Tara Ariano October 27, 2015 Share October 27, 2015 One castaway is pulled from the game due to a family emergency; the players drop their buffs for a second time and switch tribes; players chow down on local delicacies to win immunity. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/33703-s13e06-bunking-with-the-devil/
Popular Post ToastnBacon October 29, 2015 Popular Post Share October 29, 2015 Fishbach crying and his pitiful ring toss did not win him any points with me. Plus he was rebuffed by each person he tried to convince to vote Joe. He is irrelevant. 39 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/33703-s13e06-bunking-with-the-devil/#findComment-1651349
LadyChatts October 29, 2015 Share October 29, 2015 (edited) Scorpion? Where's Mike when you need him? And here I thought I wouldn't need to go all conspiracy theorist when Kimmi didn't get the pig snout. I should have known they had a brain in there! I'll give Stephen credit, I thought he would purposely try and throw it. Edited October 29, 2015 by LadyChatts 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/33703-s13e06-bunking-with-the-devil/#findComment-1651358
cooksdelight October 29, 2015 Share October 29, 2015 I want to gag. 6 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/33703-s13e06-bunking-with-the-devil/#findComment-1651370
phlebas October 29, 2015 Share October 29, 2015 I guess a balut is good TV? They sure seem to have a lot of them on this show. 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/33703-s13e06-bunking-with-the-devil/#findComment-1651377
LadyChatts October 29, 2015 Share October 29, 2015 I want to gag. Me too. Can't say I've ever been a fan of these challenges. I was actually surprised Keith and Joe struggled the most for Bayon. I figured they'd down whatever they got in one swallow. Nice to see Jeremy adding insult to injury in front of Ta'Keo by sneaking a bit of that duck embryo. 7 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/33703-s13e06-bunking-with-the-devil/#findComment-1651378
Popular Post ToastnBacon October 29, 2015 Popular Post Share October 29, 2015 I want to gag. So do I, but it is from seeing too much Kass this episode. 31 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/33703-s13e06-bunking-with-the-devil/#findComment-1651383
LadyChatts October 29, 2015 Share October 29, 2015 I never liked Terry, couldn't wait to see the look on his face when he was blindsided out of the game. But to go out that way...damn. I know he's been waiting for a long time to return, and I'd hate for anyone to have to leave the game like this, much less have to have something like this happen to your family. It's a risk going out there, anything can happen, and to be that far away the feeling must be so helpless. I don't have kids, but I can't even begin to imagine the feeling. I am glad to hear his son is doing very well, post transplant. I guess no one else remembered Monica in the game, either, given the lack of reaction to her boot. Oh, and thanks TPTB for listening and actually showing us equal footage of the tribes and strategezing. I didn't know who was going to lose tonight, which I can usually figure out in the first 10 minutes. They are definitely setting up the merge storylines down the road. Still not sure if Stephen is headed for redemption or if this is just his edit for the season. What is the big deal with mac and cheese? Just for carbs purposes? Seems like everyone always gets so excited when that is a reward. Angkor was such a disaster, I'd hope if they ever do the 3 tribe swap again they don't leave the other tribe ready to cannibalize each other. At least even camp life out a little, let them take luxuries from their own camps. Oh, and I love how Probst asks "how's your tribe doing?" and everyone pretends they are one big happy family. Nice to see Kass is still Kass regarding Spencer. At least these two get it (for now) and attempted to work together, or at least not be petty and go after each other out of spite. When did they get swim trunks? Have they always had them and Joe just decided to make his lady fans happy by prancing around in his undies all this time? Not that I'm complaining. 7 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/33703-s13e06-bunking-with-the-devil/#findComment-1651384
jsm1125 October 29, 2015 Share October 29, 2015 I didn't realize that the episode thread would be open before 9 PM EST. I'm not a huge Woo fan, but watching him and Joe during the reward challenge was an impressive thing of beauty. I could have done without seeing 120120 shots of Spencer make faces during the immunity challenge. 7 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/33703-s13e06-bunking-with-the-devil/#findComment-1651386
LadyChatts October 29, 2015 Share October 29, 2015 Woo says he's in the majority and in the loop. Which means we are going to get a confused, befuddled Woo at TC. 9 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/33703-s13e06-bunking-with-the-devil/#findComment-1651391
cleo October 29, 2015 Share October 29, 2015 Man I hate Kass. I hardly ever post, lurker by nature, but it has to be said. 20 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/33703-s13e06-bunking-with-the-devil/#findComment-1651408
ratherbereading October 29, 2015 Share October 29, 2015 Okay, the gross food challenge? I could do just about anything but those tarantulas. I fucking hate spiders. I know they are dead but NO, NO, NEVER. Fischbach? Stop crying. There is no crying in Survivor. (Okay, if you get badly hurt, or in the case of what happened to Terry tonight? Yeah, crying is allowed). You are so hung up on comparing him to JT it will be your downfall. Wentworth and Tasha were badass in that challenge. So instead of gratingAbi, we get chaosKass. I do have to say it was a nice quiet break. LadyChatts, I think it is that Mac-n-cheese is a comfort food. Almost everyone likes it in some form or another (I am a snob, I won't eat the boxed stuff. Homemade or Stouffers only). 10 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/33703-s13e06-bunking-with-the-devil/#findComment-1651417
LadyChatts October 29, 2015 Share October 29, 2015 Loved Spencer's TC confessional. He gave some good ones during Cagayan. Ciera's getting confessionals! Where has this girl been all season? You'd think these second chancers would learn something about making someone a pawn and expecting them to be okay with it. I think Kass is one of the few that actually gets this game. She's still got the #chaoskass side of her. This season is finally getting good! Makes me wonder if Monica had made it one more episode, would we have been seeing her finally? I thought for sure it would be Savage going, that he was going to be digging his own grave. You knew this Spencer blindside was not happening. Glad to see that tribal lines are non existent. I love Spencer as much as the manbun Joe, and I never cared for Woo (nice guy, but doesn't do it for me). I'm guessing Abi gave the smiley face. Kelly's always out of the loop, yet I don't worry for her. Spencer, don't thank Abi. She's been waiting for this for a long time. Surprised she didn't write 'Woo-for writing my name down, twice.' Stephen is either going to be some fantastic mastermind or fail miserably when he overstrategizes. I think he can't step back from not being in control. He seems to be a little too much into redemption. 13 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/33703-s13e06-bunking-with-the-devil/#findComment-1651426
cooksdelight October 29, 2015 Share October 29, 2015 Kass needs to get over her Spencer hate. It's going to come back to bite her in the ass if she doesn't. Old grudges never work out well. Spencer gets the title phrase, and he is bunking with the devil and her name is Chaos Kass. Abi was unusually quiet, I got the impression she wasn't feeling 100%. Woo, clueless as ever. Editing didn't do anything to hide it either. Loved the look on Savage's face. Guess your game isn't going so well after all, dude. 10 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/33703-s13e06-bunking-with-the-devil/#findComment-1651429
truthaboutluv October 29, 2015 Share October 29, 2015 (edited) HOLY FREAKING CRAP, SPENCER HAS NINE LIVES!!! He may actually somehow win this shit. I honestly did not see that coming. Yes I knew they made it very obvious it was Spencer but I felt like the Woo talk was just to add some tension to the tribal council and in the end it would still be the obvious boot. I did not think there was any way Kass was going to pass up her chance to vote out Spencer. But my guess is she went for this to show Savage he does not run things. Spencer has to wake up though man. He is lucky Ciera wisely realized Savage so casually throwing her name around as the decoy was not a good sign and decided to shake things up. And well we know Abi was never going to pass up a chance to vote out Woo. eta: Oh that's nice they gave an update of Terry and his son who looks like he's doing very well. Edited October 29, 2015 by truthaboutluv 17 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/33703-s13e06-bunking-with-the-devil/#findComment-1651435
jsm1125 October 29, 2015 Share October 29, 2015 I'm astonished but pleasantly surprised that neither Kass, Abi Maria nor Ciera were even on the chopping block this episode. I was hoping for a Savage blindside, especially when he said "I'm not going anywhere" earlier in the episode. I'm surprised we didn't see Ciera try to get people to rally against him. 9 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/33703-s13e06-bunking-with-the-devil/#findComment-1651437
ShadowSixx October 29, 2015 Share October 29, 2015 Kass please, people have to worry about you more than Spencer since you love to cause chaos so damn much. Ugh Abi and Kass on the same tribe, I rather be swirled around by a pack of hyenas. I was hoping Abi & Kass would choke on the snout, that's wrong to say but hey. Well Kass couldn't get any of her food down, she's just weak in general when it comes to challenges. No use to keep her. Fishbach is so damn paranoid and then wants to turn on the waterworks and starts bawling. When he did that, I immediately said get rid of his ass. Alright Wiggelsworth defeating Superman Joe. Tasha is a beast eating that embryo. Why would Woo want to align with Abi? Is he stupid? He knows that Abi isn't a big fan of his. It's his own fault for even wanting to get into an alliance with her. She voted his ass right on out and knew Abi wouldn't hesitate to get rid of him. She got her revenge. Thank goodness Spencer is staying. That man is having to claw and scratch his way to stay My heart is always wrenching because Spencer is forever at the bottom. Spencer has got to do something. Get rid of Savage or Kass next so he can go back to his supermodel. Abi was less annoying this episode but Kass is picking up the annoying slack. They know she likes to cause chaos but why keep her in the game? Get rid of her. 12 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/33703-s13e06-bunking-with-the-devil/#findComment-1651440
Daisy October 29, 2015 Share October 29, 2015 Live chatting?! gah!! I'll know for next episode. I missed the first 5 minutes, what happened to Terry? was he hurt? sick? Kimmi had a pig brain. (so that answers that question that she still doesn't eat mammal, but i guess she can eat seafood. I don't usually play the Winner Edit Clip but what Kass said about Spencer. (sigh). I was hoping for the blindside, but I do think she did the right thing (and I think Spencer will save her/owe her one too). Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/33703-s13e06-bunking-with-the-devil/#findComment-1651446
Lamb18 October 29, 2015 Share October 29, 2015 Poor Terry. I was spoiled on this, but still, how sad and heart-stopping for him! I'm glad Ta'Keo won the Reward challenge. What in the world Stephen crying about? Get a grip, Terry just left for a seriously ill son and he's more composed than Stephen. Gross eating challenge - I better lay off the tootsie rolls or I'll gag. Woo had a leg or something on his tongue. I saw something black. Poor froggy! Kelly had a little on her tongue, too. Also, poor piggies! I think the duck embryo would get me. It looked like a giant eyeball. The scheming is interesting, Spencer vs. Woo. Wow, it is Woo! Savage was blindsided, too -- liked his statement at Tribal about feeling confident and knowing the outcome. I'm glad they ended with an update on Danny. He's looking really well. 5 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/33703-s13e06-bunking-with-the-devil/#findComment-1651447
MBJ October 29, 2015 Share October 29, 2015 (edited) So, this is the absolute worst outcome for me. Of course my two favourite players are on the chopping block. At least Jeremy was safe. Season after Season, Tribal after Tribal, Woo learns no lessons. It is the same goddamn mistake again and again. It drives me crazy because I love him as a person so very much. Why is Woo always on the chopping block? Why would you want to vote out the person who has no strategic game whatsoever? Why on god's green earth did Ciera find it necessary to go after WOO of all people? I absolutely loved all the Stephen and Jeremy drama and Stephen's storyline. I ate it up completely. I love seeing more insight into that voting block. Stephen already IS a real boy with feelings. I guess Woo becomes a target eventually because he's a second placer. It fucking sucks, so hard for me. Spencer gets saved again and again and again. And Joe never has to go to tribal. Why do people trust Tasha so implicitly? Don't expect me to remember any of the early tribes. Stephen and Joe were confiding in her immediately. Why is that? Ugh, Kelly Wiglesworth so easily turned on Spencer. Here comes the part of the season where I care less and less. Jeremy and Spencer are my draws now, but even them combined are not enough to replace Woo. Edited October 29, 2015 by Ms Blue Jay 7 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/33703-s13e06-bunking-with-the-devil/#findComment-1651449
LadyChatts October 29, 2015 Share October 29, 2015 Once the merge happens, I think Spencer will be fine. I wondered why Woo's final words weren't after the promo for next week. Happy to see Terry's son is okay, and nice for Jeff to do a little plug for organ donation. 8 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/33703-s13e06-bunking-with-the-devil/#findComment-1651451
Haleth October 29, 2015 Share October 29, 2015 Ugh, I hate when it is between two people I like. When they have the chance to get rid of either Abi or Kass and they choose to boot either Woo or Spencer? What are they thinking? So glad they let us know Terry's son is doing well. 11 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/33703-s13e06-bunking-with-the-devil/#findComment-1651452
phlebas October 29, 2015 Share October 29, 2015 Weird seeing a quiet Abi. But she did let it out when she gave her Woo vote a smiley face. Nice plug for organ donation at the end too. 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/33703-s13e06-bunking-with-the-devil/#findComment-1651454
ratherbereading October 29, 2015 Share October 29, 2015 Dasiy, Terry;s son Danny needed a heart transplant (not sure of the story behind it, I think it might have been a sudden thing) and he had to fly home to be with his sick son. He did get the transplant and is doing well. (They updated us at the end of the episode.) 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/33703-s13e06-bunking-with-the-devil/#findComment-1651460
MKL122788 October 29, 2015 Share October 29, 2015 First, I feel like there was some ridiculousness going on in that immunity challenge. You had 5 people on that tribe perform well through the first 5 challenges and Ciera and Kass both went twice when they were clearly the worst players on that team. Second...Spencer gets ridiculously lucky. Again. I maintain that if you look at his record in his Survivor seasons, he has survived more coin flips than any other player ever. Taking out Woo is simply bad play from the girls. Woo might be a physical threat, but he isn't going to win all the way home and he is useless strategically. Saving him makes him a free vote in your favor. Also, Kelly Wigglesworth is pretty useless. She literally votes with who she perceives is the majority regardless. And she has been wrong as to where that majority was headed most of the time. 7 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/33703-s13e06-bunking-with-the-devil/#findComment-1651462
LadyChatts October 29, 2015 Share October 29, 2015 I missed the first 5 minutes, what happened to Terry? was he hurt? sick? He was pulled from the game due to a family emergency (he was told by Probst that his son was in the hospital and his wife and doctor thought it was serious enough that he needed to go home). Danny ended up having a heart transplant, but appears to be doing quite well now. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/33703-s13e06-bunking-with-the-devil/#findComment-1651471
mojoween October 29, 2015 Share October 29, 2015 I didn't want to lose Woo or Spencer, but barring the tribe not banding together to send Savage's cocky ass packing, I'll take him not getting his way. His disappointed daddy face at TC was infuriating. I'm glad they did that piece with Terry at the end. I didn't want Terry to even sniff victory, but I would never wish a sick kid on anyone. I would have run to the airport, wouldn't even have said good-bye to the tribe. 11 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/33703-s13e06-bunking-with-the-devil/#findComment-1651476
Straycat80 October 29, 2015 Share October 29, 2015 I'm glad Terry had a happy ending. Glad his son got a heart and is doing well. Spencer really does have nine lives! I'm glad. I really hate Kass, I hope she does something to piss people off and gets the boot. I liked Woo, sorry to see him go. The gross food challenge is always disgusting but at least this time everything they ate was dead and not alive and crawling around like in past seasons. 7 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/33703-s13e06-bunking-with-the-devil/#findComment-1651480
BigRedCheese October 29, 2015 Share October 29, 2015 I guess a balut is good TV? They sure seem to have a lot of them on this show. Doesn't even look that bad to me, I think I could just close my eyes and pretend it was a boiled egg, which it sort of is isn't it? Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/33703-s13e06-bunking-with-the-devil/#findComment-1651505
Chrissytd October 29, 2015 Share October 29, 2015 (edited) It's a good a good thing I wasn't eating during this episode. It wasn't even that bad until Kass puked up the balut. I never even knew pig snout was edible. Woo says he's in the majority and in the loop. Which means we are going to get a confused, befuddled Woo at TC. We got that, and the chomping face during the Reward.Doesn't even look that bad to me, I think I could just close my eyes and pretend it was a boiled egg, which it sort of is isn't it?It's duck embryo. Edited October 29, 2015 by Chrissytd 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/33703-s13e06-bunking-with-the-devil/#findComment-1651508
truthaboutluv October 29, 2015 Share October 29, 2015 (edited) Two things, funniest moment of the episode was Abi just casually walking away from the reward challenge, so sure that Kimmi's ring went in. That was hilarious. Two, Stephen dude, get some therapy. I get wanting to win but his whole speech about the golden boy beating him and how much his second chance means to him and all the tears that he could barely talk just made me very uncomfortable. It's not that serious dude. Edited October 29, 2015 by truthaboutluv 14 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/33703-s13e06-bunking-with-the-devil/#findComment-1651509
Bazinga October 29, 2015 Share October 29, 2015 (edited) Terry, who was going to lose anyway, can now be brought back for a third chance, as the caring dad who lost because he sacrificed playing the game for his son. Terry is not a hero for doing what just about every other parent would do in that situation. Unless it was edited out, Terry never asked Jeff what was wrong and the son's condition. (Sorry to be so cold-hearted, glad the son is OK.) I really don't agree that only parents can understand the parent-sick child bond. I also think many other relationships-significant others, child/parents, siblings, friends-would get the same reaction. Parenthood is not sainthood and does not deserve to be elevated as such (IMO/YMMV). Dislike how that situation was milked (referring to asking the other parents about it) by Jeff. Kass sucks. So filled with herself. Nobody is buying into "Chaos Kass" but you, Kass. It is not a thing and it isn't going to be a thing. She was disloyal to Spencer and Tasha and now, in her mind, she gets revenge on Spencer, who, again, she betrayed. How is she Spencer's victim that would entitle her to seek revenge? The "chaos" she caused her last time was jumping from an alliance she had sway in because she disliked Sarah (and wasn't top dog) to the Tony/Woo/Trish alliance where she was on the bottom. As Spencer (correctly) pointed out, she couldn't win as the people she betrayed wouldn't vote for her nor would her new alliance, who were just using her. Her "chaos" screwed herself. Not seeing why that is cause for revenge against Spencer Bledsoe (why does Kass and only Kass call him Bledsoe? I didn't even know his last name.) And jumping alliances isn't chaos! She just wants attention and is only a "legend" in her own mind. So alpha male Savage and his ego are bossy. Solution is to vote out someone else in Woo. I see. No, I don't. Why is someone else's bad behavior repeatedly taken out on a third party this season? I'll say it again because it can't be said enough, Kass sucks. Hate when certain people, due to alliances, get put in undeserved power positions. Like Kass, Stephen, and Abi with their personal vendettas. It's not game based just personal and nothing any player can do about it. Like Peih-Gee getting the boot solely due to Abi's animosity towards her. Joe=JT and Stephen wants to take out the new JT, who is so superior to him and his overrated Survivor super expert self. Kass irrationally hates Spencer. What second chance can he have with her preexisting, irrational, hatred of him? Leave Super Joe alone! Edited October 29, 2015 by Bazinga 17 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/33703-s13e06-bunking-with-the-devil/#findComment-1651510
Lantern7 October 29, 2015 Share October 29, 2015 That was fun. I think you'd have to be a fan of Spencer for the episode to work. I'm thinking that we wouldn't get along in real life, but he and Stephen are the closest guys I can relate to on this show. For this week, I applaud Chaos Kass, and I hope her refusing to pull the trigger on Spencer bites her in the ass. I feel bad for Terry. I figure he'll be getting an invite down the road, and I'm not really a fan (always regarded him as a busted clone of Tom Westman), but I'm glad his son is okay. I'm not going to sign the back of my license, though. Can't really feel that bad for Woo. He's just too mellow to watch. He'll be okay with getting blindsided. I feel for Stephen. He knows that he shouldn't be crying over stupid stuff like being a beta male on a tribe with Joe and Jeremy, but he can't help it. If I was on the show, I'd probably tear up at least twice. 8 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/33703-s13e06-bunking-with-the-devil/#findComment-1651515
MBJ October 29, 2015 Share October 29, 2015 (edited) I really hope you guys don't mind this. Woo's beautiful face. Joe Oiling Up, and Tasha's HILARIOUS reactions after (to who I wonder!?!?) Spencer looking - dare I say it - hot, and Stephen hilariously excited to eat at the Immunity Challenge Last but not least, Abby's beautiful Ass Edited October 29, 2015 by Ms Blue Jay 13 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/33703-s13e06-bunking-with-the-devil/#findComment-1651517
ElleryAnne October 29, 2015 Share October 29, 2015 Aw, bye, Woo. I didn't want to lose either Woo or Spencer tonight, so tribal wasn't going to be much fun for me to watch. I kept hoping they'd choose not to send anyone home, since Terry left. Speaking of which - that opening segment was painful in so many ways. I'm sure lots of us can remember a time when we've gotten that kind of news (I know I can), and the sick feeling in the pit of the stomach that goes with it. I cried when Jeff told Terry why he was there. And I cried again when he told the rest of the teams. The update at the end of the show with Terry talking about his son's "real" second chance, along with Probst and the show using the opportunity to remind people about organ donation was really nice. (I did NOT cry when Stephen did, because crying over the idea that others might not play the game the way you want them and thus save your second chance is not emotionally stirring.) And then there was Andrew - talking about how "traumatizing" it was to have been on Angkor, only hours after Terry had been taken out of the game. Sheesh, Savage, get some perspective. (But I guess it's par for the course where Andrew's concerned. He's always finding something devastating or stunning.) Kass, shut up. I don't know what Spencer did to earn your wrath, but I got tired of her hate-fest after about ten seconds of it. I'm not a huge Woo fan, but watching him and Joe during the reward challenge was an impressive thing of beauty. Yes. I would like a spin-off of Survivor, featuring only the footage of Joe and Woo at that challenge, played over and over again. 18 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/33703-s13e06-bunking-with-the-devil/#findComment-1651529
Dust Bunny October 29, 2015 Share October 29, 2015 I'm not a huge Fishbach fan, but when he mentioned about the "golden boy", I totally got it. I think the other players in his season didn't know how much Stephen WAS J.T.'s game until the show aired. I can see why taking out Joe could be a big deal for him. I don't blame him for the tears. That's a big monkey he's feeling on his back. I totally thought Savage was going tonight. The editors were good in this episode. Lots of seed planting for votes to come down the road. I like that we're seeing so much complex strategy this season. So glad Terry's son is doing so well. Nice way to cap the episode after that brutal beginning. Survivor, indeed! 18 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/33703-s13e06-bunking-with-the-devil/#findComment-1651551
NYGirl October 29, 2015 Share October 29, 2015 Again I had to hold my breath for Spencer. Damn that's 3 episodes that I had to do that. I'm hindering the oxygen to my brain. They need to stop. Kass...hated her so much last time and going to hate her more this season. I can tell. I wonder why they separated for 1 episode if the merge is next week. Truly playing with their heads. Not sorry to see Woo go even though he was eye candy. 5 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/33703-s13e06-bunking-with-the-devil/#findComment-1651553
dizzyd October 29, 2015 Share October 29, 2015 I hope takeo pagongs. 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/33703-s13e06-bunking-with-the-devil/#findComment-1651560
Tippi October 29, 2015 Share October 29, 2015 I love watching Spencer scramble and somehow survive for another week. 8 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/33703-s13e06-bunking-with-the-devil/#findComment-1651572
Lantern7 October 29, 2015 Share October 29, 2015 What was the point of Angkor? To take six players, separate them from the rewards that they won, and watch them implode for about a week? I don't get it. 20 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/33703-s13e06-bunking-with-the-devil/#findComment-1651573
LadyChatts October 29, 2015 Share October 29, 2015 Could there have been more rounds to the IC than we were shown? I was also surprised that Kass, Ciera, and Kimmi went twice when all 3 struggled the first time (and they knew it was a risk sending Kimmi up). She didn't seem to worry as much this time that not eating the brains would cost her. 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/33703-s13e06-bunking-with-the-devil/#findComment-1651575
wallflower75 October 29, 2015 Share October 29, 2015 (edited) Kass, shut up. I don't know what Spencer did to earn your wrath, but I got tired of her hate-fest after about ten seconds of it. Agreed! My dad asked that same question--"Why does she dislike him so much?" Even though their season aired only a couple of years ago, I couldn't remember exactly why. Kass saying she wanted to get "revenge" on Spencer is the height of ridiculousness. Revenge for what?? She outlasted him on their first season only to be voted out by Woo right before FTC. Shouldn't she have wanted revenge on Woo before Spencer? You can make the case that she did get her revenge on Woo by voting him out tonight. but that's not how her vote felt to me. That was just her Chaos Kass crap. Edited October 29, 2015 by wallflower75 12 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/33703-s13e06-bunking-with-the-devil/#findComment-1651576
wonald October 29, 2015 Share October 29, 2015 Doesn't even look that bad to me, I think I could just close my eyes and pretend it was a boiled egg, which it sort of is isn't it? Balut has feathers and a beak . . . . that gets stuck in ur teeth. And it smells. 4 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/33703-s13e06-bunking-with-the-devil/#findComment-1651581
BigRedCheese October 29, 2015 Share October 29, 2015 Yeah, what was the point of Angkor? To take six players, separate them from the rewards that won, and watch them implode for about a week? I don't get it. I think it was mostly to keep switching it up to throw off the pre-game alliances as much as they could. Balut has feathers and a beak I know, but compared to the other stuff, it just doesn't seem nearly as bad. Of course, I've never smelled it or tasted it, so I may be way off. 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/33703-s13e06-bunking-with-the-devil/#findComment-1651584
Mreid October 29, 2015 Share October 29, 2015 (edited) Despite Terry leaving the game that was another great episode! Woo Im sorry I like you but I like Spencer a lot more. When it comes to Survivor Spencer is the definition of perseverance! It always seems like all hope is lost for him but he some way some how manages to survive! Loved the clip at the end of Terry and his son and sooooo glad to hear his son is healthy and ok!!! Im really surprised that all 4 members of Cagayan made it this far to be honest without being broken up. I liked Woo but I'd much rather see more of Spencer, Tasha, and Kass because I think they bring more excitement to the game for us as tv viewers. I love this show! Edited October 29, 2015 by GenL Removed preview talk 8 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/33703-s13e06-bunking-with-the-devil/#findComment-1651590
ShadowSixx October 29, 2015 Share October 29, 2015 IDK if Kass' hate of Spencer is stemming from their season when Spencer told her at TC that they have no shot at winning because she voted another way than what they all agreed on. Spencer was right, they didn't win their season, Kass was too consumed with causing chaos and voting emotionally rather than strategically. She was about to do it again with voting for Spencer simply because she doesn't like him. People like Spencer and Joe, you keep around for the merge because the targets will be firmly placed on their backs. All you would have to do is prevent them from winning immunity challenges and you can vote them out. Only one can win as Joe and Spencer won't be able to win immunity at the same time. Instead of Spencer and Joe, I would get rid of the troublemakers and manipulators being Kass, Abi, and Savage. You never know what you're gonna get with them as they can switch at any given moment and will manipulate to get their way. So when merge comes, you wanna get rid of the wildcards and manipulators first. Then Fishbach just for being annoying and boo hooing. They must not realize that Tasha is also an immunity threat, she won a couple during her season. 12 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/33703-s13e06-bunking-with-the-devil/#findComment-1651595
Daisy October 29, 2015 Share October 29, 2015 Dasiy, Terry;s son Danny needed a heart transplant (not sure of the story behind it, I think it might have been a sudden thing) and he had to fly home to be with his sick son. He did get the transplant and is doing well. (They updated us at the end of the episode.) He was pulled from the game due to a family emergency (he was told by Probst that his son was in the hospital and his wife and doctor thought it was serious enough that he needed to go home). Danny ended up having a heart transplant, but appears to be doing quite well now. thanks so much y'all. that's so sad. :( i'm glad that he's okay now to the person who asked what the point of Angkor? to screw me over :( I miss Varner (wails) 8 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/33703-s13e06-bunking-with-the-devil/#findComment-1651603
MBJ October 29, 2015 Share October 29, 2015 (edited) Yes, both Tasha and Kelly Wiglesworth were challenge monsters. If we're going to keep 3 out of 4 Cagayan I pick Woo over Kass a billion times, can't believe that is even a question. I'd pick Morgan's breasts over Kass. I'd pick Tony, anyone, almost anyone, or yes literally anyone. Trish, the basketball player. Still so sad. Kass adds nothing except nonsense. Woo is loyal to a FAULT, yes I guess he's a challenge threat but with Jeremy and Joe and maybe even Spencer around you could hardly tell. Plus he is extremely beautiful and affable. Him laughing at Kimmie in disbelief - "You're not even gonna try?" .... Sigh Edited October 29, 2015 by Ms Blue Jay 9 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/33703-s13e06-bunking-with-the-devil/#findComment-1651622
Lamb18 October 29, 2015 Share October 29, 2015 I wonder if they bumped up the switch to two tribes several days early. If my math is right, after Monica was eliminated there were 15 total left: 4 Angkor, 5 Ta'Keo, and 6 Bayon. But Terry leaving lowered it to 14, and probably the plan was to go to 2 tribes at 14 anyway. Logistically it's easier to not assemble one tribe's equipment for a challenge than to suddenly come up with a whole extra set of challenge equipment spur of the moment (as some speculated the swap to 3 tribes was a sudden change of plans in order to save Spencer). 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/33703-s13e06-bunking-with-the-devil/#findComment-1651625
Sarahsmile416 October 29, 2015 Share October 29, 2015 I am completely befuddled at these tribe switches and this determination to stay "Bayon strong" or "Takeo strong". Seriously, there have been three tribe swaps and yet these people are shocked when they might have made some relationships with people in their other tribes. On a completely different note, I started this season really feeling for Fishbach but I'm over it now. You made your choices in your first season and now you are completely over identifying...and in tears about it? It's not worth it, Fishbach. Its a game. 9 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/33703-s13e06-bunking-with-the-devil/#findComment-1651679
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