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S12.E03: I Choose You

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Confused about the Jo bathroom scene? She's pregnant?



No, Jo's not pregnant.  The conversation with Stephanie at the beginning was written to make it seem that way, but Jo found a receipt from the frozen baby place and found out that Alex had potential babies.  She thought if Alex was ready for kids with Izzie, what was their relationship all about.  


I loved Alex tonight.  He was all kinds of bad ass.  Him holding the boy until he died at the end almost made me tear up.

  • Love 4

Great Alex episode.  This episode did cement the fact that I don't like Jo.  


Happy Jackson just left, I think he felt pushing her out would make him feel bad but that he doesn't want to live with April so he removed himself.


Happy that Bailey didn't just offer Meredith the world, that doesn't happen often in the real world.  You are low-balled all the time and you have to ask what you think you're worth, most companies would have you work for free if it were possible.

  • Love 7
Great Alex episode.  This episode did cement the fact that I don't like Jo.


Jo was horrible with her approach and her timing.  She knew Alex had major baby surgeries to deal with, and she decides that's the best time to harass him with vague questions about having children and their relationship.  She couldn't have waited to ask him questions like that when they were having a nice dinner together?


Hooray for a strong Alex episode that focused on his skills as a surgeon and a doctor. 


Happy Jackson just left, I think he felt pushing her out would make him feel bad but that he doesn't want to live with April so he removed himself.


I felt the same way, but then I felt bad that he had to leave his apartment.  April hasn't been there in how long, and now he has to leave?

Edited by izabella
  • Love 4

Why didn't Jackson AVERY go to a hotel again?  That is the one confusing thing about this episode.  He's rich and he has barely interacted (ever?) with Warren before this episode.  


Jackson tried to get Ben to join Plastics Posse 2.0 last season.


Maybe Jackson is still grieving. In a fairly short period of time he lost a mentor, a child, and a wife. Maybe he was fine being alone in his home but doesn't want to be alone in a hotelNone of these fairly wealthy people seem to want to live alone.

  • Love 7

This was a pretty good episode, especially all of the Alex content. Having watched soaps for many years, I can't help but wonder if we're eventually going to see an Alex/Izzy baby.

I kind of doubt it. I'm surprised Izzie was mentioned, to be honest.

One thing. With all the timejumps did the writers forget Alex and Jo were living together at the house for like 2-3 years. Some of the dialogue made it seem like they just moved in together, and not just in a place they got together.

  • Love 2

Good case. Alex was awesome. I loved Alex/Arizona and the callback to the plane conversation. I liked how Alex/Jo and the kid/relationship stuff was handled.


I loved all the Alex as well.  It was great to see him have a case that showcased how far he's come as a doctor. I was glad there was no pregnancy, pregnancy scare or infertility. Jo feeling insecure about their future after finding out about the embryos fits Jo's history. The timing was bad but at least she talked to him and not to 10 other people about it before him. I also like that they talked at home instead of while he was performing surgery or scrubbing or in a stairwell - often what happens on Grey's.

The only thing I disliked was naked Amelia


Wouldn't it have been easier for Amelia to text and say "getting dressed, be there in 5" then dressing in the car? Its not like her dressing there saved any time. Meredith didn't leave with her still dressing. I'll add twitchy alien talking Maggie to the dislike list. The sisters have been a miss for me in all 3 episodes.


April/Jackson's story would have worked much better for me if it was playing out without April leaving that second time.

  • Love 5

It was wonderful to see Alex at the heart of a classic GREY'S medical dilemma, and coupled with the script's repeated institutionalized memory (like the Arizona/Alex moment), the installment knowingly aimed to recapture some past magic. The results, as usual, were hit and miss. First and foremost, I appreciate the acknowledgment of Izzie's eggs -- that loose end has been bothering me since 2010 -- and praise be to Shonda, for Jo was not nearly the most obnoxious character in tonight's episode. In fact, I can think of several worse offenders. 


a. April/Jackson: I combine them because they're both unidimensional; their scenes are grating and without nuance

b. Maggie: that tortured metaphor was suffocating, and she has no sustaining characterization

c. Amelia: just because she's rarely NOT annoying


Meanwhile, Maggie and the attractive intern making out was utterly predictable, but oh, so classic GREY'S, and very in keeping with what the show wants to do this season, and in this episode, in particular. I just wish the character had a more definitive personality. We have too many writer's pawns, fluctuating design from script to script. I'm sorry that Meredith has to play so many scenes with those sisters, who are consistently underwhelming. However, speaking of Meredith, I'll end on a positive: it was nice to see her get that amusing little subplot with Bailey. She was involved in the action, but not its primary focus. It was structurally ideal.


(Oh, and did I blink and miss Owen? Either way, he wasn't needed -- at all.)  

Edited by upperco
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Alex fan in heaven!

Remind me why he doesn't have more screentime whereas this episode centered around him was imo the best in a long time? Yep, J.Chambers kills it everytime.

I love how my ex Evil Spawn grew up and became that great doctor and that great person. I love how he understood where Jo's insecurities came from, because he used to have the same, I'm also glad that Jo talked to him and asked frankly where they stood. The last scene made me smile.


BUT. If Jo is barren and has to use Izzie's eggs one day, I.will.hurl. I hope this storyline was partly cleaning a loose end, and nothing more.


I found the case extremely emotional and it was obviously designed to be a tear-jerker, but I didn't think it was OTT or heavy-handed.


Andrew will end up in Peds, I'm calling it right now. And I think I love this character, he's my Alex Jr I guess, I don't know how that happened but it's here. I think the actor is good, too. Maggie and Andrew, didn't think of it but they were quite hot and I like them.


I didn't dislike Bailey, and I like Arizona when she's Alex's mentor an has his back (not when she lets him drop like an old sock in front of the board) so I liked her here.

I still like the sisters, and Maggie's cylon craziness.



Two quibs:

-Yes, why did Jackson went to Warren and not to the person who, last time I checked, was his friend and ex-roommate...Alex? Considering the lack of screentime that he suffers usually, I wouldn't have had a problem with one more scene with him.

-Say what you like about Jo, imo she has one characteristic, it's to be there for Alex when he has issues. She has been, I think, nothing but supportive of him and placing him first almost all the time since they're together. So I found it OOC that she didn't ask about how he felt and the babies when he came back, and was distant instead.

Edited by Happy Harpy
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I kind of doubt it. I'm surprised Izzie was mentioned, to be honest.

One thing. With all the timejumps did the writers forget Alex and Jo were living together at the house for like 2-3 years. Some of the dialogue made it seem like they just moved in together, and not just in a place they got together.

Izzie doesn't have to come back for an Alex and Izzie child to appear. She could have had an embryo implanted, had a child then had her cancer come back.


Nothing on this show would surprise me.

I'm not in the medical field and therefore have no real knowledge about these things, but that seemed to be one big ginormous piece of liver that they took out of the dad to transplant into that tiny little newborn.  Would they really use a piece that big?  It would take up that kid's entire abdomen, I would think.

I noticed the same thing. Very large piece of liver. I was also confused why they couldn't use the dad's liver in both the twins. Anyone know why?

  • Love 2

I noticed the same thing. Very large piece of liver. I was also confused why they couldn't use the dad's liver in both the twins. Anyone know why?



I think, and I could be totally, totally talking out of my behind here - the Liver has nodes, etc. yeah? so. you need like a certain percentage to actually take in the transplant. if you could divide it in half, then I think liver transplants would be more prevalent.


now. my question would be: why didn't they just photocopy the Daddy's liver? the moment they found out the dad was a match, stick it in meredith's printer, and get two matching sets of livers. 

  • Love 3
now. my question would be: why didn't they just photocopy the Daddy's liver? the moment they found out the dad was a match, stick it in meredith's printer, and get two matching sets of livers.



I suppose it is because the liver functions are all about metabolism, enzymes production, molecules processing, it isn't based on a sole mechanical activity, and the printer can't reproduce that specific type of requested action

I was glad to see a focus on Alex, the doctor. Not as glad that Jo was all over him about the embryos when he really had other stuff to do. Found it interesting that the writers remembered things like Alex/Arizona on the plane and Alex/Izzy babies when they can't seem to remember stuff from week-to-week like Arizona only has one leg and that several of the doctors have (now imaginary) kids.


Not really enjoying crazy-pants April, although I did like when Jackson asked her if what she was boiling was bunny.


There was at least a mention of Mer's kids this week, even if none of them really exist any more. Wouldn't the kids ride into daycare with the sister-pool?


I found myself thinking way too often "what has JCap done to her face". I think the hairstyle didn't help that question, but these are things I don't notice often yet last night, it seemed really apparent.

No, Jo's not pregnant.  The conversation with Stephanie at the beginning was written to make it seem that way, but Jo found a receipt from the frozen baby place and found out that Alex had potential babies.  She thought if Alex was ready for kids with Izzie, what was their relationship all about.  


I loved Alex tonight.  He was all kinds of bad ass.  Him holding the boy until he died at the end almost made me tear up.

Duh...yeah I realized this when i was laying in bed last night haha!

  • Love 1

Ellen has gotten very good with her comedic timing.  The conversation with her drunk sister at the beginning and the preview for next week had me rolling.


The Alex with the baby thing killed me.  While that song was playing too.  Ugh, this show and coupling scenes like that with songs.


I kind of admire April.  I mean yeah, she screwed up.  But she knows it.  Jackson is being a little hard on her.  I don't want them to break up though.  I think they're love story is cute.  

  • Love 4

Happy Jackson just left, I think he felt pushing her out would make him feel bad but that he doesn't want to live with April so he removed himself.

She was immoveable - short of actually dragging her out, I'm not sure what else Jackson could have done but go himself. But yeah, the doctors spend way too much time bunking on everyone's couch when they could get themselves a nice hotel room. Bailey said something to the effect that he shouldn't have to sleep in a hotel room, and I'm like what? The ones they can afford are awfully nice - much better than a couch.


Alex fan in heaven!

Remind me why he doesn't have more screentime whereas this episode centered around him was imo the best in a long time? Yep, J.Chambers kills it everytime.


Two quibs:

-Yes, why did Jackson went to Warren and not to the person who, last time I checked, was his friend and ex-roommate...Alex? Considering the lack of screentime that he suffers usually, I wouldn't have had a problem with one more scene with him.

It was nice to see an Alex centric episode. I assume he didn't go to Alex's because the loft (or whatever) he and Jo share looks like a studio - the bedroom isn't walled off, anyway. Which would be kind of awkward.

Izzie doesn't have to come back for an Alex and Izzie child to appear. She could have had an embryo implanted, had a child then had her cancer come back.


Nothing on this show would surprise me.

Yes, I was just coming in to post this. I bet anything Izzie has an embryo in planted and that there is an Alex/Izzie kid out there. Izzie dies (if i remember correctly it was a miracle she lived, and the cancer had a high probability of coming back) and Alex ends up with a kid he never knew he had.

  • Love 1
Alex fan in heaven!


Me too, me too!  And this was the first substantial storyline that he has gotten since his father died way back at the beginning of season 10, so it was doubly exciting.  And maybe I was looking at everything through my Alex heart-eyes filter, but I enjoyed nearly everything about this episode, even Maggie's rambling and even Amelia's humor.  I wish this was the character screentime ratio in every episode, but that is probably me trying to turn my inch into a mile.


I loved Alex being a great doctor, but it was also great to see one of these doctors being scared and unsure of himself for once.  I would imagine that is closer to reality than the posturing and arrogance that most of the doctors show constantly.  I loved that he took the burden off of the parents and put it on himself and then second-guessed that decision and then tried for a Hail Mary.  And I loved how supportive Arizona and Bailey were about it and how much confidence they had in him.  


The director's gimmicky camera work could have been cheesy, but I loved it.  From the camera staying on Alex while first Bailey and then DeLuca gave their monologues to the semi-ridiculous slo-mo of Sensitive Doctor Alex taking off his mask and gown in sadness to cradle the baby on his chest while forlorn Beck played in the background...I fucking ate that Karev porn up with a spoon!  If it had been any other doctor I would have sprained my eyes from rolling them so hard, but I'm a hypocrite like that.  Speaking of DeLuca, I like the Karev-lite thing he has going on and I would love to see him work more with Alex.  I am even on board with the Maggie hook-up.  I also loved (for once) Bailey calling the Chief out for coddling Meredith.


I loved Jackson and his attempt to be civil and reasonable and how it always devolved into rage.  He still obviously has feelings for April, but man she needs to take a giant step back.  And she needs to prove to him that she wants to fight for HIM, not just for some vows or idea of marriage.   I like Ben and Jackson's friendship as well, and I am just generally happy with all of the guys on my screen.


As for Alex and Jo, eh.   I am very glad that Jo isn't pregnant and that they talked about Izzie, but the promos and even that scene in the bathroom with Stephanie were completely unnecessary and manipulative.  And while I loved the cute scene of Alex in his underwear(!) at the end, this isn't a storyline.  I want them to work through something that can't be resolved in one episode.  Also, since when is Jo concerned with labeling their relationship, she was the one who didn't want to do it before.  I understand that finding out that Alex may have potential babies out in the world would be upsetting, but he timing was terrible and anger seemed to be based on that 5 second elevator conversation.  In the end, though, I like that Alex mentioned that he gets angry and she gets insecure when they have issues, but I want to see more of that.  But also for the love of god, can Jo please do something outside of just being a girlfriend?!?  For a show that congratulates itself on its "feminism" (I mean, even the girl twin was the one who made it LOL), they sure are dropping the ball when it comes to Jo.  I really, really hope that changes.


Yes, I was just coming in to post this. I bet anything Izzie has an embryo in planted and that there is an Alex/Izzie kid out there. Izzie dies (if i remember correctly it was a miracle she lived, and the cancer had a high probability of coming back) and Alex ends up with a kid he never knew he had.


I thought about this too.  Her mother could show up, but wouldn't Alex have to be notified, at the very least, if the embryos actually got implanted?  He talked as though he knew for a fact that nothing had ever been done with them.  I would like another conversation where Alex can put not only his marriage to Izzie in perspective, but also her abandonment of him and his asking her to leave.  I would like to see what, if anything, he has taken from all of that beyond blaming himself, and what part his relationship with Jo has played into his coming to grips with it.  I realize that I may as well ask for another Alex-centric episode co-starring Kyle Chandler's reanimated bomb squad guy, but its still want I want.

  • Love 4

I really liked this episode.  Very glad to see the focus on Alex and nothing too overly dramatic for Jolex.  I found their issue to be pretty realistic and I was pleasantly surprised the show brought up the embryos again.  I was also really glad to see the issue itself come out by the two of them actually talking TO EACH OTHER.  I am not trying to compare Jolex to MerDer, but I feel like if something like this happened with MerDer we would have learned of the issue via Meredith bitching to Cristina ,rather than a face to face conversation with Derek.  I like that the writers are taking a more direct approach to relationship conflicts.  


Anyway loved Alex's patient stories and personal stories.  I was a little dissapointed they didn't end with a proposal.  It's been what 2 years since Alex told Meredith he wanted to marry Jo.  Seems like it would have been the perfect time.  I wonder if they are waiting for sweeps or the midseason finale.  


I can't help but love the scene with Meredith, Callie, Maggie and Amelia.  It really made me laugh and I thought Meredith/Ellen's facial expressions were really perfect.  I don't understand the show's sudden obsession with car pooling though?  I really could have done without that opening scene, it was really unnecessary.  I am just going to tell myself that Meredith hired a nanny and that's why the kids are never in the car with her.  I stand by what I said last week with that I am fine with NOT seeing the kids, but they should make more of an effort to not write scenes where the missing kids are blatantly obvious.  


Few other thoughts:


- it seems like they are sticking to the one patient story per episode.  I wonder if that is on purpose or just how the writing happened. 


- I found the feminism/salary stuff way too heavy handed.  As a member of the board wouldn't Meredith know what other surgeons are making?  Wouldn't she even know how much Derek made?  


- The writes seems to be struggling with the time jump a little with some characters moving forward personallu (ie- Maggie dating Ethan for 6 months), but other relationships have remained stagnant (Jolex, Amelia/Owen).  


  • Love 1

Speaking of DeLuca, I like the Karev-lite thing he has going on and I would love to see him work more with Alex.

As for Alex and Jo, eh. I am very glad that Jo isn't pregnant and that they talked about Izzie, but the promos and even that scene in the bathroom with Stephanie were completely unnecessary and manipulative. And while I loved the cute scene of Alex in his underwear(!) at the end, this isn't a storyline. I want them to work through something that can't be resolved in one episode. Also, since when is Jo concerned with labeling their relationship, she was the one who didn't want to do it before. I understand that finding out that Alex may have potential babies out in the world would be upsetting, but he timing was terrible and anger seemed to be based on that 5 second elevator conversation. In the end, though, I like that Alex mentioned that he gets angry and she gets insecure when they have issues, but I want to see more of that. But also for the love of god, can Jo please do something outside of just being a girlfriend?!? For a show that congratulates itself on its "feminism" (I mean, even the girl twin was the one who made it LOL), they sure are dropping the ball when it comes to Jo. I really, really hope that changes.

I liked the vibe between Alex and DeLuca. I would really really love for Alex to mentor somebody like Addison and Arizona mentored him, and DeLuca starting out as the Anti-Peds guy like Alex could be good, if he sticks around.

I liked the Alex/Jo scenes, but I agree that they still have no storyline. Most of the characters have ongoing storylines or the potential for ongoing storylines, but I have no clue what, if anything, they have planned for Alex or Jo, individually or as a couple.

I'm assuming that Mere has hired a nanny for Ellis and the older kids, lest they'd be in the car going to daycare.

This is the only explanation,logically,yes. Should we as viewers establish this as fact?



But where were the kids during the party? Their mother drinking alcohol again, it seems not little,drunk again.

I don´t like this portrayal of Meredith as a mother.

Edited by Season5OwenHuntfan
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This episode was bliss and is one of the best in the past 3 or so seasons. I loved all the Alex. I do wish there was a story for Alex/Jolex that would play out over several episodes but after having almost zero screen time together last season I'm going to be happy with this episode for awhile before I start complaining again. I liked almost everything and everyone in this episode.  Exception: the sisters. I like Amelia but my liking her is eroding each episode. Ditto Maggie, whom I liked when she first arrived.  I thought it was really stupid that Amelia didn't just get dressed before getting in the car. I agree Greysaddict, I don't think Amelia is a whore. As far as we know she's had sex with one man in the almost 2 years she's been in Seattle.  Hahaha that's less whoreish that 90%.


Meredith is concerned about Amelia being naked in the car yet has no concern about Maggie bringing home her drunken one night stands or having sex so loud that Meredith can comment about Maggie's dirty talk? If the loud sex can wake up Meredith and Amelia doesn't it wake the children? 


I'd really love to see Alex's sister scenes to be replaced with Alex doctor scenes and Alex/Arizona scenes. I always loved Alex and Arizona working together. Callie is with the sisters often so she can replace Alex in the sister group. Arizona needs friends and Alex needs away from the sisters so its a win-win. I'd also like to keep last night's Bailey.

Edited by maasa
  • Love 4

I actually hope that DeLuca doesn't go Peds, if anything because the show's been-there-done-that with the "guy who isn't into Peds going into Peds" with Alex. But this show recycles all the time, so, it's probably going to happen. The tip off? DeLuca's backstory into "I like kids, but"... these writers don't do subtle.


Edited by funnygirl
  • Love 2
On the other hand, I am hating April right now, and I used to really like her, even when most people found her annoying. I like that she's not ready to throw in the towel on her marriage in the long term, but the way she's going about trying to fix it is completely unreasonable. Hopefully Jackson moving out will make her come to her senses because honestly, this plotline is just no fun to watch.


When April was going on about how you don't  leave, and don't walk out of a marriage, I was so glad Jackson told her that SHE does leave and walk away.  Twice!  I cannot understand how she doesn't SEE that.  The writers are making her stupid for not being able to see that stalking Jackson now isn't going to make up for disappearing from her marriage for a year or more, especially since we saw Jackson tell her before she left the second time that they were done if she leaves.

  • Love 3

This is the only explanation,logically,yes. Should we as viewers establish this as fact?



But where were the kids during the party? Their mother drinking alcohol again, it seems not little,drunk again.

I don´t like this portrayal of Meredith as a mother.

Am I losing my mind or did Meredith not hire that nanny that waited hours at the hospital for an interview?


Mothers can drink. Mothers can get drunk. Obviously she was not responsible for her childrens' care at the time because they weren't in the scene, so I'm not sure what the issue is. 

Edited by RainbowBrite

Am I losing my mind or did Meredith not hire that nanny that waited hours at the hospital for an interview?


Mothers can drink. Mothers can get drunk. Obviously she was not responsible for her childrens' care at the time because they weren't in the scene, so I'm not sure what the issue is. 

Maybe she has a nanny, we never see her anyway.


What if one of her kids woke up at that time and started crying or fell sick (I assume they were sleeping),would she tend to the child drunk?What kind of care could she give to her child in the state she was?

Her kids were at that house, shall we presume,so she was responsible for their well-being. 


I dislike the fact that we see Meredith drunk quite a lot - in the premiere they mentioned she was drunk the night before, now again she drank a lot.

I would like her to see Dr Wyatt and talk to her about her loss of Derek. She hardly ever mentions him. We don´t know what she feels, how she feels, we know nothing.

Edited by Season5OwenHuntfan
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I dislike the fact that we see Meredith drunk quite a lot - in the premiere they mentioned she was drunk the night before, now again she drank a lot.

I would like her to see Dr Wyatt and talk to her about her loss of Derek. She hardly ever mentions him. We don´t know what she feels, how she feels, we know nothing.




Meredith did not look like she was drunk in this episode as in trying to drown sorrows in alcohol. Maggie looked like the one trying to drown sorrows with alcohol, that's a problem when you have kids IMO. Meredith just looked like she was hanging out with a friends and family, talking about an issue at work which was her contract.  There is no way based on the values that I hold where I'm going to judge a grown ass woman for having drinks especially when she's in her home, her kids are in bed, she's not driving and she's not making an ass of herself falling over drunk . There's nothing wrong IMO, it's all good where Meredith is concerned, at the moment anyway.


Meredith seems pretty stable to me, the fact that the show can't insert details like where are her kids when she is carpooling to work is on the incompetent writers. When will they get that, that shit bugs, it just does. 


Next week they show her mentioning to Maggie that the father of her children slept with an intern and it doesn't seem like she 's saying it in a judgmental way since I'm pretty sure she'll always be proud that he's the father of her children. She's just pointing it out to Maggie because Maggie is acting like there is something so awful about it.

Edited by represent
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Meredith was taking long swigs from that tequila bottle.  Most moms I know would not be doing that with three small kids in the house that need a non-drunk parent to parent them.  I'm sure Ellis's diaper changes and feedings in the middle of the night would be better done without a drunk mom doing it, not to mention an actual emergency that might come up.


I think the show just totally falls down in depicting parents. That's why they have Meredith drinking tequila on a weeknight with the other single, non-parents in the house with no auxiliary child care.  They're trying to have it both ways - have these people be parents AND show them in whatever way they want without regard to their actually being parents.

Edited by izabella
  • Love 3


Meredith was taking long swigs from that tequila bottle.  Most moms I know would not be doing that with three small kids in the house that need a non-drunk parent to parent them.

When she starts slurring words, driving drunk, killing patients while Bailey/Ellis walk around with loaded diapers with Zola's hair unkempt and Meredith is hanging over the side of her bed with an empty bottle of tequila, then I'll take issue. For now she's fine, whether she's taking a drink from a bottle or glass, no difference to me, unless she can't do her job at home or at work. Meredith isn't most mothers, she has a job that involves literally life and death and if she needs to decompress with a drink, I have no problem with it. Unlike Ellis, I get no impression that she sees her children as burdens, that she'd rather not have to mother them. She's just trying to balance it all like every other decent single mother/father and it's even harder for her because her job is no nine to five.


Now next week as I posted in the other thread, I take issue with her roommate bringing home one night stands. That's what I take issue with, you don't have strange hook ups in the home where little children are growing up. This is why Amelia and Maggie need their own damn place. If and when Meredith meets someone, that person too shouldn't be introduced to her children's home until it's serious as in wanting to become a family with her IMO. But what I saw in this episode, please, not bad parenting at all.


If you're waiting to see Mer tuck kids into bed and help them do homework in the afternoons, sit down for family dinners, I'm not sure you're going to get that. It's going to be assumed that it gets done and the homework part will no doubt be done by the nanny most of the time. Meredith won't be home from work or able to go the the hospital daycare to help them with homework. The tucking in, that she may be able to do more.


This show is a trip, I mean when Bailey has her son who is picking him up from school?  Because he is definitely in school now?  Ben nor Bailey are available. Where does the bus drop him off? It looks like Bailey is able to get home in the evening but is it before his bedtime? Is it before dinner time? She's the chief of surgery for crying out loud.

Edited by represent
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