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  1. There was a fly on my TV screen during the 1945 scenes, and I had to pause the TV to figure out if it really there or just part of the show. Because Twin Peaks. I am so glad I have all of you to explain what the heck seems to be going on, because I would never get all this on my own. The "Interdimensional Homeless Cannibal Bitches" TM Dan were definitely creepy. And ever since Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan, I cannot watch bugs crawling in or out of people. Yuck.
  2. But what about Boz? Is Boz okay? As for the rest, eh. I am sorry to see Kaplan go. And I hope they integrate Tom back onto the canvas rather than have him home watching Agnes all the time..
  3. I loved one point where Leah was throwing out ideas of how to reach all of the folks living in the Sea Org with information. Maybe there should be a campaign to have Amazon drones drop all of these books on Flag one day. If you are looking for an equally creepy non-Scientology related book, but I highly recommend "Under The Banner Of Heaven" by John Krakauer. It's about FLDS and is riveting.
  4. Happy Whacking Day to one and all. "O whacking day, o whacking day, Our hallowed snake-skull cracking day. We'll break their backs, Gouge out their eyes, Their evil hearts, We'll pulverize. O whacking day, o whacking day, May God bestow His grace on thee."
  5. Terry: "You're a genius!" Gina: "Well I'd love to take credit, but the truth is life just isn't that hard."
  6. Oh, Jerry Orbach, how I miss you so. This concert game me such feels. My husband got up to leave the room just before "Rolling In The Deep" to watch the Giant game so "his man card wouldn't get revoked." I think he was going to cry alone.
  7. Preeya, when I saw the Del Rio, I was reminded of the scene in Austin Powers - “You know what’s remarkable? That England looks in no way like Southern California!” And "Washington DC looks in no way like Kings Highway in Brooklyn." I wish they would have at least covered up the NYC health grade in the window (though I am personally thrilled the Del Rio has an A). Those slips of NYC and the cheesy CGI really take you out of the scene. It is always nice to see Fischer Stevens getting work. I hope they I spent the whole episode shooting "Where's Dembe?" I am more invested in what happens to him than to Liz.
  8. Tina was played by the actress who played Cindy on the Facts of Life
  9. When I saw the promos for the episode, I figured they were letting Dallas Roberts play the same creep. Also, In one of life's funny coincidences, the episode with Dallas Roberts, Amanda Plummer and Mary Stuart Masterson was played on the local CBS affiliate in NY at 8pm last night.
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