paigow October 7, 2015 Share October 7, 2015 With Ressler in hot pursuit, Liz only has Red to trust; Red asks a lawyer named Marvin Gerard for help with a hostage situation; the FBI wants to force Cooper out of the task force. Link to comment
Chaos Theory October 9, 2015 Share October 9, 2015 Season 3 is fun. I am enjoying Lizzie on the run. She lost it there in the diner for a minute but I like her that way. I wonder if Ressler is any good at GTA? Poor Cooper. Although good for him not taking the easy way. Hi there Tom Keen. Red has the best people....its almost a shame when he turns them in. 6 Link to comment
Free October 9, 2015 Share October 9, 2015 Red has the best people....its almost a shame when he turns them in. If they ever break out, it could be fun. Link to comment
dwmarch October 9, 2015 Share October 9, 2015 I see this show has decided to embrace how ridiculous it can be. A diner with a second walk-in cooler that also functions as a cargo elevator to an illegal money operation run by pudgy Mexicans in their shorts. Sure, why not? I was surprised we didn't get a resolution on the abuser guy at the diner. I seem to recall Lizzie threatening to murder some abuser in a prior episode but if she had done it again this episode it might have amounted to that thing... oh, what's it called? Ah, yes. Characterization. But as a consolation prize we've learned that Lizzie, all of 98lbs wet and wearing boots, can kick a man in the ribs so hard his lung will collapse. An unfortunate dose of realism in the abused woman not being at all appreciative of Red and Lizzie's attempts to help. I don't generally like omnipotent bad guys but I thought it was hilarious that Lizzie's escape plan would have led to her demise less than a day later if Red hadn't saved her. I wonder when Red is going to check in on Dembe. I also wonder why the bad guys gave up their good leverage over him. Threatening his family earned his immediate cooperation. Trying to beat secrets of out him? He was a child soldier in Africa. He's seen worse than a cue ball in a sock. Speaking of balls, line of the episode courtesy of Red: "Over there... behind the ben wa balls." 1 Link to comment
paigow October 9, 2015 Author Share October 9, 2015 Red must have several "container condos" all along the Eastern Seaboard. Are there 2 beds? Is Liz going to role-play her mom? 2 Link to comment
Primetimer October 9, 2015 Share October 9, 2015 Liz is still blonde, still on the run, and still kind of a downer. Read the story 1 Link to comment
david gideon October 9, 2015 Share October 9, 2015 So now they don't capture people on the Blacklist, they spring them from prison? Link to comment
preeya October 9, 2015 Share October 9, 2015 The real Del Rio Diner in Brooklyn, NY. I've been there many times. This is a shot of the filming 5 Link to comment
gaileygirl October 9, 2015 Share October 9, 2015 (edited) Preeya, when I saw the Del Rio, I was reminded of the scene in Austin Powers - “You know what’s remarkable? That England looks in no way like Southern California!” And "Washington DC looks in no way like Kings Highway in Brooklyn." I wish they would have at least covered up the NYC health grade in the window (though I am personally thrilled the Del Rio has an A). Those slips of NYC and the cheesy CGI really take you out of the scene. It is always nice to see Fischer Stevens getting work. I hope they I spent the whole episode shooting "Where's Dembe?" I am more invested in what happens to him than to Liz. Edited October 9, 2015 by gaileygirl 1 Link to comment
saber5055 October 9, 2015 Share October 9, 2015 (edited) I felt a HUGE flood of relief when it was revealed Lizzie would be killed as soon as the Russians transported her to Moscow. I then realized how much I dislike her and how much better this show would be without her. I was really hoping for a quick shot to the head, then we could continue with the Red/Ressler/Dembe (and Fischer) show. Fischer Stevens ... great to have him on this show, he picked it up after the downer who is the Lizzie actress. I'm hoping he shows up more. Interesting HIS girlfriend was all, well, let's just say "not model pretty." I guess a guy who looks like Fischer can't get anyone who isn't chubby and/or plain looking. WTH was up with Lizzie being all pouty faced because some woman looked AFRAID of her? Lizzie has captured and tortured Tom, kicked back-woods *ss to free Ressler from the human trophy hunters, and has beaten up, shot and/or maimed any number of people since the beginning of this series. And now she's all wah-wah, someone looked at me wrong? Please. And yeah, I totally objected to the diner woman defending her abusive boyfriend. She should have grabbed Red's gun out of his hand and shot the guy herself. So Red calls in a tip on himself and doesn't bother to disguise his voice? And Ressler wrecks more vehicles to stop a car. What's wrong with just tossing down a spike strip and blowing the tires? IRL Mr. Ressler would be out of a job. Or, more likely, promoted to a better-paying desk job for that big traffic mess. What's up with Red not giving Dembe a thought. Did Red cut him loose last season and I missed that part? Dembe should have been there to whisk Red (and yeah, Liz I guess) away like he always did in the past. I have to say, that last scene where Red opens the doors of that plush container to stand in the breeze blowing over the ocean-going ship made me fall in love with him, just a little bit. Okay, maybe a big whole lot. Edited October 9, 2015 by saber5055 3 Link to comment
Julia October 9, 2015 Share October 9, 2015 Fischer Stevens ... great to have him on this show, he picked it up after the downer who is the Lizzie actress. I'm hoping he shows up more. Interesting HIS girlfriend was all, well, let's just say "not model pretty." I guess a guy who looks like Fischer can't get anyone who isn't chubby and/or plain looking. Did you say this knowing that he dated Michelle Pfeiffer for three years? 3 Link to comment
Free October 9, 2015 Share October 9, 2015 I was really hoping for a quick shot to the head, then we could continue with the Red/Ressler/Dembe (and Fischer) show. It would be a better show. 1 Link to comment
Chaos Theory October 9, 2015 Share October 9, 2015 (edited) So now they don't capture people on the Blacklist, they spring them from prison? It's always been Red's list and I am starting to think it is more about getting at the Cabal. Lizzie made alluss to sonething in Red's past as Intelligence officer in the Navy. I think maybe his original crime might have been a set up by the Cabal and this whote thing has been about him bringing them down, Marvin Gerard was more or less an innocent and someone who might have his own issues with the Cabal (maybe his wife had connections with them.) Edited October 9, 2015 by Chaos Theory Link to comment
saber5055 October 9, 2015 Share October 9, 2015 (edited) Did you say this knowing that he dated Michelle Pfeiffer for three years? My point exactly. IRL Fischer dates well. On this show, so as to keep with the image of the character not being all movie-star hot, his girlfriend is "average" at best. Yet on all the comedy shows, the overweight buffoon man has a hottie mc-hottie wife. It just irritated me that Fischer's Blacklist girlfriend wasn't starlet gorgeous. Especially when he was the most successful lawyer ever, according to Red. I did get a kick out of one scene inside the diner, after Red pulls the shotgun and takes everyone hostage, that in the background when Red/Lizzie are talking, there is a couple sitting in a booth having a meal and a chat. Like I'd have an appetite with shotguns inside and rows of cop cars outside my lunch place. Edited October 9, 2015 by saber5055 Link to comment
paigow October 9, 2015 Author Share October 9, 2015 It just irritated me that Fischer's Blacklist girlfriend wasn't starlet gorgeous... But Megan Boone is probably satisified...what has happened to most hot women on the show? Dead! 2 Link to comment
Dowel Jones October 9, 2015 Share October 9, 2015 And Ressler wrecks more vehicles to stop a car... That was one hella short "convoy" taking her to the airport. I marvel at the staging of car chases on tv. When the other guys pull up beside you and try to run you off the road, why not try HITTING THE BRAKES? Or at least slowing down so you're in the back and can maneuver away from them. But no, everyone has to speed up with the inevitable collision. Oh, well. ...the doors of that plush container to stand in the breeze... "Jack?" "Rose?" "I'm flying, Jack.." 1 Link to comment
morgankobi October 9, 2015 Share October 9, 2015 (edited) I love Fischer Stevens, so it was nice to see him. I was growing quite fond of the current big-bad. I like the actor, but once he swung that sock at Dembe-nope! Edited October 9, 2015 by morgankobi 3 Link to comment
Dowel Jones October 9, 2015 Share October 9, 2015 In the hierarchy of really, really bad ideas, that might not have been the worst, but it was definitiely in the top 2. Redd will not be happy. Link to comment
Danielg342 October 10, 2015 Share October 10, 2015 Erm...well...a dropoff from last week, for sure. A show like this, one that relies on an absurd premise, needs to be able to deliver entertainment. This was never going to be a "cerebral" show, but it should still have a story and characters that make sense and are engaging. Last week? Check. This week...I'm not so sure. Red was his usual self...Keen...well, she didn't embarrass herself. Ressler was again great as the Officer In Charge, and I'm glad he showed his smarts by knowing Red has an escape route out of the diner. Cooper too was good in his few scenes, and I especially dug that last scene where he's at the cubicle with the potted plant. Hey, that's principle for you (although part of me thinks retirement would have been a better option for him- Cooper could still assist Red and Keen with a clear mind and no one looking over his shoulder, although access to the FBI's records could still be crucial). What bugged me was Mr. Solomon (Edi Kathegi). Last week, he came across someone inside The Cabal who might actually help Red. This week, although Kathegi's acting was again great, his character gave off the "I'm evil because I'm evil" vibe and I really hate that. I don't like my antagonists to be antagonists "just because"- they have to have a reason. I still hold out hope that, perhaps, he is a "good guy" after all, but this week's representation was horrifically one-dimensional. I also really didn't get the story choices in this one. What was the point of Marvin Gerard in this episode? Fisher Stevens did a great job, but Gerard's character really added nothing to the story. I suspect he's going to bring up information that will be critical later on but I'm sure there are easier ways to facilitate his jailbreak than this. I also thought the show took way too long to really get to the point in this episode- sure, the hostage situation at the diner was meant to have the air of "what are they doing there?", but I never got a sense of the sequence's relevance until the very end, by which point I had lost interest. It might have been nice if Red told Gerard right away that this was his jailbreak or if Red had explained to Lizzie or Gerard or Ressler or someone that he's got intel on the Cabal and that he just might help clear Lizzie's name...I don't know, I just needed something to get me invested in the scene, because nothing worked. I would have also appreciated more from the Russians in this episode. In fact, a diplomatic faceoff between American officials and Russian officials- as the previews promised- would have been more fun and more interesting than what we got. Perhaps- and maybe it's untenable- we could have had the Russians and the Americans agreeing to work together to get rid of "The Cabal" (I really hate that name- can you get anything more cliched?), who, I believe, would be the real enemy to both. I don't know...I hope next week will be better because there's part of me that still wants to believe in this show...but ridiculousness like this makes it harder and harder to do. 2 Link to comment
Jlina October 10, 2015 Share October 10, 2015 Hmmm....yeah, I do a great job of suspending disbelief - even ignoring wigs! - and enjoying the show a helluva lot. Lots of Spader last nite, show is definitely playing to his lead and he was, once again, fab. I don't always get why or how Lizzie is his North Star but I damn sure do love the stories and wow, his mean guy stare totally put that punk to shame. Actually the crazy elevator to money laundering and container luxury and diner hostage mastermind all worked for me. The only off moment was Ressler being only one car and the convoy going down a back alley - although that might make sense. My favorite show on TV right now. :) 1 Link to comment
thuganomics85 October 10, 2015 Share October 10, 2015 I'm actually kind of liking the whole concept that the "Blacklister of the week" is someone who is going to be an ally to Red and Lizzie, as oppose to someone they are hunting down. It gives the show a much needed change of pace, after the second season really became dull as hell. Interesting though that so far this season, one of the Blacklisters still gets captured, while the other is sent to Tahiti or something. Being an ally to Red can either be really great or really bad, it seems. Always good to see Fisher Stevens, and I'm glad that it sounds like Marvin Gerard is going to play a bigger part in this, so hopefully he'll be back in a future episode. I get that Ressler is upset, but try and avoid another Cold War there, buddy. Sure, the car chase makes sense, but pulling a gun on the car in front of the fucking embassy, is just asking for a shoot-out. Time and place, Ressler! We don't need this shit right now! Not enough Aram, and Samar seemed to only be around to halfheartedly tell Ressler to knock it off, which he, of course, ignored. Harold is now stuck in an office job? OK, then.... I guess Lizzie beating up the abuser is suppose to be showing a darker side of her, and maybe that she could be just as scary as Red. We'll see, but I got more chills over Red's verbal threat to the guy earlier, then her beat-down. 3 Link to comment
ottoDbusdriver October 10, 2015 Share October 10, 2015 I also really didn't get the story choices in this one. What was the point of Marvin Gerard in this episode? Fisher Stevens did a great job, but Gerard's character really added nothing to the story. I suspect he's going to bring up information that will be critical later on but I'm sure there are easier ways to facilitate his jailbreak than this. I also thought the show took way too long to really get to the point in this episode- sure, the hostage situation at the diner was meant to have the air of "what are they doing there?", but I never got a sense of the sequence's relevance until the very end, by which point I had lost interest. It might have been nice if Red told Gerard right away that this was his jailbreak or if Red had explained to Lizzie or Gerard or Ressler or someone that he's got intel on the Cabal and that he just might help clear Lizzie's name...I don't know, I just needed something to get me invested in the scene, because nothing worked. The Blacklister of the week felt like filler because they needed a name for the episode title and that's about it. 3 Link to comment
paigow October 10, 2015 Author Share October 10, 2015 The Blacklister of the week felt like filler because they needed a name for the episode title and that's about it. Marvin seems to know a lot about the Fulcrum...granted that the Fulcrum is no "Ark of The Covenant" keep this lame sub-plot going. 2 Link to comment
nutty1 October 10, 2015 Share October 10, 2015 Can someone tell me who the guy is that is holding Dembe hostage? Thanks! 1 Link to comment
SharonH58 October 10, 2015 Share October 10, 2015 Liz is a snooze fest. Reesler, there goes my health insurance. I LOVE LOVE Red but something has to change with Liz. I cannot stand that character. 1 Link to comment
Texasmom1970 October 10, 2015 Share October 10, 2015 I am okay with bad wigs, ridiculous scenarios but when someone hurts Dembe, nope, pisses me off! Link to comment
Danielg342 October 10, 2015 Share October 10, 2015 Can someone tell me who the guy is that is holding Dembe hostage? Thanks! According to IMDB, the character's name is Mr. Solomon. Link to comment
norask October 10, 2015 Share October 10, 2015 (edited) This show is dumb, dumb, dumb but the first season was fun. I quit sometime in early season 2 because along with the dumb, the show had also become boring. I tuned in for season 3 to see if anything has change for the better and to my surprise I actually enjoyed the two episodes! The show is still dumb but am enjoying the hotness of Red and Ressler. Is it just me or has Ressler gotten hotter? It was dumb when he pulled the gun on the Russian Embassy Car and then went crazy on the convoy but damn me, if he wasn't hot doing that! Maybe authority has given him a much necessary edge but he is now so watchable. And he was actually allowed by the writers to be the great agent he is supposed to be. He knew right away that Red had something else going under the guise of the hostage situation but was over-ruled. It would be nice to see him get a win sometime. And please writers, don't take away his career from him. They had already destroyed Cooper's job - it was so heartbreaking to see him in that small cubicle. But at this point, I don't expect the writers to care about any character apart from Red or Lizzie or Tom. As long as Red continues to do his thing(being more prepared than Batman himself and rhapsodzing about pie) and Ressler continues to pull his gun in a photgenic manner, I am in for as long as this continues. I would also love for Lizzie to be proactive but since that has never happened, even once, I don't think it will happen now. And now with Tom back, she will become even more of a simpering teenager. Edited October 10, 2015 by norask 1 Link to comment
NateCon October 10, 2015 Share October 10, 2015 Is it just me or has Ressler gotten hotter? He's always been hot but those pants were really working for him :o Distracting, one might say... 1 Link to comment
tomatoflyer October 10, 2015 Share October 10, 2015 (edited) I just didn't find this episode as fun as last week's. Of course Lizzie wasn't getting caught, which is fine, but I really thought they were going to milk the Russian Embassy part some more. I didn't feel any suspense. Before, you knew the blacklisted would get caught or killed, but the actual stories could be quite interesting. Now the blacklist are people who aren't nearly as interesting (even if the acting is great). The show is still dumb but am enjoying the hotness of Red and Ressler. Is it just me or has Ressler gotten hotter?I've always had the hots for Ressler. Edited October 10, 2015 by tomatoflyer Link to comment
Julia October 10, 2015 Share October 10, 2015 I think Lizzie is more or less a Dalek. If you can ignore the fact that her arms are a toilet plunger and an eggbeater, the rest of the show is a lot of dumb fun. 1 Link to comment
desertflower October 11, 2015 Share October 11, 2015 (edited) Please show, do not kill Dembe. Please please please. Just get to the part where Red finds out what's happening and delivers swift vengeance upon the new evil guy. Edited October 11, 2015 by desertflower 5 Link to comment
Chaos Theory October 11, 2015 Share October 11, 2015 (edited) I do agree the show might have benifitted from Lizzie the Russian Spy angle but I think the show has put too many eggs in the "Cabal has members in every top agency and in every major Corporation" basket to go in that direction for very long. I am hoping once the show closes up at least the majority of the Cabal story it picks up the Russian Spy thread because it is an interesting angle. Oh and two FYI's personally next to Red, Liz is my favorite character. I know that is an unpopular opinion at least on this board but if you check out other boards and reviews plenty of people like her. Which leads me to my second FYI....I was actually surprised the number of people who ship Red and Liz. Mind you I don't and think up until this season they played more like father and daughter but if you go to the majority of the stories are Red and Lizzie shippers. <----edited because my phone likes to make up words. Edited October 11, 2015 by Chaos Theory 1 Link to comment
RCharter October 11, 2015 Share October 11, 2015 Season 3 is fun. I am enjoying Lizzie on the run. She lost it there in the diner for a minute but I like her that way. I wonder if Ressler is any good at GTA? Poor Cooper. Although good for him not taking the easy way. Hi there Tom Keen. Red has the best people....its almost a shame when he turns them in. Poor Cooper? Poor Dembe! :( Link to comment
RCharter October 11, 2015 Share October 11, 2015 Fischer Stevens ... great to have him on this show, he picked it up after the downer who is the Lizzie actress. I'm hoping he shows up more. Interesting HIS girlfriend was all, well, let's just say "not model pretty." I guess a guy who looks like Fischer can't get anyone who isn't chubby and/or plain looking. Maybe he didn't want someone that was model hot. His story was that he married a "princess" and it didn't work out and the new girlfriend is his paralegal so he could have worked with her for a long time and over the course of a long, unhappy marriage realized that maybe looks aren't paramount. In terms of looks though, she could probably do better than a much older convicted felon who looks like Fischer/Marvin. He's always been hot but those pants were really working for him :o Distracting, one might say... I know right! As Nicholas Cage once said in Face/Off "I hate to see you go, but I love to watch you leave" He is one sexy ginger....Carrot Top must be so jealous. 2 Link to comment
Julia October 11, 2015 Share October 11, 2015 (edited) I would think that watching this show would be enough to convince anyone of the risks of choosing for pretty and thin. Maybe his girlfriend was smart and funny and had multiple facial expressions. Not saying that's a binary thing - you can certainly be both - just, apparently not on this show, if you want to live. Edited October 11, 2015 by Julia 4 Link to comment
norask October 11, 2015 Share October 11, 2015 (edited) He's always been hot but those pants were really working for him :o Distracting, one might say... Hee! Those pants do work for him. In fact I just found a hilarious tweet from a fan about them and Mozhan Marno(Samar) retweeted how one could bounce the proverbial quarter.. I've always had the hots for Ressler. I had the hots for him in the first season but then kind of lost it because of how the writers made him the butt monkey of the show - getting kidnapped almost all the time and never solving a case on his own - just to prop up Lizzie. He went through so much but then the writers kind of brushed it off like nothing really happended. It made it hard to care for a character when the writers themselves don't seem to care. Same goes for the other members of the task force. They all exist to prop up Liz and Red. I get the show is about them but this whole potentially world-destroying secret of Red's connection to Liz has been overplayed to such an extent that now I find these two characters tedious. It is only for Spader's scenery chewing and all the ridiculous plots Red comes up with that I still am enjoying his thing. But really, it is getting tedious. Red knows everything and the task force knows nothing. Really, I have to ask if Red is this powerful with god like prescience, then why need the task force in the first place and mess up so many lives in the process? Cooper and his wife, Ressler, Meera and of course, Liz. Oh and two FYI's personally next to Red, Liz is my favorite character. I know that is an unpopular opinion at least on this board but if you check out other boards and reviews plenty of people like her. Which leads me to my second FYI....I was actually surprised the number of people who ship Red and Liz. Mind you I don't and think up until this season they played more like father and daughter but if you go to the majority of the stories are Red and Lizzie shippers. <----edited because my phone likes to make up words. I just can't stomach the idea of these two. It's not even the age difference. He had a thing for her mother and now to transfer that to the daughter is like Littlefinger's thing from Game of Thrones. It's just too creepy. And on top of that, he hired Tom in the first place, didn't he? Somebody correct me if I am wrong. Think about that for a second. He actually hired somebody to sleep with her. That's all kind of messed up. I know that as an audience, I am supposed to buy into the idea that Red really, really cares about her but I just can't. If you care about someone, you don't screw with their career and lives like this - is it really realistic for Red to think that Liz would have had a great career at the agency after he was done with her or a normal, loving relationship with someone? As for the fanfictions, the writers like to ship-tease, play all the angles and keep everyone hoping that their favorite couple is the endgame. Hence all the romantically charged scenes with Red and then the Tom redux where he is suddenly in love with her, even though he played her like a pro for years and had a hand in killing off Meera and seriously wounding Cooper. And then of course there's Ressler who is suddenly organising dinner for her and she is sharing her special bottle of wine with him and of course all the eye-screwing they do when the writers remember to put Ressler in a scene. Although I have to admit that I kinda like the idea of Liz with Ressler, if only to see Red's reaction. This season too, it seems the writers are upto their old tricks. Red stares at blonde Liz like she is his salvation and in this episode, it is Ressler's turn to stare, as he almost risks WWIII by pointing his gun at the Russians while saying how he can't let her go. That too, after the first episode ends with the two of them staring longingly at each other through the embassy gates, so close yet so far. Then of course, he saves her by ramming the convoy, risking the only thing he has left- his job. But I have to say I was glad that Lizzie didn't hesitate to protect him from the Russians even though from her POV, they were the ones trying to protect her from her murderous ex-partner. But now Tom is back, which of course means she will be making moon-eyes at him next and all the Red and Ressler stuff is just for show. I just can't stand his character. After everything he did, the mess with the harbormaster was too much(I am slowly catching up with season two which is proving to a tedious chore). And to cover it all up like nothing a good, ordinary man dying while doing his job was nothing to lose sleep over. Lizzie was back to making moon eyes at him like nothing was wrong. I guess that the writers are going for a tortured passionate love affair between two in the grand tradition of all the great tv couples that came before but they just aren't that good at this. Liz just came across as weak and indecisive. Hopefully, now things will be different. Edited October 11, 2015 by norask 1 Link to comment
calipiano81 October 12, 2015 Share October 12, 2015 (edited) I just can't stomach the idea of these two. It's not even the age difference. He had a thing for her mother and now to transfer that to the daughter is like Littlefinger's thing from Game of Thrones. It's just too creepy. And on top of that, he hired Tom in the first place, didn't he? Somebody correct me if I am wrong. Think about that for a second. He actually hired somebody to sleep with her. That's all kind of messed up. I know that as an audience, I am supposed to buy into the idea that Red really, really cares about her but I just can't. If you care about someone, you don't screw with their career and lives like this - is it really realistic for Red to think that Liz would have had a great career at the agency after he was done with her or a normal, loving relationship with someone?I'm sorry, but I have to correct the inaccuracies in this paragraph.The Red and Lizzie's mom thing is just a theory. There has been nothing said or shown yet on the show to support this. Red did not hire Tom to sleep with Lizzie; he hired Tom to watch her from afar. When Tom overstepped his assignment and got involved with Lizzie, Red fired him, which is when Tom switched over to Red's nemesis, Berlin. Red has not been trying to screw with Lizzie's life. Something bad happened the night of the fire when Lizzie was four years old, something that Red feels consuming guilt for. He's been trying to make up for it ever since, by making sure she was raised well and happy and by protecting her at all costs as soon as danger and trouble entered her life. Edited October 12, 2015 by calipiano81 1 Link to comment
norask October 12, 2015 Share October 12, 2015 (edited) I'm sorry, but I have to correct the inaccuracies in this paragraph. The Red and Lizzie's mom thing is just a theory. There has been nothing said or shown yet on the show to support this. Red did not hire Tom to sleep with Lizzie; he hired Tom to watch her from afar. When Tom overstepped his assignment and got involved with Lizzie, Red fired him, which is when Tom switched over to Red's nemesis, Berlin. Red has not been trying to screw with Lizzie's life. Something bad happened the night of the fire when Lizzie was four years old, something that Red feels consuming guilt for. He's been trying to make up for it ever since, by making sure she was raised well and happy and by protecting her at all costs as soon as danger and trouble entered her life. Maybe I am indeed wrong since I haven't watched season 2 in full but just from Red's reaction to a blonde Liz, it was clear to me what he felt about Liz's mother. Maybe it was just Spader overplaying the moment(like he sometimes does) but the shock, longing, pain and nostalgia and the embarrassment in the end, all screamed that he had loved that woman. He brought Tom into her life. And when he went rogue, why didn't Red just put a bullet in his brain when the relationship was in the dating stage? Why wait so long that she fell in love with the man and then marry him and consider starting a family with him? It's not as if Red had any aversion to a little blood on his hands. Red screwed with her life the moment he made contact. Why involve her in the first place? She was a nobody and only became a somebody after he made her one. Without his presence, she could have gone on to have a nice enough career at the agency and find some nice, ordinary guy to build a family with. Of course, in that case we wouldn't have the show in the first place. And that, I think is the crux of the issue. The writers created all these compelling(on paper, at least) characters and placed them on a chessboard but then they had on idea how to make the right moves with them. They can't decide on one storyline and stick with it - at least that's how it looks to me and which is why I had stopped watching in the first place. But now I am sucked in again and I totally blame Ressler and his tight pants. Edited October 12, 2015 by norask 1 Link to comment
Free October 12, 2015 Share October 12, 2015 And that, I think is the crux of the issue. The writers created all these compelling(on paper, at least) characters and placed them on a chessboard but then they had on idea how to make the right moves with them. They can't decide on one storyline and stick with it - at least that's how it looks to me and which is why I had stopped watching in the first place Agreed, last season especially felt like too much stalling. 1 Link to comment
Danielg342 October 12, 2015 Share October 12, 2015 I'm with Free and norask- way too much stalling last season. I suppose that perhaps the reason why Red didn't jump in and put a bullet in Tom's head would be because he wanted to know it was genuine or if someone had “infiltrated” Tom- once he found out it was the latter, he had to step in and “join” the FBI to figure it out. I also think it's pretty arguable that Lizzie screwed up her career herself- she's the one who tortured Tom and covered for him when he killed The Harbourmaster, and she's the one who decided to kill Tom Connolly instead of just running like Red told her to do. Which I know doesn't make her character all that great to follow, but I don't think she's blameless. Still, I hope that now that this convoluted mess is over we can have a more straightforward series, or at least one where the writers know what they're doing. So far it's worked out. 1 Link to comment
tanita October 12, 2015 Share October 12, 2015 I must be blind to his amazing charm, because I find Ressler and the actor just the blandest of the bland. I couldn't stomach him on Homeland as well. Maybe it goes hand in hand with my lack of hate of Liz or the actress. She isn't mind-blowing or anything in this role, but she is serviceable enough. God knows I've seen worst female leads. And without the history and as a more casual viewer, I as well got a bit of a ship tease with Red and Liz. In previous season he came of far more paternal then he does now, especially since her mom got in the picture. Also, don't know if this was mentioned before, but I feel this show is borrowing heavily from Alias. I'm seeing parallels everywhere. I'm just waiting for her mom to pop up alive and well and up to no good. As for the Blacklister of the week it's obvious we will see him again. The entire thing was created to get him out of prison so he could legally protect them from the Cabal, or some such nonsense. Yeah it was done in an over the top way, but isn't everything Red does like that. The dude is really "Go big or go home" kind of a guy. 1 Link to comment
Biggie B October 12, 2015 Share October 12, 2015 When Red told Lizzie that she's his constant, his North Star, I almost threw up. Yuck! As bad as the whole "Meredith is the sun" nonsense on Grey's Anatomy. 3 Link to comment
norask October 13, 2015 Share October 13, 2015 (edited) I must be blind to his amazing charm, because I find Ressler and the actor just the blandest of the bland. I couldn't stomach him on Homeland as well. No worries, different strokes for different folks and all that. He didn't make much of an impression on me on Homeland either but then I didn't even like Brody. Saul and Quinn are more my type on that show. I am absolutely fascinated by Ressler now - the push-pull between doing his job and protecting Liz. I love what the actor has done with the mostly underwritten role who is pushed to the background most of the time. He is such an introverted, uptight and guarded character but of all the people on the show, he is the one I feel the most for. He has so much more to lose than either Tom or Red - they are already criminals and fugitives whereas he is a govt. agent. Look at what happened to Cooper who at least still has his family. Ressler has already lost his family(fiancee and unborn child) and will probably lose his job by the end of the season. When Red told Lizzie that she's his constant, his North Star, I almost threw up. Yuck! As bad as the whole "Meredith is the sun" nonsense on Grey's Anatomy. I wouldn't go as far as to throw up but I did roll my eyes - it all plays into how special Liz is without demonstrating why. It's been two whole seasons - at least tell us why she is so special. But no, all I am still getting are Red's monologues about everything including the damned pie but not her. Liz is on the run, her life is in shambles - shouldn't she be more insistent about finding about her oh-so-special connection to Red? As far as she knows, she could be dead at any minute.I have the sneaking suspicion that even the writers don't know - they are making stuff up depending on the ratings. Edited October 13, 2015 by norask Link to comment
Ottis October 14, 2015 Share October 14, 2015 (edited) This show is dumb, dumb, dumb but the first season was fun. I quit sometime in early season 2 because along with the dumb, the show had also become boring. I tuned in for season 3 to see if anything has change for the better and to my surprise I actually enjoyed the two episodes! Us, too, and it is all due to less Lizzie. Oh, she's there. But she doesn't talk much and she doesn't drive much of what is happening. She just runs. The few bits where she does drive something continue to drag the show down ("I look like my mother, don't I?") or make no sense (beating down the abusive guy in the diner who simply went for Lizzie's gun). The rest of the show is pretty good so far, including the Dembe plot (which I kept expecting to intersect with Red directly). Liz is on the run, her life is in shambles - shouldn't she be more insistent about finding about her oh-so-special connection to Red? As far as she knows, she could be dead at any minute.I have the sneaking suspicion that even the writers don't know - they are making stuff up depending on the ratings. Maybe they realize the less Liz drives anything, the better the show is. Make her a passenger. Edited October 14, 2015 by Ottis 1 Link to comment
Free October 14, 2015 Share October 14, 2015 Us, too, and it is all due to less Lizzie. Oh, she's there. But she doesn't talk much and she doesn't drive much of what is happening. She just runs. As it should be, Red is clearly carrying the show and the less Liz has to do, the more obvious it is. 2 Link to comment
calipiano81 October 16, 2015 Share October 16, 2015 (edited) Maybe I am indeed wrong since I haven't watched season 2 in full but just from Red's reaction to a blonde Liz, it was clear to me what he felt about Liz's mother. Maybe it was just Spader overplaying the moment(like he sometimes does) but the shock, longing, pain and nostalgia and the embarrassment in the end, all screamed that he had loved that woman. Or, Red's reaction was towards Lizzie herself. I'll keep the shipper stuff to a minimum here, but we thought it was clear Red was rendered speechless by how beautiful Lizzie looked. Edited October 16, 2015 by calipiano81 Link to comment
Drusilla October 17, 2015 Share October 17, 2015 (edited) Those lines from the ship that magically sailed to landlocked Iowa are practically verbatim from The Wonder Years. Edited October 17, 2015 by Miss Scarlet Says 1 Link to comment
Drusilla October 18, 2015 Share October 18, 2015 Still, I hope that now that this convoluted mess is over we can have a more straightforward series, or at least one where the writers know what they're doing. So far it's worked out. Something inside me tells me those words will come back to haunt you, haunt you.....mwahahahahaha Link to comment
Khat October 18, 2016 Share October 18, 2016 Personally, I think Red's making the list up as he goes along. I read somewhere that there's supposed to be 200 names on there, but since he's the only one who knows the full list, he's probably just assigning a random number to whoever happens to have caught his attention on that particular day. So, really, everyone he knows has a chance of ending up on there. Link to comment
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