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Small Talk: The Polygamous Cul-de-Sac

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On 3/14/2017 at 9:28 AM, Rabbittron said:

   She was complaining that Douche was spending  times with the other wives and not with her 24/7 as she is the real wife not them

You are providing some great info!  I never really read the small talk consistently in the Sister Wives but this thread has reeled me in!  Riveting!

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On 3/5/2017 at 2:00 PM, Rabbittron said:

Had my coworker ask David about the adoption and I  also checked out the record and no adoption on file and David said the adoption scene was filmed on a sound stage.

Rabbittron please tell coworker that the info is fantastic!  In a creepy sort of way it would be so fun to be able to send all kinds of questions to her without having to bug you.  A Reddit sort of thing!  All I know is it has made a very boring day not quite so.

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On 3/14/2017 at 3:38 PM, ginger90 said:

Thanks for that. (I think.) I had missed it and now I'm not sure whether I was better off before or after clicking that link. Kody looks fucking weird in that picture. It's like they grafted some of his features onto a picture of the Reverend Billy Graham or some sleazy politician. (I was going to say "sleazy southern politician", but it's not like the south has the market cornered on sleazy politicians, even though their sleazy politicians tend to look a bit more like Kody in that weird picture. So, I apologize for [almost?] offending anyone from the south!) Devil horns and a goatee would be perfect additions to Kody's depiction in that picture - and I think it would be spot-on, too.

The kids look weird in that picture, especially the boy. It's like they've gone and idealized them all, similar to the way the Greeks and Romans did with their sculpture, except not as classy or artistically as the Greeks and Romans did. The older girl reminds me of a Gerber baby.

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19 hours ago, Celia Rubenstein said:

That picture is so creepily fascinating.  I always have to stop and stare at it.

One of the weird thing (among so many) is that Kody looks like he came from olden times.  They were trying to insert him into the past, but he looks more like he time travelled forward from the 1800's

During their trip to Nauvoo a few years ago (when they got the docent to lie for them that they weren't allowed into a museum because they were plyg when actually it was due to the fact that they were too large a group for the itty bitty place, they didn't call ahead, and they weren't allowed to film) Christine found a portrait of Brigham Young and raved about how much Kody resembled him, which I don't consider a compliment. 

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37 minutes ago, DakotaJustice said:

Christine found a portrait of Brigham Young and raved about how much Kody resembled him, which I don't consider a compliment. 

Yikes! No. Who would want to be compared to Brigham Young? Good God. That was one ugly man. He's got a weak chin, too-round face, and poorly defined cheekbones; plus, he just looks creepy AF. Hmmm. Wait a minute. Other than the weak chin, Kody does look like him, right down to the creepiness. Well done, Christine!

52 minutes ago, MrSmith said:

Yikes! No. Who would want to be compared to Brigham Young? Good God. That was one ugly man. He's got a weak chin, too-round face, and poorly defined cheekbones; plus, he just looks creepy AF. Hmmm. Wait a minute. Other than the weak chin, Kody does look like him, right down to the creepiness. Well done, Christine!

Its the hair do!


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52 minutes ago, Rabbittron said:

Hi this is coworker ask questions and I will answer them Rabbittron will forward the questions to me?

Oh where to begin!  I am curious how the wives get along other than what they have been trying to portray and viewers assumptions (I have a feeling viewers are closer to the truth).  How Kody really acts with them.  How the kids truly feel about Sobbin, Kody, Sobbins kids, etc.  Was there resentment over Meri/Mariah's more flush lifestyle due to less people?  Upon rereading them these are pretty pedestrian questions but I'm sure better ones will be thought of by others.

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We have heard that Robyn pursued Kody when she found out that a show was in the works. Is this true?

The Cookie Purity Speech. What kind of affect did that thing have on her kids and their relationship with David Preston? Did he and his family want to strangle her or did they just ignore it?

How do they REALLY feel about Robyn?

  • Love 3
3 hours ago, lma said:

I don't get it. You're using her acct to say ask questions. And then she will forward whatever comes in? Why would you just come on to say ask questions and not stick around to answer? #somanyquestions

I will answer but all I have is a work issued phone and comp and I don't think work will like me on this site she will give me the questions and I will tell her the answers we work for the se company but in different buildings

  • Love 1
On 3/14/2017 at 3:38 PM, ginger90 said:

That is so creepy. (the kids are cute, but he's creepy as hell, and he's not their father!!)


Edited by ChiCricket
Because I wanted to.
8 hours ago, Celia Rubenstein said:

The thumbs up may be the worst part.  It's all extremely creepy but his hand gesture suggests approval of the whole weird ass idea of Kody replacing their father and that's just messed up.


Was this picture actually a family portrait that Robyn gave to the "artist" and asked her to sub in Kody for whichever adult was actually in the picture?  Or did Robyn give the "artist" individual pictures of her kids and Kody to blend into one picture?  Because I can see her choosing a cute picture of Dayton giving a "thumbs-up" if it were an individual picture, but what 4-year old (or however old he was there) gives a "thumbs-up" during a professional family portrait?  That tells me that Dayton's pose was fake, and was all Robyn's idea.  Maybe she thought if she could convince the fam'ly that her oldest kid was on board with becoming a Brown, then everyone else would follow suit. 

Also, Kody's hand looks extremely feminine in that artistic rendering, and Kody looks like he's supposed to be much older than he really is, not younger.  None of this makes sense, it's super creepy, and I hope Dayton escapes his crazy family relatively unscathed.

  • Love 4
8 hours ago, laurakaye said:

Was this picture actually a family portrait that Robyn gave to the "artist" and asked her to sub in Kody for whichever adult was actually in the picture?  Or did Robyn give the "artist" individual pictures of her kids and Kody to blend into one picture?  Because I can see her choosing a cute picture of Dayton giving a "thumbs-up" if it were an individual picture, but what 4-year old (or however old he was there) gives a "thumbs-up" during a professional family portrait?  That tells me that Dayton's pose was fake, and was all Robyn's idea.  Maybe she thought if she could convince the fam'ly that her oldest kid was on board with becoming a Brown, then everyone else would follow suit. 

Also, Kody's hand looks extremely feminine in that artistic rendering, and Kody looks like he's supposed to be much older than he really is, not younger.  None of this makes sense, it's super creepy, and I hope Dayton escapes his crazy family relatively unscathed.

All I could remember from that time on the show was Robyn going through pictures on the bed with Kody of her kids.  It was when Kody got "choked up" over the fact that he missed holding them and the memories of when they were little...

So, I went back to that episode and screen snapped this...


The part of the Portrait of the kids seems to have come from one photo...but notice the artful trimming of the photo and the "hand" isn't Kody's hand.  Kody's face was taken from two family portraits, one of the entire family and the other from a portrait of Christine's leg of the family. 

So....Robyn took a photo with I'm assuming the kids' actual FATHER, not just random snaps and penciled in Kody.  Voila!  New History!!

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She couldn't just give him a picture of the kids when they were little, without cutting their father out and putting Kody in. She's a wacko, I tell you! Not to mention at least one of the kids has to remember the original and know that's what was done. Sick.

Oh, forgot to say, thanks for that picture. I must have missed that episode.

Edited by ginger90
  • Love 4

Holy smokes. The "portrait" episode is the only one I've never watched because it seemed beyond the pale, even by Brown standards. It was bad enough when I thought it was cobbled together from multiple pictures, but now to see that Robyn freakin cut her children's father's head out!?!  There are no words.

  • Love 10

How appalling. 

The whole erase-daddy-and-replace-him-with-Kody thing is bad enough.  But that picture Robyn butchered may have been something that her kids would have treasured one day.  The three of them, tiny, happy, being held in their father's arms.  Now Dad's head is in the trash and the whole thing has been whored out for a reality show storyline that (to top it off) set a new record for negative fan reaction. 

That was his moment with his kids, what's his name Jessop.  Their moment with him. How dare Robyn destroy the image of it.  All to feed Kody's ego and curry his favor. gah!

I can only hope Jessop has his own copy of that picture.  

Edited by Celia Rubenstein
  • Love 9

When Robyn discussed losing her cookies in front of the entire family (children included...also, her own children) I thought she might've had a screw loose.

When she presented the "portrait" of Kody holding her children as babies, I decided that she was actually a sociopath.

Edited by laurakaye
  • Love 9

The whole erase-daddy-and-replace-him-with-Kody thing is bad enough.  But that picture Robyn butchered may have been something that her kids would have treasured one day.  The three of them, tiny, happy, being held in their father's arms.  Now Dad's head is in the trash and the whole thing has been whored out for a reality show storyline that (to top it off) set a new record for negative fan reaction. 

My ex and I divorced when our children were small (he stayed semi-involved with the kids).  There were always family photos that included him in the house.  It's not like I went out of my way to include him, but he was part of the family history and was important to my children.  It's like Robyn wants to pretend that David never existed.  Sick.  Sick.  Sick.

  • Love 4

I just took a nap while my baby napped and I had a dream that I was in the car with Kody and Janelle following them as they went to church and the grocery store. Like an anthropologist I suppose. Anyway, when I woke up, I had the overwhelming desire to come here and discuss what a bad driver Kody is, like I had just watched an episode. But alas, I don't have actual evidence, just dream footage... But I can sure picture him as an awful driver! 

  • Love 2

Are you sure you are not looking at a stock photo?

I'm uncomfortable with someone putting a photo of this girl out so she can be judged.

After initially tweeting their general "right of refusal" policy United now says these girls were flying on pass tickets (not paid) and are held to a stricter dress code. The tweet storm is about the bigger issues, of course.

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, SongbirdHollow said:

I agree rules are rules, but on the other hand if these were kids, nobody believes they are "representing" the company. A warning may have sufficed and avoided the media controversy. 

But they had their warning - leggings are expressly forbidden in the guidelines for using the free pass.  They were given a benefit worth several hundred dollars, and all they had to do was NOT wear leggings.  Seems like a small sacrifice to me.

  • Love 9

Someone tweeted that the LLR crowd basically needs to get out their pitchforks.

I get SO tired of the "yes, but" excuses for everything.  The rules are clearly written.  Follow them or get the hell out.  Your choice.  It's not like they were required to wear a burka.  

When I started in the corporate world I was required to wear a skirted suit every day.  No one ever challenged that.  If you wanted the job, follow the dress code.  You want to fly for free, follow the rules.  Nowadays there are people in pajamas out shopping.  There is no pride and there are certainly no boundaries.

  • Love 10
14 minutes ago, ginger90 said:

I'm scheduled for a sleep study in April. Any suggestions or tips?

Wear something you're totally comfortable in.  If you have a favorite pillow, take it with you.  If you usually take a sleeping pill, they'll probably allow you to take it.  Don't drink too much before you go.  Having to go potty with all those wires attached is tricky.

1 hour ago, taragel said:

It won't be the same if they don't have Mindy Paige Davis Page and Tim and Hildi and Genevieve and Doug and VERN!!

And the awesome Frank Bielec.  I saw him live at a home and garden show.  He is one of the nicest people in the world.

  • Love 2
20 hours ago, AZChristian said:

Wear something you're totally comfortable in.  If you have a favorite pillow, take it with you.  If you usually take a sleeping pill, they'll probably allow you to take it.  Don't drink too much before you go.  Having to go potty with all those wires attached is tricky.

And the awesome Frank Bielec.  I saw him live at a home and garden show.  He is one of the nicest people in the world.

Frank! I couldn't, for the life of me, remember his name. He always seemed so darling.

OTOH I have no idea who Tim is? Did I make up a designer? I believe so.

Edited by taragel

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