Granny58 November 30, 2015 Share November 30, 2015 "Was it just me or does anyone else think Fernando should have abandoned his fried clams and run after Carolina?" Nope, not just you. 5 Link to comment
3girlsforus November 30, 2015 Share November 30, 2015 The attorney is actually wrong. Mark signed an affidavit of support. And divorce and prenups do not negate it. I didn't see the whole thing. Is this something they showed or do we just know this from another source? I'm assuming it means that she gets something if they divorce? 1 Link to comment
cooksdelight November 30, 2015 Share November 30, 2015 I didn't see the whole thing. Is this something they showed or do we just know this from another source? I'm assuming it means that she gets something if they divorce? They didn't show this info, naturally. They want us to see Nikki in tears. And if the prenup was all for show, Mark should be smacked sideways for embarrassing her like that. 4 Link to comment
3girlsforus November 30, 2015 Share November 30, 2015 They didn't show this info, naturally. They want us to see Nikki in tears. And if the prenup was all for show, Mark should be smacked sideways for embarrassing her like that. I think Mark probably enjoyed getting to tell her she isn't worth anything and doesn't deserve anything. He certainly enjoyed that with the dress. 15 Link to comment
Kellyee November 30, 2015 Share November 30, 2015 Here is a link to the affidavit of support, since it relates to this episode: A quote from the bottom of the page at the above link: "Note: Divorce does NOT end the sponsorship obligation." I hope both Mark and Melanie are paying attention. Their soon-to-be spouses are both the most broke and the least likely to leave the US quietly if they get divorced. Devar could just move in with Mom, and Melanie would have to support him for up to 10 years. Signing a document like that for someone you really barely know is insane. Loren deserves what she gets, but this episode was very revealing about Alexi. I kept wondering why someone who seemed so grounded and normal was willing to hook up with bat-shit crazy. Now it looks like they may actually be two peas in a dysfunctional pod. 5 Link to comment
Drogo November 30, 2015 Share November 30, 2015 Mark should be smacked sideways for embarrassing her like that. (Volunteers) Basically when he applied for the visa he accepted that he'd be financially responsible for Nikki for 40 work quarters (about 10 years.) 6 Link to comment
merylinkid November 30, 2015 Share November 30, 2015 Except I had to check into the financial affidavit deal for a client once. It turns out the Feds rarely enforce it after divorce. Also, a divorce court does not base a decision to award alimony on it. Basically, it's worth the paper it's written on. That and $5 will get you a cup of coffee at Starbucks. 3 Link to comment
Primetimer November 30, 2015 Share November 30, 2015 On the penultimate episode of 90 Day Fiancé, some of the couples get married, while others fight about strip clubs. Who came out on top this week? Read the story 1 Link to comment
gunderda November 30, 2015 Share November 30, 2015 Best line of probably the entire SERIES: "I was hoping my future husband would be a dancer... but...... instead I got a Mormon." 13 Link to comment
islandgal140 November 30, 2015 Share November 30, 2015 (edited) I don't believe Nikki's victim act for a minute. She knew what a pre-nup was when Mark mentioned it on their first date. Any girl considering a K-1 Visa knows what a pre-nup is. She's not the innocent she's pretending to be. With each new episode you can see flashes of the real Nikki beneath. Mark, The Specimen is a vile piece of humanoid garbage that with every passing episode convinces me more and more that he hates women. Filipino women in particular. It is like ever since Nikki stepped foot in America he has steadily been withdrawing his affection. Nowadays, he seems like he can barely tolerate the sight of her. I sense no love or affection on his part. Yet I bet his ass will be like "she changed when she came to America" as soon as things go South, which they will. However, as much as I despise him and think he should be more generous in the prenup, he has been nothing if not honest with Nikki. Hell, brutally so. Nikki is young and is of the mindset that with her youth, beauty and sexual charms she can change his mind. I believe that Mark told Nikki about the prenup back in the Philippines, she just thought she could change his mind. Same with the no children thing. She actually admitted she thought she could change his mind in the future. Sorry chica, you can't teach an old weathered dog new tricks. Think of the bright side, hit the lottery, cure cancer, come up with new technology - that money is all yours. Again, is that red shirt the only shirt Mark owns? What is worse is that he insists on popping the collar. LOL! So I guess Nikki is gonna wind up in a $10 dress. Dear Mark, You don't send your fiancee into a NY bridal boutique that you have to be buzzed into without a clear budget. Damn that NY bridal sales associate accent was so New Yawk. She was like a female Joe Pesci. Ok, that does it. Beverly is an ugly, stupid, trashy, ignorant bitch. And I don't use the b-word that often, but that bitch deserves it. Jamaican men specifically target white women to marry them because you read it on the Internet, bitch? She didn't say American women, she didn't say western women, she didn't say hit in the face women like her and her ugly ass sisters, she said white women. Which confirms everything I suspected about this trash heap. Run Devar. Even if your motive is a green card, it's not worth this shit. Terry McMillan is available. I only read the 2nd line in your post and I up voted it. LOL! Mr. Islandgal calls Bev Fiona (as in Shrek's wife). Cruel, but damned if it ain't accurate. I about howled when she did a TH with a flower in her head. I mean how incongruous. Shit like this is why I was kinda mad a few weeks ago at Devar for asking his mom if she had a problem with him marrying a white woman point blank when she had given no indication of having a problem with Mel's race. The woman welcomed her into her home, was polite, if not overly demonstrative and gave her a home cooked meal and wished her son to be a good husband and stepfather to her son and that they would be together always. Yet Mel's hosebeast sisters can sit there and throw all kinda shade his way about his sexual past and his intentions and he wouldn't dare fix his lips to wonder if they were prejudiced. No sir. Josh and Alexandra's wedding was sweet but I couldn't help thinking when he was interacting with his groomsmen before the wedding what utter dweebs they are. I like him but dear heavens he is so mousy and dweebish but he does have the makings of a good husband I suppose. It was sweet that he did the dance with her even though he looked like he was trying to count his steps the entire time. LOL! I don't think Alexandra has a problem with living in a America, more of a problem of living in that one horse town. I bet if she was in a more cosmopolitan city like NYC, LA or Chicago her trepidations would be lessened. Noon look gorgeous on her wedding day. Can I just say that as a lover of makeup and follower of many a youtube guru her makeup was perfection and it looked like she did it herself. Get it Noon. I really like Kyle. I actually thought it was sweet the first episode when he was so nervous, crying and looked on the verge of vomiting at the airport when he went to pick her up. My only issue with him have been that janky ass, roach infested apartment. I felt so sorry for him regarding his mom. This show seemed to veer into an episode of Intervention when she was on screen. How uncomfortable. It was lovely that his aunt and uncle were there to support him. However, I do wonder if they are enabling his mother somehow. Does she live with them? I refuse to believe that Fernando was that big a ladies man. I thought it was insensitive of him to sit at the restaurant drinking and eating calamari while his fiancee is off upset about her being away from her family. Aw, poor Loren's bachelor party was ruined y'all. Never have I done such a 180 on a couple. Before the season start, I thought them being of similar age, attractiveness and faith gave them a leg up but seems like they have a host of other issues. Just damn! Edited November 30, 2015 by islandgal140 14 Link to comment
Cherrio November 30, 2015 Share November 30, 2015 The only participants I like are Noon and Alexandra, although the latter knows she should not be marrying the young gay Mormon.Kyle was wrong in not telling Noon about his messed up family. If he is too troubled or immature to be honest with her, he is not ready for marriage. I hope Alexandra is happy, but I don't see it. Rexburg? Drecksberg......... I want her to be free, dancing and actually enjoying life. Mark? Someday he will end up found wrapped up in his zebra sheets, buried inside one of his pianos with a tuft of his orange peroxided hair sticking out. The cop will say, Oh, its that asshole from 90 day finance ! Melanie and her family look like trolls. 8 Link to comment
Hero November 30, 2015 Share November 30, 2015 Kyle shows a lot of emotion in his eyes and it was so sad to see him when he saw his mom. His mom was obviously drunk and the hurt on his face was so obvious. Aleksandra's parents are awesome. When the dad was at the Bachelor party, he looked like he was thinking " What the fuck am I doing here?" 13 Link to comment
Pepper Mostly November 30, 2015 Share November 30, 2015 Oh Beverly. Loved her super klassy boob tattoo. That woman is just a walking ball of rage. Ugh. Loren is a hell beast. Her interaction with her mother was GOLD. In an awful, cringeworthy way, but gold nonetheless. And really? She had NO IDEA that her BFF would take her to a strip club? They've probably been planning each other's bacherlorette nights for years. All she had to say to Alexei was "I'm sorry", but of course Miss Princess couldn't manage that. It was just defensive whining and mememe."Its my last night to have fun!" Girl, take a goddamn seat. You are not being banished to the women's quarters, never to see the light of day again after your wedding. Seriously, this woman is exhausting. If I was in a room with her and her BFF for more than 5 minutes I'm quite sure I'd be capable of mayhem. When Carolina stormed off and Fernando just sat there, I SAW the thought bubble over his head--"Wow, she's really upset. Maybe I should.....but it would be a shame to let these clams go to waste...." Kyle and Noon were utterly adorable. The scenes with his mother were absolutely painful to watch--90 Day Fiance by way of Intervention. Mama looked rough. I'm glad she didn't make the wedding. I'm sure lots of unnecessary drama was avoided. Mark is a contemptible old cad. The scene at the wedding dress shop was all kinds of wrong. He lied and told her to pick out what she wanted and he wouldn't say no. Then he said no. He's treating that poor kid like a hostage, doling out the occasional act of kindness, but also setting her up and letting her down. And the implacable, cruel look on his face when he was telling her to sign the prenup? My blood ran cold. He is a cold, unfeeling man who wants arm candy and a nurse. Yuck. 22 Link to comment
gunderda November 30, 2015 Share November 30, 2015 Kyle visiting his mom wasn't AS horrible as I thought it would be... but still in bad taste for TLC to push that. And then the break his heart that his mom didn't make it to his wedding. To be honest his aunt and uncle probably flew and there is no way his mom was getting on an airplane drunk. They refuse you entry to the plane if you've had too many to drink while you're waiting for your flight. Noon looked gorgeous, she should wear makeup more often! Then she can sit at Kyle's bar and have him watch her get hit on by guys. I can't fault Fernando for not running after Carolina. He possibly didn't hear her say she was leaving, she was mumbling and he had a hard time hearing her. And I'm sure it's awkward enough eating there with cameras.... having to run after her would probably make it more so. And I love it when Carolina says "mom fernando" cause in my head it translates to "female fernando" and that just makes me laugh. 6 Link to comment
Squirrely November 30, 2015 Share November 30, 2015 So does a document such as Nikki signed not have to be witnessed or notarized? She kind of showed her true colors when she said she didn't even get a "reward" if she sticks it out a few years... Yes, Mark sucks to the nth degree, but there's nothing stopping Nikki from going to school and finding a career that will make her self sufficient. She could force that issue with Mark, I'm sure. She's so young, and she needs to find something to fill her days besides moping around while Grandpa works. Then she can skip down to Miami and grab Carolina, and they can ride off into the sunset together, comparing notes and deciding who had it worse. lol Noon is gorgeous. She looked so happy and vibrant on her wedding day. They're the only couple who doesn't give me bad vibes. Aleksandra is surely going to get bored. Hopefully she can inspire her new husband (can't remember his name!) to live a slightly more exciting life. Omg, Little Caesars and video games for a bachelor party??!? Her poor dad. And that grandma nightgown that's supposed to make the wedding night exciting? I just can't with these people, and it has nothing to so with religion. I've met plenty of Mormons who don't live like Ma and Pa Ingalls FFS. 9 Link to comment
cooksdelight November 30, 2015 Share November 30, 2015 And I love it when Carolina says "mom fernando" cause in my head it translates to "female fernando" and that just makes me laugh. Well, his boobs are bigger than mine, I think, so there's that.... 7 Link to comment
truelovekiss November 30, 2015 Share November 30, 2015 I think Mark probably enjoyed getting to tell her she isn't worth anything and doesn't deserve anything. He certainly enjoyed that with the dress. Ugh, he looked like he was having way too much fun talking about MY this and MY that. Speaking as someone studying finance, there are certain assets that Nikki is bringing to the marriage (wink wink nod nod). In all seriousness, if she stays married to him for 10 years (I highly doubt it, but okay) then those are 10 of her most fertile years that she is wasting on a man that refuses to give her children (I'm not trying to bring up the whole "he told her from the start vs. he should know she's too young to make that decision" discussion again, it's just for argument's sake). Nikki should have fought for at least some kind of settlement or alimony. (If any of this is actually real) "Was it just me or does anyone else think Fernando should have abandoned his fried clams and run after Carolina?" Nope, not just you. Why would he go after Carolina when there are fried clams to be had? Fried clams get cold and soggy within an hour, but that will take years for Carolina. My roommate was watching this episode and talking about it with my other roommate's boyfriend, and after talking about the age difference between Mark and Nikki, she said, "But he's not creepy at all." Now, I haven't actually watched the show, just read about it on here, but I feel like we have different definitions of "not creepy." Umm...I have to question the judgment of anyone who believes that Mark is not creepy. High five!!! I didn't comment on Melanie/Devar last night because their segment was so short; really the only good thing about the segment was the interaction between Hunter and Devar. I believe Devar truly cares about Hunter, and vice versa. Anyway...Beverly. Mother of God, she is a mean and nasty person. You can tell she's the type to be always up in everyone's business. I can't stand her. Of course she is reality TV gold because of this! Yeah, she read up on Jamaican men on the internet, therefore it must be true! Jeebus H. Christ, woman! As nasty and mean as Bev is, I can't fault her for thinking Devar is using her sister for the green card. Her delivery of course was all wrong and came across as incredibly racist when she mentioned that Jamaican men went after "white women" as opposed to "American/European women" or "financially secure women" or "delusional and desperate women." Well we know exactly where she learned it at least...with the mom yelling "Go f*** yourself!" to her own daughter. Ick. Anyone else think that Alexei should have taken a good look at that mother and realized that she was his future? I wouldn't be surprised to learn that she was Loren before Loren was Loren, and that the dad basically just had to mollify her to shut her up, kind of like how Loren expects Alexei to behave, Also, what was up with Loren calling him Alex? Has that ever happened before? 4 Link to comment
gunderda November 30, 2015 Share November 30, 2015 I thought the fight between Loren and her mom was bizarre. For her to yell out that her parents were miserable just seemed to come out of no where... and from someone who appears to be a spoiled princess no less.... Is she adopted? She looks nothing like her sister and I can't seem to figure out if she even resembles one of her parents, but her sister does. 3 Link to comment
AussieBabe November 30, 2015 Share November 30, 2015 (edited) I'll start with my favourite couple. Noon and Kyle. I freaking love them. Noon looked absolutely stunning. I started following her on Twitter, and she said she had learned how to apply make-up the week before the wedding. Her dress made my heart happy, and they looked absolutely in love. I take back initial thoughts of Kyle. I thought he might have been on drugs of some type, but after seeing the episode last night, I don't think his eyes were bloodshot from drugging it up. If the TH were filmed at the same time, he might have been on the verge of tears or actually crying in between takes. Kudos to him and Noon for being class acts while his mother showed her arse. Shame on TLC for subjecting him to that. There's a reason why he stayed away for 10 years, and despite the obstacles, it's heartwarming to see him have happiness. TLC's editing couldn't eff this couple up or hinder the greatness. Go Kyle and Noon. Pass some Cafe Du Monde beignets this way, too. And Kyle, you can hook me up with a hurricane. Aleksandra and Josh. They're a sweet couple. I think TLC's editing and need for drama made it awkward. I was happy to see his mum smiling and looking happy. I was wondering, but then I realised she might just have RBF--resting bitch face. She looked apprehensive at the wedding, but a lot of parents would be if their 20-something year old child was getting married. Your brain isn't even fully formed at that age, and they're so young. I'm rooting for them. Loren and Alexei. Actually, I understand why he was mad. (It reminded me of Genesis. Adam and Eve could eat from any tree but that one. Go pluck an orange, eat some grapes, eat a pomegranate, but don't eat from THAT tree, They ate from that tree, and they suffered the consequences.) Alexei asked her not to do the one thing and respect his boundaries. If she wanted to go streaking on Miami Beach, drink Ace of Spades out of the bottle, and recreate Beyonce's Drunk in Love video, she could've done all of that and he probably wouldn't have cared. She went and did the one thing he asked her not to do. I think that comes from having people around you who respect your relationship and wouldn't want to cause problems. He had just told her best friend, and she still went on to do take Loren to a strip club despite his objections. His issue should've been with the friend, though. Oh and the way she talked to her mother. Girl, you're living rent free in HER home with your man, and unless you have money saved up, she and your father are footing the bills and taking care of two grown arse people. My mum would've become superwoman and flew across the room. I'd be 12 feet under. 6 for the traditional burial and an additional 6 for her stomping me further into the ground for daring to disrespect her like that. Mel and Devar. Her sister is a raging bitch. The end. Carolina seems like a sweet girl. I feel bad for her. Especially when she saw the bachelorette party group and was like I have no friends and no family here. It sucks that her family won't be at the wedding. Maybe they can have a reception in Colombia for her friends and family. I doubt his mother would fly there. The mother is a typical snob. I like Carolina's personality, and when she was rocking the hat in the house, that's something I would do. Mark and Nikki. Oy vey. Why would you take her to NYC to shop for a dress and then renege upon learning the cost? The dress is only for her. Duh you nimrod. Every bride's dress is just for her. Every bride deserves to feel beautiful and like a princess if she desires. For him to knock that shows exactly why he has been single and will continue to be single. The prenup. He told her when they first met? She was 16! Find me a 16 year old who gives a crap or even knows about prenuptial agreements. I could ask my child right now, and she would look at me like I was speaking a foreign language. And if I let her read one, she'd look at me is this and can you break it down in simple terms? Edited November 30, 2015 by AussieBabe 19 Link to comment
Pepper Mostly November 30, 2015 Share November 30, 2015 Omg, Little Caesars and video games for a bachelor party??!? Her poor dad. And that grandma nightgown that's supposed to make the wedding night exciting? I just can't with these people, and it has nothing to so with religion. I've met plenty of Mormons who don't live like Ma and Pa Ingalls FFS. Grandma was so pleased with herself! "that will make for an exciting wedding night", giggle. So naughty! That nightie would not be racy on a nun. Poor Vlad. I felt so bad for him. He doesn't speak English and was stuck in a room with the scintillating male relatives, watching them play video games. I hope he and Svetlana went out to a bar afterwards. I'm sure he needed a drink! 8 Link to comment
CofCinci November 30, 2015 Share November 30, 2015 (edited) Nikki most likely agreed to the terms of prenuptial agreement before Mark was willing to pay for the K-1 process and this was a staged scene. Mark isn't the type of spend thousands in visa fees and airfare on a gamble. I wouldn't be surprised if he met/corresponded with several Filipina women over the last few years and they wouldn't agree to his terms. Nikki is just as terrible and Mark, which makes them soul mates. Edited November 30, 2015 by CofCinci 2 Link to comment
truelovekiss November 30, 2015 Share November 30, 2015 Mark, The Specimen is a vile piece of humanoid garbage that with every passing episode convinces me more and more that he hates women. Filipino women in particular. It is like ever since Nikki stepped foot in America he has steadily been withdrawing his affection. Nowadays, he seems like he can barely tolerate the sight of her. I sense no love or affection on his part. Yet I bet his ass will be like "she changed when she came to America" as soon as things go South, which they will. However, as much as I despise him and think he should be more generous in the prenup, he has been nothing if not honest with Nikki. Hell, brutally so. Nikki is young and is of the mindset that with her youth, beauty and sexual charms she can change his mind. I believe that Mark told Nikki about the prenup back in the Philippines, she just thought she could change his mind. Same with the no children thing. She actually admitted she thought she could change his mind in the future. Sorry chica, you can't teach an old weathered dog new tricks. Think of the bright side, hit the lottery, cure cancer, come up with new technology - that money is all yours. The only participants I like are Noon and Alexandra, although the latter knows she should not be marrying the young gay Mormon. Kyle was wrong in not telling Noon about his messed up family. If he is too troubled or immature to be honest with her, he is not ready for marriage. I hope Alexandra is happy, but I don't see it. Rexburg? Drecksberg......... I want her to be free, dancing and actually enjoying life. Mark? Someday he will end up found wrapped up in his zebra sheets, buried inside one of his pianos with a tuft of his orange peroxided hair sticking out. The cop will say, Oh, its that asshole from 90 day finance ! Melanie and her family look like trolls. I like both Aleksandra and Josh, but I'm just not sure if they're right for each other. Rexberg definitely isn't the right place for her, and that's for damn sure. I hope she stays in school, and finds a career where she has to move to a city, and Josh is willing to move for her. I was happy when Kyle saw that Noon was unhappy in the messy man house, and realized that if she could move across the world to be with him, he could find her a nicer apartment. Hopefully Josh will do the same. Loren is a hell beast. Her interaction with her mother was GOLD. In an awful, cringeworthy way, but gold nonetheless. And really? She had NO IDEA that her BFF would take her to a strip club? They've probably been planning each other's bacherlorette nights for years. All she had to say to Alexei was "I'm sorry", but of course Miss Princess couldn't manage that. It was just defensive whining and mememe. "Its my last night to have fun!" Girl, take a goddamn seat. You are not being banished to the women's quarters, never to see the light of day again after your wedding. Seriously, this woman is exhausting. If I was in a room with her and her BFF for more than 5 minutes I'm quite sure I'd be capable of mayhem. I can't stand that mindset. As far as I'm concerned, the last night for having that kind of fun should have been before you entered into a serious relationship. I missed part of the episode, and it might have been where Alexei flipped this alleged shit, but I would be mad too. Couples need to have boundaries, and if he told her that he wasn't comfortable with something, she shouldn't have done it. Also, it would have been nice to see them talk about what things like strip clubs mean to him, culturally. I know nothing about Israeli/Ukraine culture, and while a woman and her friend(s) going to see strippers might be considered to be a commonplace bachelorette party activity, Alexei mentioned feeling disrespected so it might have a different connotation where he is from. But that would require TLC getting their heads out of their asses and educating us, instead of just watching Loren bitch. So does a document such as Nikki signed not have to be witnessed or notarized? She kind of showed her true colors when she said she didn't even get a "reward" if she sticks it out a few years... Yes, Mark sucks to the nth degree, but there's nothing stopping Nikki from going to school and finding a career that will make her self sufficient. She could force that issue with Mark, I'm sure. She's so young, and she needs to find something to fill her days besides moping around while Grandpa works. Then she can skip down to Miami and grab Carolina, and they can ride off into the sunset together, comparing notes and deciding who had it worse. lol It definitely was telling when Nikki mentioned getting a "reward" lol. If there was any doubt before about why she was here, this should have been clear evidence. I do agree with her though, and I hope she won't be stuck with nothing at the end. This entire relationship/marriage is one big business transaction, and Nikki is simply an employee being interviewed, and she's negotiating her salary. 5 Link to comment
RCharter November 30, 2015 Share November 30, 2015 Oh Beverly. Loved her super klassy boob tattoo. That woman is just a walking ball of rage. Ugh. Loren is a hell beast. Her interaction with her mother was GOLD. In an awful, cringeworthy way, but gold nonetheless. And really? She had NO IDEA that her BFF would take her to a strip club? They've probably been planning each other's bacherlorette nights for years. All she had to say to Alexei was "I'm sorry", but of course Miss Princess couldn't manage that. It was just defensive whining and mememe. "Its my last night to have fun!" Girl, take a goddamn seat. You are not being banished to the women's quarters, never to see the light of day again after your wedding. Seriously, this woman is exhausting. If I was in a room with her and her BFF for more than 5 minutes I'm quite sure I'd be capable of mayhem. I really think bachelorette parties at strip clubs or with male strippers are a little dated and cheesy. And, if my future husband had a problem with it I would immediately let it go or not do it. Generally, in life, I don't think women view male strippers the way men view women strippers. To me, male strippers are more of a joke. I have zero attraction to male strippers, so I don't think it would be such a huge sacrifice to me to not have a party with them. In fact, I would probably prefer not to, but male strip clubs are generally funny, so there is that. The snark can be very good. But is it worth having a fight over? I wouldn't think so....ever. The last bachelorette party I was at was a weekend in Palm Springs just having fun, and maybe going to a club or two. That is what I've heard recently of most bachelorette parties. 13 Link to comment
Granny58 November 30, 2015 Share November 30, 2015 "When Carolina stormed off and Fernando just sat there, I SAW the thought bubble over his head--"Wow, she's really upset. Maybe I should.....but it would be a shame to let these clams go to waste...." OMG I'm dying laughing SO LOUD! Since Fernando has already been married once, why not have the wedding in Colombia? Let HIS parents miss out on his SECOND go'round. Grandma was so pleased with herself! "that will make for an exciting wedding night", giggle. So naughty! That nightie would not be racy on a nun. Poor Vlad. I felt so bad for him. He doesn't speak English and was stuck in a room with the scintillating male relatives, watching them play video games. I hope he and Svetlana went out to a bar afterwards. I'm sure he needed a drink! I'm an old fart and I STILL don't wear nightgowns like that. Oh Grandma, you're just adorable in your naivete. Nikki most likely agreed to the terms of prenuptial agreement before Mark was willing to pay for the K-1 process and this was a staged scene. Mark isn't the type of spend thousands in visa fees and airfare on a gamble. I wouldn't be surprised if he met/corresponded with several Filipina women over the last few years and they wouldn't agree to his terms. Nikki is just as terrible and Mark, which makes them soul mates. I'm starting to see this too, that they're alike and making a business arrangement - which is fine if you know that going in. As for her wanting kids, she'll get pregnant with her next lover/husband. I have NO doubt. 4 Link to comment
bichonblitz November 30, 2015 Share November 30, 2015 I can't stand sleazebag Mark but I have to defend him this one time. Who needs to spend $2300 on a wedding dress when it is a barefoot wedding on the beach with nobody there except yourselves. C'mon! That was rediculous. Hell, I had a private beach wedding and spent less than $100 bucks on a really cute beachy wedding dress. It was perfect. I can even wear it again for another occasion if I want to. From Dress Barn. Of course, a budget and type of dress should have been discussed before the shopping but this is all for TV after all. Could there be two more annoying people on the face of the earth than Loren and her girlfriend together acting all valley girl. I wanted to punch both of them in the mouth. Fernando- I didn't realize just how out of shape and doughy he is until seeing him leaning over the sink washing dishes. He reminds me of the type of guy that gives big, super wet sloppy kisses. Ewww...... 6 Link to comment
Nancybeth November 30, 2015 Share November 30, 2015 I really hope there was more to Nikki's meeting with the lawyer than what we would have been far more helpful if he could have given her some suggested changes, or even brought Mark in to the meeting with them. And I loved how there seemed to be no happy medium between a $7 wedding dress and a $2300 wedding dress. Take that girl to David's Bridal! God, Mark is perhaps the biggest asshole we've seen on three seasons of this show. Aleksandra and Josh were adorable. Even their awkward dance was adorable. I think she's still not entirely on-board with the conservative Mormon culture, but maybe once they move away from his family things will loosen up a little. 4 Link to comment
MrsSmartyPants November 30, 2015 Share November 30, 2015 Noon & Kyle - lovely. I hope they have the most wonderful lives ahead of them. Loren & Alexei - ugh. She is ALL about the wedding and not so much about the marriage. Melanie & Devar - ugh. Nikki & Mark - what exactly was the point of taking her to NYC to go dress shopping, only to then be like "sike"? That was emotionally abusive and another attempt to break her down. Carolina & Fernandito - that conversation between Carolina and his mother in english was so awkward and uncomfortable. Why couldn't they just speak spanish and have it subtitled!? Aleksandra & I don't know his name - the entire time the brothers were getting on him about the wedding night all I could think was "these guys have a raging clue" 5 Link to comment
cooksdelight November 30, 2015 Share November 30, 2015 At one point, I remember Loren saying "It's just like the movie!!" when the stripper was straddling her. I think she wanted a Magic Mike Night, no matter how Alexei felt about it. 14 Link to comment
RCharter November 30, 2015 Share November 30, 2015 I can't stand sleazebag Mark but I have to defend him this one time. Who needs to spend $2300 on a wedding dress when it is a barefoot wedding on the beach with nobody there except yourselves. C'mon! That was rediculous. Hell, I had a private beach wedding and spent less than $100 bucks on a really cute beachy wedding dress. It was perfect. I can even wear it again for another occasion if I want to. From Dress Barn. Of course, a budget and type of dress should have been discussed before the shopping but this is all for TV after all. I think a 19 year old girl might want to get the prettiest dress. Because at 19, you're not thinking of how logical it would be to not get an expensive wedding dress, you just want to be a pretty bride. At my age, I would think of the cost....and, as Blance Devereax once so intelligently opined "its one thing to wear white on your wedding day and get a few giggles, its another thing when the preacher can't even keep a straight face"....or something to that effect. And someone else can fill me in, but perhaps in the Philippines it is a really big event, and one of the biggest events in a woman's life....I know it is in some areas of the world. If you're not anticipating graduating from college, or getting a big promotion at work, your wedding day may be the one day where you are the center of the universe. Mark wants a child bride....without having her be an actual child. 6 Link to comment
merylinkid November 30, 2015 Share November 30, 2015 Okay fine, Mark and Nikki are a business transaction, nothing wrong with that. But in a business transaction both parties have rights and responsibilities. So far, Nikki is holding up her end of the bargain. What has Mark done? Other than threaten to ship her back every 5 seconds? Even if you see the pre-nup as a business deal, most business deals are written to be mutually beneficial or no one would enter into one. Think about it, would you sign a contract to deliver 500 widgets by Wednesday and if you didn't you would still have to deliver the widgets but not get paid, oh and the other side can reject them even years later for being unsatisfactory and deman their money back? Of course not. Same thing here. Or as I like to tell my clients the key word in Pre-Nuptial Agreement is "Agreement." If it is too unfair the other side won't sign it, then what are you going to do? Call of the wedding? What would Mark have done if she refused to sign? Pay to ship her back? Not his tight ass. Admit on national tv, he made a mistake and got taken advantage of "again" by another Filipina? He could have written an agreement that was fair and still protected him. He could treat her as a business partner, not a plaything. He is CHOOSING to do all these things. While Nikki is doing her part and putting up with his creepy ass for her green card. What does the agreement say about still helping her get the green card if they divorce before 2 years? Because he found someone younger (ewwwwww) and even more malleable? 15 Link to comment
islandgal140 November 30, 2015 Share November 30, 2015 And that grandma nightgown that's supposed to make the wedding night exciting? I just can't with these people, and it has nothing to so with religion. I've met plenty of Mormons who don't live like Ma and Pa Ingalls FFS. And Grandma expected her to wear that on the 1st night of her honeymoon. Sorry, not sorry but a nightgown that appears to be flame retardant should not be worn for 1st time sexy times. When Carolina stormed off and Fernando just sat there, I SAW the thought bubble over his head--"Wow, she's really upset. Maybe I should.....but it would be a shame to let these clams go to waste...." This board is gonna be the death of me. 14 Link to comment
RCharter November 30, 2015 Share November 30, 2015 Okay fine, Mark and Nikki are a business transaction, nothing wrong with that. But in a business transaction both parties have rights and responsibilities. So far, Nikki is holding up her end of the bargain. What has Mark done? Other than threaten to ship her back every 5 seconds? Even if you see the pre-nup as a business deal, most business deals are written to be mutually beneficial or no one would enter into one. Think about it, would you sign a contract to deliver 500 widgets by Wednesday and if you didn't you would still have to deliver the widgets but not get paid, oh and the other side can reject them even years later for being unsatisfactory and deman their money back? Of course not. Same thing here. Or as I like to tell my clients the key word in Pre-Nuptial Agreement is "Agreement." If it is too unfair the other side won't sign it, then what are you going to do? Call of the wedding? What would Mark have done if she refused to sign? Pay to ship her back? Not his tight ass. Admit on national tv, he made a mistake and got taken advantage of "again" by another Filipina? He could have written an agreement that was fair and still protected him. He could treat her as a business partner, not a plaything. He is CHOOSING to do all these things. While Nikki is doing her part and putting up with his creepy ass for her green card. What does the agreement say about still helping her get the green card if they divorce before 2 years? Because he found someone younger (ewwwwww) and even more malleable? Can't judges override super one sided pre-nups as being unconscionable? It must be rare, but if they really wanted to stick it to a party and wanted an excuse to make a more equitable distribution.... 1 Link to comment
vmcd88 November 30, 2015 Share November 30, 2015 Mark and Nikki - I wonder...was Mark an asshole before his 1st wife left him with 4 babies in diapers or became one after (guess it's the chicken or the egg). Do the kids have any contact with the 1st wife? Maybe I've watched too much Say Yes to the Dress but did the consultant even ask if there was a budget she needed to keep in mind when selecting dress. You could see how hurt Nikki was when Mark didnt even pretend to be wow'd at the sight of her in a wedding dress. Reminds me of the old saying of "If you marry for money you will spend your life earning every penny." Wonder if Nikki will eventually end up on an episode of Snapped. Noon and Kyle - Poor Kyle. Noon should have known something was terribly wrong with Kyle's mom when he said he'd had no contact in 10 years. Rather than explain the horrible situation to Noon, he took her to experience it for herself. Now she really gets it. Noon looked lovely on her wedding day. I was sad about how hurt Kyle was that his mom didnt show. I hope Noon/Kyle make it. Alexei and Loren - For Alexei I dont think it was about the strip club. It was about respect. He wasnt asking her to never be in the presence of another man or to do something crazy. He specifically asked that she not go to a strip club. Surely there is something she could have found to do that didnt involve going to a strip club. And blaming it on her best friend was a cowardly way out. A grown ass woman would have said no I'm not going, it's not worth the headache. Or she should have just told Alexei that she/herself WANTS to go to the strip club. Loren's mom is better than me cause no way in hell would my daughter disrespect me the way Loren did. Loren's mom should have said "Little girl, I've been married for 30+ years through good times and bad, talk to me AFTER you've been married 30+ years and tell me what you know about love. For now while you're living in my house, playing house you can shut the f*ck up." 7 Link to comment
autumnh November 30, 2015 Share November 30, 2015 After watching last nights episode...I feel like I cam sum up every couple.. Because, telelvision. So contrived....start to finish...from Loren having to move in with her parents, to Fernandito's parents not speaking spanish to Carolina when it is their native language, to Mark and his need to be the center of attention... It's all for that 15 minutes of fame. This time next year no one will know who they are. 1 Link to comment
truelovekiss November 30, 2015 Share November 30, 2015 And Grandma expected her to wear that on the 1st night of her honeymoon. Sorry, not sorry but a nightgown that appears to be flame retardant should not be worn for 1st time sexy times. This board is gonna be the death of me. Also, I don't know if I could ever wear a nightie/lingerie given to me by my/my fiance's grandma. Too much of a hang up. Aleks, just go to Victoria's Secret by yourself. 3 Link to comment
kimaken November 30, 2015 Share November 30, 2015 Yes, Mark sucks to the nth degree, but there's nothing stopping Nikki from going to school and finding a career that will make her self sufficient. I've seen several comments about Nikki going to school..., but how do you do that with no money? Since she's not a resident, she'd be hit with higher tuition than state residents pay (assuming she'd go to a state college/university). Mark wouldn't pay for a real wedding dress, nor has he bought her a ring; I highly doubt he'd pay for her to go to school. I don't think he'll buy her any clothes, shoes, etc so her wardrobe for school or a job is limited by the clothes she brought with her, plus I'm not sure how she can get a job in her current status. Things must really be bad for Nikki in the Philippines for her to put up with this jackass. 11 Link to comment
trimthatfat November 30, 2015 Share November 30, 2015 Honestly, if push comes to shove, Nikki can contest the prenuptial agreement and claim she didn't understand it. 1 Link to comment
CofCinci November 30, 2015 Share November 30, 2015 (edited) Mark was at the Bridal store with his DSLR camera. These two grifters were there to take photos of Nikki in a traditional dress and then send the photos back to the Phillipines for her family to display. This was another staged scene. They were probably in NY to rent out a piano. Edited November 30, 2015 by CofCinci 6 Link to comment
RCharter November 30, 2015 Share November 30, 2015 I've seen several comments about Nikki going to school..., but how do you do that with no money? Since she's not a resident, she'd be hit with higher tuition than state residents pay (assuming she'd go to a state college/university). Mark wouldn't pay for a real wedding dress, nor has he bought her a ring; I highly doubt he'd pay for her to go to school. I don't think he'll buy her any clothes, shoes, etc so her wardrobe for school or a job is limited by the clothes she brought with her, plus I'm not sure how she can get a job in her current status. Things must really be bad for Nikki in the Philippines for her to put up with this jackass. well, Nikki can always have his daughters old clothing, or his ex-wife's there is that. I would hope she could take a few classes down at the local community college on the cheap...but again, if she has zero dollars and has to depend on stingy Mark for money even getting that relatively small amount could be a challenge. 1 Link to comment
Drogo November 30, 2015 Share November 30, 2015 Previously-unseen wedding night footage of Josh: 11 Link to comment
3girlsforus November 30, 2015 Share November 30, 2015 I can't stand sleazebag Mark but I have to defend him this one time. Who needs to spend $2300 on a wedding dress when it is a barefoot wedding on the beach with nobody there except yourselves. C'mon! That was rediculous. Hell, I had a private beach wedding and spent less than $100 bucks on a really cute beachy wedding dress. It was perfect. I can even wear it again for another occasion if I want to. From Dress Barn. Of course, a budget and type of dress should have been discussed before the shopping but this is all for TV after all....... I agree that they should have discussed budget but there is no way that Mark thought he was going to go to NYC to buy a wedding dress and have it be inexpensive. I wouldn't spend $2300 either but I also wouldn't go to Ruth Chris and expect a hamburger from the $1 menu. Mark did it just to humiliate Nikki. He is scary and cruel. 13 Link to comment
Cherrio November 30, 2015 Share November 30, 2015 I am sure Mark still has the matching polka dot outfits. 8 Link to comment
cooksdelight November 30, 2015 Share November 30, 2015 They discussed their beach wedding. Going to Hawaii to have a wedding isn't cheap. Unless he locks Nikki in a dog crate and makes her fly in the cargo hold. 15 Link to comment
Pepper Mostly November 30, 2015 Share November 30, 2015 Was I the only one who thought that Mark and Nikki would go to Kleinfeld? When reality teevee worlds collide! First it was poor Kyle with his Intervention-bound mother, then wedding dress shopping. I was positive they'd go there! 10 Link to comment
truelovekiss November 30, 2015 Share November 30, 2015 Best line of probably the entire SERIES: "I was hoping my future husband would be a dancer... but...... instead I got a Mormon." Second only to "I'm marrying a weird guy." 7 Link to comment
locomoco November 30, 2015 Share November 30, 2015 They discussed their beach wedding. Going to Hawaii to have a wedding isn't cheap. Unless he locks Nikki in a dog crate and makes her fly in the cargo hold. I wouldn't be shocked if he tried to get Nikki a discounted child's ticket... 6 Link to comment
truelovekiss November 30, 2015 Share November 30, 2015 Previously-unseen wedding night footage of Josh: While I'm sure this is accurate, I would also like to take this opportunity to thank TLC, Josh, Aleksandra and Co. and God for not having nearly as much "we can't wait to engage in some marital bow chicka wow wow" discussions this season as we did with Danny and Amy last season. So thanks again for cutting down on that, fellows. 17 Link to comment
greekmom November 30, 2015 Share November 30, 2015 Okay fine, Mark and Nikki are a business transaction, nothing wrong with that. But in a business transaction both parties have rights and responsibilities. So far, Nikki is holding up her end of the bargain. What has Mark done? Other than threaten to ship her back every 5 seconds? Even if you see the pre-nup as a business deal, most business deals are written to be mutually beneficial or no one would enter into one. Think about it, would you sign a contract to deliver 500 widgets by Wednesday and if you didn't you would still have to deliver the widgets but not get paid, oh and the other side can reject them even years later for being unsatisfactory and deman their money back? Of course not. Same thing here. Or as I like to tell my clients the key word in Pre-Nuptial Agreement is "Agreement." If it is too unfair the other side won't sign it, then what are you going to do? Call of the wedding? What would Mark have done if she refused to sign? Pay to ship her back? Not his tight ass. Admit on national tv, he made a mistake and got taken advantage of "again" by another Filipina? He could have written an agreement that was fair and still protected him. He could treat her as a business partner, not a plaything. He is CHOOSING to do all these things. While Nikki is doing her part and putting up with his creepy ass for her green card. Which makes me wonder now if they are not both conning the audience. Nikki isn't stupid. She knows the cameras are there and filming. If things were really unfair, she could have turned on the water works, played it up for the camera and called Gramps on his bluff to ship her back. What does she lose? Nothing. It would have made for great tv drama and I would have loved to see Mark's response since he is a tightwad cheap asshole. The whole thing is ick and I actually think Mark & Nikki are worse than Danielle & Mo from season 2. 2 Link to comment
Pepper Mostly November 30, 2015 Share November 30, 2015 I wouldn't be shocked if he tried to get Nikki a discounted child's ticket... If that old tightwad takes Nikki to Hawaii I'll eat my hat. He'll probably take her to the Jersey shore and tell her its Hawaii. 12 Link to comment
gunderda November 30, 2015 Share November 30, 2015 To be honest I don't really like that Mark is getting the bad guy edit because I don't think Nikki is completely innocent in any of this. Link to comment
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