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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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Sigh...where's Ric?


...Yeah, where is he? Last time I remember seeing him, he was on his way to court for the custody battle between Sonny and Ava. 



And I'll give the show credit, they really made Nic look disgusting enough that I believe he's spent several days in the hospital, not showering. 


It was probably a budget thing, not a realism thing.

I distinctly remember the Households rating going from 3 during Tamara Braun's last week to a 2.5 during Jennifer Bransford's first week, and the rating never recovered.

And it clear the drop was directly attributable to her exit since it and that Carly was being recast were highly publicized. Plus Tams' last scene was the Friday claimed cliffhanger and then Monday opened with Jennifer re-doing the same scene.


They've been up plenty of times since then. The problem is, there was never any follow through  - I remember the ratings went up a lot when Sonny shot Dante - and they went right back down when people realized Sonny was going to skate on his latest crime. Or at least, that there was no decent continuation.

  • Love 3

They've been up plenty of times since then. The problem is, there was never any follow through  - I remember the ratings went up a lot when Sonny shot Dante - and they went right back down when people realized Sonny was going to skate on his latest crime. Or at least, that there was no decent continuation.

Right, but my point was that the HH rating never recovered. I think a similar thing may happen with the exits of Jason & Kimberly in that ratings will fall from whatever they are at now and then never get back to where they were in early January 2016.

Dante and Valerie are pathetic and gross.  I can't stand either one of them.


I think maybe it won't lead to necessarily a ratings dip but maybe a brief up-tick for Y&R. I know I'm planning to check him out there, even though I know I probably won't stick around for long, simply because Y&R has never held my attention for long.


Same here.  I've been trying to watch the last two weeks but it's kind of boring.  And then there's Victor Newman, who is every bit as repulsive to me as Sonny Corinthos.

  • Love 4

If anyone is interested, GH Twitter has the link to the extra footage from the Scrubs wedding episode...and DAMN whoever didn't just cut Nik out of the original shit and just aired the additional stuff.

Robert/Anna saying they can't give Robin away because they come with the deal. And Robert's like, "Just in case Robin's disappears." And Robin says they don't have to worry about her anymore. And Patrick says, "I'm not letting her out of my sight!" *cries*

And Scrubs banter! Patrick wanted to say his vows first cause she did last time. And Robin is all, "I don't think that counts!" *cries harder*

And Emma/Patrick/Robin eating cake together. *how do I still have tears?*

  • Love 5

ABC put up the extended cut here.


And having seen it...the tonal shift between everything Scrubs and the rest of the episode is actually slightly more noticeable, which makes it even more of a mismatch than it was.  They truly could have excised nearly everything Hayden/Nikolas, it probably would have flowed much better, and I suspect we'd be a little more inclined to not go as hard "Ugh, show, come on...really?" about this.  But, still...they did give Scrubs a happy ending, and that specific aspect they managed to not whiff the pitch on, so I'm going to be generous and thumbs-up this one.

  • Love 11

For a viewer like me who didn't mind Liez before, and actually enjoyed her pairing with AJ (although I did side eye the whole brothers thing, especially after I found out about the Niz affair - newer viewer), after watching her lie for 7 months and do variations on the same 'guilty' lie face, everything about her and NotDeadJake is suspect. That's what happens when you lie to people you claim to love. Trust is broken, and in some instances it can't be reclaimed. When she told Robin she'd do it all again, the character reached StruggleWitch levels of dislike for me. Seeing her onscreen triggers a visceral reaction in me and I am just so done with all things Liez and Jiz related. Severe character fatigue, which is now bleeding onto the rest of the show. Since it doesn't appear the character is taking a break, I'mma have to.

Well said. More importantly, who is StruggleWitch?

I still don't know why they didn't have Liz have a breakdown. A nice long rest was in order for all.

I'm still wondering that myself, JaneDigby.  It certainly seemed like they were headed that way for a while from what I saw, but veered off for some reason...and it might well have been better for Liz from a viewer-sympathy standpoint.  Having her be so openly remorseless about her role in affairs doesn't help her, and if her mysterious watcher is supposed to be her karma coming back on her...it ain't working yet, show.

  • Love 3

Giving Liez a breakdown might be good for her fans who are desperate for her to be redeemed but I don't think it would do much to improve her image in the eyes of those who don't like her or are neutral on her. Having her act like a crazy desperate bitch for 7 months, throwing her in Shadybrook for a few weeks, then expecting all to be forgiven is a cop-out and would only serve to make some of us hate her even more. Redemption is something she needs to earn and it needs to take longer than a few weeks.

  • Love 4

Watched the additional footage and it left me wondering why they couldn't just devote the whole episode to the Scrubs wedding and sendoff? There were so many great little moments, including Robert's little speech before the ceremony, that it seems to make sense to just give them the whole episode and let all those moments play out.

Edited by cmahorror
  • Love 19

Watched the additional footage and it left me wondering why they couldn't just devote the whole episode to the Scrubs wedding and sendoff? There were so many great little moments, including Robert's little speech before the ceremony, that it seems to make sense to just give them the whole episode and let all those moments play out.

Your facts and logic have no place here.

  • Love 24

Liz needs redemption for not telling ,but almost all of the rest of the show gets to ride their high horses for their actual sins ?Murder in cold blood, kidnapping, shooting people and or having them shot. Steeling yadda ,tadda , yadda. Killers for hire. I have not for a long time been a real fan of Liz, but to make her the goat for the killer for hire is a bad joke.TIIC of this mess even made Anna kill in cold blood. If she had killed Jerry Jacks ,and or Faisin , Dr. O .I would have said go for it. Because Carlos killed diuke Scummy's lacky . No way. One thing I am glad about is Patrick did not forget Liz helped him a lot when Robin was first gone. Did it kill TIIC to finally bring on Felecia ? Mac was home great.The wedding guest list was a joke, as for Snarly  bringing the cake, good thing no one ate much. tiic even ruined the wedding by inviting Scummy and Snarly. They both thought they were better than Robin.. KIM SORRY TO SEE YOU GO. J P.SORRY YOU ARE GOING TO THE OTHER SOAP I WILL NEVER WATCH.

  • Love 7

Watched the additional footage and it left me wondering why they couldn't just devote the whole episode to the Scrubs wedding and sendoff? There were so many great little moments, including Robert's little speech before the ceremony, that it seems to make sense to just give them the whole episode and let all those moments play out.

I know! They cut the cutest moments. I'm glad they released it in some form, though.

  • Love 1

Taking my Liz response to the Liz thread.

ETA: One moment I liked in the non Scrubs send off, is when Jason questioned Nikolas about how he went from the guy Emily fell love with to the raging Dark Douche we have now, and Nikolas looking a bit taken back, and Jason's sadness about not having any memories of her. I had my far share of problems with Emily, especially with NL. I will say this about a character that didn't set out to be cruel (like Carly) or take someone that belong to someone else, (like Lulu with Dillon, 2006) and therefore doesn't "own" their bad deeds because they didn't set out to do them in the first place; Emily wasn't intentionally a malicious or even cruel person, and she would be angry at Nik for his behavior.

Edited by Ambrosefolly
  • Love 4

So since I refused to DVR GH even for the Scrubs send off, I just now got to watch their last episode (sob!) online. And oh the tears. Yes, the pacing of the whole damn thing was ridiculous (especially since they knew for ages JT was leaving) but as a Scrubs fan from minute one, I got my HEA and so, trite or not, I'm happy. And it's a testimony to the actors and their chemistry that I bought it hook, line and sinker despite the ridiculous pacing and the multiple WTF moments.

Speaking of WTF moments, yes, the Carly/Robin conversation was one of them and Robin saying Carly is good for Jason or Sonny rings patently untrue. But credit where due, both LW and KM sold it as best they could. And I will say, regardless of some of the issues I have with Laura Wright's Carly, one of the things I think she does bring to the character that brittle Tamara Braun never did for me, (Caveman Carly doesn't exist in my worldview) is a bit of grudging respect toward her rivals and - as absurd as this is - a realization that they are also human beings who have wants and needs and skills even if she doesn't like them. She's slightly less knee jerk, jealous-of-everybody Carly v. The World than she was in her Sarah Brown days. A bit of "growth," if you will. LW brings this in multiple little ways in her portrayal - I still remember the look of abject horror on her face...she looked horrified and DEVASTATED...when Robin was shot in the Metro Court hostage crisis. During that absurd part where she and Robin were pregnant at the same time (pre-Joss baby she miscarried). When Michael was shot, being brought into the ER and she grabbed Robin, knowing Robin's skills and that whether she liked it or not, she knew Robin loved Michael and said "YOU help him. YOU help him." When Robin had postpartum (yes, that was a storyline dictated by the writers, but she brought an additional level of vulnerability to it, IMO). When Robin "died." She played a history there that I appreciated.

If Kimberly had wanted to stick around on the show (thank baby Jasus she didn't), I could have seen them ultimately having a Viki/Dorian relationship of odd respect and grudging affection.

Edited by MichaelaRae
  • Love 14

The wedding was nicely & hastily done. I guess with only 2 days of McCollough & Rogers it pretty well done. The only glaring omission was Ephinany. She was Drake Juniors best friend & confidant. She should have been there. At least, a final scene between her & Patrick at the hospital. They really should have Emma back becasue I think Anna does need a family base just for the plain normalcy of it. That said, did GH have to pay Kristina Wagner? I think an under five had more lines than she did. That was horrible. I'm guessing she did it so she could be see her friends Hughes, Wagner & McCollough.

  • Love 3

When Tracy referred to  Beecher's Corners today while threatening to expose Hayden, I started wondering if Hayden is a long-lost character or cast member who is returning with a new (plastic surgery) face or is the daughter of some old GH character who came from Beecher's Corners. That place seems like a kind of symbol for prequel stories and characters who developed on GH.


It definitely seems as if Hayden is someone who's known in PC. Tracy said something about her changing her appearance, which probably means plastic surgery, and she was about to say her name when Hayden shushed her, looking around to see if anyone could overhear. My first thought was that she was Emily, back from the dead. Nik has talked about Emily more in the last six months than he has at any other time since she died, at least a couple of people have asked him what Emily would think of what he's doing now, and finally, Emily's been dead for seven or eight years, which is a long time to be dead in Port Charles. Dead people generally pop back up way sooner than this. On the other hand, even though Tracy had no use for Emily, I don't think she'd keep it a secret from Monica if she knew that Emily were actually alive, and then there's the whole issue of Hayden trying to sex up Jason, although I suppose they'd handwave that away as her not knowing that he was Jason at the time. Overall, I think it's probably not Emily because that would make no damned sense, but if it were, I wouldn't be shocked.


Was the prince wearing jeggings?


The lavender velvet pants trimmed with satin? I'm not sure, but jeggings or not, I had a lot of problems with the prince's pants.

  • Love 1

And it's a testimony to the actors and their chemistry that I bought it hook, line and sinker despite the ridiculous pacing and the multiple WTF moments.

Seriously. Like when you really think about it...we have two actors who haven't worked together since summer 2014. On top of that, they filmed all their 11 episodes in TWO DAYS. And on top of that, they had to battle a convoluted, retconned story with limited dialogue and POV.

Yet I still walk away from the ending buying that Robin and Patrick deeply love each other.

That's crazy.

  • Love 9

ABC put up the extended cut here.

Dammit, dammit. I really thought I could watch the whole thing without tears this time. And they totally could have cut out all the Tracy/Hayden, Tracy/Laura, Nik/Laura, Nik/Hayden, and Jason/Nik scenes and filmed MORE, and just put it in there.

But I did laugh at Robert grumbling about the rock hard bed and Felicia offering her Mac's bed?


  • Love 4

Watched the additional footage and it left me wondering why they couldn't just devote the whole episode to the Scrubs wedding and sendoff? There were so many great little moments, including Robert's little speech before the ceremony, that it seems to make sense to just give them the whole episode and let all those moments play out.

I am not a Scrubs fan and even I think they should have devoted the whole episode to them. I mean this couple and more importantly Robin has a long history on this show. They should used Flashbacks and write up the event as a closing of a chapter.

However, as I writing that last sentence, I realize they didn't give Luke a whole episode either. Didn't he share his final episode with Nina and Franco of all people? I didn't watched but I remember some people complaining about it here and over at twitter.

Edited by TwistedandBored
  • Love 4

The only thing I can come up with for WHY they cut what they did is some kind of contractual obligations. Maybe they need a certain amount of contract players getting airtime? Out of the Scorpio/Drake family, the only contract players were Anna and Patrick, right?

If I am wrong, than I just have no clue how the people in charge can still be so....tone deaf. Cut the awkward Jason/Liz moment at the door....that was just out of place. It's not like they haven't seen each other since the lie reveal. He was JUST asleep on her fucking couch, there was no need for that at all. I just....I don't know man. Who edited that show and thought what they cut was actually a smart move? It's SO DUMB.

  • Love 10

Time to make Ryan Carnes a regular show.   The son of Bobbie Spencer and Tony Jones DESERVES a perma spot on canvas.


And while they are at it, they could bring back Steven Lars Webber and Patrick's younger brother.

Sigh...where's Ric?


Ric can't be on the show, because doing a story where Liz and Rick find their way back to each other means that Liz can't be folded, spindled, and mutilated while in Jasam hell.

The answer is: Someone has to be the villain for Nik and Hayden's star-crossed love 


Isn't that interesting, that's the same lazy reasoning that led to Liz being utterly trashed the last few months: Someone had to be the villain thwarting Jason and Sam's great and abiding love... hey, nobody on the writing staff gives a shit about Liz, let's use her!


Jason's violent behavior is ok because....The Lie.


I'm to the point where I'm halfway expecting Liz to get blamed for global warming or the latest ISIS atrocity because... The Lie.

Right, but my point was that the HH rating never recovered. I think a similar thing may happen with the exits of Jason & Kimberly in that ratings will fall from whatever they are at now and then never get back to where they were in early January 2016.

If the ratings fall any further, the show will more than likely get cancelled.

A fate which at this point the show completely deserves.

  • Love 10

Isn't that interesting, that's the same lazy reasoning that led to Liz being utterly trashed the last few months: Someone had to be the villain thwarting Jason and Sam's great and abiding love... hey, nobody on the writing staff gives a shit about Liz, let's use her!


While I think Liz's character has been horribly decimated, I don't think it necessarily compares to how women of a certain age (like Tracy/JE) are used to consistently play the heavy by way of their superficial character silhouette.

  • Love 6

It's to the point now that I get nauseated whenever I see Jason on my screen. I do not care WHAT the douchebag remembers, or when he remembers it, or why! Every time Carly kvells praise to some other character about Jason's awesomeness, she looks even more stupid. Each time Liez cowers when she runs into Jason, or Sam melts into a puddle of hormones when she sees him, Jason stinks up the stage a little more.

Jason is a killer. Jason is not attractive. Jason was not the celebrity guest at the Scrubs wedding, nor is he a rock star or savior of Port Charles. He's become a sock-puppet who pops up constantly like a jack-in-the-box, and we in the audience are expected to proclaim "Heil!" and goose-step.

Jason is BORING and he's been over-exposed by the Show, like Franco and Sonny.

Edited by P3pp3rb1rd
  • Love 7

It's to the point now that I get nauseated whenever I see Jason on my screen. I do not care WHAT the douchebag remembers, or when he remembers it, or why!

Jason is BORING and he's been over-exposed by the Show, like Franco and Sonny.

He really is. They took Jason Quartermaine Nice Guy grappling with Jason Morgan Hit Man and made it dull as hell. It had so much potential too.

  • Love 2

Liz already had a breakdown on this show, there's no reason for her to have one again. As a Liz fan, I'm very happy with her writing right now, and how she's not just a simpering mess, chasing after Jason.

She knows its over, and it working on moving on with her life, and being there for her kids.

Also, if Liz needs to go offscreen for awhile, then so do Sam, Jason, Carly and Sonny who have been on just as much, if not more than her.

  • Love 5

I hated Luke and think very little of Tony, but Luke's exit should have been a true week-long event filled with flashbacks every day.

Monday could have been with The Corinthii, Lucy, Liz, etc with the end of that show being Luke telling Dante to be good to Lula, Tuesday all with Lulu with flashbacks showing Julie's version and they could also talk about Lucky and show flashbacks with all three versions. Wed Tracy ending with a smalle sde of Scotty, Thu Laura opening with a small side of Scotty, and then Fri Bobbie.

Hell, to maie it as cheap to shoot as possible, have it be a 'farewell Luke' party at Kelly's with all of the one-on-one concersations taking place on the outdoor Kelly's set, just not showing the other characters continuing to party inside.

As for Scrubs, Thu should have been all Scrubs Wedding. They could have scenes that were just Sam/Jason for example, but eveeything would tske place at the Wedding. Then Fri should have been new footage of Patrick, Robin, and Emma saying goodbye to Anna, Robert, Mac, and Felicia, all replete with flashbacks.

Primetime (broadcast, cable, and premium) breaks with traditional episode formats on occasion. With soaps, a major exit is the perfect time to break with the regular format.

Edited by Tiger
  • Love 6

Nickname for a character on Sleepy Hollow who was written out last season.

For a minute I thought it was a fun, new name for Carly. But that would be ShriekBeast.

Giving Liez a breakdown might be good for her fans who are desperate for her to be redeemed but I don't think it would do much to improve her image in the eyes of those who don't like her or are neutral on her. Having her act like a crazy desperate bitch for 7 months, throwing her in Shadybrook for a few weeks, then expecting all to be forgiven is a cop-out and would only serve to make some of us hate her even more. Redemption is something she needs to earn and it needs to take longer than a few weeks.

I hate to be the one to break it to you but this show doesn't do redemption.

Case in point: Sonny Corinthos. He killed an innocent man, an innocent man who was the biological father of his adopted son, and then had sex on the grave of his victim with his other son's beloved. Sonny talked about feeling bad. His dead fiancee told him it was totes ok. He went to prison for 30 days. He threw a bomb off a boat. He is redeemed in the eyes of this fakakta show.

My guess is that the writers believe that their fans will accept many of these characters regardless of whatever crap the show throws at them so .. why bother with decent writing, right? A quick glance at the ratings would put the lie to that concept.

To be clear, I'd prefer that Liz had a breakdown and spent a little time off-screen because a) her behavior never made a lick of sense to me, b) I'm weary of the likes of Carly (fucking Carly) having someone to talk down to and c) I'm sick to death of the twu wuv that ever wuvved that is the bullshit on offer in the Jason/Sam story at present in which Liz's exists solely to provide angst to our star-crossed lovers. I'm calling bullshit. Bullshit because BM and KeMo can carry a story and don't need to be propped. Bullshit because as several here have noted nuJason trying to come to terms with hitmanJason and QuartermaineJason is a story that should tell itself. Bullshit because Sam's been kinda busy since Jason died and no matter how much she loved Jason once upon a time she shouldn't be reduced to hanging around hoping Jason will remember her. Any hardcore Jason/Sam fans who were going to come back to the ranch to see their faves are already here. Time to sell Jason/Sam to the general audience. Write a story about two adults falling in love, not a lame-ass fan fiction. In the current scenario I have no fucks to give about Jason or Sam or Liz other than to wish they'd go away.

Edited by JaneDigby
  • Love 8

Rebecca was pointless, IMO; she was a reason for Guza to indulge his ego and bring back NL. I don't know why Tracy would want to work with Rebecca, even in an Art of War way. IIRC, Tracy was never a fan of Rebecca in the first place.

Whoever Hayden turns out to be, I hope she and Tracy triumph over that shithead Nik. I'm really tired of Tracy, especially, being some dumb man's dupe.

  • Love 7

Hayden can't be Emily, because hello! She was brought in to lie about being Jason's wife! And I wasn't interested, so I'm not sure if they actually kissed or not, because, ewwwwwww! Brother and Sister!


Yeah, this isn't Flowers in The Attic. Unless V.C. Andrews has risen from the grave and is now writing for GH. (And yeah, I know other ghost writers have published books since her death!)

  • Love 1

JP is determined to write a Princess Greenbutterfly story so I'd bet on Hayden being Rebecca. Didn't Rebecca leave town because Nik and Liz were screwing? And wasn't she a medical professional?


I'd welcome an Emily/Rebecca recast just to start repopulating the hospital but I am not here for a love story between Nik/woman he attempted to murder

JP is determined to write a Princess Greenbutterfly story so I'd bet on Hayden being Rebecca. Didn't Rebecca leave town because Nik and Liz were screwing? And wasn't she a medical professional?


I'd welcome an Emily/Rebecca recast just to start repopulating the hospital but I am not here for a love story between Nik/woman he attempted to murder


But really, Rebecca was a nothing retcon of a character, so what would be the fallout there? It makes no sense. (Hmm, no sense. Maybe GH WOULD do this!)  But I'd hope - if stupid Hayden has to be anyone else at all - it would be anyone but Rebecca.

  • Love 3


Whoever Hayden turns out to be, I hope she and Tracy triumph over that shithead Nik. I'm really tired of Tracy, especially, being some dumb man's dupe.


Amen! I wish Tracy could play a huge role herself as a moral leader of the PC community, instead of using trickery and blackmail to expose the baddies. I loved the community leader role that Tracy and Monica were shown in when they planned and held the Nutcracker Gala. (They were raising money for toys for children who didn't have any for Christmas, and Monica was personally donating a huge amount for guns that were turned in). But they didn't get much time in the limelight for their good deeds, because the focus was quickly taken off them to expose Ava and Paul's illicit backstage affair and then Jason and Nik's fight outside on the hotel mezzanine balcony, with its near-tragic consequences.


Afterthoughts: I'd like to see Monica and Tracy unite forces to back Felicia financially as she runs for office; or the ladies could formulate a scholarship to support women entering the PC police academy, etc.

Edited by P3pp3rb1rd
  • Love 3


Speaking of WTF moments, yes, the Carly/Robin conversation was one of them and Robin saying Carly is good for Jason or Sonny rings patently untrue. But credit where due, both LW and KM sold it as best they could.


Everything having to do with Carly at the wedding was a huge WTF with me. I hated Sonny being there but get it because of Robin. Of course, Patrick seeming to really care about Sonny killed me. I don't recall him ever being a fan.


Why is Dr O still the chief of staff? I mean seriously. Why hasn't this fuckery been corrected already? She's not an actual doctor - she's an evil doctor!


It breaks my cold black heart whenever I see Michael and Sonny in scenes. One of the few good things Ron ever did was have Michael finally dump the Moobster and his mom. Of course, it all got taken back. Because Sonny.


I wish someone, anyone could explain to me why Sonny the mobster is the be all and end all in this town. And on a soap named General Hospital. He's a mobster! He isn't a hero and he isn't a nice guy. Uggghhh.


I rather liked the scenes with Laura and Tracy.

  • Love 11
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