversation from about 6 weeks ago?

Nope, it's just the same writing tactic they used when Brooke and Taylor woke up one morning in love with Ridge despite no evidence or lead up at all. Except Liam is a waffle by nature, so...

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One thing that didn't make sense (wait, one? no, one more) was that Steffy proclaimed that Liam should have followed her to Paris and grieved with her and told her it didn't matter that she lost the baby blah blah.  But I thought he did do that


It was hard to tell with all of that trucker low-voiced yelling of hers (complete with an off-putting accent, like she's trying to pronounce words in ways that are not natural to her), but I think her point was that he was supposed to physically force her back on the plane with him. As if Waffles has any sort of determination coursing through his waffly veins.


Gotta love Steffy telling waffles "Just go" in his own house.




Saying  "we're done" then not leaving is kind of ineffective.



Those two are so inept, it's comical. They can't even break up the right way.


But here's the thing: I don't think Liam has EVER loved Steffy. Even their FUN! montages are so forced and full of treacle, it's completely unconvincing to this viewer. It was always all about Hope for him, but he put her up on this weird pedestal and never had any true fun with her, either. Honestly, I think SC could play a gay character quite convincingly because for me, he's never had any scorching chemistry with any of his leading women. It always looks like they're more like siblings or buddies. Waffles is the guy a girl would call if she wants to complain about her boyfriend and needs somebody to say, "But you're so pretty! It'll work out!" Just meaningless but somehow reassuring babble.


At this point, I'd take Brooke back to get into the fight for FC ring or start something up with Eric, Ridge, Bill or Deacon. ANYTHING!!!  Move to this kindergarten theatre off the stove.


I completely agree that it's kindergarten-level theatre but I'm not willing to take Brooke back. I hate to say it, but I think she's extranneous at this point in the show. She's not the sex kitten she once was, and they seem unwilling to put her in the matriarch role.


Liam punched the air, saying "This is me fighting for you!"


I winced when I read that. It was just soooooo effing bad! What the hell, Scott Clifton? I've never seen him as awful as he was yesterday.


Love doesn't mean some guy sometimes says he feels bad for dropping you and every once in a while picks you for a bit.


Brilliantly said. Which makes me think that Liam should be called "Lazy Susan" like one of those spinners you put in the middle of a large table so the dishes get served around. But honestly, I think "Waffles" should stick. It fits him to a T.


Some character a good while back had a brilliant observation that I'm forgetting. Can somebody help me remember this: It was something to the tune of putting Wife #2 in storage for whenever the guy got tired of Wife #1. Was that Whip describing oldRidge with Taylor and Brooke? The one thing I can say about Ronnnn Moss, even despite the lack of acting skillz, was that at least he conveyed that his character really loved both Brooke and Taylor and couldn't make up his mind. I don't think Waffles has ever truly loved anybody. He just sort of lazily drifts along and picks up the scent of whoever he "should" be with today. With a lot of macho shoving from his dad.

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So I fell behind in my viewing over the past couple days. But just got caught up in time for today's ep, just a few minutes off...

So, I guess I'm glad Ivy's wedding dress was so well received, but while I thought she looked very pretty in it... I don't know. Something about this exposed midriff in situations that seem less than appropriate doesn't really work for me.

Oh my damn, Steffy backhanded the taste out of Liam's mouth and I guess slapped some decisiveness into him while she was at it.

And I must say... a decisive Liam definitely does something for me. When he grabbed Steffy and declared she's the one he wants and won't let her go... Me likey. Me likey very, very much. I'm ashamed of myself.

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Did I hear Steffy right? Did she call Ivy a disaster? Ivy? A disaster. Does Steffy not own a mirror? I hope someone was recording her smashing up Liam's house and plays it back for her so she can see what a real disaster looks like. Steffy's on-point observations about Liam's waffling, white knighting ass would pack more of a punch if she hadn't been in the thick of it for so damn long, enabling and benefiting from it. I guess it's only bad behavior when Liam doesn't choose her.


Just tell the truth and wash your hands of that wishy-washy turdling, Ivy. Go rescue Chickenhead from Steffy's clutches.

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AB even looks beautiful crying.  And she is definitely too good for Waffles.  (But, girl, grab a spine!) 


The only reason I want Steffy to hook up with Wyatt is so that we can see yet another woman be way more into Wyatt, in the physical sense, than she is his waffling brother.  


And we all know what's coming here:  Ivy will keep her citizenship status from Waffles.  Wyatt and/or Quinn will find out and help her, so Wyatt can have the "prize" that is Madame.  At least we'll get more Ivy/Quinn scenes out of it?  

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Oh. My. God. I hate Liam. I hate him so damn much, I can't possibly hope to put it into words... I mean.... omifuckinggodareyoukiddingme?!?!

How? How can he seriously say that shit to Ivy with the tears he's shed over Steffy STILL streaking his face?!

How can Ivy still beg for him that way after what she walked in on? I don't... I can't... omigawd I think my brain has officially short-circuited out.

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Liam has serious mental health issues that he needs to address.


I liked Ivy when she first came on and even up until Amsterdam but when she became shrewish about Rick and Forrester and kept running over to Spencer, I lost any like I had for her.  She handled this immigration thing in a ridiculous way, today both she and Liam were blatantly rude (and stupid, why piss off the immigration guy?) in dealing with the immigration matter.   She is willing to accept Liam's waffling rather than kick him to the curb.  So at this point, they have ruined her and I don't care that she is going to lie to Liam about her status.  


And why oh why is she besties with Quinn (who I like, for lots of reasons) after she attempted murder on her or at the least, could have caused her death or serious bodily harm?

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It seems to me that Ivy is becoming shrewish to make her look bad in comparison to Steffy.


Um, sorry, no, TPTB, I'm not buying this swill that you're attempting to sell me and I find it ridiculous that Ivy is being ruined to prop up that slippery sandcastle of a couple and a rehabilitated, tolerable (dare I say enjoyable) Liam has been sacrificed as well. 


When I would prefer Scamber's return to seeing Steffy on my screen, TPTB, you need to evaluate yourselves.

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