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S06.E09: Robyn's Big Announcement


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What bugs me about the Meri situation is that I really believe she knew before the entire thing started that she didn't have cancer or that it was .00000001% chance on the list of things that could be wrong. Just because it shows up as a possibility when you goggle 'stomach ache' doesn't mean you have a cancer scare. 


I was upset about this following last week's trailer. I knew it was coming. They create a lot of things for the show. They manufacture drama. But cancer is not a joke. It is not a subject to use to manufacture drama. You do not create a cancer scare for ratings. That is just the lowest of the low. And that's saying something for this family. 

Edited by 3girlsforus
  • Love 20

I found it interesting that having Robyn come into the family seems to have opened Christine's eyes a bit.  Robyn doesn't always "keep sweet" and the world doesn't collapse.  Kody's response, of course, was typically self-centered -- basically "How can I listen to you and still do whatever I want?"


I agree that having Meri make the announcement about Roby's pregnancy was mean.  It was enough that she hosted the dinner; Kody and Robyn should have made the announcement.


Dayton is officially my favorite Brown.

  • Love 10

What bugs me about the Meri situation is that I really believe she knew before the entire thing started that she didn't have cancer or that it was .00000001% chance on the list of things that could be wrong. Just because it shows up as a possibility when you goggle 'stomach ache' doesn't mean you have a cancer scare. 


I was upset about this following last week's trailer. I knew it was coming. They create a lot of things for the show. They manufacture drama. But cancer is not a joke. It is not a subject to use to manufacture drama. You do not create a cancer scare for ratings. That is just the lowest of the low. And that's saying something for this family.

That someone who lost a sister to cancer is the "lead actress" in this lie makes it especially galling. They have no shame, no decency.

  • Love 5

Watching this train wreck is an entirely new experience in light of the recent revelations of Meri's naughtiness.  Her sadness and disconnection are palpable, particularly in the couch scenes.  At the beginning of the episode, when Robyn announced that they planned to visit the lawyer's office to finalize the adoption papers, Christine clapped her hands like a child and Meri sat there, stone-faced.  Her stomach hurts because she's being eaten alive by guilt and concealed hatred for Robyn and she's probably losing weight because she has a secret love interest on the horizon.  Still no sympathy for Meri.  She made this bed with eyes wide open.  (Side note: I am beyond disgusted that they're using the [slim] possibility of cervical cancer as a tension-building storyline.  TLC manages to top itself every time.)   


Again, Robyn is the devil incarnate.  The lead-up to her pregnancy announcement was irritating and highlighted just what an entitled princess Robyn is.  She seemed honestly pissed about the fact that the older kids had negative reactions to her last pregnancy.  If she wants to know why fewer fucks were given this time it's because half of the kids who raised concerns over Solomon are out of the house now and don't have to deal with the crazy anymore.  As for asking Meri to host the gathering . . . wow.  As much as I dislike Meri, that was just plain mean.


Every time Dayton gets screen time, I realize that he's easily the most mature member of the Robyn crazy train.  I love his calm, measured responses to his authority figures' insanity.  He just takes it all in, acknowledges that he might have a hard time adjusting, and keeps on keepin' on.  I know people twice his age who aren't able to do that as gracefully as he does.  Unfortunately, he has plenty of practice with more still to come.


Aurora.  Good grief, honey, cool it.  I might be wrong (and I hope to God I am), but her feverishly excited reactions feel very Oedipal to me.  She lights up like Christmas morning whenever Kody is in the room.  She knows she can't have him, so the next best thing is to watch her mother's ascension to the top of the Brown food chain.  Her reactions to any new bit of adoption news are seriously off-putting and make me wonder exactly what the hell David Preston Jessop did to deserve this public middle finger.  It's as if they're trying to erase each and every reminder of the fact that he's their father.  I can't blame the kids; I'm sure they've been thoroughly brain-washed against their dad.  Each time Aurora dissolves into tears and sobs that she's so happy to be a Brown, I want to go find DPJ and shake him until he realizes that he and his three children are being railroaded by a shady band of grifters (and files for public defamation of character).

  • Love 16


Aurora.  Good grief, honey, cool it.  I might be wrong (and I hope to God I am), but her feverishly excited reactions feel very Oedipal to me.  


I've seen this comment a few times and I completely see why it's a popular possibility. But I don't think it's quite that disgusting. This girl is desperate for approval. From watching her mom, the person who matters most when it comes to approval giving is Kody. She's been told from day 1 that now Kody is her dad but she knows that the other zillion kids really are Kody's children. She is probably being told by Robyn that they need to really give Kody all their love now that he's their dad. Most kids have the confidence in knowing their dad is their dad and he loves them no matter what. Robyn has taught her kids that dads are interchangeable and their love needs to be earned/won. Add to that the fact that Robyn is now bearing multiple real Kody babies. It's no wonder Aurora is desperate to show Kody he's her world. I doubt Aurora knows any of this consciously nor do I think her behavior is healthy but to me it's hardly surprising.

  • Love 14

Do people really get CAT scans for GI problems? I would think a colonoscopy or endoscopy would be better?

I do know that it's only in the past 6 years or so that Paps went to every three years. That's because a DNA test for HPV came out, and some strains are strongly associated with cervical cancer. So if you are HPV clear, it's safe to have Paps less often. Source: I am a lab tech that does this test.

  • Love 5

Things that made me go hmmm.  This is "The Robyn Show".  I find it interesting that when Christine voices her concerns she is being confrontational, but when Robyn voices her concerns it's called having a voice. All of a sudden Christine is Robyn's biggest cheerleader; what happened to Meri?  Seems to me that Janelle is much happier now that Kody and Meri are divorced.

  • Love 4

That someone who lost a sister to cancer is the "lead actress" in this lie makes it especially galling. They have no shame, no decency.

I don't know. TLC can certainly be shady with story lines and timelines, but an emotionally vulnerable person might be subject to a little panic and/or hypochondria. Her whole life is in upheaval, which could lead to a frantic feeling of wanting more control. Even a hint that her health might be threatened could easily seem very real and highly terrifying. Especially if she lost a family member; then you really, really KNOW and can visualize that bad things happen health wise.

  • Love 2

Do people really get CAT scans for GI problems?


Like another poster, I thought the CAT scan was to check for possible ulcer or a problem with the liver or some other internal abnormality. Then I guess they went to checking Pap, and if no indications a problem, would probably then schedule colonoscopy or endoscopy procedures. But the cervical problem appeared so they're going to rule that out first. I didn't take it that Meri thought she has cancer, only that it's a possible situation.


I bet if she has more medical appointments to find out what's causing her stomach pain and weight loss, we won't see Kody with her at any of them!

  • Love 1

All of a sudden Christine is Robyn's biggest cheerleader; what happened to Meri?  Seems to me that Janelle is much happier now that Kody and Meri are divorced.

If Robyn is now Kody's #1, then the best way to ascend to #2 is to slobber all over #1.  It's got to be torture for Christine, though, because it seems that all the qualities in Christine that Kody clearly sees as negative, in Robyn he sees as positive.  From what I have seen on the show and read in their book, I don't think Kody ever necessarily wanted Christine as one of his wives, but she was plyg royalty, and I'm sure she fed Kody's massive ego by chasing him all over town.  


You're right about Janelle.  She seems very calm and centered now that Mean Meri had her karma delivered back to her in the form of a divorce and a busted catfish scam.


I have to wonder, behind closed doors - are the other wives giving Meri one iota of support?  Based only on the couch sessions, I would say the answer is clearly NO.  The wives chatter and flutter around Kody, with the exception of Meri, with her closed-off body language and silence.  Sadness radiates off of her even through my tv screen, but it's as if the other adults on the couch don't even realize she's there.

  • Love 6

"I heart Dayton. I hate that him being reasonable is blame in aspergers. No, it's not. It's called maturity."   That would be like blaming a bad mood on PMS....oh...wait a minute.  

I have no idea what they do for a living either, but I'll bet it goes something like this: Meri gets herself nice and orange with self tanner, then spends the rest of the day gettin' some sweet Catfishin' love on the internet, Kody and Raaaaww-bin bump uglies (sorry for the visual), Christine drinks wine and cries while her mother cares for her children and Janelle is hopefully working a secret job and funnelling her paycheck into an account with only her name on it. Polygamy's the best, y'all!

we monogamists simply have no idea!

  • Love 2

I've seen this comment a few times and I completely see why it's a popular possibility. But I don't think it's quite that disgusting. This girl is desperate for approval. From watching her mom, the person who matters most when it comes to approval giving is Kody. She's been told from day 1 that now Kody is her dad but she knows that the other zillion kids really are Kody's children. She is probably being told by Robyn that they need to really give Kody all their love now that he's their dad. Most kids have the confidence in knowing their dad is their dad and he loves them no matter what. Robyn has taught her kids that dads are interchangeable and their love needs to be earned/won. Add to that the fact that Robyn is now bearing multiple real Kody babies. It's no wonder Aurora is desperate to show Kody he's her world. I doubt Aurora knows any of this consciously nor do I think her behavior is healthy but to me it's hardly surprising.

Hell, in this world WIVES are interchangeable. 

Do people really get CAT scans for GI problems? I would think a colonoscopy or endoscopy would be better?

I do know that it's only in the past 6 years or so that Paps went to every three years. That's because a DNA test for HPV came out, and some strains are strongly associated with cervical cancer. So if you are HPV clear, it's safe to have Paps less often. Source: I am a lab tech that does this test.

not 100% sure, but I think she said she had the tests done already and had moved onto a CAT scan.  

  • Love 1

I've seen this comment a few times and I completely see why it's a popular possibility. But I don't think it's quite that disgusting. This girl is desperate for approval. From watching her mom, the person who matters most when it comes to approval giving is Kody. She's been told from day 1 that now Kody is her dad but she knows that the other zillion kids really are Kody's children. She is probably being told by Robyn that they need to really give Kody all their love now that he's their dad. Most kids have the confidence in knowing their dad is their dad and he loves them no matter what. Robyn has taught her kids that dads are interchangeable and their love needs to be earned/won. Add to that the fact that Robyn is now bearing multiple real Kody babies. It's no wonder Aurora is desperate to show Kody he's her world. I doubt Aurora knows any of this consciously nor do I think her behavior is healthy but to me it's hardly surprising.


I agree that Aurora's borderline obsession with Kody and unhealthily frantic reactions to the adoption and baby news aren't surprising.  They're been created and encouraged by Robyn and Kody.  I can recall early shows when Kody was just getting to know the kids and Robyn harping at them to greet him as "dad" before he was halfway in the door.  I don't blame children for anything like this, especially when they're surrounded by dysfunction and don't know any better.  I feel sorry for Aurora and I don't think she realizes how inappropriately over-the-top her reactions are.  

  • Love 4
The wives chatter and flutter around Kody, with the exception of Meri, with her closed-off body language and silence.  Sadness radiates off of her even through my tv screen, but it's as if the other adults on the couch don't even realize she's there.



The vibe I got was "sullen child ordered to attend some family function under penalty of death/losing phone privileges." Like she had been given the "you don't have to like it, just sit there and shut up" speech.  And she did.


Now, whether the speech came from the producers ("want a paycheck, Meri?  Keep your contractual obligations!") or Kody ("want a paycheck, Meri?  Keep your contractual obligations!"), I don't know.


The wives maybe felt like if they acted completely normal and bubbly, we wouldn't notice the sullen lump at the end of the sofa.  Just like everybody pretends to not notice the sullen kid in my example.

Edited by kassa
  • Love 5

is anyone minding the store, I went over there just to see what wacky mass-made-in-I-don't-know-China-Bangladesh-plyg-compound stuff was there and several pages are broken and just have random code, are things that slow that no one even cares to maintain the site?


*update ok well in the past few minutes someone has fixed it, so likely either one of them or a friend is looking at this thread.

This is what I got  on several pages  a47r7m.jpg




clearance is broken, earring page is broken, gloves, holiday, hair accessories   







Edited by BlackWidow

  The wives chatter and flutter around Kody, with the exception of Meri, with her closed-off body language and silence.  Sadness radiates off of her even through my tv screen, but it's as if the other adults on the couch don't even realize she's there.

The change in Meri is stunning, isn't it? She used to dominate a lot of the couch segments. She'd blubber at the drop of a hat, and assert herself with some measure of authority (as the legal wife). It also used to feel like Kody was still somewhat into her romantically, whereas I never got anything but a platonic acquaintanceship vibe between Kody and Janelle & Christine.  Now that Meri has lost her status, she's been made redundant, and her face and body language shows that the reality of her whole life has sunk in. I've never been a huge Meri fan, but I do wish she'd continue to lose weight, start a great fitness program, get a job that fulfills her, lose the orange glow, get a hot haircut ... and then realize she's better off on her own.

  • Love 5

It really bothered me when Robyn went to comfort Dayton after her pregnancy announcement and Aurora shoved in between them and belly hugged Robyn to the point where Robyn had to attend to her. Dayton just turned away with a resigned look on his face, like he is used to that drama. I also hate that he now has to explain his feelings to the camera, although I guess that's better than hearing him called quirky by Kodouche.

  • Love 9

Think about it: a lot of women don't buy jewelry for themselves, they consider it a love gift presented to them by somebody else (I buy jewelry for myself all the time and learned this when I wore a piece, and a coworker enthusiastically asked what the occasion had been. It hasn't been anything more than I was at a flea market and I saw something I liked. )

Anyway, how many women would want to receive a gift from MSWC? Do you think anybody really wants a gift that glorifies polygamy? What would the message be with that?

All you have to do is look at ads for jewelry stores to see they have this figured out. Starting with the iconic "a diamond is forever" slogan, you notice nobody added "and buy one for every woman you marry, too." for a while they were promoting the idea of buying a bigger diamond for the wife who has been by your side through good times and bad, and diamond anniversary bands, all stressing this is your one and only wife. I have never seen an ad targeted to men who want to adorn a second or trophy wife. Just doesn't happen.

But they are promoting "right hand rings" for women to buy for themselves. The left hand means "we" the right hand means "me." It's a statement ring, and the statement is power.

Polygamy jewelry isn't anywhere in this. The jewelry industry understands this, the Browns do not

  • Love 3
Polygamy jewelry isn't anywhere in this. The jewelry industry understands this, the Browns do not

That's a really great point. Jewelry ads always sell the fantasy of 'the perfect mate' giving you 'the perfect piece' to reflect a 'perfect love'. Why would the general public relate to polygamy jewelry in any way? They'd be better off selling baby clothes and maternity-wear. At least it would make sense from a marketing standpoint.

  • Love 2

Meri's doctors should be investigating why she is day-glo orange.

Seriously, who is telling her that looks good? Especially paired with her fried getting blonder and blonder hair.


And then the pregnancy thing. Of course we already knew, but I didn't realize she was going to make us relive just how "mean" everyone was when she announced she was pregnant with Solomon, how mistreated she was. Waaaahhhh. Spare me. That family IS big enough (given that virtually no one works and Christine has to bribe her husband to see his kids with gym mats) and bless the older kids who were strong enough to say so. Plus, after all they had just been through and you're a total newcomer to the family, don't expect them to be turning cartwheels. But yay, everyone was happy for Saint Robyn this time. Vindication! *barf*

If you knew people were unhappy with the last pregnancy, and you are so scared about how resistant they may be to this pregnancy, perhaps you should have thought about that before getting pregnant? They share everything resource wise, but no need to discuss amongst the full group whether or not their resources will stretch to another baby?

Well, Robyn has pretty much taken care of Meri and Christine. She has totally alienated them. Two down, one to go. Janelle better hold on to her hat, she's next.


Robyn will have a harder time with that one. Jenelle is a lot more sure of herself and, frankly, I just don't think she gives two fucks. She loves her kids, she has a satisfactory relationship with a dude she doesn't have to fawn over every night. I think she's fairly well at peace with things. 

  • Love 6

Well, Robyn has pretty much taken care of Meri and Christine. She has totally alienated them. Two down, one to go. Janelle better hold on to her hat, she's next.

Heh...I'd like to watch her try. I think Janelle scares the shit out of Robyn, and IMO it would be like watching a gnat pestering a rhino.


Robyn doesn't have a place to gain a foothold to drive a wedge between Kody and Janelle. You can't drive a wedge between objects that aren't closely connected to begin with.


Robyn having more kids doesn't faze Janelle--she popped out her half-dozen and is good with it (and she's now made it clear that in her head Robyn is "just a vessel for more siblings." Oh, snap!)


Janelle never saw herself as competing to somehow become the legal wife, so there's no fight there.


Janelle is apparently content with whatever crumbs Kody throws her way, and she seems utterly unruffled by Robyn being Kody's favorite.


Janelle is the only wife who has a track record of a) being able to support herself and her kids, and b) being willing and able to move out if she gets pushed too far. Robyn may be Kody's favorite plaything, but make no mistake: he is DEEPLY committed to polygamy for the psychological payoff, and he does not want to lose any of his possessions...er, wives--not even for Robyn's sake. He may favor the Dark Wife, but if she tried to overtly get rid of Janelle, that would be a shove too far for Kody. Even a stopped clock is right twice a day.

Edited by SometimesBites
  • Love 10

Meri doesn't have cancer. She had a bacterial infection. "Sam" and the administrator for The Meri Brown FB page (Kendra?) alresdy spilled the beans.

At this point if "Sam" announced gravity was a thing I would seriously doubt her. That said it's certainly highly possible that Meri and/or TLC milked a stomach ache for ratings, wouldn't be the first time.

However the change in Meri is troubling and it really does seem to come from the time of the "legal restructuring" and subsequent catfish shenanigans.

As for Aurora, I think a lot of her behaviour is on Robyn. She was clearly pushing "Kody as Dad" is the second His Douchiness decided dating a divorced woman with kids was ok because she was younger and thinner than his other wives. It wouldn't surprise me if she had previously encouraged Aurora to screen hog and/or stick to Kody like glue as another way of erasing her past. It also may partly be her personality, I apparently went through a couple of phases as a clingy kid and it worked itself out.

  • Love 2

Well, Robyn has pretty much taken care of Meri and Christine. She has totally alienated them. Two down, one to go. Janelle better hold on to her hat, she's next.


Janelle is the only wife with whom Robyn doesn't make waves. Meri and Christine on the other hand, have to make nice with her in order to stay on Kody's good side.  Janelle and her kids have never hidden the fact that they don't particularly care for Robyn and her children.  I remember one episode when Meri had to rescue poor Dayton from a beating.

  • Love 1

Janelle is the only wife with whom Robyn doesn't make waves. Meri and Christine on the other hand, have to make nice with her in order to stay on Kody's good side.  Janelle and her kids have never hidden the fact that they don't particularly care for Robyn and her children.  I remember one episode when Meri had to rescue poor Dayton from a beating.


whoa... really? What kind of beating? Was one of the kids fighting with him or are you talking about a physical punishment? 

I think Meri is definitely trying to make this "cancer" a thing. It's a Pap smear and she's acting like its a major medical procedure. I guess I'm just so done with unconfirmed cancer story lines ie Brooks. Some part of Meri probably hopes she has it. I'm also not seeing the thirty pound weight loss.

Robyn continues to bug especially how she was all boo hoo that not everyone was excited about her baby news with Solomon. No one is obligated to be excited about a decision you made on your own. She's definitely showing earlier than before but this is her fifth baby.

  • Love 6

Favorite moment:  The camera catching Meri checking her watch while Kody bloviates in a couch session.   She's so over him.  What I found interesting, is that she's not over the rest of the family.  She still shows plenty of affection to the other children, and I don't think she was faking her excitement over Robyn's pregnancy.  It seems to me that she's clearly placing all of the blame on Kody - and he simply ignores it.


Things that made me go hmmm.  This is "The Robyn Show".  I find it interesting that when Christine voices her concerns she is being confrontational, but when Robyn voices her concerns it's called having a voice. All of a sudden Christine is Robyn's biggest cheerleader; what happened to Meri?  Seems to me that Janelle is much happier now that Kody and Meri are divorced.


I'm glad that they finally revealed that Christine wasn't simply jealous of Robyn for no reason (other than being the last wife).  Robyn does mouth off at Kody - a lot.  In fact when Christine and Kody were arguing over making that cardboard boat, Robyn yelled at both of them and they shut right up.  I'm wondering if Robyn's mother was a first wife, or "had a voice" in polygamy.  If her manipulating of the other wives didn't bother me so much, I could really appreciate that attribute in Robyn.


I don't know. TLC can certainly be shady with story lines and timelines, but an emotionally vulnerable person might be subject to a little panic and/or hypochondria. Her whole life is in upheaval, which could lead to a frantic feeling of wanting more control. Even a hint that her health might be threatened could easily seem very real and highly terrifying. Especially if she lost a family member; then you really, really KNOW and can visualize that bad things happen health wise.


I agree.  The doctor brought up cancer first, and Meri seemed surprised.  Like many I had a "scare", but I went into surgery about two hours after hearing the big "C" word, and knew in recovery that I was fine.  Most people have a longer wait, and Meri has had a close loss.  Meri doesn't create the promos, and Meri doesn't edit the show.  I put this square on the production company and TLC.

  • Love 7

Loved the way Meri said her "Gynecologist/Obstetrician". Hate to tell you this honey, but your Obstetrician days are long over.

Well, to be fair, from someone who is older than Meri and well into menopause - it takes a very long time to change the expression you use. I always used ob/gyn, and it was years after the ob part became irrelevant (by choice and then by biology) before I started referring to her as my gyno.


For a woman Meri's age, Paps are only recommended every 3-5 years. That "annual" thing is a paternalistic money grab.

Unless you have a family history of cervical cancer (which I do) and HPV (which I don't). Paternalistic or not, having an annual Pap gave me great comfort - and never had a false positive in the 30 years I've been having them.


Do people really get CAT scans for GI problems? I would think a colonoscopy or endoscopy would be better?

I do know that it's only in the past 6 years or so that Paps went to every three years. That's because a DNA test for HPV came out, and some strains are strongly associated with cervical cancer. So if you are HPV clear, it's safe to have Paps less often. Source: I am a lab tech that does this test.

I would have expected an upper GI series (drinking barium - or is that not done anymore) which is what I had when I had stomach issues. Or an endoscopy. On the other hand, the problem I actually had, as it turned out years later, was gall stones - which wasn't found by either of those methods but maybe a CAT scan would find them?

  • Love 5

She may also have not been anemic, or other tests ruled out ulcers.


whoa... really? What kind of beating? Was one of the kids fighting with him or are you talking about a physical punishment?



They were on a trip (or at least out in public somewhere) and whatever happened happened off camera, but the mothers laying into  the kids happened on camera.  Janelle or Meri (or both) told them that Robyn's kids were here to stay and they'd better not DARE be mean to them again, etc.  At least that's my vague remembrance.  It was one of the few scenes where you saw a mother correcting another mother's kid.  And definitely a "come to Jesus" kind of scolding, not a "stop that or I'll tell your father" scolding.


As far as Robyn's focus on her pregnancy being celebrated, for most of these kids, somebody in the immediate family has pretty much always been pregnant their entire lives.  Yeehaw.  Doesn't mean they won't be happy to meet/love the new baby when it actually arrives.  If they're sullen jerks meeting the baby for the first time, THEN call them on it.  (To her credit, though, I will say that Robyn was eminently reasonable on the sofa talking about how Kody way overreacted to the kids being silly with names.  She recognized it was their way of having fun.)

Edited by kassa
  • Love 1

Robyn's fussing with her hair was approaching Khloe Kardashian levels in this epi.  Makes me stabby.

OMG THANK YOU!!!!!  I am that kind of picky person, who sees something and won't let it go (fun, I know) so I didn't want to bring this up.  BUT SO GLAD I'M NOT ALONE!!!!  

This is most likely the strategy at work here.  However, as a viewer, I cannot take my eyes off of Meri.

Yes, it's riveting. 


"Robyn having more kids doesn't faze Janelle--she popped out her half-dozen and is good with it (and she's now made it clear that in her head Robyn is "just a vessel for more siblings." Oh, snap!)"  Wait...what did I miss?  Did she say this?

Edited by Granny58
  • Love 1

I do t think the choice of a CT scan is all that significant. I am trying to recall the last time I had one, 4 years ago after a head injury. I have had lots of MRIs since.

Daughter was diagnosed with breast cancer exactly one year ago and she gets MRIs and PET scans now. A lot of it is what the doctor is trying to look for and a lot of it is what your insurance will pay for.

So "Sam" says Meri had a bacterial infection? Well then, if that's true, it was not HPV. More likely Chlamydia.

This story just gets better and better.

  • Love 2

"I heart Dayton. I hate that him being reasonable is blame in aspergers. No, it's not. It's called maturity."   That would be like blaming a bad mood on PMS....oh...wait a minute.  

we monogamists simply have no idea!

You win the Internet today. I totally agree. Dayton is the only one I think I'd like to have a conversation with, and the only one with a lick of sense. He's a teenage boy trying to be supportive, while processing WTF decisions made by adults. They don't have to blame Asperger's on one of the kids politely trying to figure out what kind of crack his parents are smoking with these dumbass life decisions.


I bet if she has more medical appointments to find out what's causing her stomach pain and weight loss, we won't see Kody with her at any of them!

Kody doesn't give a rat's ass if Meri has hurt feelings or cancer. If she dropped dead today, Christine might miss her, but that's about it.


Speaking of Christine - I know you want to keep sweet and keep a joyful countenance for your children, but STOP ACTING SO ENTHRALLED WITH EVERYTHING KODY AND ROBYN DO. They are still treating you like garbage and barely tolerating being civil to you. Don't jump up and look at the signing of the legal adoption papers like a kid looking for Santa. Don't be the first to hug Robyn when the news is announced (all this is from the preview). Robyn wouldn't be waving her poms at you. She'd be silent and then plot what kind of trick she had to turn to make your husband look at her. STOP IT CHRISTINE. You can't steer this trainwreck.


One more - Meri's weight loss = if she hadn't mentioned it, I never would've known by looking at her. Christine did look smaller, though.

Edited by RazzleberryPie
  • Love 7

OMG THANK YOU!!!!!  I am that kind of picky person, who sees something and won't let it go (fun, I know) so I didn't want to bring this up.  BUT SO GLAD I'M NOT ALONE!!!!  

Yes, it's riveting. 


"Robyn having more kids doesn't faze Janelle--she popped out her half-dozen and is good with it (and she's now made it clear that in her head Robyn is "just a vessel for more siblings." Oh, snap!)"  Wait...what did I miss?  Did she say this?

From Janelle's Twitter yesterday: "The truth is @LuvgvsUwngs is just the vessel for the new sibling ! Kids (and adults) are so excited . #SisterWives"

When Robyn was pregnant the first time, the rest of the family was under the false impression that they were entitled to an honest opinion. In the past four years, they have learned that they are not allowed to go against her. They understand that she is the queen of the family. They must truly despise her. I know that I do.


She was just astonishingly insufferable the entire episode. Even for Robyn's usual selfishness, it was bad. 

  • Love 5

You win the Internet today. I totally agree. Dayton is the only one I think I'd like to have a conversation with, and the only one with a lick of sense. He's a teenage boy trying to be supportive, while processing WTF decisions made by adults. They don't have to blame Asperger's on one of the kids politely trying to figure out what kind of crack his parents are smoking with these dumbass life decisions.

Kody doesn't give a rat's ass if Meri has hurt feelings or cancer. If she dropped dead today, Christine might miss her, but that's about it.


Speaking of Christine - I know you want to keep sweet and keep a joyful countenance for your children, but STOP ACTING SO ENTHRALLED WITH EVERYTHING KODY AND ROBYN DO. They are still treating you like garbage and barely tolerating being civil to you. Don't jump up and look at the signing of the legal adoption papers like a kid looking for Santa. Don't be the first to hug Robyn when the news is announced (all this is from the preview). Robyn wouldn't be waving her poms at you. She'd be silent and then plot what kind of trick she had to turn to make your husband look at her. STOP IT CHRISTINE. You can't steer this trainwreck.


One more - Meri's weight loss = if she hadn't mentioned it, I never would've known by looking at her. Christine did look smaller, though.


Once again, Razzleberry, you hit the nail on the head with everything.  

From Janelle's Twitter yesterday: "The truth is @LuvgvsUwngs is just the vessel for the new sibling ! Kids (and adults) are so excited . #SisterWives"

Unfortunately I think she means this as a positive thing - Robyn is just the vessel but they are all the mom and just as excited as Robyn is.

Well, to be fair, from someone who is older than Meri and well into menopause - it takes a very long time to change the expression you use. I always used ob/gyn, and it was years after the ob part became irrelevant (by choice and then by biology) before I started referring to her as my gyno.


Unless you have a family history of cervical cancer (which I do) and HPV (which I don't). Paternalistic or not, having an annual Pap gave me great comfort - and never had a false positive in the 30 years I've been having them.


I would have expected an upper GI series (drinking barium - or is that not done anymore) which is what I had when I had stomach issues. Or an endoscopy. On the other hand, the problem I actually had, as it turned out years later, was gall stones - which wasn't found by either of those methods but maybe a CAT scan would find them?


Found out from personal experience last year that a simple ultrasound can locate and diagnose gallstones.

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