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S03.E08: Boom Boom In The Laundry Room


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For work, I'm currently living in a hotel -- far from home...and have become Bravo's bitch. This is the first season of this show I've seen. And I have completely different opinions of everyone on this show than the majority!


I think Rocky is a lot of fun, and cannot STAND the head Steward (I think her name is Kate). To me, Rocky adds much needed "excitement" to the show. I like the 2nd steward (Kim?) and Connie a whole lot. Leon doesn't bother me at all -- typical chef. And the guests all seem to love his food...so, not sure what the problem is. Thrilled that Dane person is gone -- he was awful. One of those rich brats who will probably never have to face the fact that he's a dick. Ugh. Emile is adorable, and the Bosun dude is fine enough.


All in all, though, this show needs more spice or something. But the boat is "toy porn". Gah, to live like that for a week!? I dream!

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Leon has tried to undermine Kate twice now with Captain Lee. I believe both times have been shown in the extra footage scenes. I try not not to paint someone as a sexist anymore than I paint someone as a racist; however the manner in which he advised Captain Lee to handle Kate really just makes me think that he feels woman (particularly one that would challenge him) should be put in their place. I really don't like Leon. Ben had an attitude, but it seemed to stem from pride in his profession.

Rocky & Eddie is not going to end well. He's an idiot and it seems obvious that the deckhands are not all that impressed by his work ethic.

  • Love 7

Dane gone.  Check.  Now Leon needs to get his plane ticket home compliments of Captain Lee.  Hate that Eddie hooked up with Rocky but he did look incredibly happy and stress free the morning after, I'll say that for him.  When is Ben coming back?  New deck hand please (and let's hope he's cute this time and semi-normal).

  • Love 4

I forgot to add something.  Am I the only one who felt a little short-changed tonight because Bravo reran the 1st 15 mins. of last week's episode?  I didn't need to see that a second time 'cause I watched it last week.  I was really confused thinking "Wow, did I DVR the wrong week's episode or what?"  You mean to tell me that Bravo does not have enough brand new footage to fill an hour's episode?

Edited by beesknees
  • Love 1

Oh, Eddie.  He did look happier the next day...but still, playing with crazy?  IDK  Obviously he's not looking for a relationship which is why he chose her over Amy but still...


What is Leon's problem?  Does he have cabin fever?  He can't get along with Amy too?  I did love when he took the protein shakes out of the fridge, is he really that clueless?  I'm shocked they didn't show him serving beef cheeks this week.  Also, why does every charter request chicken quesadillas?  Why not just start the meal with them?


Kate isn't easy to get along with, and I was surprised that Amy wasn't more on her side until she talked alone with Leon because she'd been there for most of the confrontations we've seen.  Rocky's behavior cheering Leon on though was ridiculous.  She doesn't see how he treats her?  She is the voice of the guest and she's going about it in a polite way and he just wants to do his own thing.

  • Love 6

I was never an Eddie fangirl, but even if I was, his "hey gurl" late-night texts to Rocky would have killed it. What a cheeseball. I also wasn't impressed with his next-day TH, "That was a bad idea because I have a girlfriend (and I broke my rule of not hooking up on charter)."


If there was ever any debate in the Kate versus Leon argument, then watching Amy try to reason with him answered any questions. He straight up admitted he didn't give a fuck about the guests! Wow!

  • Love 9

So disappointed in Eddie.  And the texts to Rocky?  God, he lost so many points.


I was so hoping that when Leon was called up the second time by the primary that he was going to say that the food sucked.  Very disappointed.  I just want to see Leon go. 


I wonder if Emile is going to find out that Eddie hooked up with Rocky.  That would be a slap in the face. Emile is so immature.

  • Love 2

They cut to the Captain there observing a few times while Leon was being dicky.  I wonder if he was really there or if it was just the editing monkeys.  Captain Lee has said a few things during the preference meetings that have made me think he's over Leon's antics.  Also, how hard is it to throw together protein shakes?  Especially when the Captain specifically told you to make sure to be prepared for it.  They have internet access, google it if you don't know what you are doing.  Pulling out some premade shakes was unacceptable for what is basically a private chef.   


I wish Rocky had at least one bathing suit that didn't go up her ass.  I'm so sick of seeing it.  Connie's suit showed a little cheek too, but it wasn't assless like all of Rocky's seem to be.   


Dane yelling at the bartender for drinks and justifying it by he was going to leave a tip was gross.  You'd think that someone in the service industry wouldn't act like that.  He's messy.  I'm glad he's gone.


I cannot handle the vanity and self-centeredness of making a group of people sit and wait for 40 minutes while you do you hair and makeup and oil up.  Especially when it is to go out on a boat where your hair and makeup are probably going to get messed up anyway.  That sort of thing makes me totally aggro.  

Edited by yourmomiseasy
  • Love 12

I forgot to add something.  Am I the only one who felt a little short-changed tonight because Bravo reran the 1st 15 mins. of last week's episode?  I didn't need to see that a second time 'cause I watched it last week.  I was really confused thinking "Wow, did I DVR the wrong week's episode or what?"  You mean to tell me that Bravo does not have enough brand new footage to fill an hour's episode?

A lot of times Bravo will show what's called a sneak peak where they show the first segment of the next show, usually 12 minutes or up until the first commercial break. You probably caught that sometime during the week on your DVR and didn't even realize it, I've done that. This week's show was all new.

  • Love 7

Amy looked really pretty on the island, with her hair up in a messy bun.


I would have thought that someone of Eddie's rank should not be having sex with a crew member. I think his motive was to flaunt it in his ex-girlfriend's face (via TV).


Dane was reality TV cannon fodder. They hired him solely to play the clueless new deck hand whom production could manipulate. Unfortunately he reacted with drunken rages.


Leon makes me more uncomfortable than Dane did, with his quiet seething at Kate. Now there's a guy with rage issues.

  • Love 13

Oh, Eddie.  He did look happier the next day...but still, playing with crazy?  IDK  Obviously he's not looking for a relationship which is why he chose her over Amy but still...


Amy is way too good for him.  I hope she, like us, was captivated by the upstanding Eddie of season 1 but has since seen the light.  Hopefully she's not the savior type that thinks she can change him. 


Ohhhhh Eddie. So disappointed in you. I hope he was clear that he was done with the girlfriend before he decided to take Rocky for a spin.


He and his girlfriend have probably been playing Titt for Tatt since the day they met.  He seems the type to like that game.  Good luck with that to the future Mr. and Mrs.


So as far as Eddie playing with crazy?  I think Eddie likes crazy and might be a ball of bloated crazy himself.

Edited by ryebread
  • Love 4

I can't believe Leon actually pulled a pack of Boost shakes out of the fridge. I would have been mortified, and disgusted because Boost is gross....and Amy was totally right, it's mainly for old people. I'm surprised that he didn't pull out his beef cheeks since he's made them at least once on every previous charter.


Rocky and Eddie hooking up? Meh.


The best part of this episode was the beginning while the crew was on the island, IMO.

  • Love 1

I tuned in 30 minutes into the last episode and missed what happened to Dane! Was he fired?


If Eddie and Rocky hooked up, he's a bigger idiot than I thought he was. I had to side-eye when Connie was talking about how nice he suddenly he became...I think he probably sucks as a boss.


I adore Amy. She just seems like a genuinely sweet person and I get the impression that she enjoys her job. I also really like Connie. More of them please and less of Kate, Rocky, and Eddie.


The overfilled jacuzzi scene had me laughing. It was so nice to see the crew have a light, fun moment. I wonder how they got everything cleaned up before the morning though.

Edited by trimthatfat
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Chef Slack Ass lived up to his name once again and couldn't be bothered to make friggin' protein shakes, something an 8 year old can do. The Tap Out guest apparently has no balls because when Slack Ass Cook pulled out the geriatric shakes he should have addressed the matter.


I wouldn't  put it past Leon to even be bothered to separate fresh eggs for egg white scrambles. He probably poured them out of a carton.


I am very disappointed in Captain Lee. If he actually saw last nights exchange between Slack Ass Cook and Kate and how she was being spoken to then the captain should have stepped in and nipped it in the bud. He knows it has been on going and Leon hasn't stepped up when asked. The captain owes Kate an apology since he is apparently watching  this season.


Rocky is an ass and still tedious to watch. Eddie just slid down my respect scale.


I hope this season bites Slack Ass Cook  in the ass. I hope he loses job opportunities. He well deserves it.

  • Love 5

That previous primary (Mr Foam Party) would've been super jealous of that bubble-filled tub!

I cannot handle the vanity and self-centeredness of making a group of people sit and wait for 40 minutes while you do you hair and makeup and oil up. Especially when it is to go out on a boat where your hair and makeup are probably going to get messed up anyway. That sort of thing makes me totally aggro.

Exactly. And when Emile excused it, saying "who wouldn't wait for her?" Nope. Not me. Attractiveness doesn't cancel out rudeness. Lateness happens, but there's zero reason to keep a crowd waiting because you want every blop of mascara to appear perfect.

  • Love 7

I tuned in 30 minutes into the last episode and missed what happened to Dane! Was he fired?


Yes.  I tuned in late, too, but I saw that he was brought back to the boat from the island for being a belligerent drunk and called to the bridge.  After being dressed down by the Captain, Dane said, "Looks like I have some decisions to make."  To which Lee replied:  "The decision isn't yours to make."  And BAM!  Plane ticket home. LOL and Yay.


The overfilled jacuzzi scene had me laughing. It was so nice to see the crew have a light, fun moment. I wonder how they got everything cleaned up before the morning though.


That was fun to see.  Kate and Amy have come a long way.  As far as the mess, most big boats carry Wet Vacs on board that could suck the chrome off a trailer hitch.  So if they got the carpet wet or needed to clean up a lot of water fast, they had the tools to do it. 



  • Love 5

I am very disappointed in Captain Lee. If he actually saw last nights exchange between Slack Ass Cook and Kate and how she was being spoken to then the captain should have stepped in and nipped it in the bud. He knows it has been on going and Leon hasn't stepped up when asked. The captain owes Kate an apology since he is apparently watching  this season.


I think the Captain is the sort that won't intervene and will let his department heads work out their own problems.  Up to a point.  Unless we're being duped, it looks like Leon will indeed be replaced.  So perhaps Lee finally had enough.  I can't stand to look at Leon's sneering face for another episode.  How could anyone stand to live with that? 


The Tap Out guest apparently has no balls because when Slack Ass Cook pulled out the geriatric shakes he should have addressed the matter.


Maybe Leon and the primary are brothers in anabolic steroid usage.  They both have the physiques, Leon has the rage and the primary has small balls.  If the shoe fits...


If the primary didn't have the nads to address the protein drinks, he should have at least bust out laughing because surely that was a joke?


Leon should be fired for bringing out the Boost.  Talk about embarrassing your ship.  That was as bad as Dane's drunken antics.

Edited by ryebread
  • Love 3

I cannot handle the vanity and self-centeredness of making a group of people sit and wait for 40 minutes while you do you hair and makeup and oil up.  Especially when it is to go out on a boat where your hair and makeup are probably going to get messed up anyway.  That sort of thing makes me totally aggro.  

Ugh..did not like boring new money primary charter guest and his boring girlfriend. Did he smile even once?

Eddie- c'mon get your shit together. You're looking like a douche.

Leon- worst chef ever. At least he didn't serve beef cheeks this time. He's in good shape, looks like he works out regularly so don't tell me he doesn't know how to make a good protein shake. 

Edited by bichonblitz
  • Love 6

He's in good shape, looks like he works out regularly so don't tell me he doesn't know how to make a good protein shake. 


That's the thing.  A protein shake can be many things.  Yes, it can be Boost or Muscle Milk in a bottle. Or protein powder or egg whites blended with all kinds of stuff.  Protein shakes can be plant based. Or dairy free.  He's such an idiot.  Why didn't he just ask?  But he does the worst possible thing and whips out the Boost. LOL  Which Amy is right, it IS mainly for geriatrics and people recovering from surgeries who aren't capable or don't want to eat more clean protein. 


Why hasn't this poseur been fired yet????

  • Love 5

So these nuevo riche guests want to eat healthy but are not satisfied with dinner so they ask for a (dang) chicken quesadilla...cheese, carbs?  If the primary did not like seafood why wouldn't it be noted on the info sheet they fill out? Leon would have gladly prepared beef cheeks for him.  Seems like production strikes again!

  • Love 1

Yes.  I tuned in late, too, but I saw that he was brought back to the boat from the island for being a belligerent drunk and called to the bridge.  After being dressed down by the Captain, Dane said, "Looks like I have some decisions to make."  To which Lee replied:  "The decision isn't yours to make."  And BAM!  Plane ticket home. LOL and Yay.

Gosh, what an idiot. Does he not realize his behavior was captured on a reality show? Who is going to want to hire someone who clearly drinks too much and acts like a belligerent ass? I think he needs to get help. He could barely string a sentence together.

I am very disappointed in Captain Lee. If he actually saw last nights exchange between Slack Ass Cook and Kate and how she was being spoken to then the captain should have stepped in and nipped it in the bud. He knows it has been on going and Leon hasn't stepped up when asked. The captain owes Kate an apology since he is apparently watching  this season.

There's a bonus clip on the Bravo website where Captain Lee did have a conversation with Leon on camera.

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And, again, we see another example of Leon's laziness as a chef.  Even Amy commented on it.  He knew, from the passenger's info sheet about the protein drinks, and he just assumed they would be bringing their own "protein powders".  Captain Lee told him to make sure he ordered the proper provisions to offer protein drinks and shakes.  Leon's idea of that was to get a four pack of Boost??  


He is a pompous ass, imo, and has been exhibiting this over and over again.  He is contentious with almost everyone, it seems.  I was wondering what he was going to do when the lead passenger said that the scallops made him feel ill.  I don't think he even apologized for that, which he should have.  


I think the reason he didn't prepare beef cheeks was because, if they are similar to short ribs and must be braised, they could be on the fatty side, and the passengers specifically said lean meats and proteins.  What about pork or chicken?  They are lean proteins, aren't they?  


It didn't seem like the passengers were big into seafood (didn't like the scallops, didn't want prawns, etc.).  Also, Leon is getting lazy with his presentations, etc., as Kate said.  Not for nothing, but that squid ink "smear" on the plate looked like black mud on the plate, and I wouldn't have wanted to eat the scallops, either.


I also was appalled at the way he spoke to Kate.  Granted, she can be bitchy, and take an attitude, but she was trying to at least come to some sort of professional understanding, and he wouldn't even give her the courtesy of hearing her out.  She sat there and listened to him bitch at her with the whole "I don't like you and you better watch out" speech last week, and then, when she tried to express her views, and have a discussion about how they could come to some type of mutual understanding, he cut her down again.  I wasn't a big fan of Kate's before, but now, I am completely in her corner.  I absolutely hated seeing Rocky acting all immature, sneaking and listening in at the doorway, and doing the fist bump in the air.  


On the subject of Rocky and Eddie - big mistake there!!  How stupid can one guy be?  Or, maybe he did this on purpose, on film (or at least sound), so as to show his girlfriend at home that he, too, can be a cheater - some type of revenge?  I think if that's the case, he picked the wrong girl, because Rocky could become his new worst nightmare.  What's that all phrase (I think even Emile used it) - "Don't shit where you eat"?  I see big problems ahead with that situation.  


I enjoyed seeing the girls having a fun girls' night in - they were silly and funny - it was nice.  I wondered why they didn't invite Rocky or why Rocky wasn't included. No one even mentioned Rocky at all.


Dane - wow - I hope he did what he did on purpose, so he could get fired and not have to pay his way home.  If he didn't, then I hope he finds the help he needs, because it seems like he may have a problem with alcohol.  I don't think he was cut out for the job - not enough experience and a strange personality.  Glad he got the one way ticket from Captain Lee's Travel Agency, but hope he's doing okay now.

Edited by njbchlover
  • Love 6

So these nuevo riche guests want to eat healthy but are not satisfied with dinner so they ask for a (dang) chicken quesadilla...cheese, carbs? 


Leon is so lazy he probably used canned "Chicken of the Sea".   And the guests have Jessica Simpson levels of palate refinement so they probably didn't even know the difference.

  • Love 2

I forgot to add something.  Am I the only one who felt a little short-changed tonight because Bravo reran the 1st 15 mins. of last week's episode?  I didn't need to see that a second time 'cause I watched it last week.  I was really confused thinking "Wow, did I DVR the wrong week's episode or what?"  You mean to tell me that Bravo does not have enough brand new footage to fill an hour's episode?

Okay, well I screwed up on this one.  The reason why I was going all deja vu on the 1st 15 mins. of this week's episode is because my sneaky DVR recorded a "First Look" 15-min. sneak peek of "Below Deck" last week and I watched it.  I thought I was going crazy.  Sorry for the rant! (but I'm still glad Dane's gone.  It was nice seeing him getting a plane ticket home twice.  Hee.)

Edited by beesknees
  • Love 3

I was surprised to see Kate smoking. Have we seen that before? Maybe that's why she looks older than "32"? Naaah, I still think she's lying about her age.


I think Leon just exudes "dickhead" out of his pores, but Dane is a whole other level of creepy. Obviously alcohol had a lot to do with his behavior, but him staring glassy eyed while slurring that if he's paying for drinks, he'll do "whuut he wuuuunts" gave me the heebie jeebies.


Word to the Eddie texts...it's like he saw those Ryan Gosling memes & thinks the "hey gurrrl" is the way to win over a female...although with Rocky he was obviously pretty spot on. I did like the shout out to Monica & Chandler's relationship on Friends - "is it time to 'DO LAUNDRY'?!?"...

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I guess I can give them a pass.  He did say at the end they are new money.  They probably spend most of that on shiny cars, big mansions, friends, and .....yahcting.  ....oh, an dhair extensions, apparently, lol.

I liked this group of charter guests.  The Primary owned up to the fact that they were "new money" (not frontin') and how much he appreciated everyone's hard work/efforts.  The "ganster" rubber band was cute too.  I even liked the Primary's GF (although she was a tad high maintenance).  When she approached Kate about the special date night she hugged Kate and it seemed very nice, very kind and genuine.

Wow, Dane is one of the most completely unappealing people I've ever seen!  Thank god he is gone.  It is hard to fathom he actually has a girlfriend.

I was thinking the exact same thing because you just KNOW Dane gets extremely fucked up on the regular.  I also wish Bravo would have bolded the text messages between Rocky and Eddie.  I had a hard time reading Eddie's texts to Rocky because it was white on white.  I rewound things a few times and still couldn't see what Eddie was texting her.  Of course I was too lazy to get up and move closer to the TV.


I guffawed when dumb-assed Leon took the 6-pack of Boost or Ensure out of the fridge.  Burn!  OMG.  Meal supplements for the elderly/infirmed?  Jesus Christo, I have never worked out and even I know the difference between protein shakes and meal supplements.  Leon looks like he pumps iron some so what gives?  Leon can't do anything right (except talk shit and talk down to the females).  If Leon didn't know the difference between protein shakes and Boost/Ensure why didn't he just ask someone?, or better yet, order both just to be on the safe side?  Dude can't even order provisions correctly.  I just don't get it.  Or him.

Edited by beesknees
  • Love 6


If Leon didn't know the difference between protein shakes and Boost/Ensure why didn't he just ask someone?, or better yet, order both just to be on the safe side?

That's just it...he obviously does know the difference because he asked during the provisions meeting if the guests were going to be bringing their own "protein powders", and that's when the captain said he better order some to be safe.

  • Love 2

I liked this group of charter guests.  The Primary owned up to the fact that they were "new money" (not frontin') and how much he appreciated everyone's hard work/efforts.  The "ganster" rubber band was cute too.  I even liked the Primary's GF (although she was a tad high maintenance).  When she approached Kate about the special date night she hugged Kate and it seemed very nice, very kind and genuine.

I was thinking the exact same thing because you just KNOW Dane gets extremely fucked up on the regular.  I also wish Bravo would have bolded the text messages between Rocky and Eddie.  I had a hard time reading Eddie's texts to Rocky because it was white on white.  I rewound things a few times and still couldn't see what Eddie was texting her.  Of course I was too lazy to get up and move closer to the TV.


I guffawed when dumb-assed Leon took the 6-pack of Boost or Ensure out of the fridge.  Burn!  OMG.  Meal supplements for the elderly/infirmed?  Jesus Christo, I have never worked out and even I know the difference between protein shakes and meal supplements.  Leon looks like he pumps iron some so what gives?  Leon can't do anything right (except talk shit and talk down to the females).  If Leon didn't know the difference between protein shakes and Boost/Ensure why didn't he just ask someone?, or better yet, order both just to be on the safe side?  Dude can't even order provisions correctly.  I just don't get it.  Or him.

I really liked this group too. Setting aside the time she spent primping, I thought the girlfriend was really sweet and the primary seemed like he was more comfortable by the end. If I was young & good looking and rich, I'd probably be having fun with my money on a yacht too. But they were far less pretentious then some of the guests we've seen.

  • Love 6

That's just it...he obviously does know the difference because he asked during the provisions meeting if the guests were going to be bringing their own "protein powders", and that's when the captain said he better order some to be safe.


And to take it one step further, does the dumb ass even know that he doesn't need protein powder to make a protein shake?  Does he realize that some health enthusiasts think the powders are poison? 


You can actually make a protein shake using real food, Leon.  Like kale.  The guest practically spelled it out for him.  Some chef he is.  Boxed brownies and Boost.  Guy's a joke.

  • Love 7

To be fair, he might have to prep and freeze some ingredients beforehand, so making a protein shake might have been more work than Leon is used to.  I mean, it takes me about 5 minutes to do 3lbs of bananas, so I can understand Leon not wanting to invest that kind of time.


LOL.  Right?  He's so ridiculously lazy and rude that I almost hate to see him go before he totally and officially throws his career in the toilet. 

  • Love 4

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