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S14.E10: Crew's All In

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My problem with this show, and not just this season, but previous seasons, is that too many of the designers don't seem to have imagination.  They pick one look, or one design style, and that's all they do.  Ashley's looks are the same, Swapnil's looks are similar looking.  It seems that if you only use pleats or highly structured outfits, you're a one trick pony.  I would love it if they did a challenge forcing each designer out of their comfort zone and deducted "points" if they did even one stitch that said it's your favorite style.


Candice's outfit looked more like a a hootchie and not professional.


Ashley's outfit was downright embarrassing and ugly.  No way would a plus size person buy that ugly, butt reaming outfit.  


Oh, who the heck were the two guest judges?  Never heard of them.

Edited by KLovestoShop
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You can't depend at all on editing, but I got an "entitled" vibe from Swapnil. I think he's hot-stuff back home and was totally unprepared for not being a shoe-in for a win. When he complained "She wants her arms and legs covered... what am I supposed to do?"

 That's the word I'd been fishing for...entitled. That pretty well sums up how I've come to view Swapnil.

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The only thing I do not love about Edmond is the hat. Otherwise, I adore him ... his personality, his patience, his lack of whining, his knack for tailoring and understated form-fitting designs that are still (usually) creative. I really, really hope he wins which means he probably won't.


I just spent 15 minutes wandering around YouTube trying to find the 1980s musician whose costumes reminded me of Merline's original jacket ... thought it might be Morris Day or Kid Creole. No luck, but it was fun to watch the "Endicott" video again. 


I would say I'm over Ashley but I was never under her, so to speak. I find her designs to be one step short of hideous, though in theory I should like them since I'm into thrift shop chic. But it's no surprise because she generally looks like a mess herself and I don't think it's because she's a "big" girl. She just, IMHO, has ZERO taste. Would much rather have had Swapnil stick around than her because at least he has the potential to trot out some nice-looking results. 


Someone else said something to this effect and I can't remember who (SORRY) but ditto/thritto to the idea that while I don't love Kelly's aesthetic, I totally respect that it is who she is and how true she is to it week in and week out. I do think she got the easiest assignment this week (though she executed it well) in that her ADORABLE crew member knew exactly what SHE wanted in terms of overalls, which gave Kelly a very good basic idea to work off of and "make her own dog" to mix reality show metaphors. (Also, am I the only one who thinks she looks like Boy George?)

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Emilio Sosa. Tim hated him. He hated him even more than he hated Santino.


Huh? Emilio in particular wasn't his favorite, that's for sure, he thought him arrogant and I think he wanted more deference than he got from him, but Emilio was right to stick to his guns and ignore Tim's constant criticism since it led to success. But both Emilio and Santino were 2nd and 3rd runners up their seasons making it to Fashion Week, so there was no cold shoulder for Tim to give in the manner he gave to Swapnil.

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Oh, who the heck were the two guest judges?  Never heard of them.

I believe they star in a scripted series about the sensitive, talented makers of a manipulative, abusive 'reality' series who aren't at fault for losing their souls because they have upper-middle-class lifestyles to maintain.

Edited by Julia
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I dont think Swapie gave up...he made 3 outfits..they weren't amazing...or even good...but omg was she a bitch!!

Talk about not trying to cooperate. ..jesus christ...send to Walmart and be done with it

Fuck Her

Ashley's chick was no walk in the park either

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Tim's meltdown reminded me of when Tyra went off on Tiffany many years ago when ANTM was actually good. Kind of seemed like a copy of it, actually.

Edited by Bebecat
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Huh? Emilio in particular wasn't his favorite, that's for sure, he thought him arrogant and I think he wanted more deference than he got from him, but Emilio was right to stick to his guns and ignore Tim's constant criticism since it led to success. But both Emilio and Santino were 2nd and 3rd runners up their seasons making it to Fashion Week, so there was no cold shoulder for Tim to give in the manner he gave to Swapnil.

Remember when all the finalist met Tim when they got back to NYC for Fashion Week? Big hugs all around, except for Emilio, who got a dead fish handshake from Tim. Their interactions were painfully awkward, in the home visit segment and during FW. Every now and then Tim takes against someone. He loathed Santino and made no secret of it. And remember poor Natasha from Under the Gunn? To me it looks like Swapnil has joined that august company. 

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Tim and the crew members are all paid by Project Runway management.  I'll be evil and suggest that the reason they had crew members for this challenge is because they would do what they were directed to do in interacting with the designers, which may have included making things difficult for the designers.  I don't think the crew member got the bad edit because it was her employer's people doing the edit (in other words, they showed what they wanted to show rather than giving her a 'bad' edit).  I'm not defending Swapnil or any of the designers for their choices; but I think this episode was set up and manipulated to a painful degree. I wouldn't follow Tim's advice without a lot of thought because in recent years, his advice has not been as helpful as it might have been in earlier years. 

I thought the same thing about the crew members being given instructions to push the designers and not just go along to get along.

Very Likely. I think.    I also thought (because I'm mad at how damn cheap they've become) that maybe they saved money by not using the models.  Next the designers will be 'walking" their dress forms down the runway.....   

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I'm sorry, they all looked terrible.  Every damn one of them.  There were a few nice things, some ok things and a whole lot of terrible things. 


It made me very sad for the crew members.


It makes me sad for myself too, continuing to hold onto what this show used to be and can't be again. 

Yeah, I thought even Kelly's was bad. The fabric looked like trash bag material on my screen. These women deserved so much better. So much for a 2 day challenge.

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 (who in some cases were on her side primarily because she was overweight).

That would be I.


I once observed a frumpy, overweight woman buy a $400 purse at a signature label boutique on Rodeo Drive in Beverly Hills.  She was handed her purchase in a large plain white bag with carry handles, exactly the same size and shape as all the other bags going out of the store, except they were the very recognizable color and festooned with logos.  Nice.  Subtle.


I strongly suspect that inside the rooms where the fashion industry actually churns, the bias doesn't simply end with the general public's attitude that fat = invisible, but probably extends in many unsubtle ways to NOTD exclusion.  (Not Our Type, Darling.)


So I'll wave some serious pom-poms on behalf of any woman brave enough to push on in there and be not only unapologetic about her size, but top her look with a weird pile of double-take purple hair.


I wish her designs had blown me away, but hey, she got on the show, she lasted a respectable amount of time before her tank ran completely dry and she worked that paintball gun like a badass.


For posterity, I'm marking Project Runway Ashley a good thing.

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To me, the issue wasn't the crew member asking for her arms and legs to be covered. My issue was her crapping on the first two designs that followed that directive without telling him what she didn't like and what she actually wanted.

I was remarking more about the number of posts that said asking for her skin to be covered was unreasonable or showed body neuroses, or that she should live it up a little and be more daring or whatever. Whether or not she was hard to please with sleeves wasn't my point, but that NOT wanting to go "bombshell" was perfectly reasonable.

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I never got the impression he had a problem with Santino. He did?

Oh yeah. He said so himself. He frequently said things about how Santino sucked the air out of the room, was obnoxious, tiresome, a problem child. He was relieved that Santino didn't win season 2 (and he should have) because then Project Runway would be "Project Freakshow". He did not like Santino AT ALL.

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I do not particularly like to bare my legs and arms that much (unless I'm going in the pool) but I think my first request of Swapnil would be to reduce the amount of stuff around my neck and face.

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I think this is yet another case of designers taking Tim's advice when they shouldn't have.  If Swapnil had stayed with his original vision and tweaked it a bit, he could have made something beautiful that Sourpuss may not have liked, but the judges may have.  I don't think "lazy" should have anything to do with judging.  If the designer is able to put something on the runway that the judges like, why does it matter if that designer didn't have to work as hard as others to do so?  

I agree! Remember last season when Kini kept being done real early and then just taking naps/lounging in the break room the rest of the time?? No one called him lazy! ...Swapnil was doing great in the beginning! It seems like he only tanked once Tim and the judges started slinging the "You're lazy and don't try! Ugh!" stuff at him. I think for whatever reason Tim didn't like him from the beginning and started a whole drama thing about "he's lazy" with the judges, even though Swapnil was still doing very well. I think that got in Swapnil's head and caused him to combo choke/give up. I completely think it was his time to go last night...but it's a shame if that's what happened. Whatever, he's got a career in India and he's talented and I don't think he needs haughty Nina Garcia to make/save his career!

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Good point. If that's true, the judges (like many commenters here, haha) would take one look at my closet and ding me for tasteless prints too. Still, though, judging on "taste" without specifics is akin to saying "your opinion is wrong" and also implies that there is only one "right" "taste"...which is not a sensible idea in the fashion world.


I always thought magazines like Marie Claire were built on the premise that there is only one right taste in fashion. It's certainly how Nina comes off to me. It makes me thnk of "The Devil Wears Prada" when Meryl Streep tells Anne Hathaway she has no sense of fashion. It may not be right (I don't thnk it is) but I think the fashion world is built largely onnthe idea that there is only one right taste.


And she put pockets in it. Pockets in a peplum!! I refuse to believe I am the only one disturbed by that. We get that you know how to make pockets, Ashley. They are nifty, but they aren't a necessary part of every garment and they don't show off any particularly magical skills on your part.

While I agree that pockets actually in the peplum are just wrong, I would say that pockets are a necessary part of every garment -- at least for the bottom half of the body -- and more designers and manufacturers should include them. I hate pants or skirts that are perfect except that they have no pockets.

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I always thought magazines like Marie Claire were built on the premise that there is only one right taste in fashion. It's certainly how Nina comes off to me. It makes me thnk of "The Devil Wears Prada" when Meryl Streep tells Anne Hathaway she has no sense of fashion. It may not be right (I don't thnk it is) but I think the fashion world is built largely onnthe idea that there is only one right taste.


I don't read fashion magazines except at a hair appointment or in a waiting room, but I don't think so. Those magazines are loaded with info on how to achieve whichever item of a list of usually pretty clichéd "style types"--sort of like how the Just Fab challenge was divided up.


Oh yeah. He said so himself. He frequently said things about how Santino sucked the air out of the room, was obnoxious, tiresome, a problem child. He was relieved that Santino didn't win season 2 (and he should have) because then Project Runway would be "Project Freakshow". He did not like Santino AT ALL.


Well, wow--how do you like that? (I for one do not like it at all!) I never knew this!

Edited by TattleTeeny
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Never mind. I'm just disgusted. Send them all home.


Lifetime can shut down the studio and send the crew home too. I'll tune in until the end of this train wreck this season of sheer curiosity, but after that I'm out. There is only so much producer driven chicanery and downright nastiness from the authorities one can take.

Edited by Rahul
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One thing I forgot to say is....what the HELL has happened to Tim Gunn?????  I really loved him in the first seasons of PR....then along came Under the Gunn with the Horrible Mondo beast, Nasty Anya beast, so MANY questionable 'auffings' that it made my head spin, and now the last couple of  PR season, where he has really seemed to complete lose his sense of himself....I was glad to see other posters had the same concerns about his personal clothing choices as I do....where or where is my TIm Gunn of the early days????

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Tim was awful to Emilio, and it really seemed it was for no other reason than Emilio chose not to listen to Tim's critiques. I, too, had no idea he hated Santino. Santino IS obnoxious but I've always loved him in spite of that. If his garments had fit properly, he would have won season 2 instead of boring, vanilla, bland Chloe Dao. Tim also hated Burt, too, but he never really elaborated on why. Burt could be kind of pissy but he had a rough go for a few years, so I can forgive the pissy, to a degree.


Back on topic: Just rewatched the episode and the editing force was strong with this one. During critiques when the "models" came out for the clothes to be pawed by Zac, I don't think Jenn was laughing at negative things said about Swapnil. They were all kind of laughing about something that probably came from somewhere else and was made to look as if she was taking delight in Swapnil being torn apart by the judges and TIM. I honestly thought there were a couple times when she was definitely visibly upset with her look, but there were a couple of times when she kind of genuinely looked pained FOR Swapnil. Everyone looked embarrassed for him when Tim started his rant of hate. I'm glad he's gone just to be out of that atmosphere. I don't know if Swappy was on something, as has been speculated here, or maybe he's on prescribed meds about which we do not know, but it's hard to watch the reality show arc of someone being slowly deflated week after week. I realize that's what a reality show is all about, and yes, everyone knows that, but it's still hard. I started out rooting for Swapnil and I still think he's talented. I just don't this competition was for him.


I was tres amused at the guest judge who said to him that this is Project Runway, this is your chance, it doesn't get any better than this. I'm still sort of snickering as I type that. Aside from Christian Siriano, has anyone had any actual success after PR? I mean, even Dmitry and Seth Aaron, who have both won twice, don't appear to be doing much. Maybe Dmitry is doing more in Europe, but after Seth Aaron's 2nd win, he said he was going to move to California and finally start his label. I don't remember reading anything about him since then. Let's be honest: PR is NOT the springboard to fashion longevity that the producers and judges want us to think.


Second thoughts on some of the fashions:


Ashley and Candice should have gone home with Swapnil and we could have gone straight to the finale. I still think that Tim will use his save on Ashley. I think the only way he WON'T use it is if Merline is the next one out. He'll let her go and then we'll have a final four or have the final 2 and the other 2 have to come back but still compete for the 3rd spot.


I ADORE Edmond, and I thought the raincoat was cute (I mean a raincoat? Come on! What was he supposed to do with that?)  But I didn't get the dress thing and I thought the top of the dress looked like a potholder. I know he put a lot of work in it, but potholder.


I thought Kelly was chosen just because hers sucked the least of everything up there. It was pleather overalls. And she wears overalls all the time. And I didn't agree that they fit perfectly, but I guess they weren't bad. The tank top was a nothing. I guess the gold trim was new???? I'm just confused at this point. Still, I like Kelly because she's Kelly and I'll be fine with her in the finale.


I stick by what I said earlier about Ashley crying ad nauseum on the runway: she had better have been crying because she disappointed her client and not because she felt sorry for herself again.


Candice: please go home. Take all your black and blue leather and pleather with you.

Edited by PepperMonkey
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Oops...another thing I forgot to mention...I was rather neutral on Edmund until the 'team' challenge where he was paired with Hanmaio...and, in my not so humble opinion, he was totally nasty to her....If I recall correctly, he had immunity for that challenge, so he could have given her the lead and let things play out as they would, WITHOUT any of the condescending nastiness.....once he started bitching about her not talking to him (IF that is what really happened, editing notwithstanding), I really wish she had done the entire episode speaking nothing but Chinese, just to give him a taste of what it is like to try and function in a place where one is not a native speaker.....I don't think Hanmaio would have won that challenge if he had backed off, and she may well have still gone home....BUT....he just didn't need to be that dismissive and sabotage the design as well...which is what I think he did....with their aesthetics being so different, it still could have worked if he did the slinky, sexy undergarment and Hanmaio came up with a high end, boxy outer....

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As long as you're fully clothed, just go with it, be gracious, and let the designer shine (or sink) on their own merit.

I think this is how I would probably behave if I were a client in the "real woman" challenge, but at the same time...it's part of the challenge to dress for a woman who isn't a size 0 and has major body insecurities and doesn't really know what she wants, she just knows it isn't what the designer has made for her. Otherwise, the challenge would be "Make an Outfit. Go." The brief was to make a look for a client that satisfied her while still showing the designer's voice. Some of them luck out with average size woman who don't care what you make, and some end up with opinionated women who hate their ankles. You can argue that the challenge was rigged so the designer they want auffed gets the "difficult" chick, but as a challenge, it seems as fair as any.

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Aside from Christian Siriano, has anyone had any actual success after PR? I mean, even Dmitry and Seth Aaron, who have both won twice, don't appear to be doing much. Maybe Dmitry is doing more in Europe, but after Seth Aaron's 2nd win, he said he was going to move to California and finally start his label. I don't remember reading anything about him since then. Let's be honest: PR is NOT the sprinboard to fashion longevity that the producers and judges want us to think.


Actually, it's not couture, but Gretchen's not doing badly. She's the creative director for Pendleton now.

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Exactly! I hope we get the real story from someone because there were definitely things going on that we weren't privy to.  Did we ever hear any negative comments about Swapnil from the other designers?  Wouldn't they air those if the attempt was to make him look bad, if  they existed? I thought something was up with his participation on the show from the beginning.  No wins, in spite of high finishes, praise, and IMO what were some winning designs.  I thought at the time that he was maybe a ringer and was promised publicity and a runway show, and then something went horribly wrong and that all went out the window.  Something definitely happened. Did Swapnil realize what a crapfest this show is and decide he didn''t want any part of it? Did something happen between him and Tim on a personal level, like a proposition?  I would even buy a drug story, but wouldn't they try to create a more sympathetic story for his ousting if that were the case, if someone had an addiction and needed help?


Wow. That would be a story, wouldn't it. Tim's acerbic vitriol certainly would make a bit more sense if he made advances on Swapnil and was rebuffed. Now my mind is spinning with possibilities. I want to know what really went down behind the scenes, because I'm not buying this whole lazy smoking angle production has been trying to force down our throats for the past couple of weeks.

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It does seem like this is going to come down to Kelly vs Edmund, which is a nice surprise. I have no idea who the third designer will be, not that it will matter. I find some of Edmund's work to be a bit on the tacky side, but I'd be okay with him winning. Kelly's my clear favorite though, I really enjoy her personality and the fact that she brings something quirky and out-of-the-box as opposed to the generic, safe stuff we've been getting these past few seasons. 


Swapnil's edit surprised me a lot. I was totally expecting a turnaround for him at top 7 or so, but when we were halfway through this episode and they were yet again harping on how he doesn't care and isn't giving it his all, I figured he was a gone. Bizarre story arc, for sure. 


Not that I will be watching, but I have to wonder if Merline is this year's Wendy Pepper......

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Julia, I didn't care for Gretchen in her season, but good for her for the Pendleton thing. Actually, I can see that as a good match for her.


I forgot to add in my post about something that really bothered me, vis a vis the editing: Did anyone else notice when Swapnil went to the breakroom to SKETCH, they did a long shot so they could prominently show a pack of smokes in the foreground? That was bush league.


Belated edit to add: MICHAEL COSTELLO! I think he's had great success with some red carpet designs. And I still love him.

Edited by PepperMonkey
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ETA: I wasn't crazy about Gretchen either, but she's quietly made a career for herself, so go her on that, anyway.

[moved Tim talk to Tim thread]

Edited by Julia
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I believe they star in a scripted series about the sensitive, talented makers of a manipulative, abusive 'reality' series who aren't at fault for losing their souls because they have upper-middle-class lifestyles to maintain.


I gotta defend my favorite summer addiction for a sec. UnReal is actually way more interesting an dark than this -- the leads (played by the guest judges this week) are producers on a reality show, but they are no way presented as "sensitive" and "not at fault" for the way they manipulate the contestants. They embrace their effed up loss of soul (especially Constance Zimmer's character -- Shiri's struggles with it more but she certainly realizes how badly she behaves). It's rather a twisted delight.


It has also made me look at every reality show with an even more critical eye, and I agree with the people who think it's ironic they were judging this episode, because there was clearly SOMETHING going on behind the scenes with Swapnil. I'm with the people who thinks Tim's explosion was way out of line and uncomfortable to watch; I'm really curious what possibly could have really prompted it. 

Edited by Agnes Bean
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Emilio Sosa. Tim hated him. He hated him even more than he hated Santino.


I laughed like a hyena at Swapnil shaving. He knew damn well production would have a fit. I always said that if I went on reality teevee (never happen!) I would wear a different outfit every day and do something different with my hair/makeup to keep 'em scrambling. Good one, Swapnil!

I keep giggling at the who Tim hated part.   But What about that snotty girl who made it to fashion week.  "I wasn't going for [elegant whatever]   HYY DEE!!!!  I do forget her name.

I do think Swapnil could have been the "juan pablo"  (a Bachelor reference) of this show.  He apparently gave production such a hard time they gave him the A**hole edit and even the host mocked him.  (but I dont think Swapnil was THAT bad) 

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I gotta defend my favorite summer addiction for a sec. UnReal is actually way more interesting an dark than this -- the leads (played by the guest judges this week) are producers on a reality show, but they are no way presented as "sensitive" and "not at fault" for the way they manipulate the contestants. They embrace their effed up loss of soul (especially Constance Zimmer's character -- Shiri's struggles with it more but she certainly realizes how badly she behaves). It's rather a twisted delight.


It has also made me look at every reality show with an even more critical eye, and I agree with the people who think it's ironic they were judging this episode, because there was clearly SOMETHING going on behind the scenes with Swapnil. I'm with the people who thinks Tim's explosion was way out of line and uncomfortable to watch; I'm really curious what possibly could have really prompted it.

Oh, I think it's kind of interesting, what little I've seen, and when I free up some time I want to binge watch what I haven't. I just thought it was a little on the nose to have those particular judges on the challenge where the behind-the-scenes people were chosen to be the cats among the pigeons.

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THAT TOO!!! But I keep thinking of someone who is doing a little dance with the square shoulders and more fitted lower half. From the early days of MTV.

Oh Lordy Pamela, that describes almost all of MTV in the 80's!  *ROFL*   

I keep giggling at the who Tim hated part.   But What about that snotty girl who made it to fashion week.  "I wasn't going for [elegant whatever]   HYY DEE!!!!  I do forget her name. 


Edited by leighdear
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Wow. That would be a story, wouldn't it. Tim's acerbic vitriol certainly would make a bit more sense if he made advances on Swapnil and was rebuffed. Now my mind is spinning with possibilities. I want to know what really went down behind the scenes, because I'm not buying this whole lazy smoking angle production has been trying to force down our throats for the past couple of weeks.

I am loathe to admit it, but several years ago I did read one of Tim's books, can't remember the title. In the book he spoke quite frankly about the fact that he has been celibate for decades and is basically asexual. So I think a rebuffed overture is not likely. Now......he has had changed in style and attitude, so perhaps he has changed in his romantic life also. I just think Tim hates, hates, HATES to see people waste opportunities or give less than their all.

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I had some major issues with this episode (although I admit that my view of it was probably a bit skewed by discovering what Tim had done in a previous episode behind the scenes).

Kelly: I don't think this should have won. I didn't like the fabric choice and I think making "dressy" overalls is stupid. Safe? Sure. The win? Huh?

Merline: I liked this outfit the best and thought it should have won. Two of the three pieces seemed well made with the skirt needing a bit of work. As an aside, Merline's dress at judging was gorgeous! I loved the color and the sleeves. She needs to ditch the hats.

Candace: That was terrible. She made her model look like a halfway modest hooker.

Edmond: I really liked both pieces but not together. When his model started walking on the runway, I thought that his outfit made his model look wider than she really was. When she took it off though, she looked great. That weaving on the top was really cool too.

Ashley: She should have been the one dismissed. Terrible color and pattern choice. The dreaded peplum that was unflattering. It also didn't fit. I could see the top rising up and making folds. Nobody wants that. Also, I wasn't seeing the crybaby thing before but I certainly do now. Homegirl needs to buck up or get out.

Swapnil: Oy, now this is where I had some major freaking issues with this episode. His final outfit, IMHO, was fine with the exception of the cape. That part was poorly executed. With that said, his first outfit looked extremely promising. Was it simple? Yes, but it was flattering and the back looked great. It also had sleeves like the client wanted. The second outfit even looked promising as well. So Swapnil is "lazy" but had three freaking outfits for the challenge? I despised his model and felt like she was a production plant for a storyline. Nothing but vague criticism and no direction at all. She even rolled her eyes at the hair and makeup challenge. What a pissy crumedgeon. I also felt Tim's little outburst was unprofessional and very, very personal. He needs to take a break from this show because he is not doing his job as a mentor. Swapnil's whole aufing just seemed storyline driven rather than based on the actual work.

At this point, I don't care who wins because of the stuff that happened behind the scenes. All reality shows have an element of fakery but this is ridiculous.

Exactly how I felt... what the hell is wrong with Tim? He used to see like the fashion godfather....now....not so much...and even worse is his interaction with the current crop of 'designers'.....he is carrying forward his poor judgement and personal bias in a most disturbing manner.

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When did Swapnil go from talented designer (the judges were fawning all over him at the beginning) to pariah who needed to be aufed harshly?

When they realized/decided (depending on who you ask) that he was phoning it in.


Re: Swapnil's client, I don't know that I necessarily have an opinion on her behaviour. I remember when I watched (before coming here and reading) I thought the editing of her responses were really choppy. Like, you got enough to know she wasn't happy, and that she wasn't happy because of the sleeves, but that was about it. So I don't think we know if she just told him she didn't like it, but didn't really explain why, or explain what she wanted instead (ie unhelpful unhappy) or if there was more and it were just edited out and they still didn't "get" each other and/or he did whatever he wanted anyway.

What I do remember most though from all three outfits when she was kvetching about all the sleeves was I didn't at the time think her problem was the length. The one with the zippers I thought she was pretty clear she thought it was tacky. The others I didn't think were really a style or even length issue so much as fit. And that's why she was so irked with the third and final, not because the sleeves were shorter but because of how they hit her arm. When she seemed to be trying to will it longer, I thought her point was that it didn't fit her arm right not just that she wanted longer sleeves. She thought all the sleeves were uncomfortable and/or unflattering and seemed pissed he didn't understand that. But I'm not sure if she communicated it clearly. That was just the vibe I got from the body language of the three second interaction we got to see.

Count me on the train who has wondered before if the oft-seen super redness of Swapnil's eyes were related to smoking not-tobacco. But it could just be his funky contacts.

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This episode felt very cruel to me. From Tim's extraordinary (and, frankly, unpleasant IMO) outburst to the use of crew members as "real women" which created this weird and intimidatory dynamic between them and the designers.

I felt very badly for Swapnil who actually was at his best when he was more relaxed in the first few weeks before he had to be busy for the sake of being busy...I dunno, I'm not sure what I'm trying to say except I lost a lot of love for this show tonight. I lost a lot of love for Tim as well.

DITTO!! No designer deserves to be humiliated like Swapnil was. What fashion crime did he commit that any other designer has not --in the past 14 years? What went on behind the scenes to cause Tim's blowup? This was not Swapnil's client's wedding dress, nor warranted tears as if it was HER competition to lose. Oh Please! This was a fake setup!

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Yeah, this was a disappointing episode all the way around.


Regarding Tim's outburst, I get it. I do. I do believe there was some frustration behind it, and possibly something behind the scenes that we weren't privy to. That said, what bugged me about it was the abruptness with which he trotted Swapnil's client out of the room without giving them a chance to "mind meld" the way he did with Ashley, Merline, Candice, etc. No matter how angry he was, it was still Tim's job to mentor Swapnil, and instead he left in a huff without really giving him a chance to work with his model to fix the situation. I found it unfair and, frankly, immature of Tim to let his emotions get in the way of him doing his job.

Edited by Nutjob
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I thought Kelly was chosen just because hers sucked the least of everything up there.


All the designs were horrid, so I thought the judges' just picked the skinniest "real woman" model. Cuz' purplish pleather overalls! Really??


I'll prob watch PR until the bitter end, but I no longer look for exciting or original fashion from this show. Luckily, the next season of The Fashion Fund is going to be shown on Amazon Prime. Now that is a show were the designers are talented, and serious about their art/craft.



ETA: If there was behind the scene drama going on then everything should have been kept behind the scene; no need to broadcast it. The blow-up was a big fail in TG's role as mentor. For me, it was very uncomfortable to watch a grown-man being berated, deservedly or not, by someone in power over him. It wasn't like Swapnil could argue back unless he really wanted to sign his going home papers.

Edited by Jolie
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I just think Tim hates, hates, HATES to see people waste opportunities or give less than their all.


Tim and Zac, both, apparently.  But what I still do not understand is what makes them think he wasn't giving it his all?  Maybe he really isn't more talented than he's shown - why do they insist that he isn't giving it his all? 

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Tim and Zac, both, apparently.  But what I still do not understand is what makes them think he wasn't giving it his all?  Maybe he really isn't more talented than he's shown - why do they insist that he isn't giving it his all? 

And again, we have seen designers pretty much every season who sew very fast and have extra time, or otherwise fritter time.  Nothing we have been shown accounts for the massive about-face in attitude about Swapnil, at least not for me.  I just think somewhere there's a whole other story about this.

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I had some major issues with this episode (although I admit that my view of it was probably a bit skewed by discovering what Tim had done in a previous episode behind the scenes).


Which was?


Glad that Swapnil is gone, but I would have also sent Ashley home too.   What she made was not only the wrong style for her "model", but it was so fugly, but one needs just look at how she dresses herself to know that she has not taste or clue.

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Which was?


Glad that Swapnil is gone, but I would have also sent Ashley home too.   What she made was not only the wrong style for her "model", but it was so fugly, but one needs just look at how she dresses herself to know that she has not taste or clue.

I already stated what it was in this thread.
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It can't just be that Swapnil should have spent more time working and the woman wasn't happy. Because stink face is never happy, let's get real here. She's not a happy person. She's apparently in her 20s yet looks weighed down by life and at least in her late 30s. She's not a happy woman at this point in her life for whatever reason.

Wow!  That's a lot of judgment being thrown at a woman who we met for mere fractions of a single, highly-edited episode. 


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