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Leon Brown: So Here's Me

Message added by Scarlett45,

Leon is transgender and uses they/them pronouns. As defined in the GLAAD guidelines, they are a they, were a they, and will be a they unless they ever tell us something different.  Per those guidelines, referring to them as a woman or a girl or as she is not okay, regardless of any modifier placed before these words or the time period being discussed.  Referring to them by any name besides "Leon" or "Leo" is not appropriate, regardless of the time period being discussed. Intent matters and people may slip up. Let's strive to respect their identity.

Please review the guidelines of the site regarding the Hate Speech and Insensitive Language Policy, which includes guidelines from GLAAD for the LGBTQ+ community.

Also remember the Golden Rule of Primetimer is Be Civil.

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16 minutes ago, Sandy W said:

I will never find myself in Mariah's rarified sphere of influence, but if I were, I would be hesitant to voice an opinion on anything.  Even if you agreed with her, she would find reason to nitpick your rationale.  She's so feisty, it must be a joy to be around her. 😬

She probably chooses selects "yes people" as "friends", just like a dictator would. 

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10 minutes ago, xwordfanatik said:

Good old buzzkill Mariah.  What's she pissed off about now, I wonder?

My guess would be that with 4 women and 2 dogs in the confines of Lizzie's, they are getting on each other's nerves.  They could stroll up to the local Parowan diner for a "world famous" cinnamon bun, but that can't be compared to the expensive "Chi-town" bistros and gyms that Mariah frequents when there.

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Mariah looks like a miserable asshole in that pic. 

What the hell has she got to be so unhappy about? She is riding out the pandemic in her mother's B&B with her fiancé, the love of her life--with all the cinnamon rolls and rice crispy treats her heart desires. She doesn't need to go out and work to support herself right now and she can pontificate and shame others from the cozy confines of said B&B.

Hey Mariah, how about the suppressed women of your parents' religion? Do they matter, too? 

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1 hour ago, laurakaye said:

if you don't vote you suck and she hates you.  

You'd think she'd be thrilled if her despised relatives didn't bother to vote, cancelling out her vote.

Is she aware that bull and cow nose rings were originally used on women to indicate they were marital property?

Edited by deirdra
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18 hours ago, Adiba said:

Mariah looks like a miserable asshole in that pic. 

What the hell has she got to be so unhappy about? She is riding out the pandemic in her mother's B&B with her fiancé, the love of her life--with all the cinnamon rolls and rice crispy treats her heart desires. She doesn't need to go out and work to support herself right now and she can pontificate and shame others from the cozy confines of said B&B.

Hey Mariah, how about the suppressed women of your parents' religion? Do they matter, too? 

Some people are perpetually unhappy. Having observed Mariah over the years, she appears to be one of those people. Even when she's "happy", she will find something to be miserable about to offset the happiness. 

I've suspected for a long time that Mariah is a "fake-happy" person. She puts on the guise of being a centered, peace-loving yoga-hippie when in fact, deep down, she's a cauldron of piss and vinegar. Her pissiness always boils over the fake happiness she tries to put out and that is the "real" Mariah. She's angry, all the time, about something.  

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6 hours ago, TurtlePower said:

Some people are perpetually unhappy. Having observed Mariah over the years, she appears to be one of those people. Even when she's "happy", she will find something to be miserable about to offset the happiness. 

I've suspected for a long time that Mariah is a "fake-happy" person. She puts on the guise of being a centered, peace-loving yoga-hippie when in fact, deep down, she's a cauldron of piss and vinegar. Her pissiness always boils over the fake happiness she tries to put out and that is the "real" Mariah. She's angry, all the time, about something.  

I've said it before and I truly believe that what we see of Mariah on the show and Social Media is a window of Kody when he was in his 20's (and even now...).  He just has such a gloomy darkness and is so quick to shoot down any of the wives/children with his harsh negativity . How DARE you mock him!? Or laugh to lighten the energy. Or jump on his bandwagon of spontaneous energy.

Kody's religion promised him joy and happiness.  You just need to gather those wives and bingo you will be granted the gifts from God.  However it didn't happen.  Those "wives" nag him, pull him to the left, no, the right, no!! The left again!! The actually WANT things from him...not just his godly baby making abilities...but they actually have the audacity to want a husband !

Mariah is the perfect storm of Kody and Meri.

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OK, now she's not gay anyore, she's morphed to cishet (which this COL had to look up) and "probably" Christian?  What does that even mean?  Does she need someone to talk her into it?  She's waiting for divine intervention to help with her choice?  

"Mentally well", though, might want to revisit that, Snowflake.  Five minutes ago you were crouched in a corner staring pensively at the floor in the throes of depression.  Try and get your stories straight, girl.  And remember that you'll have to resort to some sort of breakdown episode to be able to take your dog on a plane with you again.


Edited by Kohola3
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1 hour ago, Kohola3 said:

OK, now she's not gay anyore, she's morphed to cishet (which this COL had to look up) and "probably" Christian?  What does that even mean?  Does she need someone to talk her into it?  She's waiting for divine intervention to help with her choice?  

"Mentally well", though, might want to revisit that, Snowflake.  Five minutes ago you were crouched in a corner staring pensively at the floor in the throes of depression.  Try and get your stories straight, girl.  And remember that you'll have to resort to some sort of breakdown episode to be able to take your dog on a plane with you again.


I’m assuming she’s talking about other people being privileged because they are straight white christian whatever.  I don’t think she’s referring to herself, so she’s still gay.

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If it's a privilege to be all of those things, she is telling us - in one fell swoop - that she is none of those things - or she is only one or two of those things?  I don't know.  Again, this is too much coming from a woman who was spoiled beyond belief growing up at the expense of her siblings.  She is in college, she has been able to travel, is healthy and has a roof over her head.  No one is coming after her with pitchforks because she is gay - that massive persecution complex seems to be only in her head.  I don't know if her rage is coming from doubts and misconceptions about the religion she was raised in, but when she came out she appeared to get nothing but acceptance.  Many do not.  It's like she's overcompensating for some reason, or she's just incapable of being happy and wants to drag as many down with her as she can.  

Audge should run for the hills.    

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10 minutes ago, Irate Panda said:

I’m assuming she’s talking about other people being privileged because they are straight white christian whatever.

Oh, I bet you are correct. I was taking it as referring to herself but she's being sarcastic. 

So apparently, in her mind, she's not priviledged in any way.  Poor downtrodden Princess, suffering amongst the other persecuted ones.  We, the white and "possibly" Christians have an easy, carefree life. What a poser.

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Can you imagine her as a yoga teacher?

"Okay, now push back into Down Dog...or don't.  I don't really care.  Just lay on the floor for the next hour if you want to, you're not doing it right anyway.  I went to Bali for training so you either do it my way or just roll on up out of here.  In fact, you know what?  Class is over.  I don't really care if you paid for an hour, my uterus hurts and brunch at La Pretentious Vegan Cafe ends in 15 minutes so I gotta go anyway.  Next week's class will be held in the unlit alleyway behind the Subway dumpster and I need payment up front.  I will text you the time of the class if I feel like teaching that day.  If not, it's your loss because I am one of the best yoga teachers you will ever have so you suck if you don't show up.  Namaste."

Edited by laurakaye
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2 hours ago, laurakaye said:

If it's a privilege to be all of those things, she is telling us - in one fell swoop - that she is none of those things - or she is only one or two of those things?  I don't know.  Again, this is too much coming from a woman who was spoiled beyond belief growing up at the expense of her siblings.  She is in college, she has been able to travel, is healthy and has a roof over her head.  No one is coming after her with pitchforks because she is gay - that massive persecution complex seems to be only in her head.  I don't know if her rage is coming from doubts and misconceptions about the religion she was raised in, but when she came out she appeared to get nothing but acceptance.  Many do not.  It's like she's overcompensating for some reason, or she's just incapable of being happy and wants to drag as many down with her as she can.  

Audge should run for the hills.    

Well, as far as I can tell, Mariah is cis, white, and financially "okay,"--she was raised in a Christian-based religion (AUB) and even tried to convert to LDS (don't know what she believes in now, though)--so I don't get what she is trying to say.

Is she saying that "others" are privileged and she is not? Is she lamenting her own privilege? Maybe she should talk to her father about these things--he seems to fit the bill (maybe not the "mentally well" part).

Edited by Adiba
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Yea that's a very confusing statement, and what makes it weirder is how oddly passive it is, especially for her. If she had said "I hope you appreciate your privilege if you are white, cisgender, heterosexual and christian", it would still be a collection of buzzy words but it would at least have a point. Or, in a much broader but also clearer fashion, I've seen privilege described as this: "If your rights were never determined by a Supreme Court decision, you have privilege". That's too clear for Mariah though. 

As I've said before, what bothers me immensely about Mariah is that she can't convey her message in a way that's not convoluted and confusing, which makes me wonder how well she understands her own positions. I think she's only got a surface-level understanding of feminist theory and LGBT history, which is why she struggles to convey her thoughts concisely and instead talks herself into circles. 

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1 hour ago, Adiba said:

Well, as far as I can tell, Mariah is cis, white, and financially "okay,"--she was raised in a Christian-based religion (AUB) and even tried to convert to LDS (don't know what she believes in now, though)--so I don't get what she is trying to say.

I agree with @Irate Panda - she's calling us out whilst apparently portraying herself as a underprivileged, downtrodden, gay non-Christian.  Not sure how she's going to be non-white though.

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2 hours ago, laurakaye said:

Can you imagine her as a yoga teacher?

"Okay, now push back into Down Dog...or don't.  I don't really care.  Just lay on the floor for the next hour if you want to, you're not doing it right anyway.  I went to Bali for training so you either do it my way or just roll on up out of here.  In fact, you know what?  Class is over.  I don't really care if you paid for an hour, my uterus hurts and brunch at La Pretentious Vegan Cafe ends in 15 minutes so I gotta go anyway.  Next week's class will be held in the unlit alleyway behind the Subway dumpster and I need payment up front.  I will text you the time of the class if I feel like teaching that day.  If not, it's your loss because I am one of the best yoga teachers you will ever have so you suck if you don't show up.  Namaste."

Add the fact that she possesses a "cute lil" uterus, and this is perfect. You paint quite a picture!

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11 hours ago, Irate Panda said:

I’m assuming she’s talking about other people being privileged because they are straight white christian whatever.  I don’t think she’s referring to herself, so she’s still gay.

She's so hateful and obnoxious.  She should be rejoicing in the happiness of being with the love of her life (Sludge), accepting her body and spiritualtiy (yoga), and financially *okay* because her polygamist mother supports her with her pyramid schemes and rice krispy treats while Pudge attains an education that only 13% of the US population attains and which costs more than many people's annual incomes. 

Her social work and social justice clientele must be lining up for her insights.  Or, maybe her post is aimed at Meri.

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Branding for Mariah Brown: includes desperately trying to create something beautiful from a very ugly soul, reworking her furious stream of consciousness tirades against her followers into something that won't cause everyone to unfollow her (thus making her social media presence completely moot), taking pensively posed photos of Mariah at every possible opportunity (including being woken up when I am sound asleep because she just got an idea to pose with her armpit hair showing from behind our potted ficus plant), and feeding her copious amounts of sugar-laden brunch food so the resulting crash will cause her to leave me alone for an hour or so.

Branding for Lizzie's Heritage Inn:  includes daily wipedown of "antique" knick-knacks so the dust won't show when I take photographs, advertising "limited rooms available" when in actuality we have only had 6 guests since July of 2019, adjusting the lighting so it looks like we have ghosts, checking cinnamon rolls and Rice Krispie treats for dog hair before serving, helping Meri locate those XXL demonic ladybug leggings from the moldy boxes in the garage to send to Madge in Dubuque, and making sure there are no orange streaks or mascara tears on any of the furniture.

Edited by laurakaye
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2 hours ago, Kohola3 said:

Her website.  Apparently Chicago is a goner.

Interesting that Audge has designated SLC as her place of employment, some 3 hours distant from Parowan, where she and Mariah still appear to be living.  Possibly there was no room at the Inn for the paraphernalia required to set up shop as a graphic artist and she has rented space in an artist studio there.  

Besides, Parowan would hardly be noted as a hotbed of creative activity, so Salt Lake City sounds better on a resume.

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Mariah's graduate program is a 3-year program.  The first semester of the 3rd year includes a practicum, so that could be outside of Chicago.  But, the last semester looks to be on-campus. 

COVID may have a big impact on coursee delivery and experential education opportunities.  Regardless, how can they be in an ex-ex-burb of greater, greater Salt Lake City (aka Parowan) if Mariah's still matriculating in a Chicago school?  Maybe she doesn't really need her degrees.  After all, Meri with her plyg home-school GED was employed, helping in-trouble youth.

Also, I would think being a branded wellness blogger in Chicago would inhibit your professional career opportunities in and outside of Chicago, especially when you are Mariah, and your brand is supposed to be "simple, approachable and beautiful."  Then, there are those pesky corporate social media policies . . . 

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On 11/4/2020 at 12:26 PM, Grifter Lives said:

Mariah's graduate program is a 3-year program.  The first semester of the 3rd year includes a practicum, so that could be outside of Chicago.  But, the last semester looks to be on-campus. 

Maybe she is doing a "gap year."  I know that is normally between high school and college, but maybe the COVID restrictions permit it.   I really haven't a clue.  I need to look up cisesh, I guess.  The term cis is getting on my nerves.  I am grumpy old lady.

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Message added by Scarlett45,

Leon is transgender and uses they/them pronouns. As defined in the GLAAD guidelines, they are a they, were a they, and will be a they unless they ever tell us something different.  Per those guidelines, referring to them as a woman or a girl or as she is not okay, regardless of any modifier placed before these words or the time period being discussed.  Referring to them by any name besides "Leon" or "Leo" is not appropriate, regardless of the time period being discussed. Intent matters and people may slip up. Let's strive to respect their identity.

Please review the guidelines of the site regarding the Hate Speech and Insensitive Language Policy, which includes guidelines from GLAAD for the LGBTQ+ community.

Also remember the Golden Rule of Primetimer is Be Civil.

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