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Christine Brown Woolley: Nacho Sister Wife Anymore

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the "I want to see you all in your Sunday best," demands.

Two things about all this: dragging all those children into the courthouse. Who does that??? It's not an event or venue to take children to.

Then, the outfits they wore: lace, chiffon, sequins. They were dressed for a wedding, not court.
I was glad to see they put a tie on David-Dayton but the young man is old enough to wear a suit and the solemnity of the occasion warranted it.

Anyway, the whole thing about raising kids to believe that legal marriage doesn't matter but adoption is an event of cosmic significance is interesting. Either the legal status of a relationship matters or it doesn't. You can have it both ways.
  • Love 9

Two things about all this: dragging all those children into the courthouse. Who does that??? It's not an event or venue to take children to.

Then, the outfits they wore: lace, chiffon, sequins. They were dressed for a wedding, not court.

I was glad to see they put a tie on David-Dayton but the young man is old enough to wear a suit and the solemnity of the occasion warranted it.

Anyway, the whole thing about raising kids to believe that legal marriage doesn't matter but adoption is an event of cosmic significance is interesting. Eithser the legal status of a relationship matters or it doesn't. You can have it both ways.


The taking everyone to the court was probably both a 'show our support' thing and also a 'look at all these people , extended family and friends who want this adoption/strength in numbers thing'


The clothes were weird, they probably don't have a lot of mid-range, nice but boring clothes , like one might wear to an office job, not overly dressy but not jeans and t-shirts. They probably have their endless tlc party clothes, and then casual/ tank tops over long-sleeves weird layered clothes and not much else. If they ever have a plyg pride parade, they are going to need fashion help.


As far as the having it both ways thing you mentioned re the not taking one legal contact seriously but the other one they do fits into some part of their belief system thing where legal and spiritual go into the Cuisinart , so it's probably so they can have both 'ownership/control' or 'legal parentage' in this life and then still be on the same planet afterlife-wise.  In the marriage thing in the fundamentalist belief, they have this thing called marriage for 'time' meaning this material life we're here on earth and then another 'for eternity'=afterlife. I've heard you can have one or the other or both, but that whole thing I believe is outside legal marriage. Not sure how this type thinking applies to kids, but there is likely something similar going on regarding how it all fits together in their grand scheme of things. We're trying to make how they do things fit into the normal world which we inhabit, but we have to get that they have their own beliefs, whatever they are.

  • Love 1

Two things about all this: dragging all those children into the courthouse. Who does that??? It's not an event or venue to take children to.

Then, the outfits they wore: lace, chiffon, sequins. They were dressed for a wedding, not court.

I was glad to see they put a tie on David-Dayton but the young man is old enough to wear a suit and the solemnity of the occasion warranted it.

Anyway, the whole thing about raising kids to believe that legal marriage doesn't matter but adoption is an event of cosmic significance is interesting. Either the legal status of a relationship matters or it doesn't. You can have it both ways.

When we adopted two of our children we took our two older children Three of the children were preschoolers and the judge took all three of the youngest up on his lap so nobody would feel left out. It was a very warm and intimate time for our family. In today's technology, we would have made a little video. Generally judges love presiding over adoptions and see it as very much as joyous an occasion as a birth or wedding. The rest about their adoption is weird, but having the family present for the moment -- I think -- would be fine with any judge. 

  • Love 5

He did ask them if they wanted all the people in the room and they responded that they were family.  He was fine at that point. 


I wouldn't buy a suit for a teenage boy for a 10 minute occasion.  I can't imagine for what other occasion David/Dayton in particular would use it.  Suits used to be needed for some school dances, but I doubt he goes to the semi-formal ones.  At least they tried to dress up for the occasion.


I agree they do seem to pick and choose when they want to "be legal" and when they consider legalities to be unnecessary.

  • Love 2

I don't have any kind of issue for wanting to dress nicely for court. It's a respectful place and you should show respect and look decent. It was Christine's over the top hysteria and hand wringing "I want to inspect your outfits," like it was a fashion show. Help them lay out outfits, great. But, she was pretty high strung, hyper and medicated about it. 

  • Love 2

I don't have any kind of issue for wanting to dress nicely for court. It's a respectful place and you should show respect and look decent. It was Christine's over the top hysteria and hand wringing "I want to inspect your outfits," like it was a fashion show. Help them lay out outfits, great. But, she was pretty high strung, hyper and medicated about it.

She appears to be having a manic episode. When that pendulum swings, it could get seriously dangerous for the rest of the family. She's been so emotionally invested In this polygamy thing, so desperate to believe that Kody loves her, that when it all falls apart, (and the cracks are beginning to show) that she could become a danger to herself or others.

It would be great TV, along the lines of the fictional "UnREAL" but I would hope the producers would intervene in time.

  • Love 1

Christine is goofy and giddy, but I don't think she is having a manic episode.  I've seen people have manic episodes, and Christine is a monument to mental health compared to what they go through. 


I think all that is wrong with her is she has made a decision to alter her behavior to please Kody.  Suddenly she is being this dippy dopey over-the-top super-duper positive suck up (to Robyn in particular).  It's all kind of wrong, but its not mental illness.  It's just a supremely sad and misguided choice she has made. 

  • Love 21
I just don't get the whole concept. Don't these chicks have actual sisters they could be close to??? The idea of having to share a man to try to create a forced and wholly unsuccessful closeness with the other wives is so ludicrously a MAN idea that I simply can't take it seriously. That also goes for the women dumb enough to tolerate this self-induced emotional abuse - no respect whatsoever for them nor their loser man.


I think the difference is, in most cases, your sisters don't live with you and raise children with you. I think Christine and Jenelle, especially, really did benefit in those early years from having two very different moms influencing the children and helping each other out. Honestly, I really like the idea of communal living, because I think different people could offer different things to my kids that I can't. And I just really like the idea of everyone helping each other out. I wouldn't want to share a house. But having a big piece of property, with several families living close by and helping each other out - it does sound appealing to me. Of course, in my mind, there are other COUPLES, not just other women. There's no balance here, because while it's cool that these kids have a fun mom, a stern mom, a comforting mom; these moms are also constantly competing for attention from the dad. So it can make for a very hostile atmosphere. 


I'm not 100% opposed to polygamy, but I think only very few people are truly suited to living this life and living it with pure, good intentions. 

  • Love 10

Christine is goofy and giddy, but I don't think she is having a manic episode.  I've seen people have manic episodes, and Christine is a monument to mental health compared to what they go through. 


I think all that is wrong with her is she has made a decision to alter her behavior to please Kody.  Suddenly she is being this dippy dopey over-the-top super-duper positive suck up (to Robyn in particular).  It's all kind of wrong, but its not mental illness.  It's just a supremely sad and misguided choice she has made. 


Also I see her suckuppery as a sort of tactic to side with who she perceives as being the winning team, maybe having it rub off on her. She sees Meri and Janelle as being on the outs, or that she has nothing to gain per se in allying with them. Janelle might be outside this jockeying for favor nonsense since she isn't  overly worried about trying to get in good with kody, and it's possible none of the other wives are supporting Meri if kody is giving her the cold shoulder re catfish-gate.

Christine seems to have been marginalized for calling kody out on continually and consistently blowing off her feelings, either re the adding #4, or the refusal of kody to treat her and her own family and their issues individually, and of course she had the stress of her youngest daughter's health issues. I thought I saw something on twitter that Truley was in the hospital again a while back (not the tv episode) and hope she is ok now and in general. Kody doesn't seem to do that well with being supportive period.


It seems the wives have again retreated into their own little base camps  , and it now being 'every wife for herself' ,all the while posting nothing to their twitter feed but endless happy horsesh*t about being grateful and blessed , or 'spent a wonderful day with..' as if someone advised them, only post happy, positive stuff that no one can argue with or call you out on, that is all innocuous and neutral but it reeks of desperately trying to rehab the image of everything being all stable and great when we all know it isn't.

  • Love 6

I don't think normal cleavage is half as disgusting to the eyes as those cameltoes Meri sports or the hideous tight three shirts looks they all wear. Those leave nothing to the imagination. I have bazooms...if you are bending over the girls have minds of their own..lol

I know i mentioned Christine's last week but it was out of shock cus they usually harp on modesty.

ETA i think bazooms being discussed were actually Pariahs. And she was bending over so a pass from me.

Edited by MarysWetBar
  • Love 2

Something I've always noticed regarding Christine but never asked about...in the opening segment, where Christine says her line "I wanted the family, I didn't just want the man," I have always found her delivery of this line to be very strange.  You can barely hear her say the word "man," and I've always thought she says this in a dismissive way - as in, the man really doesn't mean all that much to me.  However, as we tune in each week to watch Christine grovel around the cuddle-sac for the tiniest of Kody Krumbs, we know the opposite to be true.  It's as if she doesn't WANT to want the man, but she does.  She really, really does.

  • Love 3

The concrete slab in her back yard was just another pathetic attempt to get Kody to love her, by honoring the family.

When she realizes that didnt work, what will she try next? A mural on the wall behind her house of the whole family? Install a statue of Kody modified from a replica of Michelangelo's David in her front yard?

  • Love 8

The concrete slab in her back yard was just another pathetic attempt to get Kody to love her, by honoring the family.

When she realizes that didnt work, what will she try next? A mural on the wall behind her house of the whole family? Install a statue of Kody modified from a replica of Michelangelo's David in her front yard?


When this is a story-line on the next season, we'll have you to blame for it!!  :-)

  • Love 5

The concrete slab in her back yard was just another pathetic attempt to get Kody to love her, by honoring the family.

When she realizes that didnt work, what will she try next? A mural on the wall behind her house of the whole family? Install a statue of Kody modified from a replica of Michelangelo's David in her front yard?


LOL!!!! When we saw David in Italy my then 6 year old announced quite loudly that he had really big "Details'. LOL. Something tells me a statue of Kody wouldn't be nearly as impressive in that area.

  • Love 4

Something I've always noticed regarding Christine but never asked about...in the opening segment, where Christine says her line "I wanted the family, I didn't just want the man," I have always found her delivery of this line to be very strange.  You can barely hear her say the word "man," and I've always thought she says this in a dismissive way - as in, the man really doesn't mean all that much to me.  However, as we tune in each week to watch Christine grovel around the cuddle-sac for the tiniest of Kody Krumbs, we know the opposite to be true.  It's as if she doesn't WANT to want the man, but she does.  She really, really does.


   It is dismissive to an extent but what I took from it was 'I really believe in this stuff, that's why I put up with it/am in it/whatever'. The kody/robin suckuppery/groveling is I think worse than what you are suggesting, which is that she really is hung up on kody. That may be but I think she is more hung up on what is called in psych 'approval- seeking'- (and I'm not saying she is the only one who does it). https://outofthefog.net/Disorders/DPD.html

some of the constant approval-seeking AKA what we have been calling cheerleading or sucking up I believe is rooted in their belief system. I won't go into generalizations like 'all people who believe X are nuts or oppressed' but there are religions which rely on hierarchies , patriarchal or otherwise which involve having to get the acceptance or blessing or approval to 'earn' your seat at the table, here or hereafter and if a person has been well-steeped in that all their life, they are probably afraid of the consequences if they don't 'play nicely with others' .Whatever the cause, we have certainly seen a change in Christine, and I don't think it is real, or for the better.


Also, because she is such a 'true believer', it would cause a huge rift in her time/space continuum if any one of the women leave/get left etc. She may not view it as 'oh goody, I get to move up the ladder' which she already knows is bs- but rather if there is serious problems happening, it threatens the whole of the thing, which to her may be a threat worse than robin.

Edited by BlackWidow
  • Love 4

Two things about all this: dragging all those children into the courthouse. Who does that??? It's not an event or venue to take children to.

Then, the outfits they wore: lace, chiffon, sequins. They were dressed for a wedding, not court.

I was glad to see they put a tie on David-Dayton but the young man is old enough to wear a suit and the solemnity of the occasion warranted it.

Anyway, the whole thing about raising kids to believe that legal marriage doesn't matter but adoption is an event of cosmic significance is interesting. Either the legal status of a relationship matters or it doesn't. You can have it both ways.

That is an incredibly thought-provoking point. Best one I've seen regarding this whole debacle.

  • Love 4

Could they revise Kody's werewolf hair? Please?

Michelangelo's David has better hair, and would only need some modest modifications to the face to look more like Kody.

A 16 ft version erected in the center of the cul-de-sac would feed Kody's ego. (Plus add value to all the real estate, as David is the icon of homoerotic art and the cul-de-sac can be converted to a gay community when the Browns get foreclosed out of there.)

Christine should get to work on this right away

  • Love 2

I feel sorry for Christine, she tries way too hard and Kody just doesn't care.  That trip to Texas was just ridiculous, he treated her badly and still she does not get it.  He just always seems annoyed that she is even around and I think he dismisses her all the time.  I wonder what he says to Robin about the others when they are alone because I am sure there is talking going on there.

  • Love 3

I feel sorry for Christine, she tries way too hard and Kody just doesn't care.  That trip to Texas was just ridiculous, he treated her badly and still she does not get it.  He just always seems annoyed that she is even around and I think he dismisses her all the time.  I wonder what he says to Robin about the others when they are alone because I am sure there is talking going on there.


      At the risk of sounding pragmatic and cynical (not that anyone else around here does that lol), she may be partly giddy because #4 has been getting bigger and prob more uncomfortable, which may mean Christine is getting more of *some* kind of attention than she was before, and it was said on the show he and Janelle are more like friends, and he is prob playing the oh poor me with the Meri situation and/or pissed off at her, so it would go to follow Christine is maybe by default getting more attention. But yes,at the same time, he does seem like he is just putting up with Chris,like she is sort of a pain in the butt little sister or something, which sucks. It would be horrible to feel like you were just being 'used' because your main squeeze is out of commish, but even this she knows wo't last forever. Total ick factor. What was weird was that after the Texas therapy trip, Christie acted like it went all great and it helped "I highly recommend taking a therapist on vacation". Did it really help? Just seems like all of them sort of deal with kody as if he is sort of a unmanageable child, and he kind of prides himself on being one.

Edited by BlackWidow
  • Love 1

I have never understood Kody's dislike of Christine (except for Nacho-Gate - whatever).  She chased him - wouldn't this feed right into his massive ego?  She's quite beautiful, light-hearted, seems to have a way with the children, she's plyg royalty, and most of all - SHE CHASED HIM.  I don't get it.

Edited by laurakaye
  • Love 3

I have never understood Kody's dislike of Christine (except for Nacho-Gate - whatever).  She chased him - wouldn't this feed right into his massive ego?  She's quite beautiful, light-hearted, seems to have a way with the children, she's plyg royalty, and most of all - SHE CHASED HIM.  I don't get it.

I'd have to debate the "quite beautiful", she's pretty and the best looking out of the four but wouldn't call her beautiful.

That said - "she chased him" is probably one of the main reasons he's cool towards her. Guys don't want to be chased. They want the woman who's not so easy to catch.

Especially Kody, I'm sure.

Seemed Kody was "pressured" into taking Christine as his wife and it appears as though he hasn't gotten over it.   When she didn't welcome Robyn with open arms, his resentment probably grew even more.  On the last episode, his disdain for her was quite apparent.  If looks could kill, she would be dead.  It seemed to have taken quite a bit of will power for him not to throw her off the couch. 

  • Love 1

Didn't Meri bring in both Jenelle and Robyn? It's kind of interesting that Christine was the only one actively fighting to get into the family. 


According to their book, after Janelle and Meri's brother got divorced, Janelle approached Kody and Meri and told them that she felt she belonged with them.  Meri wasn't too happy about having to share her husband with her ex sister in-law.  That was one of the main reasons the two ladies didn't get along. 

  • Love 1

I feel sorry for Christine, she tries way too hard and Kody just doesn't care.  That trip to Texas was just ridiculous, he treated her badly and still she does not get it.  He just always seems annoyed that she is even around and I think he dismisses her all the time.  I wonder what he says to Robin about the others when they are alone because I am sure there is talking going on there.


Kody is that douche that throws women a bone, and then talks badly about them to his friends.  But we're talking polygamy here, and in polygamy things are "multiplied, not divided".  Unless you're talking about the sticky things like jealousy, resentment, anxiety, and the general feeling of doing without the positive emotions that help the poor monogamous people deal with the harsher realities of life.  In polygamy, all those annoying emotions are just tests to make sure that the women are worthy of going to douchebags planet so they can all stew together in the afterlife.  In polygamy, all those things are to be dealt with (suppressed) on Earth, to avoid making the Head Douchebag in Charge have to make any type of effort to keep his multiple relationships even a tiny bit pleasant for the wives and children.


Are all the things that bother people on Earth suddenly not be a problem on Kody's Planet?  Are the wives suddenly incapable of jealousy when Kody ignores them to go off with Robyn (or whoever replaces her if he gets bored with her)?  Are all the kids going to be living there with their spouses and children?  What if they deny Kody's special brand of religion?  What if they stay with it and have a plural marriage?  How are they supposed to have their own planet and yet still live on Kody's planet?  Are there spiritual planet subdivisions?


These people and their so-called religion sucks.

  • Love 3

I've always thought that Christine is one of those people who are goofy and annoying but think they're "cool". Her daughter who wants to get married, can't remember her name, is her mom to a T. When she was telling Christine that her awkward boyfriend wanted to talk to Kody about marrying her, I couldn't believe how much alike they were in the dumb way they express themselves. 

  • Love 3
31 minutes ago, CreamedPeas said:

When she was telling Christine that her awkward boyfriend wanted to talk to Kody about marrying her, I couldn't believe how much alike they were in the dumb way they express themselves. 

Yes!  Mykelti's and Christine's voices sounded almost identical in that scene.

  • Love 2
14 minutes ago, Adiba said:

I haven't seen this addressed anywhere (maybe I missed the episode), but why do neither of Christine's oldest daughters live with her? Aspyn moved in with Robyn and Mykelti stayed in St. George, subsequently getting married. She was only 18-- why was it not OK to move home? 

According to a few bits and pieces that have been stated on the show...Aspyn and Mykelti shared an apartment for a year while they were students.  When Mykelti left school (stating that "school is hard") Aspyn moved back home, but she remains a student where Mykelti dropped out. Apsyn herself said something along the lines that her and Christine butted heads over the mothering of the little kids.  Aspyn has been the main mothering child (much like Logan's role within Janelles leg of the family being a male role model), and when Kody was stuck with dealing with the kids he always called upon Aspyn to step in because that is a role she has had. 

Aspyn said she didn't want to live with Mykelti anymore because she was mothery towards her, and obviously moving back with Christine puts her back into that role, so she chose to live with Robyn.  No one has talked about if she is mothery towards Robyns kids or not. When the older kids were on the couch talking about Mykelti's engagement Aspyn didn't talk like a concerned older sister, her words and feelings sounded much more like a mother in her concern that "Mykelti wasn't supposed to be with ANYone, she was just supposed to go to Utah to grow up some, then return to school".

Christine said that when Mykelti left school she wanted to move back home and it was Christine who said no.  She said if it were "just a pause" she might have agreed but she didn't want Mykelti to "move backward, only forward".  I take this Brown Family Crypto Speak to mean "hell no, you drop out of school and you can be on your own.  You aren't lazing on the couch all day doing nothing."  Kody later talked about how Mykelti wanted to go to Seattle and the family said no because they couldn't afford to move her there, or afford to pay to move her back as well.  He said she needed to go SOMEwhere, so St George was chosen because she would be watched over by their good friends and business associates (people he borrows money from...) who own the pawn shop.  She was living in an apartment that they own, working for their business and I guess for awhile going each night to their house for dinner...up until she started to go to church a lot and found friends then she hung out with friends all the time.  But they were completely unaware of her romantic relationship with Tony as well. Even with her commitments to the local LDS mainstream church, the church has still denied her entry.

  • Love 6

Thanks for the answer, Roslyn-- also gives insight as to another reason (besides wanting attention) that Mykelti wanted marry so quickly to feel "protected"-- she might've felt a little lost out there on her own with no real direction. Not everyone is suited for academics, and trying to make it on one's own on minimum wage is difficult, to say the least.

  • Love 6

Maybe the word "Polygamist" tricked my brain into seeing things, but does anyone else think there's a resemblance between this lady and Christine?  (Particularly in the 80's-era picture.)  I seriously thought Anna could be Christine's older sister until I remembered that the latter was an Allred, not a LeBaron.

  • Love 1

Thanks for backing me up, guys!  I feel less insane now.

7 minutes ago, AZChristian said:

Christine's full name is Christine LeBaron Allred, so they are probably related.  The family is documented on a wreath, not a tree.

Whoa!  I was not aware that was her middle name.  I haven't delved that far back into the family wreaths because my monogamist pea-brain just can't keep track.  Perhaps I should try again.

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