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S02.E10: The New Queen Bee Bikini

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What did I just watch?  I don't understand why Julie has to be crucified by Annabelle at every event because she didn't cuddle Annabelle when she was "going through such a difficult time."  WHAT difficult time?  What was so fucking hard for Annabelle that she couldn't handle it when her friend Julie didn't line up to cuddle her in Denmark?   Why did Julie need to be reduced to tears and groveling, and why wasn't even that enough for Annabelle so she had to keep bringing it up?


Why did the Baroness feel the need to bring up a months old comment that Julie made to Caroline S. about her trepidation in meeting the Baroness?


Why were Caroline S and Annabelle chatting like good buddies, but when last we saw them, they were sniping at each other at the dinner table?


Why was Caroline S telling Annabelle to shit or get off the pot?  What pot?  What was she trying to say there?


Why was Annabelle going on about how Brits just let things go and move on, when she spent how long and how often going on and on about Julie deserting her? 


Why does Julie get no slack for her personal traumas and dramas, but she's supposed to hop to it when Annabelle expects her to cuddle her?


Did we know Caroline S had three kids?  I thought she only had the two boys. 

Edited by izabella
  • Love 16

I am still watching this episode, wanted to say to all you Julliette haters out there, when Julie was losing her shit and Annebelle just watched her with smug satisfaction, Julliette telling her she has felt cared for and love from Julie was an incredibly kind and classy thing to say. I think she was very perceptive to what she needed to hear. For all her faults and quirks, I think she is a good person.

  • Love 21

The extravagant party Caroline S. threw to...I'm not sure exactly...thank her friends for being supportive while Gift Library crumbled, I guess, seemed a bit like an insult if all of the employees who lost their incomes as a result of the company closing weren't there, too.  I think she said it all when she said she had enjoyed going into the office during the day.  It was always just a fancy place for her to go and be the boss in pretty surroundings.  Now she just has to be a mom who can't ever get away from her job of sitting around drinking coffee while her children run around the house, and the help does the dishes in the background.  Oh, boo hoo.


When Caroline was telling Anabelle to shit or get off the pot, it sounded like she was saying either start being nicer to everyone in the group or you won't be on the show next season.  Who gives friendship ultimatums?  It sounded more like she was threatening to fire her.  I've never enjoyed Anabelle, so if she doesn't come back that's more than fine in my book.  There's something about her face that unsettles me; I think it's the way it's kind of always shifting and globby and gooey-looking, like a lava lamp.  I feel like I don't actually know what her face looks like, because it's this ever-changing and moving pile of mashed potatoes.  Maybe she needs to wear makeup differently to help define her features more. 


I'm sad the season is over, because this and Below Deck have become two of my favorite Bravo shows.  Guess I'll have to console myself with RHoBH.

  • Love 10

What did I just watch?  I don't understand why Julie has to be crucified by Annabelle at every event because she didn't cuddle Annabelle when she was "going through such a difficult time."  WHAT difficult time?  What was so fucking hard for Annabelle that she couldn't handle it when her friend Julie didn't line up to cuddle her in Denmark?   Why did Julie need to be reduced to tears and groveling, and why wasn't even that enough for Annabelle so she had to keep bringing it up?


Why did the Baroness feel the need to bring up a months old comment that Julie made to Caroline S. about her trepidation in meeting the Baroness?


Why were Caroline S and Annabelle chatting like good buddies, but when last we saw them, they were sniping at each other at the dinner table?


Why was Caroline S telling Annabelle to shit or get off the pot?  What pot?  What was she trying to say there?


Why was Annabelle going on about how Brits just let things go and move on, when she spent how long and how often going on and on about Julie deserting her? 


Why does Julie get no slack for her personal traumas and dramas, but she's supposed to hop to it when Annabelle expects her to cuddle her?


Did we know Caroline S had three kids?  I thought she only had the two boys.

I'm pretty sure they showed the daughter that one evening CS was at home but about to head out for another Gift Library related meeting.


Julie: Boys! Whose tea is down here?

Adorable blonde-haired boy #1: Mine.

Julie: Who said "Mine"?

Adorable blonde-haired boy #1: Me.

Julie: Well, who's "me"?

Adorable blonde-haired boy #1: I said both.

CS to adorable son: What's in your hair? Toothpaste. How did you get toothpaste in your hair?

The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

  • Love 3

I need to know what a "baby-ccino" is.  Sounds adorable. 


Supposedly there was supposed to be a discussion of a new Queen Bee, but I guess I missed it?  Unless Anabelle was supposedly the Queen Bee and Caroline S. was trying to demote her, but I always thought Caroline S. was the Queen Bee, and I didn't really see her being dethroned.

  • Love 3

So, did you all know that Gift Library went out of business?  Poor Caroline.  So maybe now she has to be a kinda full time mom?  I doubt the vast majority of her employees have that alternative.


Oh Annabelle, I did like you this season compared to last but how you punished Julie just shows that you don't have the responsibilities that Julie has...beginning with kids, a husband and a business.  If you were that upset, then just say it instead of playing the silent martyr.  People have other stuff to deal with in addition to their girlfriends.


Juliet is some sort of fashion expert?  Sorry but judging from her fashion choices, I missed that. 


I did enjoy the season.   Not so much for the interactions but for the look into the culture, lifestyles and some of the house porn.  I'll keep watching if the series has a third season.

  • Love 11

One dead McQueen is the equivalent of 3.746 actual children. She just doesn't understand why Julie is so frazzled. Julie only has 4 children to raise. Annabelle has 1 dead McQueen to deal with and you never see her being a terrible friend or breaking out into tears.

Annabelle is full of bullshit. She both described how she retreats into herself when she's upset rather than seek out others and bitch about how Julie should have sought out Annabelle to comfort her. Which is it drama McQueen?

Caroline Fleming is a shit stirrer.

  • Love 24

Snore, boring, a typical season finale Bravo style.


That's why I came here cuz I had no idea what went on.  More fights between these broads, with no point?  Can't keep track of who's mad at who & why.  Nothing made any sense.  Could they really be bringing this show back?  Why?  Unless Andy Cohen takes it over, they probably shouldn't bother.  Cuz right now, this show is a directionless mess.


When Caroline S. was sitting with Annabelle, I figured Stansbury was speaking for the producers of this show & kinda saying to Annabelle loud & clear, "Look, hun, you depressed & depressing thing, do you really wanna be on the show, cuz you seem like you hate everyone & don't wanna interact & if that's the case, be gone."  Is this possible or am I projecting?


Idk, to me, mopey Annabelle would not exactly be a great kids magnet.  I don't much remember liking depressed & depressing women when I was a kid.  I mean, sheesh, the woman just does not seem like a bundle of fun -- or am I getting the wrong impression of her?

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
  • Love 4

So Julie ends the season consistently, with her hair still looking canary yellow -- just as it has all season long.  Tweet, tweet, Julie, tweet, tweet.  My 15 year old niece gets a better blonde color from the stuff she orders from Ulta.  So what's your excuse for your shitty-looking hair color, Julie?


Am I a Juliet hater?  I don't care enough about her to hate her.  But she does give me a hearty belly laugh when she babbles about loving fashion.  How nice for her.  So why does she always dress so horribly?  She always looks like a mess.  Her hair & clothes?  A mess.  The woman has zero style.  Ugh, STFU about fashion, Juliet -- unless you're trying to get some giggles.

  • Love 5

Annabelle's books remind me of the Little Miss books. Little Miss Messy, Little Miss Sunshine, Mr. Strong.,,,,,,

Thank you for putting a name to the books my memory was conjuring up!  I was sure I'd seen something like this as a kid (low, these many, many years ago) and Google confirms that this what I was thinking of. 


One minor thing that's been bugging me all season is this:  when did white wine sprtizers make a comeback?  Almost all these women drink them; last season it was just Juliet, so I thought it was her quirk, but now the trend has moved on to more members of the cast.  It just feels so very 1980s to me, like something the women in a Bret Easton Ellis novel would drink between lines of coke.

  • Love 3

The extravagant party Caroline S. threw to...I'm not sure exactly...thank her friends for being supportive while Gift Library crumbled, I guess, seemed a bit like an insult if all of the employees who lost their incomes as a result of the company closing weren't there, too.  I think she said it all when she said she had enjoyed going into the office during the day.  It was always just a fancy place for her to go and be the boss in pretty surroundings.  Now she just has to be a mom who can't ever get away from her job of sitting around drinking coffee while her children run around the house, and the help does the dishes in the background.  Oh, boo hoo.


When Caroline was telling Anabelle to shit or get off the pot, it sounded like she was saying either start being nicer to everyone in the group or you won't be on the show next season.  Who gives friendship ultimatums?  It sounded more like she was threatening to fire her.  I've never enjoyed Anabelle, so if she doesn't come back that's more than fine in my book.  There's something about her face that unsettles me; I think it's the way it's kind of always shifting and globby and gooey-looking, like a lava lamp.  I feel like I don't actually know what her face looks like, because it's this ever-changing and moving pile of mashed potatoes.  Maybe she needs to wear makeup differently to help define her features more. 


I'm sad the season is over, because this and Below Deck have become two of my favorite Bravo shows.  Guess I'll have to console myself with RHoBH.

I completely agree about Annabelle's lumpy face.
  • Love 1

In addition to being full of, well, crap, I think Annabelle has had breast implants.

Is anyone else snorting with laughter over the fact that her books are called the Me, Me, Me series?

I don't like watching anyone have a real Ugly Cry. Maybe Julie should take a break from this series.

I genuinely felt deep compassion for Julie as she broke down and was snorting/slobbering/stammering into pitiful tears in front of that smug waste-of-space Annabelle; that poor woman has to stay as strong as possible while caring single-handedly for a yoga business, 4 young children, and a crumbling British estate, all while filming a reality show and trying to make yet another business plan work.

Ironically enough, it just showed how shitty of a friend Annabelle actually is that she couldn't chill and try to understand how insanely busy/stressed Julie's life is and that texts are often her greatest means of reaching out.

But Annabelle obviously thinks texts aren't good enough for her, which only highlighted how much of a bitter, out-of-touch and self-absorbed old cow she really is. Not to mention how self-absorbed she truly is---honestly, I wish my biggest problem in life was sitting around for a week or so((because jolly good, I'm so rich that I don't have to work!)) in self-imposed "mourning" of my supposed bestie/former party buddy who offed himself FIVE YEARS AGO and that my current supposed bestie doesn't have the time to sit around and hug/coddle/listen to my washed-up partygirl self while I weep and drone on and on about my dead reflected-glory days, erhm, I mean, my dead former BFF.

  • Love 19


The extravagant party Caroline S. threw to...I'm not sure exactly...thank her friends for being supportive while Gift Library crumbled, I guess, seemed a bit like an insult if all of the employees who lost their incomes as a result of the company closing weren't there, too.  I think she said it all when she said she had enjoyed going into the office during the day.  It was always just a fancy place for her to go and be the boss in pretty surroundings.  Now she just has to be a mom who can't ever get away from her job of sitting around drinking coffee while her children run around the house, and the help does the dishes in the background.  Oh, boo hoo.


When Caroline was telling Anabelle to shit or get off the pot, it sounded like she was saying either start being nicer to everyone in the group or you won't be on the show next season.  Who gives friendship ultimatums?  It sounded more like she was threatening to fire her.

Caroline S's pity party was a giggle.  I wonder if she knew two 'helpers' were in the background of her shot doing the dishes while she went on about no escape from being at home.  In Surrey.  In a big ass mansion that she could use for a hide and go seek game with her kids, and then convenient forget to go seek them.  I noticed during the 'kids gone wild' segment that the same couple of clips of the children running around were shown over and over.  Good thing poor Caroline has a party planner who can help her get over her stressful life.  Her dismissal of rent boys as 'ew!' was disgusting.  You're sneering about boys who are probably abused and homeless and having to sell their bodies.  A proposal to hire them to stand around in the cold shirtless while serving you and your guests should have been met with horror and, hopefully, compassion.  Ha!  Who am I kidding?


Meanwhile, Julie's empowerment story line was ludicrous.  She kept making statements about standing up to people to other people and never to their actual faces.  And enough about saving Mapperton!  It's not the Sandwiches ancestral home (they sold that already) and you are not a lone martyr bravely sacrificing all that you are to singlehandedly restore the estate to its former glory.  That said, her interaction with her sons about the spilled tea was hilarious!  More of that please!

  • Love 7

Annabelle announced on Instagram that she will not be returning...it's being reported on Reality Tea and a few other sites. Looking at her instagram I am assuming the F*ck you is it? who knows. 


She is free to go...her face with all of the fillers and woe is me and for shits sake...enough of the Alexander McQueen stuff...it's like that is the only thing she clings to in order to remain relevant..kinda.

Edited by autumnh
  • Love 6

Thank you for putting a name to the books my memory was conjuring up! I was sure I'd seen something like this as a kid (low, these many, many years ago) and Google confirms that this what I was thinking of.

One minor thing that's been bugging me all season is this: when did white wine sprtizers make a comeback? Almost all these women drink them; last season it was just Juliet, so I thought it was her quirk, but now the trend has moved on to more members of the cast. It just feels so very 1980s to me, like something the women in a Bret Easton Ellis novel would drink between lines of coke.

It also reminds me of that Pixar movie that was out a few months ago... Inside Out? Not a very original idea.

Also, spritzers are a great way to drink the same amount with half the intoxication. In the summer I make a white wine "sangria" (half sauv blanc or a cheap rosé, half Fresca (even though I hate that it has artificial sweeteners) with some fruit tossed in). It's a great way to have a cold adult drink on a hot day without being face down under a picnic table! I bet that's why they do it. The Real Ho Wives could take a page from this book.

  • Love 5


Why was Annabelle going on about how Brits just let things go and move on, when she spent how long and how often going on and on about Julie deserting her? 



That's the whole damn season in a nutshell right there! Brits don't let anything go any more than Americans do. 

Annabell has had so many face peels I thought I was beginning to see raw meat there. 

Why does  Caroline S have 3 kids? I guess her husband wanted them. 

I, for one, am so happy Juliet's fashion career makes her "whole". 

I missed the purpose of the bikini party in the middle of the freezing cold winter. Can't people just have a nice party anymore? Must there always be a rediculous theme?  God, those bitches are skinny. The skinniest of any housewives franchise I have ever seen. 

  • Love 2

Wow! So much hating on Annabelle.

I guess now that Caroline S. no longer has 40 employees to boss around she has made herself casting director and tells Annabelle how to behave if she wants to stay on the show - which she doesn't apparently. Good for her (bad for me - Annabelle's my favorite - no hate please), So being a self satisfied bitch is in, having emotions is out? Hmm, didn't Jules spend the first half of the season sobbing? Oh wait, she found her balls so she's in now. 

I will miss Annabelle but I totally get why she wouldn't want to be around these women anymore.

  • Love 2

I enjoyed see all of the different houses this season.  Marissa is still my favourite, she seems to have a great home life (baby chino, aww) and still has a professional life as well.  I liked that she'd had enough of the Juliette drama and decided to just be friends instead of BFF's, it was clear that Juliette was trying to hitch her wagon to anyone willing to help her social/professional climb.  I was also glad to see that Marisa was done with Caroline F.  She knew she needed to preserve some kind of relationship with her because of being friends with her sister (I wouldn't be surprised if the sister had given her tips on how to deal with Caroline). 


Caroline F, is really in her own little world, all about herself and her lifestyle, I think being told how to act and how you're wrong all the time would get really old for anyone who has to deal with her.  That said, I thought it was fine that she was upset with the ladies for not turning up at a late breakfast at her "family home", I suppose I would've just eaten without them though.


Annabelle needs therapy.  Maybe she and Julie can get a group discount?  I felt like the argument that Julie wasn't devoting enough time to Annabelle didn't get resolved beyond Julie's meltdown.  It's clear that Julie is managing a house of cards and could use some support but it seem that beyond Juliette saying nice things no one else was willing to help. 


Caroline S. so desperately wants to be the celebrity of the group.  Does she really have to take her sister in law (how did she not make the cut when she's in every group scene?) and "make up artist" everywhere?  It's like she got married and had children because that's what was expected but she still wants to pal around with her friends 24/7.

  • Love 5

Isn't Julie the one who came to see and help Annabelle after Annabelle's accident on the horse? I'd guess that should've bought her a lot of grace from Annabelle. Annabelle is an over the top single person who answers to no one and is responsible for nothing. Julie has a lot on her plate. A-belle told her (when they were making up--again) at Caroline S. party, to "make the right choices." Really? I'm pretty sure her whole life is all about making the right choices, Miss A. I won't miss her and her bleeding and bleating about her BFF McQueen next season.

  • Love 8

Isn't Julie the one who came to see and help Annabelle after Annabelle's accident on the horse? I'd guess that should've bought her a lot of grace from Annabelle.


That's what I was thinking. I'm pretty sure that Julie was the only regular guest while Annabelle was recuperating. Also, I believe Annabelle (at her book signing party) mentioned Julie as one of the people who was there for her in the beginning when she decided to write the books.

  • Love 6


Why was Caroline S telling Annabelle to shit or get off the pot?  What pot?  What was she trying to say there?

To me, it sounded like they were discussing whether Annabelle wanted to be part of the group or not.  I think Caroline was trying to say that Annabelle can't say she'll go somewhere or do something with the group and then isolate herself and/or alienate everyone else.  Caroline said that each of the other women at some point had come to her and asked if they had done something to offend Annabelle, or if she knew if/why Annabelle was mad at them.  So, imo, Caroline was saying either be a part of the group and play nice with the others, or take your ball and go home.  I don't think she was giving her an ultimatum as much as she was making her aware of how her behavior had affected the others, and giving her bit of advice on what to do about it, very bluntly.

  • Love 5

That's what I was thinking. I'm pretty sure that Julie was the only regular guest while Annabelle was recuperating. Also, I believe Annabelle (at her book signing party) mentioned Julie as one of the people who was there for her in the beginning when she decided to write the books.



Caroline was the one who brought her the television and movies when she had her accident.

Edited by autumnh
  • Love 3

Caroline was the one who brought her the television and movies when she had her accident.


Annabelle doesn't have her own tv?  Lol.


It was nice of Caroline to do that with the cameras present, but it seems Julie was the only one who visited Annabelle regularly during her recovery period...when the cameras were not there. 


I have yet to hear what, specifically, Annabelle has done to be a friend of Julie's.  I kept hearing how Annabelle had taken Julie "under her wing" because she once knew her husband years ago, but have no idea what Annabelle's friendship with Julie was about other than what Julie did for her.

  • Love 4

Annabelle doesn't have her own tv?  Lol.


It was nice of Caroline to do that with the cameras present, but it seems Julie was the only one who visited Annabelle regularly during her recovery period...when the cameras were not there. 


I have yet to hear what, specifically, Annabelle has done to be a friend of Julie's.  I kept hearing how Annabelle had taken Julie "under her wing" because she once knew her husband years ago, but have no idea what Annabelle's friendship with Julie was about other than what Julie did for her.


Thank you for bringing this up.


autumnh- I had forgotten that Caroline S. brought the TV and movies. For some reason, I didn't retain that information because Caroline (while I don't mind her) tends to be self-absorbed, which isn't something I'd say about Julie.


Is Julie overly sensitive? Yes. Too gossipy sometimes? Definitely. But self-absorbed? Not really.

Edited by Surrealist
  • Love 7

It was said on the show that Julie was the only one that visited Annabelle regularly and was a "good friend" after her accident.  I guess that's what Annabelle expects their friendship to always be like, even if she's just going through such "hard times" that no one seems to know about.  I guess Julie is expected to just magically know and drop everything in her busy life, including saving Mapperton, and rush over.  My understanding is the horseback riding accident was very serious.  I wouldn't expect the same reaction to something not as serious and I think it is ridiculously selfish for Annabelle to keep haranguing Julie over it. 

  • Love 9

Caroline S's pity party was a giggle.  I wonder if she knew two 'helpers' were in the background of her shot doing the dishes while she went on about no escape from being at home.  In Surrey.  In a big ass mansion that she could use for a hide and go seek game with her kids, and then convenient forget to go seek them.  I noticed during the 'kids gone wild' segment that the same couple of clips of the children running around were shown over and over.  Good thing poor Caroline has a party planner who can help her get over her stressful life.  Her dismissal of rent boys as 'ew!' was disgusting.  You're sneering about boys who are probably abused and homeless and having to sell their bodies.  A proposal to hire them to stand around in the cold shirtless while serving you and your guests should have been met with horror and, hopefully, compassion.  Ha!  Who am I kidding?


Meanwhile, Julie's empowerment story line was ludicrous.  She kept making statements about standing up to people to other people and never to their actual faces.  And enough about saving Mapperton!  It's not the Sandwiches ancestral home (they sold that already) and you are not a lone martyr bravely sacrificing all that you are to singlehandedly restore the estate to its former glory.  That said, her interaction with her sons about the spilled tea was hilarious!  More of that please!


Too be fair, while being sympathetic to the plight of sex workers, I probably would not hire a bunch of hookers as set dressing for a party.

And the irony of that is Julie should maybe be a little more self-absorbed.

She sometimes seems at such loose ends trying to keep everyone else happy. At her own expense. imho


Exactly. I've always defended Julie, but I know she's not perfect. I'd take her gossipy and insecure ass over some of the other ladies with more annoying personality quirks. I do think that, for the most part, Julie's a good egg.

  • Love 5

I missed the purpose of the bikini party in the middle of the freezing cold winter. Can't people just have a nice party anymore? Must there always be a rediculous theme?  

She said it was to be fun since she had been through a stressful time.  And I know if I had a house with an indoor pool, a girls' pool party in winter would be a lot of fun if done right.  Which IMO does not require party planners, strange bearded men in shorts, or glam outfits with full hair and makeup.  That bit takes away the fun and relaxation and turns it into a bit of a freak show.


I have been "team Julie" for the current fight with Annabelle, but I don't believe a word of the "save Mapperton" storyline.  And CF needs to spend some time brushing up on her Emily Post before lecturing anyone else on their bad manners!

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