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S10.E22: Reunion Part 3

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My thinking is that Shannon kind of expected tamra, heather, and Meghan to bully her so she built up a protective barrier to not let it bother her after awhile...Vicki wad her friend so it hurt her more cause she didn't expect vicki to do that..

It makes me recall back in the season 4 reunion how lynne was blase about vicki and tamra being mean to her...even remarking in a sarcastic way how vicki and tamra were such rocket scientists...but when jeana made a random comment about lynn being spacey..Lynne started crying cause she didn't expect jeana to do such a thing.

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To be quite honest, that's how I feel as well. Megan wanted to earn her orange. How did she do it? By going after Brooks hard and fast. Her reason for going after him in such a manner? Someone she loves was dying from cancer and it's all about justice, damnit! It really made me feel uneasy. 


I get that they were probably more civil than most blended families and that's great. But again, she's only been in Jimmy's life a short time. She barely seems close to him, so I have a hard time imagining she's as close to his ex and his kids as she's making out. 


While I know it's not fully scripted, my understanding is that there are story boards that 'guide' each housewife in their assigned roles.  With maybe one or two exceptions, I don't think that the production company would let a person loose to do whatever on the show.  Earning her orange, maybe, but again, my perception, is that the person has to fulfill the plot points assigned to them,


As for Meghan and Jim, again, my understanding has been that they've been together for a few years already, as they've both said on air. The marriage is recent, not the relationship. 

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My husband stubbed his toe last night, I would love a casserole or two to see us through this painful time.


    thank you all in advance for your support


That story sounds hinky to me.  Please submit all physician reports and treatment plans forthwith.



And my friend Meghan, who is #COOL and #ONLY30 knows all about stubbed toes and she says the same! 


Speaking of casseroles - I would like to know which of these ladies (and I use that term very loosely) Vicki thought would actually bring her a casserole?   A bottle of wine maybe, but a casserole? Well, I guess Heather could have her chef prepare something, or Tams could stop at Boston Market on the way home from wherever,  but these women don't exactly strike me as the casserole making kind.

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 I then asked him to call the main office and provide documentation for me. He then told me to get a life and quit bugging him about housewife shit.

just sitting in a corner giggling my ass off..... sans xanax.

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He did say "scan" but I think he was referring to the scan report, not the actual scan though. It is interesting that Brooks told Andy that he would talk to Terry at their 1 on 1 interview then never contacted him. He knew that Terry would never support his false claims or fall for his bogus "reports". LOL


Which is why I think he showed him an actual scan not the mockument.  Well, I supposed we should give credit to him for showing Terry anything.....  

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It all goes back to that damn binder.....

I thought Vicki said (during part 3 of the reunion) that during her arguing with Brooks to give her more proof that he had cancer she asked to see the binder he was keeping. I think she said Brooks was upset about her asking to see it. So he refused to let her look at it which on top of everything made her begin to doubt him.

Does anyone else remember her saying it?

Edited by talula
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Heather didn't say exactly how she knew it was Nicole. But the way I understood it, was that Heather was at the lunch with her friends and telling them about Shannon and David and how David was having an affair. At the same time, Shannon was filming with Tamra. When Nicole or whoever heard Heather talking about it, she immediately texted David who immediately texted Shannon. Heather later figured out it was one of the ladies at the lunch (because Shannon was told about Heather gossiping about it WHILE she was gossiping about it) and deduced that it was Nicole. 


I feel like, at the end of the whole thing, Vicki really seemed to love the attention. She somehow got everyone to believe her that she was duped. I just don't even know why anyone is even asking her questions since she just lies and backtracks. Brianna ends up happy because she got her way getting rid of Brooks and now Vicki has no man and Brianna does, that's going to not work for her. It's almost like Vicki is this addict, where everyone is trying to get her to admit to her problem and she refuses, and then no one knows if she is still "using" or not. 

Heather/friends were not talking about David cheating. Heather told them what Tamra told her on camera, that David had left Shannon and was filing for divorce.


Tonight a NEW E! interview-brooks admits to mis-speaking about his Stage 3 to Stage 2-now it is a PA in his fantasy physician's office cluing him in.  http://www.eonline.com/news/712341/brooks-ayers-insists-vicki-gunvalson-believes-his-cancer-diagnosis-admits-he-misspoke-about-current-health

Tomorrow Heather, Tamra and Shannon discuss the future and what we missed:  http://www.etonline.com/tv/175195_exclusive_first_listen_to_heather_dubrows_world/

I said this before, he is now lying to cover up discovered lies he told earlier. Had no one called him out on the "stage" reduction, he would not have to come up with a new lie and someone new to blame. IMO, just a feeling I have, Brooks reads sites like this 1, blogs and comments left on blogs to keep covering up his lies.

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Which is why I think he showed him an actual scan not the mockument.  Well, I supposed we should give credit to him for showing Terry anything.....  

IMO, Brooks never showed Terry anything. Heather said that Terry saw the same report that Brooks/Vicki showed Tamra, a screen shot of it but not the actual report, on WWHL.

I thought Vicki said (during part 3 of the reunion) that during her arguing with Brooks to give her more proof that he had cancer she asked to see the binder he was keeping. I think she said Brooks was upset about her asking to see it. So he refused to let her look at it which on top of everything made her begin to doubt him.

Does anyone else remember her saying it?

Yes, she did say that even though throughout the season she claimed she "helped" Brooks put the reports/medical information into that binder. I was suprised that no one called her out on that lie either.

Edited by WireWrap
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Shannon and David did this Facebook open question session last night-another one to follow tomorrow night.  Of interest and there is very little interesting, is David saying he and Eddie discussing Brooks faking cancer in Napa.  Seems there were doubters early on.

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Shannon and David did this Facebook open question session last night-another one to follow tomorrow night.  Of interest and there is very little interesting, is David saying he and Eddie discussing Brooks faking cancer in Napa.  Seems there were doubters early on.

LOL Well, Eddie did say BS about Brooks having cancer right out of the gate, on the very first episode this season. LOL

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I just got a paper cut. It stings, really bad. It's deep and bleeding and getting all over the keys. Did I mention it stings? I am in 100% God Damn pain. Not only that, my circadian rhythms are messed up from the time change, I identified with my cat's trauma of getting vaccines at PetCo yesterday. My coffee has gotten cold.

The cut is still stinging as I type this. I am almost in tears, they are welling as I type.


I deserve a casserole.


Lasagna would make the stinging go away, Green Bean Casserole would make it sting unbearably and hemorrhage.


Dammit, I just chipped a nail...please hurry.

i just scared the dog laughing so hard, but the cat, she wants to see proof.  show us your manicure.

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So Vicki says several times at the beginning of the show that she truly believes Brooks has cancer.  Then by the end she's saying in her gut she thinks he's lying.  Which is it, Vicki? 


Next year can someone please put a muzzle on that beast Tamra?  She interrupted and yapped over people so often, the direction of the conversation got lost.  Maybe Andy can get a 2-for-1 and put one on Briana as well.  Someone needs to tell her to shut her piehole when they are playing flashback scenes so we can hear what's being said.


People who are married to Ragey Ryan should not criticize others' relationship choices (even if it is Brooks.)  Just saying.

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I don't consider Briana'a statement about the report to be a "medical opinion". She didn't give an opinion on a disease, ilness or condition. She commented on an office/records procedure. Big difference, IMO. Does not matter HOW Shannon received the report it would still be on the same letterhead, etc. Trying to pick apart little inconsequention details does not refute the fact, IMO, that Brooks is lying about his cancer.

Rewatch the ep about the report.

Thank You!

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So Vicki says several times at the beginning of the show that she truly believes Brooks has cancer.  Then by the end she's saying in her gut she thinks he's lying.  Which is it, Vicki? 


Next year can someone please put a muzzle on that beast Tamra?  She interrupted and yapped over people so often, the direction of the conversation got lost.  Maybe Andy can get a 2-for-1 and put one on Briana as well.  Someone needs to tell her to shut her piehole when they are playing flashback scenes so we can hear what's being said.


People who are married to Ragey Ryan should not criticize others' relationship choices (even if it is Brooks.)  Just saying.

Like a kid having to be told it was time for adult conversation Briana could not quite pick up on the directive to leave.  Finally she got it.

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Maybe Shannon was harder on Vicki because she thought they were real friends and considers the other women show friends. I found it kind of amusing that Shannon had her own PET scan at the ready. Suspected nose cancer fraud? Shannon! Go to your file and show us what your possible nose cancer tests look like. Cause we know you've been tested for it.

I haven't had any kind of casserole for about 30 years. What kind of tragedy do I have to suffer to get some homemade vegetable soup? I'm shopping around before my next trauma.

Apropos of nothing, except she's on my tv - I hate Bindi Irwin - Carry On.

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I think this hits the nail on the head! Vicki craved someone who adored her, and Brooks said and did all the right things. She fell hard for his bologna!

I agree, in addition to his bologna she also fell for his hard salami, lol!

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I'm surprised that none of those women thought that Brooks might have Munchausen Syndrome. If he's been pulling this cancer stuff for as many years as he has, it makes sense that he could very well have Munchausen's. Just in case anyone doesn't know, Munchausen's Syndrome is when you make up illnesses that you don't have, just to get attention. There's another part of the disease called Munchausen's Syndrome By Proxy, where usually a mother makes her child sick or makes up sickness, in order to get attention. Brooks just seems like such an attention whore that he's a prime target to have this psychological condition.

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I thought Vicki said (during part 3 of the reunion) that during her arguing with Brooks to give her more proof that he had cancer she asked to see the binder he was keeping. I think she said Brooks was upset about her asking to see it. So he refused to let her look at it which on top of everything made her begin to doubt him.

Does anyone else remember her saying it?

I don't believe the "close-mouthed" story Vicki is peddling.      She knew, she knows and has for a long time.  After all, he has spun the cancer tale on her before, so she isn't a newcomer to this scam. Also, she knew the stories about his other relationships, the nose cancer, heck maybe even hose cancer.

       She just doesn't want to admit it, to the extent that she was involved from start to finish this time.

                The binder and his medical reports?       What are we expected to believe, that he had some locked safe room in the house she couldn't get in? Right, Vicki Gunvalson, daughter of the woman who tries to kill motorists, vandalizes their property and tells police she has a gun?     Like Vicki wouldn't of used dynamite to get at something she wanted.   She would of gotten her chubby fingers on the medical reports the first attempt.

       Except there were no reports to get to and she knows it.

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Casseroles rule. I make a fabulous chicken pot pie with puff pastry and I made it twice last month for people with actual cancer come to think of it. I do make them for me too since they make for fabulous leftovers. 

So yes you have to break an arm, have surgery, get cancer, or have a baby to get one from me. Otherwise they are all mine.

And I'll put my 100% painful chapped lips up against your painful manicure anytime Giselle. (pouty face) ERrrrrr no I don't mean it the way that came out LOL.

Edited by Chicklet
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If anyone had sent Vicki/Brooks a casserole I doubt it would have been appreciated because it may have contained something made with white flour, like noodles, in it so it would have just given Vicki something else to complain about. LOL

Let's not forget Vicki is from the midwest so there needs to be lots of crushed up potato chips on top!

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I can't imagine anyone faking cancer.  Jeez, the bad karma alone!  However, I can't imagine leading the type of investigation that Meghan did in order to prove Brooks was faking it.  There must be a huge lack in possible story lines or no other way to be relevant.

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I'm surprised that none of those women thought that Brooks might have Munchausen Syndrome. If he's been pulling this cancer stuff for as many years as he has, it makes sense that he could very well have Munchausen's. Just in case anyone doesn't know, Munchausen's Syndrome is when you make up illnesses that you don't have, just to get attention. There's another part of the disease called Munchausen's Syndrome By Proxy, where usually a mother makes her child sick or makes up sickness, in order to get attention. Brooks just seems like such an attention whore that he's a prime target to have this psychological condition.



Um, that sounds more like Yolanda and should be posted in the RHoBH threads.


My finger is still stinging... I only continue typing because of my love for my fellow posters.... my pain means nothing to any of you........................... 

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Another odd statement was Briana claiming now that Brooks has moved out she and her kids could reclaim their old rooms. Would Brooks not be living in Vicki's bedroom?

It was clear to me that Brianna meant that she could return to staying at Vicki's house and sleep in her old room, have her kids sleep in their designated rooms, etc. She was not saying that Brooks was sleeping in anyone else's room and thus kept the rightful person from sleeping there. Brianna was adamant that she would not share the house with Brooks -- she would take her family to a hotel. Now that he's gone for good, problem solved and she can sit on the "family couch" while watching the "family TV" or use "family toilet". I hope she will use the "family can opener" to cook a "family casserole" for Vicki.

Edited by RedHawk
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I would totally deny someone was my patient. Poor practice? I call it saving my practice. Anyone who is already lying about me being their physician is surely lying about more, and my ass would want no parts of whatever nonsense they're trying to drag me into. I"m not having my reputation dragged because I want to be polite. Eff that noise!  

You must practice differently.

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Is that what Heather said? I kept thinking I was mishearing her when she said "noncologist".

At first I thought she was clever and laughed, and then I think she repeated it twice more, so I got annoyed with her because 1) she probably stole it from some online forum like this one, and 2) it's so typical of Heather to repeat a word or phrase to show how oh-so-clever she is. She's smart for this group, I'll give you that, but she'd look like an unsophisticated dumbbell among the group of witty, worldly, and well-traveled ladies I know. 

Edited by RedHawk
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It was clear to me that Brianna meant that she could return to staying at Vicki's house and sleep in her old room, have her kids sleep in their designated rooms, etc.  She was not saying that Brooks was sleeping in anyone else's room and thus kept the rightful person from sleeping there. Brianna was adamant that she would not share the house with Brooks -- she took her family to a hotel. Now that he's gone for good, problem solved and she can sit on the "family couch" while watching the "family TV" or use "family toilet". I hope she will use the "family can opener" to cook a "family casserole" for Vicki.

Brooks left and Briana stayed in the house. Ain't no way Bravo is paying for a hotel for Briana and her brood.

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Your welcome , now will you send a casserole ? My feelings are really hurt.

We all chipped in for clarifying the question with your DH. A chef is on the way to your home to deliver the hand crafted casserole of your choice, lol!


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I never expected Vicki to admit anything so I was pleasantly surprised that she finally said that she doesn't believe he has cancer.  That was huge in terms of HW admissions since we rarely get closure.  If anyone would know, it would be Vicki.  IMHO that was as close to having absolute proof as we're ever going to get.   I'm just not sure I believe she was duped.  My gut tells me she always knew and decided to use it as her storyline this season but it backfired big time.


To quote Abraham Lincoln, "You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time." 

Edited by AnnA
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I never expected Vicki to admit anything so I was pleasantly surprised that she finally said that she doesn't believe he has has cancer.  That was huge in terms of HW admissions since we rarely get closure.  If anyone would know, it would be Vicki.  IMHO that was as close to having absolute proof as we're ever going to get.   I'm just not sure I believe she was duped.  My gut tells me she always knew and decided to use it as her storyline this season but it backfired big time.


To quote Abraham Lincoln, "You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time." 

LOL BUT!!!! According to Brooks latest interview on E, Vicki has once again changed her mind and NOW believes that he does have cancer. LOL Of course, E didn't bother to fact check his statement with a follow up interview with Vicki themselves. LOL


SH has posted the latest E Brooks interview on their site.Sorry, my temp computer does not allow me to copy/paste.

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You are right. It is not about HIPPA laws it is about HIPAA rules. .

How about Vicki dumping a glass of water down the front of her dress because she thought it humorous and making Shannon the butt of a joke. They never seemed to have a friendly conversation after that-couple the water dump and Vicki leaving the Aries party early the writing was on the wall. http://www.bravotv.com/the-real-housewives-of-orange-county/season-10/episode-22/videos/water-gate-20-shannon-vs-vicki

Did you catch the smile on Vicki's face at the end of the water-gate video...evil? Vicki thought she could lead the conversation from Brooks' cancer to the marriage of Meghan & Jim. Guess she thought she would deflect the video crew from filming anything more about Brooks by throwing the water. No wonder Shannon turned on Vicki!!!

I'm beginning to wonder if Vicki was on drugs all season cause she sure was acting strange in addition to over protecting/lying about Brooks' health info. Throwing the water is really over kill...what could Shannon have done to deserve that? Maybe she complained to Vicki about her abusive rant about the Edmonds' marriage?

Edited by talula
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LOL BUT!!!! According to Brooks latest interview on E, Vicki has once again changed her mind and NOW believes that he does have cancer. LOL Of course, E didn't bother to fact check his statement with a follow up interview with Vicki themselves. LOL


SH has posted the latest E Brooks interview on their site.Sorry, my temp computer does not allow me to copy/paste.


Do they ever "fact check" anything?  LOL


I can't make myself watch another Brooks interview.  I'm not even sure I'll watch the one with Andy.   

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I would think that a doctor telling someone that so-and-so is not a patient implies that you WOULD tell the person if s/he were. Also, anytime that you pull the "I can't disclose that" after establishing that you would say something if the person was not means that anybody can tell who is your patient or not. It is unprofessional and unethical. As I said before, if this doctor wanted to make a public statement that Brooks wasn't his patient, he should have been doing that himself rather than Heather.

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Um, that sounds more like Yolanda and should be posted in the RHoBH threads.


My finger is still stinging... I only continue typing because of my love for my fellow posters.... my pain means nothing to any of you........................... 


The cat is finding this a little hinky, we now need to see the blood.  

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Hippocratic Oath

Confidentiality has always and should be always central to the relationship between the patient and their health care provider.

The Oath of Hippocrates states:

"...Whatever, in connection with my professional service, or not in connection with it, I see or hear, in the life of men, which ought not to be spoken of abroad, I will not divulge, as reckoning that all such should be kept secret. While I continue to keep this Oath unviolated, may it be granted to me to enjoy life and the practice of the art, respected by all men, in all times. But should I trespass and violate this Oath, may the reverse be my lot."

The AMA Modernizes the Oath to read:

"That whatsoever you shall see or hear of the lives of men or women which is not fitting to be spoken, you will keep inviolably secret."


Courts have awarded damages for breach of confidentiality based on the contractual relationship between the physician and patient, which was determined to include an implied agreement that the physician would keep confidential any information received from the patient. Recovery also has been based on invasion of privacy, which has been defined as an unjustified disclosure of a person’s private affairs with which the public has no legitimate concern in such a fashion as to cause humiliation and/or emotional suffering to ordinary persons.


I'm sorry but this has nothing to do with a doctor who is not caring for a patient.  The doctor in question did not treat Brooks.  And yes, if he did it would be different but he didn't.


So the question is should the doctor answer a question as to whether or not a particular person is his or her patient.  What if one of us went to a doctor because he or she came highly recommended by someone and stated that he or she successfully treated whatever we were dealing with.  What if we went to that doctor and said that this person recommended him/her because of their success in treating this person's situation?  What if the doctor never treated this person and he/she just made it up?  Does the doctor have an obligation to say that she/he never treated them?  Or should he/she treat us regardless to the truth?


For me, I would hope that the doctor would state that they never treated this person.  IMO, I have a right to know that.  They are not breaking any confidentiality because there never was any confidentiality.  The doctor didn't treat them.


I think people are confusing a doctor's obligation to publicly reveal information about his/her client and something that has nothing to do with it. 


Also, under federal law a doctor can reveal certain information about his/her patient.  Example:  If a doctor sees someone who is a victim of a crime or accident, certain information about that victim can be revealed.  How many times have we heard on the news that a stabbing victim or a car accident victim is in stable, critical, etc. condition?  That diagnose is made by a doctor and can be released to news media, etc. unless the patient 'specifically' says no.  And that applies if the patient is in a coma or unable to communicate - the right to give the information takes precedent.   So bottom line is that a doctor 'can' reveal certain things about a patient.  They can't reveal anything beyond that.  And if someone is not their patient, HIPPA doesn't apply nor does the Hippocratic Oath.


ETA - the ability of a doctor to give certain information about patients is referred to as 'directory information' under HIPPA

Edited by breezy424
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Brooks showed what he claims is one of his medical bills on the E interview.


I am hoping someone has the tech skills I do not possess to blow it up.


But, what I did see was NOT an authentic medical bill. I have never seen any medical bills that even remotely resemble it.

        What it does look like is a very neat Ebay invoice that someone might slip into your package.  It also looks like a VERY BAD (another) attempt at this sick scam he is perpetrating.

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I'm surprised that none of those women thought that Brooks might have Munchausen Syndrome. If he's been pulling this cancer stuff for as many years as he has, it makes sense that he could very well have Munchausen's. Just in case anyone doesn't know, Munchausen's Syndrome is when you make up illnesses that you don't have, just to get attention. There's another part of the disease called Munchausen's Syndrome By Proxy, where usually a mother makes her child sick or makes up sickness, in order to get attention. Brooks just seems like such an attention whore that he's a prime target to have this psychological condition.


Oh, geez....if he does happen to read this forum, you just gave him an out!!  Next thing we'll hear is that Brooks doesn't have cancer, but does have Munchausen's, and is being treated for that, so everyone should just forgive him his trespasses (and lies, lies and more lies).


Maybe the OC's newest (and "hottest" - ?) Christian, Tamra, can start a prayer chain for Brooks by reciting the "Our Father" prayer.

Edited by njbchlover
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Is there really no line that can be crossed in this situation? Could someone go on TV and accuse Dr. Dubrow of botching a surgery if he had never treated that person? Would he be wrong to say so? I just don't get how this is unethical. Brooks is running around saying that he has been treated by doctors and that their methods have not worked for him. He is naming doctors that he says he has seen. He has been accused by many of faking cancer before. How in the world in this situation is it wrong for someone to simply say they never treated him?


I agree it's not unethical at all! Physicians have the right to defend themselves against false accusations of a relationship and protect their reputation. I think this has became a "point" being made to divert from the fact that Brooks named this doctor to forward his cancer lie and attemp credibility to his story.


I think that aside from the fake cancer being a slap in the face to those who have truly suffered from cancer - and their families - the other "worst part" of what he did is to drag two physicians into this who could have been damaged and had their credibility and reputation sullied. Also still trying to figure out why a few people think it's okay for Terri to deny Brooks was his patient in the IV lie but this doctor is held to a higher standard. Maybe the other doctor should send Brooks one of Tamra's  "Cyst and Deceased" letters barring him from lying about them having a doctor/patient relationship.

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Casseroles rule. I make a fabulous chicken pot pie with puff pastry and I made it twice last month for people with actual cancer come to think of it. I do make them for me too since they make for fabulous leftovers. 

So yes you have to break an arm, have surgery, get cancer, or have a baby to get one from me. Otherwise they are all mine.

And I'll put my 100% painful chapped lips up against your painful manicure anytime Giselle. (pouty face) ERrrrrr no I don't mean it the way that came out LOL.


Hey - wait a minute - I had to WORK tonight (vendor show), and I stood on my feet, in 4 inch heels, for four hours....I feel like my feet are going to fall off and my back is killing me.  So, I'm sore, tired and I WORKED - I think I deserve a casserole, too!!  ;-)

It was clear to me that Brianna meant that she could return to staying at Vicki's house and sleep in her old room, have her kids sleep in their designated rooms, etc. She was not saying that Brooks was sleeping in anyone else's room and thus kept the rightful person from sleeping there. Brianna was adamant that she would not share the house with Brooks -- she would take her family to a hotel. Now that he's gone for good, problem solved and she can sit on the "family couch" while watching the "family TV" or use "family toilet". I hope she will use the "family can opener" to cook a "family casserole" for Vicki.


Oh, but she better not put her feet up on the "family couch", or Ryan will really flip out on her!!   ;-)

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I'm sorry but this has nothing to do with a doctor who is not caring for a patient. The doctor in question did not treat Brooks. And yes, if he did it would be different but he didn't................

..........I think people are confusing a doctor's obligation to publicly reveal information about his/her client and something that has nothing to do with it.


Thank you!

Edited by AnnA
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Personally, I'm begining to wonder why Andy Cohen threatened Vicki's employment unless Brooks agreed to film.

The have been other SOs of HWs who didn't film.

Why was it different for Vicki?


all the questions in one made up answer for you...


Maybe Andy had some insight into the real situation with Vicki... It looked like reality gold and in a manner of speaking it was.  Major Illness, teenage romance, nice backyard, high conflict family.   Even better, the lying started, probably before the show did.  Now I'm wondering if Andy had a very good idea that this was a lie.

I'm sure he couldn't ask for proof or maybe he had to for insurance purposes. Everything that would cover the show's production....    Can someone pick this up please?

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I would think that a doctor telling someone that so-and-so is not a patient implies that you WOULD tell the person if s/he were. Also, anytime that you pull the "I can't disclose that" after establishing that you would say something if the person was not means that anybody can tell who is your patient or not. It is unprofessional and unethical. As I said before, if this doctor wanted to make a public statement that Brooks wasn't his patient, he should have been doing that himself rather than Heather.

I understand your point to a certain extent regarding someone concluding  that if a doctor says someone is not their patient and refusing to confirm if they are.  However, I don't assume that the doctor would actually say they are.  It's kind of a Catch 22 and as far as I know a doctor is not breaking any laws if they deny that someone is their patient.  And as I stated in my post above, there are certainly reasons why a doctor can and should do this.  And I don't think it's unethical or or unprofessional. 


I don't understand that there is a difference between the doctor making a public statement and answering Heather's question.  It seems to be contradicting what you stated in the first part of your post.  He shouldn't reveal any information but then he should have made a public statement?

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I thought Vicki said (during part 3 of the reunion) that during her arguing with Brooks to give her more proof that he had cancer she asked to see the binder he was keeping. I think she said Brooks was upset about her asking to see it. So he refused to let her look at it which on top of everything made her begin to doubt him.



Maybe I'm not remembering this correctly, but when Vicki was initially talking to the women about the binder didn't she say "we" are keeping a binder and say she was helping organizing it, describing the tabs and what kind of papers were in it? It seemed like a Vicki type thing to do, trying to control, organize and take over the situation.  Brooks doesn't strike me as the type who, if he really did have cancer, would be so organized or go through the trouble of a binder. I think the creation of a binder (fake though it was) was Vicki idea to try and lend credibility to the fake cancer story that, IMO, she was in on from go. To say at the reunion Brooks wouldn't show her the binder is a lie. She must have seen and had access the binder if she was describing it to the other women. Once again Vicki flailing to cover her ass.

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Maybe I'm not remembering this correctly, but when Vicki was initially talking to the women about the binder didn't she say "we" are keeping a binder and say she was helping organizing it, describing the tabs and what kind of papers were in it? It seemed like a Vicki type thing to do, trying to control, organize and take over the situation.  Brooks doesn't strike me as the type who, if he really did have cancer, would be so organized or go through the trouble of a binder. I think the creation of a binder (fake though it was) was Vicki idea to try and lend credibility to the fake cancer story that, IMO, she was in on from go. To say at the reunion Brooks wouldn't show her the binder is a lie. She must have seen and had access the binder if she was describing it to the other women. Once again Vicki flailing to cover her ass.


No, that is exactly how I remember it: Vicki was pretending she had the organizational skills of a Skittles-fueled 4th grade girl in 1986, and talked as if she was busy organizing a Trapper Keeper full of notes about meetings and oncologists.  To then shift to the notion that the binder was held by Brooks, Brooks, who could not stay on top of child support payments or argue for a suport reduction or keep either teeth or dental implants in his head, was suddenly creating some complex treatment binder, just makes no sense.


Nothing she said made any sense.  Nothing.  She is garbage.  I knew she was a liar, I knew she was probably complicit from the beginning to get detox money and pity (money, pity and non-critical attention are all aphrodisiacs for her), I knew that the only thing that would make all of this stuff make sense was that Vicki lied as much as Brooks did, I know she's always lied and is a person without any kind of actual morality and decency, and yet I'm actually shocked.  This really happened.  She really did collaborate in a fraud about a cancer diagnosis and is still desperately lying.  She is pathetic but I have no soft pity for her.  She's a rubber puppet of a woman who managed to make it to 53 with some of the markers in this culture of success and she is nothing.  She is a coward, a vapid racist surgery addict, but most of all, she is without a core of truth in there at all.  And here I thought Tamra was the biggest sociopath of them all.  Turns out it's a draw.


I can't even imagine Teresa Giudice, currently in federal prison, would ever turn on her kids to benefit a boyfriend, and since her husband is IMO likely to be deported, this could be something they face in the next decade.  I can't imagine that happening.  And I also can't imagine how Michael or Brianna can have any real relationship with Vicki ever again.  Not because of any single element of this charade, but because of the shame.  I don't know any one who would not be so deeply ashamed to have a parent exposed as Vicki has eposed herself on this show to be absolutely without scruples, and IMO to have worked with a con man to set a foundation to market magic beans to cancer patients.  She is worse to me than Tre.  Congratulations, Vicki.  At 53, at long last, you are simply the best at being the worst.

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Maybe I'm not remembering this correctly, but when Vicki was initially talking to the women about the binder didn't she say "we" are keeping a binder and say she was helping organizing it, describing the tabs and what kind of papers were in it? It seemed like a Vicki type thing to do, trying to control, organize and take over the situation. Brooks doesn't strike me as the type who, if he really did have cancer, would be so organized or go through the trouble of a binder. I think the creation of a binder (fake though it was) was Vicki idea to try and lend credibility to the fake cancer story that, IMO, she was in on from go. To say at the reunion Brooks wouldn't show her the binder is a lie. She must have seen and had access the binder if she was describing it to the other women. Once again Vicki flailing to cover her ass.

Sadly, I'm beginning to wonder if there ever was a detailed binder like Vicki alluded to in the first place. She's good at manufacturing stories to prove her point to gain both credibility and sympathy. I'm so very dissapointed in her as a mother mostly. What she put her daughter through with her denial and pathological lies to cover up for Brooks for years is loathsome IMO. If I was Briana I doubt I could ever trust Vicki again. If Vicki accepts Brooks back into her life, Briana should seriously consider cutting her mother out of her life completely.

Edited by talula
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