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S10.E21: Reunion Part 2

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Should your grown married, with children, child still be your main priority? Just asking. I'm not a parent. I don't know. It just seems like you should have your own life away from your children at that point.

When did the subject of Ryan come up?


I don't agree that having your children know their father had an affair was a good thing. Looking at you Shannon.

Shannon had no choice after they discovered via David's phone.


What Vicki was saying about Tamra and custody?     No wonder Tamra said she is done with Vicki.

At some point during Tamra's "sex tape" party, Vicki made some comment about what Tamra wore, commenting how she'll lose custody of her other kids (once this was aired on TV). Oddly enough, I do not remember seeing this footage before now.


And speaking of Crooks, did I hear him tell Andy they had to do the taped interview because of his "work" schedule???  Puh-lease.   Crooks got a job?   I don't believe it and wouldn't even if I saw a paystub.   He just wanted to flap his lying gums without any pushback.  Coward.

 I always involuntarily roll my eyes whenever Brooks mentions having a job. What the hell does he do, other than "filling Vicki's `love tank`"? Didn't he claim he was travelling for work while doing chemo and the time Brianna wanted to visit her mother?

Edited by Ubiquitous
  • Love 8

Ya know what?  I still think Jimmy is an asshole.


And just what exactly was asshole Jimmy's explanation for treating Meghan like shit on camera so many, many, many times?  That he was tired or jet lagged from all those cross-country flights?  Um, naaah, don't think so, asshole Jimmy.  That doesn't cut it.  You are a fucking asshole thru & thru, asshole Jimmy.  And phony-baloney Heather saying how "cool" he is & smooching up to his dumpy butt made me nauseous.  It was merely one of several times Heather annoyed the absolute shit outta me.  Oh, Heather, scolding Vicks over the wonders of Tams as a mother?  What in the fuckety fuck?  Vicks was right.  Tams is a horrible mother.  She clearly chose Satan Andy & his Bravo dough over her kids.


Heather must have realized throwing around exact numbers/figures was getting extremely obnoxious.  And it sure as fuckety fuck was.  Go spend a million bucks on cabinets, hun.  But talking about it is annoying & obnoxious as hell.   The woman is really bugging me.


I know there are some who like Shannon here, but with all due respect, she came off like a completely deluded, out-of-touch lunatic.  I mean, seriously, she really doesn't believe she totally humiliated her kids?  I don't believe her for one second that she didn't whine about the affair on camera all season for the sole purpose of getting revenge on David.  And she clearly didn't give one shit, whether her butthole was plugged up with colonic hoses or not, if her whining about the affair would be embarrassing for her children.  I think Shannon is horrible for doing this.  Those poor kids.


And the way Shannon keeps talking (er, insisting) about how wonderful her marriage is now is really giving me the absolute creeps.  One of Satan Andy's guests on WWHL tonite asked why Shannon insisted divorce was not an option.  Why indeed.  Unless it's for religious reasons, it seems very strange to me.  I'm just not buying that her marriage is all so great now.  I think it was a bunch of crapola.  When she said in the past they didn't go out to dinner more than twice a year (and I'm sure she was NOT exaggerating), it was merely a reminder of just how awful this marriage has been.  I was not buying her description of how happy her kids are now.  Idk, her crazy reaction to seeing the mistress says to me she's still holding onto a shit-ton of anger.  




Shannon is either deluded or she's outright bullshitting about this happy home life.  These 2 are doing their kids no favors.  They should have separated.  I predict a very grim future for this brood.

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
  • Love 19

I just watched the reunion again (insomnia), and when Jim says if Vicki was a guy saying those things about his wife, he would "..grab him around the neck and beat the crap out of him, but if it's a girl, you just sit there and go whatever, what are you going to do?", I was like W.T.F.


You stick up for your wife, you don't just stand there and think "whatever"!  If any woman was bashing me to my man, he would tell her, rather gruffly and sternly, not to talk about me that way.  Jim's non-reaction to Vicki bashing Meghan in his presence, not once, but twice (the second time at the Aries party) was very telling.


I think a lot of what Jim said about loving Meghan so much he wanted kids with her, was to keep peace with his piece.  I get the feeling that although he probably does love her, he doesn't like her, but thinks she's hot and loves the sex.  When that burns out, and she ages, he'll probably dump her for a hotter and younger #4.

Edited by cherry slushie
  • Love 14

Briana even says that Vicki did NOT make herself or Michael THE priority, that she made Brooks THE priority. Had Vicki put her adult kids first, she would NOT have moved Brooks into her house to begin with. IMO, it is telling that Vicki claims that she is "afraid" of Brooksto Andy at the very end.

The house that neither adult Michael or Brianna live in? I'm so confused why Vicki (who imo is a complete nut case) needs Brianna's permission to move in her boyfriend (even if he is a loser)? If Vicki was living in Brianna 's home and moved in Brooks then yes that would be Brianna's business. I'm not even arguing who is right about Brooks or who is a worse person (Vicki or Brianna) I just don't understand why Brianna should have a say in who lives in Vicki's home?

I haven't watched this episode and probably won't, but Brianna bugs the hell out of me. I can't even begin to imagine how I would react if my grown children told me who I could have in my home. I'm sure my first reaction might be laughter, followed by some serious words coming from me.

Edited by imjagain
  • Love 21

I'm fast losing interest in Vicks.  And I suspect this is exactly what Satan Andy would NOT want.  Ya know what completely turned me off?  When Vicks said she just spoke to Crooks.  Supposedly she broke it off with him, but she just spoke to him?  I don't think they're broken up.  I bet it's more of Vicks' bullshit.  Eh, I don't care about any of this anymore.  Maybe it's time to send Vicks packing, as they did with Gretchen.  Look, if she wants to be with this awful, awful, awful man, then she should be with him.  But it also means she shouldn't be on the show anymore cuz there's way too much bullshit connected to him -- exactly as there was with Gretchen & Slade.


So when did Vicks turn into Gretchen, where pretty much everything she says sounds like total bullshit -- or was she always like this?

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
  • Love 6

I liked Meghan during the season and I really like her on the reunion shows.  It's a nice change to see a Housewife remain calm and articulate her opinions clearly.   


If Brianna is telling the truth, Brooks and Vicki are even more hypocritical than it already seemed when they spoke so religiously and contrived such piety.


Vicki seems prepared to play the behind-the-scenes-abuse card by reunion's end.  No surprise she doesn't have the courage of her convictions.


The embryo conversation between Heather and Andy was rather tacky, as was Heather's conceit in stating what good genetics they contain.

Edited by Miss February
  • Love 10

I liked Meghan during the season and I really like her on the reunion shows.  She's the only Housewife I've seen remain calm and articulate her opinions clearly.   


I hated her guts this season & thought she was mostly useless.  She seemed like as big an asshole as Jimmy most of the time.  But she's coming off OK at the reunion.  She was absolutely right to insist Vicks was lying about the remark on her marriage being "challenging".  Vicks admitted to being wrong.  Nah, that was not good enough.  I was glad to see Meghan insist on correcting Vicks by saying it was an outright lie, which it was.

  • Love 12


I haven't watched this episode and probably won't, but Brianna bugs the hell out of me. I can't even begin to imagine how I would react if my grown children told me who I could have in my home. I'm sure my first reaction might be laughter, followed by some serious words coming from me.



This! I don't like Brooks and I'm not a Vicki fan but I find Brianna to be very annoying (and I'm being kind).  Truthfully, I think she's a spoiled brat.


She's a married woman, living out of state with children of her own - she no longer needs to be Vicki's priority.  And, honestly, to say the things she said to her mother on national tv, shows a complete disrespect for her mother.   You can not respect the choices your mother made, but to embarrass her mother like that?


She's full of herself - her facial expressions alone when Andy was interviewing Brooks were  childish. 


If you cared about your mother, you wouldn't do what she did - for the second year in a row. Some things, Brianna, should be discussed privately, and if Vicki won't listen, then you've done all you can do, and you move on.   It's Vicki's life.  I do think it's about the money, but I find it hard to believe that Vicki hasn't set up trust funds for both kids, and her grandkids.  


And the 2 hour phone conversation with Vicki's mom the day before she died - why do I get the feeling that all of the comments made about Brooks during the conversation were made by Brianna?


As for Vicki's comment about Tamara's custody - I missed that episode but...that get-up Tamara was wearing, again on national tv - Vicki may have made the comment but I bet most of the viewers were thinking the same thing.  Tamara, with her behavior over the past couple of years, gave Simon all the ammunition he needed.

  • Love 20

She was never around Brooks after Troy was born.  Or before.  They haven't seen each other in years.  The Girth Brooks comment came up before Troy was born.  It is the details that catches these players.

Brianna was huge immediately both times she was pregnant.  There was a lot of discussion during her first pregnancy that she was showing so fast.  Also, does anyone actually know when Vicki's birthday party was? It could have been weeks or months after the actual event for all we know.  

  • Love 8

Even though I've never missed an episode I clearly missed something big.    When did Heather decide she didn't like Vickie and make Tamra her bff?  Or for that matter when did Tamra turn on Vickie (again)?  Heather was spitting nails talking at Vickie.    Was it between the end of filming and the reunion?  I don't follow these ho-wives on social media - can someone fill me in?  

I think that some things came together near the end of the season, and then after they stopped filming. I think Heather was very pissed off to know that Vicki was telling folks that Terry had sent someone over to administer an IV to Brooks.  The bigger deal I believe is that Heather has recently interviewed that Vicki told Terry and Heather that David hit on her last season. She said this is one of the reasons they took a dislike to him.  Now they don't believe that this happened and think that Vicki was playing them for some reason. 


Regarding Heather and Tamra being BFF's; this is nothing new.  They have always been the closest on the show.

Edited by motorcitymom65
  • Love 9

Did anyone catch Alexis on WWHL last night? I honestly would not have known it was her. Per usual, Andy asked her immediately what she had done to herself, and she said nothing - she just wasn't wearing as much makeup as usual. Andy looked perplexed, because she was clearly wearing a ton of makeup. He said later that he was getting tons of comments about her appearance and that the folks at home clearly thought she had done something. Why do these people lie about such obvious things?

  • Love 10


The bigger deal I believe is that Heather has recently interviewed that Vicki told Terry and Heather that David hit on her last season. She said this is one of the reasons they took a dislike to him.  Now they don't believe that this happened and think that Vicki was playing them for some reason.


Actually, based on what we now know about David, this could be true. Just saying.

I actually can believe that the "marriage won't last" talk was hurtful for Hayley.


- It's her father, and he's on his 3rd wife, so there is some validity to the suggestion, and most children would be hurt by having their parent's flaws talked about on TV.


-Regardless of whether Hayley & Meghan's relationship is perfect, a person in the process of losing their parent doesn't want to think about the very real possibility that another important person in their life may be on their way out the door.


-I have teenage daughters.  The fact that Hayley sometimes rolls her eyes at and mocks Meghan is actually evidence to me that she does view Meghan in a mother-ish way.  Have ya'll SEEN a teenage daughter with her mother before?  LOL

  • Love 20

I am confused about the Girth Brooks situation because I thought Brianna said it happened before she had her children (and I remember people on TWOP joking about it being an SNL joke, too), but according to what she said last night, it happened while she was pregnant? Maybe someone can correct my interpretation of the timeline.


I found the Brianna segment so incredibly awkward. It was just weird. I don't know if I could sit next to my mom on national television and provide all of those details to everyone who is watching. I get wanting everyone to know Brooks is a creep, but IDK. It just rubbed the wrong way. It made me Team Nobody. I just really don't like Brianna. It's odd - even though a lot of what she said should have made me sympathetic to her, there just a smugness during the conversation that made me feel like she's enjoying how this shit is going down.


I had to side-eye Jimmy saying that when they had viewing parties for the show, his friends thought the banter was funny. Maybe they are jerks just like him.

Edited by trimthatfat
  • Love 21

I'm fast losing interest in Vicks.  And I suspect this is exactly what Satan Andy would NOT want.  Ya know what completely turned me off?  When Vicks said she just spoke to Crooks.  Supposedly she broke it off with him, but she just spoke to him?  I don't think they're broken up.  I bet it's more of Vicks' bullshit.  Eh, I don't care about any of this anymore.  Maybe it's time to send Vicks packing, as they did with Gretchen.  Look, if she wants to be with this awful, awful, awful man, then she should be with him.  But it also means she shouldn't be on the show anymore cuz there's way too much bullshit connected to him -- exactly as there was with Gretchen & Slade.


So when did Vicks turn into Gretchen, where pretty much everything she says sounds like total bullshit -- or was she always like this?

Didn't Vicki clarify that Crooks spoke to her about his "cyst and disease" order?

How telling that Vicki has this big fear of being alone and leaves the lights and TVs on? Wait, wasn't she whining about this a few seasons ago, when Donn left, so why wasn't that the first time she was alone?

  • Love 2
I had to side-eye Jimmy saying that when they had viewing parties for the show, his friends thought the banter was funny. Maybe they are jerks just like him.


I was thinking, "Banter, what banter?" I never saw those two "bantering". I saw Jimmy either being condescending or bored with Megan and her looking annoyed or in denial. 

  • Love 23

Heather just has to be the one who knows everything - even what a circle jerk is. 


I just can't get on board with "poor, stressed out" Heather and her gigantic house. Is she the contractor? The carpenter? I mean, yes, I'm sure designing that monstrosity can be a headache at times, but not to the point where she needs everyone to acknowledge her and validate all her hard work, like she's bringing water to poor countries in Africa. 



Heather can absolutely be guilty of making too much of some things, although I have built one home in my life and found it the most stressful experience of my life. My husband and I agreed after that we would never do it again and we haven't, and neither one of us picked up a hammer and nails to help with the work. She did the same thing a few years ago when she made too much of Terry not "supporting" her when she was starting to work more. She probably was upset about it, but I think she made it out to be more than it really was in order to have a little bit of drama to bring to the season. 


I think that Heather's problem in general is that her life is pretty close to perfect. That is a good thing in general, but maybe problematic if you are on a Reality show surrounded by people who have some seriously bad shit going on in their lives. She is rich, has had her own successes that exist outside of her marriage, has a beautiful family, a rich husband that she loves and who loves her, and she has a body that most women would die for. It's all so good for her that I often think she has to come up with small ways to get some attention on a show where the talk is always about the horrible thing that is happening to someone. I also think that in the world of reality TV, she is just not that prone to drama for the sake of drama. I love her, but don't always think she makes for the best in Reality TV considering what it has become. 

Briana must be moving back after commenting how much she hates Oklahoma.  

If I had to go to the ER there and had her treat me, i'd ask her "WTF you doing here if you hate it so much?"

Ragey should ask to transfer to make his wife happy.

I spent a very good portion of my life in Oklahoma, and trust me, 99% of the people I knew talked about how much they hated it. Most of my family still lives there and for the most part, no one is really that happy about it. I was lucky and got myself and my family out of there, and outside of visiting my beloved OSU campus or the bars around it, I become depressed the minute I drive across the state line. 

Edited by motorcitymom65
  • Love 14

Brianna was huge immediately both times she was pregnant.  There was a lot of discussion during her first pregnancy that she was showing so fast.  Also, does anyone actually know when Vicki's birthday party was? It could have been weeks or months after the actual event for all we know.  

Or maybe Briana's wedding photo six weeks later shows she wasn't all the massive.   https://stoopidhousewives.files.wordpress.com/2012/05/screen-shot-2012-05-24-at-10-05-40-pm.png?w=980  There is nothing to indicate that Vicki had her birthday party months or weeks later.  I think Briana just likes to say hit on a pregnant woman and it sounds juicier if she was really, really big.  Maybe he hit on her on and caused her to go into labor-six months after Vicki's birthday.  I am just not buying it.   Sorry I find Briana to be an exaggerator. 

  • Love 10

So Brianna handed Vicks the victim card. So now Vicks narrative for all the shit that she and Brooks pulled is that she was "scared of him". But clearly that didn't work because since the reunion, isn't she is on the outs with most of the other hos?




Vicki doesn't stay with him because he's just a wonderful guy who treats her like a queen, it's because she HATES being alone and he's the only one currently willing to fill her love tank.


Yep. I think when Vicki was married to Donn and subsequently got involved with the show, she decided that Donn wasn't good enough for Vicki the TV star/entrepreneur. So she dumped him and found Brooks. But Brooks  is a slimeball, so Vicks had to choose between living with and defending a sleaze or being alone. Donn's ship has sailed and I saw a lot of regret this season about dumping Donn. Now she is alone, because as both she and Brooks confirmed, it was sleazeball Brooks who dumped Vicki, not the other way around. If he hadn't dumped her she'd still be defending him.


I laughed at Brooks taped interview. He couldn't make the reunion because of work? Huh? Brooks has a job?


I watched WWHL and I now remember why I hate Alexis. The woman in dumb as a box of rocks and can't say a sentence without stumbling over her words.   

Edited by poeticlicensed
  • Love 9

Or maybe Briana's wedding photo six weeks later shows she wasn't all the massive.   https://stoopidhousewives.files.wordpress.com/2012/05/screen-shot-2012-05-24-at-10-05-40-pm.png?w=980  There is nothing to indicate that Vicki had her birthday party months or weeks later.  I think Briana just likes to say hit on a pregnant woman and it sounds juicier if she was really, really big.  Maybe he hit on her on and caused her to go into labor-six months after Vicki's birthday.  I am just not buying it.   Sorry I find Briana to be an exaggerator. 

I think it is entirely possible that a drunk Brooks did something that looked like "hitting" on Brianna. I do agree that she tends to embellish things to make her point (she gets that trait from her mother more than likely).  He has admitted to saying things to Ryan about knocking Brianna around when he was drunk, and was also stupid enough to get behind the wheel of a car when he was drunk. It wouldn't surprise me at all to hear that in a drunken state he made a pass at Brianna. 


Speaking of exaggerating, what was Vicki talking about last night when she said that a couple of nights before the reunion (after Brooks moved out) had been the very first night she had ever spent living alone? Wasn't there a time after Donn moved out that she was living alone, or was Michael still living there (I thought he was already living on his own at that point and we know that Brianna was).  Wasn't there a time between when Brianna moved to Oklahoma and Brooks moved in? Even a night? That whole thing seemed completely made up to me. 

Edited by motorcitymom65
  • Love 9

I don't know the exact number but there were something like 17 or 18 episodes this season. My hands-down absolute favorite moment in the entire season was watching drunk Shannon, Vicki and Tamra rocking out to the ringing cell phone. I cannot count the number of times I have done this on a night out with my girls. Out of all the manufactured bullshit we were given this season, this was one of the very few moments that seemed true and authentic to me. I'm not a fan but Shannon's face and her immediately breaking out the dance moves makes me laugh every single time.

Me too!! There are other posters here that have shared similar sentiments. It's those spontaneous moments in life that bring us joy. They are also fun to watch too. I just wish Bravo would cut less of them out of the episodes. I think this group of ladies have the potential to be seen this way but the powers that be prefer the nasty stuff.

I LOVED season one of NJ, when the ladies were shown just having fun and laughing. Okay, fine, have a table flip. Does that mean we must be subjected to the aftermath forever after? I know they say the drama is good for ratings, but too much darkness is not entertaining, it adds to my stress level instead of taking it away. We need more of a balance.

  • Love 19

If Icky turned up with two black eyes, and Crookes had swollen fists, I would not believe her if she said he punched her. Not because Crookes is a great guy but because I think Icky is a liar face who lies all the time.

Brianna is off the rails but I do wonder what she has put up with from Icky over the years that we don't know about. I mean her son has as little to do with her as possible, while still benefitting from her money, so that tells me something.

I can summon up one ounce of sympathy for Icky. She has lied, backstabbed, eye-rolled, snarked, insulted, etc her way through the women on this show for years. She dug herself a big old grave and now she can go climb into it, even while her boobs pop out of her dress ans her seams split.

Edited by Bebecat
  • Love 10

.... My hands-down absolute favorite moment in the entire season was watching drunk Shannon, Vicki and Tamra rocking out to the ringing cell phone. I cannot count the number of times I have done this on a night out with my girls. Out of all the manufactured bullshit we were given this season, this was one of the very few moments that seemed true and authentic to me. I'm not a fan but Shannon's face and her immediately breaking out the dance moves makes me laugh every single time.

Thank you for reminding me about this blip on my flatline experience of this episode.... I LOVE that moment. Love it! I laugh each time too!

  • Love 7


I think that Heather's problem in general is that her life is pretty close to perfect. That is a good thing in general, but maybe problematic if you are on a Reality show surrounded by people who have some seriously bad shit going on in their lives. She is rich, has had her own successes that exist outside of her marriage, has a beautiful family, a rich husband that she loves and who loves her, and she has a body that most women would die for. It's all so good for her that I often think she has to come up with small ways to get some attention on a show where the talk is always about the horrible thing that is happening to someone. I also think that in the world of reality TV, she is just not that prone to drama for the sake of drama. I love her, but don't always think she makes for the best in Reality TV considering what it has become.

I agree. Honestly, the tree etching storyline was really unlike her. I think there is pressure to bring on a storyline that has a little drama, but since she has none, she sticks out. I would prefer her lack of drama to any of the other issues the other ladies are dealing with (snippy husband, daughter who hates me, husband who cheats, etc.), but it wouldn't make for good television.

  • Love 7

I think it is entirely possible that a drunk Brooks did something that looked like "hitting" on Brianna. I do agree that she tends to embellish things to make her point (she gets that trait from her mother more than likely).  He has admitted to saying things to Ryan about knocking Brianna around when he was drunk, and was also stupid enough to get behind the wheel of a car when he was drunk. It wouldn't surprise me at all to hear that in a drunken state he made a pass at Brianna. 


Speaking of exaggerating, what was Vicki talking about last night when she said that a couple of nights before the reunion (after Brooks moved out) had been the very first night she had ever spent living alone? Wasn't there a time after Donn moved out that she was living alone, or was Michael still living there (I thought he was already living on his own at that point and we know that Brianna was).  Wasn't there a time between when Brianna moved to Oklahoma and Brooks moved in? Even a night? That whole thing seemed completely made up to me. 

I just took it as another exaggeration and sympathy ploy.  Poor me in my big house all alone.  I am curious who has been staying at her house since mid-August.  Then again it doesn't really matter because she would probably make it up.  I thought she said the reason for moving Brooks in last thanksgiving is she didn't want to come home to an empty house anymore.  Didn't we also see Briana drive away last April (she and Ryan had been living elsewhere)  I don't get VIcki at all.


Vicki's travel schedule just doesn't really leave a lot for a significant other.  Apparently she has no issues leaving Brooks alone while she goes places.  I have never understood why her insurance work requires so much travel.  Even RHOC this year she went on one of the two out of town trips. 

  • Love 4
I absolutely did believe that remark hurt Haley. The idea that she's going to have to wait five years for Jim to dump Meghan must be upsetting.


Hahahaha, oh, I think I love you. Damn straight! Haley was like, "Five years? Damn, I thought she'd be out of here in five months!"



Vicki's travel schedule just doesn't really leave a lot for a significant other.  Apparently she has no issues leaving Brooks alone while she goes places.


Exactly. Vicki doesn't ever want to be alone. But she also wants to go have her girl's trips and insurance conventions (whatever-the-fuck she does). She basically wants someone to live in her house, so they'll be there when she is, but can't complain if she's not there often. She should just hire an adult nanny or paid companion of some sort. 

I bet the Sushi Girl knew that a shark wasn't a mammal.


Exactly my point! She wants to berate everyone to "educate" themselves, but besides insurance knowledge, I'd wager my 5-year-old knows more than she. 


That was just downright embarrassing. And not just the shark not being a mammal, but then didn't Andy mention an actual mammal, like a giraffe? And she said it was "an animal". Oh my gosh. Wow. 

  • Love 14

I really don't think Jimmy did himself any favors by appearing on the reunion last night.  If anything, I think he came off even more arrogant and jerk-ish than during filming.  His "I love this woman and if she wants a baby, blah blah blah...." came off as a stone cold lie to my ears.  And yeah his remark about people in St. Louis laughing at their "banter" sure didn't make me think any more highly of him...  it just made me think those St. Louis peeps are jerks, too.


I know I'm probably in the minority when I say: Megan, girl, you can do better than Jim EDMONDS.


I was distracted the first 10 minutes of this episode thinking that Heather had her arm amputated past the elbow in some sort of mega-leech experiment go wrong - turns out it was just the crazy shoulder-less dress...


LOL.  Mr. Duke (who despises these shows) walked in during a Heather talking segment and was like WTF... does she only have one arm??


I found "wee wee" way more disturbing than "Girth Brooks".


Welp, in that instance, she sure did show herself to be Vicki's daughter, eh?  I wonder if Brooks offered to show her his wee wee in "the potty"?


I think Meghan is coming off looking great on this reunion.


Vicki looks like she's attempting to emote through a layer of cement.


Do they not have hair and makeup people at these shows and if so, why did Brianna not have access to one?


Gotta agree. And add to that "wardrobe stylist."  That dress she was wearing was incredibly unflattering.


Speaking of Brianna ... would an ER nurse in Oklahoma really pull in a 6 figure salary?  Trust when I say I have nothing but the highest regard for nurses - and I think they DESERVE high salaries.  I just didn't think they made that much.  Or maybe she is factoring in the $$ she makes from her RHoOC appearances too?



Icky looks like she fell asleep in a junk shop and someone threw all of the cheap jewelry on her for a joke. ^^^^^^^


Alrighty...  you win the internet for the day!  This description is TOO perfect.


This came to mind after Vicki's lame apologies tonite...from the movie Erin Brockovitch:

'Did they teach beauty queens to apologize??  Because you suck at it!'


Hmm yeah see I would never equate a comment about a beauty queen with Vicki.  But point taken!

  • Love 6

A few seasons ago, there were a lot of people on the Bravo Boards and the blogs, when people could leave comments, did think that Brianna was the voice of reason.  Her relationship with Ryan changed that.

Yes, Brianna was often seen as the voice of reason, many seasons ago. Andy said it often way back when! Our impression of Brianna took a sharp turn for the worst when she hooked up with Ryan, agreed. Since then, her decisions and actions have been questionable. In the early seasons Brianna was viewed as independent and ready to move away from Vicky as she became an adult. (just like Michael). When Vicky & Donn separated, Vicks hooked up with Brooks and Brianna married Ryan, we began to see that we were wrong, the Apple did not fall very far from the tree as we initially believed!

  • Love 3
Speaking of Brianna ... would an ER nurse in Oklahoma really pull in a 6 figure salary?  Trust when I say I have nothing but the highest regard for nurses - and I think they DESERVE high salaries.  I just didn't think they made that much.  Or maybe she is factoring in the $$ she makes from her RHoOC appearances too?


It depends on where they work, what shift, what days, OT, etc. My MIL was an ER nurse for years and always offered to work holidays, weekends, etc, once the kids were older and brought home really good money. Once she stopped working FT as she got closer to retirement, she went into an on call pool and could easily make $50/hour for some shifts and that was 25 years ago. 

Edited by poeticlicensed
  • Love 9

I really don't think Jimmy did himself any favors by appearing on the reunion last night.  If anything, I think he came off even more arrogant and jerk-ish than during filming.  His "I love this woman and if she wants a baby, blah blah blah...." came off as a stone cold lie to my ears.  And yeah his remark about people in St. Louis laughing at their "banter" sure didn't make me think any more highly of him...  it just made me think those St. Louis peeps are jerks, too.


I know I'm probably in the minority when I say: Megan, girl, you can do better than Jim EDMONDS.



LOL.  Mr. Duke (who despises these shows) walked in during a Heather talking segment and was like WTF... does she only have one arm??



Welp, in that instance, she sure did show herself to be Vicki's daughter, eh?  I wonder if Brooks offered to show her his wee wee in "the potty"?



Gotta agree. And add to that "wardrobe stylist."  That dress she was wearing was incredibly unflattering.


Speaking of Brianna ... would an ER nurse in Oklahoma really pull in a 6 figure salary?  Trust when I say I have nothing but the highest regard for nurses - and I think they DESERVE high salaries.  I just didn't think they made that much.  Or maybe she is factoring in the $$ she makes from her RHoOC appearances too?




Alrighty...  you win the internet for the day!  This description is TOO perfect.



Hmm yeah see I would never equate a comment about a beauty queen with Vicki.  But point taken!


I've gotten to the point where everything that comes out Briana's mouth is so embellished, I'm barely believing anything she spews.  If she makes six figures a year, I'm sure you can factor a Bravo paycheck into it. Brooks bragging about his mammoth penis and offering to show it for proof, is not hitting on her, IMO - it's just Brooks being a skeeze.  I even question her pancreatitis story.  One thing is for real though, if she's constantly embellishing everything she says about Brooks, he may very well be able to sue her for defamation and slander.  Any lawyers here to confirm if that's possible?

  • Love 4

I just couldn't help wondering if Tamra found Jesus before.... or after her sex party? Could it be possible that when she saw the video of the sex party that she thought just perhaps she might have overexposed herself by wearing a see-through lace body suit with a dog collar and chain around her neck? Did Tamra have any thoughts that dancing with a black strap-on dildo (that Shannon made her buy) swinging in the breeze was just a teeny bit trashy and slutty? Are we expected to believe that Tamra has had a ' light-bulb moment' and rebirth into Christ making vows to change her UN-Christian ways and become a decent person are genuine?


I don't believe Vicki about anything at this point and feel that the only reason she kept Brooks is because she's exceedingly needy and only wanted company in her house and to have her 'love tank' filled.  At this point, if Brooks has been lying all along about having cancer and been physically abusive then he should probably get cancer and die. Then haters could could say 'see? told ya so". And yes, Vicki was absolutely under the influence of an anti-anxiety drug.


I don't believe that Shannon really believes David would choose her over his mistress who is gorgeous and doesn't nag him and boss him around. Maybe one of the many reasons that David found another woman attractive and fell in love with her is because that woman doesn't nag him, doesn't force her beliefs about homeopathic and holistic healing on to him and doesn't expect him to say 'yes dear and no dear' like a robot. In other words, maybe the other woman was just  fun and a breath of fresh air for David. The other woman probably wouldn't have asked David to check her anus for a missing plastic piece from her colonic enema. Seriously, if you have a plastic piece stuck in your anus, you will know it.



I don't believe that Jim Edmonds will put up with 'resting bitchy face' Meghan Edmonds for more than a couple of years. I do think that Jim Edmonds should get over believing that men that dress up in an expensive suit wearing shoes without socks is cool.  (It's not Jim)


I do believe that Ryan and Briana will stay married for the sake of the kids, but he's going to be henpecked and resent her and might even become physically abusive in the future. I don't think he has yet because she probably scares him and he knows she'll kick his ass if he ever lifted a hand to her.


I do believe that Heather and Terri will continue to amass piles of money because they're both financially driven people. Their marriage is strong because they work at it. I believe that people will start rolling their eyes (I already have) while listening to Heather enunciate words like a speech teacher giving lessons to students.

Edited by HumblePi
  • Love 6

It definitely appears that Vicki f'd up when she let Donn go.

How much of what we saw of Donn (during his time on the show) was in any way accurate or real, we'll never know. However, what I did see of him, I really liked.

I'm sure he's in a new relationship with a good woman who doesn't work, work, work all the time.

Vicki will NEVER admit she let go of the best man she'll ever have. (And no Brooks, I'm not not referring to you)

  • Love 14

I agree with what most of you are saying

Tamra- you are a horrible person. Im sorry. You can't even stay nice for the few hours this is filming. She is mean! And yes I would be mortified with my mother if she was on TV with a dildo strapped around her. No wonder her relationship with her kids is strained. That being said, Vicki's comment was out of line but Heather, sit down with your fake outrage. LOL


Briana, I dont care. I know you hate brooks so I don't really believe anything you are saying. Just like I don't believe anyone else


Shannon- wow, you really aren't over this affair. And I don't know what whackadoo counselors and churches you take your kids to but there is no way in hell anyone SANE told you putting out your familys dirty laundry is a good idea for your tween daughters. Not buying it. You're crazy, Davids crazy , please give your kids to me and I'll raise them. She's almost worse than Tamra in this regard, but at  least for Tamra's kids they had Simon looking out for them.


Are they going to touch on Ryan and Sarah's domestic violence incident? Or is this just a Vicki pile on (which after a whole season of this shit, im over it! Vicki might deserve it, I DON'T CARE)


I would just like to say that Vicki wins the reunion. She knew a pile on was coming, and is responding PERFECTLY,  She's stoned out of her mind,clearly doesn't give a rat's ass, and isn't giving Andy/ the rest of the harping loons the reactions they are looking for.


I think Vicki is done after this season, and I don't think she could care less. Bring back Alexus Lizzie and Lydia, have them team up.(Team Jesus?)  LOL. it ll be an inter-generational battle. (jk) I need a protagonist damnit!. This season was all bad guys!

Edited by yogi2014L
  • Love 12

Heather can absolutely be guilty of making too much of some things, although I have built one home in my life and found it the most stressful experience of my life. My husband and I agreed after that we would never do it again and we haven't, and neither one of us picked up a hammer and nails to help with the work. She did the same thing a few years ago when she made too much of Terry not "supporting" her when she was starting to work more. She probably was upset about it, but I think she made it out to be more than it really was in order to have a little bit of drama to bring to the season.

I think that Heather's problem in general is that her life is pretty close to perfect. That is a good thing in general, but maybe problematic if you are on a Reality show surrounded by people who have some seriously bad shit going on in their lives. She is rich, has had her own successes that exist outside of her marriage, has a beautiful family, a rich husband that she loves and who loves her, and she has a body that most women would die for. It's all so good for her that I often think she has to come up with small ways to get some attention on a show where the talk is always about the horrible thing that is happening to someone. I also think that in the world of reality TV, she is just not that prone to drama for the sake of drama. I love her, but don't always think she makes for the best in Reality TV considering what it has become.

I spent a very good portion of my life in Oklahoma, and trust me, 99% of the people I knew talked about how much they hated it. Most of my family still lives there and for the most part, no one is really that happy about it. I was lucky and got myself and my family out of there, and outside of visiting my beloved OSU campus or the bars around it, I become depressed the minute I drive across the state line.

*Waves* at mcm65

I think what leaves a bad taste in my mouth is Brianna is not from Oklahoma, has not lived there very long. So her put downs of Oklahoma seem at least to me snobby and bratty.

Trust me I complain about Ohio all the time, and people I know do too. Don't get me started on Kasich :)

I guess my point is if you live there or have for long period most will give you a pass on snarking on your home state.

I complain but I still live here so I know there is also great things about my state. I'm sure some in Oklahoma feel the same way.

Oh yeah, Brianna just annoys me so it might just be that, lol.

  • Love 7
It definitely appears that Vicki f'd up when she let Donn go.

How much of what we saw of Donn (during his time on the show) was in any way accurate or real, we'll never know. However, what I did see of him, I really liked.


Same. And I do think it speaks volumes that he hasn't gone after her in the press, commented on their divorce or what's going on with her currently, etc. 


I think what leaves a bad taste in my mouth is Brianna is not from Oklahoma, has not lived there very long. So her put downs of Oklahoma seem at least to me snobby and bratty.


This makes sense. It's kind of like how I can complain about my sisters, but if anyone else were to talk crap about them, it'd be on!

  • Love 8

I bet the Sushi Girl knew that a shark wasn't a mammal.

Seriously.  How ironic for her, of all people, to be shouting about the importance of an EDUCATION. The bitch is dumb as dirt.


I don't believe that Shannon really believes David would choose her over his mistress who is gorgeous and doesn't nag him and boss him around.



Ooof. Between her little story of saying "Look at you've got here David, compared to her" (badly paraphrased!) and the recent story in the tabloids about her hissyfit at the USC game, I was cringing in secondhand embarrassment for Shannon. I wish she would just keep it classy and keep in moving, rather than start fights and "brag" about how David chose HER over whats-her-name. 

  • Love 16

It definitely appears that Vicki f'd up when she let Donn go.

How much of what we saw of Donn (during his time on the show) was in any way accurate or real, we'll never know. However, what I did see of him, I really liked.

I'm sure he's in a new relationship with a good woman who doesn't work, work, work all the time.

Vicki will NEVER admit she let go of the best man she'll ever have. (And no Brooks, I'm not not referring to you)

Donn had a girlfriend throughout the marriage.  Sad Vicki's only choices seem to be adulterer and Brooks.  St. Briana knew about it and thought it okay.  These are some screwed up people who think infidelity is okay as long as you get to spend the holidays together.  Donn was also pretty rude to Alexis and Gretchen because he was so not phony.  I think having a girlfriend and renewing your vows is about as phony as it gets.


Donn was good on the show but I would think even Vicki could do better.

  • Love 9

Actually, based on what we now know about David, this could be true. Just saying.

This is Vicki's narcissistic bullshit. I think David could have hit on Tamra or Heather because at the time they were not friends with Shannon. Shannon would never have believed them if they said that David hit on them, but Vicki...Vicki was a friend and hitting on her would have tipped Shannon off about David's dishonesty and infidelity.

  • Love 3

To keep Tamra's custody issues from becoming a major story line. I got the impression that, at least for this past season, Tamra didn't want to bring it up on camera.


I agree -  If I recall correctly, when Heather brought up the comment that Vicki made (on camera and on mic!!!!) about Tamra's custody problems, she prefaced it with saying "Well, since Tamra brought it up here....."


Those comments, while true, were probably not the smartest things for Vicki to say, while being filmed.  

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