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  1. Actually, I think, in order to be ST canon correct, he'd be Lore, but that was my first thought, too. And, obviously, she went into status until such time as she is deemed important to the plot again...
  2. The whole pay thing was ridiculous. First off, they're two completely different jobs, and everyone knows that IT is generally a high paying area, especially if you're good, which Aram obviously is, whereas general law enforcement, to my knowledge, is not so much. Secondly, he's got 'at least' a year of seniority in the task force, (I wouldn't be surprised if everyone else's pay is higher than hers as well,) and who knows how long he might have been attached to the Post Office before the show started. And that's not counting the whole foreign operative thing, since I have no idea how that would all work. This was just a badly done, 'oh, look, we're doing women's equality', thing, with an attempt to tie it into the show with the sweetheart moment at the end. If they wanted to do it right, they would have her find out that a newer, white male agent is being paid more.
  3. This!!! Was just coming in to see if anyone else thought they were baiting us with another possible spin-off. So glad I'm not the only one who would want to watch that. Also relieved I'm not the only one who thinks of Famke Jenssen first as Jean Grey. Lol. Yeah, I can't get off that image, either. Every time I see her, that's all I think. I can't even remember her name in the show, actually, other than 'Tom's Mom'. I'd have to look it up...
  4. Not at all, I was talking about the all white puzzle that Red was assembling. Ah, I feel silly now. It's right there in the episode picture. I only just noticed that. lol. I was away from home when the episode aired, so I haven't seen it yet.
  5. Was that a white collar reference? Sorry, if I confused you with the question, but there is a scene in the first season of that show where there's a girl actually putting an entirely white puzzle together, so I was wondering.
  6. Trust me, that's NOT a 2 year old. A child that age would be walking around on their own. I doubt she's even over a year. But that brings up a point I've wondered about before. The time jumps in this show are very badly handled (I thought Lizzie's run with Red might have happened over a couple weeks, or maybe a month, for instance, but at the end she says, as a throwaway line, that they were on the run for three, if I remember correctly.) They don't break where they should (like at the end of a season) and there's usually no indications of the correct time passage. We assume it's been four years because there's four seasons, but it could have been three, or five, or, heck, ten. With that in mind, just how old is Agnes supposed to be, now? How long was it, actually, between her birth and Lizzie's discovery, and how long did Kirk have her? There has been no real indication. For all we know, she could be 7 or 8 months, or even a year, old now. She can hold her head up on her own, so she has to be at least around 3 months. Of course, I suppose it's just another annoying plothole in a sea of them, but still, some indication would be nice. No one's even mentioned it. And the hair thing's not really a factor either. Some babies are born with 'a full head of hair'.
  7. I still like it. Could be because I only started watching before this season, and binged all the previous series, so I didn't have to wait so long for all the silly plot twists, or, could also be my apparently bad taste in shows. (Seriously, Blood Ties, Almost Human, Unforgettable, MacGyver (the new one) Apparently nobody likes the ones I do, and we won't get started on the 'bad' movies that I adore.) It's probably mostly Spader, though. I think Red told Kirk that because it was what he wanted him to say, personally. Kirk didn't seem to be in a mindset to have believed him if he said 'no'. And I'm not really in the Lizzington fanset, but something about Red actually being her father just strikes me as off, for some reason. It's too easy to explain away his obsession then. At the least, it would be a lazy cop-out, imo. But, with these writers', it's not entirely off the table, either. Oh, I know. Her real father was some ordinary Joe who lived down the street, had absolutely nothing to do with anybody, but had a wild fling with Katarina, and already has a family of his own. Red's taking the blame to protect them. That might actually make a somewhat interesting twist. (That was a joke, btw.) I figure Katarina, if she is alive, would be a lot more capable of protecting herself then Dipswitch, there, (I would hope) and sending Kirk off to chase her would get him out of Red's way (and distracted from cutting his throat), at least.
  8. That's actually not entirely true. The study that they did that prompted the '50% body heat from your head' myth was done with volunteers that were wearing full outfits 'except' for hats, so of course that was where they were losing the most body heat. You don't lose a significantly larger amount from your head if it's uncovered than you do from any other part of your body that may be uncovered.
  9. That actually confused the heck out of me, until I realised what was going on.
  10. Well, that would make it unnecessary for the writers to draw out the 'drama', of course, and still manage to leave the question open-ended. Honestly, I want to see that DNA test too, before I'll be 100% sure he wasn't just playing along.
  11. There's a slight fault in your comment, there, (Although it doesn't make any difference to your point, honestly, it's just a side point, and I'm not disagreeing with you) and that's that we don't know that Red 'hasn't' made a trust account for them, or even willed her everything he owns, for as much as he tells her about that sort of thing. He did buy her, what I expect, was a rather expensive condo, since selling it brought her enough to set up a college fund for the harbourmaster's daughter. And, I've heard someone else point out, somewhere, that the brownstone they started out the series in should have been pretty pricey for their income level (I have no clue, personally, as to usual income or rental prices) which could mean Red was influencing that as well. (That might be a bit of a stretch, though, given Tom's defection) To my thinking, if he has done something, and he did tell her, she'd probably twist it around to something bad, like him trying to make her feel better, or guilty, towards him, or just refuse it outright, like with the condo, (because this is Elizabeth, after all,) and since he's not actually dying, like Kirk is, there'd be no real reason to tell her. Honestly, I'm just wondering, since Kirk obviously believed the DNA test to be real, who actually faked it. There is, of course, the obvious suspect, but that would make me wonder why.
  12. But I figure once they have put you in the Box, any lawyering gets tossed out the window. Yeah, that's a good point there. I have no idea how the American justice system works. Actually, I don't have much idea how the Canadian one works, either. lol
  13. Maybe she figures he's the only one who'll tell her about her mother or something. Or, there's the possibility that she thinks that if he's not her father, and Red's not her father (Yeah, I know the jury's still sort of out on that one, honestly, though, at this point, that'd just be a cop-out, imo) maybe he'll be able to give her a clue as to who it really is. Her mother certainly did get around, didn't she... That was my first thought too. They didn't even toss an aside in there, like, 'Hey, Honey, I know we've spent the better part of the season chasing your baby around, but I decided to just leave her with some random babysitter/neighbour/guy I used to hang out with, instead of, y'know, maybe bringing her with me, like a normal parent who should be at least a little paranoid now that they finally have their baby back, because new parents, who haven't had their baby kidnapped, even sometimes have that problem'. Even a 'Where's the baby?', 'Oh, <Insert Red's henchman/woman's name> is watching her. She'll be fine.' would have done. I'm surprised they didn't have him bring her, actually, and then have one of Kirk's goons grab her while they're storming the place, to 'up the tension'. And, as an add-on, what the hell kind of instruction books/videos/whatever are those two reading that say 'when your baby's crying let her cry herself to sleep'? I know, sometimes, this is the only option if they won't settle after you've exhausted all the others, including rocking them, but the scene was handled REALLY badly. There's always the possibility that she actually IS his lawyer. There's probably some conflict of interest thing about sleeping with your lawyer or something, but does she and Kirk really seem the types to care?
  14. Yes, he obviously liked me up until the third girl came along when I was 4, (the second died very quickly of adult meningitis at 6 months) because there are tons of baby pictures, but for as long as I can remember she was the favourite, and, recently, he's chosen my youngest sister as his new preference. It's horrible to say it, but honestly, if he were to disappear off the face of the Earth tomorrow, I wouldn't notice any difference in my life (including big events, like Christmas, birthdays, etc.). I can't remember the last time we actually spoke to each other for more than a single question/answer when it wasn't a fight (The last one came after he decided to try locking the middle sister out of the house because he got pissed off at her, and I told him off. I don't put up with his abusive attitude, which is another reason he doesn't like me.) Thank you. And I know, really? It's the quietest, most well-behaved baby I've ever seen. Any other kid'd be squalling it's lungs out being manhandled around like that. Won't surprise me if they (or Red) come up with a nanny or something, because Lizzy certainly can't be up all hours of the night like a real parent, and then have to go to work looking exhausted, y'know. Hey, they can hire Mr. Kaplan. I'd love to see how Agnes'd turn out with her handling her upbringing. lmao
  15. I know I said last week that I'd be surprised if Kirk wasn't her father, but now Red's continued insistence has got me wondering. He's hardly one to beat a dead horse, after all... But I'm a bad person. I was WAY more concerned about Red getting ambushed and killed than I was about Kirk killing Agnes. It was barely an afterthought... I can't understand why she's so obsessed with it when she's got Red right there. Hell, if she said jump, he'd ask how high. Yeah, he might go a little overboard worrying about her, but, really, that's hardly unexpected, given the kind of danger she gets into on a regular basis, and his own life. (So the wanted criminal thing is a bit of a downside, we all have our faults. Anyway, hey, millionaire.) I would LOVE to have a father (figure) like that. I'll trade her. She can sit and listen to mine bitch and complain and belittle, and then completely ignore her for years at a time because he decided she didn't turn out how he wanted. I'll happily be off listening to Red tell amusing little stories while we sit at a little cafe in Paris or something.
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