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Teresa Checks In Part 2: Mr. Mom For The Shore

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"I chose to work hard" Really, Joe? Really?! Christ. *facepalm.* 


Though, Joe Gorga reminded us all he's the outright creepiest one in the family. Who asks about their sister having phone sex?! Doesn't matter he asked Joe, it was about him and Teresa. JoeGi has probably cheated on Teresa for years and he's said horrible things and has been a lot of bad things but he's never been pervy (even with the asking the convict about sex.) Gorga keeps finding new levels of perv. I shut it off for a bit as they got into jerking off. Way to keep embarrassing your children, Joe's! I can't imagine Gia's reaction watching this. That poor girl the hits just keep coming. I feel bad for all the kids, but, I don't know, I feel the worst for Gia and I really want to see her rise above all of this.


Does it realy take 6months to be approved for the average person, or does that mean there's things about Joe Gorga they had to look into?


Rino! Seeing him was a nice surprise.


Melissa really should work on squeezing out a tear one of these days for future fake crying. Considering how many times she's faked cried by now she should be better at it.

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Where has Joe Giudice's mom been? Think we'll get to see her?

Also, Joe not wearing his seatbelt on the drive down to the Jersey shore. Way to follow the law, Joe!

Gia's red, white & blue outfit that she wore 'down the shore' was really kinda trashy. It is too bad there's no one around to correct her. I mean, there's Melissa. But Melissa probably helped her pick it out...

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Yeah, I caught that too. What?! Denial is strong with this one.



That was hilarious. Totally suggesting that he was just working hard at an honest job and somehow fell into jail anyway. It's like he thought he was talking about cancer or something and saying "You know, I never smoked. Yet I got lung cancer anyway!" And how did he describe what he did? He wasn't trying to hurt anyone or something? I guess that's true--he wasn't wanting to hurt anyone, he just wanted more money and didn't really mind if people got hurt.


I know the grandfather isn't well but it's like they use him to keep the family as emotional hostages. "OMG, don't cry! You know grandpa hates that! He'll self-destruct if he sees tears!"

Edited by sistermagpie
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Maybe it's the Great Lakes State girl in me and my desire to preserve our waterways, but when the kids blew off those confetti cannons and Joe said not to bother cleaning it up because the wind would blow it all away, I got pissed. Yeah, blow it right into the canal and into the stomachs of birds and fish. Another way he's an ignorant, entitled ass and teaching his kids it's normal to be the same way. Even if nothing ended up dead, it still floats and gets stuck on the neighbors' seawall, pilings, boats. Sucked into jet ski intakes...he has little respect for anybody.

Edited by ryebread
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And....he doesn't bother wearing a seatbelt!! LOL, I'm gonna leave it to you guys to point out all the really horrible things this moron did/said tonight. His polluting and non-compliance to seat belt laws were what got my knickers in a bunch. :-) To Joe, *his* littering isn't a problem and he thinks he's too invincible to be launched through a windshield?

Edited by ryebread
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Joe doesn't have time for the environment, animals or seatbelt laws, he's trying to figure out how a hardworking man like himself is ending up in jail!

The lawyer always seems to be having drinks with Joe, and I doubt he's riding a bicycle. Maybe he's the kind of lawyer Joe says Tre's locked up with? Every time the lawyer makes a comment about how hard Teresa has it, they're putting in a cut of Joe saying its not that bad. A lawyer who is just defending them isn't someone to laugh at in general because someone had to represent them. But he's going the famewhore mile, going on the show as he is makes him probably as dumb as they are. This is some shitty advertising.

Edited by Gigi43
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I thought that Joe was clearly kidding about letting the wind blow away the confetti. Both he and Melissa laughed after he said it, in a "that would be so bad!" kind of way, not as a stated plan of action. 

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So, so many things.


First of all, I'm sorry Lotus.  I love you but I did watch.  


No way it took JoeGo  six months to get approved to visit.  If there was something in his record keeping him from visiting he would have been denied, otherwise he would have been approved pretty quick given he would be in her pre sentence report.


Teresa is making a bigger deal out of being shaken down than it really is.   If staff is doing it right, the inmates experience shakedowns two or three times a week, at least.


I have always said that the effects felt by family and friends are one of the bigger punishments that come with incarceration.  However, I have never seen it live and up close in the living room and bedrooms, vacation homes of the family members.  Teresa and Joe may be the criminals and the ones serving prison time, but the sentence they (the PARENTS) handed their children is inexcusable and heartbreaking.  No home, no car, no vacation to Italy, no diamond is worth the suffering they have inflicted on their kids.  The girls will deal with the ripples from what their parents have bore them as long as they live.


I stand by what I have said a few times in these threads:  Joe Guidice is exactly the kind of inmate who thrives in prison.  He will be just fine.  The time he does will be probably the easiest time in his life, aside from living with the pain he is causing his family.


I have no doubt Teresa looks better than she ever has.  All that makeup and fancy hair ages a person.


Melissa needs to give up on the acting, she has no future in it.  Terrible.


Gia looks 30 years old in her talking heads.


I don't blame Teresa's dad for not visiting her in prison.  I hope she feels his disappointment in her every day.  She better pray he doesn't die while she is in.  It's tragic what happened to JoeGi's dad but I think it would be even worse if he had died while Joe is incarcerated.  


Because it cannot be said enough, shame on them for the pain they are causing their children.  And to think the only reason is so they could greedily lead a grander lifestyle.  So gross.

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No one in these families seems to know how to wear a seat belt. Either the shoulder strap is tucked under their arm or they don't bother to wear one at all. I noticed kids in the back seat not sitting in their car seats...

Also, the kids playing around on the boat and the dock with no immediate adult supervision and no life jackets. I kept waiting for one of them to fall into the water...it only takes a minute for one of the under kids to fall in the water and not come back up.

Edited by Chellichik
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It took Joe Gorga six months to get on the visitors list? What is his criminal background?

Not to say he doesn't have a past of any kind, or that it is the norm, but yes, it could take that long to get approval. Nothing moves quickly when dealing with a prison.

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So, so many things.


First of all, I'm sorry Lotus.  I love you but I did watch.  

NO!! I'm consoling myself by thinking you did so only to write down the names of all the advertisers in order to send boycott tweets! :)

And you semi-redeemed yourself with your post, esp. these thoughts:

I don't blame Teresa's dad for not visiting her in prison.  I hope she feels his disappointment in her every day.  She better pray he doesn't die while she is in.  It's tragic what happened to JoeGi's dad but I think it would be even worse if he had died while Joe is incarcerated.  


Because it cannot be said enough, shame on them for the pain they are causing their children.  And to think the only reason is so they could greedily lead a grander lifestyle.  So gross.


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Don't remember exactly what Joe and Teresa were talking about, I think it was the shake down/phone thing and Joe says "they really watch you, huh?" Umm, Joe? It's a prison! Of course they watch her! I really doubt they will deport Joe. Just don't think it will happen.

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I like this show. It's the only one I record and watch live. Boycott, protest, whatever. Scream it loud and proud. It will only get me 8-12 more episodes. Yay

I have a serious question, though. Is Joe illegal? It doesn't really matter if it's his parents or his fault but, he's been here since the age of one. Went to school, got a driver's license, marriage license(I assume), etc. He's 44 now. Married to a citizen. My confusion comes in as to how taxes factor in. Do illegal persons have to pay? I'm assuming he paid some years and we know he didn't pay other years. I'm just ignorant to how all that works. Any help understanding is much appreciated.

(I ask this because my 65 year old father just recently had to renew his license to drive and couldn't because he doesn't have a birth certificate. His DD-214 from Vietnam wasn't good enough. It was a big pain.)

In the words of TM2 grandma Dawn, "that don't make no damn sense to me."

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Melissa and Joe Go were on WWHL several months after Tre went to prison. Melissa said that they hadn't visited Tre because they weren't on her approved list. Melissa said that Tre hadn't put them on the list. I wasn't aware, but I guess the inmate can choose who can go on their visitor list, and apparently it did not include Mela nd Joe Go, at least initially. 

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Dear I hear right or did Joe Gui say that his entire family, including his parents, because US citizens, but he never did? That makes no freaking sense. 


Well his parents became citizens, but all his siblings were born here so they were citizens automatically.  I'm sure it was something he figured he didn't need to do, like obeying laws.

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Melissa and Joe Go were on WWHL several months after Tre went to prison. Melissa said that they hadn't visited Tre because they weren't on her approved list. Melissa said that Tre hadn't put them on the list. I wasn't aware, but I guess the inmate can choose who can go on their visitor list, and apparently it did not include Mela nd Joe Go, at least initially.

Melissa is also leaving out that an inmate can only put a small amount of people on their list to begin with. So if it's lets say, 6 people, why in the world would she choose Melissa who she barely likes, when she probably is much closer to folks on Joe's side of the family. Or other friends etc whoo would all want to be on the list as well.

Just another lame attempt at Melissa to make herself the victim.

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I had no idea there was even such a think as Gucci dinnerware.  How much does that stuff cost?  Crazy.  And stupid as hell. They're plates.  Jeez.


I agree with the poster who said Audriana is adorable.  She sure is.  But I think they all are in their own way.  Yes Milania is a straight-up thug, and that's gonna be bad in the future for her mother without Joe there to at least attempt to keep her in line, but she's hilarious.  And while yes, Gia is wearing a lot of makeup in her TH's, I think she's turned into a really pretty and intelligent young lady.  I have a son her age and I see girls all the time done up way more than I would've let my now-adult daughter do at that age. 


And I admit it, I still think Joe is hysterical.  Is he a total criminal idiot?  Yep, and so is his ridiculous wife.  But he just makes me laugh.  He's obviously so full of BS as far as his criminal activity is concerned, but I've always like his no BS approach to the show.  Especially when the rest of them are all too busy trying to one-up each other and half of them are broke as a joke just like the Guidices. 

Edited by mjstrick
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I must admit I was surprised at how emotional Juicy has been throughout these episodes. He’s always been such a shrug-gy “whaddayagunnado” guy that to see him actually tear up and break down was a bit startling.  I tend to think that it has more to do with his father dying than any sadness or guilt over Tre being in prison, but who knows.


Audriana is adorable.



This bears repeating!  She really is such a doll. She and Gabriella look so much alike.  But I think A’s little curls really give her that nudge from lovely to WOW.


Who was the fat slimy Oompa-Loompa reading Teresa's fake prison diary in the preview? I bet that "diary" was more fiction than real.

His lawyer? 


I kind of agree but I kind of disagree. I think he could be the type to keep his head down and follow the rules but we've seen him get into physical fights over stupid, insignificant stuff at least twice in the show's history (christening brawl and the fight during the retreat).

I do believe that Teresa will have a hard time adjusting to life out of prison. I think she's been there long enough to become institutionalized and that's she is the type of person who is susceptible to that sort of thing (we all are, to varying degrees). I understand why she says it's like a spa; it's a highly controlled environment removed from the stresses of daily life.

I remember that when Teresa went in, some rags reported that she had to detox, so that could be why she looks better. Who knows whether that is true.
Minor point, but Joe Giudice doesn't know to to exercise. Was he attempting to do cardio on that weight machine? Why so fast with those reps?

RE: the fighting.  I think those previous brawls were more alcohol-induced than rage-fueled though.  So unless he finds a way to continue making his homemade vino, I tend to think he’ll try to stay out of any prison brawls.  Put perhaps I’m giving Juicy too much credit!

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It took Joe Gorga six months to get on the visitors list? What is his criminal background?

Joe Giudice should know better than to talk about knowing people connected to organized crime on camera when he's going to be entering prison soon.


Also, Joe Gorga is waaay to interested in his brother-in-law's sex life.

That conversation skeeved me the hell out. The last thing I would want to know is if someone was jerking off while thinking of my sibling. Yuck! 


Also, Melissa is trying extra hard to get face time on this show. If the cameras weren't there, I don't think she would be as gung ho about being involved with the kids. JoBro seems way more genuine than her. 

Edited by Marigny
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I like this show. It's the only one I record and watch live. Boycott, protest, whatever. Scream it loud and proud. It will only get me 8-12 more episodes. Yay

I have a serious question, though. Is Joe illegal? It doesn't really matter if it's his parents or his fault but, he's been here since the age of one. Went to school, got a driver's license, marriage license(I assume), etc. He's 44 now. Married to a citizen. My confusion comes in as to how taxes factor in. Do illegal persons have to pay? I'm assuming he paid some years and we know he didn't pay other years. I'm just ignorant to how all that works. Any help understanding is much appreciated.

(I ask this because my 65 year old father just recently had to renew his license to drive and couldn't because he doesn't have a birth certificate. His DD-214 from Vietnam wasn't good enough. It was a big pain.)

In the words of TM2 grandma Dawn, "that don't make no damn sense to me."

Joe is not in the country illegally-he is not a citizen.  Immigration laws are such that if you commit a financial crime over a certain dollar amount it is mandatory deportation.  Maybe Joe should have applied to become a US citizen .

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The lawyer always seems to be having drinks with Joe, and I doubt he's riding a bicycle. Maybe he's the kind of lawyer Joe says Tre's locked up with? Every time the lawyer makes a comment about how hard Teresa has it, they're putting in a cut of Joe saying its not that bad.



I wondered if there wasn't some interesting conflict of interests going on there. The lawyer knows it's better to stress how his client is suffering correctly for her crime; Joe needs to believe that jail is not a big deal at all for Theresa--just as it won't be for him. He's got to be dreading it.

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I must admit I was surprised at how emotional Juicy has been throughout these episodes. He’s always been such a shrug-gy “whaddayagunnado” guy that to see him actually tear up and break down was a bit startling.  I tend to think that it has more to do with his father dying than any sadness or guilt over Tre being in prison, but who knows.



This bears repeating!  She really is such a doll. She and Gabriella look so much alike.  But I think A’s little curls really give her that nudge from lovely to WOW.


This is what is surprising the hell out of me.  I keep thinking that any episode now, he's gonna haul off and tell one or all of the kids to shut the eff up or lose his patience with them.  But he's a pineapple cutting, ponytail maker who loves his family, a lot.  Who knew?


It's like they have 2 sets of twins.  Gabriella and Audriana look exactly like each other and Gia and Miliania look exactly like and then neither set look like each other.  They're all beautiful.  Miliania though. LMAO!  Drinking lattes and pocketing emery boards?  Lawd.  All she's missing is the cigarette dangling from the edge of her lips.   They may as well make as many connections in the correctional system as possible for that one there.  


Yes to whoever said upthread that they're a little over:  it makes nonno upset to see you cry.  Um yeah, well, he's grown, he knows how to deal.  I'm a 14 year old living under the public scrutiny and embarrassment of this shit and I should suck it up?  Leave the room grandpa. 


eta b/c Miliania and Gia are two different children

Edited by ZaldamoWilder
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I missed last week's episode, and discussion, but this bugged me last night:  how do they think the little girls don't know where Teresa is?  When every call starts with that recorded "an inmate at blahblah correctional facility" message?

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Melissa was laying it on super thick this episode. I can't get over how many times she made passive aggressive digs about how she wasn't on Teresa's email chain because "there was no more room" and them talking about it taking six months for Joe to get approved to visit. I appreciate that it must be kind of shitty that Teresa didn't include either of them on her list of visitors or on her email chain, seeing that they're family. But neither party can deny that things have been terrible between the families for the past several years. Why would Teresa include them? Things might be getting better but they're not fixed. Maybe she doesn't want to see the two family members who talked a bunch of crap on her on TV visit her in prison. I don't agree with that, but that's probably what it is and Joe and Melissa use it to make it look like they're the doting family who cares while Teresa is the shrew keeping them away. Spare me. The woman is in jail. Leave her alone.

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I know I shouldn't enjoy this show in any way but, I watch it and Milania still rules, little latte drinking, nail, file stealing munchskin.

On a serious note, it really isn't cute.  Good lord, is she going to make jail time for stealing a tradition in this family. Who is going to teach this child right from wrong? Because some kids get it, and can beat the odds even though their parents are criminals and set a bad example. Milania doesn't look like one of those kids, she needs a serious firm hand.


Joe doing her hair was adorable and as icky as it seems her shaving his back, boy she loves her daddy. She and the youngest one are truly daddy's girls.


And she caught that couple of years comment that he said when he was explaining  his "going away to work." 

Edited by represent
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Miraculously all of Joe and Teresa's kids seem pretty bright, so, I think they are aware of more than people are giving them credit for.

I have to agree.  Then I’ve gotta ask myself: HOW in the world did that happen with Tre and JJ as their parents?


I know for a fact (home videos: urggh) that I wasn’t half as composed or well-spoken at age 13/14 as Gia seems to be. Granted, part of that might have to do with living half her life “on camera” but still. 


Milania can be a terror but yeah, not much seems to get by her.  She’s definitely bright.


It’s harder to “see” with Gabriella because she is so shy/quiet, but I believe Gia when she said she was mature for her age.

Edited by Duke2801
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Milania putting the nail file in her pocket came off as so staged. The camera was clearly close up on her, and it was never addressed in any way, I can see them encouraging her to do something kinda shady to cut it with Melissa commenting she was behaving. Hell, production was probably disappointed she wasn't being a real terror.


So I lent myself to be an extra set of ears for my father at a Post-Op checkup he had this morning (unlike the Gorga's I will not be making this a tally mark anywhere that I went and my mother/brother worked! Though maybe I should so we can get on TV and never work?) When we were passing time in the waiting room he asked "So, whats been going on with the shifty Jersey characters?" I believe I've mentioned in the Trials thread my father has a strange interest in HWNJ because "they all remind him of the people he tries to avoid" in his real life growing up in Brooklyn then Queens, as an Italian. Like me, he had no idea Gucci makes plates, and he asked me "Oh let me know if/when the feds seize them, for the right low price we can pretend like we have money too! Where they trying to impress the Gorga's? Gorga may fake sinks, but I'm sure Melissa wastes credit card space on real crap like that, too."  He really wants to hear Joe's claim about working hard since "he's still living in greaseball mode where you're only a criminal if you're waving a gun around to get money. He thinks his scams were work." I told him about Joe Gorga's creepy comments about Joe/Teresa phone sex and he said, which he's said before, that the Gorga parents should be on more to get more insight as to if they got really unlucky, or if they're "really screwy to create those two." 

Edited by Gigi43
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I'm not sure why Gia & Joe are operating under the illusion that Audriana doesn't know where Teresa actually is. Perhaps at her young age she doesn't fully comprehend what it means to be incarcerated, but based on the boat scene ("Daddy, don't go!"), she clearly understands a lot more than they give her credit for.


Teresa made it seem like she was physically assaulted with the business about her "shakedown." GMAFB. Her cell was searched which I expect has happened to her in prison before, and will almost certainly happen again, before she gets out. Also, if you don't want to be suspected of violating the rules, maybe try NOT VIOLATING THE RULES. Idiot. 


I'm so sick of everyone acting like Tre is some poor, put-upon innocent victim of a smear campaign. She and JOOOOOEEEWWW both lied, defrauded, cheated, and perjured themselves. Repeatedly! Moreover, other innocent hard-working people (including their own relatives, in some cases! #insiderinfo) have been victimized by their greed and their endless spinning of the truth. I don't care if JoeGo and his plastic wife are responsible for the pin coming out of the grenade, it was their OWN criminal actions which caused the damn thing to launch. 


She's not at a spa and she's not on vacation and she sure as hell isn't at "work." That is just more of their same shit-different day philosophy, just lie and spin and point the finger somewhere else and hopefully it'll all go away.


Gia needs to focus less on her mother's raggedy-ass Glam Squad and more on high school. 

Milania could do with a few less donuts.

Audriana is smarter than all of them put together.

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Milania putting the nail file in her pocket came off as so staged. The camera was clearly close up on her, and it was never addressed in any way, I can see them encouraging her to do something kinda shady to cut it with Melissa commenting she was behaving. Hell, production was probably disappointed she wasn't being a real terror.


So I lent myself to be an extra set of ears for my father at a Post-Op checkup he had this morning (unlike the Gorga's I will not be making this a tally mark anywhere that I went and my mother/brother worked! Though maybe I should so we can get on TV and never work?) When we were passing time in the waiting room he asked "So, whats been going on with the shifty Jersey characters?" I believe I've mentioned in the Trials thread my father has a strange interest in HWNJ because "they all remind him of the people he tries to avoid" in his real life growing up in Brooklyn then Queens, as an Italian. Like me, he had no idea Gucci makes plates, and he asked me "Oh let me know if/when the feds seize them, for the right low price we can pretend like we have money too! Where they trying to impress the Gorga's? Gorga may fake sinks, but I'm sure Melissa wastes credit card space on real crap like that, too."  He really wants to hear Joe's claim about working hard since "he's still living in greaseball mode where you're only a criminal if you're waving a gun around to get money. He thinks his scams were work." I told him about Joe Gorga's creepy comments about Joe/Teresa phone sex and he said, which he's said before, that the Gorga parents should be on more to get more insight as to if they got really unlucky, or if they're "really screwy to create those two." 

Quick! Sign Dad up so he can snark with the rest of us. 

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That was Milania. Who is crazy.

And my long-time favorite; I find her to be the most entertaining RH child of all the franchises.    Having a coffee and swiping the emery board was hilarious.  I mean I wouldn't want her in my house but I enjoy her on my TV.


Of course the girls know what's going on!  They have phones and they can read.  Even Adrianna has ears and eyes.  Every one of Mommy's phone calls are preceded the announcement she is an inmate at a federal correctional facility.  


I mostly FF'd  through this mess.  Everyone in mourning over poor poor Teresa the criminal acting like her incarceration is something that just "happened to her" like a terrible disease or a car crash instead of 11 months of yoga, step classes, and meals on the Fed's dime for crimes she committed.   Oh and time to keep a journal  that some poor editor is going to have to decipher and make into a book.   One hour was okay but three parts of everyone acting like Teresa died and left four young girls motherless is getting ridiculous. 


This family should be grateful that the court is letting them do their time in the way that one parent will be home.  Now these  girls can make some memories with their Dad before he leaves.  Hopefully, this is all a lot harder on Joe and Teresa than it is on their daughters. 


edited because auto correct sucks

Edited by Cosmocrush
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Does Joe have a crush on his sister? I always thought it was weird that Teresa acted as though Joe should put her before Melissa.

Honestly I always sensed a bit of something like that with these two. Not to the extent of an incestuous relationship or anything, but I do think their relationship has always been odd, like Teresa has always been jealous of Melissa and wanted her brother to be more on Tre's side than his wife's. Someone also pointed out on this board a long time ago that Tre essentially married a version of her brother (he's even got the same name) and Joe married a version of his sister. It is rather creepy.

Does anyone watch The Hotwives on Hulu? It is a parody series on Hulu and on the most recent season (Las Vegas) they parodied this exact thing, with the characters of Yolanda and Carlton from Beverly Hills fighting over Yolanda's husband, who is the Carlton character's brother. I suspect it was a nod to Teresa and Joe Gorga's odd brother-sister relationship.

Edited by BogoGog24
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I don't blame Teresa's dad for not visiting her in prison.  I hope she feels his disappointment in her every day



NoNo doesn't this his daughter is a felon, he thinks she's a victim.  Like Joe is.


I bailed shortly after the masturbation discussion.   Seriously?  These guys want their CHILDREN hearing shit like that?


I have a feeling Joe will leave the country before he's scheduled to surrender.  He hangs with upstanding people getting a forged passport is not beyond the realm of possibility.


Those kids are gong to act out n the worst way when Felon #1 comes home and Felon#2 goes away for work". And you KNOW she'll continue to pimp those untelegenic kids out for the last penny she can squeeze from Bravo.

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What was up with Teresa asking Gabriella if she was watching the World Cup? Presumably she was talking about soccer, and not rugby, as Gabriella is supposed to be this great soccer player...Is Teresa in some kind of prison time warp that brings her back to 2014? Or is she just completely clueless?

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What was up with Teresa asking Gabriella if she was watching the World Cup? Presumably she was talking about soccer, and not rugby, as Gabriella is supposed to be this great soccer player...Is Teresa in some kind of prison time warp that brings her back to 2014? Or is she just completely clueless?

She was most likely referring to the Women's World Cup, which ended right around July 4th this year.

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