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Christine Brown Woolley: Nacho Sister Wife Anymore

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Her mom might take her kids away? On which planet?

Grandparents' rights are a hot topic, but in both Utah and Nevada, they don't amount to much. Grandparents may petition the court for visitations but it's not automatic. How could her mother take the kids away?

Is She suffering from paranoid schizophrenia?

At the time she was explaining the fear that her mom would take her kids away, she had three young kids and seemed to be suffering from postpartum depression. No one seemed to notice though. She was paranoid about her mom, and was discussing some other signs of depression.  After Truley, she admitted on camera that she had to go on meds for the postpartum depression from that pregnancy. Since it seems to get worse with each pregnancy, my Google MD education leads me to believe she was having issues way back then. It was likely just chalked up to exhaustion, like it is many times, and the fact she is a bit simple.

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I've been catching up on my reading here, this forum is so funny!!! Much more entertaining than the show, which is more and more turning into a documentary about emotional domestic abuse.

I mean it's classic, the wives apparently grew up in families where women are crying all the time, so they think it's normal. Women aren't allowed to get angry, throw things, pull each others' hair out or douse their useless husbands with gasoline, so they cry. A lot. And blame all their problems on PMS. And of course we're all watching and see what's really going on and wonder why they put up with this. It's really disturbing.

  • Love 9

Actually it is a real thing, I'm post menopause now but when I had PMS I would get migraines. Ugh!!it was so hard to function! Then I went into menopause, and the headaches were constant, I went to a neurologist who asked me "how many headaches do you have a week?" And I couldn't answer the question: I had one headache, 24/7, and it lasted for years.

Eventually I was put on Effexor, for hot flashes, and one day, 6 weeks later, I woke up and didn't have a headache. The drug did nothing for the hot flashes, and it made me want to kill people (SSRIs will do that) so I stopped taking it eventually, and now the headaches are infrequent and not as bad. So believe me, PMS is a real thing and it's not pleasant!

  • Love 3

Actually it is a real thing, I'm post menopause now but when I had PMS I would get migraines. Ugh!!it was so hard to function! Then I went into menopause, and the headaches were constant, I went to a neurologist who asked me "how many headaches do you have a week?" And I couldn't answer the question: I had one headache, 24/7, and it lasted for years. ...


I think what blueonblue123 was saying is that Christine thought she was educating us by informing us that PMS is real.

  • Love 10

Oh ok. I thought you were saying it's not a real thing.

Unfortunately for Christine,she's now using PMS to explain why she's so unhappy.

Clearly she has romanticized polygamy to such an extent that this so called marriage she's stuck in can't possibly be the source of her misery, so it's got to be something else. She has decided to look around for something else to blame: it's PMS, it's the people who don't believe in polygamy, it's society, it's law enforcement in Utah (remember moving to Nevada was going to make everything wonderful) and now the family will blame EVERYTHING on Robyn's ex husband. He will be the cause of their unhappiness!

so Kody is going to "fight" because if he can adopt Robyn's kids, all their problems will be solved.

  • Love 6

This week's promos are making me crazy.


Christine is such an idiot.


She didn't know she had PMS!!  Even though she raised a bizillion daughters.

I didn't know Truely was so sick!!

I didn't know men could be such bastards!!

I didn't know I could be so jealous!!  Her own mother quit the poly life

I didn't know I had to pay the water bill!!

I better hide in the bathroom from my own aunt because she might be mean to me!!

I didn't know there would such a line at the DMV!!.  I just added that part.

What am I going to do with my house since my house slaves are going to college??


What do you know, Christine?  That maybe this show was a mistake even though you were one of the driving forces behind it?

Edited by toodles
  • LOL 1
  • Love 5

Wow, watching this latest episode (not the Christine special) made me feel really bad for Christine. Kody does not listen to her at all, and she looked absolutely miserable. He is truly a terrible husband. How he can be so oblivious to the feelings of his wife, and it's her duty to just accept this crappy treatment with a smile, is absolutely depressing.

  • Love 5

I didn't think I could dislike Kody more until I saw him telling Christine there was no 'us' only family. He was telling her he has no romantic feelings for her, how sad. And who the hell takes two therapists on vacation? I guess Kody planned this so he wouldn't have to be alone a lot with Christine.

  • Love 7

Wow, watching this latest episode (not the Christine special) made me feel really bad for Christine. Kody does not listen to her at all, and she looked absolutely miserable. He is truly a terrible husband.


Kody has never hidden the fact that Christine is his least favorite wife.  According to what he says in their book, it seems he was pressured into marrying her. 

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Kody has never hidden the fact that Christine is his least favorite wife.  According to what he says in their book, it seems he was pressured into marrying her. 


That does not give him the right to treat her like shit. He can at least be civil and treat her with basic human decency, even if he doesn't love her.

  • Love 11

Kody has never hidden the fact that Christine is his least favorite wife.  According to what he says in their book, it seems he was pressured into marrying her. 


I'll always remember the first episode where she said "I really loved him tons, and he kind of loved me." It pretty much sums up their relationship to this day.

  • Love 2

That does not give him the right to treat her like shit. He can at least be civil and treat her with basic human decency, even if he doesn't love her.

He liked her enough to have six children with her and as his children's mother, he needs to treat her with more respect and kindness at the very least. Weren't they also fine until Bobbin Sobbyn came along? I bet she bitched so much to Kody about her treatment from Christine that he can't stand Christine anymore.

She isn't very bright so it makes me sad for her. He needs to stfu about family cus of it wasn't for Christine staying home with all those kids back in the Utah days, the other wives couldn't have worked so much and padded his bank account.

Edited by MarysWetBar
  • Love 4

It's so odd to me that Kody doesn't really like Christine, because she seems like the nicest, most fun, and least conniving of the four. She's a also very pretty and has nice hair. I know she can be kind of dumb and needy and stuff, but I think a lot of men would've loved her and treated her much better than her fake husband does. Too bad she believes in this ridiculous "principle" that has made her adult life so depressing.

  • Love 11

Seriously. I was practically hypnotized by her swinging feet. Until I looked up at her cold, steely face. Yikes. There's definitely a story there.


I know what you're talking about because I noticed that too, but it was actually a short period of time.  They started off talking about how inappropriately flirty Christine was with Kody before marriage, and Meri was good natured and teasing.  It was specifically when the subject of sex came up that Meri looked possibly mad.  They immediately went into the clip where Robyn said she noticed they spliced in a shot of her with Kody that wasn't there originally.  I think Meri was about to lose it.  She was struggling to keep it together.  I'm not sure if she was feeling protective of Robyn, or more likely - remembering how protective she felt of Robyn before she was manipulated into a divorce.   She also looked emotional when they were covering the exodus.  Otherwise, I found Meri to be engaged and good natured.

I didn't think I could dislike Kody more until I saw him telling Christine there was no 'us' only family. He was telling her he has no romantic feelings for her, how sad. And who the hell takes two therapists on vacation? I guess Kody planned this so he wouldn't have to be alone a lot with Christine.


It was just horrible! He wouldn't have 1/3 of his family if it weren't for Christine. I just cannot figure out what it is with her, why he treats her so poorly. Is it because she openly admits when she's struggling with plural marriage, instead of acting like it's a fucking joy to put up with him and his three other wives every waking minute? He was saying something about trust, because of feeling she has expressed in the past. But isn't that what marriage is? Being able to express how you're feeling without fear of judgment and reprisal? 


And did you catch how he said his family was already well established before Christine came along? How so? It was you, Meri, and Jenelle. NO kids were born until after Christine, am I right? 

  • Love 4

There is a childlike innocence about Christine. She was happy being the third of three wives. Her whole identity was wrapped in being the young, final wife. As soon as Robyn came aboard, Christine lost her role and Kody. She'll probably end up Catfish'd like Meri.

Polygamy works only for the husband and his favorite wife. Everyone else is miserable.

Edited by CofCinci
  • Love 7

Meri's body language during the "Christine tells all" episode speakes volumes


Her anger was very much on display.  And Robyn would look at Meri's bitch face, then look over to Kody with a smirk.  It was so odd. 

Meri's body language during the "Christine tells all" episode speakes volumes


Her anger was very much on display.  And Robyn would look at Meri's bitch face, then look over to Kody with a smirk.  It was so odd. 

  • Love 3

I didn't get to see the entire episode (was flying on Southwest and landed before the ep ended), but it seemed that even though this ep was supposed to be about Christine, we still got ample portions of Robin's opinions.  Is there really that little to be said about Christine (who is the best of the four in my opinion), that we have to have everyone else weighing in?

  • Love 1
Her anger was very much on display.  And Robyn would look at Meri's bitch face, then look over to Kody with a smirk.  It was so odd.


Robyn's mission was accomplished when she legally married the Douche. He already regarded Jenelle and Christine as platonic wives. Meri was the only one with something over Robyn, and now that's taken care of.  Meri has checked out and gotten herself into a mess with another "man" (even if he was fake). Kodouche will never forgive her. Robyn is now the legal wife, the sex wife, the only one with a working womb, and probably the only one that Kodouche can still get it up for without pharmaceutical enhancement (sorry for the visual). She's the Queen Bee. 


I wonder what Christine's kids thought of last night's episode, especially Aspyn and Mykelti, who are older and may have already noticed how little their father regarded their mom, and who have lived on their own long enough to possibly feel safe in voicing an opinion. 

Edited by ChicksDigScars
  • Love 6

It's so odd to me that Kody doesn't really like Christine, because she seems like the nicest, most fun, and least conniving of the four.


I agree. Based on what I've observed on their talk show appearances, Christine comes across as the warmest and friendliest. I can't help but believe that Kody's constant put downs of her is to appease Robyn.  I have a feeling she complains to him about every thing Christine says and does.  

  • Love 2

I haven't seen this episode yet as I live in Germany and it's gonna take a while for TLC to bring the new season up in German but I've been reading the comments here for some time now and the ones about this recent episode have made me really sad and angry at the same time. I confess: I read this "family's" book at a time when I still thought it might be worth while and at that time I believed those published opinions were the real deal.


When he courted and wed Christine, Kody claimed "she was the one who saved the bacon", meaning she saved the quickly deteriorating polygamous lifestyle with her "bubbly and loveable" personality. The other three were miserable and living rough. In the book he claims he loves her for that spirit especially.


Guess it's okay to kick someone to the curb once they've proven themselves loyal to their commitment. Maybe it's part of their so-called UBA "principle"? Anyway, in my opinion it's disgusting. If you look back to the beginning of the show, Merie was a quite attractive woman, despite her very many promblems in her marriage to Kody. Now, five years later and with a lifestyle many less-fortunate would envy her for, she looks older than her mother, and has the bitter features of an old hag. If you ask me, adding that shizophrenic Robyn-She-Rah (chapter four tells it all) was the beginning of the unstoppable downhill spiral. And now Kody is trying to freeze-out Christine. Run, girl, run; take your Mom and the kids with you and go.


Janelle claimed, Christine was her friend. That "friendship" has gone all downhill since the snivilling, moaning and back-stabbing Robyn appeared on the scene. One could say it's typical for Janelle to stay out of it when Christine could have used some support. But Janelle is a grown-up now and you bet she can stand her ground easily (nobody wants to see that tiny-weeny little baby you are deep down, Nelly; she's your problem and you can handle it), at her age, she HAS TO fight for her and others' rights. She's supposedly successful in business. Well, she can't behave there the way she does at home. Running away from everything doesn't solve problems. What would their beloved master do if those two ganged up against him?


This "family" (rather malfunctioning commune) is the exact opposite of King Midas: everything they touch just turns to crap. Hope they'll realize some day just what kind of idots they've made of themselves with this show. I guess Janelle has realized it for some time now and would love to get out of that embarassing fivesome. Guess money turns a lot of people into obedient cowards.

  • Love 8

I agree. Based on what I've observed on their talk show appearances, Christine comes across as the warmest and friendliest. I can't help but believe that Kody's constant put downs of her is to appease Robyn. I have a feeling she complains to him about every thing Christine says and does.

I definitely see that too. Robyn and Kody are in a monogamous relationship and she makes sure that he regards his ex-wives poorly.
  • Love 6

At what point in their lives do these "wives" wake up and say what they funk did I get myself into when I "married" a guy that gets to sleep around under the guise of a "marriage." They should just call it what it truly is: open marriage where the man gets all the benefits and the wives suffer. ewwwww SMH at the complete grossness of it all.

  • Love 1

At what point in their lives do these "wives" wake up and say what they funk did I get myself into when I "married" a guy that gets to sleep around under the guise of a "marriage." They should just call it what it truly is: open marriage where the man gets all the benefits and the wives suffer. ewwwww SMH at the complete grossness of it all.

And he doesn't even have sex with them anymore, so the women have nothing in this relationship -- except for debt and the burden of their children.
  • Love 3
There is a childlike innocence about Christine. She was happy being the third of three wives. Her whole identity was wrapped in being the young, final wife. As soon as Robyn came aboard, Christine lost her role and Kody. She'll probably end up Catfish'd like Meri.


And no matter what they SAY, I just have to believe there was at the very least an unspoken agreement that Christine was the final wife. They went, what? Fifteen years as a family before Robyn came along? I would feel like the rug was pulled out from under my feet as well. 


I didn't get to see the entire episode (was flying on Southwest and landed before the ep ended), but it seemed that even though this ep was supposed to be about Christine, we still got ample portions of Robin's opinions.  Is there really that little to be said about Christine (who is the best of the four in my opinion), that we have to have everyone else weighing in?


I felt like ALL of the specials were like that to a degree. They were about the other wives in how they relate to Robyn. How about just asking some questions about their childhoods, what the early years of marriage were like, the older kids growing up, etc?

  • Love 7

I was pleased last night by the way Janelle defended (although mildly) Christine, and attempted to explain certain things about her. I've been disappointed in Janelle since they've been in Vegas. I started to think the close relationship with Christine was a sham so Janelle could get twelve hours a day care plus meals provided to herself and her children.

What is sad is that Christine and Meri were very close in the early days. You can tell they have a blast with each other while Janelle tends more to wet blanket. Something changed in that M/C relationship and I wonder if it was Janelle. It's been commonly believed that Meri recruited Robyn to make a power alliance, but now I think Meri was just desperately lonely and looking for a friend.

  • Love 2

What is sad is that Christine and Meri were very close in the early days. You can tell they have a blast with each other while Janelle tends more to wet blanket. Something changed in that M/C relationship and I wonder if it was Janelle. It's been commonly believed that Meri recruited Robyn to make a power alliance, but now I think Meri was just desperately lonely and looking for a friend.

How long were Janelle and her children away from them all when Janelle had a moment of clarity and left Kody? 2 years? I'm sure Meri and Christine bonded then.

  • Love 1

There seems to be no thread for "All About Christine."  I couldn't sit through the whole thing, but I as appalled by the way Kody was gloating about how she flirted with him to start the relationship.  He just would not let go.  Meanwhile, this followed the previous hour of painful revelations about their dead relationship.

  • Love 1

Watching last week's episode and I have to say, Christine has a really sweet voice. I looked at her wedding photo and I think she looks much better today. And she seems like a good mom. Seems like she'd have a decent shot at a new relationship if she ever ditched Ponytail.

agreed....she could probably find a very nice man.  I wish she would because, guess what Christine...you're not "legally" married and Jesus isn't into polygamous marriage so you're not spiritually married either.  You're FREE!!!!!  GO!

  • Love 1

How long were Janelle and her children away from them all when Janelle had a moment of clarity and left Kody? 2 years? I'm sure Meri and Christine bonded then.

They were close back then. But I think Janelle was just as calculating in BFFing Christine as Meri was with Robyn. It just seems so clear to me in how Janelle no longer has any use for Christine. Who knows, that may be part of Christine's current unhappiness with the lifestyle. I don't think she's capable of believing Janelle used her for childcare, cook, and to stick it to Meri. Robyn and Meri are close, and there seems to be no place for Christine. The marriage counseling was between M/R/K, and the divorce and remarriage decision was made amongst those three. Of course Janelle was left out too, but I honestly believe Janelle prefers it that way. She's a loner whereas Christine is a social butterfly. They will respond differently to being alone (Janelle) versus feeling lonely (Christine). I'm like Janelle in that aspect, and I can tolerate a lot of isolation and alone time before I feel lonely. Christine seems to really need other people.

  • Love 4

Honestly, maybe some of the close relationships just fell apart when they weren't all living together anymore. And some of the first children, who probably helped bond them, are gone now. How long did they live in those rentals that weren't even on the same street? The dynamic has really just changed a lot. 

  • Love 3

They said they were separated for "a couple of years". What's odd is that the farthest house away was a mile. It made me wonder if they'd internalized that fear in plyg land of visiting each other. And unconsciously they still tried to be discreet in front of neighbors. Some of them were on the very next block.

  • Love 2

Christine was speaking from the heart, while Kody was just pontificating, as usual.   He is so uneducated, and yet he refuses to recognize this serious limitation - so he gets a serious look, and just blathers.    He refuses to be honest, with any of the wives - except Robyn.   If this house of cards falls apart, he would no longer have the show to count on, and be stuck with Robyn and her cheap jewelry business.     I wouldn't be surprised if when the show ends, Janelle, Christine and Meri go their separate ways. 


Christine is clearly unhappy, and has been since they moved and Robyn came into the picture.  Maybe with her mother's support, she will have somebody to vent to and get some advice.   In Utah she was happy in the role of the stay-at-home mom, with everyone in the same place.   Now she's basically a single mom with few options.

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