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S10.E22: Reunion Part 3

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I have to confess that I am puzzled by the premise that Vicki is due no ire or animosity because . . . well, I don't even understand this vein of reasoning well enough to articulate it fully. Vicki admitted that she was actively deceiving her cast mates well before filming for season 10 commenced; not only that, she was directly involving two of said co-workers in her self-described "fabrications" by lying about the husband of one to the second. She enlisted a third to run interference on her behalf. This narrative arc, conceived of and executed by Brooks and Vicki, *is* about the transgressions that both have perpetrated on their nominal friends, and it's turned out that way almost entirely due to either a) their collective stupidity and consequent inability to devise and stick to a pretty uncomplicated script or b) their intentional dissemination of conflicting data in the express interests of generating controversy and attention. If, as a grown-ass fiftysomething, one is abetting, facilitating, and perpetuating the deliberate mendacity of one's romantic partner, one - by definition - is not being scammed. And Vicki certainly isn't a victim when she's maligning Heather, Shannon, and co as "cunts" on social media for having had the temerity to (gasp!) ask questions about yarns that she peddled that explicitly pertained to them long after she herself publicly conceded on national television that she doesn't believe Brooks. This franchise basically devolved into a Bunuel film about 7 years ago but - credit where due - it still manages to drop my jaw: specifically, that Vicki can mutely nod her head to the question, "are you afraid of him," and inspire a new mythology in which she had little to no agency in this prolonged saga and SHMT should either have known by osmosis/telepathy that she was suffering abuse (despite her continued insistence that she wasn't, in fact, abused as well as the reality that the only assault on film this season was that of Shannon by Vicki with the thrown drink) and/or just disregarded her accountability in the entire affair because narcissists should be held responsible for nothing.

  • Love 16
  On 11/6/2015 at 12:24 PM, talula said:

I understand the hate for Briana because of the way she treated her mom during the reunion. Though I believe there was a method to her madness. I'm starting to wonder if Tamra, Heather and Briana had decided to do an intervention on Vicki and Shannon and Meghan joined in. It sure appeared like a form of an intervention to me. At the end Vicki admits some culpability in the fake cancer cover up and she finally began to back down from her position that Brooks has cancer.


If it was an intervention, they wouldn't have all dumped her and stated that they refused to film with her.  When there's an intervention for drug addicts, the family and friends who intervene know full well that the lies and bad behavior are due to the drugs, so they support the person when they decide to get off drugs. Vicki was a Brooks addict, and lied to protect him, but they dumped her anyway, even though the relationship is over.


In other words, they just want Vicki off the show - especially Tamra, since Vicki has been calling her out and supporting those she bullies, for a few years now.

  • Love 7
  On 11/6/2015 at 12:24 PM, talula said:

I understand the hate for Briana because of the way she treated her mom during the reunion. Though I believe there was a method to her madness. I'm starting to wonder if Tamra, Heather and Briana had decided to do an intervention on Vicki and Shannon and Meghan joined in. It sure appeared like a form of an intervention to me. At the end Vicki admits some culpability in the fake cancer cover up and she finally began to back down from her position that Brooks has cancer.

The restaurant luncheon w/ Brianna and Tamra pretty much confirmed that idea to me.
  • Love 2

Heather and Tamra did not broach the matter of refusing to film with Vicki until well after the reunion filmed and Vicki took to the press and social media to castigate them for not "supporting her" this season or after Brooks dumped her. Vicki's attacks, toxicity, constant contradictions, and revisionism are continuing in reall time, months past her breakup.

  • Love 11

I am not sure i can fault Heather, Shannon, Meghan or Tamra for being concerned for themselves regarding this cancer hoax.  Just look at how many pages we have all devoted to the topic, for example.  Once it started becoming clear that Brooks's "cancer" story wasn't holding water & now it is featured on a show they are all tied to, I would be pissed.  And Heather should be even more pissed off because in order to validate how sick Brooks was Vicki tied Terry's name & reputation in the mix. Heather & Terry have not only this show tied to their names but Botched & his reputation there as well.  Vicki & Brooks & their lies can potentially screw with all their bank accounts because people get mad when someone fucks with their money.  It would be like "this is Shannon Beador from RHOC, the show where the guy faked cancer".  So I guess they had two options, they could have went along with the lies in order to support Vicki & when the truth came out look like they were complicit in the lies or do what they did & expose the lies.  I can't say I wouldn't have done the same thing if I were in their shoes

  • Love 14
  On 11/6/2015 at 9:53 PM, Pattycake2 said:

Well, I finally got to see Part 3 of the reunion.  Vicki was scammed.  Vicki was in love.  Vicki lied her ass off to protect Brooks.  Brooks is total bottom feeding scum.  And Vicki is still lying about certain things and spitting out tired, old lines that she has used again and again.  However, Shannon, Tamra, and Pickle Puss still managed to make it all about themselves.  How Vicki getting herself into and abetting this horrible situation hurt them.  Well, it's easy to be a good friend and claim to stand by someone when all it amounts to is tea and sympathy.  Vicki is seriously fucked up and it's all crashing down on her.  Save your ire and extreme indignation for Brooks.  Sure, helping Vicki see and admit the full extent of Brook's deception is important.  Brooks is a worldclass scammer and he dragged your friend down and she enjoyed it, but a little compassion would be good, too.  You, too, make take a ride on that carousel one day.  

Heather has a legit reason for being upset at Vicki for the lie she told about Terry/IV to both Briana and Shannon, which could have had negative impact on him professionally. She, Vicki, asked Shannon for help then slapped her for that help. So, YES, what Vicki did....DID hurt them.


Vicki knew Brooks was lying IMO and they both, Vicki/Brooks, decided to run with the lie anyway for a sympathetic storyline anyway. Vicki was no innocent victim, she was a wiling participant in this lie WITH Brooks.


  On 11/6/2015 at 10:40 PM, cherry slushie said:

If it was an intervention, they wouldn't have all dumped her and stated that they refused to film with her.  When there's an intervention for drug addicts, the family and friends who intervene know full well that the lies and bad behavior are due to the drugs, so they support the person when they decide to get off drugs. Vicki was a Brooks addict, and lied to protect him, but they dumped her anyway, even though the relationship is over.


In other words, they just want Vicki off the show - especially Tamra, since Vicki has been calling her out and supporting those she bullies, for a few years now.

It was only an "intervention" in that they called her out on the lies SHE told as a willing accomplice with Brooks in this cancer lie. Also, by the end of the reunion, NO ONE had turned their backs on Vicki, shut her out or wanted her fired. That only happened after months of Vicki calling her friends/coworkers names on twitter and in interviews and saying that none of them supported her at all, which was a LIE. Vicki poured the gas on the bridge, lit the match, threw the match and then faned the flames all by herself as the bridge burned down around her.

  • Love 14
Heather has a legit reason for being upset at Vicki for the lie she told about Terry/IV to both Briana and Shannon, which could have had negative impact on him professionally. She, Vicki, asked Shannon for help then slapped her for that help. So, YES, what Vicki did....DID hurt them.


I think it's a stretch that Vicki's story could have in any way impacted Terry's practice.  And yeah, she treated Shannon poorly.  She lied.  She treated them all poorly by lying to protect Brooks. Except Meghan who deserves everything.  But that's the point, only their feelings were hurt and now it seems they are furious with Vicki who, even though she is psychologically unsound, is in many ways the victim.  Her life is destroyed at this time, not theirs.  The ladies can't touch Brooks, but they sure can hold Vicki accountable for everything Brooks did. 

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There's must be some point in the filming of last year's episodes when at least one or two of these women take pause to ask themselves "Is this really worth it?"  Since they're all financially well-to-do, I assume the reason they're putting their lives out there in the public eye for scrutiny is because they crave attention even if it's negative. But this past season has proven to be extremely damaging to a few of them personally and things said that can't be taken back. The whole Brooks and Shannon stories have bordered on being sick and uncomfortable to watch.

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The one thing I found odd and was surprised when Bravo left it in was Vicki's claim "she created the show", I think she feels as if she should be able to dictate what flies on the show.  She also said something interesting that her mother was suppose to come out for a month in March and stay with her.  It made me feel that for purposes of the show Vicki's mom's death was devastating on yet another level.  Vicki should of known that she could not muzzle Brooks for long and his proclamation of "quitting chemo as of tomorrow" was in line with Brooks recklessness. 


I believe the thing each and every one of them feared is had they not pursued the inconsistencies in Brooks proclamation of NHL, exactly what has happened, Brooks miraculous remission-ish, would be an indication they all signed on for his foolishness.  Vicki had two great shots at express her doubt and she attacked instead of grabbing the hand that was being held out-she bit the hand and in the case of Shannon gnawed on it.  Briana tried to somehow make it sound like it was acceptable or predictable because Shannon was her last hope.  What about warrior Tamra?  She was the one that offered the most assistance after the disastrous April 15th luncheon with Vicki and Shannon.  So when Shannon rebuffed Vicki pleas and apparently insults (you weren't there holding his hand at City of Hope) Vicki made her out to be the bad guy.  I was pretty much standing alone when I opined that I didn;t think Shannon was being too rough on the Vickster at lunch.  Vicki has this amazing way of turning things around and claiming the other person is making it all about them. 


I have a nemesis who always claims the cemeteries are full of indispensable people.  Thankfully, forever out of our lives, but much like Vicki he thought the rule didn't apply to him.  There are two professional sports teams in OC, I would think it would be pretty easy to find one of those multi-millionaire players' wives that would love to jump in the RHOC pond. 


This current cast only has two who depend almost solely on the show for their lifestyle.  If Vicki is gone, I think Tamra probably hears the hooves in the background.  I welcome a cast that does not rely heavily on the show salary as their household's primary source of income. 

  • Love 11
  On 11/7/2015 at 12:06 AM, Pattycake2 said:

I think it's a stretch that Vicki's story could have in any way impacted Terry's practice.  And yeah, she treated Shannon poorly.  She lied.  She treated them all poorly by lying to protect Brooks. Except Meghan who deserves everything.  But that's the point, only their feelings were hurt and now it seems they are furious with Vicki who, even though she is psychologically unsound, is in many ways the victim.  Her life is destroyed at this time, not theirs.  The ladies can't touch Brooks, but they sure can hold Vicki accountable for everything Brooks did. 

No one is holding Vicki "accountable" for anything Brooks said/did. They are holding her accountable for what SHE said/did. Yes, telling people that Terry sent  someone over to administer an IV to Brooks, in her home COULD have had a negative impact on Terry. Spreading lies about  a Dr can and does have a negative effect on their pratice, especially a Dr that is on 3 different TV shows.


Vicki lied just as much for herself as she did for Brooks. They didn't have to talk about his (fake) cancer on the show, no one forced them to, especially since it was a lie to begin with and it appears that Vicki knew it was a lie BEFORE filming began. Her lies started MONTHS before filming started and have not stopped yet. Vicki is the one that has said no one was there for her, despite what her own tweets said not long before she filmed WWHL and made that self serving comment. Which she only said to make her friends/coworkers look bad, not because it was the truth, it was yet another lie, which it seems Vicki has no problem doing. Also, I don't think Vicki is "psychologically unsound"....she is simply a liar that got caught in multipule lies.

  • Love 16

Huh? So Vicki provides assists to Brooks's dishonesty and, in many ways, plays point for it. By her own admission, it was she who broadened that dishonesty to fantasias that directly encompassed 3 of her co-workers. Yet she's "a victim." But Meghan, who was ultimately accurate in her interpretation of Brooks's crass fraud and Vicki's role in it, "deserves everything" she gets and was the real villain here?

  • Love 13

Vicki is an extremely needy woman. Any woman can figure out ways to enjoy orgasms without a man so that's not her issue. The issues Vicki has is that she depends on a man that dedicates himself to bolstering her ego and making her believe that she's still beautiful. The expression she used 'he fills my cup' says it all and Brooks or her ex-husbands were her emotional bolsters. Vicki has been accustomed to being the cute, perky, vivacious blonde 'cutie' with dimples all her life. Now that she's getting old she's finding it more difficult to satisfy her ego. Because of that she'll overlook even the worse in any man, not only Brooks. She's certainly not the first middle aged woman to lose her mother but most adult, mature women are able to accept it and not throw a pity party for themselves.


Vicki's status as the OG of the OC doesn't really matter anymore since this year she's been forced to be more humble because essentially she 'fuc*ed' up royally and she's lost any credibility or stature that she use to have. Nobody respects her anymore.

Edited by HumblePi
  • Love 12

To me the "dickamatized" just doesn't work.   These are women that rose to power, fame and fortune with an abundance of advisors.  All I can think of is ask Bethenny Frankel how well the "dicktamized" defense worked for her with Jason.  What we heard is whispers of Jason claiming Bethenny was  fame crazy (no kidding).  When Bethenny tried and flipped the scenario no one was listening.    Vicki has Brooks has her story line and Briana became Andy Cohen's modern day Scheherazade, season after season coming up with a Brooks story from three and half years ago sure to draw shock and awe from the viewers.  Just as Briana rising to the occasion once again to tell another tale or two of her mistreatment by at the hands of Brooks and her mother.

  • Love 3
  On 11/7/2015 at 1:08 AM, HumblePi said:

Vicki is an extremely needy woman. Any woman can figure out ways to enjoy orgasms without a man so that's not her issue. The issues Vicki has is that she depends on a man that dedicates himself to bolstering her ego and making her believe that she's still beautiful. The expression she used 'he fills my cup' says it all and Brooks or her ex-husbands were her emotional bolsters. Vicki has been accustomed to being the cute, perky, vivacious blonde 'cutie' with dimples all her life. Now that she's getting old she's finding it more difficult to satisfy her ego. Because of that she'll overlook even the worse in any man, not only Brooks. She's certainly not the first middle aged woman to lose her mother but most adult, mature women are able to accept it and not throw a pity party for themselves.


Vicki's status as the OG of the OC doesn't really matter anymore since this year she's been forced to be more humble because essentially she 'fuc*ed' up royally and she's lost any credibility or stature that she use to have. Nobody respects her anymore.

I don't see how anyone who knows her in her off-screen life can have even an iota of respect for Vicki - not drunk Billy and drunker Rhonda, or her kids, or her son-in-law (and he's fucknuts cray), or anyone in her office.  Let's imagine that for a second: imagine you are an administrative assistant at Coto Insurance.  How can you look at Vicki with a shred of the respect you'd grant any person, when you see she admits she collaborated early, often, enthusiastically in the lie, and sought to shame her castmates after her fucked up liar's version of a confession? 


Vicki is disgusting beyond any words I can even imagine, and what with dictionaries being online and all, I can access a lot of words.  She involved everyone in her bullshit.  I know this is the network airing Teresa's calls but how in the everloving fuckitty could they even imagine having her on next year?  I think all that will work is a cast freezeout, and I hope they do it, and I think it's possible because all of them (except Tamra - a tie) are better people than Vicki. I also take issue that Meghan deserves bad stuff for pointing out Vicki's lies.  She may be annoying and inappropriate but the chick ain't wrong.


Thank you and 'amen!' (/raising hands like Vicki, but without the delusions about being comparable to the Son) to lunastartron and others pointing out that Vicki exacerbates her foulness, and yes I guess that's possible, by now IMO faking an abuse storyline.  Downcast eyes thanks to a billion goddamn downers, whispery "I'm afraid" stuff.  Has she no shame?  Seriously, someone should sit her down with outrage fucking cracking their voice and ask, 'Vicki, have you no shame at all?'

Edited by Midnight Cheese
  • Love 20

Casserole is the new C word for me. Fast overtaking the number one spot in my "what we could really use here is a filter option" lineup.


  On 11/4/2015 at 5:06 PM, Giselle said:

Vicki's love tank is bottomless. No matter how many times someone says "I love you" or validates her in any aspect of her life it will never be enough. She will never have enough, in the amount that she wants it in the way that she wants it.


No amount of apologies, "I love you" "You are important to me", validations, pats on the back, recognition, gifts, flowers, phone calls, hugs, or casseroles will ever be enough for her. Those around her become fatigued at Vickie's constant need and that their demonstrations of love are always considered inadequate.


Vicki is the personification of "if you give a mouse a cookie."


  On 11/4/2015 at 6:39 PM, glowlights said:
There was no need for him to show intrusive healthcare records or bills to clear up the hinky-ness surrounding his cancer claims. All he needed to do was get his oncologist to furnish a brief letter to Bravo stating the diagnosis and treatment plan. It's not a big deal. Or he could have not told so many weird tales in the first place, and no one would be wondering. Also, I have received my fair share of healthcare bills and they show the original charge, what the insurance negotiated rate is, the adjustment, and what I owe, if anything. What Brooks showed looked more like a basic itemized billing history. Maybe he asked them to generate one like that so his insurance info wouldn't be made public. Gah. Who knows.


More like, what Brooks showed was how stupidly lazy - or desperate - he was by not only taking the first item on the Google machine, but taking one that is at the center of a billing dispute Then not bothering to notice or change the amounts that were overbilled yet changing two items of no consequence by $10 (keep that math simple, amiright?). Madonna mia.


In this matter, for me, there doesn't need to be proof beyond a shadow of a doubt - or a split of a hair - just a preponderance of evidence that dude is a liar and is trying to bail himself out. The evidence, she is prepondering.


And Vicki is right behind him. Those of you calling out the "yeah, Vicki and Brooks lied, but how DARE the rest question them about it?" mishegas? I see you. (We see each other.)




Dude. C'mon, man, you're not even trying!!



Edited by SnarkKitty
  • Love 16
  On 11/6/2015 at 10:26 PM, talula said:

Does Vicki deserve future forgiveness, if she desires it, for fooling her friends regarding Brooks' illness?

Personally I would find it extremely hard.  At most I would be a polite fellow employee and I certainly wouldn't ever trust her again, ever.   Of course, I would never be a housewife.  If Vicki is back next season, the 'cancer' story will continue and things will be icy for a while.  Tamra will be the first to 'forgive'.  Then Heather.  I think it will take a lot for Shannon or Meg to move on.

  • Love 5
I also take issue that Meghan deserves bad stuff for pointing out Vicki's lies.  She may be annoying and inappropriate but the chick ain't wrong.





And...if Brooks is so bent on suing Meghan, perhaps he should reconsider.  Vicki's claims of "abuse" might be sue-worthy.

Vicki has been accustomed to being the cute, perky, vivacious blonde 'cutie' with dimples all her life.



I object!

  • Love 12

People love Vicki cuz she has money. She pays them and she is fun, and she goes on fun trips, and if you just keep it superficial all is okay. It's when she started wanting sympathy for Brooks that lines started getting crossed. But really, no normal people do these things. Vicki is a conn artist along with Brooks. I think of any friend of mine, who pulled something like this, I'd seriously question their sanity and figure that they had major mental problems. The thing is, normal people don't all of a sudden do something like this. People like VIcki have always been shady and liars. You have to admit that no one really seems that concerned about her mentally, just pissed that she tried to pull the con over on them.


If I worked for a boss that did something like that, I'd figure that person would be quitting anytime and entering some sort of psych ward. Her whole business and all her people must be shady as hell.


Side note, I read on a blog that people have met Michael in Vegas and he is always rolling (on Molly). Yuck. 

  • Love 6

It seems like Vicki started weaving her web of lies months before filming started. She was obviously hoping for a "Saint Vicki" award. In true compulsive liar fashion, Brooks has continued to dig himself into deeper YIT- he couldn't just leave it alone after filming ended because he is a famewhore who is addicted to attention. I thought it would be more satisfying to find out Brooks and Vicki lied- instead, the entire debacle nauseates me. They deserve each other, and should both reap the bad karma they deserve!

  • Love 7
  On 11/7/2015 at 1:19 PM, Grneyedldy said:

What does that mean? Is that a drug?

DrugFacts: MDMA (Ecstasy or Molly)

MDMA (3,4-methylenedioxy-methamphetamine), popularly known as ecstasy or, more recently, as Molly, is a synthetic, psychoactive drug that has similarities to both the stimulant amphetamine and the hallucinogen mescaline. It produces feelings of increased energy, euphoria, emotional warmth and empathy toward others, and distortions in sensory and time perception.

MDMA was initially popular among White adolescents and young adults in the nightclub scene or at “raves” (long dance parties), but the drug now affects a broader range of users and ethnicities.


Edited by talula
  • Love 1
  On 11/7/2015 at 1:24 PM, zoeysmom said:

Ecstasy maybe?

  On 11/7/2015 at 1:37 PM, talula said:

DrugFacts: MDMA (Ecstasy or Molly)

MDMA (3,4-methylenedioxy-methamphetamine), popularly known as ecstasy or, more recently, as Molly, is a synthetic, psychoactive drug that has similarities to both the stimulant amphetamine and the hallucinogen mescaline. It produces feelings of increased energy, euphoria, emotional warmth and empathy toward others, and distortions in sensory and time perception.

MDMA was initially popular among White adolescents and young adults in the nightclub scene or at “raves” (long dance parties), but the drug now affects a broader range of users and ethnicities.https://www.drugabuse.gov/publications/drugfacts/mdma-ecstasy-or-molly

Thank you both. I'm obviously not up on drug slang. :-)
  • Love 3
I think it's a stretch that Vicki's story could have in any way impacted Terry's practice.


I have no idea if it could or not. But I do know that if I was a doctor, I would not want it circulating that I have colleagues of mine giving IVs in the middle of the night to random people that aren't their patients. I think it would make me look shady as hell and result in people questioning my credibility as a physician. Because, if I were a doctor, I'd probably have told Brooks or Vicki that he needs to go to the hospital if he's so dehydrated that he needs an IV. 

  • Love 11
  On 11/7/2015 at 7:22 AM, bravofan27 said:

Side note, I read on a blog that people have met Michael in Vegas and he is always rolling (on Molly). Yuck. 

This Instagram page does appear to lend credence to the fact that a certain Mike Wolfsmith is a fan of Raves and is familiar with MDMA:



  • Love 3

There's not much I enjoy more than making fun of the HWs.  Every now and then I get a PM from someone who was blessed with an idea for a cartoon and I'm always willing to help bring that idea to life.  


We've gone back and forth trying to come up with something to insert in a speech bubble but we haven't loved any of our ideas.  Cheerio thought we should leave it up to the many posters here who we know have a great sense of humor.   


This one is brought to you courtesy of Cheerio and is another take on Brooks' infusion treatment and the "masses" on his abdomen.



  • Love 8
  On 11/7/2015 at 1:37 PM, talula said:

DrugFacts: MDMA (Ecstasy or Molly)

MDMA (3,4-methylenedioxy-methamphetamine), popularly known as ecstasy or, more recently, as Molly, is a synthetic, psychoactive drug that has similarities to both the stimulant amphetamine and the hallucinogen mescaline. It produces feelings of increased energy, euphoria, emotional warmth and empathy toward others, and distortions in sensory and time perception.

MDMA was initially popular among White adolescents and young adults in the nightclub scene or at “raves” (long dance parties), but the drug now affects a broader range of users and ethnicities.


Yes, and don't knock it till you've tried it! Not saying anybody has done either but......

It's original use and continued use is for PTSD which has been discussed so much here. It is used with the aid and in the presence of a psychiatrist to work through the trauma. Just adding a tidbit of info. : -)

A little off topic here but I was feeling a little sad that OC was coming to a close.  I don't watch Atlanta and I was sad that I wouldn't be conversing with the regulars for a while.  Whether we agree or disagree, I really enjoy all of you.  But then....I heard the announcement that RHBH was starting December 1st.  Yay.  I'm looking forward to it.  We can change the subject from cancer to Lyme.......haha.

  • Love 12
  On 11/8/2015 at 5:47 AM, breezy424 said:

A little off topic here but I was feeling a little sad that OC was coming to a close.  I don't watch Atlanta and I was sad that I wouldn't be conversing with the regulars for a while.  Whether we agree or disagree, I really enjoy all of you.  But then....I heard the announcement that RHBH was starting December 1st.  Yay.  I'm looking forward to it.  We can change the subject from cancer to Lyme.......haha.

So much THIS.  I am also feeling sad about the end of all of us together here. I hope everyone here moves over to RHBH because I really want to continue to hang with you all, agree to disagree, laugh hysterically, cry, etc.  It's all been good :).

  • Love 13
  On 11/8/2015 at 6:28 AM, cherry slushie said:

So much THIS. I am also feeling sad about the end of all of us together here. I hope everyone here moves over to RHBH because I really want to continue to hang with you all, agree to disagree, laugh hysterically, cry, etc. It's all been good :).

There's always next season.
  On 11/8/2015 at 2:52 PM, JennyMominFL said:

SO it is pretty much confirmed that the cancer story was a lie? Vicki is evil

Yeah, in the 3rd part of the reunion, Vicki admitted to making up a story about calling Heather one night and asking Terry to come to her house and give Brooks an IV because she wanted some "hugs and casseroles", and every document Brooks produced was a forgery. I think there was something else about Brook's doctor being a neighbor of the Dubrows who told them Brooks had never been his patient.

ETA: Replaced unclear pronouns.[\I]

Edited by Ubiquitous
  • Love 5
  On 11/7/2015 at 1:02 AM, lunastartron said:

But Meghan, who was ultimately accurate in her interpretation of Brooks's crass fraud and Vicki's role in it, "deserves everything" she gets and was the real villain here?


I didn't say Meghan is the real villain.  But she's just plain awful.  Justifying her actions by Lee Ann's battle with cancer and how it affected Meghan herself.  It was Lee Ann who was dying. It was Lee Ann who was suffering, and Hayley, and Hayley's sister Lauren whom we never saw. Not Meghan the second trophy wife.  I'd like to know what Allison the first trophy wife thinks.  The one Jim dumped Lee  Ann for.  And their kids who are half brothers and sisters to Hayley and Lauren. 

  • Love 6

I don't know which of the 3 parts of the reunion I just watched a minute ago but....

Vicki's ex-friends had to be punkng her when they begged to hear the "funniest story ever" about her mother. About the keying of the motorcycle. That right there is messed up. Vickie told it with such pride. Maybe her mom died from an aneurysm because something in her brain was twisted if that really happened. The other HWS are also a little mental for thinking what that woman did was so hysterical. Or, they were punkng Vicki into telling a horrible story about her mom on national TV. Her dead mom. Gee, that's equally twisted. Knew there was a reason I quit this franchise last season. Even Heather HiBrow was laughing.

  • Love 9
  On 11/8/2015 at 4:37 PM, Pattycake2 said:

I didn't say Meghan is the real villain.  But she's just plain awful.  Justifying her actions by Lee Ann's battle with cancer and how it affected Meghan herself.  It was Lee Ann who was dying. It was Lee Ann who was suffering, and Hayley, and Hayley's sister Lauren whom we never saw. Not Meghan the second trophy wife.  I'd like to know what Allison the first trophy wife thinks.  The one Jim dumped Lee  Ann for.  And their kids who are half brothers and sisters to Hayley and Lauren. 

There is nothing to indicate that Jim dumped LeAnn for Allison.  LeAnn remarried in 2005 and Jim married Allison in 2008.  If I were Allison I would be far more concerned about Jim and Meghan having children.  Meghan has said Jim did a poor job of parenting Haley, sounds to me like the guy doesn't need another excuse or distraction from parenting his four existing children.  None of her business but a third set of kids for Jim seems a little unnecessary.   


LeAnn's cancer reoccurred before Jim and Meghan got married so like it or not she was forever tied to Hayley and Lauren as a support system as long as he is in Jim's life.  What I objected to about Meghan is the smugness in which she announced their relationship.  I think most people given the circumstances would rise above and be supportive and cordial for the sake of the girls.  She did seem to make it all about her the "cool stepmom".

  • Love 3
  On 11/8/2015 at 5:38 PM, ryebread said:

I don't know which of the 3 parts of the reunion I just watched a minute ago but....

Vicki's ex-friends had to be punkng her when they begged to hear the "funniest story ever" about her mother. About the keying of the motorcycle. That right there is messed up. Vickie told it with such pride. Maybe her mom died from an aneurysm because something in her brain was twisted if that really happened. The other HWS are also a little mental for thinking what that woman did was so hysterical. Or, they were punkng Vicki into telling a horrible story about her mom on national TV. Her dead mom. Gee, that's equally twisted. Knew there was a reason I quit this franchise last season. Even Heather HiBrow was laughing.

Vicki has told that story on the show before., it wasn't funny then nor is it now IMO.

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  On 11/8/2015 at 4:37 PM, Pattycake2 said:

I didn't say Meghan is the real villain. But she's just plain awful. Justifying her actions by Lee Ann's battle with cancer and how it affected Meghan herself. It was Lee Ann who was dying. It was Lee Ann who was suffering, and Hayley, and Hayley's sister Lauren whom we never saw. Not Meghan the second trophy wife. I'd like to know what Allison the first trophy wife thinks. The one Jim dumped Lee Ann for. And their kids who are half brothers and sisters to Hayley and Lauren.

Yes, it seems like everyone forgot about Meghan the super cool stepmom who is cooler and relates more to the teen who's mother is dying than her own mom, fake tears about LeAnn and making it all about her. Plus, how is Meghan virtually stalking Brooks by calling everyone in his life not totally creepy? Yes, Brooks is creepy too and she got right down to his creepy level. Restraining orders typically include not contacting a third party in someone's life because it's stalker type shit.

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  On 11/8/2015 at 4:37 PM, Pattycake2 said:

I didn't say Meghan is the real villain. But she's just plain awful. Justifying her actions by Lee Ann's battle with cancer and how it affected Meghan herself. It was Lee Ann who was dying. It was Lee Ann who was suffering, and Hayley, and Hayley's sister Lauren whom we never saw. Not Meghan the second trophy wife. I'd like to know what Allison the first trophy wife thinks. The one Jim dumped Lee Ann for. And their kids who are half brothers and sisters to Hayley and Lauren.

Thank you pattycake for verbalizing my same thoughts on meghan.

And if only meghan would put as much effort into visiting terminally ill children with cancer as she did playing "truth seeker" and "supersleuth" for Brooks b.s.....it would have been more time spent in a better way. Just MO :)

Edited by chenoa333
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  On 11/8/2015 at 7:06 PM, freeradical said:

Yes, it seems like everyone forgot about Meghan the super cool stepmom who is cooler and relates more to the teen who's mother is dying than her own mom, fake tears about LeAnn and making it all about her. Plus, how is Meghan virtually stalking Brooks by calling everyone in his life not totally creepy? Yes, Brooks is creepy too and she got right down to his creepy level. Restraining orders typically include not contacting a third party in someone's life because it's stalker type shit.

In all fairness to Meghan she texted an ex-girlfriend of Brooks.  It is not as if she called Briana, or any of his family members.  Sure it was out of bounds but the woman (Brooks ex) had previously put herself of national TV before talking about Brooks.  Still kind of creepy. Nothing Meghan  did rose to the level of a restraining order.

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  On 11/8/2015 at 7:53 PM, zoeysmom said:

In all fairness to Meghan she texted an ex-girlfriend of Brooks. It is not as if she called Briana, or any of his family members. Sure it was out of bounds but the woman (Brooks ex) had previously put herself of national TV before talking about Brooks. Still kind of creepy. Nothing Meghan did rose to the level of a restraining order.

Two girlfriends. One is the mother of his kid and then every doctors office or medical facility she knew of. Also, I was just using the restraining order reference to demonstrate it has been established by law that had she been issued one, the other behavior would have been breaking it because it's third party stalking. She was damn close to deserving one and that's just based on what she told us about. Who knows what else she did.

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