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Small Talk: The Polygamous Cul-de-Sac

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4 minutes ago, outtahere said:

Update from Emerald Princess for anyone who is interested....

Denied entry into Colombia this morning.  Proceeding on to Florida to end cruise March 15.

We were told that Princess is pausing global operations on all 18 cruise ships for sixty days impacting voyages departing March 12 to May 10.  All ships out after March 17 will return to first suitable port and passengers will be returned home from there. 

Most passengers seem to be in good spirits even though they were disappointed about their Colombia excursions. 

We just want to get off this ship and return to Idaho post haste.

Are you kidding?  I LOVE your updates!!  What are you anxious to get home?  And I am sorry you couldn't see Colombia.  I've never been there, but would love to go.  Right now the world is a crazy place.  So far Idaho is still virus-free!! 😄

So far we have 44 cases in Colorado, and two in my county.  I would be willing to bet I ran into them at Michaels or the grocery store or the Dollar Tree cuz that's the kind of luck I have, lol.

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4 minutes ago, outtahere said:

Update from Emerald Princess for anyone who is interested....

Denied entry into Colombia this morning.  Proceeding on to Florida to end cruise March 15.

Not to sound flip, but we've done the Panama Canal thing (doing it again over Christmas, hopefully).  We decided that one visit to Cartagena was one too many.  Our plan was to stay on the ship that day on our upcoming cruise.

I am sorry that you're having to deal with this stress while on what should be a relaxing vacation.  Princess' motto is "Come Back New."  This coronavirus thing is not helping cruisers to come back new.  They just want to get home.

Best wishes for a quick and simple trip back home.

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4 minutes ago, Kyanight said:

OOOOO!  Elaborate, please!!  What didn't you like about it?

It's the only time in 23 cruises when we ever felt physically unsafe.  The vendors are VERY aggressive.  As I describe it, I went from "No thank you" to "STOP TOUCHING ME" in 30 seconds.

Specific example from our tour guide on our bus (who was Colombian).  "We are about to visit a popular local cathedral.  There will be many vendors in the park in front of the church.  Do not allow a vendor to hand you anything they have for sale, or even to drape a scarf across your shoulders.  If you try to hand it back or take it off, the vendor will begin to argue that you had agreed to buy it and were now refusing to pay for it.  And don't bother asking a police officer to help you.  The police officer will side with the vendor and pretty much intimidate you into buying it."

We were so uncomfortable with the constant "in your face" behavior of the vendors that we opted to go back and sit on our tour bus, where the driver was still sitting.  Vendors were banging on the sides of the bus, trying to get us to open the windows so we could buy their stuff.

Nope.  Not our thing.  Massages onboard are reduced in price on shore days for those who stay on the ship.  That would be our activity of choice if we ever go to Cartagena again.

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3 hours ago, laurakaye said:

Michigan has decided that most of our larger colleges are going to go to all on-line classes (including my daughter's college).  They are asking that student go home if they can, but are keeping campus open (cafeteria, library, etc.) for the kids that can't go home.  I'm sure this is happening all over, but it kind of boggles the mind that huge universities like MSU and U of M are going to go all on-line.

I wasn't really nervous until that news hit today. 

I am at a UC and we are waiting to hear what is going on.  We know that classes/finals will be online, classes for the 1st month of Spring quarter will be online, and large events canceled.  The dining commons and dorms are open for those that cannot go home (international students mostly).  I will be working from home for at least a week, maybe more due to my health issues.  I am waiting for word to cancel ALL my April events.  Our IT guy is going to be stuck in Bulgaria due to the new travel ban.  He doesn't have a US Passport yet.  CRAZY times. 

I am leaving work today, getting groceries (again, need enough sweets!) and not leaving my house.  I am getting pretty freaked  out.  My husband is security for large concerts and his season just got cut in 1/2 (no shows until at least September).  I am very worried about our economy as well.

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On 3/11/2020 at 9:49 AM, dreadfulLeigh said:

This seems appropriate for the SW’s love of beige, mud and McMansions. 



I meant to include a link 🤦‍♀️

Edited by dreadfulLeigh
Omfg where is my link grr
25 minutes ago, dreadfulLeigh said:

There are some ugly houses there!!  I can't believe such shoddy workmanship when into houses in that price range.  The windows not lining up takes the cake!  lol

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3 hours ago, Teafortwo said:

. From what I read regarding Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson, Australia was prepared and anyone can get a test, symptomatic or not.

Not true. I live in Australia (in Queensland where they are hospitalised). You will only get tested you if you have recently traveled overseas, been in close contact with a confirmed case and are symptomatic. The Hanks went back to America for the Oscars so they qualified for testing when became sick I guess. There is uproar here too, as people know there is community transmission and undiagnosed cases, but are not able to test to confirm due to restrictions.   

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5 minutes ago, Sofa Sloth said:

Not true. I live in Australia (in Queensland where they are hospitalised). You will only get tested you if you have recently traveled overseas, been in close contact with a confirmed case and are symptomatic. The Hanks went back to America for the Oscars so they qualified for testing when became sick I guess. There is uproar here too, as people know there is community transmission and undiagnosed cases, but are not able to test to confirm due to restrictions.   

I'm really sorry to hear that.  I was happy to hear that a country was handling this in such an outstanding manner.  😞

Not related but SORT of related - did anyone hear about El Salvador?  Supposedly (because who really KNOWS positively for sure?) there are zero cases of the Coronavirus in the country.

"El Salvador is imposing some of the world’s toughest controls to curb the spread of the new coronavirus before it has a single confirmed case of the disease.

Governments from China to the U.S. have been accused of reacting too slowly to prevent the deadly illness from spreading. El Salvador’s President Nayib Bukele said he doesn’t want to repeat their mistakes.

“How much would Italy give to be in our position and be able to declare a quarantine before having thousands of cases?” Bukele said Wednesday, in a national address. “We are facing a pandemic with an incredible virility that has probably never been seen before.”

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1 minute ago, Kyanight said:

I'm really sorry to hear that.  I was happy to hear that a country was handling this in such an outstanding manner.  😞

We have 149 confirmed cases now. I believe it’s still not being taken seriously here. Australia are where Italy was barely 2 weeks ago! I’m not sure where the US is at, but I hear they are closing borders to Europe now?

Here in Australia the F1 is still at this stage going ahead in Melbourne despite a confirmed case in one of the teams, Other big events, conventions and parades are still going ahead, flights are still coming on from Europe. 

I work in a medical practice so we get government updates. There is a worldwide shortage of the testing kits so they have to prioritise the use of them, hence the restrictions- but with community transmission already happening and flights still coming in, it’s really a bit pointless at this stage anyway ☹️ 

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2 minutes ago, Kohola3 said:

Are they sharing their magic secret?  Or just executing anyone who coughs?

Who knows, I am not on the inside.  But did you see the link that someone posted about Italy choosing to allow the elderly to die and instead treating the younger people?  I didn't want you to think I was just repeating something some fruitcake on the internet was spewing!

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I live in Ontario, Canada.  We have March break coming up Friday and the government has just announced that all public schools will remain closed after the break until April 5th.  This will leave employed parents scrambling for daycare, some of these parents would be employed in health care, leaving an already over stressed system short staffed if those parents aren't able to make alternate arrangements.  This is where grandmas and grandpas can step in if they are able.

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15 minutes ago, Kyanight said:

But did you see the link that someone posted about Italy choosing to allow the elderly to die and instead treating the younger people? 

Yeah, I saw it but apparently I am missing the whole "letting 90 year olds die" even though I have read it twice and listened to the video.  The posting refers to "several sources" but I have not seen that anywhere in reliable print.  Not doubting you, doubting the media on this unless it was written by a believable source - not Fox News.

I am not saying it's not possible because we have to remember that in some small rural hospitals there are limited numbers of things like ventilators - the mini hospital in my town probably has a max of two. In that situation, choices might have to be made just as we would triage mass casualties in the ER in a disaster into those who can be saved and those who cannot. But I doubt that they would routinely just classify all people over a certain age of being unable to be saved.  That has never, in my 45 years of nursing, ever happened.  At least not in this country.

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There is a worldwide plan but most countries are ignoring it. With cases in 110 countries now, this is an extremely unfortunate response. 

"The World Health Organization is supposed to coordinate the global response to epidemics. But the U.N. agency cannot force countries to play by international rules."


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The state of Utah, Salt Lake City and Salt Lake County have declared states of emergency within the last week. The state will receive $6 million in assistance from the feds. 139 people have been tested thus far, five are positive, tests are being done in tents far removed from existing facilities.

A state of emergency is necessary to make legal such measures as curfews, travel restrictions, bans, closures, etc. The governor has advised that gatherings of more than 100 people should be avoided (except for schools and businesses) and advised those older than 60 to avoid gatherings of more than 20 people.

The LDS church suspended services and activities worldwide, (twice-a-year) General Conference in SLC next month will be closed to the public but available via internet and TV. 

We're fairly sparsely populated here, there are only 3 million people in the entire state!

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A second Jazz player tested positive, Donovan Mitchell, and another was tested but his result hasn't been released. In the 10 days before the canceled Oklahoma game the Jazz played the Cleveland Cavaliers, New York Knicks, Boston Celtics, Detroit Pistons and Toronto Raptors and those teams were told to self-quarantine. 

Disneyland is closing on Saturday and the Disney hotels are closing after the weekend, all plays on Broadway have been suspended, Major League Baseball canceled spring training and opening day is on hold. 

There will be financial hardships that can't be avoided but these are good moves, health-wise. 

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18 hours ago, Sofa Sloth said:

Not true. I live in Australia (in Queensland where they are hospitalised). You will only get tested you if you have recently traveled overseas, been in close contact with a confirmed case and are symptomatic. The Hanks went back to America for the Oscars so they qualified for testing when became sick I guess. There is uproar here too, as people know there is community transmission and undiagnosed cases, but are not able to test to confirm due to restrictions.   

I am very sorry to hear that, Sofa Sloth. Thank you for the information. I was thinking Australia was a sort of safe haven. I deleted that part of my post - not intending to spread false info!

Edited by Teafortwo
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23 hours ago, Nysha said:

I live in Idaho. I don't think we have any cases, yet, but I'm on the border of Washington and you know their cases are going to eventually spread east. I work at a college and all classes are going to go online for two days next week to give everyone an idea of what to expect. The University of Washington and Idaho State University are both talking about going completely online after spring break at the end of this month. If they do, we probably will to. 

I live in MT, so far no cases here, but a Montana woman was diagnosed in Maryland. Whether she got it in travel or here...it could begin here too.

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3 hours ago, Mittengirl said:

Michigan just closed all schools (pre-k thru 12) until April 6.  We went from 2 cases yesterday to 12 cases today.

Costco was out of t.p. and hand sanitizer this afternoon, but I was able to get Jellybellys, ribs & M&Ms.  (I didn’t need t.p. anyway.)

it's crazy here in the Chicago area.  Costco sold out of all that you mentioned.  People were fighting over carts and running thru the store to get to the paper products. Meanwhile at the grocery stores, the shelves are all stocked.  I think all the misinformation out there is fueling the paranoia. The symptoms of both Covid and the flu are so similar.  The press isn't helping with all the doomsday predictions.   They keep thinking what is going on in China and Italy will happen here and I find that hard to believe.  Our population is a lot more spread out.  In Indiana, they have two confirmed cases, and they declare it a state of emergency. It really defies reasoning. 

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27 minutes ago, crimson23 said:

it's crazy here in the Chicago area.  Costco sold out of all that you mentioned.  People were fighting over carts and running thru the store to get to the paper products. Meanwhile at the grocery stores, the shelves are all stocked.  I think all the misinformation out there is fueling the paranoia. The symptoms of both Covid and the flu are so similar.  The press isn't helping with all the doomsday predictions.   They keep thinking what is going on in China and Italy will happen here and I find that hard to believe.  Our population is a lot more spread out.  In Indiana, they have two confirmed cases, and they declare it a state of emergency. It really defies reasoning. 

I live near Dallas and they just banned groups over 250-500 depending on the venue.  They  said that to avoid being in groups of people.  I think they are closing schools, not sure for how long.

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12 minutes ago, Pickleinthemiddle said:

I live near Dallas and they just banned groups over 250-500 depending on the venue.  They  said that to avoid being in groups of people.  I think they are closing schools, not sure for how long.

Right, they are postponing the opening of the baseball season, colleges shut down, Disney closed, concerts postponed. I worry about all the people forced out of work. Lots of families live paycheck to paycheck now. This could get ugly. if people are fighting over shopping carts and toilet paper, what will happen if families can't buy groceries or pay mortgages?

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Hi y'all - long time lurker from Germany here. First of all I want to say: Thank you so, so much for the laughs (you really crack me up and make my day) and for the information on the Browns. I really enjoy reading here. Without you, I wouldn't even have known that the Family relocated in Flagstaff, so thanks to you all I can continue snarking with my friends at home 🙂 I hope you all stay safe! Our Government just decided that our schools will be closed beginning Monday, 16 until April 20. Events, such like Concerts are being cancelled or postponed. Most country's borders are still open, with the exception of Italy. In Italy, every store, bar, and restaurant is closed, except Drugstores /Pharmacies. I live in the southern part of Bavaria, near the austrian border, and in my County there are 4 infected Persons so far. If you feel you might be infected you call your Doc, and they'll call you back and tell you when to come to the Doc's office (not more than 4 People allowed in the waiting room) so you can get tested. Tests are pretty much available for everyone. If you suspect you are infected, you have to stay home from work (Paid leave). I hope there will be a remedy soon, my parents are 76 and 81 and I hope they will be safe . Now I will continue reading, a good laughing brightens the darkest days)   Stay safe!

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2 hours ago, crimson23 said:

I worry about all the people forced out of work. Lots of families live paycheck to paycheck now. This could get ugly. if people are fighting over shopping carts and toilet paper, what will happen if families can't buy groceries or pay mortgages?

Karl Marx said religion is the opium of the people.  Opium dulls pain and creates pleasing illusions. Marx saw religion as an opiate and a  pressure relief valve that blinds people to the inequalities produced by unregulated capitalism, causing people to delay or resist or ignore the need to install socialism (or another system) instead. 

Credit has become the new religion and it has more believers than any religion could hope to have. What do people actually own as the fruit of their labor that isn't financed, thus in reality belonging to a bank? Very, very little. Nearly nothing.  

Credit persuades us to not examine the true state of how wealth is distributed. In the US the top 1% owns as much as the bottom 45% and some would say those in the top 1% are hogs. Some would say the biggest reason the top 1% has 45% of the available wealth is because of the 80% of Americans who live paycheck to paycheck. 

I don't see how we can have a huge health crisis that doesn't lead to a financial crisis but the system won't change unless and until a change is forced to happen. Power is never surrendered willingly. "It is better to die on your feet than live on your knees" comes to mind. 

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For the first time in my life I am actually anxious about going to the grocery store after work today.  I sent my husband out yesterday looking for toilet paper - not to hoard, but simply because we're almost out.  He went to three stores and nada.  Along with all of our schools closing until April 13 (following spring break), it's all very bizarre.  K - 12 kids will be out of school for an entire month.

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36 minutes ago, laurakaye said:

For the first time in my life I am actually anxious about going to the grocery store after work today.  I sent my husband out yesterday looking for toilet paper - not to hoard, but simply because we're almost out.  He went to three stores and nada.  Along with all of our schools closing until April 13 (following spring break), it's all very bizarre.  K - 12 kids will be out of school for an entire month.

We don't have any stores that have toilet paper.  At least I couldn't find any.  We aren't out (personally in our home) - YET... but I heard from two DIFFERENT sources that there may not be any toilet paper again until the middle of April.  Well we all know that in APRIL everyone and their dog will be fighting over the toilet paper as it is being placed upon the shelves, and lots of people won't be able to get any at that time, either.  I live in a suburb outside of Denver.  There are actually some cities in-between myself and Denver.. but my point is that there are TONS of stores all around me.  Eight blocks north of my house we have a Walgreens and a Super Target and a Safeway grocery store.  Five blocks south of me is a Walmart grocery store, and 8 blocks south is a King Soopers (Krogers in other areas of the country) and a HUGE Walmart store.  A few more blocks down south is another Safeway.  There also was recently a Walgreens right across from the King Soopers but they closed it maybe a month ago.  I actually went to a different Safeway more west of me (which is across the street from another King Soopers) and it was exactly like the CostCos you've been seeing on the news.  Usually there are about 75 shopping carts - there were NONE because they were all being used.  Every single aisle was PACKED with people, and they were definitely not doing their weekly shopping, judging by what they were putting in their carts.  One couple who were there with their two young children (all four were very nice) were putting those huge multi-pack boxes of Raman noodles into their cart.  I'm talking like HUNDREDS of boxes in total.  All I could think of was - "Do you know there is almost zero nutrition... and do you know how thirsty that stuff makes you because of all of the sodium?"  But I kept my know-it-all thoughts to myself because these people wouldn't have cared what I have to say.  I only had 13 items in my cart - I know because I counted - you are supposed to have less than 15 items to go through the express lane - and there were 12 people in FRONT of me in line.  Lines queued out of every lane, and almost every lane was actually opened for once.  When I finally made it to the check-out I asked the clerk if it had been this crazy all day.  She told me that it's been this way since Monday, and it's this packed clear until midnight when they close.   Unbelievable!  The clerk used a pump bottle of Purell about eight different times just during MY transaction (granted I gave her cash).  I wonder if that will keep her from getting it, if it's all around us?  I feel like we are living in a science fiction movie.

Edited by Kyanight

@Kyanight I keep flashing on Stephen King's magnum opus, The Stand. 

Dry ramen - ick. If I was going to buy that kind of stuff, I'd go for Kraft Mac 'n' Cheese. And buy a lot of dry milk along with it.  

I bought TP at Costco back in late Jan. Typically it lasts me a year. I was raised to limit my TP use to 2-4 squares per toilet time.  (I just have to keep it out of Baby's reach - there's nothing she likes more than a fresh roll to shred into confetti!) 

Edited by DakotaJustice
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14 minutes ago, DakotaJustice said:

I bought TP at Costco back in late Jan. Typically it lasts me a year. I was raised to limit my TP use to 2-4 squares per toilet time.  (I just have to keep it out of Baby's reach - there's nothing she likes more than a fresh roll to shred into confetti!) 

Can you spare a square? Or do you not have a square to spare 

(one of my favorite Seinfeld episodes)

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All the stores here in western Wisconsin are out of toilet paper.  My work is near target, and people were wheeling BOXES of toilet paper out to their cars.  Why toilet paper? I mean, we keep enough at home for a month’s supply.  These people will never buy toilet paper in their lives again...they have enough till the end of time. 
I work at a holistic animal food store. The rush on dog food has begun. Usually just two big bags at a time though.  This I get, though. Can’t feed the dog toilet paper after all. 
It is just weird. Hubby went to Walmart and ALDI this morning, they were pretty much bare.  

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29 minutes ago, Meowwww said:

All the stores here in western Wisconsin are out of toilet paper.  My work is near target, and people were wheeling BOXES of toilet paper out to their cars.  Why toilet paper? I mean, we keep enough at home for a month’s supply.  These people will never buy toilet paper in their lives again...they have enough till the end of time. 
I work at a holistic animal food store. The rush on dog food has begun. Usually just two big bags at a time though.  This I get, though. Can’t feed the dog toilet paper after all. 
It is just weird. Hubby went to Walmart and ALDI this morning, they were pretty much bare.  

I hope this isn’t TMI, but I have to recommend one of those add-on bidets for the commode. The brand I have is Fresh Spa and I got it at Home Depot for about $50. It cleans you so good that you only have to use toilet paper to blot yourself dry from the water. My TP consumption went down by more than half.  

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3 hours ago, Roslyn said:

The opening scene of the mini series of The Stand is exactly what popped into my head when all of this first started.  I can't get "Don't Fear the Reaper" out of my head.

Me too. When that happens I try to calm myself by substituting Don't Dream It's Over.

That's the song Frannie and Harold listened to on the battery operated record player they found. It was the first time I heard it, so a roundabout thank you goes to Stephen King. Neil Finn who is a Kiwi wrote it after an argument with his wife.

(This video, in front of the Sydney Opera House, captured the final song on the final night of their final concert tour).


Edited by suomi
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Today my grocery store was stocking tp and paper towels and Home Depot was putting a pallet of paper towels on the shelf.

My hunch is that by the middle of next week things will get back to normal, barring an interruption in the supply chain.  I think right now it is similar what happens when we get an early snowfall (or heat wave): people freak out because they can’t find a snow shovel or snow blower (or fan or a/c unit) then a week later the stores are stocked and people calm down.

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14 minutes ago, Mittengirl said:

Today my grocery store was stocking tp and paper towels and Home Depot was putting a pallet of paper towels on the shelf.

My hunch is that by the middle of next week things will get back to normal, barring an interruption in the supply chain.  I think right now it is similar what happens when we get an early snowfall (or heat wave): people freak out because they can’t find a snow shovel or snow blower (or fan or a/c unit) then a week later the stores are stocked and people calm down.

I don't think this is quite that simple.  This isn't going to blow over in a week or two.

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5 hours ago, ehall1052 said:

I hope this isn’t TMI, but I have to recommend one of those add-on bidets for the commode. The brand I have is Fresh Spa and I got it at Home Depot for about $50. It cleans you so good that you only have to use toilet paper to blot yourself dry from the water. My TP consumption went down by more than half.  

I bought mine (American Standard) from a website called "Just Bidets".  It is a "mom and pop" site that sells every brand and type of bidet you can think of.  When you email a question, the owner answers you, and he was so helpful.  I also have found that I like using the flannel "family cloths" (aka "untoilet paper") that I found on Etsy.  I keep a dedicated lidded waste can with a plastic bag liner next to the potty, so when it is time to do laundry, I just dump the contents into the washer--never have to touch the flannels.  So easy.  It is no different than washing cloth diapers or underwear.  I do mine on their own using regular detergent with added vinegar and a little bleach.  Hot dryer, and they are ready to be used over and over and over again. This has cut my need for TP to almost nothing.  (and they feel better...)

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On 3/11/2020 at 5:41 PM, crazycatlady58 said:

It was just posted on Facebook that the Houston Livestock show has been cancelled because of the virus. This is a big deal. Hundreds of children has raised their animals for show. Thousands of dollars have been spent on their care. The children show these animals and the animals are sold and the money goes toward their education. Hundreds of vendors sell at the show. I don't know, this seems excessive but then I think maybe it is a good. I do not remember this EVER happening.

I do not want to quote myself but the quote will not go away. Now for what I was going to say...I do not know what scares me the most the virus or the panic over the virus. If you need T. P. you might try Amazon. They were selling it Wednesday. Walmart had it on line but pick up only.

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I didn’t mean the situation is going to blow over in a week, I do think the panic will blow over soon.  

In Michigan the schools closed today for three weeks and today, in my area, libraries and museums and such are closing.  So now parents are complaining that they were going to take the kids to such places while the schools are closed.  They don’t seem to grasp the idea that school closures are not a vacation, but a way to keep kids from gathering in large groups.  

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All the markets near me are out of TP (and  nearly out of wipes, Kleenex and paper towels) so I checked Amazon last night, nada. 

re "Can you spare a square upthread?" there are lots of people on eBay selling TP for 99 cents per square! But it was described as "new, unused" so that's a screamin' deal.

I ended up getting 4 rolls for $12 and that and the 4 rolls in the cupboard will have to do while I decide which bidet to get. 


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I just swung by Safeway to pick up canelli beans, a red onion, and some chicken broth to try my mom's soup recipe and you would think that a hurricane or atomic bomb was imminent. The shelves are empty, people just grabbing random stuff, pulling multiple shopping carts filled with water and groceries - except for produce. The produce section was pristine. 

Since they were out of beans and the lines were all the way to the back of the store I just said THE HELL WITH IT and left. 

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9 minutes ago, DakotaJustice said:

The shelves are empty, people just grabbing random stuff, pulling multiple shopping carts filled with water and groceries - except for produce. The produce section was pristine. 

I try not to let it happen but shit like this moves my meter from "Most people are good" to "Most people are assholes."

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1 minute ago, suomi said:

I try not to let it happen but shit like this moves my meter from "Most people are good" to "Most people are assholes."

It was a mess!!! I saw one dude just munching away on a sleeve of Ritz crackers.

I must be the only person in this area who is JUST FINE drinking tap water. All that bottled water is just tap anyway. 

I have lots of cans of Progresso soup I bought a couple months ago during a 99 cent sale. I'm not going to starve anytime soon. As long as the cats and I can eat, drink, and poop, we should be JUST FINE. So there! 

Plus there's always GrubHub.

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18 minutes ago, DakotaJustice said:

must be the only person in this area who is JUST FINE drinking tap water. All that bottled water is just tap anyway. 

That whole thing is such a head scratcher.  Do they think that the water systems will suddenly go down?  What the hell is that all about?

You couldn't pay me to drink bottled water anyway.  All of that plastic waste is shameful.  And my oncologist forbade me from using plastics of any kind anyway so even if I had been drinking it I would have quit.

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Costco this afternoon was out of homogenized and 2% milk, we use 2% at our house and debated buying the skim milk that was on the shelf and buying whipping or table cream to enrich it to our taste.  Luckily, I found some 2% elsewhere.

The dry staples like rice and pasta were there but in scanty quantities.  I thought maybe I should buy some flour and if need be, could haul out the old bread machine and make like Dora Domestic.  The smallest bags of flour were 10 Kg (about 22 lbs), so come on down to my place if you're hankering for bread or buns.

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